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More Sinned Against Than Sinning

More Sinned Against Than Sinning


Two weeks ago, a boy was killed at a party. Since then, the entire teenage population of Mountain Brook has come under suspicion. As appearances fall apart and secrets are revealed, one question is on everyone's lips- who would kill to keep their secrets?

6,936 readers have visited More Sinned Against Than Sinning since partially-stars created it.




Welcome to the town of Mountain Brook. It's a reasonably small town- well, in terms of population. The wealth of it's inhabitants means that Mountain Brook is filled with large houses with even bigger gardens. Appearance is one of the most important things in Mountain Brook. No woman would dare leave the house without makeup and pristine clothes- no man would dare be seen driving a second hand car. The thought of being humiliated in front of the neighbours haunts many a citizen, and many late nights are had, trying to ensure that their brownies are better than Susan from the PTA's, or that their home is more pristine than John from the office's home.

This competition to be the best isn't just exclusive to the adults. The teenagers of the town are constantly striving to be the best at whatever they're good at. But this desire for success combined with the constant search for identity can be overwhelming for many teenagers, and so, the parties of Mountain Brook often get a little out of hand as they try to forget for a few hours what's expected of them.

However, one night, things go drastically wrong. The next morning, as the host is kicking out the last few stragglers, a boy is found dead. It doesn't take the police long to figure out that it was murder, and suddenly, almost the entire young adult population of Mountain Brook is under suspicion. Interviews are conducted, evidence is hunted for, and accusations are made. Secrets start to emerge, and piece by piece, the carefully constructed appearances of so many in Mountain Brook start to fall apart.

With so many desperate to keep secrets, things start to get messy, and one question starts to appear in everyone's mind.

Who would kill to keep their secrets?



No godmodding. All characters are human.
Keep the drama to the IC. If you have a problem with another member, try and sort it out over PM, and if that isn't working, I will act as a mediator.
Make your secrets realistic. It doesn't have to be massive, like "I killed my brother"- but it has to be big enough to have an impact on their life when it's revealed.
If anybody just magically finds out another character's secret or figures it out without too much work, it spoils all the fun. Don't do that.
I will be messaging the character who is the killer when I am happy with the amount of characters we have.
If you want to leave, let me know, and I will reassign the killer if necessary, and your character will be killed off.
If you don't post for two weeks and don't give me some kind of reason, I'll assume you have left and will proceed as such.
Commitment would be nice.
Reservations to be posted in the OOC.
This is an LBGT+/MOGAI/whatever acronym you use friendly roleplay. Any intolerance will not be accepted. I will have to ask that you apply this to your characters as well, because otherwise it can get too out of hand.
Relationships? Yes please. More drama! But keep it clean here, and normal RPG rules apply.
Violence is expected, but just don't get too graphic.



Name: || Age: || In A Secret Relationship || FC: Francisco Lachowski || Reserved-iCat


Name: || Age: || Involved with Drugs || FC: Dakota Blue Richards || Reserved-LivyGrey


Name: || Age: || Runaway || FC: Ezra Miller || Reserved- CharlotteV


Isabella Monroe || 18 || In Counselling || FC: Zendaya Coleman || Taken-BubblyBrunette


Tyler Kingsley || 18|| Involved In An Ongoing Police Investigation || FC: Chace Crawford || Reserved-XViolet7


Name: || Age: || Eating Disorder || FC: Shay Mitchell || Reserved- XViolet7


Name: || Age: || Struggling with Sexuality|| FC: Max Thieriot || Reserved-tigerz


Scarlet Richardson || 16 || Pregnant || FC: Dianna Agron || Taken-Lvdwilt2000


Name: || Age: || Severely depressed || FC: Daniel Radcliffe || Reserved- LivyGrey


Name: || Age: || Seriously ill || FC: Tay Jardine || Reserved- iCat

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[url=songurl]Title | Artist[/url] || [url=songurl]Title | Artist [/url] || [url=songurl]Title | Artist[/url][/center]


[right][img]picture or gif[/img]
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(Full name)



(Pronouns if necessary)



[left][img]gif or picture[/img]
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[justify]State their secret and explain it a little, if necessary. More detail can be given in the History section if you'd prefer.[/justify]

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at least three

At least one, ideally more


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[justify](1-2 decent paragraphs. Quality, not quantity, as always.)[/justify]

[justify](1-2 decent paragraphs. Quality, not quantity, as always.)[/justify]


[right][img]gif or picture[/img][/right]

Any other relevant information

[color=#hexcode]Face Claim:[/color]
Totally optional- some people like to do this.

Again, totally optional.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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"Mm. Enough money to learn how to make decent coffee," he teased gently. He still wasn't 100% okay, but he was better. Especially because they didn't have to deal with any of their problems now. They could just pretend that everything was okay, even though it really wasn't. His life was falling apart, but here, it felt okay.

"I honestly like the sound of that," he mused, grinning a little at the sound of Alby's laugh. "But somebody would end up getting nervous and come charging back up here and drag us down," he added. It would probably be Scarlet- but mentioning that would only make their problems feel real. "Well, time to face the music," he said, getting to his feet and holding out a hand to pull Alby up.


God, she couldn't believe she was actually about to do this. She'd been hiding it for so long, and now her own body was being a traitor and exposing her.

"Basically, my body just hates my guts and is trying to destroy me from the inside out. Leukemia. I'm on treatment, but... it's still not pretty," she admitted, shrugging a little. She wasn't going to admit how bad it was. She couldn't do that to Bea. She couldn't do that to herself. "So, if you see me swallowing pills, it's nothing illegal," she joked.

"Your turn," she said, clearing her throat a little.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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Beatrice Candor

      Bea looked at her with delicate but dark and secretive eyes, which only slightly widened into deep brown abysses when she heard of Charlie's affliction and she immediately felt terrible for the girl, and guilty. Charlie was thin and sickly out of twisted chance, Beatrice was ill and skeletal because she was selfish and thick.

      "Fuck, Charlie I am so...I am so sorry," She replied honestly, she genuinely looked saddened too- possibly even emotional but it was hard to tell. "Does Ash-" She stopped herself. "No, he doesn't. I don't blame you actually. The fact you've gone through this alone, that's so selfless Charlie. I kinda admire it actually but if I'm the only one you've told and you need someone, even if you just want me to hold your hair back for you or something; I'm around," She told her gently; not wanting to express so much sympathy Charlie felt patronised and pitied but feeling the need to ensure Charlie knew she had someone to fall back on.

      Bea looked down, her features veiled by shame. "I'm...I'm..." She stuttered a little and she couldn't look at Charlie. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head to the ground, she couldn't say it to her face. She was too ashamed. "I'm...I, I am addicted to benzodiazepine drugs, specifically Librium. I think I have a slight dependency on alcohol and it's all given mental health issues. I'm sorry- I feel terrible admitting I'm sick because I'm stupid when you're a genuinely good person, in this position because of some kind of awful fate, I'm sorry. So if you see me swallowing pills, it's everything illegal," She sighed sorrowfully.

      Meeting Charlie had made her feel so stupid, dependent, needy and weak- she didn't know how to come back from this, how to defend herself. She felt like she should try and justify her drug abuse, but anxiety was no excuse for taking psychoactive drugs. She could blame bullying, shift the blame but that was her excuse for being a bitch to Scarlet. There was no right, moral, justified or understandable excuse for an 18 year old, aspiring artist, self-credited grunge goddess to be addicted to such dangerous drugs before she even finished Art college. There was no excuse for her not to be achieving A* at college because she was iconic amongst artists within her genre, especially for her age but she was only scraping A's because her mind was in it, there was no excuse for her not getting out of bed or leaving her house, a hangover or low didn't count. There was no excuse for her to let everyone down so much, her parents, Alby- herself. There was no excuse for any of it and thinking about it made her stomach wretch with guilty and pure dismay over what she'd become.

      "I...I just beg, I know you'll judge me to the moon and back for this but please, tell whoever you like in the world but don't tell Alby. When the time comes for him to find out, let me tell him because he's my best friend; the only person I can even hope will understand," She mumbled, refusing to look up at Charlie for fear she'd see amusement, disgust or loathing in her eyes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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Beatrice Candor

      Bea looked at her with delicate but dark and secretive eyes, which only slightly widened into deep brown abysses when she heard of Charlie's affliction and she immediately felt terrible for the girl, and guilty. Charlie was thin and sickly out of twisted chance, Beatrice was ill and skeletal because she was selfish and thick.

      "Fuck, Charlie I am so...I am so sorry," She replied honestly, she genuinely looked saddened too- possibly even emotional but it was hard to tell. "Does Ash-" She stopped herself. "No, he doesn't. I don't blame you actually. The fact you've gone through this alone, that's so selfless Charlie. I kinda admire it actually but if I'm the only one you've told and you need someone, even if you just want me to hold your hair back for you or something; I'm around," She told her gently; not wanting to express so much sympathy Charlie felt patronised and pitied but feeling the need to ensure Charlie knew she had someone to fall back on.

      Bea looked down, her features veiled by shame. "I'm...I'm..." She stuttered a little and she couldn't look at Charlie. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head to the ground, she couldn't say it to her face. She was too ashamed. "I'm...I, I am addicted to benzodiazepine drugs, specifically Librium. I think I have a slight dependency on alcohol and it's all given mental health issues. I'm sorry- I feel terrible admitting I'm sick because I'm stupid when you're a genuinely good person, in this position because of some kind of awful fate, I'm sorry. So if you see me swallowing pills, it's everything illegal," She sighed sorrowfully.

      Meeting Charlie had made her feel so stupid, dependent, needy and weak- she didn't know how to come back from this, how to defend herself. She felt like she should try and justify her drug abuse, but anxiety was no excuse for taking psychoactive drugs. She could blame bullying, shift the blame but that was her excuse for being a bitch to Scarlet. There was no right, moral, justified or understandable excuse for an 18 year old, aspiring artist, self-credited grunge goddess to be addicted to such dangerous drugs before she even finished Art college. There was no excuse for her not to be achieving A* at college because she was iconic amongst artists within her genre, especially for her age but she was only scraping A's because her mind was in it, there was no excuse for her not getting out of bed or leaving her house, a hangover or low didn't count. There was no excuse for her to let everyone down so much, her parents, Alby- herself. There was no excuse for any of it and thinking about it made her stomach wretch with guilty and pure dismay over what she'd become.

      "I...I just beg, I know you'll judge me to the moon and back for this but please, tell whoever you like in the world but don't tell Alby. When the time comes for him to find out, let me tell him because he's my best friend; the only person I can even hope will understand," She mumbled, refusing to look up at Charlie for fear she'd see amusement, disgust or loathing in her eyes.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson
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"Oh, you asshole," Alby muttered, a reluctant smile lighting up his still hidden face. Finally, he pulled back a little, shot Sam a look. "Although, if you think my coffee is terrible, then that means it really was me you were coming back for, all that time." He wanted to pop off something sarcastic about daring someone to come looking for them, didn't really seem the time. How did one go about making jokes concerning their sex life...when one had slept with someone else?

Guilt was an odd, gross feeling.

Still, Alby sighed and took the hand that was offered to him, puling himself to his feet. Facing the music meant facing the fact that their problems were real...but he figured he was going to have to deal with that eventually. So he nodded, kept Sam's hand in his, and started downstairs.

He found Scarlet an Ash first, which...he just really didn't want to deal with. Because for one thing: awkward. For another, Scarlet just had a lot of feelings...and Alby not knowing how to deal with those feelings was part of the reason why they were in this mess to begin with. "Hope you enjoyed the show, Ash," he joked, reluctant to let go of Sam's hand just yet. "We only get that dramatic on Saturdays and every other Thursday so, count yourself lucky."

He caught Scarlet's gaze and felt his smile drop a little, but not disappear. "We're okay," he offered. "We should probably talk later but...not right now, alright?" He felt like he said that to her a lot, but he also felt like there was only so much he could drag Sam through at one time...and it wasn't like any of them are going anywhere for awhile.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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"Well, that and the fact that everybody else made great coffee," he teased. He found himself a little glad when Alby didn't drop his hand. It made it a little easier to forget that everything else that had happened. Well, that and it was a reminder that he had one less secret to keep. He didn't have to keep Alby a secret any more.

He just laughed at Alby's comment about drama, but found himself completely unable to look at Scarlet. "Screw this, I'm getting a beer," he said, squeezing Alby's hand briefly before letting go and going over to the fridge. "Who's for a drink?" He asked, holding up a chilled bottle of beer.


She shrugged at Bea's comments. "I'm honestly not that selfless- I left my mom at home to worry about me because I wanted to go travelling. And... yeah. I don't want pity, you know? If I can't beat this, then I'm still going to fight and stay myself for as long as possible." She laughed a little at Bea's offer. "I might take you up on that sometime, you know."

She fell silent at Bea's revelation, and stayed silent for a few seconds after Bea finished talking, still processing what she'd just heard. Part of her was angry at Bea- after all, it was her own fault that she'd ended up this sick. But then Bea's words about mental health issues came back to her, and Charlie found herself completely unable to be angry.

"Bea, you're sick too. Addiction is an illness, and if it's because of your mental health, then that just makes you even sicker, you know? Okay, I think I win this one, but that doesn't mean your problems are any less. Even if you did get yourself into this mess. And as long as you don't mention a godforsaken thing to Ash, I'll keep my mouth shut to Alby," she said, smiling at Bea.

"But Bea, seriously, this isn't something you should go through by yourself. You could end up dead. Things aren't going to get any better if you just keep your mouth shut, you know? Especially not with something like addiction. I know I only just met you, but I really like you, and it's not hard to tell that pretty much everyone else likes you too. And don't you dare ever feel bad about calling me at any time, okay? I'll call you when I feel like shit, and you call me whenever you need a chat. Deal?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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Beatrice Candour

    She nodded understandingly, but after she confessed she couldn't look at her. Saying it out loud made everything sound so much more criminal and villainous. In her own mind, it wasn't her fault. She was bullied, she wanted to fit in, it went too far.

    "If it makes anything less stupid and me less easy to loathe, anxiety became before addiction- but you are right it's my own fault. Even if I didn't mean for it, want it or welcome it- maybe the way I felt at the start and my situation wasn't entirely fault but what I did after that was. I'm sorry- you'd be within your own rights to hate me for it but I'm fighting it as much as I can. I didn't bring any with me, if I go all weekend it'd be the first I've done since I was 17," She admitted.

    She smiled sadly at her. "Thank you Charlie," She uttered quietly.

    "I know, I just can't put it on them y'know? I could, I nearly have before but I don't know. I can't tell them now," She murmured. "Thank you Charlie, deal." She answered simply, relaxing again just slightly. "I'm sorry Charlie, for my dickheadness and for what you're going through, I just wanted to say to be honest with you," She replied running a hand through her heavy dark hair.

    "Shall we go back? I don't know about you but I could really do with a drink and probably a hug from my best friend too," She laughed softly at her immaturity, soft nature and childishness. She smiled at the other girl as the conversation turned to silence and suddenly her energy and spirit seemed to rush back. "Come on, fuck the bags. It'll be far more entertaining to try and bring them in after a few drinks," She joked before leading the way back inside and shouting at her best friend; "Alby Bloody Johnson, get your ass over here," She shouted looking for him as she walked back inside, looking for him without an ounce of patience.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson
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Scarlet looked at Alby and Sam as they came down. Alby was always saying he wanted to talk later so she didn't care. She looked at Ash when Sam offered a beer. "I'll pass I don't know if Ash will have one or not." She said looking at him as she stood up looking at both Sam and Alby.

"I wouldn't mind cooking dinner for everyone I didn't bring any groceries so i would love it if someone then offered to go with me. Then I can make dinner."

She said lookign at everyone wondering if they just wanted pizza instead or whatever. But she just offered plus getting out of this house might help. It was hopefully going to be fun but she hated just being tied up which was not for her.

She needed to be free which is why when she was younger she wanted a sun roof car. So she could feel the wind in her hair. But then her parents said those cars weren't for ladies. And she learnt she would never get one.

Every time she looked back on her past she hated her old life and wished it was different.

Outfit: Jean's t-shirt (no sweater)
Word count: 203


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"I might be a boxer but by now means am I a fighter,"

Gum | Moose Blood || We Had A Pact | Creeper || Figuring It Out | SWMRS

      He chuckled lightly at Alby's comment and shrugged it off. "Well, consider me honoured then," He scoffed in humour. He smiled at them boyishly, a quirk in his expression. At the offer of a beer, he considered it for a very long time.

      He wasn't sure if he could allow it with how serious his boxing was getting it now but could he let go for one weekend? He was so uncertain but eventually decided to go with it.

      "Sure, thanks Sam," He replied after a while.

      "How you guys been anyway I haven't seen-" He was cut off by a Bea bombarding her way back inside, demanding the presence of her best friend. He laughed a little heartily, leaving the conversation he'd gone to start to die because Bea clearly wanted to talk to Alby a lot more than he did, so he let it slide and sat back down with Charlie as she came in.

      "You alright?" He asked her gently, trying not to sound too happy about seeing her because he'd been nervous more recently he was starting to give himself away.


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Alby couldn't say he was surprised at all when Sam went for alcohol. In fact, he was a bit grateful, because beer sounded like a fantastic idea. He raised his hand to show he wanted one as well, even though he was pretty sure Sam would already know as much. It was going to be an interesting few days...

He nodded along at Scarlet's mention of food, but honestly wasn't hungry yet. His stomach was still a little upset over everything that had gone down. If she wanted to cook, that was fine, he'd let the others decide though.

He was happy to see Ash though, and was already smiling, ready to answer the usual 'it's been awhile' questions, when Bea's voice shouted out at him. Ah, he was wondering when she would come looking. For one thing, he hadn't seen her before he went on his trip, and for another...well, drama.

He grinned and nodded an apology to his friends before sticking his head out the doorway. "In here, love."

Whens he was close enough, Alby jerked her close, wrapping his arms around her too-small frame. She felt like home, and he was glad she was there. He definitely needed some time with her...if his life ever decided to chill the fuck out.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Alby Johnson
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Image“There is a wisdom of the head, and... there is a wisdom of the heart.”
Charles Dickens, Hard Times
“There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula
“I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.”
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

When she heard Alby calling her from the hallway, she laughed a little gently and rushed over to hug him, she held on fiercely tight for a moment with more strength then you'd expect a girl of her size to have. She felt like she hadn't seen him properly for years, the last long conversation she remembered having with him was back before her police interview at his house, when he'd laid with his head on her lap, talking her through what to say and how to be; telling her it'd be fine but weeks down the line now, she hated to say nothing was anything better. In fact, everything was a lot worse but she didn't blame Alby or think negatively because of what he said because at the time, she'd needed to hear it and she'd believed it and it'd got her through, so in a way, he'd actually been right.

"You so owe me a joint and a catch up, I feel like I haven't seen you in a life time," She told him assertively, with a slight hint to the spirit she used to harbour so much more vividly. She couldn't really explain her emotional dependency on Alby but she understood it was great, if everyone on the planet would die but she could save one person, she'd say Alby because he was her greatest friend and the most important person in her life and she knew it was dramatic to say but she genuinely believed that. Nobody else (as cliché as she thought it sounded) really understood her properly or how her mind worked but Alby got that and she understood how he worked.

And he rolled a good joint.

There were a lot of perks to maintaining his friendship.

"I've missed you Alby," She admitted like the soft hearted person she really was underneath all her armour and sarcasm.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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Sam tossed a beer across the room to Ash, grinning at him as he did so. Retrieving another two, he went over to Alby and Bea, holding one out to Bea and dangling the other in front of Alby's face. "Honestly, he's not that great. You should try dating him, it'll wear off fast," he said dramatically, rolling his eyes. However, it soon broke into a grin as he went over to the fridge to get another beer for himself.

In response to Scarlet, he shrugged. "I honestly don't mind Scarlet- if you want to cook, go ahead. I'll pass on grocery shopping, though," he said, going back over to Alby and Bea. He could hardly look at Scarlet- any time he did, all he could think about was what was to come, and that just made him anxious. It was much easier to forget when he didn't.


Charlie just laughed as Bea called out for Alby, following her in. She sank into a chair beside Asher as she came in. "Yeah, I'm good. You?" She asked, smiling at him. Even though she could still feel a bit of a dull ache in her back, she chose to ignore it. "I see what you mean by all the big personalities," she remarked, looking around and laughing a little. "I don't think there's been a moment's peace since I turned up here," she continued.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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0.00 INK


"I might be a boxer but by now means am I a fighter,"

Gum | Moose Blood || We Had A Pact | Creeper || Figuring It Out | SWMRS

      He laughed a little in agreement with her, nodding gently at her comment before offering her a charming but boyish grin; "Yeah, I'm okay and yeah...I know, it is a bit intense but you get used to it but if it gets too much, I can drive us back to town anytime,"He did joke when they were discussing the amount of powerful personalities in the room but he genuinely meant his words. He hadn't started off in the group like the rest of them, Bea kind of adopted him and threw him in the deep end by dragging him to one of their parties after his third day in town.

      "Did Bea go easy on you then? She's quite nice underneath," He chimed lightly, looking at her for a moment and accidentally catching her eye. She had big dark eyes and he sometimes thought that it might be one of his favourite things about her, forgetting her personality.

      As he caught his beer from Sam he raised the bottle in thanks whilst shouting a brief; 'Cheers!'.


Image“There is a wisdom of the head, and... there is a wisdom of the heart.”
Charles Dickens, Hard Times
“There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula
“I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.”
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

      "Oh shut up Sam, I've known him longer than you have. He's not that bad, you're just jealous he loves me more than you," She chimed teasingly, sticking her tongue out playfully before laughing it off with a small innocent smirk. It was moments like this when you could remember how innocent and genuine Bea really was without all her afflictions and illness. Maybe she was a bit rude, blunt occasionally aloof and judgemental but really, she was harmless completely harmless- just another girl who grew up too fast to make the right mistakes and not the wrong ones.

      "You jealous Sammy? Do you want a cuddle too?" She teased jokingly reaching out and dragging him energetically into a ridiculous and half hearted group hug. "I love you too Sammy," She whined lightly, grinning light heartedly before he released the pair of them, winking once before she cracked open her beer.

      She'd missed hanging out with Alby and Sam like this, sure they dated now and it kind of made her a third wheel but it didn't feel like that, she adored the pair of them and if they were being touchy feely in front of her, she'd have no problem interrupting by jumping on their backs or just generally being irrational and they'd forgive her, because it was her. It all just kind of worked. Alby was Bea's best friend but heaven forbid anything ever happened to him, it'd be Sam that she turned to which is why they worked as a group. In her opinion at least.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson Character Portrait: Sam Hawkins Character Portrait: Asher Costello Character Portrait: Alby Johnson Character Portrait: Charlie Reynolds
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Scarlet looked around things were going crazy around here and no one wanted to go shopping. She remembered when she was a child. She loved going it was like a scared thing that you could do. She was always excited to do it and now it was all over. And she hated it. So much.

When her parents would find out she was pregnanat she was going to be kicked out. Alby had nothing he really wanted. Who knew if Sam was even okay to look at her. She swallowed the little lump in her throat and walked over to Charlie one of the ladies. "Okay so do you want to go grocery shopping with me? We can make some fun out it. Everyone is welcome to go. Maybe Beatrice you want to go?"

She offered trying to be civil. She might as well. Pretend. Something was going to stay the same and if that was going to shop for food so be it. She was destined to have something, one thing good in her life. Even if life wasn't all that good for her. She grabbed her purse which held her credit cards and debit cards. "Do you need anything guys?" As she did have money for the time being.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor
Character Portrait: Isabella Monroe
Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson
Character Portrait: Tyler Kingsley
Character Portrait: Declan Cain
Character Portrait: Ellie Holland
Character Portrait: Asher Costello
Character Portrait: Kara Deville


Character Portrait: Kara Deville
Kara Deville

"I can't help it that I'm popular."

Character Portrait: Ellie Holland
Ellie Holland

"There is no sense trying, I'll just keep winning"

Character Portrait: Declan Cain
Declan Cain

"You're only as good as your secrets."

Character Portrait: Tyler Kingsley
Tyler Kingsley

"Forgetting is easy...I won't let this consume me"

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson
Scarlet Richardson

"I'm Pregnant?"

Character Portrait: Isabella Monroe
Isabella Monroe

"I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead"

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor
Beatrice Candor

"Charlie, Molly, Mary Jane- I've danced with them all in the past,"


Character Portrait: Ellie Holland
Ellie Holland

"There is no sense trying, I'll just keep winning"

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson
Scarlet Richardson

"I'm Pregnant?"

Character Portrait: Tyler Kingsley
Tyler Kingsley

"Forgetting is easy...I won't let this consume me"

Character Portrait: Isabella Monroe
Isabella Monroe

"I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead"

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor
Beatrice Candor

"Charlie, Molly, Mary Jane- I've danced with them all in the past,"

Character Portrait: Declan Cain
Declan Cain

"You're only as good as your secrets."

Character Portrait: Kara Deville
Kara Deville

"I can't help it that I'm popular."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ellie Holland
Ellie Holland

"There is no sense trying, I'll just keep winning"

Character Portrait: Declan Cain
Declan Cain

"You're only as good as your secrets."

Character Portrait: Beatrice Candor
Beatrice Candor

"Charlie, Molly, Mary Jane- I've danced with them all in the past,"

Character Portrait: Isabella Monroe
Isabella Monroe

"I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead"

Character Portrait: Tyler Kingsley
Tyler Kingsley

"Forgetting is easy...I won't let this consume me"

Character Portrait: Scarlet Richardson
Scarlet Richardson

"I'm Pregnant?"

Character Portrait: Kara Deville
Kara Deville

"I can't help it that I'm popular."

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