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The Eight Angels

The Eight Angels


“Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.” - William Shakespeare

925 readers have visited The Eight Angels since ScarnyLuv created it.


“The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall.” - Sr Francis B

“A sweetly scented angel fell, she laid her head upon my disbelief, and battled with me with her ever smile.” - Jethro Tull

"A demon? - I prefer the term fallen angel." - Bloody Mallory

"I always seem to have a vague feeling that he is a Satan among musicians, a fallen angel in the darkness who is perpetually seeking to fight his way back to happiness." - Henry Ellis

"Angels descending, bring from above,
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love."
- Fanny J. Crosby

Ten Angels have fallen to earth. Two though have lost there wings. The rest dont know what to do now. They roam the earth looking for a way back to earth. They roam the earth protecting them from the "lost." The ones who lost there wings. Its not there fault though. The angels have split up and have not seen each other all at once since the forgotten day. Named because only one Fallen remembers it all the rest remember a part of the horrific day. They just know that one has done something horrible. That one remember so much more.

The Fallen have reunited. The two that lost there wings have not done what everyone expected. They split and went there separate ways. They rest also split some still having a keen attraction for the others. Two though have a keen attraction for the lost. One of them being the memorable.

Memorable One:
The one who is hated the most and remembers every detail of the Forgotten Day.

Lost Ones:
The lost are the ones who lost there wings and have now turned into "Vampires" to stay alive.

Fallen Ones:
They are the ones who have fallen and kept there wings but only remember one part of the Forgotten day and that is the Memorable One has killed two of the Fallen.

Memorable: Taken
Lost girl: Taken
Fallen Girl: Taken
Fallen Girl: Taken
Lost Guy: Taken
Fallen Guy: Taken
Fallen Guy: Reserved
Fallen Guy:Taken

Age Looked:
History(Why you fell):

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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Scarny took a step. She was back in the place where she first fell. She remembered the day so clearly now. Even more clear then before. She shivered at the thought of the day. She looked at the paper again. She didn't know who but somebody sent her an invite to a cafe where she is supposed to meet up with the rest of the fallen. She was careful though. The rest of them hated her and she didn't know why they would invite her to a get together. She arrived at the cafe and didn't see anyone so she sat down at a table with seven other placemates. She looked she was sitting at the end next to Perso. She sat down and ordered some coffee.


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Character Portrait: Liam Trudge Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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Liam walked into the little cafe and snorted when he saw the only other person there was the "memorable one". He walked over and sat down across from her where his name was placed. He looked at her staring in her coffee and snorted again. He rolled his eyes and watched the door waiting for someone to walk in so he didn't have to sit here alone in the awkward silence with her. Then again he was a trader but he didn't kill any of the other angel or fallen.


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#, as written by Auroria
Pale blue eyes assessed the scene before her, and the woman caught her bottom lip in between her teeth. Sighing, she started forward, straightening her back and tossing her ebony hair over one shoulder as she gently brushed past the male in the doorway. Yes, she knew him, but paying him no heed she continued on, standing by the table and gazing down at the Memorable One.
Anger suffused her expression for a brief second, before she schooled her features into a mask of calm indifference.
She watched the male make his way into the room, her eyes looking him over curiously. She hadn't seen him in several hundred years, and her curiosity always seemed to get the best of her. Waiting to see where he sat, she looked away as he made eye contact with her, and glanced at the table settings. Eight settings in all. Did someone invite the rest of them as well?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessiel Valerian
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Alessiel stepped into the room, seemingly with ease though it took plenty of effort to do so. Her dark eyes darted around the room before falling on the three who had arrived before her. Her steps were silent as she glided across the floor toward the table where the others were, choosing to sit in a chair that was a good distance from each of them as she kept her expression cool and composed. Her features betrayed nothing she felt for she felt nothing at all.

The lost angel was void of any emotion as she turned her gaze to the entrance, two words going through her mind.

Why? Where?

Why were they called to meet? Why here? Why her too? She was changed, very changed, from how the others had known her. And the second question, where.. Where were the others..?


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Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
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Perso Verlegen-
Perso Sat there his red eyes gleaming. His white hair hanging just at his eyes.
Why was he here? He was going to blow it off. He opened his mout to speak, but then...
In walks Liam.
Great, he glances over at him his eyes glare with hate. And to think Perso was such a kind angel, guiding humans to their fate.
But every one has betrayed him. He isn't even an angel anymore. He's considered a freak with white hair and red eyes. A demon. Then he sighs with relief, as the other lost one walks in. He looks her up and down, its been so long since he's seen her. Then, in a voice of despair and death.

"The party has just began." As he grins wickedly.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apophis Character Portrait: Alessiel Valerian Character Portrait: Liam Trudge Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shaodow
From a human perspective they would only here the fluttering of wings as a man who stood roughly 6'2'' appear outside the cafe's doorway as the fallen angel descended at a speed the human eye could only hope to comprehend, he looked up at the sign just to double check if this was the correct place for a meeting of faces he had not seen in many years since they day they all fail, he wondered how they all were coping with their fate. It is said that fallen angels live in constant grief knowing they will never again feel the glory of, or see the face of God their creator, he feared even more for those unfortunate two who were striped of their wings which would have been the last reminder of their former glory. Not at all eager to go through with this meeting he took a deep breath and pressed his hands against the doorway and in that moment the visions that haunted him entered his mind once again, they were fragments of memories of the day he fell flashing through his mind, most likely being brought upon by the presence of the other fallen.

They images were fuzzy but it was always the same scenes, his sword in it's former glory piercing the flesh of his younger brother and watching the pained and surprised look on his face as his body burst into a final flash of pure white light, things would then fade to black for what seemed like hours in his mind before splashes of color appeared and formed the only other part of that day he remembers, falling, falling, and more falling. He fells for days it seemed, all the while he grew colder as he felt the graces of God leave him and for the first time in his existence he felt truly alone, and then the ground came into sight as he plummeted to the earth and just before he would hit the ground full force he is jolted back into reality. The memories were so vivid that each time they came upon him it felt like he had just relived that awful day, he had to take a few deep breaths to slow his breathing thus calming himself before he finally pushed open the door that was left ajar by the last to cross it's thresh holds. As the door swung open he stepped inside and his eyes were drawn instantly to five that arrived ahead of him, his younger siblings Perso, Liam, Carrow, Alessiel, and then there was her...Astaleth, the one he held such a loathing for that he could not even explain.

The part of that day that could possibly explain the reason was probably one of the many pieces of his memories that were lost to him, though it wasn't too much of an issue as there was always animosity between the two of them, she always blamed the failed creations she convinced God to allow her to place on Earth to aid mankind on the chaos he unleashed when he slew Atropos and she was probably right to blame him. He made his way to the table pass Carrow and sat in the seat prepared for him with a quaint name card, and he did so without a word to either of them until he was comfortably seated. When he sat his hands palm down on the table and smiled as the sword appeared there underneath them, it was a warning that showed he was prepared to use it, the sword that killed Fate on them if one of them set this up with treacherous intentions in mind. In Heaven he loved all of his brothers and sisters, down here he did not trust either of them for even though they all fell at the same time he hadn't the faintest idea why the rest of them fell so his instincts told them to treat them as if they could not be trusted unless they proved otherwise.

" My dear brothers and sisters, no one one writes, and yet I am called to meet here after all this time. Tell me there is a good explanation that can give me good reason to remain " He said in a rather deep yet smooth and calm tone as his looked at them from face to face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apophis Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
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As Apophis looks at Perso Perso's eyes gleam golden, along with his hair, then back to red eyes and white hair. Obviously an angel without wings slowly deteriorates. But his old self his still hidden inside. And only happiness can pry his heart back open.
"There is no reason pretty boy." Perso says depressed and angered. "Im surprised you even lasted this long. You and every one else, your all so lucky except for me and Alessiel." He said in an enraged voice. "We have it hard, well since I haven't seen her in so long, I hope she has done better than I. Im shunned and hated, shackled on this planet. I wish things would get better..."
Perso stood up and walked outside.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apophis Character Portrait: Fae Night
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Fae Night

Fae paused in front of the cafe. She hadn't seen any of these angels in so long. With a little sigh, she stepped into the cafe just in time to hear Apophis speak. Her lips curled into a smile. "How can we call, if we haven't the slightest idea what your number is? How can we write, when for all we know you could be living on the other side of the earth. I searched for every one of you. Admittedly, some I looked for harder then others. But that is beside the point. I cannot speak for everyone here, but we did not abandoned you."
Her face was open and gentle as she looked over the others with her bright sky blue eyes, no judgement on her face what so ever.
When Perso stood up and spoke, Fae stopped and looked at him. She started to move towards him when he left, but stopped, and looked over at the others, not sure if she would just make it worse. She bit down hard on her lip.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apophis Character Portrait: Alessiel Valerian Character Portrait: Liam Trudge Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Fae Night Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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The dark haired young woman said nothing in response to Apophis but her dark eyes, nearly black in colour, turned to fix her stare on him. Her expression was blank but was that a twinge of guilt visible in her eyes? It was just a flicker, there and gone in a short time, but now it was gone. Disappeared.

She regretted it, yes, but she hadn't had much choice. Alessiel had trouble even thinking of the other Fallen as she tried to keep herself alive. Then she heard Perso speak and her eyes shifted to him now, momentarily forgetting Apophis during the white haired male's angry rant. His red eyes almost sparked as she could almost feel the emotional turmoil he was in roll off him in waves.

Perhaps he had spoken some truth, though she wouldn't say it was all right. The female lost had felt abandoned by the lack of contact as she dealt with her own personal struggles with her own being. Alessiel was certain the others all had their own as well so she didn't want to comment on how she needed their sympathy. She didn't want to be pitied for who she was, that was absolutely disgraceful. Or, anyway, more so than she was to the rest of the Angels the way she was now. Oh, how she missed Heaven...

" Be calm, Perso," Alessiel murmured but the male lost had already gotten up from his seat and left. She gave a sigh as she glanced around at the others. Faye looked as caring and worried as ever, no different from before. She noted the others, one's she hadn't even acknowledged yet.

" Hello everyone," she said calmly, inclining her head to be respectful. At least she'd done even that much, Alessiel thought in annoyance. Others couldn't be bothered to even put of a pretence of 'manners'.


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Scarny felt rage well inside of her. Perso left crying because of the abondement he felt. How could he feel abandoment when he had the other lost. She stood in rqge and opened her mouth to say something. She could not find the words to exspress the hurt she felt. She walked towards the door then turned around. "Why have I not contacted you? I have not contacted you because you have shunned me for that day that you can not remember!"She She shouted before leaving. When she left she pushed past Perso and ran off. She turned down and ally and started climbing the stairs. Unlike the others being rejected she wanted to be as human as possible and did not use her wings often.


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Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
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Perso stumbled back and watched as Scarny ran off. For the first time since Heaven Perso felt selfish. He was demanding their sympathy, he had survived this long, why should he complain?
Then he walked back into the building. And he glanced at all of them.
Then he looked down his eyes sparked gold. And he said in a blank expression. He may regret these words. As his eyes shifted back to red.

"We need to follow her."


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Liam shook his head and stood. "no I refuse. Let her go by herself. She is no longer one of us she kill those two and we all remember it!" He shouted unhappy. He was glad they were in the back room. He dinar want anyone to hear them. He looked towards the others. "Well do you agree?" He asked.

Scarny sat on top of the roof. She should have never come all the glares she got walking in she knew it was a bad idea. No one wanted her anymore. She bgain to cry then yelled at god in her head for cursing her like this. It was bad enough she was separated from her faimly now everyone thought Dow
in her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Trudge Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Fae Night
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Fae looked at Perso as he came back into the house. She walked towards him, glancing at the pouring rain. "I'll go with you. She shouldn't be out there alone." when Liam said he refused and went on about how she was no longer one of them, she looked over at him. "She will always be one of us. No matter what she does."

She pushed the door open with her hip and looked over at Perso. "Coming?"


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Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Fae Night
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Perso turned and looked at Fae at least someone was on his side.
"When we get back maybe we'll have a chance to catch up." He said blankly showing no love or hate for the idea. Then he went out of the diner with Fae, as they walked he said, "We should atleast try to cheer her up." He kept a blank expression. Watching angrily at her wings but not speaking.
"Thanks for atleast tagging along."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Fae Night
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Fae tucked her silver wings behind her and smiled gently at Perso. "Catching up would be nice." The girl didn't seem to notice -or she just didn't care- that his face showed no emotion.
"It's no problem. She has it a lot worse then the rest of us. It would be terrible of us to make that harder on her." Her sky blue eyes scanned the streets and the buildings until she spotted her- on the roof of the building they where just in. "She's right there." Fae told Perso softly, nodding to the fallen angel on the roof.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fae Night Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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#, as written by Auroria
Standing up slowly, Carrow brushed past a human entering the establishment, hearing their gasp of indignation before standing with the others. She had differed so much from what she used to be. Gone it seemed was the caring, emotional girl who would rather die than harm another. In her place was a woman who hid her agony behind a shield of seeming indifference. At least, for years that was how it had been.
Anger welled up in her as she searched for the Memorable one, Scarny was it? Her eyes flitted to the rooftop where Fae had pointed out. "I did not speak in her defense. If you would like it, I can go..." her voice was soft, if not a bit demure as she spoke to the others around her. Looking down, she found the path that Scarny had taken, following it ruggedly, falling once and scraping her knee. Stairs. Her worst enemy. She glared at the evil contraptions before making her way to sit beside the woman who she had hated for years.
'Why in the WORLD am I up here?' she thought with distaste, schooling her expression to not give away her thinking. it had then hit her. Scarny was as hurt, if not more so, than she was. Sighing, she sat.
"I have not spoken to you in many years, sister. I believe now I may come to regret this." Her words lilted with the Scottish brogue she retained from the land she landed in, and spent many years, past and present, visiting.
"I am sorry, I think, for not standing up for you. You called us for a reason, and I have not heard you out... And from what I recall you saying, you felt hurt from our shunning." She raised her hand to place it on the angel's shoulder.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen Character Portrait: Fae Night Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
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Scarny looked over. "What are you guys doing here with the reject?" She asked she set her chin back on her knees and watched the sunset and the birds be replaced by the bats. She felt the need to fly off and join them but didn't want to be rude the the two who couldn't fly off. She considered taking them on a flight but thought that would be to painful.

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Character Portrait: Alessiel Valerian
3 sightings Alessiel Valerian played by crybloodredtears

Character Portrait: Fensus Vitae
0 sightings Fensus Vitae played by Chocolate~Pyrus
"These flowers, they give me hope for the future."

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale
Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
Character Portrait: Apophis
Character Portrait: Fae Night
Character Portrait: Liam Trudge


Character Portrait: Liam Trudge
Liam Trudge

"The world will know no peace as long as me and that 'memorable one' are here."

Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
Perso Verlegen

"Chained and shackled we are bound..."

Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale
Carrow Nightengale

"Love? It's for humans."

Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
Scarny Astaleth

"Why can't you remember that day and see the truth I can not speak!?!?"


Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
Scarny Astaleth

"Why can't you remember that day and see the truth I can not speak!?!?"

Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
Perso Verlegen

"Chained and shackled we are bound..."

Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale
Carrow Nightengale

"Love? It's for humans."

Character Portrait: Liam Trudge
Liam Trudge

"The world will know no peace as long as me and that 'memorable one' are here."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Carrow Nightengale
Carrow Nightengale

"Love? It's for humans."

Character Portrait: Perso Verlegen
Perso Verlegen

"Chained and shackled we are bound..."

Character Portrait: Liam Trudge
Liam Trudge

"The world will know no peace as long as me and that 'memorable one' are here."

Character Portrait: Scarny Astaleth
Scarny Astaleth

"Why can't you remember that day and see the truth I can not speak!?!?"

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Re: The Eight Angels

Ik um sorry I will post ASAP

Re: The Eight Angels

This roleplay is going nowhere right now.

Re: The Eight Angels

Oh sorry I was on my iPod when I saw it and forgot to reply when I got on the computer.

Re: The Eight Angels

Um...Scarny? Its your turn to post?

Re: The Eight Angels

Hey guys I just made this site and it would be awesome if you guys would join.

Re: The Eight Angels

Please do try to avoid double posting before everyone has posted and the posting order has gone full circle, it works out this time because of this specific scene but keep in mind that others will not always be able to post as often so that they won't be left behind in the dialog

Re: The Eight Angels

My character broke the awkward silence for you guys x)

Re: The Eight Angels

It is OK I am here sorry I didn't see that you guys posted before this.

OK Shaodow your history is fine I just don't want people to think that they fell at different times because they need to know each other.

Also I will start the roleplay right now.

Again I am so sorry guys.

Re: The Eight Angels

I was thinking the same thing, It's going to die soon if things on like this, I say start it tomorrow if you don't hear from the GM

Re: The Eight Angels

Scarny, you should start it.
With all due respects. If not I will.
Not to sound offensive.

Re: The Eight Angels

Ok so if the reason they fell is a predetermined event that caused them all to go down....why is there an option to tell your own reason why you fell? It seems contradictory, I can edit my history to say that he was under trails for many centuries before he fell along with the other 9 who fell. Would that be satisfactory? Or do I have to rewrite my entire history?

Re: The Eight Angels

So it seems out cast is made up ^^ Who is going to start the roleplay? *curious as to see where it goes*

Re: The Eight Angels

That is fine Shaodow but they all fell together. They were the first angels to ever fall yes but they all fell together that is how they know each other.

Re: The Eight Angels

I'll take the last Falle, if you allow it

Re: The Eight Angels

Yes you can, both of you

Re: The Eight Angels

May I reserve a Fallen Guy?

Re: The Eight Angels

Then, can I reserve a Fallen Guy?

Re: The Eight Angels

Choclate I would but we have all the Fallen girl positions filled and we don't have any Fallen guys yet.

Re: The Eight Angels

Can I reserve a "Fallen Girl"? Thanks.

Re: The Eight Angels

Can i have a fallen girl? thanx!