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Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere

I drink blood only when neccassary.

0 · 362 views · located in In the hidden woods

a character in “Halloween Academy”, as played by Kanade Yuuki


Name: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere (she only lets people near her call her Elizabeth, Beth or Bethey
Age: Looks like 13 but is much much older
Gender: Female
When calm:
When angry/in battle mode
Height: 152cm
Species: Pureblood Vampire
Like: music (playing instruments and singing), Performing in front of a large audience, and hanging out with friends
Dislike: People who talk behind other's back, horrible music and people moving around and making noise when she's studying
-All 5 senses are enhanced
-Super strength and speed
-Uses the element ice
-Mind-reading (only for people weaker than her)
-playing instruments
-Manipulating ice
-Martial arts
Killed: 1 human while feeding. She didn't know how to stop
Flaws: She gets angry easily and when she gets really angry, she unleashes her full power and exhausts it, which leads to her fainting.


Yuuki has the sophistication a pureblood vampire needs. She is calm and graceful and always walks with her back straight, head slightly tilted up and even steps. She was also trained to speak formally but she hates it. Yuuki is always scolded if she makes a mistake at home which leads ti her being very quiet and respectful around adults. Yuuki is sarcastic when irritated. She brings a flute everywhere she goes because she likes it the most.


Yuuki hides a dagger in each of her boots for emergencies.


Yuuki was born a royal pureblood. Her parents are the leaders of the most powerful clan of the Vampire Society. She is supposed to be raised as the heiress of the clan, being her parents' only child, which is why her life growing up miserable. She was not allowed to play with other children her age but instead, had 'Princess' lessons indoors. She learnt how to play the flute and plays it whenever she's sad and it's her favourite instrument. Yuuki goes up to the roof of the mansion to play so her parents can't find her. Yuuki's parents sent her to the academy for a 'Final Test' before she can become the leader of the Valliere clan. Even in school, she is stressed by her parents.

So begins...

Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere's Story

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Yuuki sat in the library of her house with a about 5 thick books on her head. She breathed in and out slowly while studying the history of monsters. Her mother was walking around her, barking, "Sit straight! Study properly! You have to be the best student in your school! After history we will have mathematics, then science, followed by literature, english, and your french. Your school starts tomorrow and you have to be prepared. Anyone who knows about vampires will know you." Yuuki fought against the urge to sigh, knowing that it would bring another long and tiring speech from her mother. Her eyes was fixed onto the book while she thought of all the monsters she will see.

Many hours passed and Yuuki's classes were finished. She took the books books off her head and stood up. After bowing to her mother, she excused herself and went up to the rooftop. She held her flute and played a cheerful melody. She was so excited to join the academy and finally have friends. Yuuki thought of the life of romance she would have in the academy. Starting from when Yuuki had received the letter of acceptance from the school, she was constantly nagged about finding a suitable man to marry. Her mother's expectations were high. The man had to be the heir of a clan, if not a son of leaders like her parents. He had to be good looking too. Yuuki sighed, she put down the flute and walked to the railing of the rooftop and looked down at her clan's village. Many children were running around and playing with each other.

Yuuki sighed again and walked to her room, sitting on her bed. A few moments later, Sebastian, her butler, knocked on her door. "Miss Elizabeth, the limousine is ready for you downstairs," He told her, "You luggage are in the other limousine." Yuuki nodded once to Sebastian and looked at her room for a last time. She then followed him down to the car. Sebastian opened the car door for her and Yuuki sat in the car with her flute case on her lap. Sebastian closed the door and sat on the other side of the limousine. Yuuki nodded to her chauffeur, indicating that they could leave. She then looked out of window as they were on the way to her new school. The limousine containing her luggage followed behind.

In the blink of an eye, the limousine reached the academy and Sebastian left the car to open the door for Yuuki. She stepped out and started walking towards her dorm room confidently. Sebastian walked beside her with a trail of servants carrying her luggage containing her shoes, clothes, accessories and other things she needed or wanted. Yuuki was glad not many students were here yet. She was freaked out by the fact that many people in this school would know her. They reached her dorm room and put down her luggage. Yuuki scanned the room, it was many times smaller than her own and she assumed others were going to share the room with her. She hoped she would not be an overly crazy fan of hers. She met plenty of those people at one of those high class parties her parents held at their home. Sebastian excused himself and together with the servants, they left the school, leaving her alone. Yuuki decided to walk around the school to find somewhere she can play some of her many instruments she brought along.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

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Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere
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Yuuki walked up many flights of steps, wanting to check if the roof of the academy was locked. She would love to practice there everyday with no disturbance. Finally, she reached the top of the steps and turned the handle of the door. The door opened and a small wind blew towards her. Yuuki took in a deep breath of the fresh air and sighed happily. She walked out and closed the door behind her, walking to the edge and looking across the horizon. She took out her flute from the case and fixed up up, bringing it up to her lips. With a smile on her face, she starting playing Gavotte , expressing her feelings of happiness and excitement.

When the song finished, she put down her flute and spread her arms out. A tune started playing in her head and she brought the flute to her lips again. Listening to it carefully, she played the newly-made song on her flute perfectly and memorised it quickly. Yuuki loved music so much, she could show how she feels in the music and others would know without her speaking. It help a lot, and it was a way to relieve her stress. The song did not stop and new notes just kept coming into her head. Her fingers moved effortlessly and she smiled while playing. She kept her eyes closed and played the about life at this academy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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Talia ticked off Ilene's questions on her fingers. She was really starting to open up; Music did that to her.
"It really isn't that hard. My fingers just know what to do. Yes, sometimes it does get jumbled up- that's the fun part. I end up creating something unique. I don't exactly have a style, just feelings. It's kind of hard to explain." Talia leaned against the door to her dorm. Spoon River was playing in her head again, happy and carefree... Talia froze.
"Did you hear that?" She asked slowly, cocking her head to the side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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#, as written by Chicka
Ilene went silent, listening for whatever 'that' was. Straining her ears, she became aware of high, clear notes somewhere near the edge of her perception. Someone was playing...a flute, maybe? It was difficult to make out a specific song, but somehow Ilene doubted it would have mattered if she could hear it more clearly. The musical monsters she'd known-- not that there were many!-- always seemed to be creating their own music, and the music was often beautiful beyond human music somehow. "Yeah...sort of. I can hear something, and I'm fairly certain it's music, but I can't really hear anything more specific than that. Can you?"

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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Yuuki memorised the tune in her head and when the song finished, she out down her flute, thinking about making the simple flute solo into a pop song. As soon as she got the idea, lyrics started rushing in her head and she thought about the instruments that were going to be in the song. Subconsciously, her foot started tapping to the beat and she smiled. She then opened her mouth wide and started singing in a powerful voice,"When I was young, I dreamed of fun." Yuuki carried on singing lyrics she made up. She went back into the school, still singing the song she made up. When the song finished, she sang the chorus over and over again,"Here I am, being who I want. Giving what I got, never a doubt now. Here I go burning like a spark, light up the dark again." The song was about her finally where she wanted to be, where she could make friends and have fun. She would not be going back to her parents' strict lessons and rules.

While Yuuki was walking and singing, she saw two girls at the hallway. She sang into a decrescendo and when she stopped in front of them, the chorus she was singing had finished. "Hello!" She said cheerfully to them.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere
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Angpetu giggled at her friend's enthusiasm and started following her. The hallways of the school were very stony, but well made. The lanters above them were made with intricate details. Very celtic, if you'd say. Angpetu kept staring above looking at the ceiling in astonishment. She didn't realize where she was going and she tripped. Jade went to go help her up, "Well Jade, this is embarassing!"
Angpetu and Jade looked to see who was greeting them in a sing song voice. It was a white haired girl, with very pale skin. Angpetu got up and brushed herself off and put on her loopy smile again, "You must be a student here! I am Angpetu, a new student and a shaman! Nice to meet you, and this is my friend, I'll let you introduce yourself, Jade! OH, but answer quickly cause nature is calling"
Angpetu began to do the potty dance in front of them.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere
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Jade sighed. And reached to shake the girl's hand.
"Please excuse my friend while she runs to the bathroom." Jade said with a small giggle at the end.
Jade nor Angeptu realized that the girl infront of them was a vampire, especially a pure blood.
"If you so don't mind, may I ask what species are you?" She asked in a curious voice.

[ops sorry didnt mean to intervene in your RP yuuki! Just looked at the tags in the post infront of me you can ignore this if you want >.< ]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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#, as written by Chicka
"Hello!" Ilene responded enthusiastically. "I'm Ilene, what's your name? Was that you playing just now? What I could hear was beautiful, what do you call it? And was that a flute? I know nothing about music, but I thought it was great!" She switched gears quickly, as she often did. "I'm a Flier, if you couldn't tell, what species are you?" The girl had been singing on her way down, and Ilene hadn't recognized that song either. Little did she know it was the same song-- when she said she wasn't musical, she meant it. Her ability to hear and remember sounds was about that of a deaf giraffe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Yuuki Elizabeth Valliere Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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One of the two girls in front of her, the one with the tail, spoke,"Hello! I'm Ilene, what's your name? Was that you playing just now? What I could hear was beautiful, what do you call it? And was that a flute? I know nothing about music, but I thought it was great!" Yuuki opened her mouth to reply, but was quickly interrupted by the girl who introduced herself as Ilene again,"I'm a Flier, if you couldn't tell, what species are you?" She lifted her hand to her mouth and giggled.

Yuuki, memorising the questions asked by Ilene,i then replied, "Good Evening, Ilene. I'm Yuuki Elizabeth of the Valliere family. You might know about me, if you know about vampires. What I was playing earlier was a song I created. It still needs improvement, though. It doesn't have a name, but I'm thinking about calling it 'Here I Am' Yes, I was playing it on the flute before I made its lyrics. I'm a Pureblood Vampire, and thank you for the compliment." She smiled at Ilene, happy to meet somebody in this school. They could be friends in future. Yuuki's smile grew at the thought.