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The Elementalists 2

The Elementalists 2


This is based on a rp i took part in a while ago. But with a little editing to it and stuff. So yeah... Apples.

1,076 readers have visited The Elementalists 2 since badboyej created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Le Plot.
2004-Unexplained events- "Hello? C-can anybody hear me?" Major explosions, echoed throughtout the background, causing disturbances in the transmission. "Abnormal times are upon us...I don't know how to explain it. So many lifes are being taken away, cities and towns ruined till nothing more is left... I fear that we're next." Another explosion echoes, much louder this time. "Our small S.W.A.T team, is fighting a losing battle against a small group of..." The transmission fuzzes, as the harsh sound of screaming fades out into a terrifying shocks and blasts of electricity. "I don't know how long we can stand this..."

2007-Report from a S.W.A.T member- The city we once knew to be filled with life, tourism, happiness and peace. Has now been swept into our memories. All because of a dangerous group of "experimental" humans, killing innocent ones with no reason at all. Some have the ability to fly, some can even cast fire from their own finger tips... It's like watching X-men come to life. If this is how "talented" ones react to us normal people. Then i'm sure we all agree that they must be put to an end.

2009-Operation Hurricane- The effects of our mission has resulted in a fail. With the addition of thoudsands of lives, taken away from our foolish plot to finish these "freaks." There is nothing else to do... They're becoming stronger by the minute, the city we live in is now a wastelandic graveyard. Our weak attempts has caused the group to be more brutal with their choices, making those suffer for whatever reason they have. All we can do is pray... that the God above saves us all.

2011-Our prayer's answered? One last attempt was made to make the "normal" human race survive within this city. Our differences were put aside, those who could handle a gun was given one. Even those who couldn't still, had a chance to kill atleast one of these mother fuckers. Time blazed by, as our attempts ended with more death's and sorrow. Many more lifeless bodies, surrounded the entire city of San Francsico. Our goverment, is now over-ruled, every single member is now dead. Or..So we beleive. Those who have lived throughout these past years, have decided to flee to other cities and countries, hoping to make a fresh start, and forget about the whole thing. While others have stayed to make their last attempts to finish these "outsiders." A few weeks has gone by now.. And for some strange reason, one mysterious person has appeared. Fighting back against the "demons" that have caused fear and death hang around the city. If there is one good person willing to help...surely there is more...Right? Ha!, i find that hard to believe.

2012-Trust no-one- The one that was supposed to help us, has now U-turned back onto us. But why... What did we do wrong? All we want to do is live peacefully.. Aren't we allowed to do that? No. Apprently not. We have no option now.. We must kill all "abnormal" humans..Or atleast, die trying.


"From what we have gathered, this "abnormal" group of humans, have sprouted into rage to make us "normal" humans suffer. Apprently, the goverment had experimented on them when they were born. Wanting to use them for weapons for war and money-gaining activites. All things related to power. Weapons that could used to withstand the effects of nuclear bombs, and shake fear into the most powerful of countries. Now, it's understandable why they would want to go on a complete outrage, since nobody would want to be used for power. But, killing innocent ones? Thats going to far."


Okay, so there's a group of talented humans, which have gained the ability to control an element/power of some sort. Some may have been born with it, while others have gained them through some sort of event. Nevertheless, the goverment attempted to control these talented humans by capturing them and using them for power against other countries. But of course, none of them would want to do that. So they seek revenge against the main goverment, and the humans that stand in their way. Making those understand the pain that they had to go through.

Then you have a group of "undercover talented" humans. These are certain people that choose to keep their powers hidden from their lives. Which prevented them from being captured from the goverment, as they didn't know that these talented people contained such powers. Prolonging their secret, only now are they starting to protect the human race. Wanting to bond peace between the humans and abnormal ones. They have no reason to fight against the humans, they only want to protect. Leaving them to deal with the "evil" ones. (Unlike the evil group, none of good people know each other, infact, they only think that other people with powers are evil, besides themselves. Don't worry, the good ones will meet up, eventually.)

On the other hand. You have the normal people. Which have suffered for many years. With all that suffering, came the hate of the "abnormal" ones. They believe that every human with a "curse" also has an evil heart. Giving the impression that all of them must die. Some of the humans know alot about the "abnormal ones" since they were once apart of the group that experimented on them. Heh, a couple of them could have been the very ones that assisted kidnapping them from a young age. They have infomation on some of their weaknesses, while possessing the skill of handling different ranges of weapons. Leaving some humans to be completely dragged into this war. Resulting in death and sorrow. (The normal humans, always stick together. No matter what the situation. With the normal humans comes a hardy leader. The leader has the most information on the "abnormal" ones. Giving them the right to give orders and decide weither its the right time to attack or not. They hate all "non" normal humans.

Relationships It is believed that the "cursed" humans come stronger when they love a certain some-one. Although, it is unknown why. heck you could be in love from the very start, or just be...forever alone. No matter what, love always comes in the way of something...right? No, you don't need to be straight to fall in love. You can be gay, lesbian or bisexual. Your choice, love is love, end of story. Now, don't just fall in love to become stronger. No that will just fail. It takes time for love to take full effect on one person, so dont go around, begging for a relationship. Because that will fail. And i will laugh at you. Yes...Yes i will. Love is love, power is power. So why can't they be linked? Think about that.


Metal: ~Taken by meh~Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz

Ice: ~Open~

Lightning ~Taken~Jennifer 'Jen' Williams

Poison ~Open~

Blood ~Open~

Sound ~Open~


Light ~Open~

Earth ~Taken~Anson Lerfang

Fire ~Taken~Sam Parker

Water ~Taken~Rose Menova

Wind ~Open~

Darkness ~Taken~Noah Joel Darwinson


The Leader ~Open~

The smarticle (Gathers infomation, and spots weaknesses. The brains of the group basically) ~Open~

The noob ~Open~

Weapons pro.~Open~

The spy The person that risk's their lifes to gather important stuff. Such as info and next plots. ~Open~


No one liners
Be literate with your posting
Romance allowed to your desires
Cursing and violence encouraged
All relationships allowed
No god modding
Be creative
No killing off anyone without them allowing you to do so
If npcs are created, they ARE allowed to die
Characters do have weaknesses, remember that
You do not know everyone's weaknesses, remember that also
Some people will know each other
Evil characters will ALL know each other and that each other has powers
Dont God Mod, or over power yourself... I really hate that e.e


[Picture here: Anime only]

Age: (Thirteen to whatever age)
Personality: (Detailed please)
Biography: (Detailed, again)

Element:[not for humans]
Powers: (Four at most. Other powers not to do with your element.. Like for example. Fire: Can have the power to absorb heat from an object.)[not for humans]
Skills: (Not powers, skills, what are you good at?)
Weapon: (One, dual weapons are counted as one as well.)


Relationship status: (Single, crusing on, dating, in love's complicated?)
Romantic interest:
Current relationships: (Can include friends, enemies, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, etcl.)
Detailed appearance:

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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Maxi Plasmaz (Steelix)

( San Francisco Bay Bridge)

"Where too next?" Maxi whispered to himself, looking over the famous Bay Bridge, well...It wasn't so famous anymore... Since he was the only person on the bridge. Abandoned cars, were scattered left right and center. Making no escape for those that were still alive, searching for a way out. Maxi turned back to the lifeless bridge, casually throwing a apple into the air, awaiting for it to return back to the palm of his hand, repeating it every once in a while. The winds blew harshly, giving a sense of how lonely the city had now become. "H-help!" A small cry, echoed throughout the waste.

Maxi flinched alittle, turning his head over to the direction of the voice. Damn, i thought i killed everybody... With caution, he stolled into the mass heap of cars, with blood splattered on the windows. One by one, they slowly carved away, giving Maxi room to move inbetween them. "Help!" The voice cried out once more. A body, crushed by one of the many cars on the bridge, looked up towards him, desperate for some kind of help. "Don't just stand there... Do something!" The female yelled outrageously. Her left arm, reached out for some support, while the other laid crushed underneath the white Ford. Maxi blinked blankly. He didn't know what was funnier, the fact that the woman thought that she had a chance of survival. Or, the fact that the woman had guts to ask him for help. Taking a deep breath, Maxi sat beside her. Looking into the distance. "You know...I really don't feel sorry for you." He paused, turning his head slowly to face her. "Neither am i going to waste my time, attempting to save your unlucky ass." The woman became speechless. There was nothing that she could say. "All my life... Enclosed in a damn room, just to be used as a mother fucking weapon, tell me... Do you think thats fair?" His cold eyes, glared right into the females. "Do you think its fair, that i had to waste my whole childhood, just for the goverment?" He question once more. The woman stuttered, as she tried to get some kind of sentance out of her mouth.

"I mean seriously... Are you people really that stupid to wonder why we're acting like this?" He took another deep breath then exhaled. The juicy red apple, was placed by her head. "Now you understand...Yes? You God damn humans, always seeking power and wealth. Doesn't sound human at all." The woman now laid quietly, hanging her head in pure shame.
"I...I didn't...realise...I-" Maxi cut in.
"No...None of you 'normal' humans never notice the pain that you cause. None of you!" He paused once more, cooling down from his rage. "Yet, you people call yourselves...'normal'.. Ha! Because killing helpless animals, and using people like me for a weapon, is perfectly normal." He looked away, turning towards the path of death that he had left. "You people sicken me...To the point where i wish everybody just fell dead." Slowly, he returned to his feet, standing above the female. "I'm not even gonna' waste my time to kill you. Judging the sound of that engine, it's going to expload sooner or later. So..yea, enjoy your last apple." He shrugged, and continued to carve a path off the bridge.

Ditched once again... God, i might aswell do everything by myself. He approached the end of the bridge, and sighed. "That was my last apple too..." His thoughts trailed back to the news report that appeared on t.v a few days ago.

"Good evening, this is Burke stevens, and i am with one of the goverment agents. Mr Clarke." He turned towards him. "Well, i might aswell get straight into it. The 'abnormal' ones... What can we do about them." Mr Clarke, took his blacked out glasses away from his eyes, looking directly into the reporter. "We take our movements very seriously, we assure that we don't waste time on sympathy or remorse on these demons. Actions are being taking swiftly and securely."
"Ah, i cant understand that sir. But, what about this group of 'demons' killing needlessly?"
"There is no need to fear these freaks. They're simply trying to big themselves up. They forget that we have information about them. We can find them, and most importantly. We will kill them." With that said, he put his glasses back on and looked away from the camera.
"Well, you've heard it all fokes... These freaks will soon be wiped away from our world. Thank god right?"

Maxi looked back at the bridge, biting his lip slightly. "Fuck it all..." Soon enough, a explosion sprouted into life, sending a shock wave of cars, diving into the river below, along with half the bridge. "Thought so..."


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Christian Cassidy

(San Francisco Chinatown)

Cobra's Journal: San Francisco, a beautiful city by the pacific coast. The cities entire population of over eight hundred thousand, eradicated in one day. It's streets which were once full of people and buildings reduced to nothing, nothing but the dead and rubble. How is it that I am writing this? How can I know of all the terrible things which have happened to this city? The answer is quite simple really... I am one of those who caused this chaos and destruction.
Why would you do such things? Why would anyone wish the annihilation of an entire cities population? You ask these questions but are unwilling to accept the answers. You do not wish to know why we would do such things, you only seek this knowledge because you believe you want to know it. No... you can not handle the truth behind our actions... not yet. But one day you will know why we do these things, one day you will all know... but you will not believe us. But what we will say is the truth and in your hearts you will know it to be truth.
If you believe that we are sinners, terrorists... demons, you are correct, we are all of those things you believe us to be. But who are you to judge? You do not know anything. You live your lives day to day without a care in the world. You indulge in your indecent desires and lusts, you are no saints. No... you are like me, people who's souls are darker than black from all of our inequities. We are all sinners and we all commit acts that are against your so called, "God". Whatever you may call this "being" you believe in, or not, it matters not. Do you truly think I care about such things? Do you think I care about your "God"? No... I do not. Your "God... my "God"... betrayed me long ago.
I do not write this for my own pleasure or amusement. No, I write this for the future generations of this "Earth" that they may know the true story, the real untold history. This is the beginning of a revolution greater than any which has yet come to pass. This is a revolution against not a nation but of the entire human race. Us "freaks" are fed up of our ill-treatment, we will not be subjected to humanities torture any longer. This is the beginning my friend... The beginning of the end...


On a rooftop there stood a man who was writing in a journal. This man was wearing; a black suit, black shirt and tie, and black Italian leather shoes. His hair was as black as night and his eyes as red as blood. The man's skin was of light complexion and he was of tall stature. Finishing his writing the man placed his journal and pen within his suit jacket inside pocket. Standing up the man now held a sheathed katana, which had a white and silver handle. The man looked out from the rooftop, seeing the destruction of the city his eyes were full of apathy. Emotionless was his face, he showed no sign of emotion. The man began to speak saying, "This world... it is bleak. Humanity, what a laughable idea... no one has a shred of humanity anymore... Humans live destructive lives; pursuing needless ends, acquiring useless money, giving false charity, giving into the most darkest of desires. Humanity is just a mask in which they hide their true motives and emotions... I pity them..."

The man stood there silently. The air was filled with despair, a feeling which he was now accustomed to. The city was eerily silent, there was no more life there, or so he believed. No longer then a minute passed by but suddenly there was noise, a sound of life. This intrigued the man as he left the rooftop in search of this sound. Now on the broken streets he wandered in search for what he had heard. Was their life still existing within this barren wasteland? Was someone still alive after the attack? These thoughts filled his mind as he searched. At that moment several men armed with weapons had emerged from behind the man. Those who were armed with firearms began to open fire on the man. The sound of bullet shots filled the air as the man began to fall to the ground, motionless he lay as if he was dead.

The group of men approached the man's body, looking to see if he was now dead. But before they were close enough to inspect him, the man had disappeared. Confused the men began to look around for the body. Before they could find the body, it had found them. Now standing behind the men the man called out to them, saying, "Good effort men... but undoubtedly foolish... You should have listened to your primal desires and wishes... you should have fled. But instead you chose to fight... you are all foolish." The man began to unsheathe his katana as the men began again to open fire. Their bullets however never connected with the man's body as the bullets seemed to disintegrate into nothing while in flight. The man now slowly walking towards the men now held his unsheathed katana, as he smiled devilishly at the men. The men now fearful of their lives began to flee from the man's presence. Before they could escape however they were all decapitated by the man.

Wiping the katana's blade across his suit cuff the man looked down at the beheaded bodies and said, "Courage... it is a funny thing. One believes that they are able to do amazing feats when one has courage, but I assure you that what you did now was not out of courage... but of foolishness. Instead of triumphing against your fears and of death you are nothing but a pile of dead bodies, whose blood had dirtied a man's blade... You are now as worthless as dust... No, you are worst than that. Human's serve no purpose in life... we don't even support this Earth in which we live in. All we do is take... If humans were to not exist nature would flourish... What a distasteful existence." The man then grabbed a rose from inside his suit jacket and then he placed the rose among the bodies. "May your afterlives be as beautiful as this rose..." A purple mist then descended upon the dead bodies. After a few seconds the mist had cleared and all the bodies were now no longer there. All that remained was the rose.

The man then began to walk, sheathing his katana as he did. While walking he heard the faintest noise of someone breathing, someone else. He then approached the noise as he had then spotted a teenage girl, crying and scared for her life. Looking down at her the man's once emotionless eyes began to form tears as well. What is this? Why am I shedding a tear? This girl... she will grow up to be the same as them. Same as those heartless humans who had experimented on him while he was young... No... I am not a monster... I will not kill her. Lost in his own thoughts the man then looked down towards the teenage girl with empathy now in his eyes. He then said to the girl, "I am sorry for what you had to witness here today... I am sure you hate me, I would not blame you... I possibly killed all your friends and family and I will say that I am truly sorry for that... I never wanted something like this to happen... But it was the only way. You may not understand me... you may not even wish to believe me... but I am sorry." Placing his arms around the girl he then said, "You will live to tell this story..."

A few minutes had passed as the man suddenly appeared at the end of the "Bay Bridge" near the Oakland harbor, holding the teenage girl in his arms. Placing her down he noticed that Maxi had been there earlier, hoping that he wouldn't see what he was doing. The girl then asked the man crying, "If you didn't want to do this in the first place... why did you kill all of those people?" The man looked at her and said, "There are people who deserve death and those who deserve life. Do you have the power to give them what they truly deserve... Do not judge so quickly which yourself can not fully understand the reason of such events. Not even the wisest can tell why some things happen, all we can do is acknowledge what is and what was... Do not fear me for I am not your enemy... but I also am not your friend... Continue down this road, you will eventually find someone who can help you..." The man then placed two hundred dollars in the girls hands. "...This should be enough money to get you to Oakland city. Once there gain the attention of a news reporter... no doubt they will wish to hear you're story."

The man then began to walk back towards San Francisco. Before he could leave the teenage girl called out to him saying "What is your name and why are you helping me?" The man then turned around and said, "My name is Christian Cassidy and I am one of those whom humanity deems as a "demon" or "freak"... I am helping you because I still believe there is some hope left in humanity... even if the chance is slim... Take care of yourself." Christian had then disappeared from the girls sight.


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Chishio Bradly
(San Francisco Stone Town)

One lazy eye was skimming through the whole area making sure that all life has been destroyed, completely. Hearing the crunching sound of his black boots walking on broken glass shards. Looking to the side and hearing a couple of dishes rattle at a house that was barely standing, the abnormal young man walked towards the noise he heard a couple seconds ago. Walking until he was completely in front of the completely damaged house, he heard a couple of whispers and hard breathing. Looking to his left where the noise is coming from, it looks like the kitchen. Walking slowly around the counter top, well, what was left of it anyways, he saw a group of people.

The group of people looked terrified, hungry and sad. He didn't feel mercy or sorry all he felt was getting rid of them. Accidentally stepping on a broken piece of glass he stepped back slowly. Looking up slowly he saw all their eyes on him, he heard one of them ask him hesitantly,"W-who are you?" Looking at the person who was speaking,"You should know me, you heard of me on the news..." Not really answering the mans question, but he really didn't need to know. "But, if you really want to know.... I am your worst nightmare." Hearing a static sound he stared up at the television on the wall.

Staring up at the television that was on the news channel,"Good evening everyone, this is Kimberley Adams with a few of your soldiers... They are here to talk about those demons who kills hopeless people for no reason in San Francisco streets.." The first soldier walked up and spoke first. "Look out for them for those who survived... stay in your houses and keep quiet, help is on the way, I repeat help is on the way.. We assure you that we will not let those 'freaks' win.." The abnormal young man glared at the soldier who called him a 'freak' as he stepped back to let the second soldier speak and he started,"Don't give in to whatever they say, they are pure evil and out of control.. and they need to be stopped..." He nodded at the reporter and walked back to the group of his soldiers.. "Well you hear that, help is on the way so hang in there... This is Kimberley Adams with your evening news.."

Shaking his head he looked back down at the group of people looking at him still. They have no intellect at all, do they no that they are going to die, why didn't they try to escape, maybe they gave up on living, maybe they would rather die than live in a world like this. "Well I have to be taking my leave now." But, he wasn't going to let them go though. Turning his back towards them he closed his eyes putting his hands out in front of him, generating his blood from his body to his hands forming another copy of himself,"Take care of them all, make sure none of them are left alive." After that was said he walked away from the house, hearing a couple of screams and cries in the background, he never looked back he really didn't feel sorry for killing them, he felt nothing, he grinned an evil grin.

A few minutes later he felt the blood go back into his body and continued his journey to China Town. Skimming around the area as he did making sure there was no more life and continued on his merry way.


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“Golden Gate Park: It is one of California's most beautiful urban parks and is 3 miles long by 1/2 mile wide, it is larger than New York's Central Park. Once covered with sand dunes, the Golden Gate Park consists of millions of trees today. The Park is composed of hundreds of attractions including Gardens, Lakes and Museums that are linked by wooded paths. It also has several fly casting pools and a lily pond within its borders. Being home to art, culture, scientific exhibits and lots of recreation, the Golden Gate Park is the third most visited park in America with over 13 million Visitors each year.” Belle read out loud then smiled almost kindly at the people milling around in the park.

“looks like ill have to make it famous for something else…the millions of deaths about to happen” she said, even with malice dripping from her voice, it was beautiful.

She began a song in Latin, slowly every ones head turned towards her. She smiled magnificently, the song sounding enchanting.

“mortis via,
sicut humanitas cadit
omnes te inferi.
Per formam vocem meam
nullum tibi optionem
occidere se amicosque
Nunc finis....”
She finished the song in a command.

Slowly but surely people began killing themselves. Sticking hair pins in their jugulars, climbing into the trees and jumping out of them….any way possible. Belle smiled.

“The power of suggestion” she said when they where all dead.

Colt woke with a start. She had slept in and she knew it. She jumped out of bed with a yawn.

“Here Nala!” she called and in ran her little fennec fox, tail held high and ears pricked for Colt’s orders.

“Guns girl” she said as she ran a brush through her hair and dressed in a simple black pair of skinny jeans, a navy blue tank top and black combat boots. Her black leather jacket topped it all of. Her fox came back into the room slowly dragging her holster with her two pistols in them.

“good girl” she murmured and patted her on the head as she put her holster on and turned the safety off on her weapons.

She downed a quick cup of coffee before hurrying out the door not even glancing at the T.v. that was telling about the evenings events.


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Daniel Mason
(University of San Francisco)

It had ended long ago. There was no need to take one's time or draw it out. Those that didn't die from the initial collapse of buildings or the sudden sprouting of the pillars were unfortunately more likely to experience their deaths with more vivid sentience, but it wouldn't be long. The remainders who survived the early shock of physical forces weren't long for this world even if they hadn't received any injuries. The cold, both from the sudden ice absorbing heat and Daniel's actual ability, would soon lull them out of this coil and into the next. They would even be spared their current pain due to the quiet comfort of the numbing chill they certainly felt, at least before it took hold completely. As it has been so throughout time, now is no different. There is no need for sadism; it is for the idiotic and the wastes. There is no need for hatred; it is for the shortsighted. As such there was no malice in the attacks, well not his anyway, and it was only a moment before the only sound was crumbling ice and dripping water.

Daniel now resided upon a dark brown recliner he had retrieved from one of the retailers nearby. It wasn't fine leather or the most expensive thing he could find amongst the debris, it was what seemed most comfortable and as such it was hastily moved atop the structure so that he may take in the poetic beauty of his first visit to the city. Unfortunately such a thing was ruined by recurring sounds made by the much less subtle people who had joined him in such a visit. "They have the powers of gods but they can't do a damn thing without making a mess or causing an uproar." Fortunately the recliner mechanisms still worked and he leaned back into its soft embrace as he dissipated the cold that was no longer needed and watched the sunlight glisten off the streaming sleet. They would eventually find him or they would move on; either worked for him really since the former ensured security while the latter ensured something more discreet than that bunch.

Sophia Gretel
(Undisclosed Government Building)

A lack of patience or a lack of effort had caused this problem, there was no ulterior motives and there was no reason to act now. Outside of broadcasts being sent into what could properly be referred to as a large and unkempt cemetery, information was being kept on an incredibly high level of scrutiny and those idiotic new channels have already been threatened with traitor brands if they speak any more than what they are told to. Weapons were being gathered, UAVs were beings armed, artillery was already established, and while any of these actually stopping the little pissants who ruined her day was very unlikely, it was as good as it would get on this short notice. The ships would need hours to come within range with the more effective weapons and an attempt was better than making up excuses later.

Taking another drag from her quickly dwindling cigarette, Sophia stared out the window of her current office. "They just had to do it here." When she released a large cloud of smoke from her somewhat dry throat, she let out a sigh. "I fuckin' hate the west."

Realizing that she should probably refrain from making that certain statement public, considering the current events being what they are, she gripped the stick of paper and tobacco between her lips and took a seat in the chair behind her current desk. It wasn't her chair; her chair had cushions molded from constant use to form around her as she worked. This chair was stiff, something you would give to some lowly office worker who just got promoted to his first tiny bit of personal space. The constant sunshine and the busted AC, there being more pressing issues then the office's level of comfort and all, left the room with stale and burning air. The former was the real problem since no one ever considered owning a fan to be relevant when industrial sized air conditioners were so prevalent. Pressing in the little red button on the speaker, one of the few objects that adorned this thing that was not her desk, she spoke. "Send them in. They need to be briefed on the current situation and the planned course of action." Upon finishing she immediately removed the wire from the antiquated machine, leaving it lifeless to avoid hearing that annoying voice again.


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Noah Joél Darwinson
(San Francisco, Bay Bridge)

There was silence all around him, destruction ever evident in the streets of San Francisco. He stepped onto burned rubble and broken glass. Dressed in beautiful elegant wear, boots stopping just below his knee, the man walked further into the San Francisco streets. He had come here because he had received a vision. He recalled the vision, noting that everything he saw was now truth instead of speculation. His boots clicked rhythmically against the pavement as he searched for life among the rubble. When he had nearly given up hope, he heard a small whimper. His eyes quickly darted to a dumpster. The noise was resonating from behind the large green dumpster. The man’s eyes scanned over the slash marks in the twisted pile of metal that was hardly recognizable as a dumpster, but there it was twisted and mangled.

With an extended hand, a large black staff appeared and the man took steps towards the whimpering. There was a horrid sound of dragging metal before the man’s eyes fell upon a small child. The child had been mortally wounded, and was clinging onto life. The man’s eyes filled with empathy for the child. He examined the metal pipe that pierced the stomach of the child. Slowly the child’s eyes began to close and the man’s hand rested upon the head of the little boy. Whispering words of prayer for the young one, the man allowed a few tears to fall before standing to his feet. With a swipe of his staff, the earth beneath him opened up creating a grave. The staff vanished and the young lad was placed into the grave, the metal pipe being removed first.

“Such destruction, such loss; those behind this attack have no value for life. It is a war in which we are in, a war that will determine the very fabric of existence in this world. There is…..”

His voice faded as his pupils dilated and his mind began to view what the future had to offer. In this vision, he saw a woman, helpless and hopeless. She was begging her attacker to help her. Though the face of her attacker could not be seen, the Bay Bridge was ever present. Just as suddenly as the vision had come, had it dispersed and Noah’s pupils returned to normal. He looked towards the Bay Bridge, his mind swirling with scenarios of what the vision could mean. He knew his visions were subjective, but he knew that there was a 95% chance that this woman would die if he did not interfere. He was the only one who could stop what the government called demons. He would redeem the loss of the small child and would save this woman if it be the last thing he ever did. Stepping onto a shadow cast by a nearby building, he vanished. Moments later, he slowly emerged from the shadow cast by the vehicle that had the poor woman pinned. He saw the menace behind the attack walk away, and though he wanted to go after him, he had no choice but to help the woman before it was too late. Bending down in front of her, he extended his hand and began to speak.

“Take my hand.”

The woman at first was reluctant to take his hand, but as a small fire ignited on the vehicle, she quickly stretched out her hand and grabbed ahold of Noah’s. The two sank into the shadows just as the vehicle exploded and destroyed the bridge. Noah and the female resurfaced. Leaning against rubble, Noah examined the woman and doctored as best he could any open wounds. He made a makeshift splint to keep her arm secure in order to keep from injuring it further. He kept vanishing and reappearing several times over, returning with medical supplies and different items the woman would more than likely need. As he appeared before her the last time, he knelt down and gave her a pair of pants and a shirt.

“When you’ve changed, I will take you to the path that leads to the safe house.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will report you?” the woman said softly as she glared at Noah.

She was still very fearful, and Noah knew that the best way to deal with fearful humans was to approach them like children, even if she was old enough to be his mother.

“This place is riddled with agents, all you’d have to do is scream and they’d probably come to investigate, just as they are investigating the explosion. Do what you want, but my job here is done, I will see to it that you make it to safety,” Noah replied, sincerity in his eyes.

The woman picked up on his kindness, and in turn her spirit seemed to have been lifted. Perhaps just being there gave the woman hope that the world wasn’t as doomed as everything thought it was. When she had changed, the two once again vanished, using the shadows as a means of transportation. Noah arrived at the edge of a base camp set up by agents. He was a safe distance away, but he knew not to let his guard down. Even though he was fighting for normal humans, he knew they could turn on him in a heartbeat, but he had to protect the weak, he just had to, and the destruction these other beings were causing wasn’t necessary in his eyes. He watched from the safety of the shadows, as the woman was taken in by the agents. His job was done, now it was time to address those responsible for the destruction in San Francisco. He stood there atop the remainder of the Bay Bridge, worried about his boyfriend, worried about his family. He had to stop these maniacs, they were getting too close to home, and the fact that he hadn’t been there to stop them was laying heavily on his psyche, but he knew the time would come and he was certain he’d be ready.


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#, as written by Renmiri
Jennifer Williams
(San Francisco International Airport)

Like shooting fish in a barrel. Except I'm pretty sure this is easier. Another white-yellow streak of electricity, led on by single, half-finished blade, ripped apart the metal connecting airplane to wing. Moments later, after mere seconds of tumbling in the air, the mass exploded into pieces when meeting gravel; undoubtedly killing every person within. Now, instead of the daily comings and goings of aircrafts, only a short, dark haired girl flew by in the sky. Below her, and everywhere around, lay the rubble of dozens of planes, and a couple hundred --or maybe a few thousand-- burning, crushed corpses. It was difficult to believe that the scene didn't come from some post-apocalyptic movie, minus the guilty. The once-pristine airport had turned into a mechanical, metal-filled graveyard. And only an hour ago, it was teeming with life.

It took several seconds of aimless floating before Jen could safely say that the air was hers, at least for the moment. It was only then that she allowed herself to break, just for a moment, for what she had wrought; the disaster she'd caused. She could imagine the faces of the dead easily enough as they crashed to die. Tears and guilt tumbled before those faces turned into all her friends and relatives, everyone who'd been killed instead of her for over half her lifetime; and, just as easily, the tears disappeared into bitter hate. Sighing, she shook her head to pull herself from the half-trance, returning to normal. I do that every time, don't I? Looking around at the scene, she quickly wiped her eyes on her sleeve in exasperation. I know it's a shame that you'll die for this, but it's worth it to get rid of those scientists. If you were in my shoes, you'd do that too; if not for revenge and pain's sake, to stop anybody else from a history like mine.

A minute later (and now sober), she lighted down on the rock and debris-covered cement, taking her sweet time among the --to her (and probably Maxi)-- tool-filled wreckage. Not like I'm meeting up soon anyway. Might as well make a use for the metal, as if anyone's going to for a long while. With that in mind, ever so often she stopped, leaned forward, and took a handful of scrap metal, a random door, or even rocks; whisking them off into her storage space as soon as she grasped them in her hands. Over the span of half an hour passed, before Jen's somewhat peaceful silence was disrupted by the growing noise of a helicopter and rushing footfalls of a couple armed men. I'm surprised there was even anyone left. What are they, the scouts? I hate it when the government and police do stupid things. It took them only seconds to surround her sides, lift their weapons and fire; before even the helicopter got there.

So they're allowed to fire on sight? Who knew they could learn? But they really should get here quietly. Because even before the police had set themselves up, the crackle of electricity had already filled the air. Now, with a small piece of metal in each tip, two streaks of lightning, like shots off a railgun, incinerated the projectiles from both directions and punched holes through two men, bulletproof vest or no. Railguns are several times faster, aren't they? A split second later, Jen vanished into a flash of lightning; only to reappear behind the left attacking group. Before they even realized it, a handful of rocks had burned holes into their bodies; most of which through the brain. It's cruel for a slow and painful death, no matter the degree of idiot. The second group, now having witnessed their uselessness, turned to flee; only to die the same way in their third step.

And that's that. I can't believe I'm getting used to this. As the last annoyance, the helicopter, came into range, a dark patch of storm-cloud brewed over the airport; obscuring the open space in shadow. Jen, now continuing on her way and casually walking back towards the city, shot it a sad smile before a distinct bolt of lightning arced from above; bringing the machine to flames like so many others before it. The cloud dissipated almost immediately afterwards, just as Jen herself changed into her element, a farewell. Well, then. I guess I should probably go meet up with someone. If I'm done, they ought to be. A second later she stood upon a tall building, overlooking the Bay Bridge and the ruin around it. Definitely Maxi, from the looks of it.

From her vantage point, it was easy to see Maxi as he dealt with a survivor, then turn away. But what appeared afterwards with said survivor puzzled her for a moment, before she broke into a smile. So there's other elementalists here? If they're not with us already, they'll probably try to stop us, right? Then there isn't even a reason to move from here. Genuinely feeling lazy, Jen sat down with her back against a wall, chilling on top of the roof. Either way this goes, I don't even need to do anything until someone comes to me.


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Maxi Plasmaz (Steelix)

( San Francisco Bay Bridge-Outskirts of Oakland)

The vibrations caused by the explosion rattled the ground below violently. Maxi grinned knowing that part of his job was done. The death of hundreds...Maybe thousands of people killed in a short period of time. Not only that, but know the city of San Fran, was now split into half. The bridge was completely wreaked thanks to Maxi. Which made his task even easier.

For example. The goverment would find it much harder to transport their troops from place to place. Also, helpless humans would be trapped in one place, rather than scattering all over the city. Such an effective plan, formed and performed by a genius. Which of course...It was Maxi who had thought of it all. A bulky black cloud formed in the sky, which rumbled with thunder. The constant echo of choppers and gun shots drowned the silence of the city. Yup...Thats Jen... What a showoff.. He broke off into a laugh, as the choppers exploaded with a crackle of thunder. With that done, the cloud had instantly vanished, which also ment that Jen was done with her fun. Slowly, he raised his hand and began to wave, attempting to catch her attention...That is if she didn't fall asleep.

Then Christian caught his attention, who was walking towards him. He seemed rather conserned about something...Like he had somebody to worry about. Maxi walked over to him and grasped his shoulder. "Is everything alright Christian? You had no trouble...Right?" Normally he would've just ignored him and continued to eat a apple like no ones business, but there was two problems to that: Firstly, he didn't have any apples on him to munch on peacefully. Secondly, he was bored to hell, so maybe creating a conversation would have cured that problem. He turned to look at the sky and began to wonder. Judging by the choppers that came for Jen, the goverment must be planning to attack at any moment...they're moving quicker than i thought... He turned back to Christian, and since nobody was going to play the leader role, Maxi would play that part for now. "We need to find everybody...Before we get spotted again..." For now, Maxi would rather play safe than going for broke. Yeah, the group were pratically Gods, but attacking in one area would attract to much attention, which they would surely suffer for sooner or later.


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Christian Cassidy

(San Francisco Bay Bridge - Outskirts of Oakland)

Walking back to San Francisco Christian became lost in his memories. It was dark, darker then anything I had seen before. I do not know how long I have lived in this darkness, all I know is that I am not alone. Sounds, whispers, I can hear them talking but what they say makes no sense. A different language perhaps? Those people were planning something, they were going to do something to me. Why must I be locked in here? What have I done to deserve this? No answer, nothing, no one cared. That darkness was then broken by the emergence of a bright white light which filled the entirety of the room, wherever it is I was. Two men in white lab coats approached me... I was frightened. One of them had a syringe in hand. I fought back and struggled but was ultimately forced down to the ground, then they injected me. When I had regained consciousness I was in a enclosed tank inside a laboratory of some sort. Many people stood around me in there, watching, talking. I called out to them... but no one answered. The tank than began to fill with this odd liquid, the liquid filled the entire tank. I tried to hold my breath but was unable to, I opened my mouth as the liquid seeped into me. I didn't drown but the sensation was that of burning, my insides my skin... all burning. The pain was unbearable... I blacked out...

Someone had called out to Christian while he was lost in thought. "Is everything alright Christian? You had no trouble...Right?" He smiled as he noticed that it was Maxi who was calling out to him. Christian laughed at the notion of Maxi ever worrying about him, Why should he care, he thought. Maxi continued to speak, saying, "We need to find everybody...Before we get spotted again..." Christian knew what he said to be the truth. They couldn't stay in one place for to long, especially after causing such destruction as they did today. The Agency and Government must have caught onto our scent already, people might have already come into the city to try and stop us. Not that they ever could.

Christian ignoring Maxi's earlier question said, "Government agents and news reporters will undoubtedly start swarming this place... There is even a base camp not that far down this road to Oakland... Most likely some Government Agents and San Francisco survivors." Christian knew this because he had led the teenage girl in the direction of the camp. Hopefully she is doing alright, he thought. "I guess it might be time to round up everyone together. I will inform Jennifer and Belle... I'll leave Chishio and Daniel to you... If that isn't to difficult for you..." Christian smiled as he purposefully left Maxi to deal with Daniel. Daniel and Maxi didn't get along, their actions towards each other were quite humorous for Christian so whenever he had the chance he would leave those two together. He looked towards the Bay Bridge, noticing that the bridge was almost completely destroyed now. There would be no access to that bridge for any vehicle for a while now, making there getaway much more simpler. "I'll be heading back to San Fran now... Maybe you should've waited until you were at the other side of the bridge before you decided to destroy it... Hopefully those led legs of yours doesn't slow you down too much..." Grinning wildly Christian walked behind Maxi and vanished almost instantly.

While traveling on the Bay Bridge to San Francisco Christian maneuvered across the rubble. His celerity makes travel quite easy for him as he can move faster then a speeding bullet. When using this power he is even able to watch bullets in flight. This power when used at excessive speeds can be quite exhausting, but if used at it's normal level was not tiring at all. As Christian speed past the bridge he noticed a man standing on the bridge. Hmm... looks like Maxi must have missed someone... Oh well he will deal with him on his way back to San Fran. No need to waste my time on him, he thought. Christian continued to run past, ignoring the mysterious man.

Christian had then reappeared in front of a tall building near the Bay Bridge. Seems like Jennifer is up there... those thunderclouds are almost a dead giveaway. He then began running up the walls of the building until he reached the top, where he saw Jennifer. Walking towards her Christian called out, "Well well well... enjoying the view from up here? If you ask me I think it's quite beautiful... this city hasn't had this much peace and silence in centuries..." He then sat next to her as he placed his katana on the roof next to him. "Maxi thinks that we should leave the city... he believes that we should leave before we are spotted... I agree with him that it would be best to leave but wasn't the whole point of this chaos to draw attention to ourselves? ...It's not like any number of humans could possibly defeat us... What do you think? Seen anything interesting?" Chrisitan's pet snake Darius had then came out of his sleeve, it began to coil itself around his arm.


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Belle stood from her seat on a bench in the park. The deceased where boring now. She had no reason to stay…yet the silence was enticing. Only the birds sang quietly and the leaves rustled in the trees.

“Beautiful” she murmured and ran her fingers through her hair. She had nothing better to do...why not spend some free time doing what she loved? She took a breath and smiled, starting a song she had written herself called ‘Join Me In Death’

“Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death” she sang her voice resonating around the now deathly silent park.


Dante stepped into the government head quarters with a bright sunny smile.

“hey guys, whats cracken?” she called with a cheery wave before she headed towards her boss, Sophia Gretel’s office. She tapped lightly on the door and waited for a reply patiently.


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Chishio Bradly
(San Francisco China Town)

Finally, he made it to China Town his first mission was complete, now he had to scan the whole area with his one lazy eye, left to right. Making sure that he looked over everything he continued walking into the empty town. Sighing he looked down at the scattered papers and newspapers all across this empty road. Watching the wind push the papers in the sky, one cold eye still watching them as the flew away from China Town. A town he used to call home, full of cars, kids playing and happiness spreading all over his home town. Now it's filled with darkness, misery, death and only one person, a young man who used to have a very kind heart, but had the kindness sucked out of and had it crushed by harsh and painful tests. Not wanting to think about it anymore, he started pushing that thought out of his head, as still continued walking slowly on this empty road.

Looking around, he sighed quietly to himself as the cold wind hit his soft warm pale skin. His blacks boots continued to make this crunching sound as he started to walk on papers and little broken pieces of objects scattered around China Town. A pale hand touched the brown eye patched that 'they' stitched around his right eye. That one light blue eye closing as if it was to close completely as he remembered how he lost his eye. But, continued walking as his flashback began with a scream.

A little boy surrounded by complete darkness, bound to a metal table. But he was struggling underneath those leather binds burning at his soft and sweaty tan skin. Trying to get free but he knew that it wasn't possible, because those binds were very strong and not evening a chainsaw could break through them. The raven headed boy looked around the very dark room, scared out of his mind, not knowing that he was about to go through extreme pain. He jumped only a little when hearing the door scratch against the metal floor, echoing footsteps walking towards the frightened and struggling little boy. Seeing three men with white lab coats wearing white doctors gloves and seeing all their glasses gleaming in the light. "Why are you doing this, why won't you let me go?" But when the boy questioned, no one answered, not even a sound. After a few minutes they brought their tools out, but he couldn't see none of their faces only but their gleaming glasses and white lab coats. One of the doctors held his head down and the other one took this weird metal object and pointed it towards his right eye. Then he lifted back up and put it in his eye he made a horrifying scream.

The abnormal young man snapped out of his memory box covering his ears and falling on his knees. The screaming stopped as he looked up at his surroundings. Struggling as he got back up, he continued walking, he was almost through walking through his childhood town. But, he would never walk back not trying to have any more flashbacks, so he continued walking down the cold empty road, trying hard to not think about anything...


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Sam Parker

Somewhere in Oakland

Sam still remembers the first time she was mistaken for a boy. She still remembers how, despite the pain that she was in, She had been offended. She still remembers how she had looked up into that ladies eyes and said in her haughty, high pitched voice and said, “Who you callin’ a he?” Of course the second that she had opened her mouth, the illusion was broken, but the moment had stuck. Samantha was now Sam; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

The odd thing is that Sam doesn’t remember how old she was on that day. She was at least eight (That was the year she got her bike) but she definitely wasn’t yet 13 (That was the year she lost her ‘street accent’) But she does remember the small details; the sunburn of her shoulders, her bare feet against the hot gravel, and her shiny new bike laying on the road. She also remembers the mixture of fear and anger that she had felt that day.

The anger was from the fact that she had just gotten that bike. It was pretty and red and shiny. And she had just been riding it. Until that car had turned the corner and Sam had been struck with a moderate, but alarming headache, causing her to veer off into the road. Next thing she knew, she had been in the middle of the street; a big black lady standing over her.

“I swear I didn’t hit the kid! He jumped right in front of me! “The lady had yelled frantically into her cell phone.

And the rest was history.

This situation however, was completely different. Instead of the fuzzy edges of a childhood memory, there were the sharp edges of reality. Instead of a new bike there was a two wheeled death trap. And most importantly, instead of a concerned black lady, there was an angry white man.

“Sir, please, calm down.” Sam said, “I’m sorry okay?”

Apparently she had an attitude, because, of course, she got an angry glare. “You drove that damn bike into my car!”

She didn’t bother to tell the man that the car is a piece of crap anyway and one more dent wouldn’t kill anyone. Besides, he should be more worried about how stupid he was to stay in this God-forsaken city. Instead she looked down at her cut up, bare feet. Instead she tried to be more polite. “Listen sir, I can pay to fix that dent.” It was a stupid lie, but the man’s anger was getting to be too much.

He looked at her and scoffed. “You? You can’t pay for the shirt on my back. Hell, you can’t pay for the shirt on yours” He looked over at her torn, stained shirt. “You expect me to believe you can pay for that dent?”

“I just got back from work” Sam whispered, humiliated. “I can give you the money I got.” She looked at him hopefully. Maybe he would have a heart and not send an obviously homeless girl away without her money. Unfortunately, he never said a thing. So Sam reached into her duffel bag and pulled out an envelope. “There is one hundred and sixty eight dollars in there. Is that enough?” She felt as if her heart was breaking giving up that money. She had worked 42 hours this week for that, and she had stayed in town despite her urge to run somewhere safer. And her salary was far below minimum wage. It was going to take forever to earn that back.... if she survived 'till then.
The man must have known that it was, but he stood there for a few minutes. “I won’t call the police on you, “He said finally “but it’ll require something else too”

Sam jumped at the hand on her upper arm. “I will fucking kill you,” She said in a low voice, turning on her heal to look at him. “If you touch me again” When he stepped forward she didn’t even bother to wait for him to touch her, she was too busy running before he noticed that his boot was on fire.


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Noah Joél Darwinson
(San Francisco, Bay Bridge)

Gun shots rang out throughout San Francisco. Clearly the government was making an attempt to reclaim what had been taken so forcefully and destroyed. There he stood upon the destroyed bridge, standing on the rubble that still lingered on the remainder of the bridge. Whoever did this was strong, as well as emotionless. Perhaps when he met them, he’d try and figure out why. There was no reason to harm the innocent, no reason to destroy the hopes and dreams of others, even if your own were nonexistent. As he stood upon the rubble, he could feel the presence of another whisk past him. Clearly he had hid his abilities well, for if any of the demons knew of his true reason for being there, they’d quickly attempt to apprehend him.

“Why not turn up the heat?” Noah stated as he watched the shadows around him leave their source.

The shadows converged into one point. That point was above the palm of Noah’s right hand. He watched as more and more shadow condensed over his right palm. Dark energy sparked off of the orb of shadow as it slowly began to rotate. At first it rotated slowly, but soon it began to pick up speed, causing more and more shadows to combine with the already basketball sized orb. Finally, when the orb was the size of a beach ball, Noah shot it directly into the sky. When it reached just below the beautiful white clouds, it exploded, sending shards of condensed shadow in all directions. The explosion rang out and shook the very earth beneath his feet. Surely that explosion would get the attention of all who currently inhabited San Francisco and surrounding areas. The shards struck the ground and dissipated. Perhaps he should have been more discreet with his attempt at rounding up the baddies, for when the energy orb exploded, he found himself surrounded by agents.

“Yep, I consider that a bad idea,” Noah stated as his staff appeared in his hand.

Normally he wouldn’t even fight the humans, but there was truly nowhere to go but through them. He had to make this quick. He wouldn’t kill them, just knock them unconscious. He slowly counted them.

“Ten on the left, and ten on the right.”

As if on cue, all of them fired their weapons. Bullets screamed through the air towards Noah who seemed to be unmoved by their actions. He looked at the line of shadows the bullets had and simply smirked. Suddenly, as if diving into water, he sank into the shadow of the first bullet that was in range of him and traveled along the line of shadow the other bullets gave off until he emerged behind the agents.

“Please forgive me,” he said softly.

He dashed through the men and women standing with guns in their hands. Even though they fired round after round of bullets, it did not deter Noah from knocking them unconscious, one after the other with the blunt end of his staff. When all had fallen, he looked towards a building which had storm clouds hovering over it. Tilting his head, he found it odd that this building was the only building with storm clouds above it. To think that it was a sunny day and for storm clouds to hover above one particular building was a coincidence was false. There was an elemental nearby, and Noah would find out exactly who he or she was and why he or she did what they did. He could feel at least 6 in the San Francisco area, but there could be more, his senses only reached so far. Silently he waited to see if anyone would respond to the explosion. He clutched his staff in his right hand and whispered a silent prayer.

“May those who lost their lives on this day, be granted eternal rest in the city of the new Jerusalem. May their pain cease, and their worrying vanish, and let peace replace all their troubling; however, let swift justice find those responsible, and carry them to judgement.”


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Sophia Gretel
(Undisclosed Government Building)

Looking at the two disarmed girls, for it would be a mistake to call them women, occupying her temporary office, Sophia let out a sigh and leaned back into the uncomfortable office chair she hoped to burn one day. Her eyelids eagerly met each other as she massaged her temples. "A national crisis. A city that's being destroyed and its population murdered. All this and they send a pair of high schoolers to solve it." Returning to a proper position and opening her eyes to meet the two she began by glaring at the girl who remained standing. "You look like some vagrant they pulled off the street." Turning her gaze to the younger one in the chair she continued her articulation of frustration. "And you seem like someone I should call a truant officer for."

Placing her hands on the desk before they had a chance to utter a syllable, she got to her feet in a way that shot the worthless seat against the office wall, causing the plaster to chip away upon meeting such a force. The cigarette she had kept hold of near the left edge of her mouth had begun to dwindle to the point that it could only sustain a few more puffs before reaching the unnecessary filter. To ease her mind so that the two people in front of her didn't wind up finding out exactly how many stories up they were, she took those last precious gasp of toxic air into her lungs. Releasing the built up smoke in one long breath, she spit the butt into a nearby waste bin. "So, is there any reason why I should take you two with me instead of say... any of the thousand trained agents and soldiers that are within earshot of this place?"


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#, as written by Zetna
Ansong Lerfang
Vancouver City

Beep Beep Beep! The sound of the alarm... something Anson was not fond of hearing each morning. Sleeping sideways, he was too lazy to get up and close it. Instead he lazily moved his arm over his little desk in search for the button or switch that would turn of the alarm. Knocking over a few things, he cursed until he found the alarm. Now moving his hand along the machine, he looked for the button that would turn it off. The longer it took, the louder the beeping got and Anson was starting to get a headache. Finally, he found the switch and flicked up down wards. The Beeping stopped and Anson let his hand drop, knocking down the cloak. He cursed again and turned sideways on his bed, facing the ceiling. Forcing himself up, he stretched his arms and stood. Dressed only in boxers, he made sure the windows from his room were closed. He had a pretty well shaped body and that was exactly why he wanted his window closed. His damn neighbour was a pervert: A lady that lived alone with her 2 kids. She wasn’t all the bad looking...but she was extremely awkward and weird. Anson walked down the hall of his house and made it to the bathroom where he got in the shower.

Anson had lived in Vancouver all his life. Keeping his secret away hadn’t been easy. He lived a little isolated from the city. His home was large. Well, large for someone who lived alone that is. But it was all he needed. Behind his home was forest. Trees for kilometres before you got another home. A single road led to the village and then to the city. He liked it. He would take his motorcycle when it was nice out and be at the High school he worked at in 30 minutes. A simple drive that he enjoyed every time. He liked his job. History was something he was good at because of one of his “talents.” With his incredible memory, Anson could remember every date and anything that happened since his birth...and even before that. That had aided him greatly at being a History teacher. But often he needed to control his knowledge. People might start asking questions. He passed a hand threw his wet hair, shampooing his hair and then rinsing it. Anson had been born with his powers. Something he had learned to control at a young age. Now 38 years old, he had much experience with his powers.

He had kept it a secret all his life. No one knew about his powers... well not since his parents. But they passed away from Cancer a few years back. Anson had no siblings and all his cousins and family lived somewhere in Europe. Anson smiled as he stepped out of the Shower and put a cloth around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. “What a handsome fella!” He laughed and walked out of the bathroom. It was 6:30 in the morning and he would need to be at the school for 8h00. He quickly made himself a tea and sat down on his couch, opening the news channel.

What he saw nearly made him drop his tea. Live footage of a helicopter floating over San Francisco. The once beautiful city was in ruins. Dead bodies lined the streets and buildings were set on fire and destroyed. The news reporter spoke: “We are now flying over what use to be the grand city of San Francisco! Only a few days ago a group of unknown people started destroying the city using unidentified weaponry. Reports say only 6 people in all were spotted! Although this still to be confirmed, survivors say to have seen a girl controlling lightning or a man freezing people just by looking at them”

His hand shaking, Anson placed his tea cup on a table and closed the T.V. No normal human could have done this...even with biochemical weaponry... This was something else. “It has to be...I knew I wasn’t the only one! HA! My theory was right!” Anson jumped up, suddenly excited by the idea of others like him. But the excitement was suddenly replaced with anger as he remembers the images of the dead bodies in the city of San Francisco. “How could they do this...and there were only 6 of them. Something must have happened. I got to get to that city and find out! And if I’m lucky...there are more like me who will come and aid me.” Anson ran to his phone and dialled the school number. “Yeah Jess! I won’t be coming in today, call in a replacement...actually I won’t be there for a while...uhh...I have uhh...relative who died over in Scotland and I need to be there. Yeah I know I know...please understand, the family needs me! Yeah ok thanks a lot...see you”

After that he leaped to his room and got dressed. He quickly put on a shirt and his brown Trench coat. Searching under his bed, he found his twin handguns and pulled out his retractable staff that he had made himself. Quickly tucking that in his coat, he made a quick bag of provisions and locked up his house, leaving the keys in the mail box. Standing outside he looked at the sky. How many people had been killed...this needed to be stopped before they continued.
Closing his eyes, Anson needed to find a way to get to San Francisco...and quick.


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"A national crisis. A city that's being destroyed and its population murdered. All this and they send a pair of high schoolers to solve it." Sophia said. She looked stressed and pissed. That made Colt almost grin.

"You look like some vagrant they pulled off the street." Sophia said looking Colt over. Then she turned her gaze to the younger girl in the chair she continued her articulation of frustration.

"And you seem like someone I should call a truant officer for."

"So, is there any reason why I should take you two with me instead of say... any of the thousand trained agents and soldiers that are within earshot of this place?" Sophia finished dramatically.

“Ma’am, I have no justification for my ‘looking like a vagrant’ but I am the best of the best, and I would bet the very clothes on my back that I could use any weapon you hand me and fire it better than any of your ‘trained agents and soldiers’. If you don’t want the finest, then send me away, and I'll go; but with all due respect ma’am. I'm the top of the pack, vagrant-looking or not.” Colt said still standing. Her boss had yet to invite her to sit, and she wouldn’t do so without permission. It was just how she was raise. Respect and give manners to who gave respect and manners to you. She stood respectfully, just inside the door way, her hands behind her back and her chin up, her eyes never leaving Sophia.


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Maxi Plasmaz (Steelix)

( San Francisco Bay Bridge-Outskirts of Oakland)

"Government agents and news reporters will undoubtedly start swarming this place... There is even a base camp not that far down this road to Oakland... Most likely some Government Agents and San Francisco survivors." Maxi blinked blankly at the male. He seemed perfectly alright... Infact, he had actually rounded up some infomation... But also, that ment that they were awfully close to the human scum bags. "I guess it might be time to round up everyone together. I will inform Jennifer and Belle... I'll leave Chishio and Daniel to you... If that isn't to difficult for you..." he continued, finishing off with a grim smile on his face.

Daniel...Oh god, why do i always end up being teamed up with him "Wait, can't we atleast change the people that we gather up? I mean..Jen is only over there... Come on. Anybody but Daniel." He was at the point of begging, nobody wants to be paired up with somebody they dislike..."Also, the bridge is..." He paused, notcing what a idiotic move he had created. "I'll be heading back to San Fran now... Maybe you should've waited until you were at the other side of the bridge before you decided to destroy it... Hopefully those led legs of yours doesn't slow you down too much..." He grinned smugly, before vanishing into thin air. Maxi rolled his eyes. "It seemed like a smart idea that the time...Ah i'm such an idiot." He moaned at himself, pulling his hood over his white hair.

Being near a base camp wasn't a great idea, and leaving his face exposed was just going to make things even worse. Nevertheless, he had to get across the bridge somehow. Glaring over the remains of the bridge, was the river that flowed rapidly. Oh how he hated water, the fact that he couldn't float to save his life and.. if he was wet for too long, his bones would simply become stiff and rusty. Just like metal itself. Having blood and bones just like the material did have quite alot of downsides. "You know what..Fuck it, i'll show them. Bitch ass mother fuckers." He moaned to himself, before clicking his fingers, creating a magnetic field. From Cars to boats simply sitting on the river began to attract over to Maxi. Which of course, created a horrible screeching sound, enough to turn anybody insane. Maxi didn't care, besides, he had his earphones jammed into his earholes. With his earphones blasting, slowly he began to hover above the ground. Objects such as cars and metal poles disconnecting themselves off the wreaked bridge, followed his every move, like he was a puppet master. "Alright, make a path for daddy." He commanded firmly and harshly, which inturn lead the objects into leaping and crashing into the river. Jamming themselfs together to make it safe to cross. In a matter of minutes, the process was complete. "Nicely done..." He said, while stepping onto the hood of a Ferrari Enzo Spider.

Soon enough, something had attracted his attention. A douchebag who thought it was smart enough to create some kind of bomb into the sky. Infact, it didn't suprise Maxi that the male had caused some of the Goverments special forces to surround him. "This could become interesting... Although, i'm pretty sure i killed everybody.." He hovered towards the scene, just a few feet above of them. This guy... Why does he seem...No, it can't be. Maxi blinked blankly, notcing that it was Noah. Mother fucker... I thought he was dead... He could only watch in shock, as the male performed skill and perfection with his element, which ment that he had worked hard. Noah finished performing like a some kind of boss, and proceeded to praying. Maxi couldn't help himself but laugh. "All that hard work...And you decide that praying afterwords is going to secure you a place in heaven? God, and i thought that i was the idiot." With his earphones now hanging out of his ears, the screeching sound had been silenced, leaving the metal material lifeless once more. "Tell me, why do you continue to try and save these people? After they have caused us so much pain?"

Oh shit, almost forgot...Daniel, Belle and...whats his name, ermm Cashi? no...Chisio? yeah i think so...Got to draw their attention some how... Before he gave Noah a chance to reply, a goverment chopper hovered over the bridge, which was a sign of luck. Slowly, Maxi's firm fist faced skyward. "Ah, hold on a second. Just need to do something." His fist opened up, causing the pilot of the chopper to lose control. "Gotcha." He whispered, leaving the chopper to spin around like a dog chasing its own tail. He clicked his hand, and pretended that he was holding a baseball. Then, with that baseball, Maxi threw it far into the distance. Causing the chopper to do the same action. The huge machine was sent soaring into air, while being crushed at the same time. When it hit a certain altitude, the chopper exploaded like a firework. Hopefully gaining the attention of his so called 'team mates.'

"Now...Where was we?" Maxi said humorously. He turned towards him, smiling like a stuck up child. "Oh yes. You may talk now."


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Sam Parker
SanFrancisco Bay Bridge

Sam would have kept running if she hadn’t seen the explosion in the sky. Yes, and explosion in the sky. Two years back it would have seemed odd. She would have made something up in her mind. Maybe (By some odd coincidence) two planes had crashed in mid-flight. Or maybe some stupid kids had set off a massive amount of fireworks. Heck, maybe even today she could have deluded herself into thinking that maybe, just maybe, this was something, somewhere in the realm of normal.

But the explosion was fucking black! It looked as if a huge glass orb had been shot up into the sky and then exploded into shards of darkness. It was just bizarre. And it was obviously something supernatural. The source seemed to be directly ahead. Maybe a mile or so down the bridge? And that meant a bit more than five miles away from where she stood. In other words, about half an hour if she ran.

A normal person would have run as fast as they could AWAY. But not Sam. What if someone was in trouble over there? She couldn’t live with herself if someone got hurt because she was too afraid to take action. She picked up the pace and began to run towards the bridge, even if it meant burning off the only calories she would eat in a while.

About half way there, Sam saw another explosion. Except this time it looked as if two planes had actually crashed in the sky. The thought was frightening. Two explosions in the same place in less than an hour meant that some serious shit was going down, and Sam almost turned around. But she didn’t. If someone was hurt she was going to help. And if someone was causing this they where going to get there asses kicked… or burned off.

However, when Sam got there (surprisingly ‘there’ was actually ON the bridge), she stopped in her tracks. There was a rather tall (Although she was probably taller) boy with silver hair and a slightly shorter, ginger boy. They both looked a bit scary, though it was probably the dead bodies. Oh god… the dead bodies. Sam hoped that they weren’t dead. She didn’t know what she would do if they were dead. She had seen plenty of dead people in her days on the street. But they were never standing right next to their killers. And that’s when she did the first non-brave thing all day.

She stayed perfectly still and hoped that they wouldn’t notice the person in the distance.


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#, as written by Renmiri
Jennifer Williams
(San Francisco Bay Bridge)

Jen had been quietly resting (or in other words, being her lazy self) and watching the city's ruin below, taking notice of any people that happened to cross by the Bay Bridge. As soon as she'd seen the appearance of another, potentially (probably) enemy elementalist, she'd churned out a wonderful, small storm just above her; in case. Even if it's a dead giveaway, I can still stop anything coming my way, here. So, as she had been otherwise diligently (lazily) overlooking whatever happened, it didn't surprise her in the least when the familiar voice shook her from her thoughts. He'd mysteriously vanished only a moment ago, after all, she'd gotten used to him appearing, as if from no where, a long time ago. I wonder if that Super Speed of his is faster than my run with lightning.. Oh well. Not like I'd care enough to go ahead and race him or something.

"Well well well... enjoying the view from up here? If you ask me I think it's quite beautiful... this city hasn't had this much peace and silence in centuries..." Knowing that her comrade probably didn't come up to meet her just to comment on the view, Jen gave a half-hearted 'Mhmm' while shifting a bit to give him room to sit. Her assumption was proved true a moment later, and she lifted a finger to point at the particular image of the new, unknown person, who'd just reappeared the second before. She glanced at his pet snake, Darius, before giving a reply. "Well, yes, the point was to draw attention; but, either way, I think it's a little too late now. See that guy, there? He's another one of us. And I don't th--" A sudden, shard-like explosion in the air cut her off; almost startling her if she didn't know any better. "--ink he's going to help us. Point proven, right there."

With that, Jen got up without waiting for a reply and stood on the edge of the roof, looking down on her new, potential victim. The blast in the sky had slightly set her off, since with her abilities, she had come to believe the sky was her domain, but remained where she stood as he beat up a round of policemen, then Maxi with a chopper. With her friend in the picture, her sudden urge to shoot lightning dulled to almost none; the signature trait of her laziness, because, well, Maxi could handle a guy like that. She didn't really feel like she had to help. And that's why I'll stay here, thank you very much. Sighing, Jen looked back at Christian while her cloud visibly dissipated before coming back into existence above the bridge; centered to the new guy. "Well, then. I'm guessing that you'll go and round up the others now, right? Don't worry, we'll hold out. After all, Maxi and I do work well together." Or we supposedly work well together. Whatever.

As she spoke, the blade of a hilt-less knife materialized within the grasp of her right hand; which began to glow, ever so slightly, with crackles of electricity. It was only when her storm cloud began to rumble, giving off a measure of rain (mostly falling on Noah), that tiny bolts began to run along the base of her hand. Turning back to her target now, Jen softly gripped her blade and held it up to point at him with her right arm, her left behind her back. She smiled at him once and tilted her head in case he happened to look over (or Maxi, so he would know she was about to do something), and, with as little warning as she could give, let loose a deadly accurate shot of railgun; spearheaded by the small blade of a sharp cooking knife. Simultaneously, her hidden, left hand fingers snapped; the small sound a signal for the thundercloud's aimed lightning. Those, she only loosed three, to save any energy that she could.

I'd be ashamed if that was all it took to get rid of him. Oh crap, I hope Maxi doesn't rage. Seemed like he had a moment going on there. Now hovering a bit over the ground, Jen sped over the Maxi in a bout of lightning, tapping him on the shoulder in the air half a second later. She'd given only a 'Hi', before she finally noticed a lone, standing figure farther along the bridge. Oh, would that happen to be.. Another female elementalist? I wouldn't be surprised. Though it seemed there were more guys than girls, with these abilities. Grinning, she almost set off in that direction, before catching herself and informing her colleague. "Hey, you can take care of this guy, right? I'll be back in a minute." She glanced over at her newfound interest, eyes flashing in some definition of excitement. "Just going to check out a potential danger, that's all." This'll be better than sharing a target with him, anyway. Shame it'll only be just a moment.

Without waiting for a reply, Jen raced over in a matter of milliseconds with her ability, stopping and relaxing a meter close, in the air. The surrounding area seemed to fill with static electricity, a trick she often used in case her old victim attempted to attack her with her back turned. Otherwise, she seemed to be defenseless and without the thought to attack for no reason. With that, her eyes settled over the girl's face, confident that she was, in fact, a female. Call it intuition, whatever. "Hey, would you happen to be like us? With abilities?" Jen let her hands fall to her sides. "I won't suddenly attack you, in case that's what you're thinking. I'm just curious." Well, I won't unless she hits me first. If I'm right and she is like us, then all the more reason not to. Seems like we picked the city with the most other elementalists to destroy, huh?


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Christian Cassidy

(San Francisco Rooftop near Bay Bridge)

Christian liked to sit down and just relax but today wasn't a day for that. When had pointed towards the Bay Bridge at the mysterious man Christian knew that this wasn't going to be news he wanted to hear. Jennifer began speaking, saying, "Well, yes, the point was to draw attention; but, either way, I think it's a little too late now. See that guy, there? He's another one of us. And I don't th--" Her words were then abruptly interrupted by the sound of an explosion, which was made by a peculiar black sphere. Fragments of that sphere seemed to fly everywhere, one had even landed next to Christian's hands. Jennifer continued saying, "--ink he's going to help us. Point proven, right there." This news didn't entirely phase Christian, the likelihood of an Elementalist coming to someplace where he believed Elementalists were wasn't a peculiar idea at all. Jennifer had then walked towards the edge of the roof, looking towards the mysterious man. She then looked back towards Christian asking if he was going to round up everybody and to not worry about her.

He then walked towards Jennifer, placing his hand on her shoulders he said, "I wouldn't worry about you my dear... You have proven often how deadly you are in the field of combat. No, I will not worry. I will take my farewell. Give greetings from me to the girl when you see her." Grinning Christian's snake Darius then bit Jennifer's neck, very slightly, the bite left two teardrop marks on her neck. Darius had then seemingly disappeared into Christian's sleeve. Christian then walked away from Jennifer calling out, "Don't be afraid to call... I'm sure I will find a way to assist you." He then disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.

Running through the streets of San Francisco Christian viewed all the destruction which they had created. He didn't know what to think of it. He wondered, Was this truly the best way to gain the attention of the Government and media? Shaking his head he already knew the answer. Of course it was. Christian then turned to thoughts of whom he was going to address first; Belle, Chishio, or Daniel. Christian knew approximately where each of them were when they had begun creating this destruction and from his calculations he believed that the closest was Chishio and the furthest was Daniel. Not overtly keen to talk to either of them, since his ideals didn't seem to be harmonious with theirs. He then decided that he would go find Belle, who was probably still around the Golden Gate area. Without a second thought Christian made his way towards the Golden Gate Park.

After a while of traveling Christian noticed that his overuse of Celerity had finally caught up to him, his legs started to give way. Not wanting to slow down however he continued to use his Celerity until he had finally found Belle, who was singing on a park bench. Her seemingly carefree attitude and beautiful music always seemed to make Christian smile, no matter the circumstance. Just a few feet away from her Christian's legs had finally gave in as he fell, landing next to Belle's feet. Holding onto his legs Christian had shocks of pain running through his body from his legs. Christian knew that he shouldn't overuse his Celerity, since overuse usually led to ripping his muscles and possibly ligaments and tendons. The severity of the pain was not as bad though and he would be able to use his legs again in a matter of minutes. Looking up at Belle's face Christian smiled and said, "It seems that some new Elementalists have come to San Francisco after hearing about the destruction... Seems our plans our working. We should go and find the others soon... Mind playing a melody that will repair my legs faster?" Christian didn't know if Belle was able to do this but he believed that if she was able to kill people with her music that it was possible she could also heal.


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“Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to heal with my music…just control the weak minded” Belle said with a shake of her head as she dropped to the ground next to Christian.

“Maybe you should think twice about over using your powers, yes?” she asked with a smile. She hoped he would better soon.

“New elementals you say? Hmmm…we are doing a good job then. The question is whether they will comply with our needs…” she said with a grin. Her own dirty joke made her smile. She wondered for a moment if she had been a funny person before, as she couldn’t remember any of it….all save a few flashes here and there where gone.


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Rose Menova

(Hidden Lake somewhere in California)

The moment Rose opened her eyes, she smelled the lake and her brother's cooking. They lived alone, but they were happy to be together. She dressed herself up, and headed to the kitchen, where she found her brother cooking. She crept up behind him and hugged him from behind, hoping to surprise him. But to her dismay, her brother was just smirking. Her brother had the same blonde hair as her and was also tall. In fact, her brother was the same as her, only he was a guy. They were like twins, male and female ones.

" Hoping to surprise me, Rose? " Caleb, her brother, teased her. Rose pouted with a nod. She was about to walk away when her brother called out to her. Rose turned around and raised her eyebrow in confusion. " You're not eating breakfast? I made your favorite " Caleb said that made Rose smile. " Fine, I'll be eating it then " Rose said as she walked towards the table and sat down, waiting for her brother to set the plates. After a few minutes of eating, Rose stood up. Immediately, her brother knew where she was going.

" Be safe " her brother told her as he waved. Rose ran to the lake and dived for it. She was always happy to be in the water, or just the thought of it makes her smile. She swam with the fishes gracefully, like she always do. She breathed for air as she swam back to the surface, and noticed that the sun was just rising. And it was a very beautiful view for her. But then, Caleb walked towards her with a distressed expression. She knew that something was wrong. She walked to where her brother was and asked if something was wrong. To her dismay, he nodded.
“ We have to go now. Leave this place. Fast “ Caleb told her and she went back with him to their house without hesitation. They packed their things immediately but finished doing so after quite some time. When they were done packing, the sun was already up in the afternoon sky. “ Have they found me? “ Rose asked Caleb as they ran through the forest, with Rose having no clue of where Caleb was leading her.


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Noah Joél Darwinson
(San Francisco Bay Bridge – Outskirts of Oakland)

He watched over the unconscious soldiers, making sure they were comfortable while he waited. He was sure someone other than the government had noticed the huge explosion in the sky. If they didn’t see it, surely they felt it. Silently he stood on the bridge not saying a word, allowing the wind to blow through his hair; his cloak fluttering in the breeze. The bridge’s destruction had a signature upon it that Noah knew too well. He recalled the name of the assailant. His name was Maxi or Steelix, as he was most commonly known. Noah had run into him a few times in his travels, and the last time they had met, Steelix had gotten the best of him. The kid was strong, that much was sure, after all he had control over the most available element in the world. Metal was everywhere, even small traces of iron could be found in the bodies of humans and most non-humans. The two clashed and Maxi walked away with the thought that Noah was dead. Little did he know that Noah had many tricks up his sleeve. Slipping into the shadow world to recover was one of those tricks. Upon his recovering, he vowed he’d find Maxi and stop his insane plots.

As he stood there, he recalled all the training he had done over the past year. He recalled the blood, sweat, and tears that pushed him to the next level. Mastering his element was what he strived to do, but even now he still had much work to do. He had grown stronger, that much could be seen, and his knowledge had become vaster, but he still had not mastered his element, even if it seemed as if he had. The ultimate dark elemental could create an area void of light, and create weaponry out of shadow. While Noah could do that latter, there was still much more to unlock about his element. For example, shadow snatching, or controlling the shadow of an object or individual henceforth controlling them as well. The technique was dangerous as well as forbidden, and he had never attempted it, NEVER. Sighing, he continued to look out over the water; watching and waiting.

The silence around him was interrupted by the screeching of metal. Turning his body to face the source of such disruptive noise, he noticed a figure approach. The figure was floating atop a mass of metal, and Noah made out the figure to be Maxi. When the man spoke, Noah knew for certain that it was Maxi. He gripped his crystal staff and held his ground as he listened to Maxi.

“All that hard work…And you decide that praying afterwards is going to secure you a place in heaven? God; and I thought that I was the idiot.”

Noah rolled his eyes and glared at Maxi.

“It is something a soulless bastard like you wouldn’t understand,” Noah replied.

“Tell me, why do you continue to try and save these people? After they have caused us so much pain?”

Noah looked at Maxi and thought about his question; however, his attention quickly diverted to the helicopter that Maxi so brutally destroyed with the passengers inside. The mass of metal exploded causing Noah to let out a soft gasp. He closed his eyes, but opened them, his temper ever noticeable in his eyes.

“What is there to gain from destroying the weak? Why are you so intent on killing innocent men, women and children just to prove a point to the government? It is they who you should target, not these innocent people. If it takes my last breath, I will see to it that you and your cronies are stopped,” Noah replied, “I have nothing else to say to you, I’ll let my actions speak for me.”

An orb of dark energy had formed at the end of his staff, and as soon as it had become the size of a basketball, Noah swung the staff, sending the orb barreling towards Maxi. Just as he had begun his onslaught, he was deterred by the sudden storm cloud appearing above him. Soon he was drenched in rain, but he was able to see the figure of a female appear. She let loose a barrage of electricity, as well as a metal knife that seemed to have been supercharged for more damage. Noah glared and flipped out of the way just in time, for lightning streaked down from the storm cloud and struck the spot Noah had been standing, and the railgun of an assault blasted the ground he had been standing on, causing a small crater to appear. He slid to a halt and was about to retaliate, but the girl vanished. He followed her energy signature with his senses and picked up on another girl. The two seemed to be conversing, and Noah deduced that this particular girl mustn’t have had any ill will towards him, because she had not attacked; however, he was absolutely sure that the lightning elemental was working with Maxi, and that meant he had to stop them both, by himself. Twirling his crystal staff, he slammed it against the ground in the lightning elemental’s direction. A shadow minion burst out of the ground, aiming to tackle the female, but while it was in midair, it opened its mouth and let out a powerful shot of dark energy. Another minion emerged from the shadow of the brave, blue eyed, pale faced girl and softly tapped her on the shoulder. It then began to speak, using the voice of its creator to do so.

“You might want to get out of here. These two are the ones responsible for the destruction of San Francisco. Come, I shall take you to a hiding place.”

The minion extended its hand towards Sam. Noah turned his attention back to Maxi. His minions could handle themselves, they had interesting minds of their own, but they served Noah without question. The shadow minions were resistant to physical assaults, but could be damaged by elemental attack. If a strong enough elemental attack were to strike the shadow minion, it would disperse into unorganized shadow and cease its function. This was the first time he had used the shadow minions in front of Maxi, but he was sure it wouldn't be the last. He stood in a defense position, waiting on the next move, his senses on high alert.


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Sam Parker
SanFrancisco Bay Bridge

Sam had only been standing there for a few moments, letting the seemingly abundant wind ruffle her clothing and mess up her hair (well, more than it was already), when the two boys started fighting. Before they had been merely talking, something that Sam found extremely odd. After all, one of them had just blown up a plane; A plane with innocent people on board. Unless they were both trouble, they should have started fighting right away (And hopefully whoever killed those people would pay). But they didn’t. No, they talked… Sam didn’t really get how fighting worked. Sure she had thrown a few punches, but this type of violence was new to her. And when the storm cloud appeared, and the one boy seemed to go down, it was exhilarating (For Sam believed that the cloud had been produced by the boy’s opponent.)

And then she felt something. It was almost like fog, a blanket of something kind of warm and wet. Except this was more like a blanket of needles. It covered her like static electricity and took a few seconds to wear off. In other words: it was just plain bizarre. Less than a nanosecond later, as the shock was just wearing off, Sam noticed a girl in front of her.
Upon noticing this, she nearly jumped out of her skin. It wasn’t that this girl was particularly frightening, but she was here! Right in an area where just a second ago had been empty. What the hell… She wanted to say it, but the words wouldn’t come out. And she abandoned all efforts to speak when this girl began talking to her.

"Hey, would you happen to be like us? With abilities?"

No, yes, maybe, Leave me alone What was she supposed o say? If she said yes, whoever this was could hurt her, maybe kill her. It was pretty obvious that she wasn’t a normal human, but she could just be... well mad. Lots of people like Sam had been driven mad with power, why should one pretty girl be an exception. However, this girl might be good; nice. She might be an asset to have around.

"I won't suddenly attack you, in case that's what you're thinking. I'm just curious."

Well she couldn’t be too insane. . Most people who had completely lost it didn’t bother with any sort of logic or reasoning. They just attacked. But she could be lying. Anyone was capable of that. But for some reason Sam decided to tell the truth. “Yea, but I’m not trying to cause any trouble. I’m not like those people up there” Her features took on a look of complete disgust and she balled up her fists. “I’m just trying to make sure no one else gets hurt”

Maybe it had been a stupid thing to say. Maybe this girl was friends with ‘those people up there’. But even in hindsight, Sam didn’t care. These where the worst sorts of people and deserved to be offended.

And then life decided to screw with her again. Before the other girl even had a chance to respond, Sam felt something cold on her shoulder. But instead of jumping, she unballed her fists and prepared to char whatever this thing was. Just one problem: it wasn’t human. It was a figure, black as night, that seemed to be made up of fog. Then it opened its mouth.

“You might want to get out of here. These two are the ones responsible for the destruction of San Francisco. Come, I shall take you to a hiding place.”

Sam stiffened as it held out a hand. There was no way she was going to touch whatever this thing was. It was just too creepy. So out of sheer instinct she threw forward her hands (As if hitting it) and threw fire at it. At first it seemed as if it would work. The light from the fire seemed to extinguish this... thing, however, it went right though it and hit the ground, and the shadow was visible again.

So Sam did the only thing she could, she looked back towards the blond girl, her hands still steaming, and begged silently for help.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz
Character Portrait: Anson Lerfang
Character Portrait: Jennifer (Jen) Williams
Character Portrait: Noah Joél Darwinson
Character Portrait: Sam Parker


Character Portrait: Sam Parker
Sam Parker

So you think I'm hot-headed huh? Wait till ya get to know me.

Character Portrait: Noah Joél Darwinson
Noah Joél Darwinson

"oh look, night has come and your chances of winning are nonexistent"

Character Portrait: Jennifer (Jen) Williams
Jennifer (Jen) Williams

"Well, then. Aren't you interesting?"

Character Portrait: Anson Lerfang
Anson Lerfang

"Im may be older...but I'm not weaker"

Character Portrait: Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz
Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz

"The thing about the goverment is... They say they're gonna' do stuff... But they never do it."


Character Portrait: Sam Parker
Sam Parker

So you think I'm hot-headed huh? Wait till ya get to know me.

Character Portrait: Jennifer (Jen) Williams
Jennifer (Jen) Williams

"Well, then. Aren't you interesting?"

Character Portrait: Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz
Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz

"The thing about the goverment is... They say they're gonna' do stuff... But they never do it."

Character Portrait: Noah Joél Darwinson
Noah Joél Darwinson

"oh look, night has come and your chances of winning are nonexistent"

Character Portrait: Anson Lerfang
Anson Lerfang

"Im may be older...but I'm not weaker"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz
Maxi 'Steelix' Plasmaz

"The thing about the goverment is... They say they're gonna' do stuff... But they never do it."

Character Portrait: Sam Parker
Sam Parker

So you think I'm hot-headed huh? Wait till ya get to know me.

Character Portrait: Jennifer (Jen) Williams
Jennifer (Jen) Williams

"Well, then. Aren't you interesting?"

Character Portrait: Anson Lerfang
Anson Lerfang

"Im may be older...but I'm not weaker"

Character Portrait: Noah Joél Darwinson
Noah Joél Darwinson

"oh look, night has come and your chances of winning are nonexistent"

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