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The Multiverse


You have come to the very end of the beach, where the soft sand underneath your feet collides with both the water of the lake and the sharp edges of the rocks to the south.
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End Of The Beach

You have come to the very end of the beach, where the soft sand underneath your feet collides with both the water of the lake and the sharp edges of the rocks to the south.


End Of The Beach is a part of Wing City Lake.

48 Characters Here

Shirila [63] What is life, if not a game? Who are we, if not its players?
Amethyst 'Violet' Spearing [42] "I'm your worst nightmare."
Ethan Blackwell [42] "Big bro and i stick together!"
Leila Abril [34] Leila... a deadly elf with a few powers and a vengeance.
Tamaki Makoto [23] "You okay Onnee chan?"
Natsuki Makoto [23] "Hey onii-chan, can we play now?"
Meep [15] Oh my!

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Jake Megun

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Jake Megun Screamed at what had happened. He was still trying to escape the grasp of the female. Who's fangs never seemed to stop

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Character Portrait: Rayne Mathews
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#, as written by Harmony

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
High ho, High ho, it's off to Play we GO!

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
LOL! It took me forever to find this place =/ I'm ready when you are

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
Xvander tries to rise, leaving patches of skin and blood that sizzles on the floor as he gets to his knees. The room is beautiful, dark wood paneling on th walls and floor, exposed supports in the ceiling have been carved with Celtic knots and twisting dragons. The furnature is old with dark woods and comfortable leathers and swede. Book shelves have been carved or made into the walls and have many leather bound and ancient looking volumes. A black grand piano is in the corner by large windows that over look the ocean. He gets up slowly and makes his way over to the book shelves, grasping firmly and pulling. His muscles are weakened, but the heavy section of wall slides out smoothly and silently, a thin passage leads down under the house.

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
Ada arches a brow as Xvander moves away from her grasp and takes a moment to look around the room. Everything seems old, weathered but with rich textures and beautifully crafted woodwork. For some reason, it didn't quite match the abode that she had conjured in her head of someone that drank acid like she drank cognac.

She hears a soft whisper of wind as he drags the bookshelf open and both of her brows lift this time in surprise. It was like one of those movies where the old house contained secret passages. Walking behind the injured man, she offers a shoulder for him to lean on, glancing down the stairs into the darkened passage below. "Need a hand?"

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
Xvander looks at the demon queen, he'd raise an eyebrow but the area had been seared by the pen laser earlier. He leans heavily on the wall and looks down the passage, the steps are solid but they do lead down several stories and a fall would... not be good. He wonders idly if it could kill him right now, and isn't sure. He pushes off the wall and slips an arm around her shoulder, the torn skin makes it tenuous for a moment before he manages to get a good grip. "You offer a good amount of help for a demon queen." He rasps, his teeth clicking sharply as he speaks.

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#, as written by Celedia
Ada senses the alien's pain as she moves him forward towards the steps and instead of walking with him, she simply blinks them out of existence and teleports them to the base of the stairs. Her body freezes and she remains still for a brief moment. Helpful? Me? were the thoughts that flickered through her mind and she tried not to laugh until she realized that he was right.

She didn't help him at all during the battle. Why was she being helpful now? Her brow furrowed lightly as she tried to come up with an answer to his question. "You're entertaining. If you're out of commission for too long, I'll get bored and find a new town to wreak havoc upon." Though a wicked smile curved her lip as if she was just being playful, she had spoken the truth. She could taste the honesty that she had just spewed and that made her resent the question.

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
Xvander's rasp is a dark chuckle as they appear in the cave. It is a natural cave worn away by tides over gods know how long. He made the passage himself and the equipment down there was his own as well. None knew about the place save himself until now. He can see quite well in the pitch blackness for there are no lights. There are several pools in the cave and he makes his way to the first, full of clear liquid one might think it is water until he steps into it and his skin begins to dissolve and slough off. He groans in a mixture of pain and pleasure as every scrap of clothing he has dissolves in the strong acid. He dunks himself fully and comes up a black creature, his veins pulsing with black blood over a musculature that is no longer red but a deep purple, the ruined eye has been cleansed entirely leaving an empty socket. He lets out a primal roar and dives back in again, inhaling the acid letting it flow inside himself. He is not revitalized, but still weakened, and the shedding of weakness is always painful.

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
Ada inhales sharply upon seeing this new form of Xvander's and she is both intrigued and frightened. Nothing should scare her. She was a Demon Queen and thus impossible to kill yet when the alien roared primally and dove back into the acidic liquid she didn't stop from moving back a step. Her dark eyes were used to the dimly lit passageways, her eyes easily accepting the darkness more easily than full on sun and she cast her gaze about the room. What was this place?

Stepping tentatively forward, she traversed the pathway that curved around the pool he had jumped into, pausing at its edge as she looked in the liquid after him.

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
The liquid is cloudy from the remnants of his clothing and skin that he has shed, however a figure can be seen beneath the surface. At first he writhes in pain but as his body adapts he accepts the pain and with his arms against his side he begins to swim, his body undulating, swimming more like a fish than a land creature, the motion beginning as his head and moving in waves down his spine before a strong kick with his feet propels him. He surfaces briefly to expell the acid in his lungs and take a breath of air before diving down once more. After a few minutes of this he swims to the edge of the pool and rises. His body is weakened, but he ignores the pain and pushes on. There is a new skin on his form, black as his blood with highlights of a dark yellow that accentuate his warped musculature. His body has twisted, becoming less human and more primal, a creature meant for battle, for war, evolving from an alien society that reveled in conflict and evolution, where only the strongest and most cunning survived. He rose slowly, testing his jaw slowly, it has extended a little and his head is more streamlined. He turns a white eyed gaze on Ada and is motionless. Nor as a human who always has a tick or sway or even the indications of breath for a human is never truly motionless. He becomes as still as a statue before slowly turning away, heading for another pool, of dark liquid this time.

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#, as written by Celedia
Ada eyed Xvander as he exited the pool in his new form. Though her terror had died down slightly, she was still intrigued after having viewed the monster that lies within. So many people, humans included, had some form of monster inside of them. It just so happened that this man's monster was more of a literal translation. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Her brow arched as she trailed after him, her movements still slow and seductive as was her nature.

"You owe me an explanation, Xvander," she said in a light tone, her dark eyes casting back at the pool of acid before her torso turned and she eyed the next pool that he was stalking towards. Truly he didn't -owe- her anything but as a Demon Queen she was slightly arrogant and her small bit of help teleporting the wounded man here made her believe that something was due in return.

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#, as written by Tawanos
He walked over to the new pool, a small leap and he dives wholly into it, his body arching gracefully though the air and he impacts the rather thicker liquid with not so much as a splash but a 'gloop'. He does not rise immediately but swims underneath, it is impossible to see through the stuff but his movements can be followed by the disturbances on the surface. When he does come up the stuff does not slide off him but sticks to his head like a thick syrup. "The skin had taken too much damage," his voice is odd, the extended jaw has some minor difficulty pronouncing the words. "It must be shed after such widespread damage." He sinks below for a moment before rising again. "The acid cleanses dead flesh, scourers it clean so new can grow without interference." He raises a cupped hand and lets the dark fluid drip between his fingers in large sticky gobs. "Nutrient rich, my body absorbs it directly, uses it to build new, stronger, better."

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
Ada circles the edge of the pool, her eyebrow refusing to lower as inquiry still knits her brow. "Do all of your people do this? Are there pools of this... substance on your homeworld?" The questions came rapid fire as the Demoness demanded answers, seeking to expand her knowledge and thus, her power base. "Did you bring this here from there or can it be manufactured?"

She lowered herself so that she was within arm's reach of the pool and she moved her hand towards the thick substance, wondering about its composition. What a strange race. Not impervious to harm but utilizing these two substances made them practically regenerative.

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Character Portrait: Xvander
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#, as written by Tawanos
He swims over towards her, submerging again and rising by her. "We each have our own way, some consume flesh, others hibernate, some meditate. I cleanse, purify." Not giving out information on his home world, but broad information without dedicated use was admissible. "I made these pools. There are other ways, longer, less painful, less effective." He seems to yawn, stretching his jaw wide and when it settles again it is more human, though the eye is still missing the lid has regrown and covers the empty socket. His flesh is becoming lighter as well and the contrast between his skin and the liquid accentuates how emaciated he is, the exertion of the battle burned off a great deal of muscle which now must be regrown and repaired.

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
Ada laughed softly at his explanation. It brought forth a phrase she had heard from one of the local humans and she tilted her head slightly, trying to recall the words. "No pain, no gain?" She said with a slight grin, dipping her finger into the liquid and bringing it closer to her face to invesitgate it. There was a latent energy in the substance which made her fingertip feel odd and she laughingly wiped the substance off on Xvander.

"So tell me what the point of that fight was, warrior." She asked, truly intrigued. The demoness hadn't joined in the fray because she wasn't threatened and had nothing to gain. She would have thought the same thing of Xvander but he had continued the assault anyway, leading him here.

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#, as written by Tawanos
Xvander snorts and swims backwards to the middle of the pool for a bit to organize his thoughts before coming back to the edge. "Do demons cull? Weed out the young, the weak," not including the old because it doesn't occur to him to, the older you are on his word the stronger, this is an almost universal truth. "It is like that. It is a weakness of my world that escaped, that can be taken advantage of, used against us, or used to find out about us. Therefore it must be eliminated. I do not care about the host, but the parasite must die." He sinks below the surface again, twisting slowly before rising, his hair is starting to grow now on a previously bare skin, rapidly filling out to cover his face and head.

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#, as written by Celedia
Ada rolled her eyes as if bored speaking about her own race. "Demons are deceptive tricksters with political machinations ruling their lives. Power is respected," she slid onto the ground so that she was kneeling before the pool, her white dress splayed out around her bare legs. "Admired." She added before continuing, "The weak usually don't last too long and if they're slightly intelligent they know that it is better to serve than to spend an eternity as nothing. The lessers have no soul so once they are killed, they are gone. No more than a blink in the history of our people."

Pondering his own answer, she found herself wondering more about his people. Cultural inferences... Did they simply try to murder each other all of the time? How did they interact with one another? She couldn't figure out their social interactions or what they would consist of.

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#, as written by Tawanos
He shakes his head and rests a hand on the edge of the pool. "Ah, that is a big difference. With a magical race like demons you can take power, steel it, remain as nothing or grow immensely powerful in an instant." He tilts his head and looks up at her, wondering how it was she gained her power, who she overthrew to become Demon Queen. "For us there is no politics of power, or losing it. Once we are born we gain power, strength, cunning, speed and other, stranger abilities. We are always evolving, and those that are... undesirable must be culled before they pass into immortality." It wasn't the propper word, but near as anything else. His race did not have an age limit and would continue to grow more powerful and immensely hard to kill, but there were still ways to kill them, if one was clever enough. Except for the truly ancient heads of the major lines who's abilities were too strange and powerful to truly kill.

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#, as written by Celedia
Ada grinned. They were getting into the interesting part of the conversation now. "Magical races. You say that like it tastes vile in your mouth..." she trails off, her voice still holding laughter and she reaches out, dragging a fingertip lightly over his reforming jaw. Her race was very tactile, touch could be used for just about any purpose from information gathering to violence. As he mentioned the difference between their races, she arched a brow once more and smirked. "Stranger abilities? Do tell..."

It wasn't as if she had any plans to invade his homeworld and try to overtake his race. On the contrary, she had enough of a headache dealing with her own plane of existence and keeping her minions in check.

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#, as written by Tawanos
Xvander arches into her touch slightly as he feels it along the growing stubble on his jaw. "I know of moons that were shattered by a battle between two Old Ones. I know not how." He looks up at her with a grey green eye, the other still perpetually closed and hollow under the lid. "As for magical races our DNA is not... compatible." He does not elaborate further. To do so might risk divulging how his people steal DNA from other races to add beneficial traits to their own bodies for an advantage over others.

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Character Portrait: Ada
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#, as written by Celedia
Ada sighs dramatically at Xvander, though it is obviously a ploy since there is still a ghost of a smile upon her lips. "Xvander Price you are the worst person to drag information out of. Do you get intoxicated? Perhaps I shall try that ploy next." Laughter escaped her lips as she settled down and responded more seriously. "Your people sound strange but ultimately powerful. How long have you said they've existed?"

Her fingertip stopped its journey as she reached his chin and she lifted slightly, tilting his jaw up a bit so she could examine his face more closely. Once again, her topic of interest changed as quickly as the direction of the wind and she asked another question. "Do you always reform the same shell?"

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#, as written by Tawanos
He shrugs at the first question, it isn't something terribly relevant to his people and so isn't widely known. The Elders of his race might know or have memories of early times that have been passed down, or possibly even gazed back in time, but it didn't mater to him. They looked towards the future, evolution rarely looks back.

He lets her tilt his head up and smiles. "You do not find it appealing?" He reaches up with a hand and runs it along his face, smearing some of the nutrient rich solution over the skin but not bothering to wipe it off, in truth it felt good to feel it on his skin where his cells greedily drank it in. "It is the form I took, it is the one that my associates recognize and so it has its uses, changing now would be a long process, and the questions raised would prove detrimental."

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#, as written by Celedia
Ada smiles wryly. She should have expected that he wouldn't answer his questions, especially since he seemed to so artfully evade almost every one she had poised to him so far this night. Or perhaps he was just tiring of her inquisitive nature. Yet, as she always said, knowledge was power and she was travelling the same road as Xvander was, albeit in a different way. To grow more powerful, to eventually become the pinnacle of Demonic power would be her dream. No more headaches, no worrying about anything other than closley guarding her true name. A dream come true.

Laughing softly at his question, she shrugs her shoulders noncommittally and withdraws her hand from his face. Then she places her arms behind her on the floor, leaning back against them as they support her weight."Haven't I told you before that I find your form appealing? Eye candy, I believe I called you." Smirking a bit, she looked over what little of him is exposed above the liquid pool. "I didn't say that I wanted you to change. I just inquired if you could."