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In the Night Sky

In the Night Sky


After a deadly sickness sweeps through a small city only a handful of survivors are left alive. They have been given special abilities, but now if they want to survive any longer they have to run.

1,802 readers have visited In the Night Sky since Soul_Alchemist created it.



Three months ago Bellview was just another small city, just one of those places you pass by on the interstate without ever knowing about it, unless maybe you needed a cheap motel room for the night. It's so small there's no local collage, and really the only two things that keep it going are the hospital on the west side, and the three story mall on the east side. Nothing exciting ever happened to this city, no one was ever born here that grew up to be famous, but, for seemingly no reason at all, one day the government stepped in.

A series of odd circumstances lead to the government closing all roads leading in or out of Bellview, then quarantining the entire city on top of that. No one was told what was happening as men in military uniforms with gas masks lead them, with guns raised, out of their homes and apartments and into the streets, where they were then loaded up into military style vans. The vans delivered the civilians to the hospital, where they were placed in rooms where nurses and doctors, who also had their faces covered with protective masks, ran seemingly simple tests on them. Again, they were told nothing, and the one large group was split up into three smaller, more manageable ones. One group stayed at the hospital. One was sent to the mall, of all places, and the last...well, no one saw them again.

Over the next few hours everyone in the hospital began to show signs of some sort of sickness, presumably the flu, and within days so had those in the mall. Over the course of a couple of weeks, they were all dead. The only survivors in the entire city of Bellview were now being held in an unknown location, and the city was unofficially declared a deathtrap, and officially closed for business indefinitely.

What does this have to do with you? Well, that's simple. You are one of the Survivors, one of the dozen or so people who survived whatever swept through Bellview, and you have been locked up in an unknown location. Over the past two months, since the end of the city, the government has kept you in the dark. They've been running tests on you, keeping you in a semi-catatonic state while they do whatever it is they do. You know nothing about what's been going on, where you are, or what happened to the rest of the city.

You are a Survivor, but what is that exactly? What does it mean?
This means that you are special. That something about you kept you safe from the sickness that swept through Bellview, killing hundreds, and that you now have access to special abilities that no other human does. Mental and Physical energy. As a Survivor you have unlocked the ability to communicate with other Survivors with your mind alone, telepathy. And you have also gained the ability to create and send out energy based attacks, just like in the cartoons.

At first your mental, or psychic abilities are limited to telepathy between yourself and other Survivors, meaning that as long as you are near enough you can speak to others of your kind with your mind alone, and they can speak to you in the same way. As you learn to control this ability your powers will grow, and you may be able to do much more.

Your physical energy attacks are, at first, very weak. You'd be lucky to generate a blast powerful enough to knock someone off their feet, but as with the psychic abilities, they will grow and mature over time.

However, the is a price to this.
The more you use your abilities, the more of your humanity will be lost. If you constantly use anything but the basic abilities, or should you abuse or simply overuse your abilities, you will begin to take on a alien form, and eventually there will be nothing human about you, and you will turn your back on humanity and try to wipe it out...again.

Character Sheet-

Name: (your character's real name, first and last at least please)

Code Number: (each Survivor is branded with the letter of their last name and a 3 digit number)

Age: (age of your character)

Appearance: (what your character looks like, include physical description, no need for clothing as that will change soon. Add a pic if you want as well, but you have to describe them in words)

Personality: (always optional in my roleplays, you don't have to say anything here unless you want to)

Talents: (anything that might some in handle, like medical training, cooking skills, self defense, etc.)

Abilities: (three parts here, Psychic, Energy, and Unique)***
Psychic Abilities- (describe what psychic powers your character will develop over the course of the roleplay)
Energy Abilities- (describe what Energy powers your character will develop over the course of the roleplay)
Unique Abilities- (everyone gets 1 unique power, describe it here and tell if it is Energy or Psychic based)

Equipment: (at first you will have nothing, but as the roleplay goes you can pick up items and use this to keep track of them if you need to)

History: (we just need a basic history of your character, like what they did before all of this happened, if they lost anyone due to the sickness, even if they don't know it yet, and why they were in Bellview, also, if you want you can list what they plan to do after the escape)

Other: (anything else you'd like to add about your character can go here)


***When it comes to your unique ability it needs to be either Energy or Psychic based.
An example of a Psychic ability your character could have would any sort of elemental kinesis, such as pyrokinesis, creation and control of fire. If you need help here, or just need the name for the element in this form, feel free to ask.
An example of an Energy ability would be shaping the energy into, say, a shield or a weapon. Again, if you need help, please feel free to ask.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to voice them, either in the OOC or via PM, either way works. And please keep an eye on the OOC, as I will post updates and other such information there. As I mentioned earlier there are only around 12-15 Survivors, but I'd rather not have any more than 6 players, otherwise it might get a little confusing. Now, if you want to have more than one character, that's fine, just so long as you can handle it.
If something comes up and you need to drop out, that's okay, just please warn us.

Please write at least a paragraph per post
Romance is fine, just don't take it too far in the IC
Cursing, go for it
No god-moding, and I'll be deciding that by the way
That's about it really...

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Come on Spike, wake're not dead yet old friend... a voice in Spike Richards' head said to him, and in his dream a dark, shadowy figure was shaking him, then as he looked up at the figure, it extended a hand to help him up. If you don't get up and moving now, you'll die in this hole, got it? Now, on your feet! The voice, he soon realized, was the one he always thought of as belonging to one of his characters, a figure known as Margrave. As he realized this, the shadows took shape into said character, a sort of modern day gunslinger with only one eye.

"What are you doing here Margrave?" Spike asks the figure as he rubs his eyes and looks around, not seeing anything but darkness at first. Then he begins to notice that scattered about in the darkness are shining stars.
I'm here to kick your ass into gear, cause if you die, we all die, the figure says, drawing one of his dull black revolvers, aiming it at Spike's head, Now, you ready to wake up?
"Ready to wake up? From wha-" before Spike could finish Margrave lifted his revolver and shot, seemingly into the empty night sky.

There was a tremendous bang that echoed into the nothingness, but then that nothingness that seemed to be the night sky suddenly begin to shake, then to shatter as the spot where Margrave had aimed became a pinpoint of light which begins to expand outward, causing the stars to fade away and the sky to break like glass. As the sky falls away the figure smiles, holsters his revolver, then nods and turns, starting to walk off into the light as it reveals itself, more quickly now. And then he is gone, and Spike is left alone with nothing but a blinding white light, at least until he turns his head away to find he'd been staring up at the overhead light.

"Oh, my head...was I out drinking again?" he asks, sitting up and rubbing his head, slowly remembering things.

He had been in a small restaurant in some little city, he didn't remember the name, and then a man in a gas mask had asked him to leave, then had taken him away by force. After that it was a patchwork of scenes; men in white suits, needles, pain, screams, being locked away for a long time... Shaking his head he draws in a deep breath and looks around again, realizing he is still in that cell.

"Shit! What's going on here?!" Spike asks, beginning to panic, reaching out, feeling a tug in his arm. Looking at the bend in his arm he sees, then yanks free, an IV line, causing an alarm to go off and a light overhead to begin flashing red, "Where am I? What the hell is going on?!" Soon there are yells, and he can hear men people rushing towards him and his little cell.

Slowly he gets to his feet, finding that he's wearing something like hospital clothes; a pair of light blue, loose pants made of some cheap material, and a white papery feeling gown.


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There’s no where to go, no where to be safe.

She walked down the side of the road. There were fewer cars on the street that day, for good reason. She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered, looking down at the ground. It wasn’t so cold that day, but the atmosphere was giving her the chills. But she had to go home; she had to warn them that it wasn’t safe. It wasn’t safe! A tear trickled down her cheek and she began walking faster and faster until she was running, leaving that hospital further in the distance behind her. They couldn’t be gone! And her dad, her dad had it too! Was anyone going to escape it? A glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes as the run down apartment building began surfacing from behind the hill in front of her. Maybe they could, just maybe.

She was nearing the doors when she heard shuffling beside her. Then someone grabbed her by the arms. β€œShe’s been at the hospital so many times,” someone said to another. β€œYet she hasn’t been affected.”

β€œLet me go,” Lillyan shouted and tried to tug her arms away from her attackers. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from that fourth story window, her home and her friends. She saw someone pull back the white curtain and look out. β€œHelp!” She hollered, but the person stepped away and let the curtain fall back into place.

Then she was thrown into the van.

β€œHelp!” She sat up in the cot screaming, the screams being almost immediately drowned out by the screeching of the facility’s siren. She remembered now. She had survived. How lucky she was, really… And something was going on. She took the opportunity to go over to the door and look out the tiny observation window built into it. Seems like the researchers were occupied with a cell a little further down from hers. She had freaked out like that, when she first awoke. Somehow they were able to calm her, and she had been so doped up on sedatives until now. But now she was awake. And that long sleep felt good. Energizing really.


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#, as written by zen_ink
Alissa was dreaming of clouds, as usual. Endless sky, veiled by endless clouds... moving swiftly across the horizon line. The sky was clear blue where the orange and pink tints of the sunset left off. There was a clear meadow, with lots of butterflies, bees, and flowers. "This is so... peaceful." she thought to herself. "And so... beautiful.. It's like a dream."

"That's because it is one." a foreign voice billowed through her mind.

"Who was tha-? Oh" she looked up to the sky, seeing a radiant ray of light gently shining through a crack in the ever-moving clouds. "It was you." she felt like she was smiling, but this was only a scene. Nobody, including Alissa, was present in it. Suddenly, the peaceful light grew in such intensity, it swallowed up the entire meadow in nothing but whiteness; and then, as Alissa slowly opened her eyes, the blinding white lights faded to reveal ceiling lights. Then the beeping of the heart monitor appeared.

She quickly sat up, seemingly started. "What? Oh, right.." she looked around at the familiar site of her cozy little "cell" that was laden with all kinds of medical instruments. She looked down to see the IV in her arm. "That voice.." she began speaking softly to herself. "I feel like it wanted me to do something. Something about this whole situation.. I'm not going to be a lab-rat prisoner for the rest of my life in this place, wherever it is." In an unusual moment of frustration swirled with a hint of anger, she tugged the IV out of her arm. "Ow." she grabbed a nearby piece of cloth and pressed it to the wound for a good 30 seconds, and then took a hair tie out of her scrub pocket to put around her arm and keep the cloth stationary over the wound. Suddenly, she had realized that in taking out the IV, she had set an alarm off. Yet it seemed like everything was safe.. nobody was rushing in to the room to see what was going on. In fact, she didn't even hear any voices outside the cell. She got up and walked over to the door, peeking out the windows, looking left and right. Just then, with her face so close to the door she heard a muffled commotion what sounded like a little ways down the hallway of the complex they were in. She grabbed at the handle and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Hello!?" she called out. "Is anyone out there??"


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#, as written by Inos

Miss Blackswell you would not want to sleep through my lessons, would you?
Ashley hears the voice of her professor resounding in her head as she finally manages to answer "No no..of course" but it seems like the Professor would not hear anything.
The professor smiles "Oh my I almost forgot of course you can not answer..after all without vocal cords that is quite impossible".
While saying this he holds up a bleeding mess which can not be really said what it is.
As soon as Ashley sees that her eyes widen and before she can do anything else besides that, she sees a black colour and after a few seconds pass she finds herself in a watching perspective of someone taking blood samples, making x-rays and after kissing a female patient.
After she at first looks with a bit of curiosity at the whole situation she soon realises that the body seems to be quite familiar and as she then takes a closer look at it she sees herself with bleeding eyes and kissing marks all over her face and neck.
As soon as she sees that she starts to scream as loud as she is a able to and as soon as she does this the whole scene breaks in millions of pieces and white looking light appears out of nowhere.

Soon after that her eyes snap open and she realises that she is still screaming and stopps as soon as she realises that.
After that she looks around while sitting up on a hospital bed.
Then she says to herself" This looks exactly like a hospital room...of a rather well payed hospital".
After saying this she realises that besides the exterior of said hospital room there are pieces of iron attached to the window which shines in a blueish looking light and on the other side of the window there is something like a metal door through which you can not see anything.
She then looks at her own body and she herself is dressed in normal hospital cloths as well so she looks at holes scratched or anything like that on her body and realises that her arms are covered in little holes through which something seems to have be injected.
Then she mumbles to herself "Okay there must be a logical explain to all that...maybe I got ill and passed out or-"
Before she could finish the sentence a few rather brute looking man storm in the cell because they were obviously alarmed by all the screaming noise from before and before she can react in any way they quickly restrict her to the bed and putting something like a wet cloth on her mouth that she can not scream any more.
Then the leave the cell and close it.


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β€œAnd it seems I’m not where I was when I fell asleep,” Claud stated, walking through the roads of his own mind. He looked around and found, through the stench alone, the sight of a dog laying dead in the street. It was rare to find an dog in the street around here, since they were purely pets. He bent down beside it. β€œHello, and what might your name be?”

Of course, there was no response. He checked the nametag and frowned. β€˜Claud Fortune’ was engraved in the silver tag, connected to the collar. β€œClaud? That name certainly sounds familiar…” He shrugged and smiled, turning to his back pack to grab his pencil and notepad. As he grabbed it, he heard a distinct growling sound and turned back around with a gasp as the dog stood, face-to-face with him, snarling dangerously. There was no way he was alive. Claud was sure that dog was dead. He scooted back on his bum hesitantly. β€œNow, Claud, you know better than to bite a harmless human, right?”

The dog apparently did not. Claud suddenly felt something around his neck and looked down to check it, yanking it off from around his neck. In his hands laid a dog collar with a dogtag. β€˜Claud Fortune’ was engraved in it. β€œOh, I remember now.” The growling came to his attention again and he looked up just in time as the dog opened it jaws wide andβ€”

Claud sat straight up in bed, breathing harsh. He looked down at his hands, then around the room, before relaxing. He was in a cell or a room or something. He remembered now. He remembered everything. Frowning, he forced himself to his feet. β€œThat alarm is really quite annoying,” he grumbled to himself as he went to the door. He could hear voices out in the hall. The door was ajar, as if someone had gone directly from his room and ran out to whatever trouble was being caused. With his IB in one hand, he cautiously started down the hall, stopping only as he heard a female’s voice shouting on the other side of a door (Alyssa). He opened the door easily from this side, greeted with the face of a girl, at which he smiled at. β€œHello. Welcome to floor one, where Hell has been loosed. Did you need some sort of assistance or can I continue on my way to the excitement?”


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Arthur stood at the stop of the old ruined castle. He recognized the scene in front of him and smiled, afraid to say anything for fear or shattering such a peaceful silence. It was the landscape of Ireland, a land that he loved as much as England. In his mind, both places were his home. He suppose in a way, one was a motherland, one was a fatherland. The light sound of laughter broke the silence as he couldn't help but find humor in his own mental antics. It was silly to think of things in that way, but he preferred it that way.

He felt a pain in his right arm and winced, clutching it with his left hand. His brow furrowed and he looked at his arm, wondering what had happened. From what he could see, there was nothing there. However, he felt another pain in his finger arm and gasped, wincing again. He looked over at the other arm - nothing. Suddenly, it was like he was being stabbed with needles, over and over again. He cringed, clenching his jaw and squeezing his eyes shut. When he opened them, the peaceful scenery was gone.

'Where...' he thought to himself 'Where did it go?' He felt like he couldn't move, the world around him was dark - or perhaps his eyes just couldn't see. All at once, there was more stabbing pains, muffled voices, and an overwhelming feeling of isolation, even while strange muffled speech surrounded him. He tried to scream, but found his voice didn't work. 'No!' His body lashed about, finding the strength to move, even if it was in vain, since the stabbing feeling continued and the muffled voices did not fall silent. 'Stop!' The voices were deafening and he took in a deep breath, his chest hurting. Releasing all his breath, he opened his mouth and yelled.

"Stop!" His eyes were wide open now, body tense. He took some deep breaths, trying to register what was happening. He shot into a sitting position, ignoring the lightheadedness that followed. His eyes darted around the room, trying to see if he recognized anything around himself. As his attention was diverted from the room, he looked down at his clothing. Hospital-like attire was not what he was expecting, nor was it what he wanted to see. As he reached up to cup his hands over his ears and give himself time to calm down, he felt a tug in his arm that made him gasp.

Looking down at his arm, he noticed an IV there. In a fit of panic, he tore the device out, ignoring that blood and alarm that followed. Then, he cupped his hand over his ears and tried to figure out what was happening. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing.

"This is a dream, Arthur. Calm down. You will wake up, and everything will be okay." He noticed his voice was rough and somewhat hoarse, like it hadn't been used normally in quite a while. Once he had managed to assure himself, he slowly swung his legs over the edge of the cot and stood. He heard faint voices and wondered what was going on. "H-Hello?" he called out, sounding somewhat timid. "Is someone, anyone there? I-I'm not hearing things... A-Am i...?"

(Anyone can choose the location of Arthur's cell and if they hear/answer him or not.)


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#, as written by zen_ink
Alissa nearly screamed as out of the sudden a face popped up in the window. The man opened the door and only then did she realize he was a patient in this place as well.

β€œHello. Welcome to floor one, where Hell has been loosed. Did you need some sort of assistance or can I continue on my way to the excitement?”

"What?" Alissa looked at the boy with an extremely confused look on her face. Suddenly she felt rather lightheaded, nearly falling to the floor but catching herself against the doorway and standing up properly. "I think there's still some medication running through my system" she stated, holding her head in her palm. "Where the heck is all that noise coming from??"

Now that the door was open, the alarms throughout the complex were even louder, and she could hear the yelling and commotion quite clearly. She began slowly and cautiously down the hallway, staggering here and there. "Ouch, my head" she rubbed her hand through her hair against the side of her scalp. Suddenly, the couple of lights around the two of them blew out, but the rest remained on. "Come on, let's see what's going on, yeah?" she waited for the boy's approval.


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Claude blinked and stepped aside to allow Alissa leave the room. He put his hands on his hips and considered going a separate way to avoid ending up following her, but he decided the only way he had the urge to go at the moment was closer to the chaos. Nobody had caught sight of them yet, so that was a plus at least. Once the lights went out, he tutted and shook his head. β€œSomeone hasn’t been paying the bill,” he said pointlessly.

He looked back over to Alissa, who seemed to still be having a hard time walking. β€œReally, do you think you’ll be alright? Maybe you should return to your bed.” He smiled, though there wasn’t much of a reason for it. He heard more noises from another room and decided to open that door too, sighing loudly as if it was some sort of great issue for him. He, again, stepped aside to allow the fellow inside out of his room, looking at him in distaste, before changing his expression back to a smiling one.

β€œI almost forgot, we haven’t yet been acquainted, have we?” he asked Alissa. β€œMy name’s Claude. What might yours be? You, too,” he finished, referring now to the male he let out of the room (Arthur). β€œThen we can be on our way to the scene. No hurries.”


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Suddenly armed men, some in white uniforms with needles, some in dark green with what looked like automatic weapons, were barging into Spike's cell. They quickly surrounded the man, who had no sort of weapon at his disposal to use against them. They were trying to talk to him, or so he gathered from the muffled noises coming from behind the masks they all wore. They almost seemed to be trying to warn him, but then suddenly he felt a jab in his left arm, right in his tattoo, which caused him to turn quickly towards the attacker.

His turn was quick and fluid that the needle broke away from the syringe it was attached to, staying behind in his arm, letting the blood flow freely now. Letting out a cry of pain he rushes towards the door, and manages to knock one of the guards back out of the cell, but just then the lights went out, and he was left in darkness, and the guards, who seemed to have no trouble seeing in the darkness, were on him, grabbing him, trying to pull him back and strap him onto the bed. But now Spike knew he wasn't alone. He had gotten a glimpse outside of his cell, and had seen people at the far end of the hallway.

"Let go of me!" he yells, struggling harder, but then a hand is clamped over his mouth, Someone, please, give me a hand! he cries out with his mind, without knowing he's done it. His thought goes out like an echo to the other Survivors.

A moment later they have him back at the bed, trying to strap him down, and he's still struggling, but now there is a new needle in his other arm, and he feels very tired. Fight it! that voice from his dream yells at him, You have to get out of here, now!


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Arthur actually moved back further in his cell when it was opened, seeming a bit frightened and timid. Slowly, he stepped forwards. "U-Um..." he pressed his back against the wall away from them. Normally, this would be uncharacteristic of him, but at this point in time, he found it appropriate. However, he did reply, politely. "P-Pleased to meet you Claude." he said, awkwardly. "My name is Arthur... A-Arthur Love Valenstone." he said, voice still rough from it's disuse, far from it's former smooth chime, which sounded soft, more like a gentle hum of a voice.

'Someone, please, give me a hand! Arthur flinched, reacting immediately, just out of habit and instinct. He turned to Claude and the girl he did not know the name of before bending forward at the waist and bowing his head forwards a bit - a bow. "I-I'm sorry. T-thank you for bothering to help me, I'm sorry for wasting your time. I apologize for m-my rudeness, but i must take my leave." he said quickly before looking down at the scene at the end of the hall and dashing down towards the commotion, worried for whoever it was. He hoped whoever it was wouldn't be too hurt by the time he got down there.

He found himself having to slow down halfway there as he found it slightly more difficult to pull oxygen from the air. As he passed more rooms with faint voices in them, he thought about stopping to open them. In fact, he did stop and open most of the doors just a crack before running towards the scene again. "H-Hey!" he yelled, grabbing the back of one of the men's uniforms and yanking them back with all his strength, which sadly, he found wasn't very much. "Stop! You're hurting him!" he yelled, stating the painfully obvious. 'Please be alright!' he yelled in his mind.

(Post can be changed at request.)


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Hideaki opened his eyes to find that he was sleeping on the ground. "Where the hell am I?" He said aloud while lifting his upper body up and scratching his head. There was some kind of hard structure that his head was leaning on. He turned around to see the it was a tombstone. The inscriptions were covered with mold and dust. Hideaki quickly moved his hand alongside it to get an idea of who exactly the grave belonged to. "Mokichi Tamayo" Hideaki read it aloud to himself. His eyes opened wide with fright. Mokichi Tamayo was the name of one of the kids that he had led the rebellion with. Not only that, but he was one of the youngest. He looked around fearfully to see dozens of other gravestones surrounding him as if the spot he was at was a circular opening. He quickly brushed the mold off of another tombstone. "Ryuuji Kaburicho" This was a name of one of the kids who were shot down by the organization's battleship. "Hello Satan. We've been waiting for you." Hideaki heard two young voices announce in usion behind him. He turned around slowely to see both Mokichi, and Ryuuji standing there. "Mokichi! Ryuuji! Your alive!" Hideaki yelled out in joy as he ran up to them. "Were not alive silly." Mokichi giggled at Hide's reaction. "What are you talking about? Your standing right here.", "Sorry to tell you this Satan. But were just as dead as they are." Ryuuji stated while pointing in the direction behind Hideaki. He turned to see even more of his past companions, standing before him. One in particular stole Hideaki's attention. Roady Domene, a foreign kid, and also one of the small handfull of brave childeren that went with Hide to take out the organization. Also his best friend. "Roady... Everyone...", "All dead, and so are you Satan" He heard Ryuuji say, before turning around to see a dozen more past comerades standing behind Ryuuji and Mokichi. He was filled with complete fear. He looked around in the other directions, but more and more of them were standing there, blocking his way. "Were all dead Hide, and so are you." Roady walked up to him, carrying a fresh tombstone, "Hideaki Seitan, failed leader of the Kasumi island rebellion." Hide fell over, and landed on his ass, staring at the tombstone in utter horror. "Theres no way I'm dead! No way!" All of a sudden his fallen comerades began forming wounds, or turning into the way they looked when they died. Most of them, including Ryuuji, completely turned into chunks of meat and dismembered limbs. A hole appeared in Roady's left eye, where he was shot and killed. "Join us Hide, being dead isn't all that bad." Roady said, as he and the other dismembered childeren began swarming in around Hide. "No! Stay the fuck away from me! I'm not dead!" Hideaki screamed out while violently punching and kicking out at them. It was no use. The childeren soon fully covered Hideaki's body. The last thing he saw was the small gap of light, before they closed off his sight. After a few seconds, that light began to grow.

Hideaki's eyes opened once more. "What the-... Where the hell did I end up now?" Hideaki said to himself, while looking around the cold, dark room. He then looked to himself, to see that he had a pair of hospital clothes on. "Did I get in some accident or something?" Hideaki then remember the dream he had with the graveyard. Had he just escaped dead? He then felt something with his hand that was next to him on the bed. He quickly picked it up as his eyes went wide, and he smiled. "Oh hell yes, I really needed a smoke right now!" Hideaki exclaimed with glee, as he reached into the small box to pull out 7 cigarettes. "What the hell is this? Four of these bastards are too damp for me to use." He yelled out in anger, while throwing them to the ground. He then took one of the remaining three cigarettes and popped it in his mouth. He looked around the room for the lighter. He even checked inside his pants in desperation. "Your fricken kidding me right?! How the hell am I supposed to smoke, without a lighter?!" All of a sudden a loud alarm went off and red lights started shining all around the cells. Hideaki saw a few figures in the cells near his, and some were empty. A few people in some weird suits were running towards the cell at the end of the hall. "Whats going on here?!" Hideaki yelled out loud at them, trying to get their attention. They just kept running down to the cell. "Son of a fricken-... Would someone shut these god damn alarms off?!" Hideaki began to started to have another anger fit, because of the alarms. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it back in the box. He slipped the box into one of the baggy pockets of his pants. He shook the door to the cell in anger. "Hey! Get your asses back here! I'm really pissed now!" Hideaki then turned his attention to a door he haden't noticed before. It seemed to lead to another cell. He decided that if it was locked, he should take advantage of his momentary tantrum. Hideaki ran up to the door, and falcon-kicked it down, with all his rage. He then, landed on his feet, and stormed into the room to see if anyone else was here. After he did so, Hideaki heard voice asking for help. It was probably from whoevers in the cell at the end of the hall. But this was strange. It was as if the voice was coming from the inside of his head. He dismissed the thought and looked to see another male in the room. He couldn't have been more then a year older the Hide, and he was standing near another open door. Not only that, but the door to this room's cell was open. There was another girl standing outside it, holding her hands out as if she were going to shoot a fireball or something like that out of them. Surprisingly, thats almost exactly what happened. The girl launched a small ball, of what appeared to be light out of her hands, and it went towards then end of the hall, knocking out one of the people there. "What in the-..." Hide starred in amazement. His expression switched back into anger, as he redirected his attention back to the other boy. "Ok you got 20 seconds to tell me what the hells going on here, before I rip your nose off and shove it up your ass!" He threatened him, even though he was still slightly in shock.


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#, as written by zen_ink
The boy suggested Alissa return to her bed and made some joke about the lights, but her head was still reeling and she was feeling to nauseas to pay attention. "I don't think tha-" she looked up to realize he had let out another kid. He was also a patient, as they were all garbed in the same scrubs. Alissa peeked under her rigged bandage to check if the IV wound had healed enough yet while they went through some formalities. She was pleased enough to remove the hair tie from her arm and toss the cloth on the floor. She had her hair up into a ponytail in less than a second.

β€œI almost forgot, we haven’t yet been acquainted, have we?” he asked Alissa. β€œMy name’s Claude. What might yours be? You, too,”

"Alissa." she said, just before "hearing" a stranger's voice in her head. He sounded like he was crying for help..

For some reason, Alissa felt like she could know the kid, or that the voice was somehow familiar. Although she had never heard a voice in her head before (that was never a good sign, was it?) she seemed to know exactly where the kid in trouble was. Arthur bowed, excusing himself before taking off down the hallway. "He couldn't have heard that voice too, could he?" Alissa wondered to herself. She took off down the hallway after Arthur, not with the intention of following him but instead with the intention of finding the boy in trouble. The lights flickered on and off one after the other as Alissa passed them. She turned down a new corridor, still Arthur was just a few feet in front of her. Down the way she saw amidst the flickering light a boy being attacked by a bunch of what appeared to be army men and doctors. She knew right away that was the one who had called for help. She watched as Arthur impulsively ran into the fray, pulling at one of the men's uniforms. "He'll get overpowered just the same" she said to herself, at that moment remembering that she left Claude behind.

Still standing a safe distance away from the tousle, Alissa did the only thing she could do, the thing she was good at. She clasped her hands together and bowed her head downward and prayed. "Please, I need your help" she prayed. "I need the strength to help these boys and myself from these evil men. I don't know what's happening or why but, I need the power to fight back!"

"You have it." she heard a familiar voice billow through the corners of her mind. "The same voice from my dream. How can I fight back?"
"Just try. Trust. Feel." Alissa nodded.

Focusing all her energy into her hands, she instinctively cupped a small bit of air in her hands, holding them a reasonable distance apart. Suddenly, all the lights in the entire building began flickering and dimming as they seemed to lend their power to her focus. A small but intense ball of dimly glowing light had conjured in the space between her hands, and feeling its energy course throughout her entire body, she released it toward the men. It hurled at lightning speed down the hallway and struck one right in the back, send him flying and rendering him unconscious. All of the other men appeared to realize what had just happened and were distracted in a moment of awe; she was pretty sure she heard a couple of them gasp. Suddenly, all their gazes were fixated upon her. "Oh no..." she thought.


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Cormac started awake, sitting up rapidly and slamming his forehead into something hard. There was a blur of leather, stars, hills, before Cormac fell prone with a dull thump. He stared up through half-lidded eyes at the scene before him. A thin carpet opened into a sea where tiny lights swam. Monoliths cloaked in leather rose up toward the luminescent sea. Colored lights danced around them, sporadically rising toward him and tinting his vision polychromatic. Cormac struggled to rationalize the scene before his perception snapped into place around his grogginess, the elastic crack of mental rubber bands jolting him into full awareness. He was lying in the backseat of his car, looking up at the ceiling and a skylight which showed a night sky. The monoliths were seats, the lights were just effects of banging his head. Cormac sat up carefully, twisting his head to look out the window behind him. An asphalt road ponderously twisted toward a small cluster of stone and brick buildings. It looked a lot like Cormac's home village...but that wasn't right...he wasn't there...where was-

white lights
needles slipping through his skin
angels in hazmat robes

"Let go of me, ya bastards!"

-A bright bolt of delirium shot through Cormac's mind. His hand lashed out, caught the door handle, jerked it open. He tumbled out, moth eaten blanket swirling, landed on the road, rolled, there was pain, he stumbled to his feet, started running. He streaked through the empty night for a moment before his panic settled into a dull drone at the back of his mind. There was something wet and warm spreading across his arm. He looked behind him and saw a few wet drops of blood shining on a crack in the asphalt behind him. Before it, the car he had tumbled out of loomed. Peeling green paint revealed cold steel, and the starlight gleaming off revealed metal made his car resemble some kind of ethereal beast which had settled in the middle of the road, lurking and waiting to devour travelers on the lonely path. The car was stretched into a wall in his mind, a square barrier in a land of circles. It shouldn't be there-

sputtering failure
drifting into the jaws of a monster
buildings like dragon's teeth
"Where is this?"
angels and demons creep into town
"Who are they?"

-The same lance of madness that hit him before speared through Cormac's skull. The pain in his arm flared, blood like lava, the cut like a canyon growing and ripping him apart, runrunRUN! Cormac spun on his heel and fled the car, feeling like he was fleeing the impact site of a great wave that swept away his memories. He was missing something. Couldn't think about that now. Had to run. Feet pounding on asphalt, the sky and hills peeling back around him, stars stretching into rays of light, and oh look there's me. Another Cormac was wrenched from the back of his mind and materialized like condensing mist on the road in front of him. Cormac slowed for a second, his perspective stretched between two points, seeing himself from the coming and the going. The foggy reflection in front of him spoke, and he heard-or was it the other way around? "Really now, Cormac," chastised the mist-him, "you still think you can run from everything? You can't this time. Remember what happened last time you ran when you shouldn't have?" The other him raised its eyepatch, and Cormac stared into the ruined socket, into the past-

he was broken into chaos
formed again from the pandemonium
reshaped from the dust
life screaming through his sinuses-

-Cormac was back in the dark night. He fell to his knees. The other him was gone. He needed to think. Where was he, really? The road beneath his feet and the homely town in front of him were as immaterial as the air around him, he knew that now, this was just a pleasant memory to retreat to-to retreat to from-from-now he remembered.

"Someone, please, give me a hand!"
Cormac jolted awake with a sharp gasp, the stars of his dream forming into halogen overhead lights. An IV lay on the ground beside him, blood dripping off of it and slipping into the cracks between tiles. Tiles? Cormac was on the floor, and he moved to rectify that. He blindly grabbed the air above him, caught his fingers on a metal rail, dragged himself up, slumped against the bed the rail was a part of. His memories were returning to him, creeping through his mind like the skittering fingers of death. He remembered his car breaking down, his being kidnapped, contained and experimented upon, being perpetually half-awake for the past two months, but the first conscious thought to surface in his mind was that his arm hurt like a bitch. The second was there was one hell of a commotion in the cell across from his. Finally, the full extent of the situation hit him like a freight train. He rushed for the door, tried to slam it open with his shoulder, bounced off and back into his bed. Rage began swirling and expanding in his mind. No way in hell was he staying in this cell for another minute. These bastards kidnapped him, and now was his chance to escape. He let out a primal scream, that fury ripping out of his vocal cords, through his synapses, nerve endings, out of his palms. The hinges of the door fractured and splintered, buckling in on themselves like crumpling paper. Cormac stared at the door for a moment, bewilderment nearly drowning him. "Did..." he mumbled, "did I do that?" He stood stock still for a few more moments before he suddenly dashed forward like he was launched by a slingshot and kicked the door open. There'd be time to think about what was happening later, now he needed to run.

The mist-him was suddenly there in front of him, waving a finger mockingly before turning it and pointing it to the cell across from his before dissipating . Cormac turned to see a group of scientists and soldiers swarming a man inside the cell. As he watched in shock, one of the men was hit by a ball of light hurtling down the corridor and sent smashing into a wall. He turned, even more confused, to see a girl standing where the light came from, with a fearful expression on her face. The other men's heads turned as one to stare at the girl, aggression evident through their masks. Cormac's chivalry pulled itself from the haze of his thoughts and kicked him solidly in the ass. He ran forward into the cell, and he grabbed one of the distracted soldiers and slammed his head into a wall. Once, twice, again and again until the man slumped into unconsciousness beneath him, his mask shattered into a jumble of glass and plastic, shards falling from it and hitting the floor like rain. The other men turned to the new threat into their midst, and Cormac narrowly ducked a gun butt swung toward him. He skittered away from a grasping hand and a needle clutched in another before a heavy fist slammed into his chest. He rolled with the blow, stumbling back out of the cell and into the hallway. He stared down the barrel of a gun pointing his way. Fear sprang up in his psyche, rushing forward in another wave of force and bending the barrel sideways with a sharp crack. The soldier holding it stared in disbelief, and Cormac saw his chance. He grabbed the gun and forced it backwards into the stunned soldier's gut, bending him double. Cormac slammed his knee into the man's neck, and he tumbled to the floor grasping his windpipe. Cormac looked up from his defeated opponent to see a group of soldiers and scientists which still solidly outnumbered him. He waved cheerily. "Hey boys!" he said. Shit, he thought.


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Arthur pulled again, trying to pull the men away. He could hear someone else behind him, probably in the doorway. As he pulled on the man's coat again, he felt something hit him across the face. He fell onto his backside, rubbing at his struck cheek. He was by no means a man of peculiar strength, nor was he particularly sturdy - but it certainly wasn't a hard hit by any means, the most it would do was leave a bruise. He was about to scramble back up when something shot past him and hit one of the men in the back, sending him flying and rendering him unconscious.

His eyes widened and he looked back, lips parted in an expression of shock, surprise, and awe. There was the girl, Alissa, he had heard, and there was no one else. Could she have done that? No. He shook his head a bit. Not possible. How on earth could she have done that? As he turned back to the men, he pondered. 'Maybe she did... This situation doesn't exactly make any more sense...' Feeling a strange concern for the man who had been sent flying, he looked over. The man certainly wasn't dead, but Arthur felt bad for him, he was just particularly soft hearted that way. While the men were in shock at Alissa's strange attack, Arthur jumped up.

He slipped back towards the cot and unhooked anything that they had hooked up to the man, quickly. If there were any straps, there were undone with shocking speed - Dexterity was one of his strong points. He knew that in just a moment, the men would probably do something else - Attack Alissa, attack the other man, or attack him, but he wanted to do what he could, which was very little in this situation.

"Are you alright, sir?" he asked, quickly and quietly, tone filled with concern and worry. His accent was a mix of Irish and British, making it sound unique - Not strange, for the accents seemed to work well together, but just different. He stayed by the side of the cot, if the men tried to restrain him, Alissa, or the other man, he would do what he could.


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#, as written by Inos
After the man who restricted her on the bed,by tieing her up with ropes, were gone she thinks to herself hm okay......lets try to see that rational..I woke up in a hospital....the man from just now looked like person in an actual maybe I somehow was taken to a psychical clininc or something akin to it...but why....
As she is thinking that she hears a male sounding voice which says"Someone, please, give me a hand!".
Then she has a little shock of suprise then she thinks okay..that answers the why I guess....I have lost my marbles.As she thinks that another voice appears in her head which sounds like her own voice just way more seducing and evil.
This voice says"Are you sure about that? Loosing your mind does not work so fast.
What do you call this then? Ashley answers. The voice "Hehe you really can not understand that there are things you can not understand, not to mention things that only you are capable of doing?"
Ashley frowns a bit then answers "If you are so wise then tell me how to get out of here,with those special abilites of mine..?"
The voice giggles a bit then answers "My,my impatient aren't we? I could get you out of here but that would not be much fun for me but let me give you a little hint these abilities of yours are not something someone can teach you how to use because it is already inside of your just have to use it like you would a muscle...oh and you should probably hurry before the so called doctors return."

As soon as this voice finishes to say that Ashley can hear footsteps approaching her room.


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As she pressed her hands up to her cell’s window that looked out into the hallway, Lillyan saw a mob of guards rush past her door.

β€œSomeone please, give me a hand!” She heard a voice shout inside her head and she backed away from the window. Her action was followed by the hallway outside being filled with a flash of blue light, followed by a loud thud and more panic.

She narrowed her eyes. Yeah, something was going on, and she wasn’t going to be left out of it. She gripped her hands at her side and, for some reason in her curled fist, she felt a dense metal ball appear in one. Her eyes went wide and she looked down into her palm, but there appeared to be nothing there. But she could feel the heavy weight of it. She tossed it up and down and felt it land back in her hand. There was certainly something there, like a heavy stone made of lead.

β€œHow handy,” she thought, tilting her head to the side and smiling at its convenience. She stepped back and craned her arm backwards, then shot it forward like a professional pitcher. The rock or whatever left her hand and crashed right into the door’s window, shattering the glass outwards. Lillyan rushed over to the broken window and reached through it, opening her door from the other end.

Outside her cell was utter chaos. The sirens wailed all down the hallway as other Survivors escaped from their cells. Quickly, she walked down the hallway to where the noise was coming from, being noisy as usual and seeing if she could offer some kind of helping hand. She passed a cell that appeared to still be occupied, with a girl in it still strapped to a bed by ropes. She opened the door from the outside and rushed to the bed.

β€œWhat are you still doing in here for?” She asked with an excited grin, as she went to work at untying the restraints. β€œYou’re missing all the action outside.”

The ropes that were holding the girl fell to the floor and Lillyan stepped back, her eyes bright. It was time for everyone to get out of there, for good. β€œBy the way,” she asked, β€œwould you happen to be hearing any voices in your head?... Oh well, never mind, now’s not the time to be talking." She walked back towards the door, looking back to see if the girl was okay enough to follow.

((Ooc: Post directed towards Inos's character))


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#, as written by Inos
As Ashley hears the footsteps coming closer and closer all muscles in her body tense up in something akin to a protective reflex.
As soon as the door start to open this reflex reaches its maximum as the skin on her whole body start to give up some kind of blue looking energy without herself realising that.
This continues until the person who comes in starts to untie her.
At that moment all the tension and with it the blueish energy vanishs like it never have been there.
As soon as the ropes fall on the ground Ashley tries to jump up but she realises it does not work..since every single muscle in her body seems to be sore so she sits up rather slowly on the bed and then slowly getting off it.
While doing that she says "I do not exactly know whats going on or who you are but thanks for saving me..and about the voices I hear more of them than I would like to".
She says the last part half jokingly.
After finishing saying that she slowly walks over to her saviour while only know realising that it seemed to be a girl who is maybe a bit younger than herself.
While walking she is trying her hardest not to show how bad she feels right now.


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Spike was on the table now, and he could feel the men restraining him, trying his arms and legs down with straps. In his mind Margrave, his comic book character, is still shouting at him, keeping him from passing out completely. Spike tries his best to struggle, but it's no use. But then there is someone else in the room with him, knocking the guards and doctors aside. The man looks down and says something to him, but his head is a blur and he doesn't understand him. Well, everything but sir. Do I really look old enough to be called sir? He asks himself.

Then he hears a shot, and more fighting outside. His head starts to clear but not enough to process everything that's happening around him, and so he sits up and puts a hand to his head as he feels a headache coming on. There is a burst of static from overhead, then a speaker begins shouting at them, something about calling in more guards or something.

"I don't know where we are..." Spike says, slowly getting to his feet again, stumbling a bit, "But...we should leave..."

Suddenly what appears to be a part of the wall slides away, revealing a doorway in the back of the room, and men dressed in black with weapons with silencers attached pour into the room. They begin to raise their guns at Spike and the man who had helped him, and on instinct he raises his arms and moves before the man. "Leave us alone!" he yells, and suddenly there is a bang as one of the guns goes off, followed by a dull silver light that fills the room.

From his hands two wavering balls of energy form, looking something like fireballs made of smoke. In the time it takes for the bullet to leave the barrel of the gun and reach the duo, one of the energy balls fires off wildly at the wall, causing a dent to appear there, but little else. The other energy ball flattens out, turning into a sort of buckler on his hand, and it deflects the bullet right back at the man. The bullet hits him in the side of the neck, grazing him and nicking an artery, causing a spray of blood as he falls to the ground. A second later the energy buckler disappears and he turns back to the man who was helping him.

"Not that way..." Spike says, taking off out the other door and into the hall with all the others, stumbling right into the middle of things as more guards begin to pour in from the far end of the hall, and the men from the room come out after them as well. Once his friend is out of the room he slams it shut and locks it from the outside. He then takes a moment to look around at all the other 'patients' in the hall and smiles a little, "This is one hell of a comic book convention..."

Looking at the dead end of the hall they're all in he spots a small, barred window, just big enough for one person to fit through. After a couple of seconds of thinking he looks down at his hands again, trying to remember that feeling he had as the silvery energy formed around his hands. Slowly it happens again, both hands are covered in a dull silver light, making it look as if his hands were in a very deep fog. After focusing for a bit longer he lets out a cry and slings both hands towards the window, causing two silvery balls of energy to blast from his hands, knocking the bars out and shattering the window. Stumbling backwards he finds that his breathing is a little rougher, but he manages to make his way over to the window and drop down on one knee.

"Alright everyone...outside..." He says, hoping they'd all move quickly, not stopping to wonder if perhaps they might deserve to be in this place, that maybe he did as well. But there would be time for that later, hopefully.


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Arthur seemed relieved that the man seemed to be alright, more or less. The man appeared older than he, and his eyes were an odd golden hue. When Half brit heard the characteristic clacking of guns and turned, seeing exactly what he expected. He inhaled sharply, eyes wide, putting his hands up. He really hoped that they didn't shoot, it wasn't something he could just protect against and than casually stroll away from.

As he heard the bang of a gun being shot, he flinched and squeezed his eyes shut. 'Bloody hell,' he thought to himself as he waited for the pain to come. However, what was expected didn't come. 'Leave us alone!' Then there was a pained cry and sickening gurgling, but it didn't sound like the man he had just assisted and he didn't think it was him. Opening one dark teal eye, he noticed the man on the ground, bleeding from his neck. Suddenly, he felt nausea overtake him, and he pressed a hand over his mouth and looked away, trying to avoid vomiting. He looked at the man. This crazy stuff wasn't happening. There was just no way. This was all a dream, he was going to wake up soon and be lying in his bed, alarm blaring and telling him he was running late and might miss the bus to Redford College.

'Not that way...' Arthur turned to the man he had helped and seemed a bit surprised when he dashed down the hall away from the room. He bit his lip and ran after him, lungs protesting slightly inside of his chest. The man slammed the door behind him, locking the other men inside. 'This is one hell of a comic book convention,' the man said with a touch of humor in his voice. Arthur smiled the slightest bit, muttering. "A little bit of a skuffufle, isn't it?" he said, quietly, timidly.

As they continued on to the window at the end of the hall, he heard the faint sound of shattering glass before yelling voice. He turned back, realizing that the men in the room had broken the little window of the door and some of the guns were pointed out.

"Oh bugger," he said, turning and running again. He had turned back in time to see the other window shatter, thankfully without an entourage of men with guns on the other side. He stopped a small distance the man he had assisted a while ago, wanting to make sure everyone left alright before he left. Suddenly, there were the sounds of gunshots. They couldn't afford to have anyone be shot! He stepped forwards within a split second of the gunshots, not sure what he was doing, putting his hands out in front of him. Mentally, he scolded himself to being so stupid and treating speeding bullets like some sort of person who was running at him who he could just stop.

"Stop!" he yelled, mentally striking himself again for his idiocy. Suddenly, the trajectory of the bullets changed, sharply curving to the sides and embedding themselves in the walls instead of them, their originally intended targets. Arthur stood there, shocked. Surely this had some sort of natural explanation? There was no way he had just done that. He turned.

"U-Um... E-Everyone please hurry!" he yelled out, although his voice was strangely quiet for it being a yell directed at them all.


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#, as written by zen_ink
Alissa's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach when the men all simultaneously shifted their gaze toward her. For some reason, the amazing magical feat she had just performed had not come as a great shock to her; it was almost her instinct to know she could do such a thing. Just then, after hearing a very loud scream, another cell door burst completely off the hinges and into the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. Out walked a rather intimidating looking man, who looked at the men staring at Alissa, then to Alissa, then back to the men. Suddenly he began violently attacking all the men, who were now double distracted by the fact that all the other patients were doing crazy impossible things that you might find in a comic book, or superhero movie. The lights were still flickering like mad around Alissa. It was just then she had realized how annoying it was. "Would you please stop it?" she angrily suggested to the lights, soon realizing that it must have sounded a bit strange to be talking to lights..
The lights stopped flickering and returned to full power at once. Out of the cell where all the commotion was taking place came a man, the other boy who had helped fight the guards who she was afraid would attack her, and Arthur. The man she could tell was the one who had cried for help. She didn't know how she recognized him, she just did. In another unlikely yet incredible feat of power, the man had shot a silvery blast of energy at a barred window in the wall, blasting open an escape route from the facility. All the soldiers and doctors were locked in the man's cell now, leaving them with a moment of opportunity. 2 more girls joined the party.

"Alright everyone...outside..."

Alissa didn't need to be told twice. She took off down the hallway behind the rest of them for the escape route. Outside, they kept running through the dark of the night. She ran so she could catch up to the man who telepathically cried for help. "Hey," she started, as they still ran, her breath heavy. "Are you alright? I noticed you have some wounds.. they got you with sedatives, didn't they?" With her background in emergency medical training, she felt obligated to help.. although, she honestly had no idea how to help someone who had medications running through their system at the worst possible moment. Maybe water and bedrest? But that wasn't possible at the moment. She was grasping her prayer beads tightly in her hand as they ran.

((Assuming it's night?? If not I'll edit that out))


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And like a ghost, Claude appeared then, turning a corner just as the bullets jammed themselves into the wall by his head. He blinked at them in a bit of surprise, before turning his attention the other way where he saw that Arthur person at. The shocked expression on his face turned to one of his usual calm demeanor, a smile casually spreading across his face as per usual. He stepped out from behind the corner, free of his IB at this point, and clapped dryly. β€œGood show, Arthur. You sure showed them, didn’t you?” It was almost as if he were patronizing him.

He looked to the outside and noticed Alissa, then waved curtly at her. β€œWe meet again, Alissa. How’d the rescue plan go?” Without waiting for an answer, he strolled over to the window and peered down, seeing a boy sitting there with obvious wounds next to Alissa. β€œI’m guessing that’s the kid we all heard screaming for help?” Again, without waiting for an answer, because the questions at this point were more or less rhetorical, he hopped down beside the boy, landing with a light β€˜thud’ on the ground.

Straightening up, Claude picked bits and pieces of grass off of himself, before turning to the boy. β€œHey there,” he greeted with that smile of his. Good to see you’re alive, he thought while staring at him. Growing bored, he sighed down at his medical wear. β€œDo any of you know a place where I could get clothes? These just aren’t very proper and they have blood on them, thanks to your little escapades back there. I had to walk through that mess, you know.”


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Jonah sat at his cubicle, his computer staring back at him, the cursor blinking rhythmically as it awaited him to type in the numbers he had been sent from three floors down. The work was tedious and mind numbing, but it put food on the table. He worked to buy food and pay for shelter, so that he could be safe and have the energy to go to work. A simple cog in a machine that barely recognized his existence. He wasn't even an important part... easily replaced by someone else in a white collar shirt and a tie willing to work overtime, but it was a cycle he was powerless to stop, and so he just flowed with the gears and tried to make as little waves as possible...


Jonah blinked as he looked around, not seeing anyone standing in or outside his cubicle. Perhaps it was Stevens, the floor manager, chewing someone out for missing the deadline on a report or signing a form in the wrong spot... you know, one of those things that hurt productivity...

You lack power and ambition even in your dreams...

Those words echoed inside his mind, and slowly shaped themselves on his computer screen from the numbers he had been typing up. Jonah stared at them in disbelief as he tried hitting the delete button, but the voice merely laughed as the mouse and keyboard disappeared.

You can do so much yet this is all you aspire to? Working hard for a meaningless promotion that pays the same? They give you titles to make you feel important, but they keep all the power. But now you have something they can't take away...

Jonah's head began to throb as he stared at the screen, the words appearing by themselves. He looked around and realized he was no longer in his cubicle, but instead floating within a dark abyss, just him and the words as they hung in the blackness.

Kill them... they won't hesitate to do the same...

"Who's them?" he asked, speaking for the first time since reality began to unravel.


Then the blackness turned into a blinding white light as Jonah's eyes eased open, sirens blaring before the lights were extinguished, though the chaotic sounds remained. Jonah felt numb, as though he had been lying down for days, maybe longer, but eventually found the strength to sit up. He was hooked up to some equipment, including an oxygen mask, but any thoughts of this being a hospital were put to rest when he saw armed guards run past his room. That was when he noticed how cold he felt. He had never felt so cold in his life, though he wasn't shivering, his body showed no signs that it was in danger...

That was when the voices began ringing through his head, other peoples but they didn't seem to be talking to him. He couldn't tell if that made him more or less crazy than people that heard voices. They were frantic, as though they were in danger, which he imagined he was in as well.

Hello? Where am I? He thought, attempting to see if the voices would notice him... then thought about how sad that was. He grabbed hold of the oxygen mask and pulled it from his mouth, breathing on his own for the first time in ages, though he could see his every breath as he panted, as though he were outside on a cold winters day.

"What is wrong with me?" He asked himself, looking at his hands as they seemed to be steaming, as though they were constantly colder than the air around him.

"Another one is waking up! Quick, sedate him!" A voice called out, and men in haz-mat suits threw open the door to his room and came running towards him. Jonah panicked, holding up his hands in fear, as though he would be stricken at any moment. As though acting on this fear, a beam of energy burst forth from his fingers, which were curled towards the men, and the beams went straight into their chests which knocked the men off of their feet and into unconsciousness, the other beams hitting the wall behind them. Jonah stared at his hands, then shook off the shock as he began pulling the tubes and such that held him to the bed, and tried standing up, but his muscles were weak, and knew running wouldn't be an option. So he walked, because it was all he could do. Upon reaching the door to his room, he poked his head outside the door to see that men with guns were running around everywhere, but he saw others in patient gowns climbing out of a window at the far end of the hall. He could hear some of their thoughts, and decided to try talking to the voices again to see if they acknowledged him this time.

Help me! I can barely walk but I need to get out of here! He thought, screaming it in his mind as he began shuffling towards the window, each step a labored effort.


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Cormac continued frantically dodging swung guns and needles, his life turning into a blur of white rooms and cold steel. He weaved around the steel, through the white, saw one piece of steel solidify from the frenzy, stepped toward it, pushed it aside, heard it bark fire and sound. Red hot lances sliced his shoulder and a solid impact clipped his side, sending him reeling into a wall behind him. He slumped to the ground and saw the man will yellow eyes, assisted by another, rise from his bed. The soldier he had hit in the throat had staggered to his feet, and grabbed Cormac by the front of the shirt before hurling him into the hallway. His head slammed against the hard wall, and colored lights bubbled up from the sides of his vision. He collapsed to the floor and closed his eyes.

"Leave us alone!"
swift thundercrack
silver light
throaty rasp

Cormac slipped out of his temporary unconsciousness in time to see a group of people rushing down the hallway in front of him, the cell door he had been forced out of closed. Cormac scrambled to a standing position and raced after the sound of pounding feet. He saw another group of scientists come tumbling out of a cell and slump to the floor. Another man came out of the cell and began stumbling forward. He heard, no, felt a voice emanate from the staggering man: "Help me! I can barely walk but I need to get out of here!" With no time to think, Cormac just grabbed the man by the crook of his elbow and began to half-lead, half-drag him behind him. As he and his passenger ran toward an open window, they passed the same man he had seen helping the yellow eyed man in the cell behind him. He heard another series of gunshots, the man behind him yell "Stop!" and the dull impact of bullets hitting walls. When he reached the window, he glanced out to make sure it wasn't too far, then unceremoniously shoved the man he was helping out in a tangle of limbs and hospital clothes. "U-Um...e-everyone please hurry!" said the quiet man behind him in a half-yell half whisper. Cormac couldn't help but snicker at his timidness in a dangerous situation. "You'd make a great leader, mate." he said sarcastically. He tilted his head to peer behind Arthur and saw a group of soldiers raising their rifles again. "But there's a time and place for politeness and it ain't here!"
He stepped towards Arthur. The soldiers aimed their guns.
Grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him toward the window. The soldiers sighted down the barrels.
Cormac helped the other man out the window. "Fire!"
He jumped out himself as a fusillade of bullets hit the windows around him and whizzed around his body before he thudded into the grass below him. He stumbled up and caught up with the escapees before him. Cormac surveyed the group of people before him, clutching his shoulder where the bullets had clipped him. He took a deep breath and spoke up. "Hullo!" Cormac smiled a bit too wide. "I'm Cormac. I'd shake your hand, but eh..." He nodded his head toward his bleeding shoulder. "You know."


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"You're welcome. Now let's get going," Lillyan said to the girl while smiling devilishly. She peaked out the door, where she saw the other patients evade the guards and bust out a window to freedom. As she walked, she noticed the girl beside her moving rather slowly. "You feel bad huh? I came off of the sedatives they gave us all once, before now when I shouldn't have. I remember now, it wasn't nice. I guess because I've been out less than you have, it's not affecting me as much." She shrugged and rounded the corner into the hallway where the others were. There were lightening rounds of bullets flying everywhere before, but somehow they had managed to subdue the guards long enough. It seemed her and Ashley weren't the only ones running a little late to the party, because Lillyan saw a dark haired man headed towards the others as well.

"Help me! I can barely walk but I need to get out of here!" Someone spoke inside her head, and Lillyan realized that's who it must have been.

"Speaking of voices," she said to Ashley. She was about to go and help him before someone else did, followed by a round of bullets fired from more guards.

"Oh," Lillyan thought, "if only we didn't look so blatantly obvious running around in these scrubs." As soon as she thought it, she felt her body tingle. The expression of most of the guards around her changed, like she fit in and wasn't out of the ordinary near them. "Do I look like a guard to them?" She thought, somehow knowing that must have been what they were thinking, because she was making them think it somehow.

Noticing that Ashley was still lagging, she reached out and took hold of her upper arm, helping to support her as she hurried to the exit. Lillyan made it just out a little after the man who had called for help and the one who had helped him. "Oh my head," she muttered, no longer meddling in the minds of the guards, but it had left her with a painful migraine.


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Hideaki barred his teeth as the male he had just threatened ran off. "What the hell?! Don't ignore me!" Hideaki statted while running after him. A shallow red aura began to cover his arms(Only his arms. Thats the handycap for it). He went outside the cell to see several other prisoners escaping their cells and using some weird kind of abilities like that girl had done earlier. They were all making their way towards a broken window, trying to escape. Each of them seemed a little bit older then Hide by at least 2-3 years. He saw that the men from earlier were locked up in the cage, at the end of the hall. "Serves you bastards right for ignoring me like that." He heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer in the hallways connecting to this one. "Great. Even more bastards in white coats." However, when they came into the hallway, Hide saw that these weren't more doctors. These ones had guns. Some of them were shooting at the window as prisoners began escaping through it. Hideaki, wasen't aware that the others in the cage also had guns. One shot at him from behind and grazed his shoulder. "Aw! What the hell was that for?!" Hideaki protested, while grabbing his shoulder. He was pretty much the last prisoner inside the hallway, as far as he knew. "The other guards were too close now for him to make a run for the window. His only option was to fight. He let go of his throbbing shoulder and lifted his fist in the air. The guards stopped their pursuit and each raised their guns at him. He managed to connect a punch directly in one guys' stomach. His punch not only threw the guy back, but knocked 2-3 other guys behind him off their feet. The one in front layed in the floor unconsious, while the other scrambled to get to their feet. "Woah! Sence when can I do that?!" Hideaki yelled out in amazement, as the red aura now fully enveloped both of his arms. All of a sudden, a volley of bullets were shot at him from both behind, and in front. He managed to evade most of them, but was caught in both his left leg, and left hand. "Gah! Damn it, that hurts!" Hideaki yelled out in pain, as the guards began surrounding him, and swarming inward. 'No freakin way. This is just like my dream. I'm not gonna let these bastards kill me!' Hideaki thought as he layed on the ground helpless. "Then what are you going to do?" He heard another voice inside his head. "Who da hell are you?" He asked the voice as he felt guards grab his arms and legs. "Oh, I'm just a little friend inside your head. You can't even stand up right now, can you? Why not let me take over from here? No matter what shape your body is in, I can still use it to fight." Hideaki thought for a second as he felt himself being carried away by the guards. "How am I supposed to know if you'll even give me my body back?" Hideaki once again asked aloud. "You don't. But then again. Would you rather be taken away by these sorry cretins?" Hideaki once again thought over the voices' words. "Heh, guess I don't have a choice. I'll leave the rest to you... Satan." Hideaki then lost consiousness as he was taken back to his cell, and placed on the bed.

After a few seconds, Hideaki's eyes opened once more. His pale-blue eye was the same. But the red one had changed. There was a black cross-like shape in the middle. Hideaki then grabbed one of the captor's arms and used the strength of the aura to break it. The man screamed in pain, as Hideaki continued twisting the arm until it completely ripped off. Blood flooded from where the mans' arm used to be, and he soon died from blood loss. "Heheheheheh. So this is what its like to have a body." Hideaki stated aloud, as the guards came back aiming their weapons. "Stand down. We will shoot you again if we have to." One of the guards ordered him. "Hehehehe I don't think your in any position to be giving orders, mortal. Hehehehe-...HAHAHAHA!" Hideaki let out a demonic cackle as he rushed foward at the group, the red aura now fully consuming his body. He took the man who ordered him earlier, and drove his fist through the man's stomach. He grabbed onto the man's left kidney and tore it out of his body. The other guards immideatly began firing at Hide. There efforts were useless, as the bullets mearily bounced of the scarlet aura covering his body. "I can't wait to kill every single one of you. Hehehehe." Hideaki glarred at the guards, who continued firing upon him. He threw the man he had just killed into the air, as many of the guards foolishly looked up. He then grabbed the heads of two of the guards and smashed them together, crushing both of their skulls together until they both cracked. He then went to work on slaying the other guards, leaving a gorey mess in his path. Surprisingly, even though bullets couldn't penetrate the aura, blood certainly could. He had a mound of it, all over his clothing and hands. He finally made a pathway to the window. "I wish I could kill the rest of you, but sadely I have an appointment to attend. Hehehehehe." Hideaki then made a jump for the window and landed outside perfectly. He began sprinting away, and the aura soon dyed out. His red eyes also returned to its original form. As Hideaki regained consiousness he found himself outside, running. When his left leg hit the ground, he immideatly collapsed. "Son of a bitch!" He reached for his leg in agony, the pain in his hand also pulsing. Unlike his leg, the bullet went right through his hand, leaving a hole. "Those damn bastards! I'll kill'em all for doing this to me!" Hideaki was close enough to the group for them to be able to hear him. Hideaki did notice one thing. The blood flowing from his wounds had stopped. Could this have been the work of that voice? Hideaki desided to dismiss the thought, and called out to see if anyone was still around. "Hey! Anyone here? I could use a little help!"

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Spike Richards
Character Portrait: Sam Carlisle
Character Portrait: Jonah Hechs
Character Portrait: Lillyan Palynzki
Character Portrait: Cormac Gallagher
Character Portrait: Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third
Character Portrait: Alissa Alberey
Character Portrait: Arthur L. Valenstone


Character Portrait: Arthur L. Valenstone
Arthur L. Valenstone

"I hope everyone is alright..."

Character Portrait: Alissa Alberey
Alissa Alberey

A girl with her gaze turned skyward

Character Portrait: Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third
Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third

So this is the next step of Evolution.

Character Portrait: Cormac Gallagher
Cormac Gallagher

"What the feck have I gotten myself into?"

Character Portrait: Lillyan Palynzki
Lillyan Palynzki

The Last Palynzki

Character Portrait: Jonah Hechs
Jonah Hechs

This makes no cents...

Character Portrait: Sam Carlisle
Sam Carlisle

Defense is always the best strategy.

Character Portrait: Spike Richards
Spike Richards

Somewhat retired comic book artist


Character Portrait: Alissa Alberey
Alissa Alberey

A girl with her gaze turned skyward

Character Portrait: Sam Carlisle
Sam Carlisle

Defense is always the best strategy.

Character Portrait: Spike Richards
Spike Richards

Somewhat retired comic book artist

Character Portrait: Arthur L. Valenstone
Arthur L. Valenstone

"I hope everyone is alright..."

Character Portrait: Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third
Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third

So this is the next step of Evolution.

Character Portrait: Jonah Hechs
Jonah Hechs

This makes no cents...

Character Portrait: Lillyan Palynzki
Lillyan Palynzki

The Last Palynzki

Character Portrait: Cormac Gallagher
Cormac Gallagher

"What the feck have I gotten myself into?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jonah Hechs
Jonah Hechs

This makes no cents...

Character Portrait: Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third
Ashley Alice Blackswell the Third

So this is the next step of Evolution.

Character Portrait: Alissa Alberey
Alissa Alberey

A girl with her gaze turned skyward

Character Portrait: Arthur L. Valenstone
Arthur L. Valenstone

"I hope everyone is alright..."

Character Portrait: Spike Richards
Spike Richards

Somewhat retired comic book artist

Character Portrait: Lillyan Palynzki
Lillyan Palynzki

The Last Palynzki

Character Portrait: Sam Carlisle
Sam Carlisle

Defense is always the best strategy.

Character Portrait: Cormac Gallagher
Cormac Gallagher

"What the feck have I gotten myself into?"

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