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Rinko Sakuraji

"Being alone isn't so bad..."

0 · 285 views · located in Tanaka Science Building Ruins

a character in “Shin Megami Tensei Persona: Dreamless Nights”, originally authored by Pyroteknik, as played by RolePlayGateway



The one who controls my fate:
~White Rook ~

I art thou:
I was named: Rinko Sakuraji
However I prefer: Just Rinko would do fine, were she sufficiently friendly with anyone.
I have traveled on the path of faith for: . . . 16 years.
I am: ♀
Can't you tell? I'm : Heterosexual
I-I can't t-tell you that!: N/A as of now
I am in: 11th Grade (2-A)
My weapon of choice: Tonfa-- it should be noted that she doesn't have any formal training in their use, so mostly her battle strategy takes advantage of the flexibility and core strength a lifetime of gymnastics and dance classes has given her, and she tries to figure out the implements as best she can. She's got the spinning part down, but the hitting part seems to be a matter of luck. Either she'll land a really good hit... or a really bad one, so it makes more sense to fall back on her Persona. Nevertheless, when she does succeed, she's a very close-range combatant, able to get under the guard of longer-reach attacks by taking advantage of her small size and personal agility. She is small, however, and consequently not very strong, meaning that too many hits will put her down pretty fast compared to people with more endurance.
Basic Attack Type: Strike


This is who I am:
Other: Rinko is perhaps 5’3” in height, making her modest in this respect but not completely out of place for a Japanese female. Her build is primarily slender, though she is in quite good shape. Her strange coloration, silver-white hair and golden eyes, occasionally earns her a weird stare or two, but considering the sheer variety of hair dyes and colored contact lenses and aesthetic sensibilities to be found in Tokyo, most aren’t all that concerned by her odd looks. She seems often to have a vaguely dreamy look about her, as though her thoughts were elsewhere.

This is the true me
You can find me to be:
Rinko is a little strange, to be completely honest. She’s very much a daydreamer, and can come off as a bit irresponsible or silly to people who don’t know her well. She professes to believe in things like monsters and ghosts, and to have conversed with them on previous occasions. The fact that she often seems to be staring into the middle distance and speaks in a lyrical, melodic kind of voice doesn’t really do much to help matters.

Somehow despite this, she seems to be in possession of rather a lot of information, both useful andâ€Ļ not-so-relevant, and she doesn’t hesitate to share it if asked. She wears a mysterious smile that promises more to her than most would think, and though her mannerisms may be odd, she is incredibly kind, and an excellent listener, inclined to take the time out of her day to help anyone with a problem, though her solutions may not always be the most conventional. There are few people that know this, for though she has her own kind of unique charm, she is rather quiet and shy for the most part, fearing to approach others. Her oddness was the cause of much bullying when she was in elementary and middle school, causing her to transfer to Nadeshiko Academy for her last two years of high school.

She’s an excellent student, and more observant than she’s usually given credit for, though she’ll never volunteer an answer in class. When she’s called on, though, she’s rarely wrong, even if she’s just been staring out the window the whole time. New to the area, she doesn’t yet have any friends.

My story:
Rinko’s mother died in childbirth, and so she grew up in a single-parent household. Her father is very caring, if a little overprotective, and never sought to curb his daughter’s imagination. His family have been the keepers of a well-known shrine in Tokyo for several decades, and so he doesn’t find her stories of speaking to spirits to be that strange or unusual at all, and encouraged her to spend time at the shrine and train to become a shrine maiden. She wasn’t really interested, but she does still help out on the busier days, like whenever the shrine hosts a traditional Shinto wedding or something of that nature.

Her uncle, a professor at Tokyo University, is also very close to the family. Between the two men, Rinko was somehow raised into the person that she is today, and though their little family is small, she does not want for parental affection. In fact, given the somewhat-overbearing nature of the both of them, she thought it better to move into the school dorms, at least for the year, to try and experience what it must be like living on her own. Thus far, she’s found it quite lonely, as there doesn’t seem to be any inclination here to do anything but ignore the “ghost girl” in the back of the classroom.

Where I hang out: Rinko works as the sole member of the Library Committee, which mostly entails helping the school librarian re-shelve books and checking them out for people. She's the secretary of the Student Council, mostly responsible for keeping everyone organized and writing minutes for the meetings, as well as compiling reports for the President and Vice-President when necessary. She's been a gymnast for as long as she can remember, but the school doesn't have any kind of gymnastics club, so she can't exactly practice anywhere except the gym during times when other clubs aren't occupying it or outside.

My fears:
It may not seem like it from the plainness with which she bares her oddity to the world, but Rinko has a deep fear of rejection that often stops her from initiating interaction with others. She also dislikes the dark, though unless it’s pitch-black, she can handle it all right. She has to sleep with a light on, actually, if just a small one.

What I hide from others:
Though she seems like the kind of person that’s perfectly content as she is, Rinko is unspeakably lonely. She’s never had a friend before, and that makes social interaction a bit awkward to say the least. She also has a bit of a romantic soul, and tends to pair the people she sees on a daily basis, and do tiny things to play matchmaker if possible. Her insight into the personalities of others actually helps with this.

Thou art I
My arcana is: The Fool
My persona's name: Benzaiten
Skills: Zio, Dia, Mazio
Strengths: Lightning
Weaknesses: Fire
Traits: Benzaiten is primarily a magic-oriented persona, with equal focus on attacking (via lightning spells and later light) and healing. Though agile, she is not the most durable, and will take a beating quicker than Personas with more endurance.
My persona looks like:

My favorite Persona character is:

So begins...

Rinko Sakuraji's Story

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Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Guest


On the other side of the school, the library was a relative bastion of peace and quiet, having no bombastic Council President to shatter the stillness of the early morning. Indeed, quiet fell with an almost sacred air here, as though even the motes of dust were bidden to be as silent as possible, out of respect perhaps for the librarian, an aging man with salt-and-pepper hair and a stern, brisk demeanor. Seldom were any students wont to disturb the sanctity of the place so early in the morning, though a few had managed to drag themselves out of their beds at this ungodly hour to try and fit in a few more minutes of studying before the bell would herald the beginning of the day’s activities in earnest.

In one of the side aisles, a student pushed a cart burdened with books in need of re-shelving, a job that Takenari-sensei had decided with some dubiousness to entrust to his solitary helper, a girl with a thousand-yard stare and an unassuming demeanor. He’d been skeptical that a daydreamer would possess the mental discipline necessary to comprehend the organizational system, but somehow, she’d managed.

Whatever the case, Rinko was just about done with the morning’s work, and was considering getting a head start on sorting the new books into their proper locations when a shout echoed down the hallway, full of righteous indignation and quite a lot of energy. That, of course, could only belong to the president. Muffled though it was at this distance, it was still audible in the silence of the library, and Rinko froze mid-motion, blinking several times as if to confirm that she had, indeed, just heard that. The President must be angrier than usual if she was audible all the way down here. Odd, since she was fairly sure this was the wrong day for a meeting, but then again, who knew? Takenari-sensei looked up from his morning newspaper, sending a glare in the general direction of the voice, muttering something under his breath about disrespectful punks, but Rinko only smiled. He was a grumpy person, it was true, but he had a good heart underneath all that.

Deciding to forgo the new books for the moment, Rinko returned the cart to its place, checking the clock on the wall and determining that she still had a little while before she had to be in class. Walking back to the fiction section of the library, she picked out a book she’d been meaning to read for a while now and brought it to the front counter. She could of course check it out herself, and so she didn’t bother Takenari-sensei about it, sliding the novel into her school bag and closing the clasp. “I’m going to class now, Takenari-sensei,” she informed him quietly. This drew his attention, and he looked up at her over the broadsheet, fixing her with a scrutinizing look over his reading spectacles. In the end, though, he just nodded, which was as much a dismissal as she was going to get.

Shutting the sliding door behind her as softly as she could, Rinko took a deep breath and started for her homeroom. Her days had a certain kind of quiet monotony, which she supposed wasn’t exactly bad, butâ€Ļ she couldn’t help but wish something would change, just enough to make life exciting again. She’d enjoyed her life much more as a child; now, it was simply something she did because there was nothing else to really do. Maybe this year would be different, but thus far, it hadn’t really changed much, and she wasn’t really inclined to get her hopes up for it. Stillâ€Ļ it couldn’t hurt to wish for that, could it?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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The PA system went off, signalling to be silent. The voice came on soon, the voice of the principal as he spoke. "All Teachers please stop your classes and come to the faculty for an emergency meeting. All students, please remain in your seats and wait for further instructions." There was a pause before the message repeated clear once again. The PA let out another ding noise to signal the end of the announcement. All teachers filed out of their classrooms, reminding students to wait quietly and patiently until they came back.

The only teacher that did not leave was the class teacher for 3-A. Mainly because the teacher didn't show up for the homeroom. Students then began talking once all the teachers were out of the classroom. Rumors began floating around, about how the teacher of 3-A had passed away because of the new disease that was going on. At 8:30, the student news came on. Along with the daily announcements, the student reporter read a message from the Student president.

"Attention all seniors and student council members! Please remember our special event this Friday! Along with our event,there will be spooky stories tell, so please report to the tree boundary by 8 PM! All Club leaders, Student Council, are required to go! Thank you!"

With the last announcement said, the ending played out the daily show. It was 8:45 AM when the PA came alive once again. "Students, please report back to your dorms. Due to an emergency, School will be started next week monday along with the orientation . We are sorry for the delay." The message played once more, and students all but cheered. They quickly filed out, heading back to their dorms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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0.00 INK

(EDIT. Didn't mean to tag Rinko. Sorry)


"This is absurd!"

A voice exploded throughout the traditional mansion. Guards stood in their hired positions, hands behind their back and all of them wore black suits and pants, coupled with black sunglasses. Two particularly large men were guarding in front of a large door, with engravings all over it. Inside it was Kayama Shinjiro sitting in seiza. Sitting in front of his was his parents, Akira Shinjiro and Kikyo Shinjiro. "What is this absurdity about a special event where club leaders and student councils has to do?! I will not allow it!" The father shouted at the young man with his head held low. Since young, Akira had ruled the Shinjiro family with a firm fist, and what with Kayama being his son, Akira wanted his son to be able to be as strong and influencing as his father. In short, it's just his father being too bossy on his son's life.

"But dear, this is an event made by the school. We mustn't ruin our son's position in the school just because its absurd." His mother, Kikyo Shinjiro, had a really, really annoying voice. Her usual bitchy(Excuse my language) speech pisses just about anyone off. Anyone who had seen this pair would immediately want to strangle them or leave on the spot. Kayama was able to endure this couple for 17 years, and that is really impressive.

But Akira's strength was something undeniable. He fought with three masters of whatever sports they were in with bare hands without breaking a sweat. Accompanied by wealth and fame, anyone married to this bastard here is just about as lucky as striking triple 777s two times in a row. "Hmph. I do not care. He can go to that stupid event. We won't have any harm to ourselves, and my son would be more known for taking that event bravely." The stern man crossed his arms. He looked the other way, while Kayama lowers his head more, moving his body into a bowing position. "Yes, father. I shall take the event with courage and I shall not let you down, father."

As the black-haired young man packed his bag, he sighed. In more ways than one, he had hatched a few plans to "remove" his family and take over the mansion, however, he thought that he could not fail. He tried to escape his fate more than ten years ago, yet the consequence that lied before that could still be remembered. That feeling of being able to only eat once in a week, as you try to survive starvation, trying to avoid death as it slowly wraps its chilly skeleton fingers around his neck. "Well, I don't have time to worry about it now. For now, I'll just see what happens in that little "event" of ours."

It's only been 10 minutes, yet Kayama had already reached the school with no figure in sight. The darkness of the night shrouds the entire school grounds, as from afar, nothing could be seen. The only thing that lights up the area was the moon. He walks the road in silence, as he listens to the MP3 player connected with headphones he had recently bought himself. He thought that when he takes walks like these, listening to music was the best thing to be accompanied with.

Kayama had already shut himself off from the rest of the world and music was the only thing filling up his mind. If he had walked in literal silence, those painful memories would just come back to him again. He would want to stay in his best shape before returning home from this event. However, when he thought that he was the one to reach the place first, there was already two here; Ryuka Hageshi, current student council president and a screaming and pounding machine. Really, she's so damn famous in the school that one or two weeks after staying here, you would know her and will want to stay as far away from her as possible.

The other was Enya Katryiana. If memories served well, she was in the female's Kendo Club and is of the 3-dan. She was taught by her father Iaido and Iaijutsu, thus she had received permission from the school to bring her katana along. "Well, I don't really mind anyway. It doesn't make much difference who joins us. I just want to get over with this as early as possible." Kayama thought to himself. Once he had reached the two, he decided to lean himself against a nearby tree. He would wait until everyone is here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Guest


She had only just made it to her classroom, where she filed into her seat in the back just before the grating sound of the bell, when it seemed she was excused again. School’s official start was delayed by a week, and the explanation did not seem to be immediately forthcoming. In the next few days, a bit of judicious internet use would uncover the real cause: the homeroom teacher of class 3-A had died of some mysterious disease. Curious about this syndrome, so unlike anything she’d ever heard of before, Rinko did a little more digging, and discovered that in fact, the teacher was not the first person to die suddenly and unexpectedly thus.

Pushing back her desk chair, she studied the screen intently for a few more moments, as though considering something, but in the end, she shook her head and closed out of the window, standing up and pulling on her uniform jacket. She wore the school’s uniform to regulation rather than adding anything extra to it—she already tended to get the occasional strange or disapproving look for her hair color, but she couldn’t do anything about that and she didn’t want to make matters worse. Sheâ€Ļ supposed she could dye it black, butâ€Ļ Rinko ran a strand through her forefinger and her thumb until it fell from the digits and landed in front of her shoulder. She kind of liked it the way it was, even if it was pretty weird.

Shaking off the thought, she pulled on her shoes and grabbed her bag. She’d been sure to pack a notebook and pencils in case there really were ghosts at the abandoned science building and she got the chance to interview them. She even had a list of questions for them, already written up, but of course the would probably produce many more on the spot, so more than anything, they were just conversation starters. If it was strange that she felt perfectly comfortable starting a conversation with a ghost but not a real, living person, she certainly did not realize it. If a ghost was mean to you, wellâ€Ļ it was dead and you weren’t. That was a pretty major advantage. Besides, she’d also made and packed paper talismans, and you couldn’t just purify a person.

Tying up her hair, Rinko braced herself for the first human contact she’d have in almost five whole days, as she tended to keep odd hours at the dorm and didn’t really run into anyone. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she trekked the half-mile or so to campus, making a beeline for the Tanaka Science Building, now derelict after a supposed accident several years ago. She’d done her research on this, too, but there seemed to be precious little information, and no hint as to why the school hadn’t just torn it down already. Apparently, it had been the site of courage tests basically since it had been abandoned, and of course the popular student theory was that a student had died within and now haunted the place, seeking to drive out all intruders from her place of death.

While interesting, it didn’t sound like much ghost behavior she’d ever heard of, and unfortunately, Rinko was pretty sure this one was a hoax. That tended to happen. Regardless, she was required to be here as part of student council, and so while not in the least scared of what might happen, she wasn’t exactly excited either. Still, she conjured a small smile from somewhere inside herself and let it blossom over her face. Who knew, after all? There could be a ghost here, after all, and wouldn’t that be truly marvelous?

She reached campus apparently fourth of all the students, and blinked with some perplexity at the fact that one girl seemed to be carrying a real katana. Wasn’t live steel of that sort illegal in Tokyo? She’d never had reason to check before, of course, but maybe she would now. Not that she planned on reporting anything to the authorities if it was, she just liked to know things of that sort. Irrelevant facts, one might say.

“Hello, everyone,” she greeted mildly, unsure if there was something else she should say here. Probably, but alas, she knew not what, so unfortunately she just said the first thing that occurred to her. Since she was looking at the building, it was somewhat related to her observations. “This does look a bit haunted, I suppose.” It was certainly creepy enough.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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Ryuka nodded and said "I see, so it's only for practice..." She trailed off, as she heard footsteps. She turned slightly to see Kayama Shinjiro. From her memory, she identified him as a senior, and also the Kendo team. They had talked once of twice before, but never really had a personal talk. Mostly greetings during meetings or things so trivial you would forget about it the next day. Not to mention he was a bit of a loner in her opinion. The Kendo team loved him though...maybe he was a really good leader? Ryuka offered a short wave of greeting to the said student, before taking out a roll call list from her pocket. She found the name of Kayama, and checked it off quickly,as well as Enya's name since they were here. Withthat done, she checked herwatch once again."Why won't everyone come? I wanted to get this over with quickly!" she thought in her mind.

At first, coming towards them shemistook the girl for a ghost. She had white hair after all along with a strange golden eye coloring. Shealmost panicked until she saw it was just the Student council's secretary. As the girl greeted them, Ryuka gave another wave to the girl, shooting her a smile along the way. "Good mornin-" She caught herself mid sentence, before correcting herself. "Evening Sakuraji-chan! They only met mostly in the morning or afternoon. Not really at night. Ryuka nodded in agreement to the girl's comment, and responded by saying "A bit?...It looks completely haunted! I feel like something gonna come out and just take over our bodies and then!" She shuddered at the thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Keen

Or maybe not... Was the thought that crossed her mind after hearing the announcement over the intercom. With a sigh she glanced about the classroom, it seemed most of her peers were quite glad about the delay. As much as she liked the idea of another week off from school she couldn't be happy about it, something just didn't feel quite right, plus it meant another week of no class and no clubs which meant she wouldn't have much to do. With a sigh she remained in her seat, waiting until she was the last to leave to return to her dorm.

And she was right, it was looking to be a rather boring week. Fortunately while wandering about she ran across Ryuka who mentioned some sort of test of bravery in the old science building, it was supposed to be for seniors and she really didn't believe in ghosts or other supernatural junk like that but she was up for just about anything at this point, plus she might make a few more friends.

In preparation for the overnight stay she simply packed a set of clothes to sleep in, some small snacks and bottled drinks, and went out in her school uniform and a jacket. Mai was both a bit excited and nervous as she ran off towards the old science building. The campus looked and felt a lot different this late at night, it was surreal almost to venture about in a place that was normally quite familiar to her during the day but almost alien to her after the sun had fallen. Her pace slowed to a walk as she neared the designated meeting spot, straightening her clothes and hair a bit after all her running.

It seemed that she was the fifth one to arrive, three of the others were seniors, though that was to be expected considering this was an event specifically for them. The other girl was actually in her class, her silver hair and golden eyes were rather hard to miss. She gave a wave to the group, "Uh, hey there everyone, sorry if I'm late." She give a slightly more timid smile than she usually wore as she approached the silver haired girl. "Hey there... Uh, you're in class 2-A right? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing you in class." Her smile brightened as she spoke, "We got dismissed before we had the chance to introduce ourselves, my name's Mairu Tamura."

At this point she finally took a few moments to look the building and general area over. Huh... Guess this place is actually kinda spooky... Her gaze wandered over to the other students gathered here, one of them even had a weapon. Heh, with this group though I don't think I should have too much to be worried about. She returned her attention to Rinko, "Hm... So I'm guessing you're here since you're part of the student council? Or maybe you're just here cause you're bored like me, heh." She tried her best to conceal a yawn as she began to stretch, hoping to rid herself of some of her drowsiness.

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Mashotu

Shiese walked into the room with five other people. He seemed to have arrived only a bit after another girl with orange hair. She seemed happy and friendly. Shiese slinked into the classroom as he moved himself and his stuff to a seat and sat silently, looking at the others in the room shyly. He played with the chain connecting his lip and ear, just wanting something to do with his hands.

He'd spend the entire day yesterday debating if he'd even go to this thing. His sister practically had to push him out the door this morning 'cause he'd changed his mind so many times. Well... He was there now. Might as well stay there.

((OOC: Sorry it's so short. I'll type longer later on. I'm tired))

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Casey Alexander
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The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Casey Alexander
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Jack only barely tuned in to the announcement. The seniors were to meet up at that old abandoned building, burned down in a fire many years ago, later on that day. He had to return to his dorm to retrieve a few effects first, but he couldn't help but think how great an inspirational experience this would be.


He arrived in the evening, carrying a rucksack filled with his things: night clothes, toothbrush, sketchpad, spare film, etc. He came prepared, for anything inspirational. He noticed a group had already gathered there. He smiled, content. At least he wouldn't be the awkward one, standing alone by himself. Jack strode over to them, giving a rather halfhearted wave and a slight smile. "Pleased to see other people came," he said.

He examined the building: it was godforsaken. Burned to a blackened crisp, windows missing, having shattered long ago. The place was forlorn, and seemed to radiate with despair. Jack felt a chill creep up his spine at the thought of going in there. However, he couldn't wait to see the place from the inside. This event was a sort of rite of passage for the senior classes of his school. And now, he would partake in that tradition himself.

"I hope you all don't scare easy," Jack said, teasingly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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Ryuka sighed, and checked off the last few people. Well, it was time to head into the building. It was getting later by the second, the more they spent time here. She drew in a deep breath, and then said to the crowd of seniors. "Can I please have everyone's attention? We'll be heading in now!" Her voice sounded happy, and excited compared to what he was really feeling...which was dread. She shot them a smile, and opened the door to the building. There was debris littered all over the ground, black wood, broken glass, and other various burnt items. She looked up towards the ceiling, noting the way the moonlight could easily get into.

She led the group inside, into the next classroom ruins. The class room was fairly clean, since student council had came earlier to clean it up a bit. The old desks were pushed to the side, and a blue tarp was put down for students to set up their sleeping bags. She turned back to the crowd, and then said "Boys will be sleeping on the right,and girls on the left." She motioned with her hands when she talked. "If everyone could please set up for the night, then we can move into our activity for the night!" She paused, then added "Oh! Also, watch out for broken glass. It's in that corner. And no one is allowed to go further up stairs, only the first floor!"[/color] She finally remembered to breath, then said "Any Questions?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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0.00 INK


It was finally time. The event had started presumably without a full attendance, however, starting the event earlier was a smart idea. Time wouldn't just stop and wait for them to have everyone gathered up. It was getting later and later as they wait, so Kayama was relieved that they didn't have to wait any longer. A few people came here just in time, but when he noticed that they waved to the group, he didn't care. He thought for a moment that they might start throwing at him with questions why he didn't greet them, but it seemed that they did not.

As expected of an abandoned building, the inside were as messy as it could get. Debris decorated the hall, and while at some point it's pretty in it's own way. the fact that it blocked some of the halls wasn't really convincing. The burnt woods and broken glasses on the floor also proved a solid evidence that the building had an accident of wild fire and explosion before it was in the state it is today.

From the outside, the moon shone as hard as it could and brought light to various possible dark places, however, in the building, with the ceiling sealed tight, no light came in from above and only from the side do the light comes in. In the classroom they were supposed to be sleeping the night in had it's windows all broken, thus the classroom didn't seemed as dark as it should have been. Mountain of desks were stacked on top of each other and placed to the side. With the desks out of the way, the room seemed to have much more space for 8 people to set their sleeping bags in.

"Boys will be sleeping on the right,and girls on the left." She motioned with her hands when she talked. "If everyone could please set up for the night, then we can move into our activity for the night!" She paused, then added "Oh! Also, watch out for broken glass. It's in that corner. And no one is allowed to go further up stairs, only the first floor!"

As quick as he could, Kayama laid down his sleeping bag nearest to the door they entered from and dropped his light bag to the side. He wanted to sleep further from the others rather than sleeping in between or even close to them. There wasn't a reason why. He's just used to sleeping by himself and suddenly telling him to sleep with some other people he never talked to is just impossible. Right after he finished setting his things down, Ryuka asked whether anyone had any questions.

"No." Answered Kayama as short as he could. He made his way to the other door where they were heading out next and waited there, silently as he continued listening to his mp3 player while toying around with his phone for a while.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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0.00 INK

The president watched as most of the seniors spread out to do their own thing. She checked the time on her watch. 9:03 PM. She sighed a bit, a little discouraged at the time since they still had countless hours until they could return back to their dorms. Once again, Stupid tradition with their stupid haunted house crap and the stupid president that started it...How many stupids did she use? She pondered this as she placed her red sleeping bag down. It was slightly away from the walls because she swore if she slept by the walls she would regret it later since something might jump out and try to steal her soul. She paled slightly at the thought before shaking her head. Hearing the food announcement, she looked towards Enya, and said "Thanks Enya! That was really thoughtful!" With that said, she stood back up. Reaching inside her bag, she pulled out papers that were safely tucked into sheet protectors and began handing out to everyone there.

"Our first activity is a scavenger hunt! Around the first floor, there are hidden pieces of white cloth with the school name on them. Feel free to team up, but each of you must find at least 3 cloths to qualify for a ghost hunt on the second floor! " She said, though at the end of her announcement it was a bit forced...why the HELL would she agree to do this?! Ryuka had asked the previous president that graduated last year for help, and they had suggested going on a ghost hunt...Damn her, and her ways. Besides, they said no one ever went to the second floor...but for some reason, she had felt it would be a good idea to go to the second floor.

She cringed inwardly at the thought of going. Not to mention, she had brought candles to light the way, since candles supposedly encouraged ghost activities. Idiot...this was going to be the death of you...With that thought in mind, she went to one of the corners, and took out battery powered lamps that were here since last year, since seniors just left the lamp here. "Pick up your lamps here, and you can get started. Though please be careful not to trip or hurt yourselves. There is rubble all around the place." She trailed off, then continued "Once you have the three cloths, show them to me! I'll be hiding so you have to look!" She said again, a little too excitidly. Alone. In the dark. With ghosts. As company. Yep, she was gonna die tonight...Once again, she cursed the past presidents in her mind.
That was her only thought.

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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(Now I understand why there are so many undos here.)

The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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Lucius sat on the floor listening to all the announcements, and once he heard the challenge of the scavenger hunt, looked at the strip of cloth he had happened to pick up on his way in.

Well, he thought, smiling to himself, that's one down. We're gonna need two more if we want to make sure those people SURVIVE the next floors. Feel like a hunt, Maat? The golden goddess once again appeared in his mind's eye and smiled.

I would be a fool not to. And after all, it's your last year here, I'm glad you're feeling like getting along with everyone else for once.

With her statement, he stood up, pushing his body off the floor and rolling his back up so he would stay balanced, and raised his hand in the air, ribbon already tucked into pocket, making his eyes unfocus so he would appear to be sightless again.

"ALRIGHT, who wants to team up with the blind guy?" He said aloud, "I swear I won't be a TOTAL waste of space."