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Any horror movie-goer knows a thing or two about zombies. It's usually the government, things usually go horribly wrong, and people usually die... and then come back to life. Use your resources, your wits, and your allies properly and you might survive...

4,699 readers have visited "Influenza" since StrawberryFoxglove created it.


Everything was going so well. There was global warming, ravaging of the earth for resources, wars, failing governments, sinking nations, the threat of nuclear war... the earth was on the brink of destruction at the hands of humans. Who would have thought that we would go out like this?
In the year 2012, there was a rapid emergence of a new flu. It came about during flu season and blended right into the cases of H1N1, avian, and the 24 hour flu -- no one was prepared, no one had any idea. The symptoms began with a mild fever and nausea, but over the progress of two weeks it gradually worsened. If you were infected, you couldn't keep anything down. When you finally gave up on food or water, you vomited foamy bile. The fever went from 99.9 degrees to 106 -- if you hadn't perished from severe dehydration, permanent brain damage from the fever usually did you in. The world was losing people, left and right, until many governments instituted a quarantine. Anyone showing symptoms of the flu were barred off in hospitals; even those that may not have been suffering from The Flu. This is when the research began, trying to find out what was causing it and how we could stop it -- needless to say, as the memories of screams fill the heads of survivors, nothing worked. Soon, about a week after death, the dead began to rise. Some rose earlier and some later, but they always came back. The way they moved was unnatural, like something right out of a movie, and the way they smell... Then the attacks started. People were being bitten and soon falling into a faster, but similar fate. They turned much more quickly, in about 12-24 hours, they didn't look quite as dead, and were much more coordinated. They were able to run and climb, compared to their slow moving, clumsy counterparts. Not much else is known, as governments began to fall and the dead continued to rise.

The human race is going to be completely decimated, but you -- yes, you -- you managed to avoid the infection; unfortunately for you, I don't know if that's good news or bad news. You've been hearing reports of humans attacking other humans, news that the dead are rising... What will you do? And will you manage to survive?

Toggle Rules

1. No god-modding -- just like in real life, you can't make people do things.
2. Follow the rules -- no cybering, don't be too obscene, etc..
3. Respect me, your fellow roleplayers, and all characters in the RP. We all want to have fun. If you have problems with someone or something, message me or a moderator.
4. I expect participation. If you can't post at least four times a week, people will begin to lose interest. If you can't post at all, let me know what is going on so we can work something out. If you just drop off the face of the earth and don't contact me, your character will be written out and someone else will take your spot.
5. Enjoy yourself, have fun, and be passionate about it.

Please provide me with feedback. If you have ideas, questions, concerns, or constructive criticism, shoot me a message.

Once you submit a character, I will assume that you have read the rules and agree to abide by them; therefore, actions directly against these rules will result in a warning and then expulsion from the RP.

Browse All » 11 Settings to roleplay in

Milo Tanner

Milo Tanner by RolePlayGateway

This follows Milo as he travels from his grandfather's orchard to Colorado State University.

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm by RolePlayGateway

This is where Rachel begins her progress into the final days.

Andy Lin Miller

Andy Lin Miller by RolePlayGateway

This covers Andy Lin's abandonment and her journey into Loveland to meet with Daniel Wong.

Present day -- US -- Colorado

Present day -- US -- Colorado by StrawberryFoxglove

This is Colorado. The wonderful state that the following survivors find themselves: Rachel Collins, Milo Tanner, Alexis Bonner, Sergeant J. Williams, Elvis Valentino, Mike Walsh, Daniel Wong, Andy Lin, and Frank Wallace.

Colorado State University

Colorado State University by RolePlayGateway

This is the meeting place of Rachel Collins, Alexis Bonner, and Milo Tanner.

Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, CO by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Fort Collins, CO! Home of CSU and the Colorado state CDC.

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt by RolePlayGateway

Mike Walsh as he enters the end of times.

Daniel Wong's off-base apt

Daniel Wong's off-base apt by RolePlayGateway

Daniel Wong as he starts his journey into the end of days. He has plans to head north, believing that the infected cannot survive in colder climates. On his way, he meets survivor Andy Lin.

Loveland, CO

Loveland, CO by RolePlayGateway

This city is about 15-20 miles away from Fort Collins.

J. Williams

J. Williams by RolePlayGateway

His journey alone begins at the US Army Reserve Center to a local hospital to look for survivors.

Frank Wallace

Frank Wallace by RolePlayGateway

This will willow Frank Wallace as he traverses Fort Collins, CO to get the the Colorado State CDC and Elvis Valentino as he attempts to find his sister.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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The loud clang of the cans falling reverberates off the walls of buildings and up and down the street. After the clatter of cans silences, there are few sounds to be heard nearby; you are left listening to your and Vanessa's muffled breathing. A few seconds span before you hear the replying scream of a ghoul. The scream is followed by more screaming and moaning, then the pounding of feet as the Type II zombies in the area run to investigate the sound.

Perhaps unanticipated, zombies from the buildings around you and behind you, on the road you came from, have also responded. The magnitude of the undead sounds approaching leads you to believe that there are at least 20 to 25 Type II zombies and an undetermined amount of Type I. It will only be a short while before the faster Type II zombies will be rounding the corner into the alley. The Type I zombies will be lagging behind, but previous experience would suggest that they would be easy enough to dodge and outrun.

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Well, that got their attention, now its my turn "Move!" he called to Vanessa and started a fast jog out from their hiding area heading through whatever cover he could find trying to cross the road they had originally been caught at. When they came to open spaces, he sprinted, making sure he didn't get to far ahead of Vanessa. His plan was to make it across the street and out of sight before the zombies caught up with them, the less shooting he had to do the better their chances of making it.

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Chuckling at the random nickname, Daniel turned on his flashlight, shining it down the hall on the left of the stairs. "Might as well start here." Taking point, he slowly walked down the hallway listening for any indication that they were not alone.

((Sorry it took me so long to post. I've been busy and all that junk.))

The setting changes from Daniel Wong's off-base apt to J. Williams


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As Alessa begins her joyful success for opening the bay door, you both realize that now is not the time for celebration. The familiar sound of creaking chain ends as the zombies pour forward from the morgue and the others have finally reached the end of the stairwell, stalking through into the main bay area. The bay door is now far enough open that you could each roll underneath it, perhaps stalling the zombies for a few moments as you begin to get away.

((This is me telling you what happens when you leave, of course you could always include some action of leaving the bay or whatever... you guys know how to make it awesome :D))

As you both roll under the large door and begin to run from the hospital, the zombies break into the main loading room. The zombies from the stairwell would be witnessed nearly running over their less coordinated and much slower counterparts, rushing to get to the two of you. The door swings open with enough force to damage the hinges and the sound of the large bay door has attracted zombies from both the hospital and out in the street.

The Type I zombies seem confused by the door, pounding on it as it slowly opens. The Type II zombies, however, seem to be much more intelligent. They quickly realize that the door is bottom at the open and manage to crouch far enough to fit underneath it. Those Type II zombies follow the two of you at a run, screams escaping their gaping mouths as zombies in the buildings of the surrounding area begin to respond as well. Glancing behind you, there has to be over fifty zombies chasing you; as the bay door finally opens enough to accommodate the Type I zombies, more file into the street. Estimating a guess, there would have to be over 200 or 300 in the immediate wave, not counting the zombies lagging behind or slowly pulling themselves towards the exit.


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He saw the door opening, relieved. That feeling, however, was immediately wiped away as the zombies broke through. His immediate reaction was to get Alessa out. He pushed her towards the door, then pushed her down through the opening.

"Get outta here!" he shouted. He raised his gun, aiming down the sights, but he wasn't aiming at the zombies. Instead, he aimed at a light fixture hanging from the ceiling. He shot the cable on one side, then the cable on the other while it was swinging down, releasing the light and sending it crashing down atop some of the zombies. He ducked down under the door and went into a full out sprint, quickly catching up to Alessa, then slowing to her pace. He looked over his shoulder.

"Well, that didn't work out the way we hoped, yeah?" He suddenly stopped after he spoke, a good distance away, and he pulled out his SAM-R. He aimed down the sights, shooting the zombies in the front of the pack, causing them to fall. The zombies immediately behind them, although being Type II, didn't have time to react and ran into the ones in front, falling over them. Satisfied with the results, he turned and ran to catch up with Alessa again.

He knew that stumbled a couple zombies wouldn't stop them, but it would definitely hinder them. At this point, he only wished he had brought at least one grenade. He sighed and shrugged it off. He looked over at Alessa for a moment then behind them again, checking on the zombies location. He turned back forward and switched his radio on again. He hoped it would work this time and that the person on the other end wasn't dead quite yet. He brought it to his mouth.

"Sergeant J. Williams, U.S. Army. Is anyone there? Please respond! I repeat, this is Sergeant J. Williams, call sign Hellion 6! Need immediate assistance! Is there anyone in the Fort Collins area?"

The setting changes from J. Williams to Daniel Wong's off-base apt

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#, as written by Reya
((... Is it my post or are we waiting for Strawberry? I honestly don't know what I'd add to this thus far. xD))

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((No clue. I guess we could just go on as if the house were empty until she can post in here.))

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((Hey guys, everything seems to be falling back to normal. My computer finally came back to life (weird considering lemonade had destroyed it... >.>;;) and I'll be replying more often. Sorry. D:))

Moving down the small hallway, you pass a darked doorway that, once drawing closer, leads to a pair of stairs that go down into the basement of the home. On the other side of the hallway is a small half-bathroom, completely empty. The hallway leads directly to a small dining room and kitchen; on the opposing wall of the dining room is a large sliding glass door. There is no movement in this room either.
If you emerge from the hallway into the kitchen, to the right you will see that it leads to a large family room, complete with an entertainment center. On the way into the family room is a door on the right that leads to a small laundry room, connected by another door to the garage. To the left of the kitchen is another archway that leads to a more fancy dining room, perhaps for entertaining guests.

The setting changes from Daniel Wong's off-base apt to J. Williams


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((I believe Kiina should be back sometime mid this week. I was going to let her respond before I started up with my GM=ing, unless of course you request otherwise. I'm not sure if Kiina had spoken to you or not. My computer IS back online, so just shoot me a message and let me know what you prefer.))

The setting changes from J. Williams to Frank Wallace


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((Hey guys, my computer IS up and running again. I was unsure what you wanted me to do from here, if you were waiting for my post. You took out the zombies I sent after you, so its your guys' call, if you're staying longer or leaving or whatnot. :D I need to know where you are headed.))

The setting changes from Frank Wallace to Milo Tanner


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((Hey, sorry about the wait. I hope you saw the announcement about the computer. It is up and running again, so I'll be posting much more often.))

The woman calls back to you from what you assume is the kitchen, "Yes, Claire is my daughter." A slight pause passes before she speaks again, "And please, just Maria. No need for formalities." You can hear a soft smile in her voice, but recall her exhausted features.

As if on queue, a small girl's head pops around the corner. You can see that she has her arm wrapped around a small teddy bear, which is also peaking around the corner at you. She doesn't say anything, but a large smile is spread over her lips.

The setting changes from Milo Tanner to Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

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((Sorry for the wait. DX My computer is back up though! Yay~))

Rachel hadn't heard Lexie's question, though if she had it would have been a definite 'yes'. You always conserve your ammo, and from the lack of shots being fired, Rachel assumed this was Lexie's thinking as well. Rachel's hand still waited for the woman to respond, lying on her side with small twitching movements. Rachel leaned forward slightly, her open hand turning to tap the woman's shoulder. "Excuse me... miss?"

Then everything happened at once, the woman shifted with her mouth wide open, letting out a blood curdling screech. Rachel's hand pulled back instinctively, covering her ears to protect them from the intrusive noise. Her eyes screwed shut and she was, once again, left nearly helpless. If there was any time for Alexis to pull the trigger, it would be then.

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Vanessa took off as you shouted, following as close to beside you as possible. The shout had drawn the attention of some of the Type II infected on their way to the cans, turning to follow the both of you as you took off into a sprint. Vanessa's training as a track runner paid off as she kept next to you during the sprint. You could tell by the grimace on her face that the earlier run was still taking a toll on her, but she seemed determined to keep pace with you.

As you spread the first intersection leading next to the campus, numerous Type I zombies let out moans as they focus their attentions on you. Some are headed in from the right and left, a few still running up from behind, but some are running directly towards you. It would be a terrible idea to attempt to fire while sprinting -- your accuracy would be terrible. Slowing down, however, would also be a terrible idea with the Type II zombies following behind you -- some of which are still able to run after you.

Vanessa seems to freeze up, her steps faltering slightly as she looks forward at the approaching zombies. It is possible to head directly to the right, the opposite side of the campus, and attempt to make it through the buildings there. Heading directly into the campus seems possible too, as most of the zombies having been milling about that side of campus headed towards the sound of the cans. Whatever may be further into the campus, however, you are unsure. You can assume that at least half of the student and faculty body has been infect, many of which may still be on the campus.

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What just happened I've got no idea I didnt press the trigger I swear I didn't


That... that thing, it's... it's still moving, it's still moving! Why won't it die and leave


Oh, oh god where did it's HEAD go?

A bright flash of blood, and Lexie instinctively shut her eyes and her mouth as the think red liquid showered over here. The body fell to the ground with a plop, a dull mailsack thud. Lexie oggled at Rachel, not knowing exactly what's happening but having that dim feeling that, no matter what, it couldn't be good. A few of the infected millng around seemed to have been awoken by the gunfire. They were coming... coming...

Lexie screeched and began to run, dragging Rae by the arm, but was prepared to let her go if things got too bad and only one of them could make it. Top priority: make it back to Derek. Alive.

"You idiot!" Lexie shrieked. "Why did you do that? Why did you touch it?!"

The setting changes from Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm to Milo Tanner


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#, as written by Ginko
(Oh, no that's alright. ^^ I saw the announcement. Besides, I won't lose interest that easily.)

Rowen nodded slowly, “Ah, I see... Oh, and I’m sorry Maria. I’ll call you that from now on then, if that’s what you wish.” He spoke, just as kindly and gently as possible. I need to hurry... I still have to get out of here. Now that I think about it, I wonder what time it is... He then blinked, and called back into the kitchen. “Excuse me, but... is there anything I can help you with? I mean, I really don’t feel comfortable doing nothing for you... You saved me after all.” He smiled slightly as he saw the little girl, Claire, and her stuffed animal. “Hello there...” He waved slightly.

The setting changes from Milo Tanner to J. Williams


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#, as written by Kiina
((Hey, guys, just popping for a quick post! I'll actually be back home on the weekend, so I shall try to post then (if needed, I don't know what the two of you have planned. Sorry for making you wait, Neon!))

The euphoria of something actually going right soon faded as Sgt. Williams shoved Alessa down and under the opening door. She rolled instinctively as she hit, and continued the motion onto her feet. She looked nervously back at the door; he'd told her to get going, but she didn't want to just leave him . . . .

No. He'd survived this long on his own - he'd be all right. Picking herself up, she took off at a measured run, trying to apce herself so that she could go as long as possible without falling victim to zombies. She was relieved when Sgt. Williams caught up to her. "Well, that didn't work out the way we hoped, yeah?"

"Apparently not," she said, giving a half-hearted laugh. It felt great to get out of the hospital and finally into the fresh air; breeze and motion caused her hair to bounced in its short pigtails.

And then he was gone again. Alessa glanced back to where he'd stopped, firing back at the zombies that pursued them. Looking back was something of a mistake; Alessa stumbled and dropped to one knee, feeling the skin tear beneath her pants. She hissed in pain, but picked herself up and kept going.

She could hear Williams behind her, yelling into his radio again. She wanted to hope that there was someone out there that could hear them, but after so long, she highly doubted it . . . .

The setting changes from J. Williams to Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

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Well this plan is going to hell in a handbasket faster then expected Mike thought as he quickly ran through his options. Vanessa couldn't keep a sprinting pace for to horribly long going by her facial expressions so he needed to find somewhere to get to that was close and either easily defensible or very very well hidden.

He considers breaking off for the college campus, but quickly decides that would be a bad idea. More people there means more of a likely hood of there being people left alive, but there's also more then likely going to be a whole heck of a lot more of these monsters in there. Heading off to the right is another possibility seeing plenty of buildings to hide in, but they would be in plain site for far too long. He looks around at the zombies that are currently focused on the two runners: most seem rather slow in mind and body and can be easily out run and would probably loose interest in the chase quite quickly. Behind them, however, are a few much faster zombies that seem much more determined and much more focused on their goal. Those are the ones he would have to worry about.

Mike makes up his mind. "Vanessa! Break right and head for the nearest building. I'll follow and make sure they can't follow us too far." Mike says as he turns for a half second, takes quick aim, and fires a short burst back at the tailing Type II zombies, giving Vanessa enough time to get ahead of him so he can take up the rear.

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Vanessa nods dutifully, her feet reacting quickly as she sprints past some of the on-coming zombies and heads directly for a building. She attempts to open the door, while you're dealing with some of the faster zombies, but finds it locked. She smashes her shoulder into the door, but bounces off harmlessly. Who would have thought -- a zombie apocalypse and the shop keeper decides to lock up. Vanessa jogs to a second door, attempting to push this door open as well. What the hell was with everyone locking their doors!?

Vanessa quickly shrugs off her jacket, wraps it around her arm, and lands a swift punch to the glass around the second door. It shatters under the force, but is not wide enough for the young woman to fit through. She, instead, uses the opening to fit her hand through and unlock the large door. The shattering glass alerts some of the surrounding zombies and, though the door swings open, Vanessa backtracks in your direction -- she circles the following zombies around, giving a wider berth for the both of you to get inside.

"Come on!" She shouts after you, eyes wide and arms flailing.

The short burst that you fired at the Type II zombies following manages to at least knock them down, if not put an end to their journey. The distance between you does not guarantee instant deaths for the zombies, but they do go down. At least one, that you can see, is still writhing around on the ground and attempting to stand back up. The gunshots echo off the walls and other zombies in the area begin to respond to the sound. A few more bullets take out the slower zombies closer to you.

There is no longer an immediate threat to you, though danger is quickly approaching. You can assume that the gunshots will have roused nearby undead that may not have originally responded. The door to a building is currently open, though you cannot be sure what is inside. The protection of a building is still better than nothing, considering the amount of approaching zombies.

The setting changes from Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt to J. Williams


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The zombies, momentarily faltered, pursue slowly. As the door opens wider, however, more and more zombies begin to pour into the street. It would be only a few more moments before this street will be teaming with the undead that had been, up until now, lost in the hospital. Ahead of you, there are numerous buildings that have ranging conditions. Some seem to have been broken into, either by the undead or other survivors that may have been looting; some seem to be abandoned completely, while others are boarded up and seem relatively undisturbed.

You've found yourself on a street that leads east and west. To the west, a short distance, is another street that leads north and south. Heading to the south would allow you, J. Williams, t resume your path to the recruitment center.

J. Williams -- It takes a moment, a couple of labored breaths go by and you feel hope drain from your system when your radio suddenly crackles to life. There is a constant static sound, but you can definitely hear a voice. "Williams, I gotta tell you it's nice to hear a friendly voice. Lieutenant Johnson responding; I'm down at the recruitment center now. We're holding up inside with some civilians, but with the amount of traffic that's come this way... well, we've got a fight on our hands." You hear some shouting, a couple of rounds being fired off, and some screaming before the radio cuts off completely. It takes a few minutes before the voice comes back on the line. "I'm not going to push you to help or anything, but if we could get some eyes on the outside, we could figure out what we're up against. Hell, we'd take anything we can get at this point." Some more shots are fired and you hear Johnson shouting orders before the distinct sound of glass shattering echoes forward and more shots are fired off. You can hear someone shout 'get some boards nailed up there' and the transmission is cut off again.

The setting changes from J. Williams to Milo Tanner


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You can hear Maria laugh, "Saved you? Milo, if it wasn't for you..." Her sentence ends there, leaving the end known but unspoken, probably for the sake of her child.

When you wave at the young girl, the smile fades and then grows exponentially. She steps into the room, then ducks back behind the corner, and then waves at you shyly. "Hi. I'm Claire. This is Growl." She indicates to the small bear she is holding in her arms. At this point, you realize that your initial placement of her age had been off. Up close and with a wide smile on her face, she appears to be about eight years old, as opposed to the ten suspected earlier. "Thanks for saving us."

She steps back into the room, but with a nervous giggle she steps back around the corner once more. "Let's get something to eat, kay?"

The setting changes from Milo Tanner to Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

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Rachel froze, eyes widening, as the bullets decimated the woman in front of her. The whining tone from earlier, when Alexis first fired the gun, dulled her sense of hearing again as she watched the woman's head explode. Blood and brain matter coated the wall and sidewalk, bouncing back and spattering the two women standing there. Rae fails to respond to the notified zombies, staring at the corpse in front of her. When Alexis grabs her arm, her body responds by keeping pace with the woman, but Rachel's mind is a blur.

She almost died. She was sure of that fact. Where she was, how she got there, what she should do now, where they were going... nothing else registered in her mind. Alexis screamed at her, but the words made no sense. They sounded garbled and confused, so Rachel responded with a worried look followed by her lips curling into a confused frown. She looked around at the street they found themselves on, but nothing was making sense... in fact, Rae was having a hard time telling up from down at this point. Information whirled through her mind, she could recall information, but couldn't make sense of it if she tried to.

"Laporte... We have to go to Laporte street..." Her eyes narrowed, "Where the hell is Laporte...?"

The setting changes from Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm to J. Williams


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He eagerly listened to the radio call. He turned and looked up at Alessa before responding to the call.

"Roger that, Lieutenant. On our way. ETA whenever the hell we lose these zombies!"

"Looks like we ain't alone in this hellhole after all." he said to her. "Let's lose these things and rendezvous with them, yeah?" He dropped his gun, then ran just ahead of Alessa. He suddenly slowed, letting Alessa run into him, and he picked her up on his back.

"Let's see if these zombies can keep up, hey?" he said with a grin. Up until now, this was a brisk job for him. He leaned slightly forward, that already propelling him slightly faster. Within moments, he increased his pace to a sprint, his boots clapping like thunder upon the pavement. He was headed west. He quickly rounded the corner, away from the recruitment center. He kicked the door open on the building to his left. He ran deep into the dark building and put Alessa down in a corner and sat beside her.

"Stay quiet for a while, Alessa. Hopefully they'll pass by." he said as he reached up and turned off his radio. He kept a weary hand on the hilt of his combat knife as he put the other gently over Alessa's lips.

The setting changes from J. Williams to Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

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Mike turns and sprints for the door Vanessa opened. "Follow me!" he calls out as he heads straight for the building, ignoring the zombies around him as much as possible, focusing on getting through that door and securing the entrance. His mad dash for the door leaves his focus off, however, and he quickly realizes his mistake when he trips over a curb and lands on his hands and knees. Shit! is the only word that comes to mind as he struggles back to his feet. His hands and knees are scraped pretty bad but other then that he is ok.

What is more important than his injuries, however, is the time he lost. The zombies are even closer then ever now."God damn it!" he yells as he sprints off again. He shoulders an approaching zombie out of the way with apparently enough force to break something. Mighta been a rib runs through his head without him even realizing it. He hits one more in the face with the butt of his rifle, sending its nose up into its brain. That was effective. And then he is through the door, pulling Vanessa behind him and slamming the door shut, sliding the deadbolt back into place with a loud click.

Mike starts to collapse against the nearest wall, but something keeps nagging at him. As his eyes start to flutter closed from stress and exhaustion, one thing keeps him from dropping down entirely, but he can't figure out what that is. He loses the fight to keep his eyes open momentarily and they drift close. He suddenly remembers what it is that's nagging him: They're still not safe. His eyes fly open and he gets back on his feet, looking around the room searching for any signs of another attack, but he knows his element of surprise has been lost and now if there is a danger, he'll only have time to react if the assailant is slow to respond as well.

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An interesting thing occurs when you fall to your knees: as you fall, the zombies around you (mostly Type I) turn their attention on you, regardless of the surprised shriek that escapes Vanessa's lips. Until now, they have mostly responded to sound -- but as you fall, they seem to see you as easy prey and focus on you. As you come back up to your feet, they continue to advance on you. They seem to know easy prey, but once their attention is focused on something they deem "easy", it doesn't seem to come off of it. Even when you knock over one zombie and successfully kill the second by sending its cartilage into its brain.

Vanessa bolts into the room as soon as you are ready and capable to move in, allowing you to slam the door shut and lock it. You collapse against the wall, but Vanessa remains standing. She fidgets with her fingers as she starts a slow stretch, her training difficult to break. When you jolt up, she experiences a full body twitch, eyes widening as she looks around. "What? What happened? What's going on?"

Obviously, your ideas of zombies hidden in the dark had not registered to her. Locked within a building, regardless of the pounding on the door and the arms and hands squeezing through the small space where the glass had been, she feels safe. Looking around, you don't see signs of immediate danger -- quite the opposite, however, as the building seems completely abandoned. You hear some creaking deeper within the building, both from above and below your current position. You are positive that there are multiple floors to the building, but there are no sounds pressing enough to demand your immediate attention; aside from the numerous zombies currently throwing themselves against the door. You found, however, while you were closing the door, that it is solid. It would take a decent amount of time for them to fully break through. You and Vanessa would definitely have enough time to locate another exit.

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Muuuuultiiiipooooooosssttttttt.... *ghost fingers*

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Add Setting » 11 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Milo Tanner

Milo Tanner by RolePlayGateway

This follows Milo as he travels from his grandfather's orchard to Colorado State University.

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm by RolePlayGateway

This is where Rachel begins her progress into the final days.

Andy Lin Miller

Andy Lin Miller by RolePlayGateway

This covers Andy Lin's abandonment and her journey into Loveland to meet with Daniel Wong.

Present day -- US -- Colorado

Present day -- US -- Colorado by StrawberryFoxglove

This is Colorado. The wonderful state that the following survivors find themselves: Rachel Collins, Milo Tanner, Alexis Bonner, Sergeant J. Williams, Elvis Valentino, Mike Walsh, Daniel Wong, Andy Lin, and Frank Wallace.

Colorado State University

Colorado State University by RolePlayGateway

This is the meeting place of Rachel Collins, Alexis Bonner, and Milo Tanner.

Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, CO by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Fort Collins, CO! Home of CSU and the Colorado state CDC.

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt by RolePlayGateway

Mike Walsh as he enters the end of times.

Daniel Wong's off-base apt

Daniel Wong's off-base apt by RolePlayGateway

Daniel Wong as he starts his journey into the end of days. He has plans to head north, believing that the infected cannot survive in colder climates. On his way, he meets survivor Andy Lin.

Loveland, CO

Loveland, CO by RolePlayGateway

This city is about 15-20 miles away from Fort Collins.

J. Williams

J. Williams by RolePlayGateway

His journey alone begins at the US Army Reserve Center to a local hospital to look for survivors.

Frank Wallace

Frank Wallace by RolePlayGateway

This will willow Frank Wallace as he traverses Fort Collins, CO to get the the Colorado State CDC and Elvis Valentino as he attempts to find his sister.

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Character Portrait: Milo Tanner
0 sightings Milo Tanner played by Ginko
"You've got to be kidding me..."

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rachel Collins
Character Portrait: Daniel Wong
Character Portrait: Alexis "Lexie" Bonner
Character Portrait: Mike Walsh
Character Portrait: Frank Wallace
Character Portrait: Elvis Valentino
Character Portrait: Andy Lin Miller


Character Portrait: Andy Lin Miller
Andy Lin Miller

"Ah! My Notebooks!"

Character Portrait: Elvis Valentino
Elvis Valentino

The one kid who puts Pomade in his hair, wears the leather jacket, and talks in the heavy New Yorker accent.

Character Portrait: Frank Wallace
Frank Wallace

"......ductape, dont underestimate it...."

Character Portrait: Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh

New enemies, same response

Character Portrait: Alexis "Lexie" Bonner
Alexis "Lexie" Bonner

"Sometimes dead is better"

Character Portrait: Daniel Wong
Daniel Wong

They didn't train us for this... Glad I took care of that personally!

Character Portrait: Rachel Collins
Rachel Collins

"...that's how it works in video games..."


Character Portrait: Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh

New enemies, same response

Character Portrait: Andy Lin Miller
Andy Lin Miller

"Ah! My Notebooks!"

Character Portrait: Daniel Wong
Daniel Wong

They didn't train us for this... Glad I took care of that personally!

Character Portrait: Alexis "Lexie" Bonner
Alexis "Lexie" Bonner

"Sometimes dead is better"

Character Portrait: Rachel Collins
Rachel Collins

"...that's how it works in video games..."

Character Portrait: Elvis Valentino
Elvis Valentino

The one kid who puts Pomade in his hair, wears the leather jacket, and talks in the heavy New Yorker accent.

Character Portrait: Frank Wallace
Frank Wallace

"......ductape, dont underestimate it...."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Andy Lin Miller
Andy Lin Miller

"Ah! My Notebooks!"

Character Portrait: Frank Wallace
Frank Wallace

"......ductape, dont underestimate it...."

Character Portrait: Alexis "Lexie" Bonner
Alexis "Lexie" Bonner

"Sometimes dead is better"

Character Portrait: Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh

New enemies, same response

Character Portrait: Elvis Valentino
Elvis Valentino

The one kid who puts Pomade in his hair, wears the leather jacket, and talks in the heavy New Yorker accent.

Character Portrait: Daniel Wong
Daniel Wong

They didn't train us for this... Glad I took care of that personally!

Character Portrait: Rachel Collins
Rachel Collins

"...that's how it works in video games..."

View All » Places

Milo Tanner

Milo Tanner by RolePlayGateway

This follows Milo as he travels from his grandfather's orchard to Colorado State University.

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm by RolePlayGateway

This is where Rachel begins her progress into the final days.

Andy Lin Miller

Andy Lin Miller by RolePlayGateway

This covers Andy Lin's abandonment and her journey into Loveland to meet with Daniel Wong.

Present day -- US -- Colorado

Present day -- US -- Colorado by StrawberryFoxglove

This is Colorado. The wonderful state that the following survivors find themselves: Rachel Collins, Milo Tanner, Alexis Bonner, Sergeant J. Williams, Elvis Valentino, Mike Walsh, Daniel Wong, Andy Lin, and Frank Wallace.

Colorado State University

Colorado State University by RolePlayGateway

This is the meeting place of Rachel Collins, Alexis Bonner, and Milo Tanner.

Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, CO by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Fort Collins, CO! Home of CSU and the Colorado state CDC.

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt by RolePlayGateway

Mike Walsh as he enters the end of times.

Daniel Wong's off-base apt

Daniel Wong's off-base apt by RolePlayGateway

Daniel Wong as he starts his journey into the end of days. He has plans to head north, believing that the infected cannot survive in colder climates. On his way, he meets survivor Andy Lin.

Loveland, CO

Loveland, CO by RolePlayGateway

This city is about 15-20 miles away from Fort Collins.

J. Williams

J. Williams by RolePlayGateway

His journey alone begins at the US Army Reserve Center to a local hospital to look for survivors.

Frank Wallace

Frank Wallace by RolePlayGateway

This will willow Frank Wallace as he traverses Fort Collins, CO to get the the Colorado State CDC and Elvis Valentino as he attempts to find his sister.

J. Williams

Fort Collins, CO J. Williams Owner: RolePlayGateway

His journey alone begins at the US Army Reserve Center to a local hospital to look for survivors.

Daniel Wong's off-base apt

Daniel Wong as he starts his journey into the end of days. He has plans to head north, believing that the infected cannot survive in colder climates. On his way, he meets survivor Andy Lin.

Mike Walsh - Off-base Apt

Mike Walsh as he enters the end of times.

Present day -- US -- Colorado

This is Colorado. The wonderful state that the following survivors find themselves: Rachel Collins, Milo Tanner, Alexis Bonner, Sergeant J. Williams, Elvis Valentino, Mike Walsh, Daniel Wong, Andy Lin, and Frank Wallace.

Alexis and Rachel -- Dorm

This is where Rachel begins her progress into the final days.

Milo Tanner

Fort Collins, CO Milo Tanner Owner: RolePlayGateway

This follows Milo as he travels from his grandfather's orchard to Colorado State University.

Frank Wallace

Fort Collins, CO Frank Wallace Owner: RolePlayGateway

This will willow Frank Wallace as he traverses Fort Collins, CO to get the the Colorado State CDC and Elvis Valentino as he attempts to find his sister.

Andy Lin Miller

Loveland, CO Andy Lin Miller Owner: RolePlayGateway

This covers Andy Lin's abandonment and her journey into Loveland to meet with Daniel Wong.

Loveland, CO

This city is about 15-20 miles away from Fort Collins.

Colorado State University

This is the meeting place of Rachel Collins, Alexis Bonner, and Milo Tanner.

Fort Collins, CO

Welcome to Fort Collins, CO! Home of CSU and the Colorado state CDC.

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