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Phobos Academy

Phobos Academy


Phobos Academy for the kids with phobias is a wonderful place. It's far out on the ocean. With wonderful staff and students where we help them overcome there phobias and live life like any normal student!

2,188 readers have visited Phobos Academy since CookieCupcake created it.


Does your child suffer from a phobia? A phobia so bad they have troubles with day to day life? Well worry no further! Phobos Academy for kids with phobias is a wonderful place. Phobos Academy accepts kids 16 and higher and while we teach them everything they need for life, we offer special classes, clubs, and more for our students. So apply your child today or come on down for a visit and see if its too your liking!


Phobos is a school for people with phobias so severe that it is an upstruction to day to day life. Or just many phobias so many its bothersome. The school's teachers are licensed psychiatrists who teach the classes and offer extra support. There is no general plot to this except for the ones we decide upon in the OOC. (We can make events also like school balls, parent teacher night, ect) Be creative original and bold. Go out and make friends and relationships. (For those wondering Phobos means its Phobias in Greek )


The school as seen above is large and found on an island. It is a large school allowing each student there own room many club rooms a giant kitchen and so so much more. The school is very very natural with plants and trees everywhere. Because the school is on an island it can only be reached by boat or train and the train only runs once ever 3 months. If you want to add a club room of some sort you can be creative with the school.

The school:

Dorm rooms: Each student is allowed there own room to do with as they please there fairly large to accommodate each student. On one side of the school is the girls dorm and on the other side is the boys dorm.

The Gardens: The gardens are large and peaceful to help keep students with skitish phobias calm. Many classes take place in the gardens believe it or not during the summer.

The hospital: The hospital wing is small with only a few rooms but offers the best of care to its students.

The library: A large and quiet facility for our students to study and read.

Club rooms: If you desire to form a club we have many available rooms about half the size of a class room to occupy students. There is a music club already and certain bands have formed.

Classrooms: Beautiful classrooms decorated according to the students.

Ballroom: A large room next too the gym. Some sports will be played in here and dances each month will take place here. As well as other things.

Greenhouse: Home of the garden club during all seasons and a place for relaxation.


Ok before you start reserving don't worry you don't need to just make a character with the skelly provided or use your own and I will accept you if everything that MUST be filled in is. (Also you can have a max of 3 charries)

Code: Select all
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Relationship:[/b] (Single taken crush and whats your preference bi, lez, gay?)
[b]Gallery:[/b] (Anime)

Toggle Rules

- Be creative

- Use anime pictures only.

- Be respectful

- Please give ideas in OOC

- Ask questions

- Yeahhh

- Max 3 charies

Taking place in...

Phobos Academy our primary setting

The academy where this wonderful RP takes place for more description on all the things in and around it check the Over view.

Phobos Academy

Phobos Academy by CookieCupcake

The academy where this wonderful RP takes place for more description on all the things in and around it check the Over view.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
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Jacob looked at Alice with wide eyes as she walked beside him. She looked as if for the first time since Jacob had met her she was connected to reality and truly admiring the scenes and images of the garden around her. Her expression was clear for once and she showed a subtle happiness in her general demeanor. The fact that this had come to light pleased Jacob greatly, knowing that she was she was actually "there", truly connected to the reality around her and happy to do so, it was nice that Jacob had brought her somewhere to experience that and he felt a small sense of pride in the knowledge that he had done something right. Jacob had certainly taken a liking to Alice, her methods and means of everything she did were unusual and strange for certain and the average person he knew would surely have been driven away entirely. Jacob, however, was not an average person. In these ways of hers he found interest and intelligence, seeing that Alice, although d=slightly dreamy and distant, knew more about the world and seemed to have a more solid idea of it than most people, wether the idea was right or not was irrelevant to him, simply meeting someone who had a view on things and wasn't afraid to express it... It was nice, refreshing even, never mind her strangeness, after all almost everybody at Phobos was surely strange in one way or another, it was why they were there in the first place.

"They say fairies live in places where there is a great deal of life," Alice said, her face not altering in the slightest from a straight visage. Jacob thought momentarily about that. "Perhaps they are, after all people rarely pay attention to such places nowadays, so it would be an appropriate place to live in peace." He responded, deciding that rather than think too deeply into her words he would simply respond to them. "If I stayed in a place like this long enough, would I become a fairy? Or maybe I'd just grow roots and become a tree... What do you think it's like? Being a tree, I mean." Alice continued. Jacob frowned briefly, *Stayed like this?* He thought, he couldn't grasp exactly what she was referring to, however she had asked him a question and as such he would answer.

As if by perfect chance they passed a grotto of trees then, in the center stood a tall oak tree long gone and long dead, it sat in the grotto clearing alone with other living and green trees surrounding it, just in sight yet still too far away. Jacob approached the tree and looked up at it. "You know Alice..." He said thoughtfully. "I think in a way humans are very like trees anyway... yet totally different aswell... We can't decide where we start our lives, how we grow, who we're with..." He paused slightly as he looked up at the gnarled branches atop the tree. "Or what we become... sometimes we don't grow right and we're left alone in the world, surrounded by other trees who want nothing to do with us..." He paused again and turned to face her. "But unlike trees we can move, we're people, we can go other places meet others like ourselves others who'll accept and help us, others who we can accept and help, trees can't do that." He walked back over to her. "To answer your question I think being a tree would be like being a person... with no real choice on how your life begins, only more depressing as unlike people, as life goes on, you can't do anything to change it. At least that's what I think..." He sighed slightly and grinned awkwardly. "But here I go on another over dramatic over explanatory rant eh?" He put a hand onto the back of his head and laughed lightly.

His eyes turned inquisitive then however and he looked up at Alice with a question of his own. "But what about you Alice? What do you think it would be like, being a tree, or maybe even being a fairy?" He stopped walking for a moment to hear her answer, interested in the girls view on the matter.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathrine Banrie
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Kathrine sat in her room, fiddling with, well, a fiddle. She hummed and played a few notes as she walked around her room. It was a deep mauve painted instrument, with a few hand-painted birds on it. It was one of her favorite instruments. She set it down and sighed. It was actually her first instrument, the one that had got her interested in it- and her mom on a quest to make her have no fun ever. She put it down when she was satisfied and put her clothing for the day on her dresser. Then put it away and got out new clothing.

She sighed and walked back into the hallway. "Library, then?" she said to herself and walked along, trying to find the library... frankly, she didn't know where it was so she was just walked around lazily.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo Character Portrait: Juliet Vlo Character Portrait: Ryan Corlett
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((OOC: sorry for delayed reply ive had writers block... ))

Juliet Vlo:

Juliet smiled happy to hear Ryan would look out for her if she did the same. There was a moment of silence before Ryan asked her a question. "Me... I like books and reading... I write a little but it's not really a hobby..." Juliet stopped and thought. Did she have a hobby? Well aside writing the only thing that came to mind was... "I like gardening... Even if I'm asthmatic... I like taking care of plants." Juliet smiled. "There quiet unlike the rest of the world..." She blinked. "Well... Your alright but that's cause you seem very nice...And not scary... Even though your really really tall..." Juliet blinked up at Ryan.

Romeo Vlo:

Romeo smiled. He'd have to keep an eye out for the white haired boy sense he liked hanging about it crowds. "Yeah the music room or my room... I'm not the best student so Library's and me don't get along... You might also find me running around the dock or something..." Romeo walked at a medium pace allowing Aiden to keep up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Aiden found that he couldn't stop smiling now, Romeo had some kind of effect on Aiden. Aiden couldn't put at finger on it, but he started to think that he should stop smiling else his cheeks would hurt. Even around his grandmother Aiden didn't smile often. Aiden blushed a little and looked at his shoes after realizing that it was Romeo that made him smile. "I might stop by the music room some time then."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Romeo smirked. "I'd like that perhaps Il even play you a ballad then." Romeo gave a playful smile. "Where would you like to go Aiden we have the whole island so anywhere you desire I will escort you." Romeo walked next to Aiden like a protective guard but kept his composure relaxed so as not to frighten away Aiden's pretty smile Romeo was enjoying so much. He could tell it was one of those smiles that dint occur often. And sense he was managing to summon it to the surface he kinda hoped on keeping it there.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Aiden blushed at the thought of having Romeo play a ballad just for him. He never ever had someone say let alone play a ballad for him. "I've never heard a ballad before...." Aiden mumbled just over the tone of softly. Deciding that he didn't feel like mumbling he went on with where he would like to go, or in this case where he hadn't been because his lack-there-of confidence. "I am not sure ... I haven't been to any other places other then the docks, the art room or my room. Are their any other places that might have lots of people?" Aiden had to ask, it seamed like Romeo was more willing to venture the school then Aiden had been. Aiden didn't want to risk getting lost then end up being alone and then have everything fall apart. Aiden then had a idea "Maybe you could show me some places that might be interesting to paint?" Aiden was starting to run low on people and things to paint, after all he had spent the last two days painting his room.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathrine Banrie Character Portrait: Charlie
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Starting to feel a bit better, if not still kind of doped up, she sits back in her chair. The world is less spiny than it was before, and she begins to really look around for the first time. Far down the hallway she sees another girl approaching, and unable to resist, sticks her head out to look at her, leaning almost out of the chair they’ve plopped her down in. “Hmmmm. Looks like there’s actually people here after all.” Mumbling quietly to herself, she leans down in the chair to pick up her fallen forearm crutches, the tall chair with arms making it hard for her to reach them. Her fingers just barely manage to brush the top of one of them, but not enough to grab it. “Poop.” Frowning and thinking rather unkind thoughts about being given crutches when she’s all doped up and not put in her wheelchair, she frowns and gives up the vain effort to pick up the pink walking sticks from the floor.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Romeo walked next to Aiden. "Interesting to paint? Your wish Is my command Aiden." Smirking Romeo lead Aiden over to the open garden. He walked through it to a spot where the flowers gave a little window of the rolling green hill and the distant sea and in the distance the faint and slowly disappearing train tracks. "How's that for something to pain Aiden?" Smirking playfully Romeo admired the sight. He just hoped the while haired boy who love it as much as Romeo did.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Aiden gasped at the scene before him. It was amazing, perfect even. He would defiantly have to paint it, along with one of Romeo. A painting or Romeo would mean that Aiden would never let the painting see the light of day. He remembered how awkward people got once he had told them he had painted them. It scared them away more then anything. "This is... I am at a loss for words." Aiden finely manage to mumble out some words. It was a shame that Aiden was afraid to go to places with out people or with out someone. He was missing out on so much. "Thank you for showing me this. I don't think I would have found it other wise." Aiden's cheeks where really starting to hurt now, but he couldn't stop smiling. He was... happy. Very happy. Romeo made him happy... at this thought Aiden blushed. He decided to look at a flower rather then have Romeo see the rose red slowly creeping it's way onto his cheeks.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
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"Like this," Alice repeated in response to the boy's confusion, as though this somehow explained everything, sounding almost condescending as she gave another would-be wise smile and hopped a few times up and down, as though to indicate the cobble path beneath her feet. "Standing. On the ground. In the same place. Forever." In quick succession, she began to add more and more descriptors to what was now quite obvious, and didn't really need them. Undeterred by this, however, she simply continued with her little tangent.

"How else would I become a tree? If I grew roots, I would have to stay still and let them sink into the ground, or else they wouldn't serve any purpose. Like legs that don't work. Oh, wait. That was probably offensive to crippled people. Are you crippled? You don't look like it. I suppose that means I didn't offend you. But you do seem to be the type to be offended easily. Or, at least, you're not very laid back. I would know. I'm an expert on being laid back. Would you like me to teach you how- Oh." Alice's usual monotone slipped first into a sort of sly manner that seemed to but might not have actually implied a joke, then to an attitude that might have been called "sage" - if it had been a little less half-baked. Finally, she simply trailed off into silence, since it seemed like Jacob was interested in other things at the moment, something even she, unfocused though she might have seemed, picked up on. And so, she remained silent, standing stock still as though she was trying to test her theory of treeification, and listening to her companion speak with a demeanor somewhere between innocent, vague curiosity and that of a sleepwalker.

"I think," Alice began at last, her expression shifting into one of intense contemplation, bearing an air of seriousness that bordered on distress. "That I should not like to become a tree, after all. Or maybe I already am one. Do I look like a tree to you?" This last comment was, despite the quiet, calm, yet somehow piercingly poignant tone of voice it had been delivered in, more so than anything else she had yet said, directed with an unprecedented level of earnestness towards Jacob. Alice's face bore a painfully complicated expression, and her deep blue eyes had fully focused directly upon his face, yet bore a sad look that might have been compared to the visage of a lost puppy. It was almost like the question she had just asked was some sort of convoluted call for help, or for reassurance. For reasons that would not be readily apparent to Jacob, it seemed that his depressing explanation of things had resonated deeply with the strange pink-haired girl, and, for whatever those reasons might be, it troubled her greatly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Romeo beamed seeing Aiden's smile. "Your really cute when you blush Aiden." Romeo remarked blatantly starring at the red eyed boy intently. To Romeo he really was cute. Breaking his blue eyes away Romeo smirked before striking a pose. "Hey maybe you could paint me sometime Aiden if you want il even let you see my glorious vampire white skin under this shirt nothing says attractive like a tall scrawny pale guy shirtless!" Romeo was putting allot of emphasis on making this playful but he could not help but wonder how cute and red his face would go if he really was shirtless bony and pale or not. Romeo chuckled playfully before looking back at the view. He'd stumbled upon it thanks to Juliet actually. She'd wandered from his sight and he found her staring off at it like some innocent and pure child who's eyes had not yet grown dim as the magic was purged from things this simple. Yet Romeo had to admit he was drawn to the sight as well... Maybe he and Juliet were both just as innocent? Ok probably not in all senses but for that yes...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
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Jacob tilted his head at Alice, slightly confused by her question. "Do you... look like a tree to me?" He repeated slowly, as if weighing out just how deeply she wanted the question answered. All the possible answers, the literal and non-literal meanings swirling through his mind at exponential rates. His confusion only growing and his brow furrowing as he examined Alice. He had never actually tried to fully examine her, he understood that he had taken a few mere glances at her but they were based on normal reactions and Alice.... didn't give normal reactions. It was strange he had to admit, that such an innocent and random discussion, that lead to such an innocent and random question, would be what finally drove Jacob to try to attempt a full psycho analysis of Alice Yet here he was, his mind buzzing with all he knew of the girl up to that point, which admittedly wasn't alot, but it was enough that he had a very basic comprehension of the thought stream she worked on. So... he analysed her, to try and give her an answer he looked into her with eyes draped with a serious perception that gave them the visage of a sharp stare.

"Do you... hmm..." Jacob murmured, Alice was very different to people he usually associated with, her mind worked on different inconsistent pathways. While one minute she could be jumping up in place describing the purpose of roots while in the next she could be looking upon him with a face that showed deep and difficult complication, her blue eyes focusing intently on his face, wearing the emotion of sadness well. She swapped between reality and thought so fluently and unexpectedly, such as being in a daydream yet still snapping glasses from his hand with pinpoint precision. Sometimes she would emulate them both at the same time... following him intently and perfectly, yet staring into relative space as if her attention was somewhere else entirely. Jacobs expression became very troubled, the expression of someone who was seeing or realising something they didn't want to. He was tossing around ideas of Alices psyche in his mind, words and thoughts crossing and mingling as if desperately trying to put to words, to understand how she thought, to put a label on it, to anticipate her mind, her decisions, like he did with so many "normal" people. But he couldn't, he couldn't understand her, not yet, her mind was too unique, too different and strange to other peoples, it wasn't like what he usually analysed. It kept moving through topics, never staying in the one place for too long and... Jacobs thought process halted and for a brief moment he stared completely blankly into Alice's eyes.

Then he smiled. A wide smile and an earnest one to meet Alice's near desperate expression. He knew the answer to her question.

"Nope." He spoke cheerily. "Not one little bit. In body or in mind. You're not a tree, not to me anyway." He was very pleased with himself, to come up with even the smallest observation on such a confusing person as Alice. He didn't understand her fully... not even close, he thought that he maybe would someday but as of that moment he most certainly did not. However he had been overthinking it again and in the end, the answer to Alice's question was so simple that it brought a smile to his face.

"Trees are boring." He spoke plainly, yet his grin still remained. "They just stay in the one place all the time, focusing on the one thing... staying in the same place and while I don't know THAT much about you... I don't think you're like that. You're interesting. I'll admit, you confuse me greatly..." He trailed off for a moment. "But that's not a bad thing, it means you actually give me a nice, unpredictable, interesting conversation." He paused for a moment. "And it one hundred percent means that you ain't no tree." He stopped then, feeling that his sudden compliments made him look strange, though in reality he hadn't particularly meant to compliment her, partly yes, but he was mostly just speaking honestly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
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Alice seemed very tense in the moment of silence between her question and Jacob's answer. But, when he finally did speak, this expression gave way to one of barely-masked surprise, as though she hadn't expected such a response. In truth, his willingness to put up with her was enough to astonish her. Most people would have just said she was weird, or confusing, and left. But this boy... he enjoyed her company? Alice smiled again, a very small, slight thing that yet managed to be perhaps her most heartfelt, happy expression all day. She'd been frightened of Jacob, to tell the truth. She'd been scared he would just dismiss her, but, since he had requested she follow him, she had decided to go against her better judgement and do so, since he seemed very set on it, and it seemed as though he would be troubled if she refused. She didn't want to be a burden, so she'd accepted his invitation and come with him. And now... she didn't regret it. For whatever reason, she'd been brought here, and, by his answer, she became assured that the cause was nothing short of fate. This boy was someone special, someone who would accept her. That hope broke out, unable to be extinguished by her doubts, and instantly filled her with joy. This was exactly the sort of person she'd been longing to meet for so long.

"Interesting is good," Alice said, repeating her earlier words and breaking the silence at last, her previous expression of doubt replaced with a somewhat enigmatic, but nonetheless indubitably happy one. "Alright. I'll remember that." She smiled slightly, and then abruptly assumed a sort of contemplative air, as though wondering what to say next. Reaching into the pocket of her skirt as though it contained some sort of answer, she quickly withdrew a small smart phone and, turning it on, began to gaze intently down at its screen, tapping the screen several times as though browsing something. At last, she spoke again.

"According to the foreseen-yet-unforeseen future that is now the present, our conversation at this point can take three turns. Either you are real, and this meeting was one caused by fate, or this is actually all just a dream. Or a reality TV show. Or a reality TV show about a dream." Alice's speech suddenly began to devolve into several apparent non sequiturs, but she didn't seem to notice at all, and swiftly continued along a tangent that became disturbing very, very quickly. "Oh, or you just brought me here where nobody else is so you could knock me unconscious, drag my body into a shrubbery and have your way with me, but I think I can rule out that possible future. You don't seem to like trees much." As though this rather morbid thought explained everything, she swiftly tapped out a few commands, deleting whatever unknown prediction or chain of predictions had led to such an unprecedented and alarming consideration. Once this was done, she continued.

"And I think I can rule out the second option, too. I would never dream of somebody like you, because I like trees, and you're too much of a nice guy to be on reality TV," She added, swiftly deleting another route from her journal of predictions. With the air of a mathematician completing an equation, she concluded her little unintelligible speech.

"So, I guess that means that... You're real. In that case, I've managed to work my way onto the 'Good Ending' path. Hmm... I think this might be the first time that has happened this year." At this juncture, Alice seemed to be more talking to herself - or perhaps to her phone - and yet she was still, at least in her wording, addressing the now quite likely baffled Jacob. Yet, she didn't seem bothered by this unusual speaking arrangement at all, and just continued on with what she was doing. "Let's see... so, to achieve the 'Good End,' I'm supposed to... Oh. Well that's simple. And hard. Like talking to people. Very much like talking to people. Because it is talking to people. And talking to people is simple. And hard. Like a rock. Or rather, like skipping a rock. You see everybody else do it, and it looks so easy, but when you try, the rock just sinks to the bottom and everybody laughs at you. It's like that, but with Human interaction. It happens to me all the time. Everybody else manages to say exactly what they're thinking, but when I try, my thoughts turn into different words which change when I say them, and then everyone laughs. It's not funny. I'm underwater, and they're laughing at me. Would they laugh if my body was drowning as well as just my thoughts? Probably. People are weird. I can't understand them. I think it was some sort of German word or another. It involved shoes. And a psychologist. Or, wait, no, that was a joke about the word." Alice shrugged slightly, shaking her head with a somewhat regretful demeanor. "I get confused sometimes," she explained, as though this was something that had needed clarification.

"Anyway, the foreseen-unforeseen-future-present says I should say something, but I'm not sure how to. Let's see... Hmm, how to put it...? Since fate has... No, people usually misunderstand when I explain fate to them. Er... then maybe...? No, I can't use that either. That would be against my privacy. I'm a very private person. I'm private enough to serve in the armed forces... but then I'd have to make sense of what people were ordering me to do... That would be hard. There's a lot of slang involved. I'm not good with slang." Alice trailed off, as though she'd forgotten what she had been doing in the first place, but then seemed to collect herself, and began to speak again. This time, she was doing so much differently from her usual scatterbrained approach to conversation. It seemed like she was putting a great deal of effort into the words she spoke, as though trying to force herself into letting them pass her lips. Her expression was one of intense anxiety and doubt, yet also a level of focus and determination that made her look like she was speaking before the world rather than to a lone person.

"I... I think I've got it, now. I'm not sure. It's simple enough to make sense, but it might be too simple." She shook her head, as though trying to dislodge these thoughts before they hijacked her thought process once again. Then, taking a deep breath, she said something that was both very simple, and very meaningful.

"Er... You said earlier that you liked me. Well, I've made up my mind." She looked directly at Jacob once again, and gave a somewhat sheepish expression as, mustering her courage, she spoke her thoughts as best she could.

"I think... No, I'm sure of it. I... I... like... you... too?" She said questioningly, cocking her head at Jacob as though asking him if he approved of the sentence. "Or was that weird?" She asked, seeming a little discouraged by her failed attempt to convey the conviction she evidently felt in this opinion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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( OOC; I am soooooo sorry for not being on for a while T^T I kind of had my net cut off and just just yeah. Please for give this poor soul?)
If it was possbile Aiden felt his cheeks heat up a little more at Romeo's comment. Aiden looked up to ask why Romeo thought he was cute, but saw Rome take a random pose that made him laugh a little. This made the red in his cheeks dimminish only slightly only to have it come back as Romeo stated that it would be okat to let Adien paint him... shirtless even. Adien had never had a modle pose in any way with out clothes. "I don't think I could paint you shirtless." I am more then sure you are very attractive with out a shirt. Aiden decided that some thoughts are best left in his head, but it didn't stop him from blushing. The look that came across Romeo's face as he looked back at the view was quite a site. Adien wanted to paint it, but he had left his cammera back in his room and their was no way his cellphone's cammera was worth of taking the picture.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
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Romeo turned and smiled at Aiden. "What now my blushy little friend?" Romeo teased admiring the red color of such a pale haired boys cheeks. Romeo was enjoying making Aiden blush. Most people who just become awkward but Aiden... No instead Aiden stuck around but got very red faced which made his adorable and even easier for Romeo to tease.

( OOC: Writers block so short post )

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Phobos Academy

Phobos Academy by CookieCupcake

The academy where this wonderful RP takes place for more description on all the things in and around it check the Over view.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Ryan Corlett
11 sightings Ryan Corlett played by Neon Jalapeño
"I fear the ocean, and they send me to a school in the middle of it... the irony is overwhelming."
Character Portrait: Hazel Brooks
1 sightings Hazel Brooks played by farewellandgoodnight
Character Portrait: Wyatt Swindle
1 sightings Wyatt Swindle played by farewellandgoodnight
"I-Is that a bird..?"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Phobos Academy. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Juliet Vlo
Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
Character Portrait: Matthew Storm
Character Portrait: Luke Maretta
Character Portrait: Noelle Gossard
Character Portrait: Luxia Tore
Character Portrait: Indigo Sykes
Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte
Character Portrait: Jane Reynolds
Character Portrait: Sam Winter
Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
Character Portrait: Leiko Morris
Character Portrait: Charlie
Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers


Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers
Aiden Rogers

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality" - Edgar Allen Poe

Character Portrait: Charlie

"There's nothing wrong with me! Everyone's afraid of being locked up, right?..."

Character Portrait: Leiko Morris
Leiko Morris

Why should I worry? Why should I care?

Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
Jacob Sorata Misaki

"I've learned in life that sometimes you can't hold on to what you want most, while at the same time the things you hate just won't go away..."

Character Portrait: Sam Winter
Sam Winter

work in progress~

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte
Alice L. Whyte

"Some people say I hear voices. I ask them, 'Well, why else would I have ears?' They usually hit me then, but my contract with the Aether prevents me from sustaining permanent harm, so- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Character Portrait: Indigo Sykes
Indigo Sykes

"I feel I may be lying to myself."

Character Portrait: Luxia Tore
Luxia Tore

"It's at its worst at night."


Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
Jacob Sorata Misaki

"I've learned in life that sometimes you can't hold on to what you want most, while at the same time the things you hate just won't go away..."

Character Portrait: Sam Winter
Sam Winter

work in progress~

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte
Alice L. Whyte

"Some people say I hear voices. I ask them, 'Well, why else would I have ears?' They usually hit me then, but my contract with the Aether prevents me from sustaining permanent harm, so- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers
Aiden Rogers

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality" - Edgar Allen Poe

Character Portrait: Romeo Vlo
Romeo Vlo

"What do you have to do with my sister!"

Character Portrait: Luke Maretta
Luke Maretta

"Erm... Hello?"

Character Portrait: Indigo Sykes
Indigo Sykes

"I feel I may be lying to myself."

Character Portrait: Luxia Tore
Luxia Tore

"It's at its worst at night."

Character Portrait: Leiko Morris
Leiko Morris

Why should I worry? Why should I care?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Leiko Morris
Leiko Morris

Why should I worry? Why should I care?

Character Portrait: Indigo Sykes
Indigo Sykes

"I feel I may be lying to myself."

Character Portrait: Juliet Vlo
Juliet Vlo

"I'm so happy to meet you~"

Character Portrait: Alice L. Whyte
Alice L. Whyte

"Some people say I hear voices. I ask them, 'Well, why else would I have ears?' They usually hit me then, but my contract with the Aether prevents me from sustaining permanent harm, so- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Character Portrait: Matthew Storm
Matthew Storm

Has a bad case of Xenophobia

Character Portrait: Charlie

"There's nothing wrong with me! Everyone's afraid of being locked up, right?..."

Character Portrait: Luxia Tore
Luxia Tore

"It's at its worst at night."

Character Portrait: Luke Maretta
Luke Maretta

"Erm... Hello?"

Character Portrait: Aiden Rogers
Aiden Rogers

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality" - Edgar Allen Poe

Character Portrait: Jacob Sorata Misaki
Jacob Sorata Misaki

"I've learned in life that sometimes you can't hold on to what you want most, while at the same time the things you hate just won't go away..."

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Phobos Academy

Phobos Academy by CookieCupcake

The academy where this wonderful RP takes place for more description on all the things in and around it check the Over view.

Phobos Academy

The academy where this wonderful RP takes place for more description on all the things in and around it check the Over view.

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