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Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero

Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero


A re-write of my old epic Moon Wolf. Join if you want a good wolf rp! (STILL ACCEPTING)

874 readers have visited Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero since dawnfire07 created it.


Silver Moon, a lone she-wolf, is found in Aurora forest by the Moon's Water pack. Silver turns out to have amnesia, but is accepted into the pack. Meanwhile, a secret group of outsider wolves intend on taking over the packs, with orders from their leader, even if they must murder them to do it. Their leader is searching for Silver Moon though why remains unknown. Wolves are disappearing one by one, and Silver Moon and her new-found friends are going to try to piece together the puzzle and stop it. Silver Moon's friends must help her find the Dream Shards, which can be used to recover her memory, while at the same time holding the outsiders at bay. Oh, and did I mention that a group of wolves inside the packs are backstabbing spies? So, are you a wolf working to permanantly destroy the packs? Or a loyal wolf wishing to rid the forest of these rogues? The choice, can only be made by you.

Roles: (Though OCC's re welcome!)


(Taken) Silver Moon: A silver wolf with amnesia. Part of the Moon's Water Pack. Main.

(Taken) Okari: A black-white wolf born into the Moon's Water pack.

(Taken) Sunshine: A honey gold wolf in the Moon's Water pack. Silver Moon's best friend.

(Taken) Falling Ash: a gray wolf. one of silver moon's love interests.

(Taken) Golden Cry: A blonde wolf that's obsessed with Okari. has a bumpy relationship with sunshine.

(Taken) Snow: A messanger between the Moon's Water pack and Eternal Snow pack.

(Open) Caster: A reddish wolf. Loves running. Okari's buddy.

(taken) Stan: Gold and brown wolf. A player with good intentions. He loves to flirt with girls. Sandy's twin. In the Eternal Snow pack.

(Taken) Sandy: Gold and brown wolf. Your typical popular and mischievious girl. Keeps Stan in check when he's flirting by swatting him with her tail. Stan's twin. In the Eternal Snow pack. Loves to play with Sunshine and Silver Moon.

(Taken) Sora: A pure black wolf. She's a good loner. She often plays with Silver Moon and her friends. But whenever someone asks her where she lives, she makes an excuse and runs off.

(Open) Cassy: A black pup in the nursery. Okari's younger sister. Loves to pull pranks on him. Mischievious.

(Open) Phantom: A tom pup with ghostly gray fur. Incredibly serious and aggressive, but has a soft side when it comes to Cassy. (If you didn't figure it out, Phantom likes Cassy.)

(Open) Hail: A white she-wolf(pup) in the nursery. Shy and quiet. Phantom's sister.

Adult Wolves:
(Open) Flame: A spy in the Eternal Snow pack.

(Open) Stormsky: A gray wolf. Beta of the Moon's Water pack and Silver Moon's mentor.

(taken) Sanse: A pure white Wolf. Alpha of Moon's Water pack.

(Open) Red: A red wolf(duh). A fighter in the Eternal Snow Pack.

(taken) Alpha Female

(Open) Icy Breath: A white wolf with two pups in the nursery.

(Open) Autumn: A red wolf in the nursery. Mother to Okari and Cassy.

(Open)Thunder: A brown wolf with amber eyes. A spy in the Moon's Water Pack

(Suggestions for Adults needed!)

Character Skeleton:

Role: (Apprentice, Fighter, Hunter, Alpha, messanger, Beta, Omega, Healer, Outsider)
Pack: (Moon's Water or Eternal Snow)
Description: (Picture please)

Toggle Rules

No godmoding
No mary-sues
Keep cussing to a minimum
keep romance to pg-13
3 wolves for one person
Please post at least once every 3 days
have fun!! ;D

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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"... Come on Sunshine! You just had to wake me up with your snoring!" Silver Moon glared at the sleeping Sunshine and sighed. "Well, is she ever quiet? And then Okari loves to mess with her, with gets her.....nevermind. Might as well go outside." Silver Moon walked out of the den where the apprentices slept and pounced on the piles of snow, making powdery explosions. Silver Moon then froze and huffed. "How can I enjoy anything when I have that on my mind?" Silver Moon let out a mock wimper. "I like Okari, but I like Falling Ash too. Okari. Ash. Okari. Ash. Okari. Ash. Ughh! I can't decide! And then there's Golden Cry...Anyway, I think I might get a little revenge on Sunshine for waking me up." Silver Moon smiled deviously. She picked up some bark and loaded it with snow. Then she walked over to Sunshine and dumped just a bit on her. "Huh. That's the second time of done this since I came here."

(Remember Okari? I did this at the start of the original Moon Wolf.)


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#, as written by Krypt
Bright blue eyes opened slowly as the young wolf shook off the shackles of sleepiness and stood up for a well deserved stretch. Okari gave a brief yawn after that, before taking a moment or two to clear his drowsy vision. Much to his amusement, Okari watched as Silver dumped a pile of wet, cold slush all over Sunshine. In fact, Okari somewhat regretted it wasn't him performing the deed, it would be a nice start to a short fight that he would be sure to win. Making a sarcastic remark somewhere along the lines of 'good morning' as he passed the soggy Sunshine, Okari trotted out of the small cave the pack often took refuge in for the night. It was cold outside, obviously, and the winter air carried a lovely scent of thick furred foxes and skittish young deer. Not that he would be able to take down either of those on his own, but it was the thought that counted, right? He gave a greeting to Silver as he passed her, and headed towards the river. Normally he wasn't this solitary and would have had much more energy, but he was sleepy after getting up earlier than normal. Reaching the frozen water, he knocked a hole in the relatively thin ice, and took a few gulps of the fresh spring water. Moments later, he dunked his whole head in. Ripping his head out of the water almost as quick as he had put it in, he said to himself "Now, I'm awake!"


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Ash's ears twitched at the sound of someone getting up. He was still half asleep, but his ears moved at every little sound. With a small yawn, the gray wolf opened his eyes at the slightest, getting a blurry image of a silver wolf. It was obvious to him that it was Silver Moon. "Good morning... you're up early." he mumbled out, clearing out his vision. Ash got up, and stretched before shaking out his fur. He chuckled quietly at the sight of Silver Moon dumping some snow onto Sunshine, before making his way out of the den. He licked some of the snow on the ground, before lifting his head up. He took a sniff, enjoying the familiar scent of his pack, and letting out a soft sigh of happiness. The wind blew softly, brushing gently through his fur. Ash took a seat under a tree, unaware of the snow, ready to slide off the branches. All in one, they crashed down onto his head, sending cold chills down his whole back. He yelped in surprise, quickly shaking the cold substance off him.


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#, as written by Lurelle
Golden Cry was awoken by a rather strange sound. The crunch of snow on the den. She opened one eye to see the white, ice packed stuff make contact with her left paw. "Some of us were trying to sleep," she growled good-naturedly. She stood and shook her golden blonde fur; the cold of the night had left small amounts of frost on her whiskers. Golden Cry had just gotten half-way out of the den before falling flat on her face. Her paws scrabbled the ground and she pretended it was on purpose. Her ears were laid back in embarrassment.
She bounded off once more. The chilled air made her alert, but the snow was difficult to get through. She stopped in the center of camp, nose in the air. She hoped there was some retarded rabbit or deer that would come by, so that the older and stronger hunters could chase it down. And then she'd have food! She licked her jaws, and while doing so, caught the scent of Ash. She turned, trying to track it down, but he was just over there. She watched with pricked ears as a large amount of snow fell upon him. Her tail twitched in amusement.
Golden Cry went into a trot, moving towards Ash. "You alright?" She asked, barely containing her laughter. But it happened to every wolf at some time.


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(Okay, so I don't really know how to RP Sora because I don't have any of her background knowledge. Can you guys help me out with this?)

Sora slightly opened her eyes, still groggy from her sleep. She yawned, and then used the side of the tree to help her get up. "Tired...No...Don't fall down.." After about a minute or two, Sora was beginning to wake up. She regained her balance and began to stretch, shaking off any fallen snow on her back. She watched as a small field mouse scurried past her paws. "Shouldn't that thing freeze to death or starve?" Sora's paws felt like they had frostbite, and with every little step she took, it hurt a little more. She knew it would wear off in about an hour, but she can never bear the pain every time it happens. The sound of crunching snow always was annoying to her, but now she was getting used to it.

(Sorry I didn't post much. Like I said above, I don't really know how to RP her.)


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(For Sora, try to get her in camp with Silver Moon. I got a little plan that should take us somewhere. Everybody, meet in the middle of camp! Oh, and Sora is sort of like an outcast trying to fit in. Hope that helped Capricco.)

Silver Moon walked over to where Falling Ash and Golden Cry were. "Hey guys. Whatcha doing?" Suddenly Silver Moon got an idea. "Hey! We should have a hunting competition in the forest! We could go in groups too. That would be awesome! We should get everybody up and tell them!"


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#, as written by Krypt
Shivering and a little annoyed at himself, Okari shook his head to get the excess water off of it. With his fur sticking out at odd angles, Okari made his way back to the grounds. On his way, however, he found his acquaintances assembled around a pine tree, evidently staring at Falling Ash who looked rather funny with a pile of snow on his head. Naturally, Okari assumed Silver Moon did it after seeing what she had done to Sunshine this morning. She seems to be pulling all the pranks that he would have liked to done himself. Walking up to them to stand between Golden and Silver, Okari said amusingly "Well, Silver, are you not going to stop smothering people with snow until everyone here is covered? I'll make sure you have a nice wake up call tomorrow if you try it on me."


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Falling Ash looked up as he finally managed to shake off the last bit of snow off him. "Yeah, I'm fine." he answered Golden Cry. He could tell she was probably trying to hold in a laugh, but decided not to say anything about it. His ears twitch slightly as Silver Moon walked over to them. "Nothing, just had a bunch of snow dumped onto my head..." he answered. His ears seemed to perk at the word hunt. "Hunting sounds fun. If anyone else is up for it, then I am too."


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#, as written by Lurelle
Golden Cry pricked her ears forward. "Hunting?" She kept her tone calm, but she was excited. She was dying to go and chase something fast. She waited for Silver Moon to reply again, but found her eyes on Okari. One single ear flattened in embarrassment and she averted her attention to the trees. "Yeah! Let's go! I need to run a bit," she springs forward and falls into a bounding gait. Her light, honeyed fur wasn't quite as good for hunting like a white Wolf's pelt, but it must've been better than the darker ones.. then again, in springtime, she stood out like a white flower in a cave.

Sanse yawned widely. He'd just woken up.. late, again. He stood and stretched. His muscles tightened and then relaxed in a satisfying way. He padded out of his den. The small cave wasn't quite ground level, it was atop a medium sized clutter of boulders. He dropped down onto the snow and padded forward. Other members of the pack acknowledged his presence with a flick of the tail or a dip of the head. He continued on until he saw a group of apprentices gathered in the center of camp. His whiskers twitched in slight interest as he caught onto what they were saying. "Hunting, hm? It'd be best if you told an older member of the pack, lest we worry about your whereabouts." He said, but not with a sour tone. "We'd be grateful it you brought back anything big." With a small nudge of his nose, he gave permission to exit camp and then turned back around. With a sigh, he remembered he'd have to meet with the Beta again for plans concerning the upcoming winter storms. He thought it was strange that an Alpha would hate meetings so much.


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Silver Moon smiled. "Alright, this will be the groups: Me, Okari, and Sunshine, Golden Cry, Falling Ash, and Sora. Well Sora is a maybe. She usually comes around noon to play with us." Silver Moon heard a noise and grinned. "Stan, Sandy!" It was the two wolves from the Eternal Snow pack. "Who have you been?" "To be honest, it's been miserable without you, my star." Stan smoothly replied. Sandy immediately wacked him with her tail. Silver Moon laughed. 'Stan is such a flirt. But he's a good wolf.' "Well, we're having a hunting competition right now. Wanna join?" Sandy smiled mischeiviously. "You bet. Hunting is so my game." It was true. Sandy was the best hunter in her pack, despite her and her brother being apprentices. Silver Moon thought of something. "It's kind of cool that almost all of us are apprentices." Silver Moon turned to Sanse. "Sanse, do you think we could have a competition between the two tribes? We could have the apprentices and hunters and fighters compete in different courses, like tree-climbing, hunting, or tracking things, maybe even a battle round! I'd so be in the battle round. I'd get to face off against some real competition. So could we?" "PLEEEEEAAAAASEEE?" Silver Moon and Sandy pleaded in unison, all the while making their famous puppy dog faces. (They're known for those)


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#, as written by Lurelle
Sanse's ears flicked again. "I'm not sure.." The taunting echo of their pleas seemed to be visibly disturbing him. "... as long as no one gets hurt. I don't want their pack leader charging here with me responsible." He replied uneasily. "Be careful." His paws resumed trekking through the snow and he left them. "That sound drives me crazy."
Golden Cry turned 'round. "Come on!" She called impatiently. "Sanse said yes! We're golden! Let's staaaaarrrt." The end fell into a whimper, but she went back and bounced excitedly. She shook her head and moved smoothly into the group - next to Okari. The fur on her spine stood up slightly, but no wolf seemed to notice. They were focused on the events to come.
Hastily, she barked out, "The team with most prey at the end wins! Limit is the Eternal Snow border boundary. We'll meet back here.. in half an hour?" She suggested. She shifted her weight on her paws, ears alert, tail twitching. Golden Cry was ready for the hunt.
Sanse watched the young wolves from his den. "They're all strong.. I wonder if we could put to use their skills other than hunting," he said to his beta thoughtfully. "I mean, surely you've felt the stirring as well? It wouldn't hurt to start the ... plan," the white wolf pointed out mildly. "You remember it, don't you? Of course you do. Well... we'll moniter them for now. I have my eye on Silver Moon. She's different," he remarked, "as well as the others, too. It looks like we have a whole generation of them."
The beta said nothing, but blinked obediently at Sanse.
"Right. I'll moniter their little competition. But I still don't think having the Eternal Snow's apprentices here are very wise. They've been at our border more often. It wouldn't take much more then the absence of two younglings to spark a raiding party."
"Do you think our allies are so easily turned?" The beta asked uncomfortably. Sanse stared at the snow for a while before answering.
"You never know. The Pack here would kill every wolf there if I gave the command. And I'm already preparing for such an endeavor."
"But are they showing signs of aggression? Is there something I'm not seeing? You usually keep the pack in peaceful conditions, Sanse. This isn't like you."
Sanse's nose twitched.
"Whether it's like me or not, I will keep this pack safe. And if I need to kill to do it-" He fixed his gaze on the two outsider apprentices- "then I will do so."


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#, as written by Krypt
Okari rebounded from being a tired recluse to an eager contestant in an instant. After all, here was a chance to prove his worth! At least, his team did. However, as highly as Okari thought of himself, he knew his limits. And his limits happened to be...he was a klutz when it came to hunting. It seemed every time he had a piece of small game cornered, it would find some way to slip between his paws. Or sometimes, he would just make the pounce and miss completely. If Okari didn't have his pack to feed him, he may have starved the winter. But here was a chance to overcome his weakness! He could prove that he was self reliant if he ever got lost. And of course, prove that he was the best. All he needed to do was stick with the more capable members of his group, and he could 'help' them out. Seeing that Golden Cry was particularly eager to start, and she was also running the show, she must have had some confidence in her own abilities. Okari determined that she would be the best to stick with, from a credit stealing standpoint.
"Half an hour? More than enough time to beat these fellas. Lets get going!" Okari finished with a taunt, before dashing off into the snow. In truth, he had no idea where he was going, or how much game he was scaring away by bounding through the trees, but the ecstasy of the moment made it all worth it.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Tsuyomaru suddenly woke from all the noise around him and rose slowly. Seeing that everyone was bounding away in different directions, he guessed he had arrived a little late to the party. He silently scolded himself as he shook the snow off, and looked around. He thought it odd that no one else seemed to notice him still sleeping, but then again he was a little way off, literally covered in snow. He must have been perfectly camouflaged.

Tsuyomaru wearily padded towards an icy lake and drank a little through a hole that was already there. Must have been Okari, he thought, catching his scent. He looked around again wondering, quite late, what everyone was doing.


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"Make sure you guys stay within the borders. Dont get too cocky, you'll hurt yourself." Ash said, looking at each and every one of them. Yeah okay, he sounded much older sometimes, but it was all for safety. He looked back at the Alpha, who seemed to be having a serious conversation with the Beta. He tilted his head to the side, but chose not to butt into their business. He watched Okari run off and sighed. "Here we go again..." he muttered. Ash had gone hunting a few times with the pack. He helped out when someone was injured. Hunting was fun, but he was more of a fighter... still using his fighting skills did help during a hunt once in a while. "Alright, lets get moving." he said, trotting away from the group. He sniffed around, his ears perked. Ash stayed silent for a moment, before dashing off the opposite direction as Okari. Half an hour? It was winter... not many preys were around. Rabbits, being small creatures tend to hide along the snow fairly well, and the elks or deers moved towards the warmer side where there was grass. Still, some remained around the area.


Stan grinned, "Hunting sounds fun." he said his tail slightly wagging. He could feel eyes on him, and it did make him a bit uncomfortable. But maybe... it was just his imagination. Shaking his head he moved closer over to Silver Moon. He gently nipped at her ears, avoiding his sister's reach. "Shall we go?" he asked watching as Okari and Falling Ash already start their hunting game. Okay, his sister was good at hunting, so he'll just leave all that to her.


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"Okay everybody. Let's meet here in half an hour. On your mark, get set, go!" Silver Moon and Sandy took off. Sandy looked at Silver Moon. "I think I see pheasant up ahead. You feeling lucky?" Silver Moon smirked. "Bring it." After discussing a plan they ran at the pheasant. Silver Moon seperated herself from Sandy and disappeared into the trees. Sandy stopped in front of the pheasant and reared up on her back legs. The pheasant panicked and ran. Just then, Silver Moon jumped out of the trees and tackled the pheasant. After a while, they finally took the pheasant down. "Phew, well that was tiring." Sandy gave a faint laugh. "Right? But we still have to hunt. Even a pheasant won't cut it." So they hunted for a while and were satisfied with what they caught. So far, they had caught a pheasant, 4 rabbits, 2 robins, and had ambushed a new-born fawn. Sandy nodded. "I think this is a pretty good pile." Silver Moon sniffed the air and widened her eyes in shock. "Sandy, I think.... I think I smell caribou!" Sandy stumbled. "In the middle of winter?" Silver Moon nodded her head eagerly. "Yeah! Let's go get it!" So they started running towards the scent. Suddenly, a hole started opening up in the ground. "W-What's going on! An earthquake right in the middle of-" "Ahhhhhh!" Silver Moon and Sandy screamed as they fell and blacked out.

Sandy woke and looked around. "We're in a cave made of ice... Where are we?" Silver Moon looked at the end of the hall. "And what is that? Is that a shard?" "A Dream shard... A dream shard.." Silver Moon blinked in confusion. "Hello? Anybody there? Hello!" Sandy stared at Silver Moon. "What are you talking about? There's no one here but us! There are no spots for hiding." Silver Moon shook her head. "I hear voices.." she whispered.


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Sunshine's honey-colored paw twitched as she dreamed about chasing a large rabbit. Her breath came out in short pants as she lengthened her stride, ready to pounce. She jaw was just about to clamp down on the little thing when snow being poured on her woke her up. With a yowl, she was on her feet in seconds but Silver Moon was already gone. Shaking out her honey pelt, she padded out into the open, her golden eyes searching for her friends. Hearing noise, she padded over to the quietly, then suddenly pounced on Okari. Laughing happily, she nipped her friend's ear and rolled off of him. "Alrgight, who poured snow all over me?"


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#, as written by Krypt
After tromping through the forest for a little while, Okari decided that he should start taking this hunt a little more seriously. Pausing for a moment to try and locate Golden Cry like his original plan suggested, he gave up after realizing he probably ran too far to be even remotely close to anyone. He was wrong.
Okari had been crouching in the snow, slowly advancing on a small thicket which he suspected had game in it, when he was suddenly ambushed by Sunshine of all wolves. A little annoyed that she broke his concentration but glad for the small chance to skirmish, Okari played it innocent and replied "Snow? What snow? You know it is the dead of winter and snow does tend to pour down from the sky." With a smirk on his face he turned his back and walked over to the thicket, not bothering to be quiet. If there had been anything in there before, it would have been scared away when Sunshine arrived.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Tsuyomaru, curious about the event, began to follow Okari's scent. He only managed to get a short way before he heard a cry. He quickly glared in the direction the sound came and pricked his ears. It sounded like Silver Moon and Sandy. But what could have happened? Tsuyomaru decided there was one way to find out, and dashed in the direction of the sound, almost worried. He was sure they could handle themselves in the event of an attack, but he wanted to make sure. They had cried out, after all. And besides, what if it was a bear? They surely would need assistance in that case.

But as he reached the place where their scents stopped, there was no bear. No blood, or anything that could have come from an attack. Instead there was a hole in the ground, which Tsuyomaru looked into. He saw Silver Moon and Sandy agitatedly glancing around and whimpering. He couldn't blame them. They did just fall through a hole in the snow into an ice cave, who could have expected that? Tsuyomaru didn't know what was actually happening in there at the time.

"You two all right?" Tsuyomaru barked into the cave. "That must have surprised you, huh?" he added, a tactless smile appearing on his muzzle. He was relieved to see they seemed unharmed.


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Sunshine rolled her eyes, but laughed. "Oh, you know exactly what snow. Somebody purposely dumped snow on me- i know it. I think you know who!" She sang, the teen brushing her tail over his nose in a flirty gesture. Both wolves stood out clearly, Okari black and white, Sunshine a honey-gold color. The fae followed him into the thicket, her tail swaying. "Why are you all the way out here, all alone?" She asked curiously, cocking her head to the side slightly.
Hoping to surprise him again, she nipped his side and jumped back to start a small play-fight. "Come on, Okari!" She giggled, a bright look in her alluring, enamoring eyes.


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#, as written by Krypt
Cocking his head as he tried to listen into a voice he heard in the distance sounding vaguely like Silver's, Okari decided to disregard it, assuming she was on the hunt. Which is what he was supposed to be doing right now, he reminded himself. Still more concentrated on picking up a line of scent than the presence of Sunshine, Okari started to responded to her question with "Well, as a matter of fact, I was out here trying to win a hunting ma-" before being cut short by her surprise attack. For a moment, Okari was at a loss of what to do, for it was usually he that started the fights. But he shrugged it off, deciding that a fight was a fight, and he always won anyway. While she was in mid-giggle, he let out a playful growl before charging at her, fully intending on flipping her on her back.


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Black Rose woke to the sound of barking and quickly rolled to her feet, ready to see if something was wrong. Seeing nothing, the ebony wolf sat back down, but still eyed the area around her. Probably just the pups she told herself, shaking out her dark fur as she set out just double-check. Normally Sanse took care of almost everything, but she always made sure he hadn't missed anything. Nothing appeared to be wrong.
With a light huff, she turned to find Sanse. Her bright blue eyes scanned the area, quickly picking up on exactly were she was as she listened for the white wolf. Nor hearing anything, she let out a short, distinct howl that was clearly only calling the Alpha to her. He was one of the few wolves that managed to get under her skin, so it was expected of her to be protective. Even if he didn't need any protection whatsoever.


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Sunshine faltered when Okari rammed into her, but managed to stay on her paws. Well, most of them. Balancing herself again, she nipped his ear and pounced on him. She ended up half ontop of him, half on the ground. He easily could simply shake her off, she was rather small for her age. Hopping back up, she started to open her mouth but paused when she heard Rose, not too far off. She was aware that the Alpha Female was calling her mate, but curiosity won out. "Hey, Okari" She spoke softly, lowering her head. "Think we can sneak up on Rose?" Shine knew that she had a soft spot for the pups, and she knew that Rose wouldn't hurt her, probably laugh and brush the two off. But it would be very interesting to see if they could sneak up on the ebony wolfess. . .


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#, as written by Krypt
For a pure moment of horror in Okari's life, the young wolf thought that he was going to get pinned down by Sunshine. But as quick as that moment came, it soon passed on, for he realized that the she-wolf was rather easy to push off. She did it voluntarily, however, saving him the trouble.
Listening to her idea, a small grin began to creep across his face. A full grown wolf would make a nice catch for that little hunting competition he was participating in. No one could argue that he, er...he and Sunshine had caught the best prey of them all, Rose. Granted, that would be going out on a limb, expecting Rose to speak and prove that she was caught, and the others accepting that she was an acceptable variety of game. The catch and release kind, of course.
"Sneak up on Rose, why not? I bet that old wolf is still half asleep. Just as long as it goes down in the record books that I won this fight." Okari smirked, before turning away and following the direction of Rose's call. He started to wonder what the others had caught, as well as what he would have caught had Sunshine not ambushed him.


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#, as written by Lurelle
Golden Cry was a while off, but could still hear the playful voices of her fellow apprentices. She was slightly annoyed by this; hunting was serious business! But she was interested. What if someone needed help? They'd howl.. but still..
Her paws faltered and instead moved in the direction of the noise. She just followed the overlapping paw prints until she came upon Sunshne, Okari... she was too distracted to catch the scent of the others.
"Hey, what's this about?" She whined. "Aren't we supposed to be hunting?" Golden Cry herself had only collected three rabbits, a vole, and an old (but perfectly plump) magpie. She'd just been tracking the faint scent of caribou before this. She followed Okari and Sunshine. She narrowed her eyes slightly at how'd they'd been running together.
Her heart pounded in her ears at the sheer jealousy- but then stopped herself. Shameful. Why am I competing for him? ... I don't like Sunshine too much anyways. Is she fighting me for him? Does he even know... She swallowed as she kept walking.

Sanse was jerked out of his daze. He'd been staring absentmindedly at the clump of grass that was losing desperately in the battle to stay above the snow. His attention was turned to the source of the howl. Rose.
He stood, shook his fur to clear up the resident ice, and moved wearily to the den where she stayed. He presented himself with a mock respectful dip of his head. "Rose. You beckoned?" Sanse caught sight of Sunshine and Okari approaching. Golden Cry was trailing behind with a curiously dark look on her face. His eyes turned back to Rose.
"Well?" He purred.

((sorry for my lack of posting. I'm in Yosemite.. and I doubt there will be Internet in the cabin xD
I'm sorry to ask, but pleeease don't move too far on without me. I hate late posting. Sorry if I'm behind. I'll edit as necessary.))


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Silver Moon stood up. "Yeah we're okay." She helped Sandy up ad tried to climb the wall, but immediately fell back down. "Oww!" Silver Moon sighed. "Looks like we're not getting out anytime soon. Tsuyomaru, can you get the others? We'll need all the help we can get to pull ourselves out of here. This cave is as deep as a canyon!"

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Silver Moon
Character Portrait: Sora
Character Portrait: Tsuyomaru


Character Portrait: Tsuyomaru

"I'll take you all on, by myself!"

Character Portrait: Sora

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives."

Character Portrait: Silver Moon
Silver Moon

"Hey! Maybe I don't have my memory but I bet I can beat you in a fight, Okari!"


Character Portrait: Tsuyomaru

"I'll take you all on, by myself!"

Character Portrait: Silver Moon
Silver Moon

"Hey! Maybe I don't have my memory but I bet I can beat you in a fight, Okari!"

Character Portrait: Sora

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Silver Moon
Silver Moon

"Hey! Maybe I don't have my memory but I bet I can beat you in a fight, Okari!"

Character Portrait: Sora

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives."

Character Portrait: Tsuyomaru

"I'll take you all on, by myself!"

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