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An Eldar outcast, finding herself on Terra with no home and a guilty conscience.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Baron von Bad


Auralia is an Eldar, a pointed eared race of elven-esque people who live amongst the stars. Her race is very prideful and looks down on most other races, deeming them inferior. The Eldar tend to be disliked by most.

Standing at 5'4 she's not the tallest of her kind, but her youthful, inhuman beauty makes up for it. Her raven black hair falls down to her shoulders, and is kept out of her large, piercing green eyes. Her elegant features are rather round, which isn't common for her kind. Auralia's skin if fair and smooth.

Being an Eldar, Auralia's body is more advanced than a Human's, her reactions are incredibly quick, and her agility, flexiblity and balance is far better than the average human, allowing her to perform all manner of acrobatic maneuvers. She seems to move with a certain distracting grace. And she has a natural affinity for psychic abilities.

Also a racial trait is her long lifespan, Auralia is currently 96 years old, and most of her kind can live for thousands of years.


Auralia is a very brash and aggressive individual. She often rushes into situations without thinking; usually in an attempt to look brave. She is overconfident and has a superiority complex. Other species are inferior in her eyes, and she often refers to them as “Mon'keigh”, a term for lesser species in her native language. Since Eldar emotions are incredibly strong, she sometimes has trouble keeping her feelings in check. Anger is especially hard for her to keep in check, causing her to be prone to angry outbursts.


Shuriken Pistols

Holstered at her hips are two shuriken pistols. These weapons fire a flesh-tearing hail of razor-sharp shuriken missiles by means of a gravitic accelerator. The shuriken themselves are razor-sharp monomolecular-edged discs of plasti-crystal. A shuriken disc can slice straight through flesh and bone, and can penetrate a considerable thickness of metal. A single solid core of plasti-crystal is used as ammunition. Shuriken pistols have a very high rate of fire, able to fire up to a hundred rounds in one or two seconds at the cost of accuracy. Each core is good for about 10 of these bursts.


This pair of single-edged knives are 16 inches long with a 10 inch mono molecular blade capable of cutting through nearly anything.

Mesh Armor

This armor is made of tens of thousands flexible of interwoven scales of psycho-plastics. When hit these scales become momentarily rigid, reducing the damage done. The scales also disperse heat rapidly, giving extra protection against energy attacks. It is colored white, with purple trim. A small section of armor on the outside of her right thigh is patchwork, and of lower quality than the rest of the armor.

Banshee Mask

Made of a more rigid, stronger material than the rest of her armor, the Banshee Mask covers her entire face and head, and can stop most small arms fire. Built into the mask is a special psychosonic amplifier, turning Auralia's raging battle cry into a devastating psychic barrage. This psychic scream breaks concentration, and can temporarily stun opponents for a short period of time. The mask has an air-filtration system to protect Auralia from harmful gases and toxic environments, it also has a re-breather as well as night vision and thermal vision systems.

Smoke Grenades

When activated, these grenades release a dense smokescreen, obscuring eyesight. Perfect for escape or distraction.


A Waystone is a small, seemingly precious stone carried on her chest. The moment Auralia dies her soul will be trapped in this stone, saving her from eternal damnation.


Being naturally psychic, Auralia uses her psychic powers to her advantage in combat. However using these abilities can be mentally draining, especially when used for particularly complex things. Intense pain and severe injury can break her concentration, preventing her from using her psychic abilities.


Telekinesis allows her to manipulate objects from a distance. This allows her to interact with objects as if she was actually holding them. She can pull pins from grenades, pull the trigger of a gun or even throw and guide objects through the air. She can use this on willing living targets.


Auralia can summon a protective dome of psychic energy around her, effectively blocking projectile attacks. However it is very difficult for her to hold the barrier up for a long amount of time, and she cannot move out of the barrier while it is activated.


The simplest of Auralia's abilities, she can release blasts of psychic force from her hands and feet, capable of hurling objects, people and even herself with great force.


Auralia lived on the exodite world Veleria, an exodite world was for Eldar who wished to break away from the rest of their kind. Thick jungles covered most of the planet, teeming with life, both plant and animal. Being out of the way from most other “civilized” planets, not much war came to Veleria. Auralia spent most of her life training to fight an enemy that seemed like it would never come. Most of the fighting she and her fellow Eldar did was against the beasts of their planet, which were quite ferocious in their own way.

However, the farseers began to have visions of a terrible invasion by the vicious alien race, the Tyranids. The Eldar warriors trained intensely and were always diligent in preparation for the coming invasion. When the Tyranid hive fleet was detected in the system, Auralia faced fear unlike any she had felt before. Auralia decided to gather up her things and venture through the webway, a complex series of inter-planetary tunnels. With a map in hand she traveled for what felt like months until she finally emerged on Terra. Auralia was wracked with guilt about leaving her people and not dying an honorable death by defending her home.

So begins...

Auralia's Story


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Auralia Raised her delicate eyebrows at Morbin and a curious look made it's way onto her pretty little face. “A week? It's only been a day. Have your dark masters been playing with your head?” She said as she extended a finger and prodded Morbin's forehead lightly. “And anyway, I've been sleeping all day so I didn't exactly spend much time making sure everything was in its proper place.” Auralia quickly retracted her hand and placed it back on her lap as she watched Morbin intently.


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A frown made its way onto Auralia's elegant features, she was about to ask him about this new place he went to, but quickly decided against it, bringing up a sensitive topic was probably a bad idea. “I'm sorry.” She mumbled, it was the first time she had ever apologized to a human, but it felt okay to say it to Morbin. She reached out and placed a hand on her friend's chin, lifting his head up to face her, if he provided too much resistance she would take her hand away, though. “Were you alone there? Or were your companions with you?” Auralia asked after a short, awkward silence.


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Auralia Honestly felt a little bad for Morbin, she lightly patted his cheek then pulled her hand away. She didn't really know what to say, so Auralia sat in silence for a short while. “I'm sure there's a way to stop this from happening to you.” She finally said, though her tone didn't hold much hope, she offered him a small smile. “Morbin... Is all your equipment taken with you when you teleport, or whatever your holding in your hand?”


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Auralia Mulled over Morbin's words, then shook her head. “Just wondering if it was possible to...” She paused, her emerald eyes flicking to her companion, then to her lap. “I was wondering if it was possible for you to be sent back with a little extra something, something to help you a bit, maybe.” She shrugged and sighed. “Nevermind, it probably wouldn't work. I was just thinking out loud.”


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Auralia With a look of surprise on her face, Auralia stuttered out a reply. “J-join you? That's p-preposterous, you're only a human, why would I want to join a lowly human?” She fumbled over her defensive words, Morbin was right though and it surprised Auralia, she just wouldn't admit any of it. “I'd just give you a quality weapon, if you were lucky.” She said with a pout, slowly regaining her composure.


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Auralia 's gaze drifted to Morbin and she chuckled softly. “Hmpf, I'm sure you could manage to use something a little better than that toy you have.” She said, glad that Morbin didn't tease her about him being right with his assumption. Auralia sighed and sat in silence, her emerald eyes constantly flicking from her companion's face to her lap, then back again.


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With a huff Auralia leaned forward towards Morbin. “I have plenty of common sense and street smarts!” She snapped, though she didn't know what he meant by 'street smarts'. “Don't you assume otherwise.” With that she sat back down, her arms folded across her chest. After a short silence she spoke again, a hint of curiosity in her melodic voice. “Where were you for the last “Week”?” She didn't really care about it possibly being a sensitive topic, curiosity got the better of her.


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Auralia Frowned and tilted her head as Morbin explained where he had been. “That sounds... Strange, very strange.” Her piercing emerald eyes scanned the Guardsman's features, as if she was trying to gleam more information from him just by looking at the man. Auralia gave up after a few moments and returned her gaze to the delicate hands of hers that rested on her lap. “I suppose I'd have to see it for myself to understand.”


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Auralia Flicked her gaze to her companion's finger, then to her own chest. “What's that supposed to mean?! None of your friends are going to be finding out what my organs look like, and neither are you, especially not you!” She snapped at Morbin, looking away from him with a huff, she fixed her gaze on the ceiling. “I would make much more than a pretty penny, too.” She mumbled quietly, just barely audible.


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Auralia Looked down at herself, then at Morbin once again. “I wouldn't let anyone touch me, thank you very much!” She said, obviously quite flustered as the smallest hint of a blush appeared on her cheeks. She looked down again, letting her raven black hair fall over her face, obscuring her elegant features. “Why don't you tell me of your first incident with them.”


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Auralia Listened intently to Morbin's story, but when Auralia heard the voice of a stranger, she looked up at the source of the voice. Upon recognizing the Imperial uniform that Vladimir wore, her hand darted to her hip, grasping the shuriken pistol that was holstered there. Her emerald eyes flicked to her heretic friend, then back to the Imperial commander. Auralia was ready to draw and fire her weapon at a moments notice. If the commander had fought Eldar before, he would most likely recognize the armor she wore. She remained silent and watched the two.


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Auralia Shot Morbin a look that practically said 'Should I?'. Her hand still rested on her pistol, if she needed to draw she knew her enhanced reflexes would help her come out on top. “I suggest you do what the Guardsman says, Mon-keigh.” She said to Vladimir, more than a hint of contempt was evident in her melodic tone.


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When Vladimir moved, Auralia pulled her pistol from its holster with blinding speed, aiming it directly at Vladimir. But when she caught sight of the Necron Lord she hesitated, her aim rapidly switching between the Necron and the Imperial commander. She looked at Morbin uncertainly for a moment, then back to the two she was aiming at.


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Auralia Blinked, feeling a little disoriented, god knows what had just happened. What really mattered right now was the fact that a Necron Lord and Vladimir were fighting dangerously close to her. Auralia stood up from her seat and pulled both of her shuriken pistols from their holsters. She dashed backwards, distancing herself from the others by a good few feet, she kept one pistol locked on each of the combatants. She flicked Morbin an uncertain look, then locked her piercing eyes onto her targets once again.


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Auralia Fired both of her shuriken pistols at the Necron Lord and Vladimir now that they were close together. A hail of hundreds of razor-sharp plasti-crystal discs were shot out in a few seconds, though they weren't the most accurate weapon, with her her two targets so close together, it was likely she would hit at least a few times. The razor-sharp discs were meant to slid through armor, flesh and bone. Her emerald eyes snapped to Vircus, where did he come from? “I see that, now why don't you assist us?”


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Auralia Frowned at Morbin's glare, she saw nothing wrong with her actions, two of her enemies were right in front of her, so she took advantage of the situation. “Shouldn't you help a fellow Eldar? Or maybe you Harlequins don't care for the rest of us.” She said to Vircus while taking a few steps back from the Nercon Lord as it approached. Auralia didn't stop firing, it would be a few more seconds until her pistols ran out of ammo.


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Auralia 's pistols stopped firing, out of ammo. She was in the motion of holstering them again as it seemed like they weren't effecting the Necron Lord. However, as she was doing this her foe disappeared, only to reappear right behind her. Auralia turned her head to look behind her, only to be met with the cold fist of the Necron. She was knocked straight to the ground and she dropped her two pistols, but thanks to her enhanced speed and agility she rolled to the side and got back on her feet, feeling more than a little disoriented though.

A small, steady stream of bright red blood flowed down the side of her head, she should have worn her mask. Auralia dashed back again, away from the Necron Lord, at the same time she took her Triskele from her back, readying the shuriken-like weapon to be thrown.


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Auralia Took a step forward, turning her body to the side and narrowly avoiding the lethal Gauss energy. At the same time she threw her Triskele, the large, shuriken-like weapon sparked to life with a dazzling energy field as it hurtled directly for the Necron Lord's midsection. With her other hand, Auralia drew one of her Mirrorswords, she flicked its activation switch and the weapon sparked with the same disruptive energy field as the Triskele. She readied herself to move at a moments notice, expecting the Necron Lord to fire another shot.


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Auralia A smirk made its way onto Auralia's face when she saw that her thrown weapon had hit its mark, but her look of satisfaction was quickly wiped away as the Necron Lord teleported behind her once again. She thought she knew what to expect this time. She ducked down and with a quick spin, lashed out at the Necron Lord's knees with her Mirrorsword. Auralia hoped that the powered weapon would cut through the Necron, but who knew what the thing was made out of.

“You're just a coward Morbin!” She yelled to her Guardsman friend. If the Necron still attempted to take her to the ground, she would be brought down rather easily, what she lacked in strength she made up for with speed and agility, but that wouldn't do much good if she was grabbed.


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Auralia Struggled in the Necron Lord's pin, thankfully it's hold loosened a bit as it was severely damaged by Vircus' Harlequin's kiss. But that wasn't enough for her to get out of the pin, and the Necron Lord's staff pierced through her right thigh. Auralia shrieked in pain as her bright crimson blood spurted from the wound, with a seemingly dead Necron on top of her and a staff embedded in her thigh, things weren't too pleasant for Auralia.