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The Amber Woods

Amber Woods


a part of The Amber Woods, by Miss_Dreamer.


Miss_Dreamer holds sovereignty over Amber Woods, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

my bes


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Amber Woods is a part of The Amber Woods.

20 Characters Here

Jessie Waterbell [23] You shouldn't be scared OF the dark... be scared of what is IN the Dark.
Leroy Zante [22] "This is a battle we have to win...."
Alex Johnson [21] Dark Night Pack
Addison Browning [13] "I'll do anything for my pack. They're all I have."
Griffith Hart [12] "I'm alpha for a reason. Don't underestimate me".
Lyra Teanor [12] "Who can you trust these days?"
Travis Macintosh [12] "Can't you just take care of it..." Zzzzzzz.....
Connor Lewis [11] Cosmic Speed
Hayley Thomas [10] Sucks being a pup

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Character Portrait: Connor Lewis Character Portrait: Miriam Harmony Grace
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Connor Lewis

“I don’t know what I would do without you,” Connor held onto her tight until he got to the main part of the territory. "You would still be in the middle of the forest." He said trying to make her laugh or at least smile. He got to the infirmary and laid her down gently on the bed. He didn't know exactly what happened so he didn't know if she was attacked by another wolf or not. He was getting a bit too worried. He also wasn't used to the infirmary since technically it wasn't his job. "What happened? Were you attacked?"

He walked around the infirmary and grabbed a wet towel to place on her head. He placed the towel on her head and sat down next to her. "Hopefully this will help." Gesturing to the towel on her forehead.


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Character Portrait: Alex Johnson
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"I was with an Alpha of another pack... " Alex stared at Jez in complete shock. She knew that the Alpha was intimidated by the other Alphas and didn't really like them that much. She shook her head knowing what was coming to Jez.

"Why? Why Jez? You do know that they want to take our land right? Befriending someone like that can leave us vulnerable. You would hesitate to harm them if they were to attack, and that puts everyone in danger..." The Alpha sounded more worried and caring of his pack than angry with her about the meeting. To be honest she didn't believe that the land should be separated like this, but she wasn't going to argue with any of the Alphas. She wanted to go back to shooting arrows at trees, but she did have to help the pups hunt today.

Leroy. I need to help the pups hunt. I am leaving. She said and with that she took of into the main part of the territory where the pups were waiting for her.


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Character Portrait: Neil Gealach-Fola
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"Tweet tweet tweet!" Neil's eyes shot up to the sky from where the tweeting came from. He watched the bird, a small blue bird that looked like a blue cardinal. He watched it as it flew from one tree to the tree right across the circle of trees from it. "You should be happy I don't eat éin." He said as he watched the bird. The bid then flew down to the ground, Neil watching it the way a fat guy would watch a slice of cake on a plate as the person walked it across the room. The bird landed right in front of Neil, twitching it's head from one side to the other. Neil could just hear it tweeting. "Define éin." Neil sighed and looked down at the little bird. He sat straight up as he watched the little bird, he then closed his eyes. "Éin. It means birds." He then rolled his eyes, knowing the bird would ask in what language. "In Gaeilge. Irish. The language is Irish." The bird seemed to give a nod then fly away to the other regions of the forest.

Sighing, Neil arose. He would have gone back to where the pack was, but he didn't want them asking questions. So he decided to head to the hunting region of the forest and pick up some food before heading back to the pack. He shifted to his wolf. First the hair growing all over his body, a thick white coat of fur. Then his eyes close as the rest happens. His back bends over, causing him to get onto all fours. His legs and arms start to shift into the four legs and paws of a wolfs. The bones in the chest and ribs start to move and shift, his shirt and pants tearing off of his now dog-man looking body. His jaw starts in longing, his teeth start to sharpen, his nose starts to move out and stretch along with the top part of his skull. His ears move up slightly on his head and grow the white fur that was all over him now as they get taller and pointy. A tail grows on his behind, becoming fluffy and white. This all happens at the same time, oddly enough it only takes seconds. After the transformation, Neil stands there for a moment as he adjust to the feeling of his wolf. He stands there, slightly crunched over, his head bowed down. His eyes open into thin narrow slits allowing him to see without opening his eyes all the way. His head then shoots up as his eyes widen revealing his wolfs eyes, a dull blue crystal with in-widened pupils. He then uses his powerful legs and runs to the hunting grounds, his thought's going about hims.


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Anabell Kork

Anabell made it too hunting ground and stayed hidden within the darkness of the trees waiting to attack a deer. Once she spotted it it took her a moment to get in the right position to attack and take it down. She slowly came up behind it staying as quiet as possible. She wasn't a stealthy as the Dark Night Pack so when a twig snapped she had to stop moving completely. The deer was about to run, but luckily she was stronger and brought it down before it could get away. She bit it hard on the neck so that the deer would stop moving. She tore it open and started to eat some of it. She liked to hunt alone because it was harder to keep track of wolves while hunting and her wolf instincts kicked in when wolves tried to take her food. She did at one point fight another wolf from her pack for food. Now the pack just let her go by herself.

As she was eating she could sense the presence of another wolf coming. It was too far away so she didn't know exactly who it was so she decided it would be best to ditch the deer and hide. She went back into the shadows as best as she could near the dead deer waiting for the wolf to approach.


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Sasha looked at her Alpha. A young one. She sat down behind Jez, and when she confessed, Sasha nodded at the appropriate way Leroy handled it. She looked up at the Alpha again. She had no feelings for this youngster. He was a good Alpha, but he's hasn't been around long enough to know anyone really.

She shook her head, it was okay. He was doing a find job. When Alex the mention of a hunt, her stomach growled. She didn't each much; spying on wolves was much for fun in her eyes. But, she must eat sometime. She walked up next to the Alpha, to be next to him gave her a feeling of power. Even though he was very young, he was also a powerful leader. It radiated off him, which was good.

In a fight, you have to feel strong to be strong, and the other packs have to know that you are not afraid. But the Dark Pack was unafraid.


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Character Portrait: Emma Silverson Character Portrait: Connor Lewis Character Portrait: Miriam Harmony Grace
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Emma Silverson

Emma felt lost. She walked aimlessly through the woods, keeping within hearing distance of a nearby river, just East of where she strolled. Emma wasn't normally alone or away from other members of her pack but today was a special day, at least to her. Never knowing what her actual birthday was, Emma decided that the shortest day of the year would be her birthday. So each year, on the shortest day, she would take a solitary trek to the site where her pack found her.

As she exhaled softly, her breath swirled like smoke in the air. Emma didn't like being alone, it made her hair stand on end and made her very nervous, but she knew that if she was near the river she'd be safe. The nearby creek babbled as it ran swiftly across protruding rocks, crashing against the stones into a watery spray, flooding the river's fresh scent for nearly 200 yards around. Even in her human form, Emma could smell the clean water and it brought her mild comfort.

After about an hour of walking, Emma came across the ruins of four over-turned caravan wagons. Years of seclusion caused the caravan to decay and dissolve until all that remained were the frames of the wagons and the abandoned corpses of 7 humans and 6 horses. Picked clean by birds and small animals, all that was left of the corpses were torn and deteriorated clothing and the skeletons inside them. Emma had been coming to this place every year since she was 6, having been shown the location by her Luna. This was the place that nearly a decade earlier that Cosmic Warrior pack came across, accidentally finding the sole survivor of this caravan massacre, Emma, wrapped in a bear pelt and hidden inside a large empty wine cask. One of the wolves bumped into the cask, knocking it to the gound and broken it open. Emma lied there on the broken ceramic pieces, sleeping silently. The strong smell of alcohol from the cask covered Emma's scent enough that if she was not found as serendipitously as she was, she would have died.

Emma knelt down in light snow, sitting in the middle of the caravan graveyard. She was sad in the fact that she felt no connection to this place; while this was probably the resting place of her birth parents, she could not find emotions or memories to make her care. This place was the one real connection she had to humanity, which made it feel even more empty. A single soft tear ran down Emma's left cheek, as she looked at the decaying remains of what kind of life she could have, or should have, had. Emma stood up slowly, dusting the snow off of her knees and coat. "Goodbye Dead People. I'll see you next year..."

Not wanting to be there any longer, she decided to run back to her pack. She began to sprint away from caravan graveyard in her human form. Dipping and ducking past trees and branches, her tiny human body able to almost slither through the woods. Refusing to look back she continued to sprint and sprint, running as fast as her human legs could carry her. Then with a strong leap, Emma sprung into her wolf form, continuing her gallop at great speed.

As she neared her pack, the fresh scent of blood caught her attention. Blood was a common smell, especially in the woods, but this was different. It was the scent of her Luna's blood! Like a rabbit with it's tail on fire, Emma bolted back to her pack, so quickly she ran that she almost left no tracks in the snow. Emma skidded to a stop at the infirmary door way, whining nervously as she stepped inside. Seeing that her Alpha was there eased her nerves slightly, but she still whined quietly as she sat at the edge of the bed.


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Character Portrait: Leroy Zante Character Portrait: Alex Johnson Character Portrait: Jessie Waterbell Character Portrait: Sasha Armanti
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Leroy Zante

The raven furred wolf's expression remained the same as she explained, uneasy and displeased. "You know you should really run your idea's past myself and the rest of the pack first, but your forgiven, just be careful..." He said slowly, tone calm but rather firm. Jez was a good Beta as well as a good being all over. Sometimes she was a little to excitable and flirty, but that was her and he hoped nobody would ever try to edit her personality. A cheeky thought raced through his mind, making him smirk smugly as he met eyes with her. "Were you flirting Jez?" He laughed, nuzzling the female lightly. The alpha smiled at her comment about friends and family, how sweet, he was glad his pack had such a good connection. Love and support was strength.

"Just because you are an Alpha does not mean you should care for us like you do... "

Jez's words sweetly echoed inside his mind. He pawed at the ground awkwardly, kicking up some dust and rubble with his paws; he unsure of how exactly to respond. "Yeah well, it’s just how I am I guess. I didn’t even expect to be accepted by the pack, let alone pushed up to Alpha like this..." Leroy said aloud to everyone, words and voice a little emotionally fragile. They made out he was so very wonderful, maybe even god like, when in fact he was no different than anyone else here. He was not special at all, in fact he had a tone of very bad flaws, but it seemed everyone saw through them. Realizing that each of them could rack his mind and hear his thoughts, Leroy stopped, suddenly feeling a little less dominant over them all.

"Leroy. I need to help the pups hunt. I am leaving..."

The Alpha nodded lightly, before pausing, realizing that food was on everyone’s mind right now. "Hey Alex!" He called, stopping the strong female in her tracks. "How about we all go hunting? We can take the pups too. It will be nice! What do you think eh?" Leroy explained, smiling with a thrilled and typical teen like expression on his maw. His heart pounded with pure excitement of the idea. He turned to his snow white Luna, before taking place by her side, before nudging Sasha lightly with his shoulder. "I know someone’s hungry!"


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Jez looked at him and gave what would be perceived as a flirty wink. I always flirt. She laughed and looked over at the Luna, licking her lips she nodded, Hunting would be nice. She stood up and licked a paw delicately. Her amber eyes turned upon Leroy once more. Again on their private connection she shared she continued to speak with him. Everyone has their flaws... She paused as she thought some more. It's your strength and determination our previous Alpha saw in you. She nuzzled him and wrapped her tail with his. Just between me and you... I'd follow you anywhere. She licked his snout and started to walk to the woods, her tail drooping behind her. She wasn't sad, just she was tired...and hungry.


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Alex Johnson

Alex stopped running at the sound of her name. She came back to the pack to hear what Leroy had to say."How about we all go hunting? We can take the pups too. It will be nice! What do you think eh?" She shrugged. Sure She didn't mind, but she liked taking the pups hunting when it's just them. But she wasn't going to say anything. She waited until they were ready and she even stuck around and witnessed Jez's flirting with the Alpha. She looked at the Luna trying to see if she witnessed the same thing Alex witnessed.

I'll meet you guys at the hunting grounds with the pups. She darted off into the forest again to where to where the pups of the pack were. When she got there she could tell that they were all very hungry. She loved seeing the pups like this. Some were in wolf form and others were in human form. The ones in wolf form nibbled at her feet and then ones in human form climbed on her back. Okay pups. Let's go. She with the human pups on her back and the wolf pups by her feet she took off in the forest. Not so fast so that the wolves wouldn't have been far behind, or didn't fall off her back.


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Character Portrait: Emma Silverson Character Portrait: Connor Lewis Character Portrait: Miriam Harmony Grace
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Connor Lewis

Connor stayed by the Luna's side not wanting to leave her alone in this condition. Then Emma appeared at the bed where the Luna has laid down still in her wolf form. Connor petted the pup to let her know that he acknowledge her presence. He then put his hand back down by his side. He could sense that she was worried since she never leaves the Luna's side. "She is going to be fine. You can turn back into your human form if you like." He personally did not like to be in his wolf form all the time because he could never control his thoughts or others thoughts. He did too much worrying as a wolf.

He looked at the Luna and then looked at Emma. He always thought of Emma as a little sister no matter how high ranked she could have been. She is obviously the youngest fighter in the pack, but she is still just a child to him.


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Character Portrait: Emma Silverson Character Portrait: Connor Lewis Character Portrait: Miriam Harmony Grace
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Emma Silverson

Emma reluctantly faded back into her human form. (What can I say, when your raised by wolves, you tend to be a wolf. *giggle*) Emma was perfectly happy to remain in her wolf form as often as she could. There would be times when she wouldn't change back for days. Her warm coat made her feel as if she was always being hugged. She always felt cold as a human, which is why she wore thick winter coats.

Emma crawled closer to Connor and sat obediently at his feet, her large glassy eyes watching Miriam. She tucked her arms into her coat and entwined them against herself. This was how Emma tended to wear her coat, it was bulky enough that she could hide her arms as well as little trinkets and tools and still be comfortable, well... as comfortable as she could be in her human form.

Emma sighed in gentle relief as Connor's scent made her feel safe. He had always kept an eye out for her, so when he became the pack's alpha Emma wanted to make herself stronger so that he at least wouldn't have to worry about her. He told her when she was much younger that if she should ever get in trouble that she should just run, run as fast as she could. Emma took his words close to heart and now she was one of the fastest members of the pack. A very subtle smile crept over her face, more emotion than she normally showed while in her human form, but if she was a wolf her tail would be wagging lightly.


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Sasha wagged her tail at the Alpha's comment, Yes I am. Let's go. But there was something that bothered her. Her Alpha liked Jez, meaning that Sasha was just a partner to him, and nothing more. Her tail slowed, and she ran after Alex.

She didn't want anyone to see the disappointment in her eyes. Who was she kidding? She ran up next to Alex, but still let the female lead. She was hungry, and the hunt should be all that she thinks about. Even though she couldn't help but feel sad. She wanted pups, and she wanted a mate. She wanted the life of a Luna, but she never thought it would be with a young wolf who seems to not really know what he's doing.

But she has to keep these thoughts to herself. Leroy is still the Alpha and she wouldn't dare dishonor him. She's the Luna, and that is that. If she gets kicked down now, she would be the Omega. She could deal with being alone, if it meant respect.


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Character Portrait: Neil Gealach-Fola Character Portrait: Anabel Kork
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Neil slowed his speed as he grew nearer to the hunting grounds. He came to a slow stalk as he sensed the presence of an other. He carefully stepped over larger sticks and leaves, occasionally stepping on a few twigs and small leaves making a slight crackling and pop sound. He walked with his head up and his ears erect, twitching this way and that towards the cracks and sounds of other animals in the place. His tail dragged behind him and his furs rustled in the slight breeze. Once Neil got to the hunting grounds, he took a quick skim of the area through narrow eyes.

What's this? He thought as he saw a an elk or deer carcass. Going against his better judgement, Neil, after taking a quick stop at the edge of the gathering trees of the forest, trotted right up to the carcass. Narrowing his eyes at the poor, dead thing. He slowed as he closed in on it, his legs binding slightly as his head bowed towards the ground and he smelled around trying to pick up the sent of what ever killed it.

His eyes narrowed as he picked up the sent, finding it awfully familiar. Neil lifted his head then sat down, looking in the forest. "Okay, come on out." He said, looking around and waiting for another wolf to appear.


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Anabel Kork

Anabel saw that it was Neil when he had called out to her. She came out with her head up and her ears out. She felt bad that she hid from him, but she was so used to hunting alone that she freaked out when she sensed another wolf. She stopped walking and she was on the other side of the dead deer looking at her alpha. He was either going to yell at her, scold her or not even say anything about it. It was hard to read his emotions when he seemed serious all the time. She knelt a little as a sign of respect and wagged her tail.

"Sorry Neil. I didn't mean to hide from you." She didn't go to into anymore detail than that. If he wanted to know more he would ask for it, but until then it was short and brief. She was still hungry, but she didn't eat around other wolves no matter how hungry she was. She could be starving, but she has to be by herself.


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Dani Leiber - The Cosmic Warrior Pack - Beta

Dani lurked through the forest on her own. She knew she should have at least told someone that she was leaving before she did so, but she didn't really care that much. As she silently wandered the forest, she heard something move between two bushes, causing her ears to perk up and her attention to swing to her right. It was only a rabbit. Dani relaxed her muscles. She liked being out and getting away from the others for a bit. It was nice to be by herself sometimes. She came to a small river and looked across it. That was another pack's territory. She stared across the river for a while. She had always been curious about the other packs. I wonder what the others are like. Dani snorted at that thought. Others can't be trusted.


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Travis Macintosh

Travis yawned loudly, stretching dramatically as he arose from a 19 hour nap. Travis sat up and swung his legs heavily over the side of his bed, not really wanting to get up but he had to at least check on things, make sure Griffith wasn't killing people in a blind rage. He slowly ran his fingers through his mane of hair, exhaling out hard as if trying to control his breathing from just sitting up. Travis slowly rolled his neck to the left, popping loudly like a small bundle of fire crackers, then to the right, popping just as loud. Travis slowly stood to his feet and walked to his house's front door, in just a loose pair of slacks.

Opening his door, he squinted when the sun's light hit his eyes. "The sun's still up... It's too early..." Travis grumbled to himself as he looked around the pack's land, making sure everything was calm.


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#, as written by Akantha
Devin Lanadelt

Devin laid on her back in a bed of leaves and grass. The creek in the distance trickled loudly, filling her ears with a sense of peace. She let her right hand brush through the grass, toying with the fronds gently. Her mind drifted leaving her physical body to fly in the scarce clouds that drifted above. A smile floated along her lips then faded as she shuddered. The shift in her control passed as her wolf settled down back in her subconscious with a whine. She understood that as a wolf she would enjoy the scenery much better, but she liked her humanity just as much. Devin rolled onto her side and sighed contentedly.

The tremor slid through her, awaking her from her slumber. She stirred, raising a hand to brush the grass out of her hair. Just as she began to think it was her imagination another tremor slid through her body from head to toe. She sighed and closed her eyes letting the pain surface. It was intense but lasted briefly. Eventually she raised herself off of the soft earth as a slim, brown wolf. Devin shook out her fur and flicked one ear inquisitively, listening for the sounds of other wolves or animals in the forest. After a moment of incomplete silence where the birds still chirped, she relaxed, losing the stiff set of her shoulders. Devin padded forward, silent except for the rustle of undergrowth beneath her paws. Her gait widened as she began to sprint towards the border of the Star Shot Pack territory. She figured she would check the borders, complete a run and return to the beta of the pack with a report.


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Character Portrait: Leroy Zante Character Portrait: Alex Johnson Character Portrait: Jessie Waterbell Character Portrait: Sasha Armanti
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Leroy Zante

The Alpha smirked at Jez's light wink and response, eyes sharp and mischievous. "We gathered that," He laughed at the female, thoughts flashing through his mind of how very different she was in human form. It’s like when she shifted her whole energy and confidence was sucked out of her, Leroy had never questioned why. He froze as she began to speak to him again. Jez had listened to his thoughts, every last one of them. She did her best to reassure him on his status, and to some extent it worked. However, when their tails winded around one and other something crazy shocked through him. Just between me and you... I'd follow you anywhere. The male said nothing, silence was the only response he could use. Why did he hold his breath every time they touched.

Leroy could have back flipped with joy when Alex accepted his idea, even though she seemed pretty half hearted about it. She was a very determined, daring and straight forward person, which were the perfect factors for head knight. But she often kept to herself, making it rather hard to get to know her and respond to her emotions. Either way Alex ran ahead, promising to meet up with them once she had greeted the pups. "See you there!"

After agreeing with him, Sasha dashed after Alex quite suddenly, somewhat avoiding contact with him. Leroy noticed the low stance of her tail and just the overall way she was carrying herself. It was clear she was trying to cover up her sorrow, but it didn’t get past his Alpha eyes. He wondered what the cause of it could be, he sure could not think of anything. "Come on Jez," He told his Beta before sprinting quickly after them. Soon enough he caught up with his Luna, long hard pants escaping his jaws as he tried to catch his breath. Leroy then nudged Sasha's maw upwards with his snout. "Who stole your elk eh?" He said as a half hearted attempt of a amusing way to ask what was wrong, however his eyes held no amusement.


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Character Portrait: Leroy Zante Character Portrait: Alex Johnson Character Portrait: Jessie Waterbell Character Portrait: Sasha Armanti
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Jez looked up at him and nodded, she somewhat knew how Sasha felt, but she didn't let it phase her thoughts. She trotted on the other side of Sasha and gave her a friendly nuzzle. She looked away, from the Luna and straight on following Alex's scent. She knew it was custom for the Luna and Alpha to mate, why was she making it complicated. She had to follow order. That's all they had was order...She held her snout up and privately spoke to Sasha on their own link. If it makes you feel better... I'll stop. I do not want to ruin tradition if it means that much to you. Sasha was family and if the girl cared for the Alpha she would honestly stop. She didn't like seeing family hurt...even if it was by her own paws. She trotted ahead, and saw Alex with the pups. If she wasn't so hungry, she would have shifted back into her human form just to hold them and snuggle them. She sniffed the area to make sure that there wasn't any form of danger around. She cut off her thoughts to the pack as she thought about everything she didn't want them to know. A mate, pups, friends, and peace. She would have liked to gotten to know the rest of the packs... She stopped thinking of such things and shot everyone a picture of a big juicy steak. I'm hungry.... lets hunt. She said in a playful tone. As her trot quickened.


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Character Portrait: Neil Gealach-Fola Character Portrait: Anabel Kork
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Neil watched as Anabel came out from the trees, realizing why the sent was so familiar. His eye's were narrow, though not in a mad way or irritated way, just in a way in witch he watched. He listened to Anabel's explanation and nodded. He understood at times like these when you don't know who could just pop up. Though he didn't approve on hunting alone, he didn't say much about that. He nodded once more. "You may continue eating, if you will. I'll go catch some rabbits, or go to a close river and catch some fish to bring back to the rest of the pack." Neil said, not much emotion in his voice. He didn't like showing emotions, for the fact that emotions cause a lot of problems sometimes. There was this and the fact that he was the Alpha. He should he cold and hard, like a stone frozen inside a block of ice. Neil then stood, looking at Anabel and giving yet another nod. "See ya' later." He said in a soft, kind voice, witch was a little odd. He liked Anabel, but he wouldn't say anything about that to anyone. He was the Alpha. The Alpha of their pack. He couldn't let people know about him liking someone. Plus he had other things to worry about like this feel of a battle arising over the land.

Battle. He hated battles. Neil is a good hunter and fighter as a wolf, but he's never really fought as a human. He hardly even understand what a kick is, sadly, with the way people use it as an actual kick in fighting and a kick in saying something is fun or funny. Neil pushed all these sudden thoughts out of his mind, scared they may be picked up by Anabel, and headed back into the woods running slightly and then shifting to his human. Neil has an odd way when talking about his human. He doesn't call his wolf his wolf, but he calls his human his human. This makes it seem like he's more wolf than human. Like he's a wolf that shifts into a human instead of a human that shifts into a wolf. He does spend most of his time a wolf, shifting only into his human when he needs a bit of peace and quite in his state of mind to think. When he shifts into his human, his back goes straight up, his legs morph from two front legs and two hind legs to two arms and two human legs, his tail starts to dis appear and his human eyes return in a blink. This leaves him in a stage of what looks like what werewolves look like in the Hollywood movies that have a wolf head, a weird looking torso, and fur all over them. His head then morphs into a mans face and his ribs and other bones move until he has the bone structure of his human. Then all the fur falls off leaving his snow white hair. He found a white shirt and a grayish white jacket that he had hid in a tree some time ago for reasons like this, when it seems his shirt didn't make it through the transformation but his pants did. He then headed towards a river, not knowing if it was in his territory or a different one.


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Anabel Kork

Anabel watched Neil leave she went back to eating. She didn't hear his thoughts anymore which meant that he was in his human form. Which meant that just for a while she had privacy to think freely without another wolf peeking in. She finished the deer and left most of the bones and skin in a pile hidden away. She never liked eating bigger animals, but she hadn't eaten in about 3 days. She didn't remember why. She believed that it had something to do with the fact that she couldn't get away from the pack. But even then there was food in the territory. Guess she wasn't alone long enough to eat.

She didn't know what to do so she laid down in the dirt and thought about her Alpha. She knew as tradition it was suppose to be Luna and Alpha together forever, most of the other packs don't like the Luna or the alpha. But Anabel actually did like him. Even if he never knows that it was nice to think about it once in a while. She laid there in the dirt thinking about it. Thinking about how this battle between all the packs could change everything. She didn't want to fight. She never had a problem with sharing the land with the other packs, but again she wasn't Alpha. She should have been though. Things would have been better. She hated the tradition of the packs, but she followed them. After her last thought she cleared her mind. It was completely empty of human and wolf thoughts.

She drifted to sleep. She knew that she was unsafe out here, but herself and now that she was asleep she was even more vulnerable, but that didn't phase her. She liked sleeping in her wolf for when she is outside. It makes her feel safe even when she is not. She went into a deeper sleep not even caring if another wolf came to attack her, or if she stayed out here all night. She stayed like this and she dreamt happy dreams.


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Character Portrait: Griffith Hart
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Griffith Hart

Griff's snout tilted upwards, inhaling the scents of prey through his sensetive nostrils. His glowing amber optics fell to the ground as he padded onwards, he was being careful not to wander from the tracks. A low grumble formed in his stomach, causing him to groan. "I'm workin' on it, calm down!" He hissed out of pure frustration.

He followed the tracks for a few minutes before coming across a large hole in the ground, where he knew there would be atleast one rabbit. Griff moved closer, poking his maw through the hole and inhaling once more. Yep, there was definatly a rabbit in there. He removed his maw and replaced it with an over-sized paw. His paw wrapped itself around the rabbit, unsheathing it's claw and piercing it through the soft pelt of the rabbit.

The rabbit came rocketing out of the hole and it attempted to escape, but Griff's powerful jaw clamped around it's frame, pushing his teeth in further. The rabbit released a deathly squeel before it's body went lip. It stopped moving, it was dead.

Griff wandered back to the clearing, his favourite place in the entire territory, the bunny carcass locked in his maw. It only took him around ten minutes to reach the clearing, and when he did he lowered his weight to the floor and huffed. He dropped the bunny to the ground, one paw placed on it's head to keep it in place while he bit down on it. Blood covered the tip of his muzzle and it dripped from his lips. After he finished he let out a content sigh, rolling onto his back to let his stomach have some room to breath. He always felt better after eating, even if it was only a small kill like a bunny. Anything was better than nothing.

His eyelids drooped over his orbs. He allowed his body to roll so that he was resting on his side. It didn't take him long to fall into a deep slumber, his snoring light and barely audible.


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Addison Browning

Addison sat with the pups of her pack. They just learned how to shift and she, As Luna of the Star Shot pack, was there to help them. She watched with a smile as they wrestled around, she sat in human form, which was so drastically different from her wolf form, which had ice white fur, while in human form she had long black hair, though had light skin for an african american. Only similarites were the mole on her cheek and deep amber eyes. She watched as the pups played and thought them lucky, they had a pack when they Changed. She was not so forunate. She smiled though, she met her Alpha that way. He was dissocial but she loved him regardless. She then wondered where he'd run off too.
After a while, the pups passed out from a hard day of play. She scooped them all up and laid them in their nest. She kissed them all softly and then shifted, taking off to find her Alpha.

She found him quickly, he was a slumbering mound in the grass. If she were in human form, she would have smiled. She walked over slowly, resting beside him, nuzzled him with her nose. Had anyone else tried to wake him from his slumber it probably would have been a dangerous course of action but it was her. Probably the only one that could.


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Character Portrait: Griffith Hart Character Portrait: Addison Browning
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Griffith Hart

Griff was awoken by a strange pressure beside him. It didn't seem like a threat, and the scent was all too familiar, so he needn't have worried. Despite that his eyelids shot open and he jerked his head up, his gaze shifted towards her. 'I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy waking up to see you near me' He said cheekily, a strong exhale of breath shot out of his nostrils, his tail tapping against the grassy terrain. He did enjoy the company of Addison, his Luna, but he wasn't so sure yet that he had romantic feelings for her. He did love her, obviously, just not in a mate way. Not yet anyway.

He closed his eyes and shifted into his human form, the only clothes on his body were a pair of black shorts, then opened his eyes once more. He hoisted himself up into a sit, sighing as he patted the pelted beauty at his side. He ran a hand through his dark hair, soon followed by a much needed stretch and yawn. "How are the pups doing today? All is well, I assume?" He asked, a lone brow arching upwards in curiosity. In all honesty, he wasn't quite fond of pups, but he thought as an Alpha it was his duty to atleast show some signs of caring.

He feared the day he would have pups of his own, doubting the fact he'd be a good enough father to raise them properly. Though, he supposed with help from Addison he could possibly raise a litter of somewhat normal pups, and not get them killed in the process. What trouble making little weirdos they would be...


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Addison Browning

Addison blushed at his comment but didn't say anything. She was in love with him though he probably didn't feel the same way. She didn't want to scare him off. He pet her and her amber eyes fluttered closed for a moment, enjoying his touch, then when he stopped, she shifted. She was dressed in a simple floral dress that stopped just below her knees. She smiled at him sitting on her legs. "They've gotten use to the Change quite quickly. They were wrestling so hard that they all crashed." She said with a laugh and a smile that brightened her face. She knew he didn't particularly like pups but he was trying. That was good enough for her.

She hoped one day, he'd feel the same way about her that she did for him and then they'd have pups of their own. They'd have a strong father and a caring mother. Something she never had. She looked at Griffith. "How are you?" She asked him with a soft smile. "You seem a little off today, is everything alright?" She asked softly.