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Don't judge me until you know who I really am

0 · 280 views · located in Montreal, PQ

a character in “Sades MC: The Devil's Turf”, as played by Disarmhxc


Real Name: Elizabeth Turner
Age: 43

Liz has been with Skinner ever since she was around 18 years old. She was a runaway, she found him at a bar one night and the two have hung together ever since. She is also the only one who really calls Skinner by his first name, Robert, although she's always used Rob or Robbie. She's learned her cut-throat personality from her husband, he doesn't trust too many people and neither does she. She's loyal to the club, but her main loyalty is to her husband. She's also known as being a bit of a "Bitch" by some of the younger members in the club, she usually refers to them as "kids" and doesn't usually give them the time of the day, except for a few that have risen up the ranks in the club, however that's mainly just a political thing. When it comes to those lower down, like the Mama's and Prospects, she's almost cruel, she's been known to beat up Mama's for no real reason, and humiliate Prospects in front of other members. When it comes to the other Ol' Ladies, she's a bit more diplomatic, but she wouldn't consider any of them to be her "friends" and they would most likely share those same views of her.

With Skinner becoming Preisdent she felt it gave her a sense of power to do whatever she wished and not be questioned, if she was, whoever it was would have to answer to Skinner. However her power hinges on Skinner, she also is realizing her husband can't be Pres forever and is starting to deal with some issues of her own. Does she ride with Skinner all the way to the end, and then ride out into the sunset when it's all over, or does she perhaps look for her next meal ticket within the club?

So begins...

Liz's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Ronnie Character Portrait: Liz
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"So what exactly are you saying...put it to me in normal language will ya?" Skinner said a little annoyed. "Simply put...we lost money everywhere in the last quarter. Drugs, the club, the extra VIP services...everything lost money, the only thing that stayed the same was our protection dues from the local businesses in the neighbourhood." Ronnie said going over the accounts book he had with him. "So what...was there a fucking revival and now nobody is doing drugs or watching naked girls? Tell me how the fuck does this happen?" Skinner asked, getting a bit more annoyed at the bad news.

Skinner and Ronnie were sat in the living room of Skinner's house, a modest size mansion in the upscale neighbourhood of Montreal, surrounded by CEO's, lawyers, and other major corporate big shots as his neighbours. "Well the drugs is a relative easy answer. With the police cracking down on street dealers, it's pretty tough to move anything on the street without the cops catching onto it and seizing everything. Repeat customers are still buying, but even they're getting spooked by the cops and buying smaller quantities than what they were doing before" Ronnie said, explaining the situation. "So this is the one time in history people are actually NOT making money off drugs? Are you fucking kidding me here?" Skinner asked. "Well technically we are still making money, just not what we're used to...if this keeps up our projected budget is going to be off by a fair bit" Ronnie said. "'re my money guy...what do we do? What's your suggestion?" Skinner said looking at Ronnie. Skinner could intimidate most people, but nothing seemed to ever phase Ronnie, Skinner still didn't know if that was a trait he admired or disliked. "We re-evaluate the budget, use these latest numbers to come up with a better projection, and re-adjust the budget accordingly" Ronnie said. Skinner waved his hand in the air "Alright fine...go ahead...go play with numbers or do whatever it is you do...have something ready for the next Church meeting!" Skinner said. He hated numbers and budgets, it drove him nuts, partially cause he was no good with numbers to begin with.

As they were talking Liz came home, walking through the front door. "Hey baby doll" Skinner called out as Liz walked over and gave him a deep kiss as Ronnie looked away. "How was your day baby?" Skinner asked as he gave her a slap on the ass. "Watch it!" she yelped giggling, "just great, did some shopping, picked up a few things...maybe some things I'll show off for you later tonight" she said with a grin as Skinner laughed. "How much longer is the bean counter going to be hanging around sweetie?" Liz asked giving Skinner another kiss as she shot Ronnie a look that mixed somewhere between glare and smirk.
"Just some business doll, we'll be done pretty quick" Skinner said, Liz pouted a little "do they need you to hold their hand for everything baby?" she asked, both stroking Skinner's ego and taking a shot at Ronnie at the same time. Ronnie shook his head "Don't worry about it Boss, we're all done" he said as he got up. Ronnie had kept it together pretty good, but Liz was a lot to tolerate even on a good day.


Oz was walking down the street towards the office of the club's legal counsel. Being just released she wanted to get familiar with the details of his case and his release. As he was walking he heard a scream of a woman, he looked up and saw some guy standing over a younger woman, ripping her bag from her. He punched her once then turned and sprinted away to make his escape. However he was looking behind him to see if the woman was getting up and didn't see Oz in front of him and ran straight into Oz. There was a bit more than a slight size difference between Oz and the would-be mugger as the mugger crashed to the ground. Still not seeing Oz, the mugger got to his feet, swearing in in french as he held up a switchblade knife to scare whoever he ran into. Without flinching Oz grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted it around till the point of nearly breaking, the mugger dropped the knife, then Oz brought up his right hand and decked the guy straight under the jaw, sending him sprawling backwards and crashing to the ground hard. Oz picked up the bag and walked over to the woman, "Hey, I believe this was yours" he said helping her up. The woman nodded obviously shaken up, she introduced herself as Reese. "The name's okay?" he asked, as she stammered something in response. She said something about working in the building on the corner, "Well..." Oz looked back at the mugger still moaning on the ground "I'm thinking you'll make it before he even remembers where he is" Oz said as he nodded at the young woman and then proceeded towards the lawyer's office.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Grizz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan
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0.00 INK

The clubhouse was full of Sades members. All the guys from the Montreal chapter were there of course, a "welcome party" was a mandatory event, no excuse aside from being in prison was allowable for missing it, there were even members out from Quebec City, Gatineau, and Hull that made their way to Montreal for the party. Mamas were all over, lots of rumours of Oz from Vancouver had managed to make their way across country to Montreal, there was a chance he could end up being a big player in the club, and as such, all the Mamas were making it a point to introduce themselves and hopefully get him to a bedroom somewhere.

As Oz was mingling Skinner beckoned him over to the couch where he was with Liz. He gave Liz a nod and she wandered off, giving Oz a bit of a "fuck you" glare. Oz sat down on the couch. "I hear a lot of good things coming from Vancouver about you kid...and Six called me himself personally to vouch for you and clear up any misunderstandings surrounding the bust" Skinner said, Six was the President of the Vancouver chapter and had been the one who first brought Oz into the club out there. "He also gave me shit for taking one of his best guys and that he'd kick my ass himself if I didn't take care of you out here" Skinner said with a laugh and Oz smirked a little. "Listen...Rev's already telling me you got some ideas to solve our little street issue...after tonight you, me and Rev will sit down, I wanna hear what you got to say. Six said if there was a Sade that had the'd be the guy" Skinner said patting Oz on the back. "Thanks..and yeah, I'll do whatever I can" Oz said with a grin. "However...that's business and THIS is a fucking go, get drunk, have fun, and I swear to god if you don't get laid tonight I'll kick your ass" Skinner said with a laugh as Oz laughed as well.


Jester saw Davis walk into the clubhouse, he made his way over to Davis "he kid, glad you could make it man, welcome here" he said giving Davis a high five. Davis said he was glad to be here, and introduced his sister Reese, saying something about hoping it was alright. "Fuck man, it's a party, the more the merrier right?" Jester said with a grin. "Hey listen...tonight Mis Casa et Su Casa...drinks are free, girls are hanging around all over...enjoy yourself, just stay away from the Ol' Ladies or you may get your ass kicked" Jester said with a laugh. "Hey listen, I gotta run for now...but I wanna talk about all that tech shit still...I'll catch ya in a little bit" Jester said as he went off to mingle. This was different than the crowd at the college party, instead of college students it was bikers and what looked like strippers.

It didn't take long for Reese to attract some attention of her own. Grizz saw her and knew for sure she wasn't an Ol Lady, which meant she was fair game. There were a couple of other Sades members talking her up but when they saw the towering Grizz making his way over they dispersed pretty quick. "So what's a cute thing like you doing here?" Grizz asked Reese as he stepped up to her, his hands already on her hips, Grizz was huge, but he looked even larger compared to Reese's smaller frame, it looked like Grizz could pick her up in one hand like King Kong if he wanted. Reese mumbled a response to him, "It's pretty loud out here, how about we go chat somewhere quieter?" Grizz said, but it really wasn't a question as he slowly tugged her closer to him. He heard her say something about pills, Grizz grinned "those usually go for $10 a pop...but uh...come with me and I'll hook you up for free" Grizz said as he gripped Reese's wrist, whether she wanted to or not there wasn't really too much choice in the matter as Grizz grinned leading her to the back of the clubhouse.


Chazz was sitting on the couch with two Mamas keeping him company when Sick Boy walked up to him and sat down, essentially chasing the girls off. Chazz shook his head, "I hate you...I fucking hate you" Chazz said as he saw the girls already talking up somebody else. "Bro check it out..." Sick Boy said as he showed him a roll of cash, "that's $2,400...and that's only been in like two or three days, now tell me Skinner aint going to be impressed seeing this shit!" Sick Boy said grinning from ear to ear. "Ever think about how you're going to bring that up to the club?" Chazz asked, "I mean what's your angle? Hey Boss, I started a job without telling you, using girls from the strip club...but uh hey here's some cash? Skinner's going to kick your ass bro" Chazz said shaking his head. Skinner had always been dead set against escorts or the prostitution ring and money or not, he didn't see this going over well with Skinner. "The club needs cash...we're not in a spot where we can pick and choose where our cash comes from, and if he's any type of decent President he'll fucking realize that" Sick Boy said, "Yeah well if you say it like that, I'm going to be interested to see the ass kicking coming with it" Chazz said as he scanned for the girls, then distracted Chazz saw Reese, "Hey, that's the chick from the party...I sold her two pills of Ex" Chazz said watching her, "Yeah looks like Grizz got his hands on her...ha, he'll fucking end up breaking that bitch into like three pieces" Sick Boy said laughing as Chazz shot him a glare. He frowned, Grizz was never known for his gentleness in anything, and the stories Mamas had told would suggest he was the same in bed too. But it was Grizz....he was too big to fuck with, no matter who you were, but for some reason he felt bad for the girl, then a thought hit him. "Hey...see that dude over there?" he said pointing to Davis, he had seen him talking with Jester at the college party the night before, "The black kid in the jacket over there...looks like he took a wrong turn...that kid?" Sick Boy asked referring to Davis. "Yeah, apparently Jester is bringing him in to Prospect...already told Skinner that he could replace you in the club" Chazz said, totally lying but he needed to start a fight and this was the way to do it. "This mother fucker is dead!" Sick Boy said as he jumped up and headed over to Davis, "too easy" Chazz thought to himself.

Chazz walked up to Davis, tapped him on the shoulder then hit him with a right cross to the chin as he crumpled to the floor, Sick Boy jumped on him and started punching him, he got in a few solid punches till Jester grabbed his arm "You fucking moron, the kid's with me!" Jester said, as Sick Boy took a swing at him knocking him down. A crowd formed as Jester brought his leg up catching Sick Boy in the stomach, then got up and tackled him to the ground. The two guys were punching each other on the ground.

Chazz grinned and got up running into the room Grizz had gone to. He walked in seeing Reese on the bed and Grizz with his shirt off already, "Hey Grizz...Sick Boy and Jester are going at it in the lobby" he said quickly. As Sargeant at Arms it was Grizz's job to ensure security, including stopping fights inside the clubhouse which was frowned upon in the club. "Fucking hell...I'll be right back" Grizz said as he walked out of the room. It was just Chazz and Reese now, he looked at her grinning "Now I could be wrong but I'm thinking I got myself a repeat customer, am I right?" Chazz asked with a grin looking down at Reese.

Outside the fight was still going. Grizz grabbed Sick Boy's arm and yanked him back, in his anger all Sick Boy did was swing, punching Grizz in the jaw, Grizz barely flinched at the shot as both Jester and Sick Boy stopped dead. Grizz grabbed Sick Boy and shoved him clear across the floor, he tripped and slammed straight into Oz who had his back turned at that moment....


Oz was sitting near the bar, talking with a few members, getting to know names and stuff when he saw the lawyer walk in, however she was dressed way different than she had been in her office the two previous meetings. She wasn't quite dressed like a Mama, but she definitely had left the pants suit and blazer at home. She noticed him checking her out and made a comment, "Well, it's just the first time I've been able to evaluate your full body of work" he said with a grin to her, and he knew he was in the clear when she grinned back and made another comment. "I mean you're a lawyer, I thought researching law books was what you guys did for fun" Oz said and laughed as she said something about him not having a clue what she did for fun, then flashing another grin. This was almost a polar opposite of how she was in the office, which was probably a good thing, a flirtatious lawyer in a court room probably wouldn't work. As they talked there was a fight of some sort going on behind them but Oz wasn't paying attention. Suddenly he was hit, as Sick Boy had been thrown across the floor and straight into him. He spilled his beer down the front of his shirt.

He turned to look at Sick Boy, obviously pissed off. "Hey man..I uh..." that was all he got out as Oz smashed the now empty beer bottle over his head as Sick Boy dropped back down to the ground as everyone cheered. Skinner and Rev walked up as Sick Boy was still trying to figure out where he was. "Well brother, looks like you need a change of clothing about you come with us" Skinner said with a grin, as Ronnie had joined them now too. Oz turned to Melinda "don't go anywhere" he said with a grin as he followed Skinner, Rev, and Ronnie, with Grizz coming behind them.

They entered into Skinner's office and there was a leather Sades cut lying on the desk, "This is your cut from Vancouver...with some changes" Skinner said with a grin as he held it up, "Welcome to the club brother" Skinner said as he gave Oz a hug, as did the other officers. "Fuck it's been too long" Oz said as he slid the cut back on, it felt as though he was now his old self again, it was funny how good it felt to be wearing it again. The only changes was the bottom rocker on the back now said "MONTREAL" instead of "VANCOUVER", and the front had the Sades Iron Cross ontop of a red Fleur de Lis on the chest, the symbol for the Mother Club of the Sades. "This feels real good" Oz said with a grin. They then walked out and Skinner called everyone's attention.

"Hey listen up. We're all here for one reason welcome Oz, a brother from the West Coast into the Montreal Chapter of the Sades. This guy's the real Sick Boy found out already" Skinner said with a laugh. "So allow me to be the first one to say welcome to the family brother!" He gave Oz a hug again and the clubhouse erupted in cheers, then Skinner shouted "Now let's fucking drink!" he shouted as the party went back into full swing.

Oz made his way through all the congratulation and welcome home hugs and handshakes and found his way back to Melinda. "So where were we?" he asked with a grin.


As the guys were welcoming Oz Liz walked by Misty, "Was it dress up like a slut night tonight?" Liz said casually as she passed by Misty. Misty glared and snapped back a response. Liz laughed "Oh come on, you don't actually think Rev was into you because of your ability to carry an intelligent conversation do you?" Liz said with a smirk. Misty made a comment to her about it took one to know one. "Well honey I've never actually had to spread my legs to god knows who in order to make a living...but I guess we're just different that way huh?". She knew that was a low blow to Misty, but that's why she said it. "just make sure you hang on to Rev honey, he's probably the only thing keeping you from selling that ass on a street corner for $5 a ride" she said with a smirk as she walked off. Liz was a total bitch but being Skinner's wife, she knew nobody could touch her, which allowed her to run her mouth to anyone she wanted. She loved seeing Misty fuming as she walked off.

Rev made his way over to Misty, "Hey, just ignore her shit alright, she's just doing it to get a reaction out of you" he said as he wrapped his arms around her, Misty still glaring at Liz. "Here, how about you come with me and we'll go start our own part somewhere else" Rev said whispering to her.


Chazz laid down on the bed beside Reese, he held a package in his hand but it looked different. "If you liked the two pills I gave you the other night, you gotta try this shit" he said, it was a different colour "It's 90% pure X, not like the stuff before, it was 60%, this stuff will give you an even more amazing high, and it'll last way longer" he said as he slowly slid it into her mouth and handed her a bottle of water. She said something quietly, as he laid back, waiting for the drug's affects to hit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Davis Morgan Character Portrait: Misty
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0.00 INK

Chazz lay on the bed beside Reese, "So how do you feel?" he asked having seen the drug taking it's toll on Reese, "Inspired" she said before moving closer to him. He grinned as his hands went to work undoing her pants, he'd seen the affects of the drug enough to know that word "no" probably wasn't going to come up. As her pants come off his hand found it's way between her legs quickly "is this inspiring?" he asked with a grin as he saw her body jump a little. Chazz's clothes quickly came off as he got between her legs kissing her, and based off her reactions, she was clearly enjoying the moment, whether it was induced by the drugs or not he didn't care. She seemed to be one of those book worm, "good girl" types and wondered in the back of his mind if this was her first time, he figured he wasn't going to have to wait long for his answer.


After the fight cleared Jester went over and helped Davis up, "hey you alright...that was a pretty solid punch ya took kid" he said laughing slapping him on his back. "Now...let's go talk business...come with me I got somebody for you to meet" he said as he led Davis across the floor, he walked over to Skinner, who had Liz sitting on his lap, she gave Jester and Davis an icey glare. "Hey Skinner, this kid's name is Davis, he's one of those tech whiz types of guys....I really think ya gotta come listen to what he has to say" Jester said. "A black kid who's a tech whiz, are you kidding me? Shouldn't he be playing basketball somewhere?" Liz said, Jester could see Davis was about to say something, "Shhh, hold on, she's just uh....don't mind her" Jester said. Skinner pushed Liz off his lap and gave her a slight slap upside the head "will you fucking behave yourself around visitors" he said as he got up. "Oh sorry...I forgot, your people kinda get all bent out of shape about that racial stuff huh?" she said. Jester shook his head, she really was a bitch to everyone. "Hey...shutup before I knock the taste out of your pretty mouth huh?" Skinner said turning to his wife giving her a warning. It was beyond Liz to say sorry, she just shrugged and headed towards the bar. "Women eh? What can ya do?" Skinner said with a grin as he led the two of them to his office, he sat down behind the desk.

" whiz huh?" Skinner said looking at Davis. "Yeah, he says he can hack computers and all sorts of shit like that, I figured he'd be kinda handy to have around" Jester said a bit excited. Skinner sat there thinking, if the kid was able to do what they wanted it could allow them to get vital info and make their lives a bit easier. "Okay I got a job for of our bank accounts in the Bank of Montreal was frozen. We got $25 grand sitting in that account. Now we need that money, but it's gotta look like it just disappeared, it can't be traced back to us or we're in even bigger shit got it? "I'll give you 10% of that amount as a payment if you can make it happen...what do ya say?" Skinner asked with a grin. "$2,500 bucks is a pretty good pay day for one day of work kid" Jester said to him.


Rev wasn't an idiot, he knew Misty was paranoid about losing him, he was also realistic, he knew he was her meal ticket and that was more of the motivating factor for her to stick with him than any romantic feelings. He did like Misty, maybe not enough to get married, he didn't really feel that was his thing, but at the same time he figured if he had leverage why not use it.

He grabbed her head and let out a moan as she said "you like that huh baby" moaning he just nodded in agreement. "You ain't goin anywhere, are you?" she asked, he grinned "Depends on how good a job you do baby" he said with a grin, "I think you need to remind me again just how badly you want me" he said with a grin. It may have been a slightly underhanded tactic, but Rev couldn't argue with the results as Misty increased her actions dramatically, he had a way to make his Ol' Lady do anything he wanted, what guy wouldn't want to use a gift like that.


"I believe you were flirting shamelessly" she said to him with a grin as she took a sip from her drink. She looked at his cut "I suppose congratulations are in order" she said, he grinned "well it does feel good to have it back on" Oz said. "Mhm, welcome to the club" she said with a grin as he looked at her "Funny I don't remember you being a patched member" he said, stepping closer to her. "No but I might as well be" she said with a laugh. He wrapped an arm behind her back and leaned in "I can think of at least one way you can welcome me properly" he whispered with a grin. He hadn't been with a woman in at least 4 and a half years and the lawyer looked just as good as any woman to end that streak with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Liz
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0.00 INK

Rev and Oz walked into Skinner's place, he was sitting at the table in just jeans, reading the newspaper and having his morning coffee. Liz was apparently not shy, as she was still wearing her bra and panties and didn't seem to be in too big of a hurry to cover herself up. "How's your hooker girlfriend treating you Rev?" she asked as they sat down, Rev smirked and just ignored her question. "Babe get outta here, we got business" Skinner said piping up. "Just make sure this one doesn't get everyone arrested" Liz said pointing to Oz, he as well just ignored her.

"So..Rev says you got ideas...let's hear em" Skinner said once the room was clear. "Well the party scene was huge for us in Vancouver. But you can't have patches going in to every party, I mean sure it worked the other night, but it's getting too close to the fire. We filter down...we give the drugs to the Sixers. They're the support club, they take the stuff and get it to the dealers we're going to be putting in these parties." Oz said as Skinner sat back and listened. "And then we get our street guys dealing at the parties?" Skinner asked. "'re street guys are all made by now. They got pinched, or picked up it's an automatic link back to the club, we use them we may aswell just sell it ourselves. No, you find guys in the schools, or guys who go to these parties a lot. Kids who will keep their mouths shut. You tell them they'll get a certain quantity of drugs for themselves free, and they'll take a small cut of the profits, that's usually enough to keep em happy. And they're college kids, so it aint' like any of them are going to suddenly try to hustle us for money. This way, if the cops hit a party...if the dealer gets pinched, he's just a kid, no connections back to us." Oz said laying out his plan. "That's actually fucking we'd get the Sixers to find these guys?" Skinner asked. "Hell no, all they're doing is transporting the product, the less thinking those guys are doing the better. Nah, we'd find the guys, we'd arrange the deal. They'd talk with us, but they'd get the product from the Sixers...again, if they're suddenly hit, the Sixers take the rap for trafficking, not us. We're surrounded every side, and all the money comes up to us. Besides, it's harder for cops to stake out college parties, you got lawyers in training etc., or you got kids who's mommy and daddy know a lot of important people...a lot harder to shake those kids down than street kids" Oz said.

"I like it, make it happen, if it works like you say it does, this could go a long way in elevating your spot in the club brother" Skinner said as he patted Oz on the back. "How much time you need to get things moving?" Skinner asked. "Probably a couple of days, to figure out who the best candidates are and stuff like that. Within a week we should be bringing in cash and moving product" Oz said as Skinner grinned "I like hearing that...I LOVE results" he said with a laugh. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of cash and slid it across the table to Oz. "What's this?" he asked. "Roughly 25G's my're going to be taking over our drug distribution and you've been walking around like a hobo" Skinner said with a grin, "Now that ain't going to buy you a house or shit...but the owner of one of the 5 Star hotel chains here in Montreal is a...friend...of ours. You can pay cash under the table and he'll give you a discount rate as well. Gives you somewhere other than the clubhouse to stay at while you look around at getting yourself set up" he said.

Rev and Oz got up as Oz put the money in his pocket and they headed out. "You got all your papers in order?" Rev asked, Oz nodded, he'd been down to see the guy to get his driver's license forged and a fake Social Insurance number, it wouldn't hold up to an investigation, but it'd be enough to allow him to register a new bike and some other stuff without alerting the cops. "Well brother...let's go get you a ride" Rev said laughing as they got back into the SUV.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Chazz Character Portrait: Liz
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0.00 INK

Oz grinned as she gestured for him to come into the shower and started kissing him. He picked her up and pressed her against the cold tile wall as the continued making out, starting going at it all over again. Oz wasn't sure why but this woman was driving him crazier than most girls. Maybe it was because of her being the one used to being in control, he could tell this was new territory for her, and he figured most guys wouldn't be able to get her to submit like she had. But then again most guys would have been terrified about losing a woman like Melina, pissing her off and having her storm off on them, Oz didn't care. Sure he liked her and wanted to keep her around, but if she got pissed and stormed out the door it wouldn't have been a big issue for him. She seemed to know that too, and with that sway of influence gone he was free and clear to call the shots, however he also knew women like Melina, strong, in control, used to calling the shots loved running into guys like Oz, some people might call him an Alpha Male, he didn't know about all that, he just knew he was done putting up with bullshit from women, and once he realized that they seemed to flock to him...well, certain ones anyway.

Their moans filled the bathroom as the shower ran over both of them, there wasn't much time for talking as their mouths were much too busy doing other things at that moment. At one point he had turned her around, pressing her face first into the wall as he continued to control the action, she had tensed a little, and he heard her whisper something, he didn't stop, he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere they both were enjoying, but he was paying close attention her reactions the next few moments, he wanted to be in control, not rape her. Fortunately for him she seemed to settle back into enjoying herself and he kept on going as if he'd had no thoughts of stopping. As they finsihed he grabbed her hair and yanked her head back kissing her head then kissing her mouth deeply as he whispered to her "some people would say that I just made you my bitch" he whispered with a grin, interested to see her response.


Chazz pulled up to Reese's apartment building. He went up to her door, knocking on it, he grinned when she opened it, yeah she was defintiely sober by now. "So, how ya doing after last night...that was a pretty intense high you took" he said as he walked in. She mumbled something to him, he sat down on the couch looking at all the paintings, "Those pills I gave you...they helped do all this didn't they?" he asked with a grin, she nodded sheepishly. " called me, what's up?" he asked. He wasn't sure if she just wanted some more pills, or if she wanted more of what they did last night. He saw the picture of him she'd painted, "I think that one is my favourite" he said laughing.


Sick Boy walked out to the alley and got on his bike when he heard a voice behind him. "Whatcha been doing brother?", it was the voice of Bigfoot. He was a huge native who had a long history with the club, he had been the original Sgt. at Arms of the Sades and had been up until a few years ago when he stepped down and Grizz took over the position. "Hey Bigfoot, what are ya doing out here brother, all the girls are inside" he said with a laugh. "Yeah I know eh, but uh what were you doing roughing up Marty inside there eh?" Bigfoot asked as he stepped closer. "Fuck" Sick Boy thought, Bigfoot was still well respected in the club and if he heard what Sick Boy and Marty had been talking about, Sick Boy was as good as fucked with Skinner. "You know, Marty gets into those moods of his and sometimes needs a reminder of who owns his club" Sick Boy said with a laugh. Bigfoot walked closer, "ya know if Skinner finds out about you eh, he ain't going to be too happy eh" Bigfoot said glaring at Sick Boy. "Okay man...look...I'm going to bring it up to Skinner and the club at Church, but you know Skinner, he ain't going to listen, so I figured I'd make some dough, prove to him how lucrative this gig can be, and then if he wants me to stop...I'm done, I aint going to go against Skinner, but sometimes you gotta do things differently ya know?" Sick Boy said, hoping that was enough to keep him quiet for now. "If it don't come up at Church brother, you know I'm going to say something make sure you aint trying to pull something quick eh brother?" Bigfoot said as he turned and walked back into the Red Room.

"Fuck, that's going to complicate shit" Sick Boy thought to himself as he fired up his bike and took off, if Bigfoot knew what he was up to, he'd have to put a bit more thought into how he did stuff with this new gig of his. It was way too much money for him to just leave it alone.


Rev had gotten up before Misty, he'd gone to meet with Skinner in his office.

Misty had been at the bar of the clubhouse making herself some coffee when Liz walked in, looking for Skinner. "Well look what the pimp dragged in" Liz said looking at Misty who just glared at her. "Is my husband here? He didn't come home last night and I figured he was out here fooling around with one of your slut sisters here" Liz said with a smirk taking another shot at Misty. Liz then glanced at her up and down, "looks like somebody had a role in the sack...was it with Rev?" Liz asked, and smirked as Misty snapped at her that she'd never cheat on Rev, "ohhh, that's cute" she said as she rolled her eyes. She saw the anger in Misty's eyes, she grinned, "Come on bitch...hit me, you know you want to, you've been dying to for years...come on, fucking hit me" she said taunting Misty. She smirked as Misty just stood there, "I figured as much...I'm willing to be you're actually paying Rev ontop of the sex just so he doesn't kick your fucking ass to the corner" she said. She was used to acting like this to all the girls around but she wasn't expecting was what came Misty's fist connected with her jaw and sent her to the floor...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Chazz Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Melina Singh
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0.00 INK

Reese blushed furiously as he commented on her painting, she figured if she started talking about her art, she'd feel alot less nervous. "Uh...I don't know, I just...I couldn't really remember what happened..." She said and her tawny face turned pink. "I have an idea....Anyway, When I'm on them." She said referring to the drugs. "It's amazing...My art is so much better..." She said and walked up to the easel. She pulled off the painting and looked at it, she ran her fingers over the ridged surface. "It's like I'm not afraid of making mistakes. I don't even think, I just paint and it's perfect every time." She turned to him.

"You can have it if you want." She said holding it out to him with a smile.

Misty stood over Liz. She was sick of her shit, it didn't help that Rev told her no about marriage. It was unfair, This cold bitch could get married but she couldn't. She took Liz by the hair with one hand, and slammed her fist into her face, over and over until someone grabbed her and pulled her off of her. "The stupid bitch asked for it!" She screamed, flailing her arms and legs, clawing at Liz.

Melina grunted as he yanked back her hair and kissed her. She moaned against his lips until he pulled away. "Some people would say, I just made you my bitch." He said and her eyes widened. "Some people would be wrong." She said and turned her body, pulled her wet hair from his grip. She then forced him against the wall, pinning his hands against as she slid down his chest, anytime he started to move, she'd grip a little harder on his wrists. She knew full well, if he really wanted to he could stop her she knew he was enjoying himself much too much.

Finally the two of them sat on the shower floor, Melina had turned off the water and she lay against his chest. They both managed to successfully wear each other. He made a snappy comment about her ability to keep up. "Mhm," She said, "You don't know when to quit..." She said and he just laughed. She enjoyed her, she knew he did too. She didn't know how long this would last but right through here, she didn't care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Liz
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0.00 INK

Two of the Mama's had pulled Misty off of Liz. They knew what would happen if Misty actually really hurt Liz, or at least they could imagine. Liz got to her feet, "unless you two bitches want to piss me off...hold her tight" Liz grinned as she collected herself, watching Misty struggle. Liz then wound up and punched Misty right in the face, then continued punching her over and over repeatedly several times. As the Mama's held Misty Liz ripped Misty's shirt open and then pulled her shorts off, almost completely exposing her. She then grabbed Misty, one hand gripping a handful of her hair and twisting her fist in it, and her second hand grabbing her throat. "I should do you a favour and just strangle you right now" Liz said, then spit in her face. "Let her go" Liz said to the Mama's as she dragged Misty down the hall towards Skinner's office. She opened the door then threw Misty onto the floor in front of Skinner and Rev, "You're fucking little bitch of a girlfriend just attacked me asshole!" Liz yelled at Rev. "Shutup Liz...that's our Vice President you're talking to" Skinner said almost angrily. "Yeah...well...his bitch just jumped me for no reason" Liz said, toning herself down a little. "So what about it Misty?" Skinner asked "You want to tell us why you decided to attack my wife?" he asked looking down at her, with her clothes ripped and not really covering anything. Rev could see Misty had let her hair fall on purpose, trying to hide the fact that she was on the verge of crying.

Rev had always told Misty he liked her, and he would take care of her but had pretty much just treated her as an exclusive Mama all things considered. He wasn't going to go into marriage, but as he saw Misty whimpering on the ground and Liz's smirk, something snapped. "Your wife is a fucking bitch Skiner!" Rev spit out.

A pin could have been heard dropping in the room. Skinner looked at Rev with a look that said he better explain himself quick. "Look man...she walks around her like she's the Queen of England, she tells everyone off, she bosses everyone around, fuck man she walked in here and called me an asshole...dammit even if you called me an asshole I'd probably punch you in the mouth, you know that...but with her we just gotta sit back and take it?" Rev said standing up, he helped Misty to her feet. "And if I were you, I'd stop it before it becomes an issue...cause she acts like a bitch then hides behind you, and honestly's that sort of shit that can make a club turn and kick their Pres out the door". Skinner glared at Rev, then looked at Liz. Then Skinner laughed to himself, "You know's that shit right there that made me pick you as VP man" Skinner said with a grin. "Misty...on behalf of my wife...I apologize for her ain't going to be an issue anymore" he said. "you can go clean her up" he said to Rev.

Rev helped Misty up and took her to the VP room, once inside she tried kissing him hungrily, Rev laughing stopped her "Listen calm can thank me later" he said as Misty started rambling about what he said, what he did, and everything kinda poured out at once. "Listen...I hate to do this but I got some stuff to can thank me later" he said with a wink, kissed her goodbye, then headed out the door.

Misty was in the washroom in Rev's room but she could still hear the yelling, but it was mainly Skinner. Pretty much all the girls in the clubhouse had to hide their grins, as finally Liz was getting what was coming to her. However soon Liz's voice could be heard as well, but she wasn't yelling in was almost as if she was crying. The Mama's in the rest of the clubhouse would have been too far away to hear it, but when Misty got out she could hear what sounded like loud slaps and clear sounds of Liz crying. Skinner could be heard leaving and walking down the hall and shortly after leaving the clubhouse, when Misty went to check in Skinner's office she saw Liz laying in a ball, her face was bruised, her lip was bleeding and she was sobbing softly on the ground hugging herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davis Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Jester
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0.00 INK

Misty stood conflicted. She didn't know what to do next. Liz was on the ground in a crumpled heap. It served her right really, after what she just did but at the same time. Skinner wasn't a chick, he was too strong to be hitting anyone. Just like her father had been. Misty closed her eyes. 'Fucking hell...' she thought and rushed to her side. Liz saw her and tried to push her away. "Hold still, bitch, I'm trying to help you." She hissed. She helped Liz to her feet and walked her to the nearest wash room. "Look, Before you start asking dumbass questions. I'm doing this because just cause you deserved it. All of it...It should have happened. If anything, it should have been me that kicked your ass, not Skinner" She said as she held a moist towel to her lip. "Hold that there, and try not to go to sleep anytime soon." She said and walked out, not entirely sure what happened herself.

Davis had a good night with the woman...Darla. He was a perfect gentleman. she'd told him, much gentler then the others here, not only that, he took her home safely and even kissed her goodnight. Even though he knew full well, that a one nighter.

He sat in his apartment, playing his Xbox, just thinking before he had to head to work. He had the 50Gs from the robbery. One was rightfully his but the other was Jesters. It wasn't right. Jester was the one that got him the job, okay so he made a slight mistake, a minor oversight really. It wasn't fair. He got to his feet. He was NOT keeping this money. It wasn't right.

He made his way over to the clubhouse on his skateboard. It was his only means of travel right now.

It looked as if the whole crew was gearing up for something as he rolled up. He spotted Jester and kicked up his board. He held it as he walked over. "Hey, Man, Check it out." He said and pulled him to the side. He set down his backpack and pulled out the 25Gs "Here Man, I know ya boss said to keep it but hell we wouldn't have the cash if it weren't for you bringing me in so. This is yours," He said giving him the man. "Just don't let skinnner see it. Hide it in your shoe box." He said with a chuckle, "I gotta run, but yea, Thanks for the job and taking my sister home. 'preicate it." He said after sliding back on his backpack and hopping on his skateboard. Jester said something to him about getting a new ride. Davis just laughed. "I know" He called back as he rolled off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Davis Morgan Character Portrait: Misty
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0.00 INK

Oz walked out to his bike, if he was going to do a midnight run he'd need to get some sleep in. He called Melina's cell phone, as expected she answered in a rushed tone as she was at work. "Overnight party in Atlantic City, ride's leaving at 4 pm, be at my place at 3 pm if you wanna tag along...and uh...wear something sexy" he said with a grin and hung up, not giving her a chance to respond or reply back. He then headed for home to catch some sleep.


Chazz dialed Reese's number, "Hey...we kinda got a party going on down in Atlantic City tonight, if you want to come along I think I got room on my bike for a cute girl like you" Chazz said with a grin. "So what do you say?" he asked as he headed out for his bike.

Meanwhile Jester called up Davis. "Hey kid, looks like we're taking all your money and heading down to Atlantic City, whatever you win you get to keep. And uh...I could probably get you one of our SUV's to drive down there, and uh...I'm sure Darla wouldn't mind keeping you some company on the drive down" Jester said into the phone. Davis said something about work the next day "Dammit kid, a kid like you could make a killing in Atlantic City...fuck work man, you work for us, we pay better" he said laughing "Come on, I ain't taking no for answer alright...and seeing as you were a stand up guy about the's a win-win for you, cause I'll cover ya if you end up losing dough alright? We leave at 4 pm man, what do you say?" he asked.


Skinner walked into his room at the club, he saw Liz putting some stuff away and walked over to her. She flinched at first at his touch. " got upset, I mean I was embarassed and honestly...well you were acting like a bitch to everyone, I'm surprised nothing happened sooner" he said as he wrapped his arms around you. "But I went too far...sorry baby" he whispered and kissed her neck. She wanted to be angry at him, but it just never worked. "Listen....I promise I won't do that again alright....scout's honor" he said as he kissed her again.

Truth be known, she wasn't much different than Misty. If Skinner ever decided to move on she'd be out on her ass, and she'd be worse off than Misty, cause she was still young, if nothing else worked she could still strip or do escorts or something cause she had the body, at Liz's age there probably wouldn't be too many college guys lining up to see her when they could have those hot young things like Misty. "I know" she said softly.

"Hey why don't you come keep me company, gotta catch some Z's, we're doing a run down to Atlantic City and you're my good luck charm baby" he whispered as she grinned and followed him to the bed.


Rev made some quick plans with a hotel down in Atlantic City, then headed off to the VP room to catch some sleep. He told Misty what was going on as she followed him into the room. As he was taking his shirt off Misty started talking again, same stuff as before, about how Rev standing up for her made her felt. Rev stopped and listened to her as she went on...they were usually all about sex, this was the first time either of them were actually talking this much about feelings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Ronnie Character Portrait: Davis Morgan
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0.00 INK

Rev grinned at Misty, "listen...marriage aint my thing, I told you that.'re more than just a fuck buddy to me alright, you're my Ol' Lady and honestly...I probably wasn't treating you like it" he said as he kissed her. "I ain't going to put a ring on...but aint going anywhere except right here" he said with a grin as he pulled her against him as they kissed some more.


After most of the members essentially got their power naps in, the crew started arriving at the clubhouse. The prospects had packed two SUV's with everything they might need. A third SUV was waiting as well, this one wasn't heading to Atlantic City. This one was going to accompany the club till just before the border crossing. Then all the members would put their weapons into the SUV and it'd head back home, they'd cross the border with no weapons. About a mile or so from the border crossing they had some of the guys from the Red Devils MC, a club based mainly in the state of New York with ties to the Sades were going to meet them just across the border and provide them with some guns to ride with. The route they were going to take went through what was considered neutral territory, but the Heatens were known to inhabit the North East of the United States, and the Rebels also had a strong presence in the East.

Rev, Ronnie and Grizz went over the travel plans, Grizz would ride at the front of the pack, with Skinner and Rev behind him, and Ronnie and Bigfoot behind them. After that the rest of the club would just fall into line, with the prospects that were riding bikes with the club would take up the back. As guys showed up Ronnie distributed the cash amongst all the members and made sure to keep track on who had they money.


Chazz rolled up to Reese's place and went up to get her. When she opened the door he took a second glance " look hot" he said with a grin, she giggled and made a comment on her clothes. "Hey we don't wanna be late, so let's go" Chazz said as he walked with her down to his bike, he helped her on then got on himself. He had to admit it felt good having her on the back of his bike, he fired the engine and they headed off for the clubhouse.


Oz checked the time, it was already 3:00 pm, he wasn't sure if Melina would make it due to work, although he figured it was worth asking her. He threw on his cut and headed out, as he stepped out of his room he saw Melina getting off the elevator. "Almost too late" he said with a grin as she walked up to greet him. They kissed, then Oz pulled away and looked at her, "I mean I know I said dress sexy and all...but this is pretty hot, maybe I won't hit the casino and just take you up to the hotel" he said laughing as he kissed her deeply again. She made a witty comment back to him, and he grinned. "Have you ever actually ridden a motocycle before?" he asked, he saw her blush as she fumbled with a way to say no she hadn't. "Well you seemed to be able to ride me pretty good, so I guess you'll be fine" he said and grinned as she blushed.

They made their way to his bike and made their way to the clubhouse.


"Hey kid, glad you made it" Jester said giving him a high five, "And uh...I think somebody else is glad you made it too" Jester said gesturing towards Darla who was grinning and waving at Davis. He handed Davis a set of keys, "These are for the Hummer, you can take Darla with ya, and one of the prospects will tag along as well. The bikes will all roll ahead, you stay behind the other SUV's got it?" he said as Davis nodded. "Alright...and remember, we're here to party so have some fun" he said giving Davis a pat on the back, "Now uh...Darla's looking kinda lonely over there" Jester said with a grin as he walked off.


Liz walked in and saw Misty sitting in the lounge waiting to leave. Misty asked her how she was doing, "I'm fine" Liz mumbled a little. There was an awkward silence before Liz turned and looked at Misty, "You know...even with a ring, I always had the nightmare, the thought that maybe one day he'd just get bored of me ya know? I mean they're outlaws not priests, dumping a wife for some hot little thing would be no issue to them right? You...the Mama' were always a threat....any one of you could have been the one to send me back to the gutter....and I couldn't handle it. I didn't do it because I hated you...I did it...because I was afraid....afraid if I let my guard down I'd lose everything. Maybe it doesn't make shit right but...uh....for whatever it's worth...I'm sorry" Liz said, looking extremely awkward allowing herself to be that open, essentially confronting her worst fear. She was slightly shocked at Misty's response, she figured she'd have some smart comment or finally take her opprotunity to hold this over her, but her response was the complete opposite. Liz fought not to cry " not only are you younger and're a better person than I am too" Liz said with a giggle, one the first time Misty heard her do that. Misty made a comment that Liz wasn't bad to look at either. "We're not going to hug are we?" Liz asked as both women laughed.

Rev walked in "Hey ladies...time to ride" he said as they made their way to the parking lot. Oz rode in and Ronnie waved him over, "hey bro, you're riding up front with me" he said with a nod, riding beside one of the officers of the club was a big spot to ride in, it signified your importance to the club, so for Oz to get the nod meant things were definitely looking to be in his favour.
The bikes lined up as Skinner went over the rules, and Rev made sure everyone had their clean passports for crossing the border. Once all the loose ends were cleared Skinner then shouted "Well then...LET'S RIDE" as the members cheered.

The rumble could be heard for probably 2 or 3 city blocks as 25 bikes fired up and roared to life. The gate to the clubhouse parking lot was rolled open and the bikes headed out, and almost every biker flipped the middle finger to the police that had camped out across the street, which had become somewhat customary over the last while. The SUV's followed behind the bikes as they rolled through the streets. Even several bikes riding together turned heads, but 25 bikes rolling together defintiely caught everyone's attention as they rumbled through the streets and then eventually out onto the highway headed for the US border.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Grizz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Ronnie
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0.00 INK

The ride went off without a hitch, the only other MC they saw was the Red Devil's MC who had met them just past the border. The Sades rolled up to one of the casinos and parked their bikes, as usual all in a line, with the back of the bike's facing the curb. They did this for two reasons, first cause it made it quicker to take off if they needed to, and second because it hid their license plates from any cops that might be passing by.

Once in the casino the club pretty much spread out. Skinner took Liz with him to one of the Black Jack tables. He had already cashed in his money for chips as he sat down, "Well wish me luck baby" he said as Liz pretty much sat on his one leg as he started playing. As he was playing this one guy who looked to be like a middle aged business type kept looking at him, "You want something buddy?" Skinner finally asked slightly annoyed. "Well...I's just kinda cool, I mean you're like a real biker aren't you?" the guy said, as if he was talking to a rock star. "Yeah something like that" Skinner said as he was paying more attention to his cards than the guy beside him. "You know...I ride a bike too" the guy said with a grin, Skinner looked at him "With pedals?" he asked and Liz had to stifle a laugh. The guy just laughed, " you ever killed anyone before?" the guy asked in a hushed tone, Skinner looked at him "Yeah once...cut a guy's throat so deep I thought his head would come off" he said, the man just gushed "that's real bad ass, what'd he mess with your ride or something?" the man asked still in a hushed tone, "Nah...he was annoying the hell out of me at a Black Jack table" Skinner said as he gave the guy a glance, the smile faded quickly. "Oh...right...that's cool...I'll just be...ummm..." the guy stammered as Skinner cut in "leaving?" the guy made a nervous chuckle as he nodded, took his chips and then left.


Sick Boy, Rev, and Ronnie made their way to one of the high stakes Texas Hold Em poker tables. The plan was to play together and maximize the amount of money they won. Misty was hanging off of Rev's shoulder as they played a few hands and the three of them started taking in some pretty good wins. One of the Floormen at the casino started hanging around the table suspecting the three of them of playing together. After a few more wins, the Floorman took Misty by the arm, suspecting her of helping the rest of them cheat. "Maam you gotta leave the table" he said. Rev got up out of his seat immediately "Listen buddy let her go now before you got yourself a real problem", both Ronnie and Sick Boy stood up as well. The Pit Boss made his way over, "Gentlemen what seems to be the problem?" he asked, he'd seen their patches...and the nearly 20 other matching patches in the casino. "Tell your bitch here to let go of my girl" Rev said not taking his eyes off the Floorman. "She's helping them cheat the table" the Floorman said, "Well somebody's going to be helping you eat through a straw!" Rev said, his fists clenched already. Another Floorman had made his way over as "backup". "Listen...the dealer's shift is almost over, why not mingle around and we'll just forget about all this...I mean no need for my backup here right?" the Pit Boss asked. As he said that Bigfoot and Grizz walked up behind the second Floorman. Both Floormen were relatively big, but compared to Bigfoot and Grizz, well everyone seemed small. "you mean there won't be any need for our backup right?" Ronnie asked with a grin. The Pit Boss could tell he'd gotten into a tight spot, "Let the girl go huh?" he said as the Floorman let Misty go, and she thanked him with an open face slap across the face which produced a laugh from the other guys. "Ya know guys...this table was getting cold anyway...let's go find another table" Ronnie said glaring at the Pit Boss as they group moved away from the table.

Rev asked Misty if she was okay, and she whispered something back into his ear. He had already won a decent amount of money, so he figured he deserved a break. "I'll catch up with you guys later" he said as Misty was practically pulling him towards the elevator to the hotel rooms they'd booked.


Chazz and Reese spent some time just checking out the casino. They went by the slot machines "You ever gamble before?" Chazz asked as Reese blushed and shook her head. Chazz walked over and put $200 into a coin machine and got a cup full of coins. "Let's see how good you are?" he said with a grin as he handed her the cup, she made some comment about not wanting to lose his money, "Hey, I'm giving it to's your money, so let's see what you can do with it baby girl?" he said, he sat on a chair and pulled her into his lap after she chose the machine.


Oz grinned as they walked into the casino "Not used to riding a bike for 7 hours huh?" he said laughing as he could tell Melina was a bit stiff, the ride had gotten to him a bit too. Normally Oz would have been able to do a 7 hour ride no problem, but it'd been a few years since his last big ride, but he could tell Melina was feeling it. She commented about how it was mainly her legs that were sore, "Hey, I got all the time in the world to throw my money away...Rev got me a suite with a jacuzzi...that'd probably help loosen up those legs a bit" he said, then laughed as she made some comment about how he'd already loosened her legs up. "I thought I was supposed to be the one with the dirty jokes" he said with a laugh as they headed for the hotel room first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Grizz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Liz
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0.00 INK

Skinner and Liz had been sitting by the bar, they'd had their fill of gambling for the night. Liz actually enjoyed the night, Skinner was a lot more relaxed and less stressed. "You know if I didn't know any better I'd say you were having a good time?" Liz said as she kissed him, he chuckled, "Yeah, it's been a good ride so far" he said. He could still see the bruise from where he'd hit Liz, although she'd covered it up well enough, he did feel a bit about it, but at the same time Liz had been acting like a stuck up bitch, he hoped that was the last time he needed to do that.

Grizz then came up looking concerned, "Boss we got a big problem" he said, Skinner turned around "What the hell is so important that it can't wait?" Skinner asked. Grizz looked around for a moment, then leaned in closer, "cops just called to the alley outside...Bigfoot's dead" he said. Liz gasped as Skinner stared at Grizz, "Say that one more fucking time" he said slowly. "I didn't get a lot of details, but looks like he was stabbed...they found him face down in the alley...and his cut was gone and his ID" Grizz said. "Get the word out, everyone saddles up right now! Get Rev and Ronnie down here like yesterday...then get your ass outside and keep an eye on what's going on" Skinner said. "He's....dead?" Liz said, gasping. Bigfoot had always been tough and intimidating but he'd always been kind to Liz, and all the girls really, one of the few. Skinner hugged Liz "'ls going to okay...go to the hotel room till I come get you" he said. Liz nodded and ran to the elevator.


Rev and Misty were relaxing on a couch, whatever had pissed her off earlier seemed to have been gone now. As they were sitting there Grizz found Rev, he whispered something to his ear and Rev nearly jumped. "Are you fucking for real???" Rev asked, Grizz nodded. Rev handed Misty the key to the room "Babe, go to the room, stay there till I come get you" he said as he kissed her then ran off towards the bar where Skinner was, Misty asked what was going on but Rev was already gone.

As Misty made her way to the elevator she saw Liz who was crying. Misty asked what was going on, "You can't tell anyone" she whispered as they got onto the elevator, Misty nodded to her, "the police found Bigfoot...he was stabbed to death outside in the alley" she said whimpering. She then hugged Misty as the elevator moved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Melina Singh Character Portrait: Darla Kendrick
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0.00 INK

Misty held on to Liz. Bigfoot? Really. Probably one of the few people that didn't deserve to die. Misty felt tears working in her eyes as Liz sobbed into her chest. "C'mon, Rev told me to get to the room." She said as the elevator opened. She was practically carrying the sobbing Liz toward the room when she saw Darla come stumbling out of a hotel room. Someone put her through the ringer. "Darla. Get to a room." She said. Darla nodded, tears in her eyes and darted past her and into the Tech geek's hotel room. Misty could see something was up but she had Liz to attend to.

Melina and Oz were sitting at one of the BlackJack tables. The two of them against each other. Melina had the been winning so far. It was then a prospect came up to Oz, told him about something. Being a laywer, Melina read people like children's books. Somebody was dead. Oz looked at her and set down his cards, with grin. He had a 19. Melina grinned. "Blackjack." She said putting down her ace and queen. "You owe me." She said and he some cheeky response, to which she shook her head to. He kissed her before he left her at the tables.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Grizz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Ronnie
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As Oz got up he slipped Melina the key card to the room "go hang out in there till we're done here" he said as he gave her a kiss. If he had time to think about it, that'd been odd. If it really was just sex, he wouldn't have cared as much what she did, but he actually for a few moments felt the urge to keep her by his side, so he could protect her. If he had time to think about it he'd have realized that probably meant his feelings were deeper for her than just sex.

Oz got to the bar, Rev and Ronnie were there as well as Grizz and most of the other members, including Sick Boy. "What the fuck happened?" Oz asked as he got there. Skinner was talking with Ronnie, Rev turned to Oz "We don't know, just that Bigfoot was found stabbed outside, cut missing. They also found a waitress not too far away, stabbed to death as well right now cops don't know if it's a robbery gone bad or what" Rev said relaying the info Grizz had received.

Jester came running to the bar, "Are you fucking kidding me? Bigfoot? How many fucking guys did they need for that?" Jester asked as he met with Oz and Rev. "We don't know" Rev said, " you think it's another MC?" Jester asked quickly, "I...don't...know!" Rev repeated, clearly getting annoyed with questions. "Here's the thing're here on a fake passport...they start asking question..." Rev said, Oz nodded "yeah I got it" he replied. The passport he used was pretty much cosmetic, it'd hold up to a basic border check, but anything deeper would have exposed it. "We got a couple guys on doctored, Skinner and Ronnie are going to hang out here for a bit and see if we can't sort shit out. I want you and Ronnie to lead the guys who gotta book it back home...Grizz is going to hang with us so you'll need to find another Road Captain" Rev said as Oz nodded. "What about the hang around?" Oz asked referring to Davis, "He's gotta book it too...we're just keeping a few members back, and of course me and Skinner. The hang around can take Liz and Misty with him in the SUV...but those are our girls...I aint trusting them to some hang around punk...I'm putting that on you bro" Rev said, Oz nodded "Like a baby in the cradle brother" he said as Rev gave him a high five. "Grizz is getting the word out to the members, meet up with Ronnie, sort shit out and then get the hell out of Dodge got it brother?" Rev asked. "We're gone in less than 30 bro" Oz said as he grabbed Ronnie.

"Hey man, we need a Road Captain, any ideas?" Ronnie asked, "You're asking the guy who just got to the club?" Oz said laughing, "Yeah...make a call" Ronnie said. Oz thought for a moment, "Sick Boy...seems like he could handle himself" Ronnie nodded, "Good choice..I'll get him, as soon as guys are saddled we're rolling." he said. Oz nodded and headed back to the hotel room.


Chazz and Reese had been in the midst of their action when Chazz's phone went off. He ignored it the first time but the second time told him it was probably important. He checked the text message, "Fuck!" he exclaimed as he read a brief mass text from Grizz informing members of what'd happened. Reese look confused, "Hey...get dressed...we gotta go" he said, as he tossed her a water bottle "Drink some water, it'll help you sober up a bit quicker" he said as he quickly got his clothes on.

It took Chazz a bit longer to get down because of Reese still being somewhat high...thank god he didn't give her the near pure dose pill. By the time he got down word had gotten out and the members were milling around. Chazz and Reese ran into Davis who didn't look overly happy to see his sister high as kite. "Hey man...she needs to ride back with you, cause she ain't going to be able to hang onto a bike like this" Chazz said, he didn't really care if Davis was mad, a Sade had been killed and once they got the women safe and things sorted out...somebody was going to have hell to pay. He kissed Reese "I'll see ya when we get home babe" he said as he went to get his bike.

Ronnie came down and Misty and Liz were with him, he walked over to Davis who was none to happy to see him, "Drop the fucking drama kid, you're driving the SUV, you got these two coming with you as well" Ronnie said. Davis asked if he had a choice " can walk home and give me the keys...those are the options" Ronnie said.

Jester came down with Darla, helping her walk from the elevator, "Hey she's coming with you right" Jester said, he saw Liz and Misty and Reese, "Looks like you got a full ride home" Jester said. He could tell Jester was still mad, "Hey listen, you want to be mad, we can do that later, right now somebody killed a Sade and somebody has to make sure the women get home safe...if that's not you, then we'll find somebody else, but a good friend of mine was just found lying dead in an alley so I'm in no mood for bullshit right now" Jester said, clearly a mixture of emotions.


Oz made his way to the hotel room, Melina was sitting on the bed ready to go. "It's Bigfoot...he was stabbed, they found a waitress nearby, same deal. Not sure about anything else, but I do know that I got a fake passport so we gotta get the hell out of here" Melina nodded as she seemed ready to go right away. Great in bed, good looking, and she didn't have 100 questions to ask in the middle of a crisis, "You've gotta be too good to be true" Oz said with a grin as he gave her a deep kiss quickly as they headed down.

Once downstairs Oz led Melina to his bike and fired it up. Rev was in the parking lot "Have a safe ride home...the kid's taking the girls home...but like I said, if something happens..." Oz nodded "Nothing happens" he said with a grin as Rev gave him a high five again "Find out who the fuck did this" Oz said as Rev nodded.

Sick Boy was waiting at the front, Ronnie had asked him to ride as Road Captain, maybe it was best, that way nobody would see him looking nervous. Oz rolled up beside Ronnie, they glanced back to see the crew that was heading back to be pretty much assembled. "Hang on anything hard you can find" Oz said with a grin to Melina as he gave her one more kiss. Sick Boy signalled to the back and they saw the SUV's lights go on, then Ronnie put his hand up and all the bikes in line fired their engines, and just like that, they were pulling out of the parking lot, headed for home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Davis Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Darla Kendrick
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Davis wasn't peeved, until he saw Reese was high, Darla was hurting and now he had to ride with the Queen Bitch and the indifferent.

Oh the Joy...

Reese smiled at him brightly. "Oh, Hi Davey." She grinned. Davis palmed his forehead. "Whoa, someone is flying real high, huh?" Misty said as he ushered all of the women to the car. Liz had shot gun, which left Misty, Darla and Reese in the back

As they drove, Reese looked over at Misty. "You are soo pretty." Reese breathed and Misty looked over at her. "Get. away. from. me." She said and Reese reached for her hair. "Hansel, Gretel's about loose teeth back here."
Davis groaned. "Reese cut it out..." He said, sounding like a parent talking to a child. "But she is." Reese sighed. "I want to paint you?"
"You wanna what?!" Misty asked.
"I want paint your picture."
"You need to drink your water and sober up, before you're unconscious for the rest of the ride." Reese pouted. "That's not very nice." She said sat back against the seat. Darla looked over at her. "Hey Babydoll, Here, Why don't you draw on this?" She said, her voice was small as she handed her a pen and a notepad she'd swiped from the hotel. Reese beamed. "Thank you!" she said and hugged her. Davis caught Darla's wince even through her smile.
He set his jaw and kept his eyes on the road.

The rest of the ride was quiet for the most part. Misty was playing with her cellphone, Reese sketching on the notepad Darla had given her. Darla and Liz were sound asleep.

Reese had sobered up but she still wanted to draw Misty, to her amazement, the little sketches turned out beautifully. "Look." Reese peeped. Misty groaned. "What no-holy shit." She gasped as she saw a ink sketch of herself leaning against the window. Misty was shocked. She looked pretty, like some sort of model. Reese smiled as Misty's looked over the drawing. "You're sober, right?" Reese looked away and nodded. "You were high when you said you wanted to paint me." Misty said. Reese nodded again. "You're really pretty, and when I saw you looking out the window, I wanted to draw it. You're a perfect model." Reese said softly. Misty looked at her. "Yea whatever, You're annoying when you're high." She said and it was quiet from then on. Reese had fallen asleep and leaned on to Misty's shoulder. Misty shoved her off of her but Reese was out cold and every turn, Davis made, she lollied back to Misty's shoulder. Misty huffed but as she looked down at the sleeping Reese, she couldn't help find the little lost girl, adorable. She looked like she didn't have care in the world while she slept. At the same time, she hated her, She had a talent, something she could use to provide for herself. What could Misty do? Nothing. She had to rely on Rev. She loved Rev but that still wasn't something she wanted to be stuck on. Misty just sat back against the seat, letting Reese lean against her shoulder. She envied Reese, she realised. When she was sober anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Rev Character Portrait: Grizz Character Portrait: Skinner Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Ronnie
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Skinner, Rev, and Grizz met together in Skinner's hotel suite.

"So what do we know so far?" Skinner asked. "Well, he was stabbed to death. Cops figure the same weapon used on him killed the waitress too. What they don't know is who was killed first. Did somebody kill Bigfoot, and then the waitress comes out and sees it, so she gets killed too...or vice versa" Grizz said. "I'd say Bigfoot was first...if he steps into that alley and sees somebody knifing the waitress, he'd have stopped him, meaning the bodies wouldn't have been on opposite ends of the alley" Rev said. "Also Bigfoot was packing, and his gun ain't anywhere" Grizz said. "That's a good point...we're all packing, so it couldn't have been a rival gang, as soon as he'd have seen the colours he'd have pulled his gun..." Skinner said thinking out loud "And you know he'd have dropped at least one before they got to him" Rev added, "and had it gone down that way he'd have been shot, what Outlaw is going to bring a knife to a gun fight" Grizz added as well. "So he knew whoever it was" Skinner said, "Or he wasn't feeling threatened" Rev continued. "But his cut is gone...who'd pull his colours off of him if it wasn't another MC?" Skinner asked out loud. "Maybe somebody thought they could get money for it?" Rev offered, "But we just said it couldn't have been a robbery" Grizz stated. "This is a fucking casino, there's gotta be video tape" Skinner said, Rev shook his head "Not in the alley, they were replacing the camera there but it wasn't a priority" Rev said. "You know Bigfoot had Sade tats all won't take em long to wanna start asking questions, do we want to be around for that?" Grizz asked. "Well we obviously didn't kill our own guy, so let's hear what they got to ask, maybe it'll give us an idea of what happened" Skinner said.


They all got back to the clubhouse after a long ride back home.

Chazz walked up as they were piling out of the SUV, he kissed Reese who obviously had sobered up "Mmm missed you on my bike baby" Chazz said as he kissed her some more, his hands trailing down to grab her ass.

Ronnie was getting off his bike as Davis and Darla walked past him into the clubhouse, "Hey baby, did you have fun last night?" Ronnie said with a smirk, he laughed as he saw Davis' glare at him.

Liz walked with Misty into the clubhouse, "Hey, how about a drink....or a couple?" Liz asked Misty as she walked to the bar, and giggled at Misty's response.

Oz turned to Melina, "We got a spare room in the clubhouse...unless you want me to take you home" Oz said with a grin as he kissed her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Davis Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Chazz Character Portrait: Liz
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Reese didn't know how to react when Chazz came over and kissed her. Were they dating now? Was he her boyfriend? She didn't know where they stood but all she knew now was she liked it, whatever this was. "Mmm missed you on my bike baby." He said and kissed her some more, she smiled against his lips, her eyes fluttering closed but they snapped back opened as he grabbed her ass. She giggled and relaxed a bit, hoping Davis didn't see this. She pulled away some. "Do you mind taking me home?" She asked, her heart was racing at the possibilites. "I had fun riding with you." She said biting her lip bashfully.

Davis helped Darla out of the SUV. "Hey are--"
"Please, don't." Darla said and Davis sighed but continued to help her anyway. "Hey Baby, did you have fun last night?"
Ronnie said and Davis shot him an icy glare. He wondered darkly if he could make it look like he robbed the bank or forge some papers, get him sent to prison forever. He official hated that son of a bitch...
"Davis...It's alright." Darla said through a forced smile. Davis shook his head didn't say anything. He didn't even want to know what he did to'll only piss him off even further knowing there was nothing he could do about it

He caught up to Jester as Darla made her way inside. "Here, Thanks." He said, handing him the keys, obviously still sick he had to let this happen. "I'mma head home, maybe take my sister home...thought she seems preoccupied." He said with a small chuckle as he caught her with Chazz. He was pissed about that too, Her being high like that. That was obviously what was wrong with her the other day. He didn't bother with it now. She wasn't hurt and when she was sober she was fine. "Anyway, thanks again for the invite and sorry if I got you in trouble with him. My bad." He said with a nod. He had his skateboard waiting inside, he grabbed it and started to roll off. "Reese, you got a ride?" He called back. "Yes, thank you." she replied and with that he took off.

"Hey, how about a drink...or a couple?" Liz asked. Oh this was gonna be something to get used to. Misty smirked regardless. "You got to ride shotgun, I was stuck in the back with the lost girl over there." She said nodding to Reese who had Chazz all over her. "I need a couple." She said and Liz giggled.

"We got a spare room in the clubhouse...unless you wanr me to take you home." Melina wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her. "Mm, I'd much prefer my King size at home." She said. "We needn't worry about interruptions." She said with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Chazz Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Melina Singh
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Liz poured two glasses, one for her and one for Misty, "Round 1" she said with a grin as she handed it to Misty. "Ya know you give that chick a pretty hard time huh?" Liz said as Misty made another comment about Reese. "I remember this one time this blonde chick punched me out right here in the clubhouse, she'd had enough of me treating her like a bitch and giving her a hard time whenever I could" Liz grinned at Misty, playing along Misty sarcastically asked what happened. "Well...when I gave her a chance, I found out she wasn't that bad to be around" Liz said with a grin, noticing the awkward smile on Misty's face.


Chazz and Reese made out a bit more after Reese asked about going home. "I got a better idea" Chazz said as he still held her close. "What if I take you back to my place" Chazz whispered, kissing her neck as he held her, hearing her respond to his actions. Before she could answer he cut in, "You know what...I'm you kinda have to go wherever I want huh?" Chazz said with a grin as they kept kissing. He then helped Reese over and onto his bike and they headed off.


Oz grinned, grabbing her ass and pulling her close to him as she mentioned her place. "Looks like somebody wants the home field advantage huh?" Oz said as they kissed some more and Melina responded to his comment. "Alright...but you're making me breakfast tomorrow" he said as she replied again. They kissed a few more times and then were on his bike and on their way to her place.


Liz and Misty were on round...well they had lost count at 6, and that's was a few drinks ago. "You know....I hated it when you first arrived" Liz said, her words a little slurred. "Cause I'd take my place...." she rambled, Misty made a slurred comment disagreeing, saying she couldn't, "'re're blonde..." Liz said as both women giggled for some reason, "and you're" Liz said, she had been leaning over and now her face was inches from Misty's as both women stared at each other in the eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oz Character Portrait: Reese Morgan Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Chazz Character Portrait: Liz Character Portrait: Melina Singh
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"I got a better idea." He said and he kissed her some more. "Why don't I take you back to my place?" He suggested and began kissing her neck. She sighed softly, her eyes fluttering with a soft smile on her face. "Ye--"
"You know what...I'm you kinda have to go wherever I want huh?"He said and kissed her again. She giggled' "I guess so." She said and after he helped her to the bike, they headed to his place.

Once there, he showed her around. It could use a little tidying but it was nice. She turned to him with a small smile. She was nervous and excited and he could probably see that in her face. She took a seat on the sofa and smiled up at him. She knew what he wanted and she was more then willing to give it but at the same time, she was still nervous.

Looks like somebody wants the home field advantage huh?" Oz said and they kissed again. "That and I won at BlackJack. So I get to call the shots tonight." She said and to her surprise he obliged. "Alright..,but you're making me breakfast tomorrow. She said. "I'll make you dinner as well." She said and after a few moments of kissing, they were off to her condo.
Once they were there, he commented on her very modern decor. "I have hobbies." She said as she kicked off her heels. "Do you mind helping me out of my dress?" She asked, her voice smooth as silk as she pulled her hair to the side, revealing the zipper at the nape of her neck.

"You know...I hated it when you first arrived." Liz managed. Misty, who was just as inebriated as she was, looked confused. "Cause I'd take my place..."
"Ain't nobody takin'---takin' your place, You're married." She said as if it were obvious. "'re're blonde..." Misty laughed at that, why hell is she knew. "And you'" Liz said, leaning over. Misty just looked at her. "You say that--like you're not sexy your own damn self." Misty said and her finger found its way over to her low cut of her top. "I'd fuck you in a heartbeat." She whispered and before the two of them knew it they were making out at the bar.