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An Eldar outcast, finding herself on Terra with no home and a guilty conscience.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Baron von Bad


Auralia is an Eldar, a pointed eared race of elven-esque people who live amongst the stars. Her race is very prideful and looks down on most other races, deeming them inferior. The Eldar tend to be disliked by most.

Standing at 5'4 she's not the tallest of her kind, but her youthful, inhuman beauty makes up for it. Her raven black hair falls down to her shoulders, and is kept out of her large, piercing green eyes. Her elegant features are rather round, which isn't common for her kind. Auralia's skin if fair and smooth.

Being an Eldar, Auralia's body is more advanced than a Human's, her reactions are incredibly quick, and her agility, flexiblity and balance is far better than the average human, allowing her to perform all manner of acrobatic maneuvers. She seems to move with a certain distracting grace. And she has a natural affinity for psychic abilities.

Also a racial trait is her long lifespan, Auralia is currently 96 years old, and most of her kind can live for thousands of years.


Auralia is a very brash and aggressive individual. She often rushes into situations without thinking; usually in an attempt to look brave. She is overconfident and has a superiority complex. Other species are inferior in her eyes, and she often refers to them as “Mon'keigh”, a term for lesser species in her native language. Since Eldar emotions are incredibly strong, she sometimes has trouble keeping her feelings in check. Anger is especially hard for her to keep in check, causing her to be prone to angry outbursts.


Shuriken Pistols

Holstered at her hips are two shuriken pistols. These weapons fire a flesh-tearing hail of razor-sharp shuriken missiles by means of a gravitic accelerator. The shuriken themselves are razor-sharp monomolecular-edged discs of plasti-crystal. A shuriken disc can slice straight through flesh and bone, and can penetrate a considerable thickness of metal. A single solid core of plasti-crystal is used as ammunition. Shuriken pistols have a very high rate of fire, able to fire up to a hundred rounds in one or two seconds at the cost of accuracy. Each core is good for about 10 of these bursts.


This pair of single-edged knives are 16 inches long with a 10 inch mono molecular blade capable of cutting through nearly anything.

Mesh Armor

This armor is made of tens of thousands flexible of interwoven scales of psycho-plastics. When hit these scales become momentarily rigid, reducing the damage done. The scales also disperse heat rapidly, giving extra protection against energy attacks. It is colored white, with purple trim. A small section of armor on the outside of her right thigh is patchwork, and of lower quality than the rest of the armor.

Banshee Mask

Made of a more rigid, stronger material than the rest of her armor, the Banshee Mask covers her entire face and head, and can stop most small arms fire. Built into the mask is a special psychosonic amplifier, turning Auralia's raging battle cry into a devastating psychic barrage. This psychic scream breaks concentration, and can temporarily stun opponents for a short period of time. The mask has an air-filtration system to protect Auralia from harmful gases and toxic environments, it also has a re-breather as well as night vision and thermal vision systems.

Smoke Grenades

When activated, these grenades release a dense smokescreen, obscuring eyesight. Perfect for escape or distraction.


A Waystone is a small, seemingly precious stone carried on her chest. The moment Auralia dies her soul will be trapped in this stone, saving her from eternal damnation.


Being naturally psychic, Auralia uses her psychic powers to her advantage in combat. However using these abilities can be mentally draining, especially when used for particularly complex things. Intense pain and severe injury can break her concentration, preventing her from using her psychic abilities.


Telekinesis allows her to manipulate objects from a distance. This allows her to interact with objects as if she was actually holding them. She can pull pins from grenades, pull the trigger of a gun or even throw and guide objects through the air. She can use this on willing living targets.


Auralia can summon a protective dome of psychic energy around her, effectively blocking projectile attacks. However it is very difficult for her to hold the barrier up for a long amount of time, and she cannot move out of the barrier while it is activated.


The simplest of Auralia's abilities, she can release blasts of psychic force from her hands and feet, capable of hurling objects, people and even herself with great force.


Auralia lived on the exodite world Veleria, an exodite world was for Eldar who wished to break away from the rest of their kind. Thick jungles covered most of the planet, teeming with life, both plant and animal. Being out of the way from most other “civilized” planets, not much war came to Veleria. Auralia spent most of her life training to fight an enemy that seemed like it would never come. Most of the fighting she and her fellow Eldar did was against the beasts of their planet, which were quite ferocious in their own way.

However, the farseers began to have visions of a terrible invasion by the vicious alien race, the Tyranids. The Eldar warriors trained intensely and were always diligent in preparation for the coming invasion. When the Tyranid hive fleet was detected in the system, Auralia faced fear unlike any she had felt before. Auralia decided to gather up her things and venture through the webway, a complex series of inter-planetary tunnels. With a map in hand she traveled for what felt like months until she finally emerged on Terra. Auralia was wracked with guilt about leaving her people and not dying an honorable death by defending her home.

So begins...

Auralia's Story

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Auralia Snapped her piercing green eyes at Morbin, her mouth twisted in a terrible frown. She stood up and started speaking in Eldar fluently, her tone sounded very aggressive, and she was most likely spouting various insults and curses. She hadn't even realized she slipped back into her native tongue, her voice sounded much more melodic, exotic, and beautiful when she spoke in her own language. Auralia stopped right before Morbin and blinked, realizing that she had stopped speaking in his language. “You wouldn't be so happy if I challenged you hand to hand, now would you?” She said, attempting to ignore her language blunder.

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Auralia Still frowned, but didn't make any attempt to stop his hand from patting her head. “Don't treat me like a child, Mon-keigh, it insults me.” Once some part of her mind realized she could not actually burn a hole through Morbin's head with her eyes, she dropped her gaze to her small feet. Her pride was hurt, and by a human of all things! If her old friends knew of this they would laugh at her, and mock her. “I...” She began, it almost sounded like she was going to apologize for a moment, but she changed her choice of words rather quickly. “I am still superior, remember that.”

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Auralia Flinched away from Morbin's clap, she knew he was right, but of course she didn't want to acknowledge it. An Eldar was never supposed to accept defeat, she was supposed to be unbeatable, but she failed a long time ago, yet kept clinging on to her ideals. “Actually... I am no longer a soldier.” She said quietly after taking a few deep breaths and a long, slightly awkward silence. Auralia was calming down now, but she still didn't want to cheer up. “I stopped being a warrior many years ago, Mon-keigh.”

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Auralia Seemed rather fragile in the face of Morbin's outburst, Auralia definitely wasn't in the best condition of her life right now. “I told you not to treat me like a child.” She grumbled, her emerald eyes still glued to her feet. “I am superior, you just don't want to realize it because you're a Mon-keigh.” Auralia wasn't going to give up her ideals easily, that was for certain. Being raised by a pompous, prideful people drilled those ideals into her head. She turned on her heels and walked away from Morbin, she sat down on the bed again, facing away from the Guardsman.

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Auralia Felt a little better as she listened to the Guardsman list the ways she was better than him. Sadly Morbin didn't quite understand, and while she was generally reluctant to speak of her race to a human, maybe she could with Morbin. “Long before you humans existed, Eldar were the dominant race, we ruled the galaxy, it was all ours. That is why we are superior, we have accomplished things far greater than you could imagine.” She turned to face the man, her emerald eyes no longer trying to burn a hole through him, but her gaze was still just as piercing.

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Auralia 's lower lip quivered slightly, here was this human, telling her that her ideals were faulty, that she was obsessed and even disrespectful to her ancestors. “Stop it.” She said firmly, despite her fragile appearance. “You don't understand me or my people, we are not the same as humans, we live differently, we are raised differently. We have different ideals, gods and philosophies, we are not like your kind. Yet here you are, trying to tear down my world, telling me that I'm wrong! It hurts me Mon-keigh, it hurts me.” Auralia tore her gaze away from Morbin's steely one, looking down at her lap instead.

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Auralia Allowed her head to be turned to face Morbin, she looked up at him with shining eyes. She couldn't keep her eyes on him for long though, she averted her gaze once again. This human really though of her as his only friend? She felt like he actually cared about her, he was right about the things he said, Auralia was just stubborn and didn't want to accept it. “I suppose you're right, Morbin.” This time the use of his name was no slip up, she meant it. “Perhaps I should just go back home.” She mumbled quietly.

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Auralia Shrugged. “My home is nothing more than a barren rock, no Eldar reside there. But I suppose I would be more welcome there amongst bones than I am here.” She sighed and fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I wouldn't live longer there than I would here, I assure you of that.” Auralia missed her friends and family, she would certainly give up a lot to have them back, to get away from all these other races and be embraced by her own kind.

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Auralia Nodded slowly, Morbin had a nasty habit of constantly being right.”I cannot give up my ideals so easily, surely you can understand that at least. And it would be disrespectful to my ancestors to abandon everything they stood for, everything they taught me and those before me to stand for.” She looked at Morbin for a few moments, even though she was decades older than the human, he was much more mature than her. With another sigh Auralia rolled onto her side, looking away from the man whom she saw as a friend.

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Auralia Quickly rolled over to face her Guardsman friend, she blinked a few times at his grin, she wondered just why he was grinning at a time like this. “We are this way for a reason, Morbin. It's not like the Eldar just stood up one day and decided to think this way.” She paused, mulling over his words again. “It doesn't matter if I die today or in a thousand years, I am but one Eldar, alone. Others will carry on the legacy of our ancestors, but nobody will carry on my legacy.”

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Auralia Sighed and closed her eyes. “I see no reason to be happy, we don't live in a happy world...” She simply stated, as if it was a fact that the world wasn't a happy place, in her eyes that was the truth. “When I was a child, I was taught that I shouldn't enjoy life's pleasures too much, for if I did the Great Enemy would steal my soul. Did your mother ever tell you stories as a child, to scare you, and keep you from doing things she didn't want you to do?”

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Auralia “We are not insane!” Auralia quickly snapped at Morbin, raising her voice just above normal level. She didn't have an answer to his other questions though, she honestly didn't question what she had been taught. “My mother was just trying to keep me safe, so I wouldn't be damned like so many others.” Her voice was quieting down again, she felt a little tinge of embarrassment at her brief outburst. “We have made enough mistakes, we can't afford to make anymore.”

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“Don't call me stupid.” She pouted, this human just didn't understand. Auralia sighed and took a moment to mull things over. She took a deep breath and spoke again after some time. “We Eldar are a dying race because we enjoyed life too much, so we learn from our mistakes, and change so we don't make the same mistakes again. But I'm sure that doesn't make sense to you.”

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Auralia Groaned softly and shook her head. “No, Morbin, humans had nothing to do with it.” She paused and took another moment to think of where to start explaining things. “The warp rift at the edge of the galaxy. You humans call it... The Eye of Terror, yes?” She began, hoping that Morbin would be able to follow. “The rift is a...” She hesitated, then just blurted it out bluntly. “It's the creation of the Eldar.”

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“Chaos existed long before the rift did, Morbin.” Auralia said forcefully, raising her voice a little. She sighed and sat up, resting the palms of her hands on her thighs. “The Eldar were the dominant race, we have lifespans of thousands of years... So what did we do with all that time on our hands? We pursued every perverted pleasure we could think of. The souls of every corrupt Eldar that died fed the powers of chaos until eventually...” She took a deep breath before continuing, she had never told the story herself before. “The rift opened up and the Great Enemy was created, only the Eldar that were smart enough to leave beforehand were spared. Now you know, not many humans get to hear that story.”

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Auralia Nodded and placed her hand on top of Morbin's. “It's okay, you're only human after all. I just hope you now understand why we are the way we are.” She spoke softly, Auralia was quite surprised at herself that she just told a human about her race's biggest mistake. Maybe she should stop thinking of Morbin as just a human, and think of him as a friend instead. “If you're not whisked off, you can sleep in this bed tonight. I can find another place to sleep.”

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Auralia Nodded once more, with a bit more enthusiasm this time. “You deserve it Morbin, more than I.” She wondered where she would end up sleeping tonight, but it didn't matter all that much, what mattered was that Morbin could sleep here tonight. The war-weary soldier deserved a warm bed, at least for this one night. Auralia smiled warmly at him, and patted his hand once, then removed her hand from his.

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Auralia Chuckled softly and stood up. “Enjoy this while you can, get some sleep.” She said and patted Morbin lightly on the head. With that she turned around and headed for the door. Auralia stopped right before the door and looked over her shoulder, offering Morbin a small smile. She then left the room, leaving Morbin all alone except for the company of a soft bed.

The setting changes from Gambit's Hotel, 7th Floor to Gambit's Bar


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Auralia Walked down the stairs, covering her mouth as she yawned. Auralia looked tired today, much more so than usual. With inhuman grace she made her way to the counter, she sat down and asked for just a glass of water, her quite voice had an odd melodic quality, and a trace of an odd, alien accent. Her emerald eyes scanned the bar, there were so many unfamiliar faces in this place. But amidst the crowd Auralia recognized one face, she smiled when her gaze landed upon Morbin and made her way over to his table. “Did you enjoy the warm bed?” She asked as she sat down across from him.


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Auralia Nodded, it was unfortunate that the Guardsman was in such a predicament, but there wasn't much she could do about it. “At least you were able have the comfort of a bed for a short while. Maybe I'll even let you sleep in it again.” She drummed her fingers on the tabletop, a teasing glint appeared in her tired eyes as she spoke again. “I do hope you didn't steal any of my possessions, I would be very disappointed in you, Morbin.”