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Tachibana Yuki

"Does it really matter?"

0 · 667 views · located in Cheocho

a character in “Limbo Avenue | Paranormal Investigation Club”, as played by nezzyrps


Dialogue Colour: #4B0082


➤ Name

➤ Gender

➤ Age | Birthday

➤ Faceclaim

➤ Physical description
Yuki isn't very physically developed as far as curves go. She has big brown eyes and dark brown hair, which she wears short for easier maintenance. Because of these things, she is often mistaken for a boy. She doesn't make much effort to correct anyone, either, and isn't offended. She doesn't think it matters what sex someone is so she doesn't care what gender people see her as, and she prefers wearing clothes more traditional of a boy anyway. Her phantom aura manifests as three red balloons floating above her head, the strings tied to her wrist, and a halo of blue and yellow feathers; if you look closely, the feathers are quills.

➤ Height | Weight
5'5" | 123LB


➤ Good Traits


  • LOYAL: Although Yuki rarely puts an effort into making new friends, once she's made one she'll never betray them.
  • FORGIVING: No matter how irritated she gets with someone, her temper burns quick and she'll just as easily forgive them if you give her an hour or so.
  • ACCEPTING: Yuki accepts people as they are, and that's that. Now, that doesn't mean she won't voice her opinion or irritation, but she doesn't try to change anyone and wouldn't want to. It's not her place.

➤ Bad Traits

  • BLUNT: Not one to mince words, Yuki has a tendency to offend people even if she didn't really mean to.
  • UNENTHUSIASTIC: It can be hard to get Yuki really excited about anything, and she lacks motivation outside of her studies.
  • IRRITABLE: Yuki is easily annoyed and prone to shouting at others when agitated.

➤ Likes


  • BOOKS: It doesn't even matter what genre the book is, Yuki will read it and love it; even if she loves to hate it, there's love in there. Books are one of the few things that can get her emotional. If you have a big boring technical book you need information from, Yuki is the one to go to. She'll read the whole thing in half an hour without a complaint.
  • FRUIT: Yuki likes to eat healthy, but most 'health food' doesn't taste very good to her. Fruit is her favorite food, especially strawberries and peaches.
  • GAMES: She mostly like board games and card games. She'll play sporty games, but prefers not to because she isn't much of an athlete and usually ends up getting herself hurt. She's very interested in trading card games, especially pokémon, but has never had her own deck or anything and has only played once or twice.

➤ Dislikes


  • DRAMA: Yuki, while normally a patient person, has very little patience for needless feuds, romance, and other such dramatics. She's not interested in your gossip. Maybe if you wrote it in a book.
  • VIOLENCE: Although willing to help fight Phantoms when need be, she isn't a fan of violence and no matter how angry she gets it's very out of character for her to resort to physical attacks. She has little sympathy for anyone injured in a fight she sees as unnecessary, with includes most fights.
  • MESSES: Disorder drives Yuki absolutely up the wall, to the point that if she does nothing about it, she'll be increasingly irritable until the mess is cleaned up. Because of this, she's constantly organizing other people's things without being asked, which can be quite annoying.

Image➤ Talents
  • QUICK STUDY: Yuki is very observant, reads quickly, and has a brilliant memory. Because of this, she learns rather quickly; these things can even translate to people in that she'll learn someone's habits and tells after only a short time knowing them, but she doesn't feel as much need to show this off. She's always writing things down in her notebook, but oddly, doesn't let anyone see what's inside.
  • GET ORGANIZED: Yuki has exceptional organizational skills. With her, everything is sorted into categories, sub-categories, probably sub-sub-categories... She loves charts and graphs, and can turn just about anything into an excuse to make a color coded list.
  • TOUGH LOVE: While normally nonchalant, when someone she considers a friend needs a good talking to, she's surprisingly quick to step right up and give them a piece of her mind to get them out of their funk or trouble.

➤ Flaws
  • GIVE ME A MINUTE: Yuki needs to plan things out. She has to have time to think about things, weigh the options, organize, make charts, and make an informed decision on what to do. She's completely useless when it comes to making snappy decisions, and is liable to panic under pressure without a plan or at least some guidance.
  • NOT AGAIN: To put it nicely, Yuki is... coordinationally-challenged. Physically, anyway. She's clumsy. A huge klutz. Like a bull in a china shop. She's constantly tripping over things, including her own feet, and honestly most of her bumps and bruises are caused by completely mundane accidents. She hurts herself often, and unless things are arranged just so, she's likely to knock something over. It's probably a good thing she doesn't focus on offense when fighting Phantoms, or she'd end up hurting herself more than anything else.
  • BIG BITES: Despite knowing full well she's clumsy and not all that physically inclined, Yuki isn't one to back down when something bad is going on. She's used to doing things on her own, and doesn't know how to ask for help when she needs it. She'll easily bite off more than she can chew, without thinking to call for help from her friends even if they're close by. This can get her in a lot of trouble, and generally pisses people off on top of catching them off guard since it's so outside of her normal organization-obsessed self to be so reckless.

➤ Ambitions
  • MAMA'S GIRL: Yuki wants to be a teacher, just like her late mother.
  • BEST SELLING: As much as Yuki loves to read, she hopes that one day she'll be as good a writer as she is a reader, able to touch people the way the authors of her favorites have touched her.
  • LET'S STAY: Yuki is tired of moving around. She's tired of running away. She wants to stay this time, put down roots, and she thinks it would be good for her dad to do the same. Whatever it takes, she plans to make sure he doesn't make them move away again.

➤ Fears
  • GOODBYE: After losing her mother and moving so many times, she's terrified of losing anyone else.
  • I'M NOT MAD: Just about the worst thing Yuki can imagine is her father being disappointed in her; or worse, the thought that her mother would be.
  • BOOM CLAP: While not much immediate scares her, like the usual heights and spiders, Yuki becomes almost paralyzed with fear during thunder and lightning storms.


➤ Speciality
HYPNOSCREAM: Yuki can emit a high pitched shriek that hypnotizes any Phantoms who hear it. The effect lasts as long as her scream goes uninterrupted, but only the first two and a half seconds leaves the Phantom unable to move. After that, the Phatom's attacks are redirected toward Yuki. It can also be disorienting to Mediums, and Yuki is left feeling dizzy after use.

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➤ Abilities


If ever there were a poster couple for "opposites attract," it was Mr. and Mrs. Tachibana. Yuki's mother was a kind-hearted, soft spoken schoolteacher, while her father was- and still is- an eccentric, boisterous bartender. Oddly enough, in raising their daughter, the two seemed to balance each other out. Yuki always got along better with her mother, often annoyed by her father's antics, but they never seemed to bother her mother. If anything, Mrs. Tachibana was amused by her husband, and how easily he got on their daughter's nerves. Ever the easily forgiving type, after a brief fit and sometimes a stiff look from her mother, Yuki always came back from being irritated with him and slipped right into the loving daughter role within a few minutes.

Though there was plenty friction, conflicts in the household rarely lasted long. In the more serious arguments, Yuki's mother was the voice of reason, and Yuki grew up admiring the woman's ability to smooth things over between both parties leaving everyone involved happy with the results. Yuki also learned how to accept people as they are through her mother's influence, and not to put too much stock in trivial things like someone's class or sex. She was studious from a young age, always wanting to see her mother's new assignments and complete them even when the material was years ahead of what was considered normal for her age. Her mother was quite pleased with this, though her father was always fretting about the child growing up too fast without them letting her run off years ahead of her age. Still, they were happy.

Things changed when Yuki was barely ten years old. On the way home in the middle of a terrible storm, Yuki's mother died. A lightning bolt struck a tree, and multiple large branches broke off, falling into the street. She might have been able to steer around them if she hadn't been so startled, but she never got the chance. The car spun out of control in the water, hit the branches and was airborne for a split second before rolling into the ditch and wrapping around a tree. Yuki had always been frightened by storms, similar to the way her mother was, but it only got worse after that. Nowadays, thunder can trigger a panic attack under certain circumstances.

Both of Yuki's parents were both originally from Japan, moving to America for the sake of education (although things went a little amiss for Mr. Tachibana), so it only felt right for Mrs. Tachibana's funeral to be held in Japan. After flying there for the funeral, they just never went back. That didn't mean they didn't leave, however. Yuki's father will never be able to love another woman the way he did Yuki's mother, but after a couple years, he did move on. Still, it never worked out, and with every new ex boyfriend, they would move again. The man couldn't bring himself to stick around after a broken relationship, and Yuki couldn't bring herself to complain.

That didn't mean she was happy with the predicament. Sure, at first it was nice, to get away and see different places, meet different people. Eventually, though, she stopped seeing the point in making any friends. They would just end up leaving again, anyway. She dove further into herself and her books, studied hard because, with such a constant change of schools, she needed to know the curriculum no matter where they went, especially if she wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a teacher. Their financial system wasn't in good shape with Mr. Tachibana having to go from job to job when he went from town to town, which was especially difficult due to the specificity of being a cross dressing bartender. By the time she was fourteen, Yuki had grown used to having to remind her father that they couldn't move until he had a job lined up wherever they were moving to. Still, she didn't try to change his mind on when to stay and when to go, even if she disagreed.

Then they moved into a house that was known for being haunted. Yuki, being a girl of science and reason, didn't believe such things, and had no problem living in the house. Her father was excited by the novelty of it, so in they moved. At first, the signs were small: a broken vase that, for once, wasn't knocked over by Yuki; something moving in the corner of her eye when she knew, logically, nothing was there; hearing whispers on the breeze when her father was asleep and all the windows were closed. That didn't mean she didn't take note of them. Far from it. Yuki started cataloging the instances the second day they were even in the house. Something was definitely going on, and she planned to find out what. Of course, she expected to find a sane answer.

She didn't get it. One night, she woke to the sound of creaking floorboards, as she often did on nights she dreamed of her mother. The rattling of a doorknob was what finally got her to open her eyes. Her bedroom door was locked, she knew it was. She'd locked it so that her father wouldn't accidentally walk in on her changing again, like he had last week when he was so excited about the cupcakes his new beau had brought them that he'd forgotten to knock. She knew it was locked; and yet, the doorknob turned, and the door opened. She found herself staring into empty darkness, but she knew someone was there. She could feel it. She stared into the darkness without moving for what felt like hours, but nothing changed. When she finally closed her eyes, she could have sworn she felt the mattress shift, as though someone had perched on the edge next to her. In the morning, she told herself she must have been dreaming.

Then the next night, she saw it. At first, being half asleep, she thought it was her mother, and that thought made her bolt straight up in bed. Then, the Phantom turned, and she saw it for what it was. The two stared at each other without a word, and after a few seconds for her racing heart to settle down, Yuki realized she wasn't scared. She shifted forward, and crawled to the end of her bed, leaned far over the bed frame toward the Phantom without taking her eyes off it for a second. The Phantom seemed startled, thrown off, and disappeared. She didn't sleep. Less than twelve hours later, her father had apparently discovered the cupcake-bearing man had been keeping more than one lover, and it was time to move again. It took a few days to arrange everything, but it couldn't be too soon for Yuki, so she helped with the planning and soon enough, they were off. The whole time they were getting ready to leave, the Phantom was haunting her. It spoke to her sometimes, but she never answered. She refused to admit it really existed, therefore refused to acknowledge the creature.

They've moved a few times since then, and everywhere she went, Yuki saw these Phantoms. She was really starting to believe she'd gone entirely insane when they moved to Choecho. She'd never seen as many Phantoms as she saw in this place, and she thought she'd finally cracked; then she found the flyer. Limbo Avenue. Paranormal Investigations Club. There were people like her, other people that could see what she saw. She wasn't crazy after all; not only that, but there was something she could do about it, a way she could help and maybe even make this place her home, for real, all in one. So, at the end of her first day at Choecho High, Yuki set off to join the club.


So begins...

Tachibana Yuki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki Character Portrait: Asada Akira
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She was running late; so late. It really couldn't be a good first impression. Normally, Yuki would have had all of this planned to a T since early afternoon. Unfortunately, she'd spilled juice all over her map of the school during Lunch period, and it had completely ruined her chances. She'd gotten lost so many times just trying to find her regular classes through the rest of the day, let alone the club rooms. Of course it didn't occur to her that she could just ask for directions. So, ran around in what felt like an endless circle until she finally found the stairs up to the higher floors.

Luckily for her, she wasn't as daft as she might seem sometimes. Once she found the stairs, she knew that room 511 would have to be on the fifth floor, then she expected it to be the sixth door on the right, but she was prepared for the numbers to start at a different place. Still, by the time she got there, her neck was damp from all the racing around. To make matters worse, when she finally opened the door to room 511, it was empty.

Well, not entirely empty. She took note of the chairs lined up in a circle in the middle of the room, but alas, there was no one in them. Either she really was going crazy and had hallucinated the poster in the first place, or everyone in the club had already left. Surely she wasn't late enough to have missed the entire meeting?

With a groan, Yuki withered to the floor. Her father's dramatist attitude was probably rubbing off on her more than she would have liked to admit. She really needed to get out more, or risk turning into him. Then again, that had been part of why she'd shown up in the first place. It didn't seem to be working out.

Yuki took a deep breath, stood, then let it out slowly to calm herself. She was about to give up, resign herself to the assumption that she'd imagined the existence of others like her in the first place; but then she noticed something. More of a feeling than anything else, but it was a feeling she recognized, despite being one she wasn't all together comfortable with. That feeling usually meant more Phantoms.

Her shoulders slumped slightly, but she turned to check the room just in case. That was when a small, translucent something outside the window caught her eye. "Huh?" The girl tilted her head, and shuffled carefully over to the window. Her eyes widened slowly when she realized it was a fish- and there were more of them. A lot more. She looked up and down, and came to the conclusion that the school of Phantom fish seemed to be focused a floor higher. There wasn't a floor higher, so they must be on the roof.

Immediately, she turned and raced out of the room- but not without tripping over a chair first. She knocked over at least three of them, but she wasn't going to wait around counting them all. She needed to get to the roof and see what was going on. It took her a minute to find the stairs, but then she sprinted up them- and almost collided with Mizuki, Kanna, and Akira. With little more than a quiet "Oh- you..?" Yuki screeched to a halt, but it left her unbalanced, and she fell right on her butt and slid down four steps before she managed to catch herself. She clutched the railing with one hand and braced her other on the opposite wall to hold herself in place, staring at the others; or, more accurately, their Phantom Auras. "You're... Limbo Avenue?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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#, as written by Red Rum

Kame had been pretty proud of her plan to get all of the fish rounded up so that they could be peacefully removed. However, when Mizuki came up with the idea for Kaz to burn all of the fish once they were caught, she nearly had a heart attack. Shocked speechless, Kame could only watch in horror as everyone seemed to just go along with the plan to burn the fish. She could hardly believe that her lighthearted suggestion could end up causing the death of such innocent little Phantoms.

Kame practically overflowed with relief when Naomi stated his dislike for plan. Grabbing hold of the boy's arm and practically spinning him around from happiness, Kame exclaimed, "Yes! I agree with Naomi! The fish don't realize that they've done anything wrong, if they are really the cause for this, why should we punish them?"

With Kanna's agreement on the whole fire situation, Kame gratefully breathed a sigh of relief. However, before she could even finish speaking, a thump rang out through the roof. Her head quickly swiveling towards the noise, Kame was once again thrown into panic at the sight of Akira collapsed next to the greenhouse. Kanna was the first to rush over to him, helping to support him. Mizu also answered the call for help, but this is where things got a bit difficult for Kame to wrap her mind around. Mizuki leaned down and pressed her lips to the boy. She immediately got up to say that they didn't really kiss, which lead Kame to assume that she'd used one of her abilities on him, but still! It was sort of strange, I mean, couldn't she have just taken him to the nurse's office? Kame's mind was once again spinning with thoughts. Did Mizu like Akira? Would Akira even remember that kiss? That was a kiss, right? Even though Kame's never kissed anyone before, she was pretty sure that that was a kiss.

Mizuki and Kanna bringing Akira over to the top of the stairs is what broke her out of her mental questioning. 'Ah! What am I doing?? My friend needs my help!' She mentally scolded herself as she rushed over to her friends. The sight of blood on Akira was a bit scary for Kame, so reaching into her school bag that she'd brought with her, she pulled out a napkin that her mother had given her to use at lunch. Attempting to wipe away the blood as gently as she could, Kame pressed her mouth together in concentration, she didn't want to hurt her friend!

When she had managed to wipe away the blood that she could, another thought hit Kame. Excitedly reaching into her bag to pull out her bento box, she opened it up to revel the lunch that she'd barley touched earlier that afternoon due to her anticipation for the club meeting. "Do you think it'd be ok if he ate something? Maybe it'll help him feel better?" Kame asked, looking up at the others. She certainly wasn't trained in first aid, but she could try.

It was then that Kame heard a noise behind her. Turning in time to see a girl with short hair slid down the stairs on her bottom, Kame gasped and worriedly asked, "Are you ok?!" However the girl's question caused her to grin brightly and nod enthusiastically. "Yup! Although, this is only our first meeting. It's... not going exactly to plan." She said a bit awkwardly as she gestured slightly to Akira. "Ah, do you want some? You can have some if you like, but I also need to keep some for my fiend here," Kame offered, extending the bento to the new girl from her position crouched next to Akira.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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#, as written by CutUp
Kaz crossed his arms as he listened to everybody now not on board with killing the stupid phantoms. He rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated groan to let everyone know that he was not on board. "Are you kidding me?! They're just Phantoms! If anything they are trespassing, and in some places that's totally a justified reason to kill something!" He shouted in an annoyed tone. He was about to say something else, most likely insulting their intelligence but he was interrupted by the Dick collapsing. He watched as Mizuki leaned down and kissed the guy to do something, though she was adamant that it wasn't a kiss.

"Wonder what your boyfriend would say about that." He muttered to himself under his breath as he turned away from them. He then noticed another medium had joined them. "You missed the Mediums Not So Anonymous meeting." He stated sarcastically as he looked the girl up and down. He wasn't really impressed. He then turned back to the rest of the group, and looked to Kanna. "Hey Oh-So-Fearless leader when you're done coddling Dick we still got an infestation problem here, and I've got an itchy trigger finger here."

"I'm still strongly in favor with deep frying these things. Cause you know, I'm not a pansy." He smirked. As he spoke several of the fish phantoms in questions began gravitating towards him, swimming through the air around him. This only annoyed him further. Kaz crossed his arms, and as each one brushed past him anger was visibly boiling up inside of him as his fiery aura slowly began to envelop him, making it much more difficult for those in his immediate vicinity to breath. But the fish didn't seem to mind, they seemingly danced around him, appearing to almost like him.

"If someone doesn't get these bastards away from me I'm going to burn this entire school to the ground." He growled through his teeth, not finding the fish very charming. "I hate these things!" He growled at them but they didn't appear to care as they continued to dance around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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Congratulations, Kaz. You just managed to piss Naomi off, a feat that very few people have accomplished, the most recent being of a cheater he and Tak played against at their usual hangout. Granted, Naomi was running a much shorter fuse than usual. The lack of air and Kame's stunt was making him dizzy, in addition to a heavy feeling which made him feel like he was suffocating. The arrival of the new girl only made him sicker. He just wanted to get out of here, and fast. In someway, Akira's injury was his ticket out of here.

“Sorry, but I don't want to hear about trespassing laws from someone who's all too ready to do living funeral pyre.” Though his voice was soft, it would carry to those who listened. Rubbing his temple, he tried to massage away the headache that formed whenever he let his temper get the best of him. He really did not need another status ailment.

Though his skin had grown pale, Naomi's blue eyes remained sharp enough that it was evident he just needed to breathe... quite literally. His voice was considerably less sharp than before as he approached the injured party. “I can take a look at it, since I take care of things like this in my club." He made his way back to the stairwell, gently guiding Asada down and forcibly seating him down on the last two steps. The injury had started bleeding again, but Asada was lucid enough to understand what was going on around him, so it was just a typical light facial/head wound injury. A lot of blood, but it wasn't as bad as it looked. Plus, whatever Mizuki had done, it was helping it clot around the wound faster... which meant that unless the detective wanted dried blood on his face, Naomi better wipe that fast.

He took out a small spray bottle and his kerchief, spraying the latter with the bottle's contents. Naomi then pressed the triangular cloth against the wound, gesturing for Asada to do it himself. “Just keep pressure on it to prevent it from bleeding any more.” When he was done, he took a seat beside the black-haired boy, some color in his cheeks now that there was room to breathe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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#, as written by Jedly

One moment, he was casually wafting at plants on the verge of death, the next, he was ass on the floor and gaze locked on the ceiling. Now this was one of the reasons why Akira was fond of death things. They stayed dead. And their scent was so unique, so distinctly unmistakable, it was horrific yet could be stomached with experience. Dead things were deceased, finished, done, R.I.P., GGNORE, whatever. Live things were manageable. Best aspect of members of the living? They could be made dead. But when something so baseless as the paranormal come into play, all logic flies out the window.

Within a few seconds Akira flawlessly recovered and got onto his own two feet. His eyes focused and moved over to the other entity present. Luckily, it wasn’t a plant monster. But it could have been considered arguably worse. No. 1 Yandere was standing before him, but instead of an adventurous grin stretched across her face, only widened eyes and perturbation composed her expression. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, but it all became clear when he noticed a very familiar red liquid. Or, rather, everything became clouded as blood gathered on his eyelid. ”Oh. Okay.” The boy calmly muttered before he lost all sensation in his knees. Luckily, Kanna had quick reflexes, and caught and supported him in one deft motion.

Normally Akira would have been able to walk on his own with such a minor wound, but the lack of air in correlation to the sudden wave of putrid smell was taking a toll on him. He focused on stepping in lieu with Kanna. ”Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Right f- ah fuck.” Some ibuprofen would really do the trick right now. But the young detective ended up receiving a whole different kind of treatment. All of a sudden, his vision was completely encompassed by a pair of eyes brimming with feigned innocence. ”Ah, right, the person with the fac- wait why is she so close?” Her hazel irises bore deeply into his own in search of a soul.

She didn’t find one.

She uttered an apology at a cursory pace before she placed her lips over his. Keyword is over, not on. Minor details are key. Especially when pleading that they did indeed not kiss. But the steam practically emanating from Kame’s noggin created a barrier around the girl, impervious to any reassurements made by Mizuki. On top of that, there wasn’t a moment’s delay before Kaz made another asinine comment. Even though Akira’s only known the guy for a grand total of ten minutes, he already wrote that behavior off as ”Kaz being Kaz.” He would seriously have the worst time trying to prove himself innocent if he was to accidentally injure somebody. The two aforementioned maidens proceeded to escort Akira to the stairwell.

Akira noticed Mizuki slumping down next to him out of the corner of his eye, while Kame frivolously treated his wound. It was obvious that her mind was in multiple places at once, but she ended up stopping the bleeding. Naomi also decided to lend a helping hand, and continued to treat the wound once it began bleeding again. It seemed that the fellow was versed with these kinds of injuries, as his worth ethic suggested that he had dealt with this a multitude of times. At least the basketball player didn't give him a physical injury in addition to the emotional one he received after their showdown a few weeks prior. Akira followed Naomi's cue and held the cloth up on his own.

The sound of footsteps ascending the stairs drew his attention, and for a moment it appeared as though a figure was on a collision course with them. Until they stopped short and tumbled four steps back. Wasn’t the most miraculous entrance, but it was surely memorable. That, and the balloons floating over her. So she was a medium too. The more, the more people to deal with Kaz’s unneeded obscenities. It was then that Kame produced an all too alluring bento. A slight smile formed on his face. ”Hm, maybe I should fall on my head more often. Would definitely cut down expenses on cafeteria food~.” The boy joked, hoping to calm down his blonde friend. He sat up and held up a hand to halt the girl, ”Don’t worry, I can feed myself. Just a flesh wound.” Akira grabbed his own pair of utensils and took out a small portion, instantly giving an affirming expression of enjoyment.

”Oh yeah, and thanks for… that, Matsuri-san.” He’d play along for now. Hopefully that act of valor would assist her plight. He could even hear Kaz’s bellowing echoed even within the stairwell. ”Well, newcomer. Just follow that distinctly affable voice and you should find yourself faced with a task. We’ll be out there to join you shortly.” The mischievous side of him wanted to also say, ”Oh yeah, and you know that guy with the hat? Make sure you call him Kaz right off the bat! It would make his day!” But for once he decided to quell that part of his personality. ”Good luck.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki Character Portrait: Morisawa Naomi
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#, as written by Kestrel

“Thanks, Mizuki.” Kanna sighed in relief when the girl almost methodically came to Akira's aid. “Good to have you around. You're a life saver.” Kanna put a hand on Mizuki's back, with reference to their newfound club and Akira both. “Take it easy from here.”

Kame was quick to take over, to Kanna's further relief. A little naïve as some saw her, when it came to caring for others Kame was very reliable. Yet, even with Akira's condition taken off her mind, it wasn't long before the next problem popped up.

Kaz, the self-described hothead, showed himself to be exactly that, to the provocation of Takuhito and even Naomi - a feat Kanna wasn't sure to call scary or impressive. Amidst of it all, a late member, Yuki, stumbled into the middle of it all.

“That's us alright,” Kanna tried to meet Yuki with a smile (almost having to catch her from tumbling into the group) but the commotion with Akira and now Kaz made it shorter lived and less radiant than it would have been a few minutes ago. Their first club meeting was going down a lot more stressful than Kanna had imagined. She'd never been anyone's 'fearless leader' before, so when Kaz started to look at her for answers more than a few shivers started crawling on her back.

“We're in a bit of a bind right now, so everyone's a little on edge.” Kanna apologised to Yuki, while simultaneously trying to disarm the situation. “Kaz, would you see if Kame needs any help with Akira?” She asked Kazuki, but her piercing eyes made it clear it wasn't a request. Kanna wasn't sure how Kaz could help out Kame, but she had to get him out of everyone else's hair for now. “I'll call you if we need the firepower, okay?”

Turning to Takuhito, Kanna pulled a strand of hair out of her face. “Maybe with some kind of bait or something to scare them? But where would be a safe space to keep all these fish?” She twirled a lock of her own hair with her finger, thinking of how this would have been a lot more fun hadn't it been for injuries and Kaz...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki Character Portrait: Morisawa Naomi
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#, as written by CutUp
Light Escapes
Kaz glared at Takuhito, and Naomi. "They're Phantoms in case you didn't notice that. They don't give a crap about us, so why should we give a crap about them? Screw 'em! The only good Phantom is a dead Phantom." He growled as he clinched his fist tightly. When Kanna 'suggested' that he should go check on Kame, and Akira he rolled his eyes. He glanced around at the others on the rooftop. He was already beginning to feel like this was a mistake. It was clear to him that none of them wanted him to be there, like everyone else.

"Fine! Whatever!" Kaz then swatted away several of the fish phantoms, and began his way towards the stairs. Before he left he turned his head slightly towards Kanna. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." He stated rather cryptically. "Think about what attracts phantoms, and what attracted these things up here. That's your bait." He added. "When you yahoos finally grow some balls, and realize you can't reason with a Phantom don't blame me when you get in way over your head.' Kaz then proceeded down the steps, and towards Kame and the boy detective, who seemed to be recovering quite nicely.

As he approached them he leaned against the wall, and placed his hands in his pocket. "Our fearless leader told me to come check on you guys." He stated. "Not really sure how I could help, unless you need something cauterized." Kaz then took his right hand out of his pocket, and snapped his fingers, causing a small, but bright spark to shoot out of his hand, and dissipate in the air. Kaz then let out a sigh as he leaned back. "I have no idea why I'm even here." He muttered to himself, though it was loud enough for the others to hear.

Kaz then sighed. "So...uh...what's your guy's special power?" He asked, trying to make small talk. "We're all supposed to have unique powers to us right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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Kaz was always going to be troublesome, wasn't he? Sure, trapping the fish in nets and burning them was the easiest option, but yelling and snapping at everyone wasn't the way to convince them of that. You had to play it cool, keep a level head if you wanted to be persuasive. Honestly, it was a little silly and Mizu had a hard time taking his anger seriously. Sure, making friends wasn't a priority... but it wasn't as if making enemies was going to make the team all that cohesive when it came to taking out phantoms. Mizu was also particularly annoyed by the boyfriend comment but she was busy trying to regain her breath and glaring at Kame who was definitely getting stupid ideas from the not-kiss.

Then there was this new girl as Kame and Naomi dealt with Akira. Mizu flashed her best smile at her, but not really caring all that much about her either. She was kinda cute but had one of those annoying 'goody goody' auras that just got on her nerves. Blech, not worth it, not worth trying to get to know. Mizu didn't get why Kame and Naomi seemed to care all that much about the fish's welfare anyways. They were phantoms! Sure, it wasn't as if they were malevolent, but they were still phantoms, and since when did a phantom ever show good will to humanity? Thus, why waste time caring about them? Trusting any phantom would only lead to disaster. Mizuki learned that the hard way, if her threads were of any indication.

"...No problem, Asada." Mizu murmured to the detective. "We're a team, after all!" Hopefully being nice to him would convince him to help her on her quest to dealing with this problem as soon as possible. If they wasted time on trying to find a more peaceful solution, Ichinose was going to lose his patience and be more violent than usual. Her latest bruise hasn't healed yet and she wasn't looking forward to him hitting it for more fun time. Mizu regarded Kaz with a sigh as he came by, deciding against humming to mask it since there were too many people nearby regardless. "There's no need for my boyfriend to know about it, right?" The pessimistic girl said with a dose of sweetness to mask the bite. Unfortunately this now meant that at the very least, the detective would realize they once knew each other. As much as she liked Kaz, it wouldn't do good for her desire to stay under the radar whatsoever. As it was, Mizuki wasn't particularly happy with Asada either, but she didn't realize why. The girl was still oblivious to it, but she was jealous Kame had given him a bento instead of her. That idiotic helpless puppy of a girl.

Still, this was taking more time than it needed to, so Mizuki steadied her breathing until she felt a little less light headed, feeling a bit more energized. "I have strings." Mizuki gestured at them, knowing it'd be less suspicious to just outright say it. "I snap one, and I lose that part of my body. I can make someone lose it too, though, phantom or human." She pointed a finger at one string that disappeared into her brown hair - one of her ocular strings. "I could make us both blind.. but it's not as useful as your fire, Kaz." It was an easy going little smile that felt somewhat nostalgic, like old times.

"I don't disagree with you, though. The fish haven't done anything to deserve consideration from us. There's no reason to not burn them if that's the easiest method." The girl shrugged with a casual smile, not letting her inner motivations show themselves. "There's no reason to waste more time than necessary. They're only phantoms, after all, Morisawa-san." Mizu nodded appraisingly at the blue haired boy before returning her gaze to her old friend. "...You shouldn't feel as if you don't have a place here, Kaz. Having a realist like you is good when everyone else wants to simply reason with the phantoms."

Maybe it was a mistake to show her side on the matter so soon, but she didn't want Kaz to feel as if he was the only one who thought as he did, though it wouldn't be enough to mend what they once had, not that Mizuki even wanted that, really.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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Her patience was growing as thin as the air up on this god forsaken roof. Even if it made sense for everyone to focus on an injured person, and she knew it was unreasonable to hold it against them, she disliked it. Yua's annoyance only increasing as Mizu stole a kiss that by all means should have been hers. Then tried to say she didn't, if you can't handle rumors don't do it, you have someone who wouldn't mind right here.

Then someone new showed up at the bottom of the stairwell, attention was shifting all around and not focusing on the two things Yua cared about, herself and getting off this roof. She wasn't childish enough to pull some stupid stunt to refocus the attention on her, but that didn't stop the lack of it from frustrating her.

Kaz pissed her off, bluntly put, not even because she cared about the phantoms well being. He was an aggressive ass and it brought her only satisfaction to have Naomi and Tak talk down to him, and subsequently have Suzuki defuse the situation by sending him down the stairs. It was an outrageous number of people hanging around someone for an overall not serious injury. If it was serious he shouldn't be here anyway, ugh, her saltiness over the situation was tangible.

Paying more attention to her surroundings it became apparent only three people were actually left on the rooftop, what a crew. She wanted to be done with this quickly, in no way did she enjoy this lack of oxygen. Her tone and words indicating the discontent she was feeling, "I don't care how the ghost fish are dealt, just come up with something soon or tell me I can leave." Yua couldn't think of a good plan for the life of her, and didn't think her powers would be useful. However she started this so she wouldn't leave until it was seen through through.

She didn't like the anger in her tone, but she didn't say anything she thought was wrong. Yua didn't see these phantoms as anything to worry about the livelihood of. She saw them as fish, and never had she questioned eating fish or the morality of killing fish. Perhaps it was because she was a simpleton, but if the fish were intelligent beyond normal fish surely they could at least talk. However in the end she didn't care if they lived or died, voicing her preference to culling them would only serve to lose some points with boys she otherwise was still doing well with.

Not wanting to hang around at the bottom of the stairs with the man who very regularly called her a whore, she didn't have many choices to deal with the lack of oxygen. "I can't stand this air. I'm sitting down over there. If you need me just say so." Her words were starting to slow down, gesturing over to an arbitrary spot near the railings of the buildings roof, Yua walked herself over. Reaching behind her and grasping the railing, she lowered herself steadily to the ground. Placing her bosom on the ground, leaning her back on the railing and focusing on controlling her breath. Right now she couldn't decide if she would rather get pity attention or be left alone and have this problem dealt with quickly. Probably the latter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jedly

Suddenly, the temperature in the stairwell sharply rose as a certain individual walked in. Kaz truly lived up to the title Hothead. The sense of ease brought by the satisfying taste of Kame’s bento had been burned to a crisp. But after a few more moments of speculation, this feeling of uneasiness was solely derived from his classmate’s previous demeanor. Not that the guy was intending to be all friendly and chipper all of a sudden, but he didn’t seem to move like he was going to shove his foot down Akira’s throat any second. His attempt of friendliness only made the young detective’s posture lean away a bit. ”Jeeze. One-track-minded Kazuki Tachibana over here. Can he verbally and legibly produce a sentence without a word relating to fire? I hope he puts ‘Morgue Owner’ on his career sheet.” Akira awkwardly waved his hand and kindly declined the offer, ”Oh, it’s alright. Morisawa-san stopped the bleeding, but it’s the thought that counts, yeah? Thanks for the offer though.” Seriously. Thanks. Kaz could have offered to scorch his face off, but instead he only proposed a light singe. The thought definitely counted.

But the usually antagonistic Kaz seemed to be second-guessing his decision upon joining the club. Now that was a surprise. Akira didn’t have the student pegged for being capable of critical thinking, but surprises are at every corner, or rather every step given their current location. He wasn’t allotted much time to mull over the trains of Kaz’s thought, since the club members around him decided to hold a little show and tell. While each member displayed their abilities, Akira let out “oooh’s” and “aaah’s” to simulate a crowd that was in actual awe at their unique gifts. Matsuri’s was interesting, but had a single contingency which made it implausible to employ without a teammate nearby. After all, no telling whether certain phantoms could simply detach and regrow limbs on a whim, or if others even rely on the five senses and merely have them for aesthetics. Ah, so much unknown, so much to learn. His mind unconsciously ran scenarios where Matsuri’s ability was bypassed by unaccounted means. But, regardless, she still had an intriguing speciality. Although he had already seen it before hand, Akira never got tired of seeing Kame actually forcing her hyper-active mind to concentrate on one thing. It was truly a sight for the sore eyes. But as soon as the bubble burst, also did any seriousness vibes emanating from the girl, and just like that she was back to her jollity self. Until something came flying out of left field. Way, way, way out of left field. Kame with a negative emotion displayed on her face. Akira would have rathered bared witness to Kanna going full yandere than this. And just as swiftly as her demeanor had changed, she shot up from her crouched position and cornered Kaz in one deft motion. Scary.

After giving the upperclassmen her two cents, she returned to her original character. Akira let out a sigh of relief and looked up at Kaz, staring at him with a stoic complexion. ”Y’know Kaz…uki, maybe you joined us to find out why you should be here. Like how you always hear stories of people embarking upon magnificent excursions to find their ‘true inner selves’, but end up realizing it had been with them all along? I think you may be in the same boat as them. Just trying to find a reason.It’s already there, you just have to dig deep down.” For a few seconds, it may have appeared that Akira’s serious temperament was actually a product of truthful thoughts. Until a wry smile spanned both ends of his face, ”Or maybe you’re just hoping to have an epiphany. Yes, I can see it now! Kazuki Tachibana, the one-man pizzeria! Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?” The boy threw a whimsical curveball right into the redhead’s side. What he said prior may have been the honest truth, but that was equally unlikely. ”As for the phantoms, I say we give it a shot with Operation: Saving Private Fish. After all, the road less traveled tends to have more rewards to reap, right? Maybe the prez would be more apt to offer us an all-paid dinner? Oh, and as for my power,” Akira, while keeping one hand pressed against the cloth on his head, pushed himself off the ground with the other. ”Might as well follow and enjoy the spectacle~.” The boy chirped as he walked towards Kanna.

He got his president’s attention with a light tap to the shoulder, ”I would personally advise moving them to somewhere with next to no population. I’m gonna try something out, might turn over a few stones for us.” He gently patted the same shoulder and made his way into the less congested part of the rooftop. Akira gave a quick glance to his classmates, all eyes locked on the self-proclaimed detective standing in the plain open, where anything useful was practically nonexistent. Anything tangible, that is. The boy looked up at the sun upon its descent, and with that bright image seared into his mind, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

All at once, a wave of images overflowed his mind. Glimpses of the past, although each only lasted for a fraction of a second, the brief pricks of emotion speedily piled on one another. Greetings. Meetings. Gatherings. Friendships. Confessions. Arguments. Schisms. Farewells, both temporary and permanent. It was amazing how much had happened on this generic rooftop. It was way too much humanity for Akira to stomach. Yet one out of the many seemed out of place. For a second, he almost discarded it as an occult club activity, but after intense scrutinization, decided to go into further depth. Upon speculation, the boy was glad he heavily relied upon his intuition. ”Hm, this interesting… Hey, everybody, check this out!” As his eyes opened, and explosion of fluorescent red light spread out before him. After a few seconds, it began to condense and sculpt itself out. Even though whatever was taking form would remain a stark crimson color, he was able to base his assumptions off of inference.

The first thing the members of Limbo would have was the shrouded figure standing right before Akira with its back facing him. But without skipping a beat, their gaze would have drawn to what’s beyond the two. A gate. It was archaic, an arch of stone with a very tight rim. Red light was uncontrollably seeping out of it. This only lasted a grand total of five seconds, at the end of which the gate’s activity abruptly froze. ”Alright, let’s see, any insignias or clues on ya, big guy?” Akira didn’t dub the ambiguous figure as such for nothing. Whoever it was, he or she towered over the schoolboy by nearly two feet. He paced his way around the individual, looking it up and down. What caught his eye was its face, or rather, lack thereof. The region between the top of the hood to the nape of the shroud was filled with complete darkness. At first Akira suspected that the figure had its back to the sun, or it was on just the right angle to cast that shadow, but he briskly ruled that notion out. The light emanating from gate would have been more than enough to illuminate the individual’s face. So… how? Akira tilted his head and rubbed his chin as he came back around to its backside, and began to look around for any clues to an affiliation. As he was inspecting the apparel, a feeling of uneasiness overcame the boy out of the blue. A little alert had gone off in the back of his head.

Something wasn’t right.

The boy raised his gaze to where the back of the hood should have been, but instead he was met by the same dark void he was just examining. The body was still facing away from him, but the head had silently made a complete 180 and was now peering down at the teen. Akira was expecting something to pop out of the darkness, but after moments of pure silence, the 3D panorama distorted and shattered into particles of the same hue. His eyes were locked on the empty space for some time, until he turned around to face Kanna, who was probably just as surprised as he was. ”Well, I might be able to make a contribution to the brick house that poisonnier was planning on making,” Of course nobody was going to get the joke, ”Anyways, I digress. That seemed to create more questions than answers. Whoever that was, he or she doesn’t want to be found. They just infringed upon the laws of the past just to make that message clear to us.” He ran a hand down his neck and raised his view to the fish, still nonchalantly soaring through the air. Jeeze, that sounded weird. Fish. Soaring. ”You probably know about cults and the like more than I do. Phantoms only spontaneously popped up as causes of murders, so it’s not like I have a lot of reference material prepared.” They hadn’t made any progress, but he may have just revealed a key player in this whole shebang. And maybe many more to come. “Fish are known for having a keen sense of danger. When they sense the blood of one of their own, their innate reaction is to flee. They also steer clear of anything that may ‘cause them harm, which are usually perceived as ripples throughout the water. Shepherding them is a feasible approach. It’s just the moving part, that will definitely be challenging.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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Mirai didn't expect waking up to her phone ringing. She sat up and reached for her phone, but it was sent to voicemail before she could get to it. Slowly picking it up, she pressed the home button and read, '(1) Missed call from Kame'. She widened her eyes slightly, but quickly shut them because of the sunlight shining through her window, curtains pulled back. A little after the call, she recieved a message from Kame,"Hi! It's me, Kame! I could really use your help right now Mirai, could you meet me up by the roof? I'll explain everything when you get here! Thanks a bunch!" Mirai sighed and got dressed quickly. She never thought she'd ever be late in her entire life..


Mirai arrived at the school, and while walking towards the entrance, she got a glimpse of something. "That must be what Kame was on about. Are those phantoms?" Mirai noticed these beings looked like fish, but she knew normal fish can't breathe without being in water, and especially can't fly for that matter. She quickly made her way up to the roof, arriving a minute or so after. She could tell this must have been Limbo Avenue from the familiar descriptions of looks Kame gave her, but one girl was unfamiliar to her. "Kame! I'm here!" Mirai signaled her friend. She ran over to her and smiled sheepishly. "So what did you need help with? I'm sure it's these phantoms.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki Character Portrait: Mirai Yokuza Character Portrait: Asada Akira
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Yuki looked around at the others, carefully taking everything in so that she would remember it. She wanted to get to know them as quickly as possible, to have all the information when making...well, any decision at all. She shook her head quietly at Kame, but didn't have much room for any thanks or polite refusals. The conversation moved quickly, and Yuki's attention was drawn outside, past the small crowd on the stairs and out onto the roof- to a particularly loud boy who had just threatened to burn down the entire school. Someone sure seemed fired up. Yuki arched an eyebrow at Kaz, and made a mental note to steer clear of him for a while.

Her eyes then flicked to Naomi. The boy was quiet, but he held her attention for longer than Kaz did. She smiled softly at him before she realized that the injured boy wasn't unconscious as she had originally thought in her haste, but was in fact speaking, and to her at that. She narrowed his eyes slightly at him, as his tone gave her the distinct impression that Akira had more to say on the subject. Then Kanna spoke, as well, and Yuki looked the girl over before nodding to the group and giving a quiet, "Uh.. okay. Thanks."

She got up then, and was easing her way carefully up the stairwell when the conversation turned. She paused in the doorway, eyes on the fish, but attention focused on the conversation happening behind her. "Huh?" she mumbled quietly, mostly to herself as her curiosity was spiked. What did that boy mean, special powers? They were all supposed to have them? Yuki had no idea what he was talking about. That shouldn't have been much of a surprise, she supposed, since this was the first time she'd met any other mediums, and she sure hadn't expected there to even be this many. Right up until about two minutes ago she was convinced she'd imagined the whole thing, but really, she didn't think even her mind could come up with this mismatched group.

She didn't even need to look back to know what Mizuki was talking about when she mentioned her strings, and fire certainly seemed fitting for the grumpy boy. Kame's interested her quite a bit. As far as Yuki knew, she didn't have anything like that. She knew that she could sometimes make phantoms tangible, by humming a certain tune, and that she could breathe when the air wasn't exactly fresh, but she assumed all people like her could do those things, and she hadn't discovered any other abilities of hers. So far, it didn't seem like she would be much use to the group. She frowned slightly, and walked further onto the roof, making sure to avoid Yua as Yuki had already decided that particular girl was probably too high maintenance for Yuki's liking.

She was looking pensively at the fish when Akira stepped out. She let out another quiet "Huh?" as she turned to look at him, eyes blinking a little wider as she refocused her attention yet again. At first, his power didn't seem to be much of anything, but then the rooftop was covered it... red. She wasn't sure how to describe it. The scene moved quickly and then froze, and Yuki was immediately filled with a sense of foreboding. It made her stomach turn and her back feel cold with sweat. Boy, Akira sure did talk a lot. So far, Yuki thought her favorite person in the group was almost definitely Naomi, but at least Akira seemed to think a lot, and out loud. Even if it would annoy her at times, undoubtedly, it certainly made things easier than trying to guess what he was thinking all the time.

Yuki didn't scare often, and that moment of dread threw her off. She didn't say anything or move even, but her heart beat had quickened and she had to take a few seconds to calm herself down. She had hoped that by finding more people like her, she would be finding answers to what had haunted her for so long. Instead, it looked like she was finding more questions- something Akira seemed to agree on, so at least there was that. Still, she wasn't comfortable enough yet, with the group or the situation, or even the place, to say anything. For now, she wasn't sure of her place within the club, if she was in fact to be considered a member, so she merely turned to observe the newcomer and ponder their predicament.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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#, as written by Kestrel

What had phantoms done to Kaz to make him so hateful, Kanna wondered briefly. She really hoped nobody would pay too much attention to his attitude. Kanna herself was already glad Kaz didn't try to fight her over it. Ah, there was so much to deal with, it was almost making her dizzy!

Kaz did make a good point, though. What had summoned the fish here in the first place? Akira came with the answer; one that made Kanna's jaw drop. “That is amazing." She gasped at the reveal of the young man's power. As the young man's power unravelled the past before their very eyes, Kanna started to understand the detective shtick. This was special... And though it posed more questions than answers - their mystery guest was a head-scratcher in particular, at least it was something they could work with.

“Okay." Kanna put her hands together. “I think there's two things we need to do. The fish aren't seeing us, but I think Kaz and Akira have some good ideas. Let's try moving some things around to see what they care about more than us." She hesitated a little, doubting if she should suggest what she was about to, but before anyone else could speak up Kanna continued; “Kaz is kinda right that phantoms can be unpredictable. I think he should stay here with us just in case." She proposed, as she looked around the group to gauge everyone's reactions. Kanna was still a bit unsure of how the dynamic was going to work out. “Anyone who can help... Eh, keep control, please help too."

“Then about Akira's... What do I call it?" Kanna asked, “Your, vision-thingy, ya know? If someone made the phantoms come here, there must be a reason why. I think Akira and Yua-" Akira's teasing and Yua's reaction to the thin air hadn't gone by unnoticed, “-And maybe someone else can ask around to see if anyone has something against the gardening club? Oh, and we also still have to find a place to move the fish, ya know? So if a few of you could look for a good place, that'd be a big help!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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As Takuhito finished berating the hothead, he spoke in a quiet voice that would only carry to him. “You’re right, I don’t like them. Doesn't necessarily mean I want them dead.”

Naomi found himself forcing a smile when one of the new arrivals looked towards him. It was a strange habit of his, regardless of whether or not he knew the person. Or even liked them… So long as the grin didn't bear malicious intent. Tachibana didn't seem to posses any. His other companions, on the other hand...

When Kaz showed off his powers, he had to admit he was impressed but his opinion of him being an asshole did not change. Small shoulders simply raised up and back down to show his lack of knowledge. “If I do have one, I don’t know what it is.” And quite frankly, the blue-haired boy wasn’t really inclined to learning more.

With the way Mizuki spoke to him, he could only interpret it as condescending. He was peeved that the brunette agreed with Kaz, giving him a backbone he rarely had. “If we went by that logic, the dog that’s always pooping in the park should be shot down. Or the cat that slinks around here should be killed because it’s stealing food… Even though it’s only doing that for survival. For all we know the fish could be in the same situation.” Naomi personally doubted it was something as dire as that, but it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. Truth be told, even he was surprised at how much he rejected the idea. In all likelihood, he was going against Kaz just for the sake of it.

The conversation took a turn for the serious, to which Nao remained quiet. In this kind of matter, he rather didn't fully express what he thought. Asada smoothly (?) changed the subject to the fish Phantoms and headed up there himself.

Despite his better judgement, he allowed himself to get dragged back up the stairs to watch Asada use his unique ability. The scene the unfolded gave him the chills, zipping up the jacket a little more though it did nothing to warm him up. His tail and ears twitched in wariness, almost expecting the strange figure in the vision to come out at any moment. Whatever color he’d gotten back was gone, and that crushing feeling in his head was back in full force at his return to the rooftop.

Blue eyes met Kanna’s green, to which he replied with a shrug when she asked his question. He had a certain phantom in mind if it came to the species, but since he was privvy to the secret, Nao thought it best if he didn't introduce the old fox to them now. “Maybe they enjoy the sun? I don’t mind being in any group, really.” Personally, he preferred it without Kaz... or even Mizu for that matter. But if he was placed into the same group, he’d do his best to cooperate. Naomi really didn’t have the energy to argue any further than this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kame Fujioka Character Portrait: Suzuki Kanna Character Portrait: Mizuki Matsuri Character Portrait: Kaz Tachibana Character Portrait: Yua Koizumi Character Portrait: Tachibana Yuki
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0.00 INK

Some people are just born to die. I’m merely here to get them to the other side.
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя #800000
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He had been following his routine as he always had. Always avoid them when he could and stay out of sight. Thankfully his supposed creepy nature helped in that endeavor. The young man hardly had to worry about it as he had grown to understand their schedules, especially hers. While he did not know her personally, Makoto had overheard how rambunctious her curiosity was and he wasn’t the type to enjoy being under a scrutinizing eye that was trying to understand him.The only people or creatures that he felt that could understand him were the few phantoms that he had befriended over the years although they acted more as a soundboard than anything else.

In regards to his creepy demeanor, Makoto wore that dark expression on his face again and he was humming that solemn tune. The few students that he passed by made sure to step to the other side of the hallway. At one point he glanced up as he felt the burning gaze of curiosity. His bordering on black eyes caught her own cool brown orbs and the girl visibly flinched. With a blush on her cheeks the girl looked away and hurried along with her friends. Makoto thrust his hands in his pockets with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. For a brief moment he closed his eyes, contemplating on a verbal response to her curious stare. If he had spoken to her, he would have no doubt frightened her. He didn’t speak to others very often as he never saw a reason to talk to those who had already judged him.

Regardless, he kept on walking. It wasn’t until he finally looked up that he caught sight of them. His heart sped up slightly and he rushed into the nearest room he could find which was unfortunately the boys bathroom. Just my luck. It would seem he was a little slow in ducking for cover because not long after he had entered a stall he heard the door squeak open. Makoto could feel his presence on the other side of the door and he silently glared at where he assumed the boys face was. It wasn’t that he hated the other mediums, he just didn’t like some of their buddies. They were a rash and an obnoxious bunch. The phantoms that he had spoken to did not have many kind words to speak of when it came to a few of them but those were only for those who actually bothered the phantoms. Makoto himself had yet to actually meet any of them in person. Doing so would reveal that he too is a medium and he’d like to keep that part about him to himself for just a little longer.

The boy (Akira) the other side of the stall finally spoke, breaking Makoto’s chain of thought. His attention was now on the boy's voice and a knowing smile spread across his face. So the gardening club is having some problems? Interesting. They haven’t told me anything about it. They meaning the phantoms that he talks to regularly. With a shake of his head, Makoto cleared his throat. “Unfortunately I don’t know anyone who would want to bother them. I mean, they grow plants for god's sake. Who would be opposed to that? Now if you excuse me, I’d like to use the bathroom in peace.” With that being said, Makoto waited a bit before flushing the toilet. A not a second later and he heard the door squeak open and then closed. Waiting just a bit longer, Makoto finally left his stall relieved that the other medium was gone.

Even though he didn’t use the bathroom, Makoto still felt the urge to wash his hands. This habit of his was probably inherited from his parents who were always washing their hands. He took out a small bottle of lotion and spread it evenly across his hands. Another thing he got from his parents. Looks like I have to check this out myself. I doubt they would have asked me if it had anything to do with other people. Placing his hands back into his pockets, Makoto left the bathroom, careful of who was present and headed toward the roof top.

The walk to the stairs was uneventful probably because he kept the masking tune going. Makoto was pretty good at maintaining the tune. It was his most practiced skill, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he knows how to use it better than most so when he caught sight of people lingering around the stairs he frowned. With a deep intake of breathe, Makoto began to hum those mournful tunes completely masking his presence as he gingerly stepped around them. He took note of their auras but ignored the people themselves on his way to the roof. When he finally reached said door, he opened it just enough for him to step through. While he may be hidden from view, that didn’t mean everything else was.

Almost as soon as he stepped foot on the rooftop, he choked, not expecting the air to be so hard to breathe in. His humming came to an abrupt stop but he did his best to keep his choking as silent as he could. Thankfully the others on the rooftop were preoccupied by the fish that swam about. The fish? Makoto’s eyes narrowed, trying to figure out why there were fish on the roof but a moment later, he realized they were just phantoms. Feeling a like an idiot, Makoto pinched the bridge of his nose. It was rather unfortunate that he didn’t have that breathing skill but he could manage without it. Black orbs roamed the rooftop, inspecting the sight before him. The fish did not take notice of his entrance which meant they were on a different plane. Hmm that is a bit troublesome. As he approached what he assumed was the greenhouse, breathing became much harder. The young man stood just outside it when he choked again, this time no doubt giving himself away. [i] Great. Just great.[/color

Not wanting to seem like an idiot, Makoto stood up straight and turned his attention to those who were present. “I hear you all have a fish problem.” That morbid smile was plastered on his face. An old habit that came out whenever he needed to feel assured.