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Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Maximum Ride - Pyrite


Paralleling the world of Maximum Ride and her Flock, another Flock of Bird Kids is on the run. (because the last one can not be accessed.)

1,227 readers have visited Maximum Ride - Pyrite since Everscale created it.


Ten years ago, they were all together, living as a single Flock in the depths of that horrible Clinic. Five of them, living together. Their leader was far older than the rest of them; a woman named Mirage, nearly an adult, a strong flier, with abilities far beyond what most of them could hope to achieve. She was a valuable piece of science. The whitecoats called her “the Goddess”, because of her strength and beauty.
The Flock just called her Mirage.
She was a loyal leader, strong and courageous. She cared for all of them, protected them from the worst of the tortures in that place. She spoke up for them, against the whitecoats. Used her own life as a bargaining tool to keep them safe and healthy. They were children; she was their guardian angel. They thought she would do anything for them.

No one expected it the day she simply… vanished.

She left them, abandoned them. She left not a trace of herself behind, except for their memories of her. She even destroyed her files; her very existence ceased. It was chaos; the whitecoats looked everywhere, searched every hiding hole in the country, for their beloved experiment. But she was gone, without so much as a farewell to her Flock.
Ten years later, the Flock has grown. A new leader stands in Mirage’s place, following her model, caring for the others.
Engineering their own escape from the Clinic, and planning for their search for the illusive woman they called Mirage. But even now that they have safely escaped…
… Who knows what dangers await them?


taken ~Mirage~ taken

taken ~Pyrite~ taken

taken ~Flint~ taken

taken ~Ashter~ taken

taken ~Jinx~ taken

You MUST use the character skeleton for your character. There will be no variations. Alterations can be requested by Everscale.

Character Skeleton

In the DESCRIPTION section.

Age: (between 10 and 18)
Power: (can be vetoed by Everscale, be creative, no copies from the books)
Appearance: (hair, eyes, skin, build, etc. include a picture and full sentence description)
Wings: (color, size, etc.)

In the PERSONALITY section.

Personality: (full sentences, go deep into it, at least two paragraphs)

In the EQUIPMENT section.

Equipment: (what do they carry with them? In their pockets? In backpacks?)

In the HISTORY section.

History: (changes can be requested by Everscale.)

Toggle Rules

1. No god-modding or power-play
2. If you are going to leave the roleplay, you have to tell me, and we will find a way to dispose of your character. (death, leaving, etc.)
3. Every post must be at least 5 sentences long.
4. This is a literate roleplay, so don’t join if you can’t use proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
5. Post at least once a day.
6. Be nice to each other.
7. This must be PG-13, though romance is encouraged.
8. Be creative with your characters or I won’t accept them.
9. Don’t swear too much. Though I do acknowledge it as a form of expression, and so I will not ban it.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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OOC: The roleplay begins just as they are escaping.

Pyrite ran, even though her legs were numb and her chest burned, unaccustomed to the effort. She felt likes he had been running for days, even though she knew it had been only a few hours. She wanted to stop; she was exhausted, she felt like she was going to break and fall. But she knew she had to keep running. She could hear the others running around her, and knew that she had to be strong, for them. Because until they found Mirage, she was their leader.
And they weren't ever going to find Mirage, if they didn't make this escape now.
The first burst of fresh air as they had broken out of the Clinic... that had felt like life itself. She had never breathed such pure, fine air. The scents of the forest had hit her full-force, and though the sunlight had blinded her she had kept running, certain that even without seeing she could find her way to freedom.
She had to.
Now, sight had returned to her. And so had exhaustion. She couldn't believe that they had gotten this far. It had seemed, for so long, a complete impossibility to break through those iron bars, those concrete walls, those electrified fences. She still wasn't sure how they had done it. But they had. And they were free.
Or... almost.
She could hear the Erasers crashing through the brush behind them, hear their hound-like baying and the angry shouts of their whitecoat masters. They were chasing her, chasing her friends. Chasing her Flock...
And they were gaining.
But she could see the cliff ahead. They were going to make it. All they had to do was jump...
And hopefully, instinct would allow them to fly.
"We're almost there!" She shouted. She was shocked that she had managed to make a sound; her throat was burning with the need for air, "Just a little further, guys!"


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Filnt ran with all his might his legs barly touching the floor. He wouldn't stop moving ,not even for a second. He looked infront of him as Pyrite bursted through the and out to... freedom or close to it ,they just had to take flight. He kept his pace leveled with Pyrite and heared a all to familar sound. He could hear the Erasers behind them ,hearing the ravage barks brought back bad memories for him. He hated his power to smell objects extremly well he was practically smelling the digusting breaths of the mutts or Erasers.

Flint gazed Pyrite and smiled how does she keep her cool like that. He felt his wings expanding feeling them open up ,the sky blue wings were out and shimmered while he was running. He sighed a bit ,Flint felt a little embarssed because of his excitement. He took a breath of the fresh decadent air then jumped into the sky. He flapped his mighty 21ft wings and flew into the sky.


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he shock of fresh air caught Jinx off guard. Her senses were jumbled, her emotions confused; was up down or was left right? This world was a whole new realm, a place she'd never touched before. Was this... alright? Freedom was like a drug but the fear she could taste in her sweat was equally as overwhelming. Strides in front of her, Flint and Pyrite were pressing into the sky. Strides behind her, erasers sank their feet into the sodden earth in attempts to catch their prey.

Most likely out of the adrenaline rush, her tawny wings unfurled and she rocketed forward into the air. In almost awkwardly graceful movements she raced ahead of the others and high into the sky. Only then did Jink fully realize the danger of the journey they were to take. Mountains. Valleys. Fields. Rivers. On and on they stretched. Did they go on forever? It was quite possible. But for some reason, the thought was more sickening then flattering. Forever was a long way.

Violet eyes flashing back to the scene below her, Jinx forced herself to remain strong. The negative emotions radiating from her companions shattered her previous confidence. Fear, pain, weariness. What the hell were they doing? But there was no going back now. Only forwards. Onwards to forever. The blonde raised her hands in the direction of the erasers. Heart thudding, head pounding, she shot a wave of telekanetic energy towards them to slow them down. Immediately the splitting pain returned to her head. Should it have bothered her? Perhaps.


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#, as written by Black
Ashter ran after them, he was constantly looking back to see the erasers gaining on them. They burst outside into the fresh air, it was almost blinding, breathtaking, but now wasn't the time for admiring the scenery. He squinted against the harsh sunlight and ran, his 'brothers and sisters' jumped off from the edge of the cliff. Their wings carrying them on the wind, it was truly a thing of beauty, but for some reason. Ashter couldn't get his wings to come out, the erasers were gaining fast, although slowed by an attack from Jinx. He gulped, looking down at the huge drop to nowhere, but he jumped, falling for quite sometime and all he could say to himself was. "Come on, come on, come on." which apparently worked, his white wings, with the blue tips came from his back, he beat them once and ascended to meet his brothers and sisters in the sky. His wings were rather strange, they had no feathers but still seemed to allow him to fly, if a little faster than his family. They would cut through the air more due to the random spikes situation all over the place. He took in a deep breath and looked around, finally he could admire the scenery.


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Pyrite remained on the ground, standing at the edge of the cliff and gazing back at the Erasers. She would not lift off until she was sure the rest of her Flock was safely in the air. She watched as, one by one, they leapt into the sky, soaring away to freedom.
The Erasers were gaining. She could see them now, dashing across the empty space between the forest and the sudden drop. They were baying, furious but determined to catch the one who was still on the ground.
With a low laugh, Pyrite turned and flung herself off the cliff. She plummeted down the cliff-side, arched forwards into the wind, gaining speed. She could see the ground rushing up to her...
And then her wings snapped open, catching both the wind and the sunlight. They flashed like fire in the brilliant morning glow, buoying her up and throwing her back into the sky. She soared upwards, flashing among her friends.
"We did it!" She laughed brightly, slowing to fly in a circle around them.


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Flint looked at Pyrite and smiled. It had finally hapened they were free from there troubles for now but what do they do next. He looked down with his amazing eyes and saw that the white coats were yelling at each other. He looked back at Pyrite but turned his head away realizing that he s kept his power on. He quickly turned it off and returne his gaze to Pyrite ", lets get out of here," he told her. He looked into the distance and closed his eye for he had looked into the sun. It was no worries he rubbed his iris a little.


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#, as written by Black
Ashter smiled as the sun beat down on his wings and skin, it was warm, unlike the cold floors of the labs. It was the first time he had ever seen sunlight like this, the warm glow and happiness it brought them. Hope with it too. He looked back to see the scientists, cursing and yelling at each other, as well as at their escaped experiments. Some of them even attempted to throw things, clipboards (most likely with important notes on), sticks, stones, anything they could get their hands on. None of them hit though, they were all too far away, even for the best thrower they had. Erasers stood by them, waiting for orders, but the only orders they got were 'get them', although, they just took one look at the huge drop and stayed still. How could they go after them?

Ashter leveled out his flying and jerked to the left, hanging back slightly so he could speak to Pyrite. "Where do we go now?" he asked, totally lost, it was there first time out of the Clinic, they were like new born lambs trying to find their way in the world.


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"We need to find somewhere to stop and rest," Pyrite answered, swerving in an easy circle over the heads of the scientists, almost teasing them. "We can't fly too far yet, so everyone keep their eyes out for an abandoned building or a cave or something."
She swerved around again, away from the Flock, scanning the horizon. There were high peaks in the distance; mountains, Mirage had taught her. But closer than the mountains, she could see the boxy shapes of human dwellings.
A town, a city, she didn't care what it was. it was close enough to fly to, and there was bound to be some sort of food there. And they all needed clothes... they couldn't run around dressed in nightgowns and not attract attention.
"That way." She pointed towards the boxy shapes, even as she swerved back to fly around the Flock, "We'll find some shelter in that town."

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Character Portrait: Ashter
0 sightings Ashter played by RolePlayGateway

Character Portrait: Flint
0 sightings Flint played by RolePlayGateway
"So that's how you look like"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Pyrite
Character Portrait: Jinx
Character Portrait: Mirage


Character Portrait: Mirage

They are my family, and I will free them someday.

Character Portrait: Jinx

It tears me up to tear you down.

Character Portrait: Pyrite

Don't touch my family.


Character Portrait: Jinx

It tears me up to tear you down.

Character Portrait: Mirage

They are my family, and I will free them someday.

Character Portrait: Pyrite

Don't touch my family.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Pyrite

Don't touch my family.

Character Portrait: Mirage

They are my family, and I will free them someday.

Character Portrait: Jinx

It tears me up to tear you down.

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Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Sorry, i'm going to have to abandon the RP. Mainly because I have so many to handle and this one hasn't really taken off. I also have not a lot of time to be on anymore, got exams then college.

Wish you the best of luck though~

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

That's alright~ >.< I neglected to write that part.

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Mmmmmk I'll edit that in my history.
I apologize >_> I was so excited to join that I sort of read over everything real fast.

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

I don't think I made it clear.
This rp starts literally the night of their escape. The first post will probably occur just as they are escaping the building and taking wing.

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite


Finished my character and submitted her :]

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

O.O No I don't... but I probably should...

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

*lurklurk* Yep. I'm a complete stranger. You have no idea who I am. Of course not~~ *winks*

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Wow, that was fast...
All are reserved.

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Bird Kid 4 Please :D

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

can I reserve bird kid 5? please and thankies!

Re: [OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

Reserve me bird kid three. I'll try to have him up by this day.

[OOC] Maximum Ride - Pyrite

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