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Secret Heroes of the Imperium

Secret Heroes of the Imperium


A Roleplay of Grim Proportions. Take on the role of an Inquisitor's retainer, and assist him as he battles the enemies of Humanity.

1,848 readers have visited Secret Heroes of the Imperium since cha-kun created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in this deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest among His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so mucch has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark far future there is only war. There is no peace among the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition, more commonly known as the Inquisition, are a powerful organisation and secret police of the Imperium responsible for guarding the souls of humanity. The purpose of the Inquisition is to identify and destroy the myriad of potential threats to the Imperium and humanity. The organisation's members are agents known as Inquisitors.

The actual founding of the Inquisition is shrouded in mystery and there are at least two different stories surrounding its formation.

The first is that in the twilight hours prior to His internment within the Golden Throne, while Terra lay besieged by the traitor forces of Warmaster Horus, the Emperor of Mankind commanded Malcador the Sigillite to seek out "men of character, skill, and determination" to be tested and trained so that an elite group of investigators might be tasked to discover the alien, mutant, and heretic. Immediately prior to his assault on Horus's battlebarge, Malcador presents twelve individuals to the Emperor, eight Astartes and four humans who he has gathered in response to the Emperor's commands. The Astartes are described as having cast aside their allegiance to their Primarch and Legion who sided with Horus; Malcador goes on to say that they are blessed with paranormal skills which are most apt in combating the horrors that have recently emerged from the warp9. Although the identities of the twelve presented to the Emperor are never revealed, it is known that among those individuals recruited by Malcador were Captain Nathaniel Garro of the Death Guard, Captain Iacton Qruze of the Luna Wolves, and Sister of Silence Amendera Kendel.

The second story is that immediately after the Emperor was interred in his Golden Throne, four trusted servants of the Emperor gathered in secret to discuss what was to happen next. Their opinions were divided; two believed the Emperor could be returned to life, the other two believed it folly to interfere with the events that had unfolded. The two resurrectionists, known as Promeus and Moriana, left Terra to begin their quest to bring the Emperor back to life. The two that remained acted quickly to establish themselves with the Senatorum Imperialis and created an organisation to combat the efforts of Promeus and Moriana; and it was from this seed, the Inquisition was formed.

It is not known whether these two stories are simply a case of conflicting background, or whether both stories contain some element of truth. It is said that when the Senatorum Imperialis was convened on the first anniversary of the Emperor's Ascension, a grim-faced man joined the council and identified himself as a representative of the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition. The fact that they called themselves "Orders" plural could be taken to suggest that the early Inquisition was an amalgamation of several organisations.

Within the modern Inquisition of M41 there are three Ordos Majoris; Xenos, Malleus, and Hereticus, and an unknown number of Ordos Minoris. Each branch specialises in the combat and investigation of specific threats to the Imperial domain. While Inquisitors from any Ordo are trained to deal with all potential dangers, it is the role of the Ordos to produce agents who are particularly adept at understanding and destroying specific abominations. Membership of an Ordo is not mandatory, and there are those Inquisitors who prefer not to join one.

Ordo Malleus (The Threat Beyond) - Destroys daemonic threats and investigates the nature of the Daemon. The Ordo came into being immediately after the Horus Heresy, and therefore has been a part of the Inquisition from the beginning.
Ordo Hereticus (The Threat Within) - Investigates and roots out heresy, mutation, and rogue psykers from humanity, and polices the Ecclesiarchy. The Ordo Hereticus was founded following the events of the Age of Apostasy.
Ordo Xenos (The Threat Without) - Investigates and eliminates alien influence and plots against the Imperium. It is not known when the Ordo Xenos was founded, however it is believed to be of a similar age to the Ordo Malleus.
In addition to the three major Ordos, there are an unknown number of Ordos Minoris. To date, only two of the minor Ordos have been explored in detail, however rumours abound of Ordos created to police the workings of the Blackships, the Imperial military and others whose sole task is to purge the ranks of the Inquisition itself.

Ordo Sepulturum - Researches current plagues afflicting the Imperium and determines how best to contain, destroy, and cure them. Created to investigate an increase in outbreaks of the Zombie Plague just before the 13th Black Crusade.
Ordo Sicarius - Founded to police the activities of the Officio Assassinorum following the events of the Wars of Vindication which resulted from the events of Vandire's Reign of Blood.
Ordo Chronos - A ill-fated organization in which all members vanished.

As well as the Ordos, there are many types of Inquisitorial groupings that an Inquisitor may belong to, however as with the Ordos, membership of these is not mandatory.

Conclaves - Inquisitorial Conclaves can take two forms. The first is a gatherings called by an Inquisitor (if called by an Inquisitor Lord it is termed a "High Conclave") to discuss a particular subject 6. There are also more permanent regional Conclaves; these are federations of Inquisitors who watch over a particular area of Imperial space. The larger of these regional Conclaves may have resources such as ships, armies, fortresses, and libraries for the use of their members. Not all sectors of Imperial space are covered by a Conclave, and some areas are devoid of a permanent Inquisitorial presence. The head of each regional Conclave is normally an Inquisitor Lord, and is nominally appointed by the High Lords of Terra. There are also Conclaves operating at the Segmentum level, again headed by an Inquisitor Lord.
Cabals - A Cabal is a rare body instituted by a Conclave and dedicated to investigating a particular matter. Generally they gather Inquisitors from varied backgrounds and philosophies to form a specialist task-force. Often, Cabals are despised by many who see them as secret societies within a Conclave.
Cells - Similar to a Cabal, a Cell is an ad-hoc group of Inquisitors who share a common goal. Often they are factional in nature, or are formed to confront a particular problem. The principle difference between Cabals and Cells is that the latter are entirely informal and are transitive in nature. Often one or more of the Inquisitors in the Cell will work overtly through investigation while the rest proceed through infiltration.

As a completely autonomous Imperial organisation beyond the power of the Adeptus Terra, the Inquisition is immensely powerful. As the Inquisition's duties involve the scrutiny and policing of the other organisations of the Imperium, the Inquisition itself is answerable to no higher power except the Emperor. No one, except the Emperor himself, is beyond the scrutiny of the Inquisition. This power is officially known as the Inquisitorial Remit or Inquisitorial Mandate.

With the exception of the Ministorum (which, in any case is still under outside Imperial restrictions), the Inquisition is the only organisation of Imperial government that is completely autonomous. Unlike other Imperial organisations, it is not a branch of the massive Adeptus Terra, but a self-contained organisation answerable only to itself. The Inquisition itself uses compounds scattered throughout the Imperium known as Inquisitorial Fortresses as its bases of operation.

The role of the ordinary Inquisitor is to investigate and deal with all potential threats to mankind and the Imperium. In the eyes of the Inquisition, there are multitudes of such potential threats. The main threat is posed not by invading aliens, but from within, by corruption and disloyalty within the Imperial organisations, as well as by psykers. The other threat posed from within is that of mutation, the constant corruption of the human gene-pool. There are no bounds to the Inquisition's area of responsibility: alien plots, mutation, political corruption, and incompetence all come under their jurisdiction.

If required, Inquisitors may call on the service and/or resources of any Imperial servant or organisation. Not even a High Lord of Terra may refuse the order of an Inquisitor without good reason. This power extends across the Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus Mechanicus, however learned Inquisitors show discretion and request the assistance of the Space Marines and attempt not to anger the Adepts of Mars.

The role of the Inquisition requires proactivity and efficiency unbound by the dogmatic bureaucracy common to most other Imperial departments. Accordingly, there is little in the way of hierarchy or departmentalisation within the Inquisition. Authority within the Inquisition is governed by two factors - reputation and influence. Seniority is in itself no indicator of authority, however most Inquisitors will take heed of the wisdom an older and more experienced peer.

Because the Inquisition are the watchdogs of the Imperium, answerable only to themselves, given almost absolute power, along with such broad jurisdiction, corruption is an ever present danger. Its integrity is therefore upheld by constant self-policing and scrutiny. In the earliest editions of the background, this was the stated role of the Ordo Malleus, which were the Inquisition's secretive Inner Order.

As per the Inquisitorial Remit, Inquisitors hold the absolute power to judge all who fall beneath their gaze. The Inquisition holds countless paths to death that usually correspond to the level of guilt of the condemned. The horrors of arco-flagellation, Penal Legion conscription, or binding to a Penitent Engine are a small sample of unique forms of penitence and absolution that Inquisitors use on a regular basis.

Inquisitors have the authority to condemn an entire world to Exterminatus if it is deemed to be irredeemably corrupt. Exterminatus, the obliteration of a world, is only resorted to when the level of corruption a world bears is so monumental that it cannot be wiped out by any other means.

Although there is no formal system of ranks or command in the Inquisition, save for the recognition that the Emperor is the highest ranked figure and supreme commander, there are a number of positions that may be held by an Inquisitor. These positions do not bring any more authority (an Inquisitor's authority is already absolute), however the incumbent Inquisitor will have increased influence over his peers by virtue of his office. The powerful Inquisitorial Representative represents the organization on the High Lords of Terra.

Recruitment within the Inquisition is not centralized, and an Inquisitor is free to recruit whoever he so chooses as an acolyte. There are many different names given to acolytes, Interrogator, Explicator, Neophyte, Novitiates, Approbators, etc, but in themselves they carry no authority (only that which they are granted by their Inquisitor). Although some Inquisitors may have their acolytes pass through various "ranks" on their progression to Inquisitor, those ranks are not standardized across the Inquisition. However, within individual conclaves there may be established conventions for temporarily granting the Inquisitional remit to an acolyte within the scope of a particular assignment. Within the Calixis and surrounding sectors such an individual is known as a Legate Investigator. Legates are identified by an icon known as a Sigil of Question which contains features similar to a rosette, and a Carta of Inquiry which describes the scope of their investigation.

For an acolyte to be raised to the rank of Inquisitor, the consent of three Inquisitors or an Inquisitor Lord is required. There have been cases where the situation has called for an acolyte to take on full Inquisitorial responsibilities immediately without the blessing of three Inquisitors or a Lord. For example if their Inquisitor is killed in action, their apprentice may inherit their Inquisitorial Seal and fulfil the role of an Inquisitor subject to repeal by another Inquisitor.

The Inquisition can be broadly divided into two differing schools of thought: Puritanism and Radicalism.

To the conservative Puritans, it is of the utmost importance that Inquisition doctrine be upheld, and are often found persecuting those Inquisitors who are deemed heretical.

The pragmatic Radical Inquisitors follow the Imperial doctrines in spirit, believing that the ends justify the means, and find little value in adhering to convention too closely. They often try to fight fire with fire, using Chaos or alien weaponry, employing Daemonhosts, or committing other acts that would be deemed heretical by their more conservative brethren.

Inquisitors of both sides are found in great number, and while often at odds with each other, are equally interested in the survival of mankind and the defeat of its enemies. Puritans and Radicals are further divided into individual philosophies, leading to further friction.

You stand in an enormous amphitheater big enough to seat thousands, but right now it appears to be holding less than one hundred. A young man stands on the pulpit in the center of the room and begins to speak, "I am Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne, and I am gathering a group of worthy individuals to serve the Emperor in all of His holy light. The Inquisition has gathered the best warriors and most talented technological adepts in all of the Imperium. And they have given me pick of the litter. You might be a Seraph of the Adepta Sororitas. Or a member of the Comissariat, freshly graduated from the Schola Progena. You could simply be a normal citizen, who happens to be a master hacker. Or you could be one of The Emperor's mightiest warriors, the Adeptus Astartes. It makes no matter who you are. What does matter is that you have recieved the distinct honor of being chosen by the Holy Inquisition of the Emperor, and should you be chosen by me you will be taking part in a mission of great importance to the Imperium. I will not lie, as a member of the Ordos you will see things that would no doubt crush the minds of ordinary men and women." He pauses and looks around the room, searching for signs of doubt, "Keep in mind that you are not volunteers. Should you be chosen you will have no choice but to accept my decision. Now, proceed through the doors to your left and you will be proccessed."

As the fresh-faced Inquisitor atop the pedastal ends his speech you stand, along with the hundred or so other men and women, and begin shuffling towards the doors that he indicated. They open to an enormous passageway that narrows the further you walk, funneling the mass of bodies into a series of tunnels and passageways, culminating in an ornate corridor, covered in art declaring the Emperor's might. You sit in this ornate lobby for what feels like days, waiting for your chance to stand face to face with the Inquisitor. One of the Inquisitor's attendants steps through the door and calls your name. You step through the door and find yourself in front of the Inquisitor's desk. He motions to the chair in front of you.

"Please, have a seat." Despite his friendly smile, you notice that he is critically eyeing your every movement as you sit in the plush, leather chair. A servo-skull floats over and begins scanning you, recording your body temperature, heartbeat, and so on. He notes your concern, "Oh, don't mind him." He clicks a button on his desk and a cogitator nearby comes to life recording every word said here for posterity. "Just relax, and this should all be over soon, alright? Now, let's see here, who might you be?" He reaches to the stack of folders to his left and pulls out a small unassuming folder.

DATE: 0023045.M42
From the desk of Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne.
Citizen Identification Number: (example: xxxxx-xxx-ABCxxxx)
First: MI: Last:
M: F:
Birthplace (City):
Birthplace (Planet):
Birthplace (Sector):
Birthplace (Segmentum):
Current Residence (Adress):
Current Residence (City):
Current Residence (Planet):
Current Residence (System):
Current Residence (Sub-Sector):
Current Residence (Sector):
Current Residence (Segmentum):

Blood Type:
Height: (Metric Please)
Weight: (Again, Metric Please)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Physical Appearance:
Psychological Profile:
Psyker (Check One) Y: N:
If Yes What Category: (Use Imperial Assignment Scale. For an explanation of Assignment Scale See:
If Yes What Is/Are Their Psychic Abilitie(s):
Family (Alive or Deceased):
Personal Funds/ Monetary Assets:
Current Proffession (If Applicable):
Skills and Apptitudes:
Personal History: (Be short and succinct, and use Imperial Dating System when writing individual events. For explanation of Imperial Dating System See:

Intelligence Quotient:
Neural Wavelength Frequency:
Spacial Reasoning Score:
Linguistic Apptitude:

Check One (Inquisitorial Use Only):

Toggle Rules

1: Please be crative when creating your characters, I don't want an entire team of Psykers, or an entire team of teenagers. It just isn't believable.
2: If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I will answer them at my earliest convenience.
3: Please don't god-mod, or make the RP just about you. It just isn't fun for the rest of us. Oh, and feel free to call me out when I start to make it all about me, because that is liable to happen.
4: Keep the Romance PG-13 please.
5: Have fun.
6. I will be making a character and be NPCing and playing fate. My word is almost final. If you do not agree with something I say, you can speak up. If we do not reach an agreement, we can hold a vote in OCC. If the majority of people support your decision over mine, I will revoke whatever it is I did.
7. Be aware, there are many, many, MANY gruesome ways to die in this RP. Such as; being melted my the acidic ichor of a dying tyranid, having your head lopped off by an Ork, having your flesh flensed off of your body and tortured by Dark Eldar, being torn apart, molecule by molecule, from a Gauss rifle's blast, having your head blown clean off by a Tau rail gun, or even taking a bullet in the chest during a conventional gunfight. If your character dies, don't panic. Simply make another one and Inquisitor Osbourne will see the exceptional abilities he/she possesses and decide to add them to his retinue.
8. If you have any questions or concerns, please PM me. It does not bother me in the least, and I can always spare the time.
9. Don't be rude to other people. I can not stand people who are rude, but don't let this stop you turning to chaos and stabbing us all in the back IC.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
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#, as written by Rill
Thungrim Thunderfist glanced round as the heard the door open behind him, admitting two figures to the otherwise deserted bridge.

They both appeared to be human, although one was decked out in an array of primitive technological enhancements and red robes, marking him out as a Tech Priest, the other appeared to be a scrawny solider of some description...


The Engineer roared in response to the latter's comment, clenching his Powerfist, sending tendrils of energy coursing through the armoured gauntlet...

"I'm a Squat, Laddie!! An' what aere ye supposed tae be, some sort of scrawny, Beardless Eldar..?!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
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0.00 INK

"I'm a Squat, Laddie!! An' what aere ye supposed tae be, some sort of scrawny, Beardless Eldar..?!" shouted the short, stocky man they'd found in the bridge. Worryingly, he was brandishing some sort of power fist, and based on the visual distortions around the gauntlet, the weapon was armed.

Without looking down, holt retrieved the gelt-gun from the holster on his belt using one of his manipulator tendrils and subtly passed it up to his left hand. The ancient laspistol emitted a high pitch whine as he flicked the weapon's power switch to "ON".

"I would very much prefer that this encounter remain civil squat, and as such, I would ask you to lower your weapon and I would do the same." said the Tech-Priest.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill

The Dwarf snorted, ignoring the primitive weapon being pointed at him and turned back to the controls.

"Ach put yer pea shooter away manling,"
The Engineer grunted,
"It wouldn't do ye much good if I had a true grudge tae settle anyway... Ratling indeed!"

With another muttered "HMPF!" Thungrim dismissed the two foolish creatures from his attention and resumed his work at the ships control system.

"Come from the engine room did ya?"

He grunted, nodding to the map of the ships layout up on the screen.

"Well ye better not 'ave broken anything, some of us 'ave work tae do here!"

Tapping a final button, Thungrim shut off the big screen and got back to his feet, before stamping past the two humans, again ignoring the moronic creatures, and back out into the corridor, this time heading for the Engine Room himself, partly because the Inquisitor had request he do so before take off and also, in part, to ensure the two scrawny monkeys had not damaged any of the machinery...

"HA! Tech Priests..."
He muttered, shaking his head as he strode off down the corridor,
"All the gear an' no idea!"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by cha-kun
Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne shot up in bed. He looked around, his hair all atangle. "Oh, yes, that's right." He shuffled his way out of bed, and over to his closet, where he pulled out a a very plush, black robe. He walked over to his desk, and sat in his thick, leather armchair. He sat with his head in his hands and his elbows on his desk for a few minutes. He looked up after a few minutes and pressed the activation rune on his intercom, "Ahem! Would anyone who is a member of my crew please follow the red line that is about to light up? It will lead you to my briefing suite. Thank you, that is all." He put his head in his hands again, "Ugh, alright, let's go." He walked over to his brewer, and made himself a heaping mug of Tanna, with plenty of cream and lilly honey. He took it with him down to the briefing suite, where he picked up a dataslate, and read recent news reports while he waited in his robe for his team to meet him.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

"Sacrilegious little mutants..." muttered the Tech-Priest.

"Ahem! Would anyone who is a member of my crew please follow the red line that is about to light up? It will lead you to my briefing suite. Thank you, that is all." said the voice of the Inquisitor over the ship's intercom. As he finished speaking, a line of red floor lights flickered to life, just as he said.

"It seems our host has called for us." said a female voice from behind Varn and Holt. The Tech-Priest turned to see the Navigator from earlier stepping out of the Navigator's pit.

"I suppose you were here the whole time and did not care to involve yourself in this conversation?" asked Holt, turning to leave.

"Precisely." said the Navigator, who was somehow standing right next to the exit, despite having been across the room just a moment earlier.

"Bloody psykers..." said Holt under his breath, before following the Navigator out.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar
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Arcturas nodded in response towards the psyker. He had no ill feelings towards the Atellus fellow, despite them being opposite ends of the spectrum. He had to respect the lack pleasantry the fellows went through being around other beings, let alone blanks, so he didn't act with any hostility when dealing with psykers that were not hostile, which was a rarity due to this condition. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Kaener. I guess you would be part of the good Inquisitor's team?"

Arcturas looked up at the PA system as the Inquisitor gave the order to group up, and he nodded towards the psyker as the path lit up. "Show time." With that he went off, a healthy speed thanks to his strides, giving the psyker all the room in the world for moving about. He doubted he and the psyker would really interact much beyond this, simply for the health and sanity's sake of the man.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saxious
"I'm a Squat, Laddie!! An' what aere ye supposed tae be, some sort of scrawny, Beardless Eldar..?!"

Varn blinked for a few moment, "First off, what the frak is an Eldar? Second, what's a Squat? You're the same size as a ratling, how can't you be one?" Varn demanded, he had never heard any of the terms before, and similarly, he had never seen a powerfist before. "What is that thing on your hand? Some form of augmentation or - " Varn didn't get any further in his question when the Inquisitor's message was broadcasted across the ship, red lines began to illuminate the direction that the people had to go.

"It seems our host has called for us." another voice said behind Varn, and he spun around and saw a tall woman in robes standing nearby them. "I suppose you were here the whole time and did not care to involve yourself in this conversation?" The Tech-Priest asked, and the woman responded "Precisely."
"You know," Varn said to both the so-called Squat and Tristan, "I'm already to think that the Penal Legionnaires are more sane than the people we'll be dealing with."

Varn then started to follow the directions of the red illuminated lines. I'm glad that I don't have any valuables on me right now, that Squat Ratling would probably nap them, even with that meatloaf sized augment hand of his, Varn thought as he walked down the hallway, trying to stay somewhat close to the others.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
Thungrim Thunderfist was already a good halfway to the engine (So of course the Guardsman could not possibly still be addressing him) room when the tannoy blared into life.
This also meant that he missed the 'Mutant' comment, which was just as well as brutally murdering a Tech Priest before the ship even took off, while doing the universe a favour, would not exactly be productive to the mission.

As the red lines flared into life upon the floor, Thungrim began to follow, pausing only briefly at a nearby access terminal and, having produced a strange looting runic tool from his belt, proceeded to shut off all electricity, plumbing and air conditioning to the Tech Priests quarters.

"Next time it'll be a bolt round."
The Dwarf grunted, returning the tool to his belt as he stumped away.


Some minutes later saw the large, double doors to the briefing suite slid open to admit Thungrim Thunderfist, who came striding in, a stein of ale gripped in one fist.

"Ach ye need a proper drink, manling!"
The Squat grunted, nodding to the Inquisitors tea, before taking a long draught of his own beverage.

Refusing to suffer the indignity of sitting in yet another Manling sized chair, The Engineer leaned back against the wall, producing his pipe once more from his belt as he did so.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

"First off, what the frak is an Eldar? Second, what's a Squat? You're the same size as a ratling, how can't you be one?" the Tech-Priest heard Varn muttering.

Was not deployed against either Eldar breed then.

"What is that thing on your hand? Some form of augmentation or - " he continued, before realizing the engineer had left the room.

"You know," Varn said to both the odd looking woman and the Tech-Priest, "I'm already to think that the Penal Legionnaires are more sane than the people we'll be dealing with."

"I believe what just occurred requires some explanation." said Holt.

"Mr Gaius, that was a squat, not a ratling. The two are entirely unrelated breeds of abhumans. It is understandable how a person not schooled in xenobiology could mistake one for the other, but in the presence of either of them, it can be a deadly mistake, particularly when the offended party is a squat. That one happens to be armed with a power-fist, though I am not entirely sure whether it was augmentic or merely a gauntlet. As for your other question, the Eldar are a particularly dangerous xeno-breed, for reasons that are to complicated to explain. Now then, let's get going."

Holt turned to follow the guidance lights. After a relatively short walk, he came to the door of the briefing room, and found the Inquisitor and the squat already there. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the Navigator and Varn not far behind him.

Squat was clearly operating bridge controls. Should avoid future contact, for the sake of not getting spaced.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar
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#, as written by Hydrall
Atellus nodded, about to speak, when the lights on the floor flashed on. He looked down, raising an eyebrow, and caught a glimpse of the Blank hurrying off.

Certainly an interesting comrade, but not one I'm keening on working with.

Atellus took his own leisurely pace towards the briefing room, letting his psychic sight expand again. He was already beginning to work on a way to avoid looking at the blank- Or, indeed, anything like him, to make a hole in his vision. It would be a useful skill to have in the employ of an inquisitor, though he would need to be careful, lest he unwittingly ignore something vitally important.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saxious
Varn followed Tristan, so far he was the only person he knew on the ship, so he would stick around till he started to know anyone else (and with all luck, they would be more... normal). Eventually they reached the Inquisitor's chamber and Varn's mind was immediately blown away with what he saw. The furniture was something Varn thought to rival that of Frenksworld's Governor, the artwork that decorated the walls varied from (what Varn would consider) masterpieces to hideous and disfigured paintings. Varn couldn't help but to stare in awe and impression at the many tomes and scrolls, unaware his left hand slowly reached out to pick up a thin book from the shelves when his attention was diverted elsewhere.

He looked at the Inquisitor's bar and marveled. The two years he had been on Sheol XVI, he had forgotten what it was like drinking alcohol, and while he had been on Malice, he had been drinking dirty water for most of the time. There was a part of Varn that seemed almost... Disgusted by the idea of drinking poison for ones liver, though as sweet memories on Frenksworld returned, the feeling was washed away.
He then snapped out of his awe, realizing he was standing before his superior, "Legionnaire number 11A-6224-QD6TG-4XN5, at your service and disposal, melord," Varn saluted, old instincts snapping back into play, though he quickly added, "I mean... Legionnaire, Varn Gaius, melord."
He gave a nervous glance to the Squat that leaned against the wall while he smoked his pipe. "Erhm... Melord... Will there be others?" Varn asked, with a sense of nervousness. He had been surrounded by hardend criminals and Arbites for two and a half year now so he felt awkward and out of place, standing in his prison ragged clothes and with his Legionnaire tattoo imprinted on his forehead while everyone else present were... 'civil' in comparison.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus Character Portrait: Grag Badruk Character Portrait: Atellus Isha Havelock
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#, as written by cha-kun
Volsk nodded and downed his tea, "Mmph! Aahh! delicious. Now, onto business, first thing's first," He reached over to the table next to his chair and picked up a small, grey, metallic box, and tossed it to Arcturas, "That is your limiter, it will limit the void that you create, making your presence here much more bearable for those of us who are of the psychic persuasion." He turned his head to the Navigator seated in the chair next to him, "Ah, the ever beautiful Yolande Visus," He took her hand and kissed it, "How are you today my dear?" They always started briefings with a small bit of banter. As she finished telling him about her day to day events, he stood and adressed the group around him as a few more of his team, already well entrenched in his life, began shuffling their way into the briefing room, "Welcome, those of you who have not had the pleasure of my informal acquaintance, I am Volsk Osbourne, and I offer my hospitality to you. Any questions before we begin?"

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus Character Portrait: Atellus Isha Havelock
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Holt made a sound somewhat like that of clearing one's throat.

"If I may my Lord, I have a question of a rather complicated nature regarding this ship which has been troubling me since shortly after I came aboard it. said the Tech-Priest. "In the few hours I have spent aboard this vessel, it has become very apparent to me that the size of this ship's crew is well below the minimum size necessary for the operation of an ordinary ship of this class."

Holt paused for a moment in hesitation.

"I also briefly visited the ship's Enginarium, and found the entrance secured by an advanced gene-lock, something which seems out of place in an area of a vessel that would normally see hundreds of Tech-Adepts and servitors entering and exiting it every day. I would like to know how it is you have achieved this degree of automation. Know that I am making no accusations and mean no disrespect, and that I will accept your decision should you choose not to answer my question, but I would at least like an assurance that this vessel is not tainted by the use of forbidden technologies—namely that of the abominable intelligence—so that I may put my mind at ease regarding this issue." said Holt. As the words left his vox implant, he felt a sense of growing dread as he noticed many of the people in the room were staring—and in the case of the Navigator, glaring—at him.

Omnissiah preserve me, it had to be asked. Have not impliated Gaius, though the Squat will most certainly inform Osbourne that he was there. thought Holt.

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#, as written by cha-kun
Volsk smiled at the tech-priest, "Well to answer your question, this ship has been fitted with extensive amounts of slave-circuitry. They are controlled by a virtual intelligence. Which is simply a hyper-advanced cogitator. Not the abominable intelligence, which you seem to fear so much. It can control nearly all aspects of the ship, however, I can assume direct control at any time I wish, ensuring that I can adjust the ship's operation at any time I wish." He took another sip of his tanna, "There, have I alleviated your fears dear tech-priest? Any other questions? Anybody?" He looked at Yolande, "You seem quiet today, my lady, what seems to be the matter?"

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Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar
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#, as written by Hydrall
Atellus frowned. An artificial intelligence? Are Inquisitors exempt from the rules the Machine Priests have put on themselves? He shook his head. This could only end badly, like it had every time before. There was a reason the Emperor forbid their use. Perhaps this one was better controlled, or perhaps not, but Atellus made a mental note to learn the location of the escape pods as soon as he could.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
Flipping open his tobacco pouch, Thungrim Thunderfist expertly thumbed down a wad of the leaf into the bowl of his pipe and, tugging a small metallic rod from his tool belt, pressed one of the runes adorning its length, this resulted in a flame leaping to life at the end of the tool, which he then touched to his pipe.

Soon the Dwarf Engineer was puffing away, watching the manlings argue about their ship from within a haze of acrid, purple smoke, Squat tobacco was an acquired taste, much like their ale, the flagon full of which he now raised to his lips, briefly removing the pip in order to allow him to take a swig.

It appeared the womanly Tech Priest was worried he may be flying in a possessed ship, while the Inquisitor insisted that it was merely run by an 'artificial' intelligence.
The Squat snorted to himself, expelling great twin gouts of smoke from his nostrils as he did so, it was unlikely the robed manling was overly concerned, more trying to show off his intelligence by questioning the workings of their vessel...

The Squat grunted,

"I'll graft some runes of protection into the Enginarium, Key Engine parts, Hull an' Bridge,"
Thunderfist announced,
"My brother was the Rune Priest but every Engineer knows how tae protect his machinery, they'll banish an' keep out any Daemons that might try tae tamper with the Ships workings... IF we Do happen tae have a Daemon stashed away on board somewhere ye may want tae tell me..."

He added, winking roguishly to the Inquisitor before continuing,
"Other than that, if she flies, she flies, although I've yet tae have a proper look at how she works as long as she doesn't drop us in the middle of the Warp, I'm happy."

The Engineer stroked his bread with one hand as he continued,
"As fer my question, manling, it's quite simple... Where are we heading?"

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus Character Portrait: Grag Badruk Character Portrait: Atellus Isha Havelock
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Holt nodded. "If I understand what you are saying correctly, I would guess that the virtual intelligence you are referring to a are a form of archeotech voidship cogitator. While I have read of such things in Mechanicus texts, I have never seen one myself; they are exceedingly rare, even among ships belonging to the Priesthood."

"Fascinating." he added.

Across the room, Holt noticed the squat engineer lighting his pipe.

Damnit! Does nobody here understand how much damage smoke inflicts on air filters!? thought Holt.

"I'll graft some runes of protection into the Enginarium, Key Engine parts, Hull an' Bridge,"

"My brother was the Rune Priest but every Engineer knows how tae protect his machinery, they'll banish an' keep out any Daemons that might try tae tamper with the Ships workings... IF we Do happen tae have a Daemon stashed away on board somewhere ye may want tae tell me..."

"I think you misunderstand my question, squat. I was alluding to the possibility that the ship's core bore a soulless sentience, an entity which is entirely the opposite of a daemon, but equally abominable. Either way, I am satisfied with the Inquisitor's answer." said Holt.

"You seem quiet today, my lady, what seems to be the matter?" said the Inquisitor, addressing the Navigator from earlier.

Yolande glanced away from the Tech-Priest to acknowledge the question. Internally, Holt breathed a sigh of relief. Even with a psychic-dampening headband covering her third eye, the glare of the Navigator's unblinking greyish-black eyes was quite disconcerting.

"Oh nothing my lord. There just happens to be a gaping hole in the warp sitting a few feet away from me. He has yet to turn on that limiter device you gave him, and it's giving me a rather dreadful headache. No offense of course Mr Serdali."
said the Navigator, looking over at the Detective seated across the room.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
"Yer question does not interest me, manling. Important machinery needs tae be protected an' I intend tae install the Runes anyway."
The Engineer replied gruffly, taking another draught of his pipe.

"But seeing as yer satisfied now, perhaps we ken get on with his...?"
He added, turning back to the Inquisitor...
Making a mental note as he did so that the Tech Priest had not considered the possibility of a Daemon fused with the ship in his rush to question and criticise it's workings, a foolish oversight or perhaps something more? For all their piety, humans could be remarkably careless.

"Where are we bound, manling?"
He repeated to Osbourne,
"Nice as this lil gathering is, some of us 'ave work tae do!"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by cha-kun
Osbourne finished his tea and nodded to the squat, "Ah, excellent question, I suppose i should begin the briefing. After all that is the purpose of this gathering. Business first, play later, as they say." he retrieved a remote from the folds of his robes and clicked one of the buttons on it. A holoprojector whirred to life, and projected in the center of the room a photograph of a man apparently in his late forties, with dark hair, a thin mustache, and a haughty expression. Volsk pointed to the picter, "This is a picture of one Humeras Tolenka, the planetary governor for a little known hive world oout in the Eastern Fringe. He died last night of an inexplicable heart attack." Heclicked the button again, showing the picture of a young woman, possibly in her mid-twenties, "This is Ramanja Coreva, a respected and very wealthy dignitary from the same world, she died three weeks ago, again of an inexplicable heart attack. There are many of these occurances occuring, and I do not mean one or two isolated cases here and there. I mean hundreds of cases popping up every day, all of whic follow a similar, if strange, pattern. They all occur amongst high standing members of society, all those afflicted were young, not nearly old enough to require juvenat of any kind, and they all occur on the same planet. Any questions so far? or is everyone following so far?" He glanced around the room.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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"I am following." said Holt.

"I assume that these bodies were examined by various qualified medicae, which means poison can probably be ruled out." He continued.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saxious
Hell's bells, what are they talking about? Runes and 'Daemons'... What are Daemons even? Is it another form of xeno? Varn thought, clearly puzzled by the terms, but the moment the word 'psyker' was said, his lips moved silently, saying 'Frak me'. Like any other Imperial Citizen, Varn had been taught to fear and distrust psykers and time in prison and Legion certainly hadn't dulled that fear, for he had heard stories how Sheol XVI had hidden cells where rouge psykers were stored and rumors had once circled the Legion that they had a psyker whose own powers blew himself to pieces. Confidence in such people was not something that Varn could offer openly. Oh, and what had the Navigator meant by there was 'a gaping hole in the warp sitting a few feet away from me'? Varn couldn't see anything abnormal in the room, and this Mr. Serdali seemed to be another ordinary human.

Varn made a mental note to have a discussion with either the Tech-Priest, or the Inquisitor, as they seemed to know more about what was going on. He then turned his attention to the briefing, already regretting not brining some form of paper to take notes on, though he'd have to endure.
"... poison can probably be ruled out" Tristan said, though Varn added, "And radiation. I don't know about this Hive World, but on Frenksworld we had radioactive chemicals going through our Spire pipes, and unless monitored properly, they could end up in the upper Hive, and that could turn ugly when they mixed with the wrong chemicals." Varn said. "Do continue," he then said, signaling that he was following.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
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0.00 INK

Arcturas had silently slipped in along with some others, and had taken to a chair near one of the walls, sitting with both arms propped against his legs, leaned forward while everyone else talked and pleasantries were shared. He caught and equipped on the limiter that the Inquisitor gave him and turned it on, nodding and shrugging that no offense was taken. He was thinking about what little he knew so far, not giving the psykers previous unpleasant feelings around him a second thought. They had a Squat, psyker, what looked like a penal legionnaire, the ship Navigator, and a tech priest of some variety or another. Quite the colorful bunch in the detective's opinion, and eventually the conversation turned to business itself. The first problem, it seemed unusual and unexplainable heart attacks were occurring amongst the various youth of the higher ups. He spoke to the Navigator before the turn to business, inclining his head in her direction. "Apologies ma'am, and no offense taken. Just glad to be less problematic."

Any number of things could be at cause, he thought as he leaned back to get a larger look at things, knowing how rich youth acted. He dealt with enough, thinking their name and money put them above the sniffing and hunting of hounds like him. It didn't. He folded his hands as the tech priest and the Penal Legionnaire spoke in and gave their bits of information. He was inclined to disagree with the tech priest, and spoke up, hands still folded. As he spoke and questioned, it was clear he had gears turning in his head, as the saying went, and was already mentally running down different potential scenarios. "I wouldn't rule out the qualified medicae bit, these are rich boys and girls, their parents could pay for anything dirty to be covered up. Its a Hiveworld, that sort of thing is commonplace in general. Now, I do have a few questions, and pardon me if you'll be answering them later. What cult activity has been reported on the planet? If no overt cults, rich clubs that are focused on pleasure, martial prowess, knowledge, to potentially unhealthy extremes? I'll save my other questions for later, if they prove necessary."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
Thungrim Thunderfist stroked his beard as he contemplated the Inquisitors words, puffing away thoughtfully on his pipe as he did so.
Finally, the Dwarf removed the stem from his mouth and, as the Detective finished his questions, put in one of his own.

"Any signs of stigma or mutation on the bodies?"
He grunted,
Knocking out the bowl of his pipe against his breast plate as he did so, before reaching for his tobacco pouch once more.

"How about spores? Stealer Cult DNA?"
The Squat continued,
His being a proud, ancient yet depleted race that knew well to consider the worst first and foremost and be ready to meet it head on.

"May be we have tae carry out our own autopsy of the bodies."
He added, once again quietly amazed at how swiftly the Tech Priest had been to brush over something that could prove so potentially vital to the Mission.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
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0.00 INK

"May be we have tae carry out our own autopsy of the bodies." said the squat.

Holt nodded in response to the abhumans statement.

"Yes, that would be prudent. While I am doubtful that the deaths were caused by poisons, considering the logistical difficultly of accomplishing such a poisoning on such a large scale with no blatant information leaks in such a way that it would not be noticed by a standard autopsy, it should not be ruled out; I misspoke. The other possibilities you mentioned ought to be considered as well." said the Tech-Priest.

"I wouldn't rule out the qualified medicae bit, these are rich boys and girls, their parents could pay for anything dirty to be covered up. Its a Hiveworld, that sort of thing is commonplace in general. Now, I do have a few questions, and pardon me if you'll be answering them later. What cult activity has been reported on the planet? If no overt cults, rich clubs that are focused on pleasure, martial prowess, knowledge, to potentially unhealthy extremes? I'll save my other questions for later, if they prove necessary." said one of the men sitting on the other side of the table.

Gaping hole in the warp? wondered Holt. He had never heard of the term before. That said, he recognized the symbols on the man's uniform. Adeptus Arbites, detective. Learning the basics of identifying members of different branches of the Adeptus Terra had been one of the first things he'd learned after leaving Eridani Regius, as Explorators interacted with them so often.

"I am inclined to agree with you Detective, though once again I question the logistical feasibility of silencing the hundreds of medicae who would no doubt have examined the bodies; one mistake on the part of the perpetrator's agents would mean discovery in that case. I am not entirely sure what you are implying by 'clubs dedicated on pleasure, martial prowess, and so on', and as far as xenos are concerned, such a scheme could very well have been instigated by the eldar." said Holt.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali Character Portrait: Tristan Holt Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
"Nothing should be ruled out, lad."
The Squat corrected the human,
"An' Every possibility should be considered, when dealing with the unknown in this way, only a fool leaps wit'oot looking."

The Engineer clamped the stem of his pipe between his teeth once more and resumed puffing as he watched the Tech Priest go on to question the detectives questions to the Inquisitor... A very counter productive feat.

"Private Clubs dedicated tae Pleasure, Martial powers an' Knowledge..."
Thungrim grunted,
Shaking his head at the Priest's lack of uptake, were all humans this slow? The Detective at least appeared to be thinking along the right lines.
"Cults, laddie, he's talkin' about Chaos Cults!"

Thunderfist scowled,
"An' as far as the Eldar are concerned, (Bunch o' treacherous, Oath breaking beard shavers!!) I wouldn't put it past em... Bloody pointy ears."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gazel  Norex Rung
Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar
Character Portrait: Alicia Sabine
Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali
Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
Character Portrait: Tristan Holt
Character Portrait: Varn Gaius
Character Portrait: Grag Badruk
Character Portrait: Rabalian Tathell
Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
Character Portrait: Nomina Kellier


Character Portrait: Nomina Kellier
Nomina Kellier

The Ghost in your Cogitator

Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
Lady Yolande of House Visus

The Navigator of Inquisitor Osbourne's ship, and a scion of the esteemed Magisterial House Visus

Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
Thungrim Thunderfist

"Ach now listen good Laddie, there's nothing solves a Grudge quite so well as half a ton of high explosives!"

Character Portrait: Rabalian Tathell
Rabalian Tathell

"Just hold on tight, I can fly this thing, no problem!"

Character Portrait: Grag Badruk
Grag Badruk

'' I juss' do what da boss says..''

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius
Varn Gaius

"They vaporized... By the God-Emperor, what have I done?"

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt
Tristan Holt

"I have braved the farthest reaches of this galaxy for the Quest, and I have succeeded where so many others failed, yet they claim my methods are wanting?"

Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne

The leader of our merry band of misfits.

Character Portrait: Arcturas Serdali
Arcturas Serdali

"I am Judge, Jury, and if need be, Executioner of those who defy Imperial Law."

Character Portrait: Alicia Sabine
Alicia Sabine

"Taking the long view is all well and prudent, but take care that you don't become so preoccupied with it that you miss what's right under your nose."


Character Portrait: Rabalian Tathell
Rabalian Tathell

"Just hold on tight, I can fly this thing, no problem!"

Character Portrait: Nomina Kellier
Nomina Kellier

The Ghost in your Cogitator

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt
Tristan Holt

"I have braved the farthest reaches of this galaxy for the Quest, and I have succeeded where so many others failed, yet they claim my methods are wanting?"

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius
Varn Gaius

"They vaporized... By the God-Emperor, what have I done?"

Character Portrait: Grag Badruk
Grag Badruk

'' I juss' do what da boss says..''

Character Portrait: Atellus Kaenar
Atellus Kaenar

"The Warp howls like the storm, but I remain a rock within it."

Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne

The leader of our merry band of misfits.

Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
Lady Yolande of House Visus

The Navigator of Inquisitor Osbourne's ship, and a scion of the esteemed Magisterial House Visus

Character Portrait: Gazel  Norex Rung
Gazel Norex Rung

Why does it matter how I do it? I kill the emperors enemies.

Character Portrait: Alicia Sabine
Alicia Sabine

"Taking the long view is all well and prudent, but take care that you don't become so preoccupied with it that you miss what's right under your nose."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gazel  Norex Rung
Gazel Norex Rung

Why does it matter how I do it? I kill the emperors enemies.

Character Portrait: Nomina Kellier
Nomina Kellier

The Ghost in your Cogitator

Character Portrait: Alicia Sabine
Alicia Sabine

"Taking the long view is all well and prudent, but take care that you don't become so preoccupied with it that you miss what's right under your nose."

Character Portrait: Varn Gaius
Varn Gaius

"They vaporized... By the God-Emperor, what have I done?"

Character Portrait: Lady Yolande of House Visus
Lady Yolande of House Visus

The Navigator of Inquisitor Osbourne's ship, and a scion of the esteemed Magisterial House Visus

Character Portrait: Tristan Holt
Tristan Holt

"I have braved the farthest reaches of this galaxy for the Quest, and I have succeeded where so many others failed, yet they claim my methods are wanting?"

Character Portrait: Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne
Inquisitor Volsk Osbourne

The leader of our merry band of misfits.

Character Portrait: Grag Badruk
Grag Badruk

'' I juss' do what da boss says..''

Character Portrait: Thungrim Thunderfist
Thungrim Thunderfist

"Ach now listen good Laddie, there's nothing solves a Grudge quite so well as half a ton of high explosives!"

Character Portrait: Rabalian Tathell
Rabalian Tathell

"Just hold on tight, I can fly this thing, no problem!"

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