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Into The Woods



a part of Into The Woods, by The_Queen.


The_Queen holds sovereignty over Noraneko, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Noraneko is a part of Into The Woods.

8 Characters Here

Shiro [739] "Yes your majesty."
Ayanna Filia [738] "My name's Aya! Let's be very good friends, okay?"
Cress Winter [738] "That's not a Princess, that's my cousin!"
Ellen Winter [737] "Which me is the real me? What role do I have to play?"
Yui Sylphie [6] "There's no service here!"
Kuro Desmoro [6] "I'll bring the ka-boom!"
Leon West [3] WIP
Azrele Selvin [2] WIP

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

She was sweeping up the pieces, calling her strong, trying to put the fragments of the person Cress was back together. Cress was still shaking in her sister's arms, underneath the warmth of the robe and the shared body heat. Nee was saying that she wasn't going to let Cress suffer alone and after all this time, it was a relief. Sure, Cress had Heron and Kora, but they didn't understand the complexities of what it was like to be used not once, but twice. Aya had almost had it done to her, Cress had managed to switch their places and so, Itward had violated her after destroying Aya's reproductive system. It was a move that Cress didn't regret. Who knows what would have happened if she had arrived one minute later?

She wouldn't let it happen again, Nee would protect her. "I..." Cress wasn't sure what to say though. Thank you? "Thanks... for... saving... me." She decided, knowing that, that was the best choice of words. "Both... times." It had been Heron and Nee who had burst into Itward's house and saved her from his bedchambers. That had been an embarrassing time, her precious cousin, the one that Cress held in such high regard, seeing her in such a lowly state. It had been a tough blow to Cress's pride, one that she still hadn't fully recovered from. Cress was just thankful that Nee hadn't caught Itward in action, Cress didn't think she would ever be able to live that down. She knew that Heron was still guilty about that one too, if she hadn't kicked Cress out that day then Cress wouldn't have ended up in Itward's lap.

"Yeah," Cress shuddered, knowing that this was a destiny that only the two of them would ever understand. Their mother, the previous queen, had served them both different slices of the same pie. Where Nee was destined for greatness to inherit all of Ashia, Cress was disposed of on earth, an unneeded distraction in Nee's raising. Then, in an ironic twist of fate, the two had been joined together. Narina claimed that was her doing but Cress had a feeling that it wasn't so. After all, she said that where you landed was beyond her control. Then again, that witch also claimed that she had given birth to the two of them. Nee wouldn't let Cress die, not then and certainly not now.

And so, Cress was given a new mission. "Beautify... Tartaria." Cress said slowly, wondering how she would do it. Already her mind was reeling about the different plants that could thrive in a desert region while not sucking the minerals from the dirt and sand. "I... want... people... to... be... happy." They certainly would be when Cress planted edible flowers and such that anyone could pick. Just like the disassembled system in Ashia, the Tartarians would have a chance to go and have their voices heard in a council where neighbors, friends, and family. Everyone would be equal, no classes, no political marriages, and no being forced into positions that no one wanted to be in.

Nee took off her robe, exposing herself once more. She dressed Cress in it, acting as a protective big sister. Cress didn't like the thought of those looking at the older twin though. "Nee... thank... you." The door slid open, revealing a familiar red haired knight that wanted to take them to the large bath already. "We're... done." Heron was kneeling, regretting her previous actions of undressing them and attempting to apologize. Cress forgave her though, since there was nothing else that she could do. Heron and Nee exchanged words and then, Cress was being lifted back into the wheelchair, then they were rolling down the hall again to the shower where they were supposed to wash off before getting in.

Heron scrubbed Cress carefully, then placed her back in the chair and whisked her away to where Refure and Shiro were. Once eased into the water, Refure nudged her and Cress gave her a friendly smile while Heron barked at her to buzz off. Kora seemed meek as she said that she was back, but Aya was gone. Despite the warm water, Cress sensed a deep loss within her, but she didn't want to cry again, not in front of everyone. In the water it was a bit easier to move, she could let the flowing nature of it carry her over to Kora and it allowed Cress to wrap her arms around the knight in a hug. "I'm... sorry." Cress said quietly. It was the same pain as when Nee had confirmed Cress's suspicion that Ellie was gone. "I... wish... there... could... have... been... another... way."



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Kora gave her a look and Shiro braced herself for a slap or punch or a kick, but it didn't come. The pup opened one eye, then the other. Kora didn't look like she wanted to fight, her shoulders were slumped and she seemed more tired than anything else. Had she not been sleeping well? Did she want to take a nap? Kora explained it better, that Aya and Kora shared a body, Shiro had known that much, but she didn't really understand the inside of the head thing. "Oh," Shiro looked down at the water, swinging her legs a little bit. The purple lake was supposed to have healing properties, but Shiro didn't feel any different. She felt more relaxed though, sitting there next to Kora even though being near the wolf normally made the pup anxious and afraid. "I'm sure she would have wanted you to live though." Shiro said, watching as little snowflakes fell in a sort of dome, evaporating before they could hit the steaming water.

"For you and for her." Shiro went quiet again and she wondered how the others were doing. No doubt Heron had gone to eavesdrop on Cress and Nee's conversation. That sneaky redhead always did funny things like that. As far as Shiro could remember, Heron had always been teasing, claiming that she was the protector of all cute girls. What about not cute girls? What about women? Did Heron like those too? Heron didn't really seem to like Narina all that much towards the end, but in the beginning she had been loyal towards her. She had also been the one that teased the staff and sometimes had to get yelled at to look but not touch.

Kora began talking again and Shiro turned towards her, wondering what the knight was trying to say. She misjudged her? "It's okay," Shiro smiled, "I wasn't a good girl back then, I was afraid of a lot of things." Shiro didn't mention why, there were only three people that knew why and one of them was dead. Nee and Heron were the only ones who had seen what had happened inside of that interrogation room. There were still scars on the bottoms of the pup's feet from the burns that hadn't allowed her to walk for a week. "I thought you were different too, you always seemed so scary." It turned out that Kora was just a regular, albeit sometimes mean knight.

When Kora said that she made a good queen, the pup blushed. There were lots of things that the pup was still learning to do, she was still learning to be an individual instead of a sheep that followed everyone's orders. Thinking for herself was sometimes hard though, but Shiro knew that in those moments she would defer to Nee's good judgement. Kora suddenly did the pledge and Shiro felt herself blush harder. "Um th-thank y-y-you." She said, smiling down at the water. "I think you make a great knight."

The others came out then, Heron wheeling Cress over and easing the girl into the hot spring. Shiro went over to where Nee was, staying in the shallow since she didn't know how to swim. "You should come in Nee, it's warm and it feels really good." The pup rest her head on Nee's lap since her intended was only dipping her legs into the pool.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

"There's no need to thank me." Narcia said quietly, cherishing her precious sister above and beyond a normal sisterly relationship. It was on a much deeper level, it felt like their souls were forever intertwined to be together. If that was the case, if their souls were tied to the same destiny, then maybe she didn't mind so much. Maybe it was okay. It was almost a lonely thing, to be tied to your destiny with no hope of breaking free, but with Cress bearing the same burden, they could face fate's tides together.

After all, hadn't Cress saved her so many times in the past anyways? She hugged her sister close, reminiscing on the past. "You saved me plenty of times. Back when I was weak, you were the one to support me." A nostalgic smile settled on the ice girl's face. "When I was twelve, and that neighbor's dog started barking at me, you calmed it down for me and made sure I wasn't bit, remember?" She still remembered being frozen to the spot as the dog lashed out at her for no real reason at all. "Or when that boy liked me and you scared him away when he wouldn't take no for an answer?"

There was an even more important time, though. The most significant rescue of them all, the one marked by a pearl throne that still gave Narcia chills down her spine. Her voice went quieter, the earthly nostalgia gone. "...And the Pearl Throne as well." She shivered a little as the words escaped her lips, tension rising in every part of her body. But of course, they couldn't just sit there and mope forever, they had to cover the wounds and forge a path ahead, bravely, right? No matter how much it hurt, no matter how scary it was, continuing down the path they've chosen was the only option now.

Once they were at the hot spring, Nee didn't exactly feel comfortable enough to dip herself into the amethyst water, with the shroud of almost illusionary fog enshrouding the area, with subtle murky light peering through from the trees. She didn't want to remove her robe and bare herself, didn't want her marks to be seen by everyone again. Apparently, though, Refure was gone, as was Aya, which was less of a good thing. Shiro was there and Nee smiled at her as she waded over, inviting her in.

"...It's okay, I'm fine." Narcia said, feeling a little reserved. "I'm glad you're enjoying it though, Shiro." The ice girl was unwilling to step into hot water, how fitting was that? It was an almost ironic sort of humor if the reason behind it wasn't so... frustratingly vulnerable of her. She did reach her hand down to grasp a few strands of Shiro's golden hair, playing a bit with the locks, however. "I love you. Thank you for overwriting the memories." Her cheeks went pink and she lowered her voice so no one would hear. "...Tonight, maybe you could do it again, maybe...?"



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Her head felt vacant, and not in a 'you're stupid' way but more as in, something significant was missing, and the thing that was missing was unfortunately all too easy to remember. It felt like the most natural thing in the world for Aya to be there with her, sharing the space in her head as if it were nothing at all. Unfortunately, that was gone now, Aya wouldn't ever come back and Kora wanted to cry just thinking about it. "I'm - I'm not gonna go die or anything, geez." Kora murmured when Shiro replied to her. Dying was for those who were too weak to handle reality. Kora would prove that she was just as strong as everyone else.

She'd have to live on for Aya's sake, wouldn't she? Both her real sister and the Aya in her head, the Aya that was created in order to protect her from her father's abuse. Shiro was being as understanding as she could, even if she had no idea how it really was. The girl that wanted to be a wolf felt a new respect for Shiro, and perhaps it was only possible to do so once she let go of her anger and actually took a good look at Shiro for who she was, rather than who Kora expected her to be. A cute girl, with enough inner strength to shoulder the burden of being a Queen.

"I dunno. But you're a good girl now, at least." Kora wasn't the best judge of events back then, but she knew now that Shiro had done well, a Queen worthy of her service. So Kora did the Knight's pledge with no regrets, vowing on her honor to serve faithfully. "Well, maybe it's good to have someone scary on your team." The wolf grinned mischievously. "Scare the bad people away, maybe." Though, to be honest, Heron was far better at that than she was. Heron was just a better knight in general.

When the others finally came, Kora was hasty to report to Cress, she didn't think of the possibility that Cress would be hurt by Aya's passing as well, if you could call it as such. But the fiery princess held her and wrapped her in a hug and Kora could almost swear she saw a flicker of loneliness in those eyes that burned like embers. "Not your fault." Kora muttered, wanting to be strong, to not be bound to her emotions. "She - I don't... think she had any regrets in the end. Aya, I mean." In the well, she seemed almost peaceful as she accepted her fate, didn't she? "Don't worry. I'll live for both of us. And I'll always be your friend, Cress. That's a promise."

Even Heron seemed a little taken aback at the news, and Kora knew she was fond of Aya as well. She let out a little sigh and entered the water herself after putting the wheel chair somewhere it wouldn't slip into the water. "Yeah." The scarlet knight said in agreement, eyeing the other two members of their little trio. "As long as I have you two cuties with me, I won't let either of you feel lonely!" So Kora hissed and jabbed her fingers into Heron's side, right under the rib, drawing a gasp of pain from the taller girl. "I am not cute!" The wolf puffed her cheeks out to try and look more intimidating.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

Cress had saved Nee a bunch of times, Nee pointed out. Back on earth, even when Cress had been recovering from her first car accident she had been Ellie's self declared protector. The knight and the princess, those were the games they had played in the forest in the back of their house, neither knowing that they were destined to become princess and queen. They had each other, forever and always. The pearl throne, when Nee spoke those words, Cress felt a shiver up her spine as well, but she wasn't sure why. The nightmares from the tank of life had all but faded away, leaving Cress with only a vague notion of terror. Of course, Cress had never really been hooked up to it, but she knew that Nee had suffered a lot and that it had a part to play in Ellie's disappearance.

"I... never... congratulated... you... on... your... engagement." Cress said, realizing that she had never gotten the chance. Nee had found love and it was wonderful, Shiro was keeping Narcia from retreating into her ice, but even more, the two were changing each other for the better. "And... thank... you... for... the... mule... deer." Cress smiled a little bit, "He... was... watching... over... me... the... whole... time." One of the last things Cress had seen before her eyes were taped shut was the mule deer sitting at the edge of the bed while Heron held her hand before the medicine began to take effect. Even after the four day nap, Cress still felt impossibly tired.

The water felt nice, healing in unexpected ways. Some of the markings of Semyon's claiming began to fade, making Cress feel much less exposed. Cress felt safe in the water, happy memories of the time that Cress had taught Ellie how to swim, of all the baths that she and Heron and Kora took together, they all floated to the surface. Pleasant memories of gardening, of laughing with Aya, of having fun with Ellie, they all came to the top, wrapping around Cress like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. As she hugged Kora, Cress could feel the sadness that rolled off of her friend and she wanted Kora to feel better. "At... least... she... had... no... regrets." That's how Cress wanted to live, happily and without regretting a thing she did.

Kora was going to live for them both and in the end, that was all Cress could hope for. "I'm... glad... we'll... always... be... friends." Cress said with a shy smile as Heron joined them in the water and suddenly group hugged them, calling them cuties. Kora snapped at her, poking Heron in the ribs and declaring that she wasn't cute. Heron grinned evilly then, "Okay, then I'll just keep this cutie all to myself." She wrapped her arms around Cress and stole the Princess away to the other side of the pool. "Heron," Cress groaned but Heron just having her fun so Cress figured that there was no harm in it. Unless she started hurting Kora, then Cress would try to break the two up. It wasn't like she could really resist though.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

When Kora called her a good girl, Shiro felt happy. The puppy blushed and wiggled, looking down at her reflection with a tiny smile. "I think you're a great knight," Shiro said honestly after Kora did the pledge. With Kora and Heron to protect them, they had nothing to fear. After all, the two were the most esteemed knights that Ashia Palace had ever produced. Unless you counted Itward, but he wasn't actually a knight, just a noble that had sworn fealty to the Queen. There were many memories that Shiro had in the Cherubim house, most of them good with Nio, playing tag and hide and seek and learning to bake some of Nio's favorite treats. Then there were the sad ones, like the day that they went to take down the gate and Cress got captured and Nee become crazed with trying to kill Narina, or when Kora yelled at her for hiding in the closet and falling asleep.

"I'm glad to have you to protect me and everyone." That day, in Amythesia, was especially confusing for Shiro when Kora had tried to punish her. Shiro had been convinced that it was because she had let Nee get captured, even if it was Nee's choice to get captured in order to spare her sister. Thinking about that made Shiro sad and the pup didn't want to think about sad things anymore. "Do you like walking again?" Shiro suddenly asked, "Cress asked me after you left, so I asked Nee because she's really smart and all." Nee was the smartest person that Shiro knew and she was brave and kind and thinking about her made the pup blush happily.

When the others joined them, Shiro felt happy at seeing that Nee was okay. No doubt the therapy session had been much needed between the two sisters. It looked like there had been a lot of crying and Shiro wished that she could have been there to snuggle against Nee and make her feel better. Nee said that she was fine and Shiro wasn't going to push it. "You could always come in, in the robe if you change your mind. Or I can get you a towel too!" Shiro realized that she was thinking like a lady in waiting again and her eyes widened. "Sorry," Shiro whimpered, not wanting to be the person that Nee didn't want her to be.

Shiro smiled as Nee mentioned that she was glad that she was enjoying it. It felt good to have Nee play with her hair, the fluffy blonde locks that no doubt would need to be cut soon since Shiro could sit on her hair if she wasn't careful. The pup let out a sound almost like a purr and she blushed. "I never learned to swim," Shiro admitted, "I'm glad that it's shallow enough for me to go in." Nee probably knew how to swim, Nee knew everything after all! The smartest girl in Ourania and out of all the suitors she could have, she had chosen the little puppy Shiro. Everyday that Shiro thought about it, she was glad, even though she had gone through the pain and torture of Narina, that she had gotten to be the one by Nee's side.

Nee leaned down to whisper in her ear and Shiro blushed more, or maybe it was from the warm water. "It's because I love you," Shiro said quietly, "I'll do anything for you." When Nee asked her to overwrite more memories, Shiro nodded her head, feeling the heat return that she had felt whenever Nee whispered loving words to her. "Your wish is my command." Shiro squeaked, hoping she seemed braver than she often felt. It wasn't that Nee was scary or intimidating, it was the fact that Shiro didn't want to let her down. Nee was depending on her to make the bad memories go away and replace them with good ones and Shiro would do just that.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Cress thanked her for the engagement and Narcia was glad to have something else to think about than simply having anxiety and fear growing within. She didn't want to think about the Pearl Throne and what it was like to be hooked into it and have every single thought be invaded and violated, unable to trust even her own mind. No, Narcia definitely wanted to think about something different, something happier. Her engagement to Shiro was one of those things, definitely. "You didn't have to congratulate me, sis. I could sense the sentiment from you, because we're sisters." Okay, maybe not quite like how she worded it, but she still sensed it all the same. She had a natural sort of smile. "You'll find love too, you know. I hear that you have quite the options - two of Ashia's best knights at your beck and call, hmm?"

The mule deer. This time the nostalgia was sadder than before - a reminder of what they lost, and what they couldn't regain now that they both made their choice to remain on Ourania for the rest of their lives, leaving behind the world where they had a wonderful, happy family. The world that once was all Cress ever knew. "It... reminds me of home." Nee whispered, feeling almost guilty to admit it. She was Ouranian through and through, yet there was one thing she couldn't change. "I still think of Sierra Nevada as home, even - even though I'm from here, I'm Ashian, it's not quite like how home was, with mom and everyone." Nee knew she'd probably miss Earth for the rest of her life.

The lake was definitely a sight to behold and was one of Coriandrum's true treasures that everyone had to see at least once in their lives. Tartaria had the Wall of Belphegor, tall and proud and full of history, a majestic sight for anyone to see. Ashia Palace had the palace itself, and the now defunct Suryastra that would never fly again. Etruria's main tourist attraction was the water canals that snaked through their capital city, a leisurely yet breathtaking method of travel through the stony city. Frelia was quite famous for it's vast rainforest with near endless wildlife, with creatures Nee couldn't even imagine. And Coriandrum had the Amethyst Lake.

"Um... if you insist." She figured it'd be good to seep her marks with the healing water, in any case, and Shiro said it was fine to continue wearing her robes, wasn't it? So she lowered herself into the water and squeaked a little at the heat that suddenly overcame her. Her cheeks flushed instantly and Nee could only hope it was from the steam and fog. "Why are you apologizing?" Narcia asked with a bit of a teasing smile. She supposed that the servile side of Shiro would never really go away, would it? It was a little sad, but there wasn't anything she could do. As long as the pup did it of her own free will, and that she took care of herself...

Narcia leaned in to whisper in her intended's ear, feeling a little ashamed about this fact. "Cress tried to teach me to swim before." She admitted, nearly silent, watching the trio do their silly antics in the deeper area of the water. "I never really got the hang of it. So we're one and the same, Shi." Her ears went red this time and the blush was obvious. "Um, if it's okay to call you that, I mean." When Shiro agreed to have another overwriting session later that night, Nee gave her a light peck on the cheek. "I'd be nothing without you." She placed Shiro's small hand on her own beating chest. "Y-you can feel it, right? The love for you?"



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Queen Shiro said she was a great knight, huh? Kora didn't know how great she was - she only really fought in one major battle as an official knight - one without fake names or disguises but as Korhya Filia - and that was the battle of Lochness. They were about to start war on Frelia's outer border when Cress was abducted and after that Kora was Refure and things just went downhill after that. Honestly, she hadn't really done much as a knight at all, but she accepted the praise regardless. "I'll do my best from now on, too!" She grinned wildly, a familiar light in her eyes. "I'll show that Heron who's the best knight..."

When Shiro brought up the ability to walk again, the wolf was a little surprised, but then she nodded. Honestly, she didn't really think much of it - sure, it would've been awesome and everything, but she was Refure at the time, and when she finally regained her body from that witch, it wasn't like she could think about much other than the loss of Aya. But... yeah, it was good. It was nice. One barrier was gone, though there was still more to go. "It's good, yeah. I feel like I can be stronger like this. Don't have to rely on anything anymore." Though the gravity drive would always be special to her. She did a little bashful wiggle. "Thanks for giving my legs back, Shi- Queen Shiro!" She did a bow then remembered she was in water and squirmed with her face full of the hot water, flinching slightly. How silly.

Aya and Cress had a special bond that Kora didn't really have with Cress herself. The two were partners in crimes, they had many adventures together in the Rubble Tier with that bike - the bike that, honestly, Kora had no idea where it was anymore. Hopefully it was still somewhere safe so she could go back to it again. Aya was gone... and that was sad, but they could still make more memories, and enjoy more time together. "When I find the bike again..." Kora mumbled, still in Cress's arms, enjoying the hug, even if they were more or less completely bared to each other. "Would you want to go on a ride again?" Just like old times?

Cress was definitely cute, even if it made her blush to think about. Heron had her cute moments as well. Heck, cuteness was Aya and Shiro's middle name! But Kora definitely wasn't cute! Absolutely not! No way, not even a little bit! But then Heron snatched Cress and Kora let out a low growl of impatience and lunged at Heron, grabbing at her waist since her foot slipped on one of the weird glowy purple rocks. Heron stared as the wolf's head crashed into her butt. "Wow, you're a frisky one, aren't you? It's a nice butt, isn't it? I work hard for this figure, you know!" Kora blushed further and shook her head and grabbed Cress, sticking her tongue out at the scarlet knight. "C-C-Cress's butt is - is - ah- " And then Heron smirked when Kora blushed further and things got worse when Heron decided to use a lot of... poetry, using far too many words and descriptions and pretty words to describe Cress's butt.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

Cress blushed as Nee said something ridiculous, shaking her head vigorously. "It's... not... like... that!" Cress insisted, "Kora... and... I... are... friends!" How could she explain this? "And... Heron... is... a... womanizer." Yes, Heron called every girl cute and flirted with just about anything with feminine air that still had a pulse. So to say that they were Cress's suitors was a little ridiculous. Yes, they were just friends, right? There was no way that they would ever be that intimate. Heron stripped everyone and Kora didn't think she would ever love everyone because of what happened with Itward. Cress wasn't sure she would ever trust herself to love someone either, especially after both Itward and Semyon, Cress didn't want to be used in that way again, not if she could help it.

"Sierra... will... always... be... home." Cress had a small smile, "Mom... Auntie... everyone... they'll always be our family." The mule deer truly was a symbol of all they had lost, but it was also precious. "I... sent... them... a... radio... message." Cress suddenly remembered, recalling that she had tried to tell Nee but had never found the time and in the few visits she had with Nee, she couldn't have told her because they had always been about business. "Don't... know... if... they... actually... got... it." Heron burst in then so there was no time to give Nee anymore details about how she and Heron had taken a walk that day through the colorful capital of Amethysia, the radio that the man claimed could connect to any channel in the known galaxy as long as they had a station number.

Kora asked if she wanted to ride the bike again. Cress's eyes lit up and she nodded yes without hesitation. "Of... course!" Cress said, her smile bright and her eyes burning like embers in the night. Cress had a lot of fond memories on the bike. Her's and Aya's antics were most of them. The time they had gone to buy augments for Nee and Shiro, when they had gone down to the Rubble Tier in order to beautify it, zipping through the sky in a grand escape, visiting Serpina Dorones. All good times that Cress had, had with Aya. Even though Aya was gone, she wouldn't be forgotten. Cress remembered how Aya had whimpered that day, saying that she was afraid to die and now... she had given herself up so that Kora could return to them. It was a noble sacrifice, one that Cress was sure Kora would never forget.

Heron was being her usual, perverted self. Kora let out a feral growl, sounding like a wolf as she jumped at Heron, but the knight swung around and Kora landed right on Heron's butt. Then Heron began teasing, talking about butts and Kora brought up Cress's butt. Cress blushed, a deep red flush across her cheeks. Heron laughed, going into a free verse poem about Cress's butt and Cress wasn't sure what to do. "G-guys!" Cress stammered. She remembered what Nee said, about Cress having the two knights at her beck and call. Cress was sure it was the opposite though, she was at the mercy of the two knight's whims.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Shiro smiled as Kora said that she was going to give Heron a run for her money for best knight. "Do your best!" The pup squeaked, happy that Kora seemed to be doing better than before. Beating Heron for the title of best knight wasn't going to be easy, surely the love triangle was going to become even more competitive. Shiro wondered if it really was a love triangle, or if maybe Heron was just being her normal, perverted self. Shiro had noticed a difference though, Heron didn't flirt as much with other girls. At the ball, Heron had mainly stuck to Itward and Cress's side, ignoring the fan club that kept giving her glances and sending jealous glares in the Princess's direction. Shiro was glad that she wasn't the one being glared at, she was glad that she didn't have to compete against anyone for Nee either, since Shiro would have lost in a game of strength or smarts.

When Kora described how she felt stronger like this, that she didn't have to depend on anyone anymore, Shiro couldn't help but wonder if it meant that she wasn't gonna use the gravity drive at all. The puppy blushed when Kora thanked her and waved her hands. "It wasn't me, it was Cress's idea." Shiro scratched her cheek, remembering how she had asked for the favor in return for quelling the riot that wanted to stop giving water to Tartaria. "You should thank her." The pup said quietly, "She likes you a lot." Did Kora notice? Or maybe she was like Shiro and was sometimes oblivious to how other people felt? It took a long time or Shiro to realize her feelings for Nee since she had always felt the desire to serve Nee.

Nee came into the water beside her, still wearing the robe. Shiro sat beside her, feeling happy. She hummed to herself, swinging her legs on the bench as they sat next to each other, Ellis watching over them from his spot on Cress's wheelchair. Nee teased her for apologizing, which made Shiro blush. She opened her mouth to apologize for apologizing, then stopped, then almost apologized again for stopping herself. Shiro shook herself out of it, trying to remember not to be sorry because she hadn't done anything wrong. What if she had though? Shiro's head felt dizzy from this train of thought and so the pup derailed it, hoping to get back on track.

Swimming seemed like something the nature lover, Cress would know. "Maybe one day she can teach us." Shiro said with a smile, "Then we can swim together." Shiro kind of liked the new nickname, it sounded different. "It's okay, I like it." The pup said, thinking that this was what they called a "pet name." Every lover had one right? Shiro called Nee, Nee. Then again, mostly everyone called Narcia Nee except for those who weren't close to her. Should Shiro come up with a different nickname for Nee? Shiro liked thinking of her as Nee though... Maybe she shouldn't think too hard, it would come naturally one day.

Shiro felt her face flushing again as Nee gave her a peck on her cheek, then took Shiro's hand and placed it on Nee's chest, over her heart where the robe had fallen off. "I feel it." Shiro said, that warm, tingly feeling returning. Shiro took one of Nee's hands and placed it over her own chest. "Can you feel mine?" Shiro asked, "I think it beats extra fast when we're together." Shiro wasn't sure if that was true, but it felt fluttery every time she and Nee got this close to one another. "Let's be together for a long time."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Nee was still lost in thought about that possibility. Cress had found a connection to Earth - possibly - she had somehow sent a message to Earth. Now that the thread had appeared for a possible way to at least visit home one last time, Nee wouldn't let it go. The string was there, as long as she could follow it and reach the destination she sought, it'd bring her where she wanted. A way to give closure to the family they abandoned, to let them know what happened and to not worry for them. After all the kindness they showed, Narcia would do her best to try and repay them for the chance at a normal life. Maybe in another universe, she'd have chosen family over duty and would have returned at first chance. But this Nee knew she had to choose her birthright to Ashia, no matter how sad and lonely that path was.

"I'd like that." Narcia said, closing her eyes as she tried to absorb the warmth. It was really hot and the marks left behind by Semyon - if Cress's body was any indication, than hers too would be healing at an increased pace, fading away, leaving only the scar on her mind as a souvenir of those horrible moments where all control was stripped from her. "We can learn together and swim together as well." Though her fingers felt at unease, what Nee wanted was to start building little trinkets here and there to satisfy her inventor's mind.

Shi could feel the love emanating from her chest and then placed her hand onto the pup's own chest, allowing Narcia to feel the rhythmic thumping of her heart, to show that Shiro was alive, and sure enough, it was rapid and quick, Shiro was probably feeling exactly the same as she was. This fluttery, uncomfortable and completely comfortable feeling, a strange sort of restlessness, a heat deep in her loins - all of it was there and then some. "I feel it, Shi." Narcia whispered, cheeks almost glowing pink. "A long time sounds exactly as planned. Thank you for accepting the ring..." She placed a gentle hand on the locket, wanting a nice picture of Shiro to place close to her heart.

Sadly, everything had to come to an end at some point and it was time for them to exit the pool. Kora was in the longest and she looked like she was hyperventilating - the heat had definitely gotten to the girl's head. "We have to get ready and return to Amethysia for now." Nee said sadly, climbing out of the lake and offering a hand for Shiro to hold. "The butler will be waiting." She kept the now wet bath robe around her and stealthily died and dressed herself behind a curtain, keeping her eyes shut so she wouldn't need to see if the marks were fading or not. But definitely, they'd have to return here one day, wouldn't they?



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Remembering Shiro's words, Kora did what she had to do, nestled safely in Cress's arms. There was someone to thank for her legs that still didn't receive thanks yet - okay, two, but Narcia probably didn't need thanks anyways. It was Cress's idea in the first place, wasn't it? So she opened her mouth, feeling dizzy and light headed and it was hard to really think too clearly. "Th-thank you. For the legs. Shiro said it was because of you." If it wasn't for Cress, she'd still be a cripple, forced to rely on the gravity drive. She'd still use it of course, but probably only to the same extend Aya had back in the Rubble Tier, in those careless days long past.

Honestly, Kora was doing her best to try and ignore the feelings blossoming between her and Cress. Her body wasn't fit for being fixed, and with her body in this state, she herself was unfit for love in any way. She didn't deserve it, she wasn't good enough to love yet. She hadn't earned that right, not yet. It was still nice, though, that Cress was willing to go biking with her again, just like how they did in the beginning, just the two of them. "It'll be fun." The lamb said, knowing Aya would be better for this sort of thing. "There's lots of places to see now, it'll be even better than before!"

"...Shining brighter and rounder than the full moon-" Heron had that perverted smirk as she continued her poem to everyone's chagrin. Kora was horribly flustered, trying to think up something to say, anything at all, but she couldn't, it was like words weren't going to her head at all and breathing was getting hard. Her head felt hazy, like a fog was rolling in on her mind and she felt dizzy, unable to really tell what was up or not anymore. Maybe to her benefit, Nee said something about time being up and Heron noticed the wolf drifting off, swimming over to take her in her arms, keeping her head afloat. Heron was incredibly touchy when helping Kora get dressed but the girl felt completely spent, hyperventilating, eyes unfocused and dull.

Heron had a troubled frown as they headed back to the pod - Kora placed neatly on Cress's wheelchair, Shiro pushing them both. "It's just too much heat, right?" The scarlet knight asked, worried, clearly unsatisfied. "She just stayed in too long, right?" Kora didn't know what it was and she tried to say something but it came out as a weak and unintelligible groan. "Keep her cool, cold water should help alleviate some of the symptoms." Narcia advised, seeming worried herself. She felt too hot, way too hot, it was unbearable, the lamb didn't know what to do, even as Heron took water and tried to pour it down her throat.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

Heron was still singing her weird song when Cress noticed it, Kora was slowing down, unable to keep up with the swimming knight. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked unfocused. "Kora?" Cress asked and Heron stopped. Nee called for them to get out and Heron grabbed Kora, squishing the three of them together as she swam towards the exit where Nee and Shiro were. Heron wrapped them all in robes, placing Kora on Cress's lap. When they went back to the room, Heron got them both dresses. "Kora... it's... okay." Cress said, her hand falling out of her's as Heron pulled Cress up, not being as perverted as she got Cress dressed.

Cress was impressed, Heron only lingered a little bit when she put Cress's thigh highs on, then got to work on getting Kora out of the bathing suit and into her clothes. Kora was the only one who had worn a bathing suit and Cress wasn't sure why. Was it because of what happened down below? Perhaps the water had been able to heal that too, although a nagging part of her said that it didn't. "Will... she... be... alright?" Cress asked worriedly. They had a long drive back to the castle after all, it wouldn't do any good if one of them got sick in the middle. Heron put Cress back in the wheelchair, securing the oxygen tank to the back of it and then placing Kora on her lap again. She shouldered the bags, grabbing the shoes and doing the heavy lifting as she pushed them out towards where their limo pod was waiting.

There was enough room to put Kora on the bench laying down. Her head was in Cress's lap, Heron sitting on her other side and Nee and Shiro across from them. Nee mentioned water, keeping her cool, but it seemed that Kora was having trouble swallowing. Heron took a cold towel and placed it on Kora's forehead. "Give... me... the... water." Cress panted, trying to take initiative and help Kora. Heron hesitated and Cress looked down at Kora. "I'm... sorry... in... advance." Heron poured the water into Cress's mouth and Cress leaned down, placing her lips against Kora and depositing the water into the knight's mouth. She made sure that the blonde swallowed before breaking apart, hoping that it would make Kora feel better. Cress did it twice more, depositing cold water directly into Kora's mouth with her own since the water bottle wasn't exactly working out well.

"Me next," Heron said with a grin and Cress sighed tiredly. "Maybe..." Cress trailed off, closing her eye. "That wasn't a no!" Heron counted that as a win in her book and fist pumped the air. She wasn't making a move though, which Cress thought was nice. Perhaps Heron was being more considerate since she had decided to eavesdrop on her and Nee's private conversation. "We'll... be... back... soon... right?" cress asked, opening her eyes and looking out the window. The forest was glimmering in all sorts of shades as the sun began to set.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Shiro smiled, "Yeah," did they have a pool in Ashia Palace? Shiro wasn't sure. Maybe one of the Untouchable Houses had one, or perhaps there was a public pool they could learn in on the Tower Tier. If not, the Palace had plenty of fountains that were no doubt big enough for Shiro and Nee to learn how to swim in. Shiro thought that learning to swim was something important, what if one of them fell into Lake Asphodel? That would be dangerous! Once Cress was better, Shiro would ask her since right now, Cress couldn't really do much of anything. Maybe Ellis could come too and watch them?

Nee felt her heart beating too, "it beats just for you." Shiro said with a little smile as Nee thanked her for accepting the ring. "Love can overcome anything," Shiro said, sounding certain of herself. After all, their love had gotten them through the war, through what Semyon had done, and it would take them through the rest of their life. "It's like a dream being with you." Shiro touched the ring on her finger, there wasn't a moment that went by where she didn't wear the beautiful silver engagement ring. They sat together in silence afterwards, hand in hand until it was time to get out.

Shiro clambered out, wrapping herself in a towel and taking Ellis from Cress's wheelchair. "Sorry you had to msis it," Shiro said to the stuffed toy. "But you can't go in the hot springs." She held Nee's hand and walked with her to the dressing room. Once inside, Shiro got dressed behind the curtain beside Nee, seeing that the marks Semyon had left her intended were gone. Nee didn't look like she wanted to know though and so Shiro didn't say anything about them. "Has it been a good birthday?" Shiro asked pleasantly, hoping that Nee would say it was the best even though she had cried. It was time to go back out to the car, back to the sparkling city of Amethysia.

There was something wrong, Kora was acting weird. She was placed on the seat in the pod, her head resting on Cress's lap. "Is it alright if I take a look?" Shiro asked, since the pup had been trained in basic first aid. Heron had placed a cold cloth on Kora's head and then Cress did something that was kind of crazy, kissing Kora in order to deposit the water into her mouth. "It looks like it's fatigue caused by the dehydration." Shiro said, taking a seat beside Nee once more. "If she drinks lots of water and gets plenty of rest she should be fine." Shiro snuggled up beside Nee, savoring the queen's warmth.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Their hearts beat for one another, didn't it? Narcia for Shiro and the other way around was true as well. They were lovers, they were companions, they'd spend their lives together in what she could only hope was happiness. The way their hearts thrummed as if in beat had to be a sign of good things to come, right? A sign of a mutually happy future for both girls involved? "Our love will help fix Ashia Palace, won't it?" Nee nodded because she very much liked that idea. A world once marred by hate and suffering, would be healed by pure love and kindness for everyone. That sounded like a very good idea, didn't it? "Not just a dream, but a dream come true."

Shiro changed with her behind the curtain and the two girls got themselves dressed in clothes befitting public view. The ice girl's eyes were kept clamped shut, not wanting to confirm her fears that the marks were still there, that the marks hadn't actually faded away into nothingness. Hope was a frightening thing because of how easily it was lost and taken away when reality reared it's ugly head. "My first birthday with you at my side, Shi. Of course it was great." Even with the sad parts, crying with Cress about what they both suffered, in a way it gave them the chance to reaffirm the bond that once was at risk of disappearing completely. She once felt awkward and distant with her sister, but now the barrier was gone, right?

When they got into the limopub, Kora's condition didn't look much better. Narcia made a pretty standard suggestion about cold water and Heron got to action but the lamb just choked and the water dribbled back out as she lay her head on Cress's lap, looking faint and way too red to be considered normal. "No need to ask permission, Shi." Nee said when Shiro asked if she could take a look, and Cress exchanged water in a way that'd hopefully help the lamb keep it down. "She'll be okay." Narcia said once Shiro finished her diagnostic. The ice girl patted her lover proudly, and Heron gave an anxious nod, even though she exchanged jokes with Cress. "Good girl, Shi. I'm proud of you." Narcia whispered in a low voice.

So Nee decided it was time to get to business. There was a task that was needed to be filled, a very important job for her to do. She turned her attention to the scarlet knight, and Heron straightened herself up. "How did Cress send a message to Earth?" Narcia asked and Heron recounted the story about the man with the radio with Earthly music and Nee made sure to hunt that man down wherever he was. That radio would be the key to everything, and she'd need to spend time studying the machine Ramiel had broken months before. But whatever it was, and however it took, Nee would see Earth one last time. It was her home, after all.



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Kora drifted in and out of consciousness as she struggled to keep herself awake. Everything felt strange and she was having trouble doing anything but be a limp doll, incapable of even speaking or anything of the sort. Her eyes were heavily lidded and she felt more like a ragdoll than a knight, put in a laying position once she was dressed, with not even a moment of perversion from the knight who usually cared not for what personal space meant. Her cheeks were red, and it was hard to breathe and she felt like she wanted to throw up but Kora did her best to hold it in. It was all she could do.

It reminded her of when her father tied her up and placed her in scalding hot water until she passed out. The burns were incredibly painful and it agitated the girl just to recall the terror and pain of those moments, how helpless she was to even get out of the tub with her hands tied and legs useless. The girl was feeling much of the same symptoms now, and she felt horrible, maybe her mind was wonky but she felt as if she herself was being roasted, breathing wasn't working much at all, even with desperate gulping breaths.

Cress gave her what looked like a kiss but was actually a liquid transferring. She was coughing and spluttering when Heron gave her water but Cress was more gentle and tender, but unfortunately it was a kiss and Kora tried to cough and pull away and her blushing only got worse because this definitely felt like a kiss. Cress wouldn't pull back, though, not until she swallowed, even if it was painful and made her sick. And sick it did make her feel, inciting coughs and hyperventilating yet Cress gave her more water just to be sure. She opened her mouth to try and thank the fiery princess but her throat felt far too pained to do much else, even to thank her.

She didn't even know when it was she fell asleep but she did, eyes falling shut, head comfortably nestled to Cress's own body, legs curling up her her chest to make the lamb look smaller than she usually did. Heron stared at her for a few moments, and her expression was peculiar, even for the knight. "She looks... fragile..." Heron whispered, low enough that unless you were Cress you'd question if you really heard it at all. "You too... Cress...." The knight stammered, turning her gaze away and she hastily grabbed a book, accidentally placing it upside in her rush in an attempt to look busy. There was still quite the ride left, after all.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

As Heron launched into the tale of how Cress had managed to send a message to earth, Cress felt tired. She thought she had only closed her eyes for a moment or two, but the next thing she knew, Heron was taking her out of the pod. They were back at the castle, the tree that reminded Cress of the circle of life, with its animals sculpted into what was most likely thousands of years of careful planning and tending to. "Kora?" Cress asked, the pod was already empty. "I took care of her, don't worry." Heron assured Cress as she lifted her into the wheelchair, securing the oxygen tank as well. "She's in Corren and Maven's hands now."

The sky was dark, the city lit up lights that looked like stars, scattered around the area and giving a off a soft glowing light that illuminated the path. There were steps, but Heron lifted the entire wheelchair, carrying it up. "Hungry," Cress said softly, her stomach gnawing at the emptiness. "Wow really?" Heron joked, poking Cress in the side. "I guess eating soup must have restarted something." Heron took Cress to a different room, this one upstairs rather than down. All of her things had been moved there, the suitcase with what few belongings Wren had thought she would need, the machine that monitored Cress to ensure she remained stable.

"I... can... do... it." Cress said as Heron unstrapped her, lifting Cress and placing her on the bed. "Sure," Heron laughed, poking Cress in the ribs. "I... can." Cress pouted like a child as Heron began to undress her, putting Cress in pajamas. "I... hope... Kora... is... okay." Cress said worriedly as Heron sat her up. There was a knock on the door, dinner being delivered right to them. "Food's on," Heron brought in the tray, eating her own dinner first, wolfing it down like she hadn't seen food in years. "Slow... down... you'll... choke." Cress said with a shake of her head. Heron took a gulp of water, then came to sit beside Cress in order to feed the girl her own dinner. "Birthday soup, I hope you like it." Heron winked and Cress hungrily drank it.

Cress was about halfway through when Heron put some in her own mouth and leaned over, copying the move Cress had one earlier. The knight released the soup into Cress's mouth through a kiss, ensuring that Cress swallowed the soup, then depending the kiss. When Heron broke it, Cress was panting. "Why... did... you... do... that?" Cress asked, not really offended, but more curious. "You promised in the pod, remember?" Heron winked, feeding Cress normally afterwards. Cress had said maybe, but being the womanizer she was it was of no surprise that Heron pulled a move like that.

There was another knock at the door, Heron went to open it. "I heard someone's in need of a haircut." Cress's eyes lit up at the sight of the hairstylist, watching with keen interest as the woman set up the plastic mat and a chair in front of the dresser. Heron lifted Cress, taking her to the chair. An apron was put around her and the woman began measuring. Heron had a picture for reference, although Cress wasn't sure where it had come from. With each snip of the scissors, Cress felt free. Her head felt lighter, her eyes became more fiery and when it was done, she was practically grinning from ear to ear. "It's... perfect." Cress said, turning to look at her freshly sheered locks. The stylist began cleaning up and used a mini vacuum to get all of the hair and when the apron was removed, Cress truly felt free.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Their love would be ever lasting, that much they were sure of. Shiro cuddled beside Nee in the chair, the pup hugging Ellis against her. When Nee said that she was proud of her, Shiro blushed. She wiggled happily, a tiny smile on her face from being called a good girl. Shiro was a good girl, Shiro was Nee's good girl and she wanted to stay that way. When it was time for them to get down to business and Heron and Nee began talking about the radio, Shiro spaced out. She looked outside, hoping to see the ghost she had spotted before, but it was nowhere. There were plenty of animals, ones that glimmered in the low light, ones that glowed under the shimmering moon. "It's like magic," Shiro said, watching animals weave in and out of the headlights.

When they reached the Palace, Shiro went out with Nee first. Maven and Corren were waiting for them and they took Kora. "I was watching her vitals," Shiro said to Maven. "They stayed steady, I think she may just be dehydrated." Maven nodded his head and Corren gave her a lollipop for her hard work. Shiro sucked on it happily, watching them roll Kora away in order to fix her and make her healthy once more. Heron was still in the pod, getting Cress out. "Let's go to our room," Shiro said, holding Nee's hand and walking with her. The lights were pretty, they reminded Shiro of stars, with five points and glimmering to show them the way to the entrance.

Their dinner was already there, waiting for them. Tonight's meal was some sort of freshly grilled meat with a side of roasted vegetables arranged in a rainbow across the plate. "It's so colorful," Shiro said as she took her seat across from Nee, placing Ellis on the table. There was a silver tray that was covered sitting off to the side and as they ate, Shiro could practically see the gears turning in Nee's head. No doubt she was thinking about the radio that Heron had spoken of, the one that had sent the message to earth. Was Nee going to return to earth? She had promised she would come back. "I want to go with you." Shiro suddenly said, "I want to go with you to earth." Shiro wanted to meet the woman who had taken care of Nee for those six years after all.

Once they had finished with their food, Shiro opened the last silver tray, revealing a birthday cake that had a message on it. This was from Queen Riana, Shiro hadn't known about the cake and it looked delicious, decorated in lacy frosting with immaculate flowers that looked as though they were real. "Can you watch Ellis for a minute?" Shiro asked, standing up. She went to the bathroom, wiggling out of her clothes and hanging up the dress. She would put it in the closet later, but first. Well, Shiro had to pick out something special since it was a special night after all.

Shiro went with pink, the same color as cherry blossom trees. She placed her crown, engagement ring, and pacifier all in a special box beside the sink so that none of them would get dirty or lost, then stepped out of the bathroom. "Happy birthday," Shiro said with a blush, wearing nothing but pink ribbons.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

At long last, they returned to Amethysia's Palace, and it was striking how much the city and market had been repaired in the span of a day. There were still signs of damage and destruction, definitely, and many displaced citizens would need temporary shelters to live in for the time being, but at least repair work was ongoing. Cumin and Kail should have reached Lyriope by now and were working on restoring it to it's former glory, as well as mourning their family they lost in the war. In a way, not everything was going to be happy just from returning to Ashia Palace. Riana would be left mostly alone with her retainers, and it didn't appear that she had friends, either. But Narcia didn't exactly trust her with Una, either. She didn't want to risk Riana using the girl for her own agenda.

Narcia was still in a daze, lost in thoughts, when Shiro took her hand and more or less pulled her into their room, and the dissonance was clear yet again. This room was meant to be a children's room, yet Riana couldn't bear any. Coriandrum's Queen, for all her influence, was probably secretly much lonelier than she let on, unfortunately. That didn't mean Nee could trust her, either, not fully, since her ambition and goals were still unknown to her. But Nee still needed to work on the radio, locating the man who could connect to any station in the galaxy. Sure, Narcia could try to replicate it but without a model to work with, it'd take much longer. An easier solution would be to - but then what? They couldn't just return home and stay there. They had duties here now, they had a job to do. She and Cress couldn't just leave their new lives now, right? No matter how much her heart longed for it, this was their lives now, and they made their choice.

"Hm?" Shiro's voice pierced the veil and Narcia blinked a few times, registering what the pup said. She blinked a few more times, then nodded easily. Yes, a visit shouldn't be too much problem, should it? It was going to be fine, wasn't it? "Yes, of course. I don't intend on going anywhere without you at my side, Shiro." The ice girl started to eat then, digging into the rainbow food. And Shiro opened the last tray, revealing a birthday cake and Narcia felt.... honestly, she felt bad because it meant shedding her earthly birthday. But... there was no way to truly transfer her birthday on Earth over, the calendars were different, after all.

Narcia wondered how much Riana wished she could give birthday cake to a child of her own.

Shiro returned, dressed in nothing but pink ribbons and Nee was snapped out of her reverie at the sight. It was okay to admire her like this, right? Even if Shiro was still young, still only fourteen, it was okay, wasn't it? Three year difference wouldn't matter in the long run, so she didn't have to feel guilty for admiring Shiro's appearance, right? "Shi." Her voice was quickly becoming breathless, and her cheeks flushed pink, drinking it in. She was going to do many things to Shiro, and the pup would do many things to her in return, as the dress dropped to the ground and Narcia stepped out of it, bare as can be. And the entrance to start off their heaven and synchronicity was a kiss.



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

"I love you, you know."

Aya always was the cuter one, wasn't she? While Kora's eyes were always narrowed and sharp, catching every detail around her, Aya seemed to always naturally have droopy eyes and an almost dog-like smile that put people at ease. The two really were opposites, even like this. Here they were, rebel and knight, sisters pitted against each other. "You say that a lot." Kora mumbled, still remembering the incident with the rabbit. That was one of the last straws, and Kora knew she needed to get out of there. Luckily when Varic became an intern for a Tower Tier-based news station, he sponsored her movement to the Tower Tier and Kora began training as a knight. Years later, this was how the sisters met again, in the midst of a civil war, Queen versus Mother.

"I do, though." Aya said again, droopy eyes batting at her and the angry twin scowled, shaking her head. "We're sisters, so why are we on opposite sides? We should work together, just like Nee and Nui are!" Kora shrugged her shoulders, picking up her spear - given to her by her captain, Heron Cherubim - swinging one side of it at her sister, but not enough to kill. "Why should I help your stupid rebellion?" Kora asked in an angry voice. "The Rubble Tier never cared for me. No one ever helped me back then. Only the knights and Queen Narina helped, only they saved me and gave me this new life as a knight."

That's right. She didn't owe the Rubbles anything, not after the life they gave her. Kora was better off like this, a knight with Heron under Narina's rule. She still objected to being cute, though, despite it all. "So give Heron back. I know you've captured her, Ayanna." Her droopy eyed sister looked sad and aimed her hand at her, a familiar bracelet on her wrist. A gravity drive. "You captured Shiro, so shouldn't I tell you to give her back? Nee cries every night, you know! Isn't that mean!"

"Nio's the one that cries." Kora retorted, not caring about that crying girl that kept curling into a ball in the dungeons and calling herself bad. So weak, way too weak, the knight couldn't care less about her. "Cries for her brother and sister every night." Nio was kept in Narina's custody, as a tool to keep Heron and Itward loyal. Kora didn't... exactly agree, but Narina did save her life and she did the Knight's Oath for her, so she had to serve her. That's just the way it was.

Aya, the older and cuter sister, shook her head, looking like she wanted to cry. "I really do love you, sis." She said, even though it was obvious what was going to happen next. Kora needed to break into the Rebel's base and rescue Heron, Aya's goal was to break Shiro out and free her. Thus, the sisters were doomed to fight to the death, here and now.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

There was nothing like a haircut to bring up your spirits. It was liberating, having her hair shorn short. Cress felt lighter than air and more herself than she had in months. Despite her excitement, Cress was still incredibly tired. "We're here for your nightly check up!" Maven walked in, Corren behind him with his bag of medical magic. "How's... Kora?" Cress asked, fighting to stay awake. "Stable," Corren replied, "Gave her a bolus, she should be fine by tomorrow." Cress breathed a sigh of relief, not resisting when Corren stuck stickers to her that would read to the monitor, or when Maven began hooking her port to a bag of opaque liquid that almost looked like milk. "What's... that?" Cress asked, fighting to keep her eyes open. "Food," Corren replied, he seemed fond of one word answers tonight.

"It... hurts." Cress moaned and Heron put a hand on her arm worriedly. "What does?" Corren asked, a frown of concern. "Legs... they... burn." Corren removed the sheet and rolled up Cress's pajama pants. "You've got a burn," he said and Cress wondered why it was only hurting her now. "No doubt one of your legs must have hit a hot spot in the springs." Heron's clutch on her squeezed tightly. "I'm sorry, that's my fault. We were fooling around. Tch, I'm such an idiot." Cress shook her head though, "It's... okay." She said, "Doesn't... hurt... that... much." Corren put a salve on it that made the area feel cold and numb and Cress sighed in relief as he bandaged it up. "In about an hour your burn should be gone."

Cress nodded her head, watching as Maven and Corren took their leave for the night. The food was set on slow so as not to overwhelm Cress's body and would be infused over the evening. "Tired," Cress murmured as Heron rolled down her pant leg. "So go to sleep dummy," Heron ruffled Cress's hair and began stripping herself. She pulled on an over sized shirt and clambered onto the blanket, gently guiding Cress's body out from over it and placing the blanket over the both of them. "Almost forgot!" Heron jumped up, grabbing the mule deer and placing it in the crook of Cress's arm. "Thanks," the mule deer was special to her, it was a present from Nee and a reminder from home. With everything in place, Cress began to drift off into a deep slumber, tired out from the day's activities.

It was a dreamless night thanks to the pain medicine, when Cress awoke, it was to Heron's mouth on the flesh on her neck, sucking it gently. "Heron what... are you... doing!" It was a little easier to speak, she could get two words out at a time instead of one. Heron mumbled something, she was clearly still asleep, no doubt dreaming about all of the cute girls who called themselves her fan club. Cress stiffened, prepared for the onslaught of anxiety, but there was only a trickle. Maybe because Cress was so used to Heron's antics that it no longer affected her? "H-Heron!" Cress made a weird sound, her cheeks turning bright red. The knight pulled Cress closer to her and Cress felt small, like a stuffed animal as Heron hugged her.

Cress tried to nudge her awake and Heron groaned, rolling over onto her other side and taking Cress with her like a precious teddy bear. "Heron the... port!" Heron suddenly bolted upright, the once sleeping knight now fully awake. The port wire was tugging at her chest and Heron placed Cress back on the other side of her, easing the tension in the tubing. Cress sighed in relief, she had been worried that the port would get pulled out like the time with the PICC line. "Where did that come from?" Heron asked, looking at the marking on Cress's collarbone. "You," Cress grumbled in reply, blushing furiously. The markings of Semyon's claims on Cress's body had all faded in the healing amethyst lake. The only one left was the fresh one that Heron had just applied to her skin.

Heron had that look on her face, the grin that said she was about to say something lewd. "Now everyone knows that you're mine!" Heron sat up, hands on her hips, laughing up towards the sky. "Do you hear that? Princess Nui is all mine!" The knight suddenly flopped over. Corren was standing behind her, holding what looked like a medical text book. "Please don't irritate my patient and ignite trauma from past events." He placed a little band aid on the mark so that no one would see it. "Thanks," Cress breathed a sigh of relief, allowing Corren to unhook her and check on the burn on her leg.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

The rest of their night was spent with each other, hearts synchronized, limbs entangled, sheets ruffled. Their door was locked this time so there wouldn't be any unexpected visitors to interrupt them and see the two queens in a lovers embrace. When it was over and both girl's were spent, Shiro curled into Nee's side, breathless. It was something that only the two of them could do together, the overriding of bad memories to turn them into good ones, making each painful scar fade and not hurt as much. There were claims of their love on each other's bodies, kisses that would last a little longer than their session and carry them over to the next one. "I love you," Shiro said as her crystal blue eyes fluttered shut, her little body fitting perfectly against Nee's as though it was made to belong there.

"Come here Shiro, come here girl." Nee said, patting her lap. Shiro looked up from her doggy bed, the puppy running over to greet her mistress. "Good girl," there were ear scritches for coming when called, something that Shiro especially enjoyed. Shiro's most recent lesson was wearing clothes but the puppy didn't care for them much. There was a belt wrapped around her middle, holding on her doggy diaper since the pup was still being house trained. The bell on her collar jingled whenever Shiro moved and at first it had startled and frightened the puppy, but by now she had gotten used to it. "Want to go for a walk?" Nee asked, taking Shiro's hands and trying to get the pup to stand on two legs, trying to turn to get the girl to realize that she wasn't a dog at all, but simply a human with augments.

When Nee let go, Shiro fell back to fours, running in a circle around Nee's legs. Shiro yipped happily, sitting in front of Nee and dropping her favorite toy in front of the future queen. "Fetch!" Nee threw the stuffed toy and Shiro ran after it, bolting across the large room and gently clasping the toy in her mouth, running back over to give it to Nee. "Walk?" Shiro repeated as she dropped the toy in front of the princess. "Yes, but you have to wear clothes." The puppy shook her head, trying to run away but Nee hooked the leash to Shiro's collar and dragged her towards the closet. Shiro flopped down onto her back, trying to get the princess to stop but Nee could pull her easily since the puppy was so light.

"No," the puppy had begun to pick up words. Her two favorites being 'no' and 'walk.' Nee tied the leash to a chair, letting Shiro hide underneath it and quiver. "No," the pup mewled. "It's only clothing," Nee went through a pile of old dresses that she had long since outgrown. "Come on, if you don't get dressed we can't go on a walk." So Shiro reluctantly crawled out from underneath the chair, she wanted to be a good girl after all because only good girls got ear scritches or extra desserts. Once Nee put the dress on her, it was time for their walk. Shiro followed along beside her, cowering at anything scary like the tea cart with the squeaky wheels or the servant that delivered letters to the queen.

Eventually though, they reached the garden. If Nee wasn't careful, she would lose Shiro in the garden maze, the pup being so small that she could disappear behind a bush if she really tried. Their walk was cut short though, Queen Narina was coming near. Shiro whimpered and shook, hiding behind Nee's leg. "Narcia, you can't skip your morning lessons." Narina said, her icy eyes freezing Shiro to the spot. "I'm doing what you told me, I'm taking care of my pet." Narcia replied evenly, her eyes just as cool. Shiro felt a shock come from her collar and she yelped, falling backwards onto her butt. "Careful Narcia, you wouldn't want to hurt your poor doggy would you?" It was Nee? But Nee promised, she promised that Shiro was a good girl. So why was she being punished then?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

The voice was sharp, yet it resonated in her like a steel knife. And nothing the ice girl could say would really do anything to refute what was being said. Cress stood before her, an odd expression on her face that was rarely ever there, especially in a place like this, surrounded by nostalgic trees and a small yet comfortable house. A wind ruffled through the space between the two sisters - or cousins - or whatever it is they wanted to be.

"You regret coming back, don't you?"

They made their choice. Instead of remaining on Ourania, they chose their earthen family over the friends they met in Ourania. What they didn't account for was the time difference between the two planets. Parting was painful enough, but realizing your earth family was all dead. Countless years had passed, and all that remained was an old and crippled Damian Winter, and the family he raised, in this house. The others had gone and died without ever finding closure for what happened to the two girls, and Fey was gone too. It was just Damian Winter, the last of their family. He cried and held Cress, Cress was crying too, and Narcia - or Ellen, since that was what she chose - Ellie couldn't help but wonder if this was her fault. If she had never reunited with her sister on Earth, Cress could have lived a full life with a family that loved her as if she were blood, and that was stolen from her.

"I messed up." The ice girl muttered painfully, staring at the device in the woods that she created in Ourania, the device that sent them back. "I - messed up, I thought - something went wrong, the time difference..." Cress shook her head, the usual positivity gone from her face, the embers didn't burn with the passion it usually did. They lost their place on Earth, the sisters no longer belonged. So they returned to Ourania via the device, sending them back to their origins.

And when they returned, they were quickly ushered in by knights they didn't recognize, to see the Queen on her throne. Queen Shiro, aged to be almost unrecognizable, her golden locks had faded into a sad, mournful grey. "I... waited...." Shiro reached a thin arm out, tears crinkling from her eyes and Ellie - or was it Narcia - felt her heart collapsing upon itself. "Waited... so long.... why did... you leave me? Shiro was.... a bad girl, right? That's why Nee.... left her behind... all alone.... for so long...."

A fatal glitch in the device, and because of it, the sisters were now lost in time. Instead of choosing between two families, they instead lost both and were stranded, having nowhere to belong. Shiro died then, and this time it was Nee's turn to feel the sting of being left behind, to know they wouldn't meet again. But in the end, having to choose between two worlds, wasn't it an impossible choice to begin with? Wasn't it too cruel to sweep these girls up in this decision?

In her sleep, Narcia unconsciously clung to Shiro, and a few words escaped her lips. "Please don't... leave.... me.... I'm sorry... good... girl..." she mumbled in a slumbering daze as the morning sun rose in the sky, gripping Shiro like a life raft.



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

"Kora, I'm scared."

Twin sisters on separate missions, sisters that were pit against each other. One was supposed to save Heron, the other, to save Shiro, and in the end, neither could overcome the other. It was violent, blood spattered as they attacked each other, and finally, they both collapsed, holding hands on the ground as they slowly bled out, the red life force leaving both girls. There wasn't much time left now, and since they were dying, there was no reason to hold onto their relationship as enemies. No, by dying together, it meant they could be sisters again, at least in their final moments together.

So they held each other by the hands, fingers linking them together, as if afraid to die alone, as if they wanted to anchor their souls together, wherever it was they were going. They were sisters, after all. "I'm scared. I don't want to die." Aya insisted, her voice was faint and she was trembling. Kora herself felt unbearably cold and it wouldn't surprise her if she was shaking too. "Well, we are dying. That's... just how it is." What else was there to say about it? They were dying, and the war would just consider it a bit of a tragedy, cursed sins fated to die at each other's hand, swept away by destiny, another casualty of the war, of no consequence to anyone.

Aya was crying, tears mixing with the red of the blood on the floor of the ground. "Kora. I wanted... more time. With you. My sister." Kora didn't know what to say, but deep down, she couldn't deny that either. It'd have been nice to spend more time with Aya before the end, if this was how it was going to go. "I wanted... to make so many... memories with you." She tried to wipe the tears but her body already lacked the strength to do even that. "We're... sisters, Kora! Why... like this? We're sisters and... I don't... even know what your favorite food is..."

"...Nutrient paste." Kora said quietly, hating the chill in her voice as death was coming. Aya's eyes widened, confused, not understanding. After all, who could like that bland tasting paste? But Kora gave her best gentle smile, making an effort to reach out, to reconnect. "...Since it was something... we shared together, sis." Aya let out a giggle and a cough and nodded. "Mmh. Even... more than all the... yummy tower food?"

The knight nodded weakly, as much as she could nod while laying on her side, torso torn open. "I wanted to... share the tower food with... you. To show you a world.... beyond the Rubble... Tier." They were sisters, after all, even if they were both horrible twisted people, they still felt the bond. Aya laughed softly, and Kora knew she was fading. They were both fading. There wasn't much time left now, and so she put some of her ailing strength to tighten her grip on Aya's fingers.

Kora opened her mouth, struggling to draw breath, struggling to speak. "In... the next life.... can we...?" And Aya smiled at her, already knowing what she wanted to ask. "Twins again... except next time... we'll do it better..." Aya whispered. Even though it was so tempting to just close her eyes and drift off, Kora kept them open, wanting her last look of the world to be that of her sister. Aya was doing the same, amber eyes clear and firm despite their upcoming fate. Yes... in the next life, they'd be better sisters. In the next life...

The sister that was left behind curled her legs up in the bed that was too big for one girl. She was in a room, all alone, and the sun was shining down on her. Too bright, Kora hated it, so she used her gravity drive to shut the curtains and block out the sun. She hugged her knees to her chest and went on her side, wishing a presence was there, lying in the too-big, too-empty room with her. But she was alone, left behind by her own actions. In the end, there was no final farewell. In the end, all it was was that she threw Aya into the well, and Aya didn't remember anything anymore, even when she died. Kora's hands were what severed them. Even moreso than her special spot, this was why she wasn't allowed love. Alone in the room, with no one around, with just a breakfast tray next to her, one singular tray, the knight buried herself under the sheets and mourned.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

"Everything looks good on my end Corren," Maven said after checking the monitors. Corren said nothing as he unwound the bandages around the burn, washing away the remaining salve with a cool, damp cloth. "It's healed," he said, rewrapping it in fresh bandages. "Just in case, I'm wrapping it once more," Cress understood the precautions. Corren had explained to her that in order to heal her, they were going to have to do away with her immune system for a while, otherwise it would just attack the healing areas, believing them to be ill. So for now, Corren and Maven were doing their very best to keep Cress away from any sort of sickness. Cress was well aware of what sort of consequences a simple cold could have on her body and it wasn't something that Cress wanted to face after all of this.

"Today let's... eat on... the balcony." The curtains were wide open, looking over the beautiful city of Amythesia, the giant fountain in the center like a beacon in the sky. "Alright, you're disconnected for now. I've given Heron some extra pain medication to administer in case your body begins acting up." Cress nodded her head, watching as the two left to go check on Kora. "I hope... Kora is... okay." Heron was in the corner, getting dressed while facing the wall "I'm sure that girl is fine, she's tougher than she looks." Heron said as she shimmied into the knight uniform pants, buttoning up the white uniform shirt she had discarded across a chair. "Alright," Heron wiggled her fingers, an evil smile on her face. "What should I dress you in today my little doll?"

"Don't call... me that... it's weird." Cress blushed, looking away. Sometimes she felt like Heron only stuck around her because she liked having a girl that was so helpless. Heron's choice of clothing today reminded Cress of something a school girl might wear. A short skirt and thigh highs with a knit button down. It wasn't so bad, at least Cress still had her boots. It wasn't something Cress would have ever picked for herself, but at least she wasn't openly exposed and the thigh highs would keep the bandage on her leg from getting dirty. It'd also keep Kora from seeing it, Cress didn't want Kora thinking that it was her fault. "Can we... eat breakfast... outside?" Cress asked, wriggling as Heron brushed her hair.

"Sure," Heron opened up the doors to the balcony, a cool air wafting in. Unlike in Ashia Palace, there was a bite of winter chill still in the early morning air. The cold air was crisp, a refreshing change from Ashia's sunny and warmth all year round. That was one of Ashia Palace's problems, the seasons kept the soil fertilized, but since there weren't any, they had to grow all of their crops in simulated weather systems. Heron carried Cress outside, placing her in a chair facing the city. "What's for... breakfast today?" Cress asked as Heron lifted the silver top on the tray. Instead of the normal plain broth, there was vanilla pudding. "I guess you leveled up one," Heron said with a grin, digging into her own breakfast first. "After we... eat let's... go find... Kora."



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

"Goodnight Narcia," Narina said, leaving the room. Shiro was sitting on her doggy bed, having escaped the dress after coming back inside and waiting for Nee to return all day from her lessons. Once the door was closed and Narina was gone, Nee sat up. "Come here Shiro," the girl stood on all fours, bounding over to the bed and clambering onto it. She turned a few times, settling down beside her favorite person. "You're a good girl," Nee scritched behind her ears and Shiro mewled softly, her tail thumping against the bed. "Silly girl, you're not a cat, you're a person." Person? One of Shiro's ears flopped over. No, Shiro was a dog! "No!" The pup yipped excitedly, using one of the only words she knew. Shiro turned to lay on her back, a shiver running down her spine as Nee drew circles on her tummy. "I'm sorry she shocked you." Nee said, suddenly looking sad.

"I told her I would take care of you, but you just end up getting punished because of me." Nee hugged her, holding Shiro against her. "No?" Shiro asked, not really understanding the circumstances. "It's okay though, I won't let her hurt you anymore." Nee ruffled Shiro's messy hair. "Tomorrow, let's take a bath together." Shiro cheered up, she liked baths, they were warm and bubbly. "You're always a good girl in my book," Nee said and she scritched Shiro's ears again, turning the pup into a stuffed animal just like that. "You'll stay with me forever, won't you Shiro?" Nee asked and Shiro looked up at Nee with her bright blue eyes. The pup sat up then, licking Nee's cheek. "Ew, that feels weird." Nee said, but she was smiling. "I'll take that as a yes."

Shiro awoke feeling good, for once she hadn't had any nightmares and even though her dreams were weird, it made Shiro feel good that even if she was a dog, Nee would still love her. Of course, Shiro was a human, she was Nee's intended and they were going to be together for a long time. Shiro felt a tight embrace, her face was pressed against Nee's chest, Nee holding onto her tightly. Hearing the words 'good girl' come out of Nee's mouth always felt nice. Shiro was a good girl, wasn't she? She was Nee's good girl. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." Shiro assured the queen, her words slightly muffled since Nee was pressing Shiro against her. Was Nee awake? Should Shiro wake her up? What if it was a good dream? Nee was apologizing though, most likely it was a nightmare.

What should Shiro do? The pup wasn't sure. She stayed there beside Nee, trying to comfort her. "It's not real, I'm right here. I won't go anywhere, I promise." Because if Shiro left, she wouldn't be a good girl, she would be a bad girl and get punished. Nee wouldn't punish her though, she promised, but others might. Shiro didn't want to leave anyways, she finally felt like she truly belonged somewhere, not just a useless lady in waiting, but someone who could make a difference. Even Kora had said that Shiro would make a good queen and the thought of being liked, of succeeding, made Shiro feel happy and warm.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Narcia was torn from her sleep by a voice that pulled her out and into the world of waking. Rather, less like being torn from a dream, more akin to being coaxed out with soft, sweet words and a voice she couldn't resist. Then she felt a pressure against her front, and a soft, cuddly warmth. The ice girl blearily opened her eyes to find that she'd been crying in her sleep. She rubbed the tears off, wondering why she'd been crying. She couldn't remember her dream in the slightest. "...Going somewhere?" The ice girl breathed, then she pressed her lips together. What was Shiro talking about? Was she goi - no, she said she wasn't. The thrumming slowed down and she didn't even realize her heart sped up just thinking about it. "Stay with me." Her voice sounded more like a plea than anything else, weak and childish.

...Whatever it was, the dream was over now, so she managed a smile and nuzzled her cheek against Shiro's, then released her from the vice grip. "S-sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I?" She was holding the pup quite tightly, she didn't want it to have been too tight. She then shook her head, feeling a bit woozy against the morning light shining through. The air was different, everything was different from how it was in Ashia. And oddly enough, the Queen found herself longing to get back to Ashia and start working.

"There's a lot for us to do..." She murmured, wondering who brought their breakfast trays. Nee didn't particularly feel hungry, though. No, she needed to focus. First order of business was Tartaria, organizing a team to survey the land. Cress would have to be there, which meant Heron and Kora would be assigned on guard duty. Bringing too many knights would be seen as a sign of aggression, and there was no one she trusted more than those two to protect her sister. Cress would also need a small team of scientists to help out, advising, but Cress would take the leading role. She also needed to figure out who the man with the radio was and bring him to her. That was of tantamount importance. Another matter, of course, was to prepare a wedding with Shiro, to officially raise Shiro to the status of a Queen. There were other concerns - Una being a major one - but those were what was at the forefront of her mind for now.

So she climbed out of the bed, blushing a little when she realized she wasn't wearing a nightgown at all. It was Shiro, though so... it.... was fine, right? It was - yeah, it'd be okay. They had morning rituals to deal with, after all. "B-bath. You c-can join if you'd like." She muttered, heading to the bathroom to start the water. Her reflection in the mirror wasn't exactly reassuring; The face looking back at her looked a bit ragged and tired. Did she not have a good sleep last night at all? There was a faint hint of a headache, but it was manageable, just a minor annoyance. It was only after she entered the morning bath when Narcia realized she forgot to get her clothes and a towel to dry herself off.

Today wasn't going to be an easy one if this was how things were going.



❝What kind of world lies outside the well? Is it something worth struggling for?❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Sisters, separated because of one mistake, one fatal mistake at the well. Kora would bear that scar for the rest of her life, wouldn't she? She didn't exactly... cry, persay, but she wasn't happy either, curled up under the sheets like this. Things would be so different if Aya was still alive - even the mental version in her head was better than this crushing silence, this shattering loneliness that ebbed and ate away at her until there was nothing but anguish. She killed her sister. Most likely, the real Aya didn't actually love her anymore, not after what she did. Who could love their killer? No, reality was much crueler than the fate the dream offered. Because at least then, they could die together. But here, she was left behind, alone, to mourn.

Kora was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize how badly she needed to pee. When she finally became conscious of it, the lamb wiggled and tried to get off the bed to the bedroom but all that happened was that her bladder exploded everything out, the familiar burning pain a cruel reminder of how her body was demented and deformed now, something unsuitable for love. Her manged special love spot, and her bloodstained hands, Kora couldn't love anyone like this. She was going to lose Cress to Heron, and all the lamb could do was wish them both well. If it was Heron... then Cress would be happy... right?

So now there was a bed wet with urine, too. If only things could just keep getting worse. Kora let out a pained, heaving sigh. She was tired of Coriandrum already. Going back to Ashia - she'd like that. At least in Ashia, she could distract herself from her thoughts with her training and studying, but here, there was way too much free time. Still, they had to wait on Cress's condition to be strong enough to handle a flight back. She just woke up the day before, after all. Aya was gone now - both the real and the fake, and it was just Kora now, with no one, really.

And then the door slammed open. "Kooooora!" Heron shouted, greeting her and then Kora jumped up in surprise, eyes widening, scrambling to try to hide the evidence of her... accident. "Good morning! Hey, you should eat fast so we can play until Corren decides to talk about boring things like health and stuff - whoa, wait, what happened?" She deposited Cress's wheelchair near the door and went to the bed ad Kora blushed heavily because, seriously, who wets the bed at this age? But instead of laughing at her, the knight grabbed her shoulders in concern. "Hey, are you alright? Is it your - complications from what Itward did to you?" Kora shook her head, wishing she had an excuse like that.

"N-no. It was - tch, this is all your fault!" Kora wanted to stay in a corner and mope but with these people here, she wouldn't get that chance. Heron sighed, setting Kora down, staring at her face and Heron definitely noticed the puffiness of her eyes but didn't make any comment. "Get yourself cleaned up, and I'll change the sheets for ya." She winked, then looked over at Cress, shrugging. Kora was too embarrassed to think of anything to say, so she grabbed the first set of cloths she could find and went to the bathroom to clean herself and change into something befitting a knight, wondering how things could possibly get any worse.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

"Here comes the plane," Heron teased, holding the spoon a few centimeters away. Cress sighed, Heron was treating her like a child while feeding her, making noises and saying weird things. "You don't... have to... do that." Cress huffed and Heron laughed, "if you don't open wide you won't get any." So Cress opened her mouth, allowing Heron to spoon it in. She was still too weak to feed herself, but soon she'd get to. Soon she would get to rely on her own power again, no longer being so weak and feeling left behind. Cress was getting antsy from being so helpless, just a doll anyone could toy with since she couldn't resist. If she had her strength, she could have prevented herself from getting kidnapped and Nee wouldn't have... She wouldn't have had that happen to her.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth," Heron said Cress did as asked, figuring it was easier to just let Heron finish feeding her so that they could go and see how Kora was. Instead of pudding though, Cress was met with a gentle kiss. Heron pulled away, grinning victoriously. "I couldn't resist," she said, giving Cress the last of the pudding. Heron deposited the tray outside of the room, then lifted Cress up out of the chair on the balcony, carrying her to the wheelchair and placing her down. She strapped Cress in, then secured the oxygen tank in the back. "I don't... feel good." Cress said and Heron grabbed a bucket in time for Cress to wretch up her breakfast.

She felt frustrated, things had been going so well. "It's okay," Heron said, sensing Cress's anxiety. "You just gotta take it slow, it was probably too soon to take a step up." Heron rubbed small circles on Cress's back until she was done, then got Cress a cup of water to wash away the taste, making her spit it into the bucket instead of swallowing. "Things were... going so... well." Cress said, panting slightly. Heron shrugged, "let's go check on Kora." Anything to get her mind off of the failure. Heron took the handles of the wheelchair, checking that the pain medicine was in place before they left the room. The hallway alone was glamorous, there was life wherever you walked, flowers growing directly out of the walls.

When they reached Kora's room, it was clear that something was wrong. Kora was old enough to hold her bladder and yet... Did something happen? Had something down there ripped open? "Kora..." Cress trailed off, watching the girl stomp away to the bathroom. Heron was changing the sheets, the sleeves of her uniform rolled up. "I can take care of that," a voice behind her suddenly said. Wren was there in all of her blue haired glory, looking quite refreshed as though she had taken a spa day. "You're a knight, you shouldn't be doing such a thing." So Wren changed the sheets, leaving Heron with Cress. Heron had washed her hands and came to sit next to her, the two of them waiting for Kora to return.

"I hope... Kora's okay." Cress said quietly, wondering if Kora was ready to accept that a doctor should go down there and fix it. It seemed painful for Kora and Cress wanted her friend to be able to live in comfort, to not have the reminder every time she went to the bathroom. "I want... Kora to... be happy." Cress looked at her lap, wondering if there was anything she could do to make Kora better. "She's our... friend, she.... deserves to... be allowed... to love."



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Shiro lay quietly on her side, her face pressed against Nee's chest. She hoped she wasn't making Nee uncomfortable, laying like this. How could Shiro wake her up? It seemed like Nee was having bad dreams and Shiro didn't want her to suffer. So Shiro did the only thing she could think of. She opened her mouth, taking in a little bit of Nee's skin and gently suckling on it. It seemed to be working, Nee was waking up. Shiro hoped that she wasn't hurting her intended and she made sure to be extra careful, making sure it was a place that no one could see. When Nee finally opened her eyes, Shiro released the small bit of skin, a love mark left behind. "Good morning," Shiro said with a smile, trying to be as bright as she always was.

Nee asked her to stay with her and Shiro nodded her head. "I'll stay here, I want to be by your side." Shiro said, wondering if Nee was just saying sleepy things. Nee smiled and nuzzled her cheek and Shiro blushed, feeling warm. The two of them were still bare after the night before, clothes and ribbons discarded somewhere. Nee released Shiro from her vice grip, stumbling over herself to apologize. Shiro shook her head, "You didn't hurt me, don't worry." Shiro assured Nee as she slowly sat up to avoid getting the black dots in her vision. Shiro was slightly cold without Nee's arms wrapped around her, so Shiro wrapped the blanket around herself and grabbed Ellis who was close to falling off of the bed.

Nee said that there was a lot for them to do and Shiro nodded her head in agreement, knowing that there was in fact, plenty for the two of them to do in order to prepare for their return to Ashia Palace. "I think we'll be going back soon," Shiro said, "Cress did really well yesterday." They had gone on a two hour drive from the castle and come back with no complications. Well, unless you counted Kora fainting from dehydration a complication. "Unless you want to stay longer?" Shiro asked, looking up at Nee curiously. They had to get back soon though, there was a marriage to plan, a nation to rule, and a nation to fix. Hopefully they'd be able to bring peace to the Tartarian's and begin to build a better desert.

When Nee asked if she wanted to take a bath with her, Shiro nodded her head, not even needing to be asked. "I'll come in," Shiro said, sliding down off of the bed. "Let me get us some towels," the pup went to the closet while Nee started the bath, grabbing the two of them some towels and putting them in the towel warmer. Shiro placed Ellis on the bathroom counter next to the jewelry box where her most precious possessions were safely stowed away. "It's warm," Shiro said as she slid inside, the cold that pierced her body slowly lifting away inside of the bathtub.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Narcia put a hand gently on where Shiro gently suckled, a reddish purple mark already forming, Shiro's love. It was sensitive in a nice way, the skin there, just above the center of one of her mounds. It brought a faint blush to her cheeks to think about, it made her happy. Shiro said that she'd stay there, at her side, and that made her happy as well. Whatever anxiety there was was gone now, and replaced with a comfortable sort of safe feeling. "I feel safe with you." She whispered. "Shi..."

Cress did do quite well yesterday, didn't she? "I'm proud of her." Narcia said honestly, knowing her sister was probably forcing herself more than just a little yesterday. She didn't even collapse in the end, there was no incident involving her, so hopefully they'd get to return to Ashia Palace and start work. After all, it'd be bad for them to remain on this 'vacation' for too long, especially so soon after a war. Xion and Itward were already on task, but the Queens needed to step in to authorize some of the more important missions they needed. "I should spend more time with her once we're back. We are sisters, after all." Nee still felt bad for neglecting Cress when she needed the support. Those months of loneliness and emptiness where she couldn't even blink or move.... and Nee didn't even visit once in that time period.

The bath was nice and warm but she didn't have time to prepare any special scents to enhance it. It was a little funny, actually. Nee never really cared about scents back in Sierra Nevada, baths weren't a time for relaxation like they were now. Back then, she had to rush and hurry when showering because Cress always told her not to waste water because she needed it for the plants. ...How was the garden doing, anyways? Was the family still maintaining it, even with Cress gone? Or was it too painful for them to think of their lost girls?

Maybe it was a silly sentiment, but there was something that came to mind that for some reason, really mattered to her. "Shi, about the... the wedding um...." There was a troubled little frown on her face and she smiled at her intended. "Would it be okay to try to find your parents and invite them? I... want them to see the amazing girl you became. And... I wanted to thank them for having you." Her cheeks went pink because something emotional like this was something Narcia used to ignore and devalue. She was always business first and foremost, but the ice was melting, revealing her soft interior. "O-only if you want, though. If you prefer, we don't have to find them." A sad, somewhat darker expression was on her face now. "...They did abandon you, after all." It was Shiro's decision, in the end.



❝I don't care if I lose everything, so please.... come back...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Heron and Cress were there, and they saw it, they saw how embarrassing she was, how much of a useless child she was. Kora hated it, she didn't want anyone to see her like this. She was still stewing from the humiliation in the bathroom as she quickly got herself washed and dressed. It was a habit of hers to always conserve as much water as she could when bathing - it didn't come cheap in the Rubble Tier, after all. But she eventually let her shame go for the time being, her thoughts drifting back to a sister she wished above all could've grown up with her and been with her. Aya....

Even the mental Aya was fine. At least it was something, at least it filled the emptiness she felt. Twins were two halves of a whole, so Kora now was just one half, the other half gone to somewhere she couldn't follow. The girl curled up and shook her head, almost wanting someone to be able to change the past and make it so that Aya didn't die at all. Instead, maybe made it so that the sisters could have a mutual understanding. Then the lamb saw it - the tap. "...Bad girl..." The lamb muttered softly, pinching herself. "You're... Aya, aren't you? Stop pretending... to be Kora..."

The heat of the water was burning up her skin and it was becoming unbearable yet she stayed in anyways, skin turning pink and then red and it was getting hard to breathe again. She felt like she was being boiled alive yet Kora stayed in, eyes shut. This was how to bring Aya back, this was how to punish her for throwing the real one into the well in the first place. Yes, that was it, wasn't it? This excruciating burning pain. Breathing was becoming heavy, steam filled up the room, and the twin left behind felt strange, lightheaded, horribly dizzy as the sizzling water assaulted her body.

"What the hell!" Heron shouted. Kora... didn't think of that, didn't realize the steam would've floated out from under the door for the two to see. "What are you doing?" Heron shut the water off and pulled her out of the bath, Kora was panting and dazed and her eyes were unfocused, skin as bright red as when her Daddy did this to her months ago. The scarlet knight swore under her breath and wrapped a towel around her, pulling her out to the bedroom. "This idiot." Kora coughed weakly, shivering despite the heat. "Was.... tr-trying to... bring Aya.... back..." She was trying to explain. Abuse was meant to put her back in Aya mode, but why wasn't it working? "P-put me... back in..." Heron stared at her as if she was insane. "Cress, stay here with her, I'm gonna get Corren. Don't let her do anything stupid."

So Kora was placed on the newly made bed and Wren gave her a cool towel, her blue hair seeming vibrant for some reason. "I'm okay, see?" Kora tried to get up but it was difficult to really move. "I can... get Aya back... just a little more..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

As Wren changed the sheets, Cress noticed something. The room was growing warm, almost unbearingly so. "Heron," Cress said, gesturing towards the bathroom door. Kora was taking an awfully long time to clean herself up. There was a city to explore after all, all of Amythesia, beckoning to them, luring them towards the city-center that glowed with both nature and technology intertwined. It was wonderful and chaotic, a harmony that only the most impressive minds could have ever thought up. This was more than botany, more than anything Cress could do on her own. This was thousands of years of trial and error, evolution at its finest.

"I think... something's wrong." Cress's expression became dark. Heron had moved Cress to the bed that Wren had finished making since the wheelchair wasn't exactly comfortable. "I'm going in," Heron said, opening the bathroom door. Steam came out in blinding amounts, fogging up the windows that overlooked the city. Cress felt a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach as Heron jumped into the bathroom, taking far too long. Cress held her breath, breathing in relief when Heron stepped out with a Kora who was as red as a lobster. "Kora!" Cress yelled in alarm, Heron placed Kora on the bed, telling Cress to watch her as she went to get Corren and Maven. Cress nodded her head, knowing that there wasn't really anything she could do.

Heron went out, Wren went somewhere too, leaving Cress and Kora on their own. "You idiot," Cress was shaking. Kora tried to prove that she was okay, saying that she was trying to bring Aya back. "You could... have died!" Cress said, her hands gripping the towel Kora was wrapped in. "I can't... lose you... too!" She choked back a sob, trying to swallow the feeling that made her want to cry. She couldn't, not here, not in front of her friend. Cress had to be strong, "Don't do... that again." First Dad, then Ellie, next Aya. Now Kora was trying to leave too wasn't she? They were all going somewhere else, somewhere Cress would never get to go to.

It was selfish of her, Cress knew, but she didn't care. She didn't want to lose anyone else, not her family or her friends. "Please... don't... leave me." Heron came back with Corren and Maven. "Come on, let's let them work." Heron said, lifting Cress from the bed and placing her back in the wheelchair. "I want... to stay." Cress replied but Heron shook her head. "No, we need to give them space to work." Heron said stubbornly, sounding upset too. "Hey, I have an idea." Heron took Cress back to her room, placing Cress on the bed. "What are... we doing?" Cress asked, wondering if she should even ask.

Cress tried to fight and resist it, but Heron overpowered her easily, dressing Cress in a nurses costume that clung to her body. "Where do... you get... these things... from?" Cress asked, wondering why it fit perfectly. "Never mind... I don't... want to... know." Heron had that mischievous grin on her face, the one that Ashia's Fang was known for. "I figured it might cheer Kora up." So Heron put Cress back in the wheelchair, they had given Corren and Maven more than enough time to fix Kora up. "How is... she?" Cress asked as they went in.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Shiro thought that was a good idea, the two sisters spending time together. "I think that's a good idea, sisterly bonding time." Shiro said, but then had a second thought. What if Nee started spending time with Cress and had no time for them to be together? Shiro shook her head, no, she wasn't going to think like that. Nee wouldn't abandon her because they loved each other. Sisterly bonding time was something that would help Nee in the long run. Shiro could do other things during that time, or maybe go with Nee? Then Shiro had another thought. Did she have any siblings? Was that why her parents had gotten rid of her? Because they couldn't feed anymore mouths? Or perhaps it was in order to spare her of a life on the sanitary tier?

Once they were in the bath, Shiro allowed the water to wrap around her like a warm embrace. A hug of cleanliness so to speak, oh and bubbles. There were always plenty of bubbles in the tub no matter what they did. Bubble baths were the best! Shiro scrubbed herself, washing out her blonde hair and scrubbing her body with the tea leaf soap. It smelled nice, like apples and something spicy, maybe cinnamon? They had such different things in Coriandrum, even something as simple as soap. The use of nature was amazing, then again, Ashia Palace was pretty amazing as well. No other country utilized technology quite like them.

When Nee said her name, Shiro looked up. Nee sounded troubled and Shiro wondered what was wrong. Her heart stopped when Nee mentioned the wedding. Had she changed her mind? Did she not want to wed after all? Shiro should have known. She wasn't a good girl, not good enough for Nee. She was just a lowly maidservant, how could anyone ever love a dog? Shiro was quickly beginning to spiral, wondering what it was that she had done wrong when Nee brought up something else, her parents. So that was what this was about? Shiro's parents? Shiro didn't know them, she had no recollection of the two people who had abandoned her in the incinerator.

"I've always wondered," Shiro said quietly, looking down at her lap. "Who they were," was it worth trying to find them? Perhaps they had done it for a good reason? No parent abandoned their child for no reason, Shiro was sure. "I want to find them," the pup decided, because it was better to have closure, to know why they had done what they did. "I want to see them, at least once." Was that okay? Shiro looked up at Nee, wondering if such a thing was acceptable. "But how would we? I don't even know what their faces look like."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Cress and Narcia were sisters and two of a kind. No matter what, because of their shared pasts and experiences, nothing would change that. Only they could understand each other in that way, in the way no one else really could. Tied together by fate, both bearing the load of this incredibly lonely destiny together. It'd be good to spend more time with her, to help ease the pain of losing Ellen. Nee tried not to notice it, but she knew Cress missed her cousin - missed the person she was when she was on Earth. That person was gone now, faded away after she was abducted. It was as if Ellen had broken and given up on the world, leaving Narcia behind to pick up the pieces.

She then gently took Shiro's ringed hand in hers and placed it on her precious locket. "But that doesn't mean we'll spend any less time together." Shiro was the type to overthink things and lose herself in anxiety and Nee didn't want her to misunderstand anything. "Because Cress is your sister too! I want you two to become good friends too, Shi." So in the bath, she gave Shiro a kiss and then started soaping herself with the spare, enjoying the smells that came with it.

It was natural for Shi to feel a bit... unsure about her parents. After all, they abandoned her and left her to die. But even though she wanted to be angered about that, Narcia knew that it was unfair to really judge since there was no way to know why it happened. She needed to keep a cool, rational head and not let her emotions get the better of her. "It shouldn't be too difficult." The ice girl said simply, giving Shiro a smile. She deserved to know the truth, definitely. "Your DNA should be in the database. As long as I can cross reference it with known married couples in the Rubble Tier at the time of your birth, I should be able to find them." It would be simple, despite how important it was.

Once they were done with the bath, it was time to meet up with the others to figure out what the plan was. Was Cress ready for travel, would she be able to withstand the trip back? Or would they need to spend extra time in Coriandrum and Amethysia? Nee was anxious to get to work - they could only relax for so long before repercussions, after all. But before the two Queens could get to Cress's room, they were interrupted by Queen Riana, who gave them both small smiles. The lonely Queen came to greet them, so they exchanged pleasantries, Nee thanking her for her hospitality and Riana saying she hoped they were enjoying their stay. Simple things, nothing of substance.

"This isn't an official meeting, no need to look so tense." Riana said, and it was clear she wasn't getting as much sleep as she should have. It was clear what she wanted to talk about. "Una Malachite. Is there a plan for her? I can suggest leaving her here under my care. The child... doesn't have a family, and our medicine is superior to what you have available, Queen Narcia." While all that was true, Nee still felt a little unsure. She didn't trust Riana would act wholly in Una's best interest, after all. "I was thinking bringing her back with us." Nee said, holding her ground. "But it's true a maternal figure would be good for her, to help her adapt." Both she and Riana seemed curious as to what Shi thought about this. It needed to be settled somehow, at least. She squeezed Shiro's hand to let her know it's fine to speak her mind with no reservation.



❝I don't care if I lose everything, so please.... come back...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Kora felt herself spinning for some reason even though she knew cognitively that she was just lying on the bed, unmoving or anything else. Cress was there, Heron was already gone, and Kora did her best grin, she didn't want Cress to worry or anything. The lamb had suffered much worse than this, she could handle it. "...I'm okay. I can... I had worse." If it'd bring Aya back, Kora could do this and more. She needed to, she needed to bring Aya back, even if it was just fake, even if it was just in her head. Aya deserved to be able to live too. Sure, she was twisted, but Kora was as well! They were both demented people, so why did Kora get to live and Aya had to die?

"Please don't... worry, Cress." She fought past the pain and tenderness and how painful it was for the towel to chafe against her red and raw skin. "You misss her, right? Aya? Well... I can... get her. I'll bring her back. It's fine." She needed more abuse, more punishment, maybe someone to beat her and yell at her. Would that help? Would that give back everyone's beloved sweet nurse of gentleness? It had to, it definitely had to. She wouldn't just accept this sort of sad ending. She wouldn't accept her precious twin sister's death. She tried to wriggle out of the towel, to get back to the hot water. "If... it was... .Nee... you'd do the... same..."

Unfortunately their talk was cut short by Corren and Maven, Corren was chastising her for taking unnecessary risk and harming herself, Maven was cooling her down and already putting ointment on the skin, Heron and Cress vanished someplace and Kora found herself moved on a stretcher to the med room, where Una lay in her possibly eternal slumber. "Punish me." The angry lamb murmured quietly to Corren, wanting to be stricken, to be yelled at. She needed to be abused in order to bring Aya back, right?

When Heron and Cress came back - Cress in some nurse outfit thing that made her look nice and Kora felt shame in her cheeks again - Corren spoke to them. The lamb was already floating in and out of consciousness as the ointment did its work on her skin but she caught the gist of it, saying that Kora was safe, but they needed to watch over her to prevent this from happening again, and that therapy might be in order to help her process Aya's death. Kora shook her head. "Aya's... I can bring her back. Please let me bring her back." Kora was determined. She wouldn't let this story have a sad ending like that.

Heron felt pain as she watched the idiotic lamb's desperation, her denial of Aya's death. It reminded her too much of Nio and how many times she desperately wanted to find a way to change the past, to go back and fix things so that Nio didn't have to die. The pain would always be there even if she distracted herself, but seeing Kora like this made it feel even sharper, even worse than usual. So maybe she was speaking to herself when she grabbed Kora by the shoulder, earning a hiss of pain from the girl. "She's gone!" Heron growled, and she didn't know if she meant Aya or Nio. "And she's never coming back! So stop thinking about the past, stop being an idiot and focus on the future, you stupid lamb!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

They went downstairs, to the floor where Cress had, had her procedure done. The two were mostly quiet, worried for their friend who was having mental deterioration over the loss of one of her personalities. Sure, Aya was a figment induced by trauma, but to Cress and Heron, Aya had been very real. She was a friend, a nurse, beloved to all. Kora was too, although she was a bit rough sometimes and couldn't always properly express her emotions, Kora was their friend. If anything happened to her, Cress would never forgive herself. She had already lost enough, there was no need to lose Kora too. Kora was the real one, Cress continued to remind herself. She couldn't stop thinking of that day though, where Aya had cried because she didn't want to hurt anyone, because she didn't want to be erased and knew that in the end, Kora would win since she was really who the body belonged to.

"I don't... want to... lose her." Cress said quietly as they rode in the elevator. Corren had typed in the password for them to come down to the secret level in Amethysia's palace. "I don't either," Heron admitted. "Sure she's a pain, but she's our friend." There was something else that Heron wasn't saying that Cress wasn't aware of, that Kora was also her rival and toughest competitor. How Cress was not aware of this yet was amazing in itself. When the elevator doors slid open to reveal the laboratory, Cress held her breath. It smelled like a hospital down there and it reminded Cress of her first car accident, the one she had lost her father in. The confusion and sadness after waking up from a coma, it was all there and it made Cress tense.

"You okay?" Heron asked as she wheeled Cress forward. "Fine," Cress lied, a faint chill running down her spine. It was colder down here, where the sun didn't reach them, where plants were replaced by tech and science and unnatural things that Cress didn't quite care for. "She's over here," Maven waved them down and Heron pushed the wheelchair forward, Cress sitting stiffly from the bad memories that had flooded her mind. Maven and Corren had put Kora in the same room as Princess Una, who was still sound asleep in her glass prison. "Kora," Cress breathed upon seeing her friend all wrapped up in bandages.

Corren explained her condition, saying that they were just topical burns. They could have been much worse, but thank to Heron's fast action, they were mere surface wounds that would be better very soon. "I'm glad," Heron had placed Kora's hand gently in Cress's own so that Cress could hold it. "Kora you... dummy." Cress said as Kora begged to bring Aya back. "I thought... you were... going to... live for... you both." Cress wanted Kora to stop this, to just be herself again. She wanted her friend back, the real Kora, the one that yelled at Heron for being a pervert, who tried to protect Cress even though she knew that the redhead was stronger, the one who blushes at the idea of being called cute.

Heron was the one who slapped sense into Kora, telling her that she was gone, that she wasn't going to come back no matter how much she wanted it. That's right, once the dead were gone, they never came back. Cress could attest to that; sometimes they came to you in dreams, they watched over you from the sky, but they never walked among the living again. "Heron." Cress warned, "You don't... need to... yell. Kora is... still recovering." Secretly though Cress was glad that Heron was trying to make Kora realize the truth. Perhaps therapy would be the best thing for their friend.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Shiro breathed a sigh of relief when Nee said that she wouldn't be spending any less time with her. That's right, their marriage meant that Cress would be her sister too. Which made Shiro Cress's little sister, so they would all be spending plenty of time together. "I hope so," Shiro couldn't help but wonder if Cress blamed her for Ellie's disappearance. It happened around the same time, when Shiro was hurt by the Queen, Ellie disappeared and Nee took over. It could have been for an entirely different reason, but the pup wasn't exactly known for her rational train of thought. "It's a little scary to think about having a big sister." Nee was Cress's big sister and once they were married, Cress would be Shiro's big-sister-in-law.

Shiro had never had any family before, but now, she was going to have a big one. Her entire life Narina had reminded Shiro that no one had wanted her, that she had been discarded like literal trash and hadn't been wanted nor needed. She had reminded Shiro to be grateful that she had taken her in, that Shiro wasn't just another failed science experiment or casualty of the sanitary disease. Now though, Shiro would have a family, she had someone that loved her, and she was much more than the servant Narina had intended her to be. Shiro had managed to break out of those bonds and now... her heart fluttered as she thought about marrying Nee.

Nee explained that it wouldn't be too difficult, that she just had to use her DNA to do something complicated that Shiro didn't understand. "I'm sorry," Shiro shook her head, "I don't really get it." Nee was smart, so maybe this was something that only Nee thought would be easy. "But I'll support you in anyways I can," to find the closure she had thought about for years... It was another thing that was a little bit scary. "I'm afraid," Shiro imagined, "I built up all of these expectations." Shiro hugged the warm towel around her. "What if they're not what I think?" Shiro said, shaking a little bit. "What if they really don't want me?"

Once they were dressed, it was time to meet with Corren to discuss when they could go back home. Instead though, Queen Riana entered their room in all of her glory, a sad sort of expression on her face. Riana wanted to keep Una here, Nee thought it would be best to bring her back to Ashia Palace. Shiro listened to both of their points when suddenly, they turned towards her, wanting to know what Shiro thought. What did Shiro think? Well there were a lot of good points brought up. What if Queen Riana simply wanted to use Una for her own agenda? She didn't seem like the type though. "I think we should let Una decide." Shiro replied, "She would have a better chance at a cure here, but once she wakes up, Una should be able to decide who she wants to stay with until she can inherit the throne."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Narcia chuckled a little as she ran her hands through Shiro's silky golden hair, enjoying the texture and feel of each strand. "Cress makes for a great big sister." She really did, didn't she? Even with the truth come to light, Nee didn't really feel like the older sister. Cress definitely had that aura about her, even if it was most likely biased, it was still the truth. Cress just felt better, more natural, being thought of as the older sister rather than the younger. And a small selfish part of Nee hoped Cress still thought of her as the little sister. "She'll have lots of fun with you, Shi."

It felt nice, calling her Shi. It was like... it made her heart feel fluttery and warm and she didn't know how to express it at all. It wasn't really much of a surprise that her intended didn't really understand, but Nee smiled serenely at her. "Don't apologize. Tech isn't for everyone." She said kindly, passing over the more technical details of her plan to find Shiro's family. DNA compatability searches and the like, there was no need for Shi to understand. Her area of expertise was understanding people's hearts, rather than technology, and for a Queen, Shiro's skill was much more valuable.

When Shiro expressed her fears and doubts, Narcia pulled her in for a close, tight hug, trying to stop the shaking with her own body warmth. "It's okay. Whatever happens, no matter what kinds of people they are, I'll be with you to support you. So don't be afraid." What kinds of people were they? Nee didn't really know - there was no way to know until meeting them. Maybe they had a perfectly valid reason, or maybe they never deserved to be parents in the first place. Whatever the answer was, Nee was prepared to support Shiro when they figured it out. "We're a team, remember?'

Queen Riana's proposal was definitely one to be cautious about. She didn't trust Riana to not manipulate Una into wanting to stay, even if Shiro wanted to leave the choice to her. Riana was going to get the advantage the moment Una woke, since she would be the first face Una saw upon waking up. But then again, Narcia wasn't entirely confident her own medicine would be able to save Una. And no matter how cruel it was to thrust responsibility onto her shoulders, Tartaria needed Una if it wanted to remain stable. Without her taking the throne once she could, Tartaria would definitely descend into lawlessness and banditry. That wasn't acceptable.

"She should decide." Narcia said evenly, conceding to Shiro, and Riana paused, then nodded after a moment to think it over. It was, after all, Una's own life to decide. "I'll have my best doctors work on waking the child up, then. It was nice speaking to you both, Ashian Queens." Nee hoped she just imagined the sudden formal tone that was different from her earlier voice of warmth. Nee hugged Shiro then and it was time to go and find Corren to discuss homecoming plans.



❝I don't care if I lose everything, so please.... come back...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

When Corren was done updating them on her condition, the lamb was agitated. She had enough of just lying down already. She could still take more pain, she could handle a lot worse than just this. She was strong, she just had to endure. If she could hurt enough, if she could suffer enough, then Aya would come back to rescue her, wouldn't she? Aya wanted to badly to be real - wasn't this her chance to finally achieve that? So why? Why wasn't she coming back? Why didn't she love her enough to return? Kora felt empty without her second half, Kora felt lost and scared and alone without Aya in her head with her, accompanying her every step of the way.

Cress was holding her hand and talking to her, telling her she was a dummy but Kora wanted to bite and shout. Did no one understand at all? Did none of them care that she had a chance to bring Aya back to them, to make life fun as before? "It's not right." Kora muttered - already her skin wasn't so sensitive and tender, the ointment and bandages were doing their work to bring her back to functional speed. "She wanted... to live.... remember? Aya... wanted to be real...."

Heron slapped her and was yelling at her then, and there was a lot of pain in the redhead's eyes that the lamb didn't know what to do with. She couldn't think of anything to say and just cried when Heron shouted, telling her that it was impossible, that Aya was never ever coming back and it hurt to hear it, it was painful because Kora knew it was her fault. Her own hands robbed Aya of the chance to live, her hands stole Aya's future and happiness away, the moment she pushed her into the well, both their destinies changed. Instead of happy lives as sisters, they were forever torn apart, never to see each other again.

Kora didn't even know who she was mourning anymore. Was she crying for her real dead sister, the one she killed? Or was she crying for the Aya in her head that helped her through these painful years of sadness and misery? Maybe it was both, it was almost definitely both. "I don't want it." Kora whimpered, her breathing was getting difficult again as she choked on her own tears. "We were... sisters! But reality.... didn't let us.... have a... a live together, as sisters." She shook her head, tears brimming. "I won't... accept it. She's... I can still save her. Please...."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

Aya wanted to live, Cress remembered all too well. She remembered the tears, Aya clinging to her in bed, saying that Kora would win, that she was afraid of dying, even if she knew that Kora was the real one. "Don't you... think I... miss her... too?" It was selfish, but Cress didn't care. "You're not... the only... one who... lost her." Cress and Aya had been partners in crime, best friends, team mates. Now... all that was left was Cress. Her shoulders shook as she remembered how scared Aya had been, how Cress assured her that she wouldn't die. Liar. Even though Cress was trying her hardest, she felt tears roll down her cheeks. "Kora," Heron said, hands balled into fists. "I won't ever forgive you for making a cute girl cry!"

It was so ridiculous that Cress couldn't help but laugh. She squeezed Kora's hand in her own, hoping that maybe the words had sparked the person Kora really was. Cress blinked back the tears, feeling the droplets fall between her fingers. "Sometimes loving... means let's... them go." Because in the end, that was all they could do. When you lost someone to the world, you had to let them be. "Sure it's... painful sometimes... but over... time that... pain will... fade." Her tears were drying, even though Cress had promised herself that she wouldn't cry, it had happened. Heron leaned down to wipe away Cress's tears with a handkerchief.

Kora didn't want to accept it though, she was still pleading to let them save her. "She's dead!" Cress suddenly yelled. "She's dead! She's gone! She's not... coming back!" Her hand squeezed Kora's, her grip weak. "Please let... Aya rest." Cress looked down at her lap, "Let Aya... be at... peace." It was ironic wasn't it? Through this all, Cress had gained a sister, a twin, but Kora had lost her's. Fate was cruel and ugly, but they had to keep living, because they were strong. It could also be that Cress was simply afraid of death, of diving into the unknown. She had faced it head on so many times and yet Cress feared its finality. Once you were dead there was no coming back, unless, apparently, you were Cress who should have been dead long ago.

Maybe it was because of this that Cress only caused those around her anguish? Those she considered close suffered terrible losses. Her family had lost her father, Nee had lost their parents, Heron and Itward lot Nio, and now Kora had lost Aya. Maybe for every time Cress escaped death, it claimed another as compensation? Her father during the first car accident, her birth father after the second. Nio when Cress had been stabbed through the chest and now Aya, poor, innocent Aya who had never been real in the first place. One might argue that it was time for Aya to leave, that she had found peace and let Kora had full reign of her body. Another may say that Aya had never belonged and was against the way of the natural world.

"So please... stop this... madness." Cress begged, hoping she had gotten through to her friend. "Please Kora... come back... to us." Cress needed her friend back. Over coming Refure would mean nothing if Kora lost to herself. "Be the... girl Aya... wants you... to be." She said gently, looking up at Kora. "Be my... friend again."



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Nee hugged her, assuring Shiro that no matter what happened it would be okay. In Nee's arms, Shiro could relax, the shaking lessened and the world didn't seem quite as scary with someone to explore it beside her. "Yeah," Shiro repeated, "a team." Her cheeks flushed a slight pink at how their bodies fit together so perfectly like this, the curvature matching one another. Puzzle pieces that fit together, that's what the two of them were. Shiro hoped that the others could find love like this too. Heck, the pup wanted all of Ashia to have some sort of love! She especially wanted them to love Nee as much as Shiro loved her, to accept Nee as their ruler and give her a chance to show them how great she was.

"Together we can do anything," Shiro said with a smile. When it was time to get dressed, Shiro retied the ribbon with her pacifier around her neck, the familiar weight a comfort. When they spoke with Queen Riana, Shiro held Ellis in one hand and her fingers entwined with Nee in the other. After Shiro had brought up her point, that it should be up to Una to decide, the two queens seemed to deliberate. Shiro waited nervously, wondering what they thought of the idea. Nee echoed Shiro's thoughts then, agreeing that it should be up to Tartaria's future queen to decide her fate. Was it Shiro's imagination, or was there relief in Queen Riana's eyes? Perhaps she really had been lonely? Maybe raising a child would give her a chance to have the experience of being a mother.

Would Shiro and Nee have a child? Shiro wondered. They had to leave an heir... Unless Cress ended up with a child, then they could inherit everything. When Queen Riana left, Shiro thought that maybe it would be good for the woman to have something to focus on instead of the empty nest. Nee knelt down to hug her and Shiro returned the embrace, closing her eyes as they hugged. Shiro was a good girl, she had given the right answer again. When it was time to break apart the hug, Shiro held Nee's hand, the two of them going to speak with Corren about returning home. Shiro's mind was still on the task of a child though. No doubt Nee wouldn't want to carry one, given what had happened to her, which left the task up to Shiro.

The pup tried to think back, wondering if the sanitary illness and the treatment for it made her infertile. Shiro didn't actually know how children were made, the science department was something that the pup was severely lacking in. Shiro did remember, however, the doctor saying that due to Narina's request of keeping her small, her body hadn't fully returned. Would that make carrying her's and Nee's love child impossible? Shiro placed a hand on her stomach. Her body was too small too, she would never survive giving birth, not that the pup was aware of this.

"I hope we get to go home," Shiro mused aloud, squeezing Nee's hand when they stepped into the elevator. Thankfully, they were not going down to the basement levels, but meeting in a small, private room on the main level. Corren was waiting there with Maven, a few reports up on the holo. "So can we go?" Shiro asked, taking a seat beside Nee. "First matter of business," Corren produced the pen needle, injecting it quickly into Shiro's shoulder. Shiro yelped and clung to Nee, hugging Ellis tightly. No, she was a bad girl, after everything, she was a bad girl in the end. Shiro put her pacifier in her mouth. There was going to be punishment wan't there? That's why Corren had one this, to put her out of commission.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

The hugging made the shaking stop, made Shi's fear of her parents and her expectations temporarily abate, and Nee was thankful for that. She didn't want Shiro to have to ever feel things like fear or sadness again. Still, something like this, meeting the parents that abandoned you... the ice girl wasn't sure how this would go about for the actual meeting. It was going to have to happen, definitely, but that didn't mean it wasn't going to be emotional. "We'll have each other's backs." Narcia whispered, meaning it and knowing Shi would do the same for her if need be. Their bodies fit together like tow pieces of a puzzle, as if they truly were meant for each other, not just in an emotional sense but also a physical one as well.

The talk with Riana did bring up one problem, however, and it was one that didn't have a necessarily easy solution. For now they wouldn't have to worry about it, but eventually, they were going to need an heir to take the throne - unless she got rid of the monarchy system and had a vote-based system to decide the next ruler. Honestly, both had their appeals, and it was too soon to tell which one was better than the other. But if they did decide to keep the monarchal system, she'd need an heir. Cress most likely wouldn't be having children, and she really didn't ever want to bear a child. Sure, with gene modding of the eggs, it was possible to mix eggs together and fertilize it - but Shi was incredibly small, and Nee was adverse to ever bearing.

So, adoption would have to be the method of use, wouldn't it? But before she could think more about it, they arrived at a small room where Corren and Maven were waiting. The first thing of concern was Shi and her injection, so Corren gave it to her and the girl was clinging so Narcia gently held her and stroked her arm. "Shh, you're a good girl, it'll be okay, it's just to keep you healthy so you can stay with me." Nee soothed, not wanting her intended to feel like this. It was better than the vest, but still, a cure would be the best case scenario.

"I arranged for us to return to Ashia this afternoon, so there's still a few hours to explore and enjoy Amethysia at your leisure, Narcia." Corren said in his usual matter-of-fact manner, almost devoid of emotions, and that was a relief. He was indirectly saying that Cress was strong enough for the flight back. "Alright." Nee said, slightly excited to come back But then Corren cleared his throat. "However, Kora's in a bad state, mentally. With your approval, I could have her sedated for the flight." Maven brought up a screen - Cress crying at Kora, who kept muttering about wanting to bring Aya back, wrapped up in bandages. What skin was visible was a frightening pink hue. There seemed to be more concern than the average doctor's feelings, though. "She's inconsolable."

And that was when Narcia realized two things. One - Corren probably had feelings for Kora in a romantic sense. And two, considering how Maven's eyes very slightly narrowed, Maven was probably attracted to Corren in return. "Only if necessary." Narcia said quietly, shaking her head. "I want her in working order to keep Cress protected as quickly as possible, Corren." So the doctor nodded and made the notes on his tablet. With that settled, they had free time until it was time to return to Ashia.



❝I don't care if I lose everything, so please.... come back...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

Everyone missed Aya, and who wouldn't? Aya was the kind of girl Kora could never become, no matter how hard she tried. Sure, people could laud Kora as fearless and brave as much as you wanted, but that didn't make it true. Aya had a lot more inner strength than the angry wolf could ever hope for. Kora was prickly for a reason - she was fragile and delicate under all the anger and rage, but Aya never needed a shield to protect her. She was stronger, she was much more than Kora and so it was normal to miss her. Cress did too. Heron did as well. Heron, in fact, said something that almost made the angry wolf want to laugh.

Loving means letting them go sometimes, right? That's what Cress was saying but Kora still shook her head, still wanted to get out of the bed. This wasn't just about how bad she felt for her twin sister, this was also about her own peace of mind! This emptiness in her head was terrible and made everything worse, didn't it? She's dead. She's not coming back. No matter how much she wanted, no matter how much she cried, there was no undoing the mistake she made. Kora would forever be haunted by what she did, that day at the well. But Cress was pleading for them to still be friends. Of course they were, right? "Always.... be friends." The wolf agreed, wondering why Cress thought anything else might happen.

"...I... wonder what'll happen in the future..." Kora muttered, shivering even though she didn't feel cold at all. There were so many possibilities, weren't there? So many things that could come true. "...Maybe we'll have world peace..." Kora's voice was faint and quiet, almost unheard if you weren't listening carefully. "Or maybe Riana will war later? Or... maybe Tartarians assassinate Nee, or maybe Nee's secretly planning to send you to Earth alone..." All these possible futures, and they all had something in common. "...Aya's not in any of them.... she'll never... have a future. She'll never get to... grow up."

And then Kora forced a smile. This was her chance, wasn't it? Corren and Maven left to meet with Nee, and Cress couldn't do much on her own. "...It's the same... for Nio, isn't it? Nio's... future was stolen.... by you, Heron." What happened next was swift and painful - Heron grabbed her, pouncing on her, nails pinching into the tender skin on her shoulder. "Don't! Shut up, just stop talking." Heron looked like she was in agony, it was so easy to stab at her soft spots that the knight tried so hard to cover up. "I -" But then Heron glanced at Cress and got off, brushing her hair with her fingers. "Tch, I won't be that easy. I'm ... not gonna beat you up, so don't... even try it." Kora let out a weak, sad laugh, because she knew she almost had it. If she could be abused a little more.... "It was worth... a shot..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

It wasn't working, Kora didn't seem too convinced that Aya would be able to rest in peace.
"She isn't... real."
It was cruel, but what Kora needed was a slap in the reality. "Aya was... never real!" Cress shook her head, feeling terrible pain in her chest. "You are... Aya." Cress tried to explain, "Aya is... you." She attempted to stay calm, but Cress's heart was racing. "You were... always Aya... and Kora." That's right, Aya was just who Kora came up with in order to protect herself. "All along... you were.... always both." Cress felt dizzy, this was taking a lot of energy. Her eyelids fluttered and she shook her head, trying to stay upright and focused.

"She lives... in you." Cress held Kora's hand tightly. "So long... as you... believe." Corren came into the room then, clear concern in his eyes. "Heron, I'm going to have to ask you to take the patient out now. Stress is no good for her condition," he looked down at Kora. "No!" Cress held onto Kora's hand, her grip weak. "She needs... her friends!" Corren sighed, shaking his head. "What can you do in this condition?" It was a low blow, directly to her heart. He was right, like this, Cress was too weak to do much of anything. She was useless, unable to even speak in full sentences without struggling for air between each breath. She would get stronger over the week, but for now, there was nothing Cress could do.

"Please fix... my friend." Cress said as Heron forced her away. "I can't... lose her... too." Corren placed a hand on her shoulder, sincerity in his eyes. "Heron, please take Cress out. The flight to return home will be leaving this afternoon."[/color] Heron took the handles of the wheelchair, her rage still apparent. "Knock some sense into this idiot." Heron grumbled, taking Cress away, back to the elevator. "Do you... think he'll... help her?" Cress asked. Heron was silent, pushing the button over and over in frustration until the elevator finally arrived, the doors sliding open. "Let's explore the city," Heron said instead, avoiding the topic. No doubt she was thinking about what Kora had said, about Nio never getting to grow up.

"Heron," Cress started. "Nio's death... was not... your fault." Well, it was, but Cress wasn't going to tell her that. Nio had made her decision that day, when she bolted between the two swords. If Heron had stayed by her side, perhaps this wouldn't have happened. If Heron hadn't crossed swords with her brother, maybe Nio would still be alive today. In the end though, Nio's death was what paired the Cherubim relationship. The girl sacrificed everything for her family, but without her, the two siblings would never know happiness. "Nio is... with Aine." Cress said gently, reminding Heron that her little sister was in a much better place. "She's watching... over you." Heron suddenly punched the elevator wall, causing Cress to jump in alarm. Heron grabbed hold of the wheelchair before it could topple over, but Cress wasn't strapped in and so she fell to the ground.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Heron knelt down, lifting Cress back up. "I did bad things to good people." Heron slid down to the floor. "I killed so many in the name of the Queen and then... I hurt you and Kora and Nee and.... Nio." The doors opened, but Heron didn't move to go out. "So many good people, dead at my hands."



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

That's right, this shot wasn't punishment, it was to keep her healthy. Even with Nee's words though, it was hard to think differently. Her mind was trained to react badly towards pain, even if the tiny pinch was only for a few seconds. Nee being there helped, if not, Shiro would have begun to spiral. She put her pacifier in her mouth and clung to Nee, holding Ellis with her other hand. This was better, Shiro thought, at least it wasn't the vest. The vest was scary and loud and made it hard to breathe. The shot was only once a day and it was quick and mostly painless if Shiro didn't tense up. Shiro whimpered as Maven put a band aid on it, the spot was sensitive and it was next to one of the love marks Nee had left on her body. She didn't want anyone else to see Nee's claims of ownership.

When it was time to speak about going home, Corren said that they could take the Agneystra home that afternoon. Shiro was relieved, while she liked exploring Coriandrum with Nee, they needed to get back home. The war had just ended and there were plenty of things for the two queens to do, including plan their wedding. The thought made Shiro happy and she smiled at the floor as the others spoke, touching the ring gently. Yes, she was all Nee's and no one else's, not Narina's, not her parents. Shiro looked up when Corren mentioned Kora's state and showed them the video. Cress was clearly trying to hold back tears, holding onto Kora's hand who was as pink as a pansy. "Oh no," Shiro gasped, her pacifier falling out of her mouth.

Nee ordered Kora to be fixed so that she could escort Cress, no doubt on her mission to Tartaria. "The love triangle is going to fall apart." Shiro said after the door closed, Corren and Maven having gone off to fix Kora. It was a bit silly to worry about such thing, but Shiro was rooting for Kora and Heron. "Heron is going have the upper hand." Shiro clutched Nee's hand, glad that she didn't have to fight for someone to win Nee's heart. If Shiro had, then surely she would have been the one to lose. Thankfully, Nee loved her regardless, Shiro would never have to worry about fighting over Nee's hand.

"Should we go exploring since we have a few hours?" Shiro asked, holding Ellis tight. "You can try the fairy floss!" In the city of Amethysia, they had amazing confections that Shiro had never seen the likes of. The spun sugar was one of them, a treat that Wren had introduced her to. No doubt Shiro would have never gotten to try anything so delectable if Narina was still alive. Narina had never allowed Shiro any sweets since she hadn't believed Shiro to be a good girl. They were a rare reward, unlike with Nee who let Shiro eat all the sweets she wanted. "Um, I mean, only if you want to." Shiro wasn't sure why, but she suddenly felt very shy.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝If I lose it too, then we will never survive.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#4ca2b8 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #8b4cb8】

|| Secret ~Black Vow~ || Rin/Len (cover by SirHammet) ||

Narcia watched the screen, feeling a strange sense of disquiet emanating from inside of her. Cress was clearly upset and trying her best to fight the tears while Kora.... looked as if she was in the throes of some sort of mental distress, most likely relating to the loss of Aya. Just yesterday it seemed like things were going to be happier between the two but now Nee wasn't so sure. She wanted to comfort her sister, to meet up with her, but she also knew Heron would be able to handle it, wouldn't she? Shiro's comment once Corren and Maven left was definitely an intriguing one. "I don't know if love is on any of their minds right now." The Ice Queen admitted softly. "...Whatever happens, I hope they end up happy." Then she brightened up because Shi was with her, being her adorable self. "Happy like we are, right?"

There was only a few hours left before they had to board the Agneyestra and return to Ashia Palace and get back to work already. Shiro looked almost excited as she asked about what they should do with the rest of their free time. "Sure, fairy floss sounds delectable." Nee said pleasantly, taking Shi by the hand. Shi was way too cute, and Narcia wanted to enjoy time with her and make good memories before it was time to get back to work and deal with the many problems still plaguing Ashia Palace. - one problem being that they still weren't wedded yet, of course!

It didn't take long for them to exit the palace in Amethysia, heading to the main city centers where the bulk of the population was.. Staying away from the residential areas, they were in the city square, in the middle of the busy streets and large business-type buildings. Yet despite the tech, nature was still intertwined with everything as well, a strange yet mystical mix of forest and concrete. There was several booths with various assortments of treats, one of which being fairy floss. Nee scanned her money chip and ordered some for both her and Sh, handing it to her.

"It's good." Narcia took some into her mouth and let it dissolve. It felt almost like cotton candy on Earth yet different somehow at the same time. Sugary clouds of softness and sweetness, you could say. "I should import a booth like this to Ashia one day. A good chef would be able to replicate this..." There was one girl's name who really would make the best fairy floss. Unfortunately, she died and wouldn't be able to make more. And, of course, thinking of her lead to thinking of her old best friend, Aine, and Nee sighed, feeling nostalgic, wishing they were both around to enjoy this peace.

She tightened her grip on her intended's wrist. "...We're going to be happy, aren't we, Shiro?" Her voice sounded sad and vulnerable yet slightly hopeful at the same time. "We have to be happy... for those we couldn't save, right?" Too many lives were lost, but they couldn't let it go to waste by being sad. They had to put on smiles and enjoy peace for them, wouldn't they?



❝I don't care if I lose everything, so please.... come back...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#30b818 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #d1ca00】

|| Crystal || Of Monsters and Men ||

"She was." Kora muttered, feeling angrier now. "She was real! Aya - she wanted so - she had to be real!" The angyr wolf tried to shake her head, wanted Cress to listen to her, to understand. If at least one person could understand, then maybe it'd be for the better. "...She was real. I know it." Her real sister was real, the one she pushed into the well. And the Aya that was born from Daddy's punishments, that one was real too, right? It - Kora couldn't accept it any other way. She didn't want it to be any other way but for them both to be real.

Even if Cress said she lived in her, it wasn't good enough. Kora wanted to share the body with her. They were twins after all, so why not share a body? Twins were meant to share everything together, twins were meant to be happy together, so they had to. She had to come back. "I... have to believe she's real..." The lamb whimpered, hating the tears in her voice, but then Cress was gone, Heron was gone, they were ushered out. Kora then went quiet as Corren expressed his own concerns for her, saying that she wasn't thinking clearly, that she was going to need therapy.

"I don't... want therapy!" Kora growled but she was strapped to the bed and given a drug to calm her down. Corren said he'd be back to talk, to help her, but the lamb wanted to go back to the tub, wanted to keep hurting herself in order to bring Aya back. But then she was left alone in the room - Corren had to go work on Una after all, one last ditch effort to try and wake her up before they had to leave. But then someone else stepped into the room, someone Kora didn't recognize, holding a tablet. The person looked at her and pressed a button and someone Kora didn't ever expect to see again came on.

The old queen, Narina, very much alive. "Oh, Korhya, you don't look so well." That smile, full of razors and ice. How was she alive? Was Narcia on the right track the entire time, then? And who was this strange person, face and everything obscured by robes? "I would wish you well, but there isn't much time. We need to talk. About Ayanna." Kora felt her heart rate pick up, her ears pricked and ready to listen. "Go on." She muttered. Kora knew she shouldn't be thinking this, shouldn't be talking to her, but for some reason Narina had an air about her that forced obedience.

"As you can see, I'm alive." Narina said in that voice Kora hated, reminding her of when she lost her legs in the first place. "I need allies, of course. So I thought, why not have a partnership with you?" There was a crackling noise - the cameras and everything else in the room was being disabled. No one was able to monitor and overhear this now. "If you still have your sister's chip, there's a way to bring her back. The real Ayanna. The one you killed all those years ago."

a way to bring her back. That sounded impossible but yet - Narina was here, somehow still alive. So maybe it wasn't as impossible as it seemed. Kora reached into her pocket. The last keepsake of her real twin sister, the chip, was still safely kept there. "You'll bring her back? You promise?" And Narina smiled thinly. "Why, of course. Once you're back in Ashia Palace..." Kora nodded, memorizing the instructions. Even if it was betrayal, if it'd bring back her sister, if it'd give Aya the chance to live again, Kora had no choice but to accept.

Then someone opened the door. Corren, eyes wide. "Who-" The screen shut off and the figure lunged at the doctor, knocking him back, and escaped, vanishing completely. Corren called for a pursuit immediately and went to Kora's side, checking her. "What happened? Who was it?" Kora shivered, feeling cold and weak. "...Tartarian... assassin..." She lied, wondering if she was making the right choice. "Tried... to kill.... me..." Even if it meant turning away from everyone, she wouldn't just turn her back on the chance to fix the one mistake she always wished she could undo.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Character Portrait: Ellen Winter Character Portrait: Cress Winter Character Portrait: Ayanna Filia
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❝Let your soul take you where you long to be.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #CD5C5C β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #C5E3BF】

|| Flaws || Bastille ||

Heron had gathered her strength, taking the handles of the wheelchair and pushing Cress out. "There's only a few hours left, let's enjoy the city while we can." Cress nodded her head since it was easier than speaking, wondering what the city had waiting for them. Cress hadn't exactly been at her most conscious when they had arrived in the Agnyestra, she had been in a daze after what Semyon did and had been busily thinking about the so called 'cure' Corren and Shiro mentioned. Cress looked at her hands, how powerless and thin they were. That was no good, how was she going to dig up the soil? Plant the beautiful flowers to make Ashia Palace and eventually Tartaria a better place?

"I'm worried," Cress admitted as they went down the ramp. "I am too," Heron replied, although it wasn't clear whether or not they were worried about the same thing. "I hope... Kora will... be okay." Cress looked up at the sky, the beautiful vivid blue. She was still wearing the nurses costume, only with a light sweater thrown over it since there was still a bit of the winter chill in the spring air. "I'm sure she will be, she's tougher than she looks." Cress wasn't so sure though. Kora had seemed so fragile laying on that bed, looking like a hot dog with her burnt skin. "She's hurting." Cress said, wishing that Kora would realize that Aya had been a part of her all along, that she was always Aya and Kora. While she wasn't her own twin, she was her other personality.

"That idiot," Heron growled under her breath. "Making you worry isn't gonna do anything." Cress looked up, her eyes alighting in joy. The city was a beautiful mix of nature and technology melded together. The fountain at the city center, the tubes carrying the water throughout the city, it was quite the sight and Cress felt as though her breath had been taken away. "It's beautiful," Cress gasped, her hands tightening in her lap. "I wish... Kora were... with us." Heron ruffled her hair. "Hey, don't worry about her. I'm sure she already got to explore the city," yes, Kora had attacked Coriandrum's capital after all when her mind had been wiped and replaced by Refure.

"So? What do you want to see first?" Heron asked with a twinkling grin and Cress looked around, unsure. "Wherever," Cress replied, sitting back in her chair. Her red eyes sparkled with a light that hadn't been there in ages. Curiosity sparking beneath those fiery trademark embers, staring at the multi levels, the pods getting sucked into tubes to be distributed up and down. There were trees snaking their way through, flower and a river. "Let's go... that way." Cress nudged her head forward and Heron grinned, pushing her. "Hold on!" They went down a ramp, Heron jumping onto the back of the chair, letting it carry the two of them down, down, down, to the first level of the city. Down here was where the trees grew, where sunlight sparkled and scattered through colorful glass and tents covered the wares of the people selling them.



❝Yes Mistress.❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя: #FFAEB9 β™™ тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ cσƖσя #63D1F4】

|| I'm on Top of the World|| Imagine Dragons ||

Nee was right, Shiro was most likely thinking about the wrong things. They were going to the city though and Shiro followed Nee to the elevator, humming a little tune about fairies. "Fairy, fair, sparkle and glimmer, sing me your tune, your soft heart lingers." Shiro had only heard the song once before, it was a memory she couldn't put a face to, but one that made her feel warm all the same. Even after the trauma of what she had gone through with Narina and her voice, the little pup still found it within her to sing a happy tune. "There is a castle on a cloud," Shiro sang to herself as she walked with Nee, the elevator doors opening for them.

Once the doors parted again, they were on the main level of Amethysia, the heart of the city where everyone from mothers and children, to business men, school kids on lunch break. Shiro held Nee's hand tightly, afraid of getting lot in the hustle and bustle, the little soon-to-be-co-queen not wanting to separate from the one she loved and drown in the dense wave of humans that crashed against her like sand on the shore. The beach was something Shiro had never been to, but she had read about it plenty to know that this was what was called a sea of human bodies. "There's so many of them," Shiro said, hardly able to see above the heads that floated this way and that.

When they broke through the crowd, it was to get the fairy floss. They were at the vendor who stood, pulling strands of sugar from a swirly machine, making them in bright shapes and colors. The one he was forming at the moment looked like a flower and Shiro's eyes widened at the sight of him spinning such meticulous designs as though it were child's play. Nee bought two of them and Shiro almost didn't want to eat her's. "It's too pretty to mess up," The pup whimpered, looking up at Nee. Nee tasted some and so Shiro ripped off a piece of the petal and put it in her mouth, doing what Wren had showed her and letting it rest until it melted, then crunching on the extra bits. "It makes my mouth tingle." Shiro giggled.

When Nee suggested importing a booth, Shiro's eyes widened slightly. "Can we serve it at our wedding?" Speaking of the wedding made her heart flutter in funny ways, but it was a good kind of funny. Shiro was smiling as they walked, hand in hand, with fairy floss in Nee's and Ellis in Shiro's. Did Ellis want some fairy floss? Shiro broke off a piece to try and feed it to the stuffed toy, but the dog didn't eat it. "I guess Ellis isn't hungry." Shiro said and put the piece in her mouth, wondering why Ellis didn't like food so much. Did he prefer bottles like Shiro had? She would have to see when they returned to the palace.

Nee's grip on her tightened and Shiro looked up, suddenly worried that something terrible was going to happen. Nee asked if they were going to be happy. Why would she ask such a silly thing? "We'll be happy," Shiro smiled and when Nee mentioned that they would do it for those who could no longer, Shiro's smile became a bit sadder. "Nio would have liked fairy floss." Shiro said, looking at the ground. "She would have liked this city a lot." Shiro couldn't cry though, not here, not again. She didn't want to be sad, but thinking of Nio made her want to tear up.