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Happily ever after? Not always. What REALLY happened to your character? What's your story?

2,449 readers have visited Tale since SugarNspikeS created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Everyone has a story. For Alex Kingsleigh, a painfully single, gay, comic book writer, when he receives a mirror as an inheritance from his mother , his story has just begun. After reading the cryptic note she left him, he ends up falling through the mirror and into the world of Evermoore. Evermoore is the world in which all fairytale realms exist. From Oz to Wonderland to Neverland and all the enchanted places in between, they’re all here in this mystical world.

Once there, he’s greeted by Chester Clawford, more commonly know to us as the Cheshire Cat, who isn’t exactly thrilled to see yet another world hopper fall from the sky. In the past, travelers such as these only seem to show up when there’s something or someone threatening one of the realms and the last time he specifically helped one of them he nearly lost his head. Against his better judgment, he decides to help Alex discover why he’s here and he serves as a guide around this incredible world while Alex seems to be developing a crush on him.

As they travel through this world, they will come across all manner of fairytale characters and slowly secrets will be revealed, the untold truth will be discovered and evil will be battled .

So join us now and answer this question: What’s your story?

Characters so far...

Name / Story Character / Age / Played By

Alex Kingsleigh / OC, but implied desendent of Alice / 25 / phoenixheart

Chester Clawford / Cheshire Cat / 27 / SugarNspikeS

William "Will" Wolfren / Big Bad Wolf / 28 / Vlad the werewolf

Character Application

I haven't figured out how to do the little window with the Character sheet thing so just submit a character in the Characters section. If you want it to be approved it should include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Story character and which story he/she is from (IE: say you chose Jack, specify if its Jack and the beanstalk, Jack Sprat or Jack and Jill)
4. Physical Description (Hair & eye color, height, weight, etc.)
5.(Optional) Picture. Can be real person, anime, a gif or still picture whatever you want.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

Evermoore our primary setting

The world in which all fantasy realms exist


Evermoore by SugarNspikeS

The world in which all fantasy realms exist

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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Chester was on his way to the Enchanted Kingdoms, an alliance of various kingdoms within the enchanted realms. He was at the outer edge of the chess board desert along the boarders of Wonderland. At least he was doing this during the middle of the night, when the desert was at it’s coolest. He paced back and forth along the boarder . On the other side was the Dark Forest , one of the most dangerous places in Evermoore.

“Sure, I ask the wizard where I can find love and of course he would send me to the Dark Forest.” He sighed as he paced. He was still unsure if he wanted to go in or not. “I mean really, when I think of love the first thing that comes to my mind is going to the most dangerous place in all the realms. This better be worth it or I’m gonna have me a new wizard skin coat.”

He figured the best way to avoid being killed was to avoid being seen. He evaporated everything but his grin and headed off into the Dark Forrest. He had heard far too many rumors about this forest and it’s inhabitants and over the years had forgotten which ones were true and which ones weren’t. He went through looking for the closest thing he could find to a path. As he walked along the path he reflected on the past and his relationships with people. He ruined things with Mad Mark, apparently the whole carnivore / vegetarian dynamic didn’t work well together when you’re dating. Being prone to bouts of psychotic outbursts didn’t help either. Then there was Dave, the flying monkey. He didn’t agree with Chester’s stance on helping world hoppers. Finally there was Jimmy, one of Peter’s “Lost Boys”. That didn’t work out well due to Jimmy’s love of fur trapping and trading. He was sick of all these failed relationships. He stared up at the stars trying to imagine what this guy would be like. Would he be funny, smart, adventurous, romantic? He could only wonder.

“Seriously, though, why would anyone in their right mind be out in this forest?” His disembodied mouth muttered as he heard the various creatures stalking about in the underbrush around him. “And is that really the kind of guy I want to be around, let alone date?”

He suddenly was distracted by a blinding flash in the night sky. His keen vision spotted something falling from where the flash emanated. He took to the trees and jumped from branch to branch until he got to the top of the forest canopy and saw the object closer. It was a person. He jumped from one dead tree to the next as fast as possible and got to the spot where the person was falling. He followed the screaming until he heard a loud thud. He got to the spot where he landed and saw him in a pile leaves from one of the dead trees.

“Well, that was convenient.” He laughed at the situation. He jumped down gracefully and walked up to the now unconscious and surprisingly attractive young man. He checked for a pulse, he was alive . He heard the man stirring and he knew he would wake soon. He stood next to the nearest tree and evaporated all but his grin again. “Great, another go-between.” He muttered hoping this wasn’t who the wizard was talking about. The man woke and sat up. He rubbed his eyes obviously trying to focus.
“Where am I?” the man asked.

“What is it with these world-jockeys always asking the same questions :Where am I ? Who are you? Am I dreaming?” He thought to himself.
“Welcome to Evermoore.” He replied, suddenly remembering to take his full form again. “And why exactly are you here?” he asked as he rematerialized and couldn’t help but smile at the goofy confused look on the cutie’s face.


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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about thirty minutes before/away from the duo the queen was passing the time by torturing a wolf yes the big bad wolf he had lost his shirt the one thing they let him have was a loan cloth and nothing else when the flash amazed the others the wolf escaped and ran through the forest toward the flash he of coursed tripped on the way and saw a certain cat burglar walk by then jump to the trees toward the flashing and then he he found his clothes that he hide while he preformed fetch tricks for the queen he'd planned to escape because a wizard said that today he would find the key to defeating the evil including the queen of hearts and that he liked

-(flashing back to his past)
the years of her majesty 480
"i sit in camp awaiting her orders but battle is much better can we just go and kill the runt girl and the white queen and the others all of them no we wait well i waited so long then it came the ordor to kill the kingsly girl and her would be freinds it read:
to my
General William Wolfren
i give orders to kill every single traitor there start with the deserters of the pack you run than continue

sigh the heart of wonder land"

"No one said she wasn't evil and vain but still the heart of wonderland well any way the battle is bloody i regret it all i lost allies and
killed friends i will now desert the queen and fight for good may alice cross safely back to where she comes from yours William "Will" Wolfren
-(and back to the present)

He couldn't help but to rush to get dressed then he walk out to greet the cat and saw a world jockey "well well if it isn't chessh i though by now someone would have done you in" by now he was totally dressed and looked fully human besides the ears under the fedora "who's he he said looking at the human male that had been sitting awake or dazed for who knows how long "oh and the queens near we might want to have any cross over out of sight or big head will have all of are heads!?" he finish and scaning the area for the queen and the knights or men as she called them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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“Please don’t call me Chesh, my name is Chester. Just because some silly little girl couldn’t say my name right, it doesn’t give you license to go calling me names.” He sneered at the Will. “And speaking of being done in, what in the realms did you do to piss off the Queen? It must have been big and bad if the guards have crossed the Wonderland boarders. Technically, this is King Philip’s kingdom and his land, she has no jurisdiction past the Chess Board Desert.” He paused for a second as heard the card guards marching through the forest searching for Will. “But, it still couldn’t hurt to get the fuck out of this forest.” At the same time the two of them looked at the guy sitting in the pile of leaves who was obviously still disoriented. There was no way he was going to be able to keep up especially if he didn’t know where he was going. ”You’re gonna have to carry him, you’re stronger.” Chester reluctantly admitted. Will picked the guy up and put him over his shoulder. Chester evaporated and went to the tree tops keeping an eye on the other two as they made their way out of the forest. The three of them got out and were able to relax a bit when they got out of the forest just outside some little hovel of a town. Chester saw from the tops of the trees that guards had lost their trail. He jumped down and rematerialized by the two.

“Okay, I’m going to need some answers from both of you two now” He said sternly. “You” he said pointing at Will. “What did you do to piss off the Queen?” He then pointed to the stranger “And, you. Why are you here and who are you?”


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Alex looked at the note his mom had left him. Looking at the mirror, he couldn't help but wonder why, of all things, his mom had left him a mirror. And what was with the note? There were so many references to different fairytales she had told him when he was a kid. His unfinished work lay on the desk besides him. God knew he had written umpteen stories based on fairytales, but he hadn't realised his mom had actually paid attention to his work. Hell, his dad never had. Alex was painfully aware that he had been a constant source of disappointment to his father.

Alex brushed his hand across the face of the mirror, jerking back when the surface rippled slightly under his touch. Frowning, he pressed his hand firmly against the mirror, pushing his hand through until he was up to his elbow. He pulled his arm out. "Oh my God..." He breathed. It was a gateway. He heard his cat padding around. Alex turned to look at his cat, Dinah, but managed to trip over his own feet in the process, falling backwards through the mirror.

The sensation of falling wasn't all that pleasant. Alex's limbs flailed as he spun through the air. He could see the ground getting closer. Was this how he was going to die? In some foreign world? With no one knowing where he was? Who would take care of Dinah? Who would-

When Alex came to, another man stood over him, "Great, another go-between."

Alex pulled himself up, his head feeling groggy,"Wha-Where am I?"

“Welcome to Evermoore," The man answered, "“And why exactly are you here?”

Before Alex could answer, another man, this one dark haired, came bounding through the forest. He and the fair haired man, Chester, started arguing. Something about a Queen and territories. Alex wasn't really paying attention, he was still trying to figure where he was and how he was meant to get back home. ”You’re gonna have to carry him, you’re stronger," Chester said.

Alex snapped to attention, "Wh-what?" He asked as the darker haired man threw him over his shoulder and ran.

When Chester had decided they were far enough away, he was dumped onto the floor.“Okay, I’m going to need some answers from both of you two now” Chester said sternly. “You” he said pointing at the dark haired guy “What did you do to piss off the Queen?” He then pointed at Alex, “And, you. Why are you here and who are you?”

Alex swallowed, "I'm Alex. Alex Kingsleigh. I actually have no idea how I got here. There was a mirror and I fell and then I ended up here."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"ugh!!!! not another kingsleigh that just great more reason to stay away form the queen well chester to anwser your question Half you know i quit the army of the queen then i heres the big part i start the freedom fighting syndicate called the wonderland fighters and i was chaught getting some of my people to safety so yeah and up till now i was here whipping post so yeah now im here" Will said to the chesh in a seirous and very mad once he start about the torture.

"and now what do we do about the kingsleigh dude it's not good when one of them comes to town if you know what i mean" will stated as it didn't seem like he acknowledged Alex was there but then "what did you say mirror? oh thats wonderful excuse the pun"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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“Really?!” Chester sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes in frustration. “Mirror magic?! It had to be mirror magic. Those only ever work one way, I hope you’re okay with staying here for a while.” He said dryly. He saw the fear and confusion on Alex’s face and it pulled at his heart strings. He couldn’t just leave him like that. He knew he was going to regret this, but once again he decided to help another world hopper. Hopefully this one wouldn’t get Chester into trouble like the last one did.

“Look, don’t get all sad and stuff, I’ll help you find a way home if that’s what you really want. Usually, though, you world jumpers tend to show up right around the time something terrible is about to happen or already has and you drag us bystanders into the mix and nearly get us killed, so forgive me if I’m less than thrilled to see another one of you running around Evermoore. I’ll help, but I’m not sticking my neck out for you, Alice got me branded as a thief for helping her retrieve that vorpal blade and I nearly lost my head.” He said as he evaporated his head for emphasis. He rematerialized his head and turned to Will.

“So you weren't caught in bed with an old lady?” He smirked tauntingly at the wolf. “Or terrorizing Old MacDonald’s pigs again? I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.” He turned to Alex and pointed at Will. “This one really has a thing for bacon.” He laughed, trying to lighten Alex’s mood. Why was it that he couldn’t stand to see those world jumpers sad? Alice knew this weakness and she exploited it every time she was here.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"well if those ears yours where attached *Flicks one of Chester's ears* you'd have heard about me and my group of freedom fighters after seceding from the war that where Alice in fact you know the battle the vorepale blade guess how was attack you from behind and slicing the army to pieces."

"it was Alice who made me see that the queen gods spite her *spits on the ground* was a monster, and i her most valued general stepped down then i founded the wonderland white knights."

"sorry about the setting you up as a "cat" burglar thing but if you EVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND THE QUEEN IN BED OR OTHERWISE, REMEMBER I DO STILL HAVE A TASTE FOR CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he said now diagonally almost hovering over Chester smiling wickedly and then stands straight up straightens his tie and turns to Alex "hi im Will Wolfren and just in case you read a book on the other side im the supposed big bad wolf in case you did catch that and this is the annoying yet luck Cheshire Cat Chester say hello to Mr.Alex........ wait kingsleigh any Alice in that family mom grandma what? if so how is she and all that knowledge is it her mirror that brought you here well come on you to" he starts drag them to a better spot to talk the residents of Alice the white castle locked since her departure.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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“For the record, Will, I would never imply that you and the Queen of hearts were an item. The incident I was referencing was one of your more famous ones; you know the one where Red riding hood walked in on you, in full wolf form, and her grandmother.” Chester snickered. “She thought you were eating her grandmother and she was at least half right. She was so traumatized by that whole situation. And the poor woodsman who came in there swinging his axe only to have to listen to granny explain her puppy love.” Chester was in tears from laughing so hard at this story by now. “They never put that in the children’s books.”


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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thats so so not cool man you no i that was a very sad day form my morale that old bat broke my heart the next day and then i got the granddaughter hahahaha haha now get in the castle not evil can see us oh and um i regret to in form you that your freinds is dead i was tortured he was killed and not slow he was hanged yeah she watch and made me watch as he tried to free or die i couldn't tell and thats as bads it gets (closes the castle doors) we haven't had a kingsielgh in this halls for such long time i hope you like it this is about the way it was when left besides the war torn stuff we replaced that a oriacle said a kingsielgh wouldcome agian i just thought she meant A. kingsielgh not another kings but if a kings alike in the way they are then i fine so chester let talk (grabs the cat by the should and drags him into another room) and said "chester i didn't want to worry the kid but the evil is not or is new in wonderland a source says that it came from all diffrent lands like all the evils of evermoore just came to gether and killed all life that magniatude of power is not good so who is it?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"I believe you’re right. There’s an evil presence in Evermoore. Anyone with any kind of sensitivity to magic can feel it. There’s been a shift in the forces of good and evil that balance so delicately in this world. I was visiting Merlin recently” He clenched his teeth slightly, remembering that he was mad at him for the bad info. “He was giving me a reading on a ’personal’ issue. When he was done with my reading, he told me that he was beginning to feel the shift as well. He said that he feared it was the Dark Prophecy. Don’t worry, I’d never heard of it either, but for good reason; it was too dangerous to ever know of it. Apparently, it was the final words of Morgana before he killed her. He couldn’t tell me the specifics of the prophecy, but he said that an evil was on the rise, their power was stolen and all we know about them is wrong. They will rise and unite all the evil of this world in an attempt to take it over and eventually break through to the other world as well. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I didn’t say anything out there because you were being followed. I’m not even sure it’s safe to talk in here. For all we know Philip and Aurora could be behind this.” Chester shifted nervously trying making sure no one was watching them. He saw the door opened a crack and Alex listening in, but ignored it. He didn’t want to get Alex in trouble with the wolf so soon. He didn’t seem to be very talkative, though, and he was quite the cutie. He couldn’t think about that sort of thing now, though, there were more pressing matters at hand. “I t can’t possibly be just a coincidence that he’s here and the balance is thrown off. We both know how this goes: evil shows up, the world jumper shows up defeats evil and leaves.” He said hissing on the word leaves as if he was mad about something. “Now is probably a good time for us to split up. I know a girl, she’s a bit of an artist, she lives in the Enchanted Forest, just east of Snow White and Charming’s kingdom, in a small cottage, she goes by the name Goldie Locks. Just look for the green, you’ll know you’re on the right path. From what she’s told me, she used to hang out with the lost boys, so she probably has the dirt on the pirates around here. I’ll take Alex to Merlin and see if he can clarify that prophecy and tell us how he fits in to all of this. We can meet back up and regroup when we know what’s going on.”


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
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"Perfect." Goldie whispered, staring at what was soon to be her latest masterpiece with a proud smile. Before she went out to graffiti the side of buildings, she always drew a sketch of what she wanted to do. Everyone that she did featured bears doing something significant to the owner of the building. Her friends found it sweet, and so did some of the owners, but a large majority of them hated it. You see, if she didn't like the owner, she would make a funny comment about them through her art.

The sketch that lay on the table in front of her was of a bear trying to ice skate on a frozen pond. This artwork would be done on the back of, you guessed it, Bambi's house. She didn't mind Bambi so much, so the art didn't make any sarcastic comments at all and instead showed a part of his life. She gently folded the sketch paper in half and shoved it into her bag, along with cans of spray paint and a mask. Now ready, she set off.

Bambi only lived a few minutes away from her, so it wasn't a long journey like some of her trips. Setting up all her equipment, she got started. The entire thing was in green, but she used different shades and techniques to separate key parts from one another. She had two hours to have it finished, because that was when Bambi would return from his stay at Thumper's. Most likely, with Thumper. Unlike Bambi, Goldie couldn't stand Thumper. She just found him irritating, it was like he didn't know that mouths could close as well as open.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
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ok but where? ah how bout the white castles ruins you know where evil can not walk see you there" then he set off grabing two rapiers and his hat and left the two not that he minded it but he did see the boy and unlike the cat probly thought they couldn't control him but he was out of his though when he saw a young green hair and golden haired girl he walked up to her he says "um are you goldie locks?" he said and tried his best not to arrest the girl he had to admit he thought she was cute but for now he needed her help he didn't know why chester wanted info on pirates but hey the cat was a mystery in an enigma with a toping of questions he did really bother asking.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Goldie was completely focused on her work, paying extra attention to detail and making sure that everything was perfect because she wouldn't settle for anything less. Goldie was only a perfectionist when it came to graffiti, because it was the only thing that really meant something to her. Graffiti was her life, her outlet. Without it, she'd just be another delinquent.

She was almost finished with the piece when she was approached by a man. She finished the streak she was doing and lowered the mask that had covered her mouth for protection. Turning to face him, she raised her eyebrows. "Depends on who's asking." She retorted, the can of spray paint still in hand in case he tried to arrest her or something. She hated to be interrupted, especially during her spray painting. It ruined the flow and just outright pissed her off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"well my name Will Wolfren, and chester said that you'd be able to help us with stuff by telling us dirt on pirates i think this cat is trying to get rid of me unless he was right and you miss locks can help with impending doom then please do, and if chester is playing with me how bout we get him back huh?" he just puts his shackels up to show she was in no danger of being arrested he just took his hat off slicked his back and said with thouse big blue eyes "now are you miss goldie locks or have i released some valued info to the world miss i lead the wonderland fighter a freedom fighting group so you shouldn't worry about me taking you in he smiled his signature smile and put his hat back on.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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She raised her eyebrows as she listened to him, twirling the can in her hand. He had said that he would not arrest her, but it wasn't worth the risk. She had to stay on guard. People around here weren't exactly known for their honesty.

"Pirates, eh? You'd think Chester would have some dirt of his own, considering he dated a lost boy not too long ago." Goldie decided to have some fun with this, seeing how much it would take to push this Will Wolfren's buttons. She did have dirt on the pirates, and planned to maybe share it with him. After her fun, of course. She'd never heard of this 'freedom fighting group' so for all she knew he could be making this all up.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"yes i have heard of chesters compaions or his taste in your point and yes pirate" he did know but he stood like if he was being breifed by the queen hands behind back eyes front and a almost unemtioned face he shows that he was a soldier but not for who if he had he would be less trusted and mostly dead and though he knew that she was playing with him she would not win even if see got dirty, but the only thing that he knew of that ticked him off was the words card and heart he hate that women and would change to his wolf form at mention if she did figure it and he did change he would just pick her up and carry her over his shoulder to the cat like a sack of bread.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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Chester left the room shortly after Will did. He looked at Alex and gave him a wink. “So, world jumper, you and I have an adventure on our hands. I’m not sure how much you know of Merlin, but here he’s a very wise old man with powers greater than most can imagine. And you and I are going to go have a little chat with him. There is one slight little catch, though. Camelot is quite the trek from here, it’s on the far side of the Enchanted Kingdoms, it’ll take at least a full day to get there. However, if you’re up to it, I’m sure he will help to find a way for you to get home. So what do you say we go see a wizard about a prophecy.” He asked with a grin, though it seemed a tad forced.


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Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine
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In a different part of Evermoore, about 2 hours ride away from her fathers estate, Ella sits in a small forest clearing. After getting away from her lessons she had grabbed a full wineskin, a flint and stone, and some lamp oil that she had packed into a sack and went on a ride through the woods. Having found the clearing and deciding it was the perfect spot she started gathering branches and twigs, separating it into wood and kindling. Once she had two large piles of each she grabbed a few handfuls of dry leaves and some small twigs and strikes the flint and stone a few times until one of the leaves catch. She slowly adds more kindling, building up the fire until it's quite large and then sits back, opening the wineskin and taking a drink from it as she watches the flames dance in the air. Deciding to stay until night time, wanting to watch the shadows of the flames across the trees Ella sits back and takes another drink.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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("well i will not wait any longer so goodnight mrs.locks") will thought and knocked locks unconscious then threw her over his shoulder and thought about the cat and then Merlin poped out in his mind "he went there that damn cat" then about have of the long way there he running through the woods saw a camp fire like light and stopped and walked to it he just said "hello" in a very nice voice to not scary the horse or girl that sat there staring at the fire.

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 1 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Evermoore by SugarNspikeS

The world in which all fantasy realms exist

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Tale. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford
Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine


Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine
Ella Tremaine

Yup, your typical Cinderella story. Not.

Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
Goldie Locks

"There's nothing a little spraypaint can't fix!"

Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
William "Will" Wolfren

big well tall bad not really his temper bad his heart golden

Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
Alex Kingsleigh

Yeah, fairytales are amazing and all that, but this is making my head hurt

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford
Chester Clawford

Reject only your ignorance, and you MAY survive.


Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
Goldie Locks

"There's nothing a little spraypaint can't fix!"

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford
Chester Clawford

Reject only your ignorance, and you MAY survive.

Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
Alex Kingsleigh

Yeah, fairytales are amazing and all that, but this is making my head hurt

Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine
Ella Tremaine

Yup, your typical Cinderella story. Not.

Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
William "Will" Wolfren

big well tall bad not really his temper bad his heart golden

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford
Chester Clawford

Reject only your ignorance, and you MAY survive.

Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
Alex Kingsleigh

Yeah, fairytales are amazing and all that, but this is making my head hurt

Character Portrait: Goldie Locks
Goldie Locks

"There's nothing a little spraypaint can't fix!"

Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
William "Will" Wolfren

big well tall bad not really his temper bad his heart golden

Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine
Ella Tremaine

Yup, your typical Cinderella story. Not.

View All » Places


Evermoore by SugarNspikeS

The world in which all fantasy realms exist


The world in which all fantasy realms exist

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Tale: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Tale

Re: Tale

cool, looking forward to it

Re: Tale

finally finished moving into uni, so hopefully i'll be a little more regular with my posts

Re: Tale

Go ahead and post when you feel comfortable doing so.

Re: Tale

I was gonna wait for Vlad and/or Imagine to post but I could post sooner if it would help.

Re: Tale

Yeah, we're going a bit slow right now, but a new character might be what we need to boost things up.

Re: Tale

Hey are you still accepting characters? If it's not too late I'd really like to submit a character.

Re: Tale

My updates weren't working right sorry, but yes still taking characters, thanks for all the interest. I never thought it would be so popular :-)

Re: Tale

Hi! Is it too late to join? I'll be submitting a character if that's alright.

Re: Tale

I love this! I have so many character ideas.... I think I might do Ariel. =P Good Job with it btw. It looks like it could have some real potential if enough people join.

Re: Tale

Hi, cool RP idea! Definitely going to submit a character, thinking of maybe doing Goldilocks. (:


Everyone has a story. For Alex Heart, a painfully single, gay, comic book writer, when he receives a mirror as an inheritance from his mother , his story has just begun. After reading the cryptic note she left him, he ends up falling through the mirror and into the world of Evermoore. Evermoore is the world in which all fairytale realms exist. From Oz to Wonderland to Neverland and all the enchanted places in between, they’re all here in this mystical world.

Once there, he’s greeted by Chester Clawford, more commonly know to us as the Cheshire Cat, who isn’t exactly thrilled to see yet another world hopper fall from the sky. In the past, travelers such as these only seem to show up when there’s something or someone threatening one of the realms and the last time he specifically helped one of them he nearly lost his head. Against his better judgment, he decides to help Alex discover why he’s here and he serves as a guide around this incredible world while Alex seems to be developing a crush on him.

As they travel through this world, they will come across all manner of fairytale characters and slowly secrets will be revealed, the untold truth will be discovered and evil will be battled .

So join us now and answer this question: What’s your story?

We're still looking for more Roleplayers Almost any fairytale character will be accepted.
