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The Multiverse


Welcome to Wing City's Main Street !!!
Between the ancient architecture and the glittering glass, Wing City's oldest sector surrounds this hustling, bustling thoroughfare.

Peek through the shops & alleys to gather your wares, or just explore the city from the network of roads leading through here. Keep a watchful eye, as WCPD doesn't patrol this area perhaps as much as they should...
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Main Street

This is Wing City's Main Street - the long expanse on which most of Wing City's attractions are situated. It is in pristine condition, with the sidewalks in perfect condition.


Main Street is a part of Wing City.

7 Places in Main Street:

388 Characters Here

Avia L'arie [247] Sing like a songbird, strike like a hawk.
Midori Tanikawa [171] A 17 year old succubus looking for a mentor
Ben Myers [147] Werewolf, very shy around humans
Tora Butler [120] A prized combatant of Gadget.
Saldon [93] A rogue Lycan assassin. He is the last surviving member of the group knonw as Mugen and now he leads the new organization himself.
Neon Alchemy [86] A young woman who is struggling to become a famous singer.
Logan Lightburn [79] "My family is my life, if you touch them, i will kill you"
Arcturus Vega [72] A most unusual man with brown hair and sunglasses. He has a flashy..Almost English accent that you would expect of Royalty. His species is Midas (Natural gold transmutationites) and his hands are gloved in a special silk to prevent any accidents.
Faron Jasperson [69] ''....''
Garen Flosanimae [68] "The safety of ones soul is as delicate as a new spring bloom."

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Available Wares

STK-1911 0.45 ACP

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Simple Axe

4,199,984 remaining 0.48 bits Buy for 0.48 bits »

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Night Shuck


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Character Portrait: Ebony  Desdemona
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#, as written by ~Ari~
Ebony Desdemona Would blush again, kissing him back as he kissed her. "Ebony doesn't have to!" she giggled rather loudly. "Ooooh, yes they are, you can make babies mostly anywhere!" she chirped happily, she felt a chill run down her spine from the now night air.


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Character Portrait: Agito Shirai
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Agito Shirai made an 'oh' face, "I didn't know that really... well I don't think I did. Honestly I've never even thought about it... Do you think about babies often then?" He had her seated in his lap, the tide was coming in now and he was watedeep in black-crystaline water.s


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Character Portrait: Ebony  Desdemona
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#, as written by ~Ari~
Ebony Desdemona Would tilt her head to the side as she nodded really fast. "Yush, there adorable!" she squeaked loudly. Her eyes where filled with child innocents and demon like michiviousness.


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Character Portrait: Agito Shirai
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Agito Shirai blinked with only the soft warmth of his heart as an emotion. "Well yeah they are kinda cute I guess. So small and stuff..." He grinned a bit and looked up at the moon. "It's sooo pretty out here..."


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Character Portrait: Ebony  Desdemona
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#, as written by ~Ari~
Ebony Desdemona nodded slowly as her eyes began to sparkle. "Ebony wants a baby!" she squeaked loudly, she began to shiver as the cold was now getting get her. Being that having clothes made of mana wasn't the best way to stay warm...


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Character Portrait: Agito Shirai
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Agito Shirai chuckled and stood from the sea's water. "Do you know why the sands here are always warm Ebony?" He asked as he started to carry her out of the sea and towards a group of boulders where steam was rising out of the middle of the boulders. As they neared it was seen that the boulders actuall encircled a small pool of water about waste deep and steam was coming out of the water. It was a hotsprings.


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Character Portrait: star
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Character Portrait: star star says,
 “ following her as she looked down on the ground whimpered a little frightend ”


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Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 Johnny:Would only heave a sigh of sheer annoyance as he wheels the wheelchair bound Honoka down Mainstreet. He believed it was getting a tad bit hectic for her safety and thought it would be a good idea to get out and get some fresh air. He made sure the Perfect-Ploy was set up so no-one would know what they really where...well it was more of a contract based type of thing but they simply gave it that nick name. "Damn it, why do people always make my time hell..." he groaned.

Honoka: Would look up at Johnny with her light purple eyes, she would tilt her head to the side as the hood remained over her head the whole white. "Why do people hate us so much Bro-Chan...where only trying to have fun like anyone else...." she spoke in a saddened tone. She was quite confused to why people seemed to not like humans to much...any where they would go the creatures of this world tried to prey on them. ”


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Character Portrait: Tristan
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Tristan huffed heavily, bounding down the sidewalk in the dying sunlight after turning out of an alleyway. Tears stained his terrified young eyes as he tripped over a large crack in the sidewalk, falling onto his stomach and scraping his arms as three large men in strange black uniforms chased after him. Crying out, he dragged himself to his bare feet again, starting to run.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ As the sun slowly set into 'ground', it splayed forth a brilliant mixture of reds, oranges and crimsons across the slightly cloud filled sky. The sound of rubber grinding against metal would begin to echo threw out the Empty Streets, and ally-ways. A blackened figure could be seen slowly making it's way down the street in a pace that could be described as one a old crippled man on crutches would take. The slow paced shadow would be right across from an Alleyway that runs off into parts unknown, possibly into a dead end, or even someone's property.

The light's that ran threw the street itself would then suddenly flicker on as the Day began to die and the stars would try and flood the sky. The shadow shrouding the figure would vanish as the identity of the being would be revealed as nothing more then a Young Body Guard escorted a young wheelchair bound woman who currently had a small child sitting on her lap. ”


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Neo Doctor
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 “ [color=blue]The Doctor come walking down the street, this man was no human! Indeed he wasn't, he wore a bit unusual clothes in this time period, well perhaps? Since no one really wears them, anymore. He was wearing a ankle length trench coat which sort of had a [url=]cape[/url]-like-thing attached to the back of it, a wide-brimmed [url=]hat[/url], a waist coat and a tie underneath, also, he's most famous item of clothing yet! His impractically long multicoloured [url=]scarf [/url]. His appearance was similar to [url=]Aristide Bruant[/url]. He come to a sudden stop, when a boy had fell over. So he sprinted over to him. "Are you alright, my lad?--" He picked up the boy, and placed him on his feet. He trailed off when ”


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Neo Doctor
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The Neo Doctor He trailed off when he caught sight of three men there in uniforms. "Ahh. What do we have here, then, hmm?" He said to them, as he took a moment to observe their appearance.


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Character Portrait: Tristan
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Tristan whimpered fearfully as the strange man helped him to his feet, crawling behind him and peeking around his side to see what was happening.
Give the boy here. He belongs with us.
The largest suited man said, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at the two.
Give him here, and nobody will get hurt or have any troubles.

Tristan whimpered again, looking up at the man and uttering a quiet thank you, then turned around and started to sprint off. His pursuers were not at all pleased, one drew a large gun and aimed, pulling back the hammer impatiently. "A-16! Get back here!"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ The young man clad in a white prestige Tuxedo, with matching gloves shoes, and a patch of spiky blond on his head would be pushing the wheelchair forward. He would have a cigarette hanging lazily from his mouth as he began to look into the night sky. "Eeeeh, why am I stuck babysitting the brat..?" grumbled the man.

The woman who was currently bound to the wheelchair with said little girl in her lap would loop up at the young man with a slightly angered face. "Johnny, you know that her Mother is someone special to our Master..." she said reaching up for Johnny's face. She didn't seem to pleased with the fact that he always loved to insult people, even when they where a friend of her's or a relative of the Master's special one.

The small girl would furrow her brow as she crossed her arms, Her light pink eyes would close shut tightly as she was trying her best to ignore the man. Knowing all to well that it was pointless to argue with an idiot... (c) ”


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Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 Johnny:Left eyebrow would began to twitch as he really didn't like being treat like some child. In all truths he was nothing more then another Body Guard who could easily replaced and was moments away from just leaving the girl there by herself. But he would swallow his arrogance as she was also someone special to him...not like a lover but more like an adopted little sister. "Yea yea..." he grumbled, his crimson optics would turn into slits as a annoyed frown formed on his face. "It seems something is coming our way..." he hissed rather serpent like. He would avert his gaze to the alleyway as he waited patiently...

The girl would manage to grab the sides of Johnny's face and began to pull on his cheeks roughly as she threw on her pout face. "Quiet being such a jerk!!" she yelled as she pulled his face down toward herself. ”


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Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ (E) ”


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Character Portrait: The Neo Doctor
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The Neo Doctor The Doctor elbowed the thug in the stomach and threw him over his head. Then one tried to give a punch at him. The Doctor just caught his hand and went underneath the thug's arm and letting it go, causing the thug to spin vertically in the air and crush on the ground, the man groaned in pain as the ground was hard, and most likely he had hurt his back. One tried to quickly dash into the Doctor, The Doctor quickly spines around.
He placed his arm outwards causing the crook to circle downwards in the air vertically and hitting the ground. "Hmmm... Now that's how you get things done..." He commented about his fighting style.


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Character Portrait: Tristan
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Tristan Panting heavily, Tristan skidded to a halt at the end of the alley, too exhausted to keep going. Carefully lowering himself to his knees, he buried his face in his hands as wiping his eyes, trying to catch his breath as he listened to the fight breaking loose behind him.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Neo Doctor
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The Neo Doctor did a patronizing gasp. "I'm getting too old for this; really..." He went through the thugs belongings, and found a few guns, he used his Sonic Screwdriver on them - so now they would be useless now, as he dropped the last gun on the ground.

"Here you go... an early birthday present or something to that effect..." He looked around the street to see if he could find the boy who had ran for his life, The Doctor spotted him further down the street. He ran over to him. "You're going to be alright now, my lad." He said with a friendly smile.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 Johnny:Would yelp as the girl grabbed onto his face rather harshly and pulled him down toward herself. He would get slightly teary eyed as he began to get agitated once more. "Ow, Ow OW, cut it out that hurts!" he yelled rather loudly. He would start to wobble as he was currently trying to balance on one foot from the sudden movement.

The girl would begin to shake the mans head violently as a blood vessel throbbed in her forehead. She usually...or never would get angry not even if someone was to do something she hated...but it seems Johnny was always able to make the young girl blow a gasket... "Nuuuuuh!!!" she yelled loudly. She hadn't taken notice of the boy yet...well she really couldn't to the fact that she was dealing with someone else. ”


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan
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Tristan looked up at the man for a moment, scooting away a small distance, accidentally bumping his back into the large wheel of a wheelchair. With a yelp, he got to his feet and cowered away a few steps, starting to feel trapped. "D-d-don't hurt me. P-p-please." He whined, curling into a ball.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Neo Doctor
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The Neo Doctor looked down at the boy, that seemed to be boring his eyes out. He stayed where he was, as he didn't want to scare him much further. "I'm not going to harm you. You can trust me, alright? I WILL NOT harm you, you have my word!" He tried to convince the child, that he wasn't going to harm him. "I'm not with those thugs... If they were any of my thugs. I would sack them right on the spot! Though I don't have any thugs anyway..."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ The wheelchair bound woman would pause for a brief moment as she averted her gaze to the side of her wheelchair, then the cowering boy who was slowly back/stepping away from the group, and Doctor. Her light purple eyes would blink a few times as she released Johnny's face. "Oh you poor thing!" she yelped. The woman would quickly jump out of the chair as she completely forgotten about the little girl who was currently perched in her lap, she would attempt to run to the boy's aid only to trip over her own feet and land flat on her face a few inches away from him.

Johnny:Would stumble backwards and land flat out on his ass. He didn't look to happy right about now and wanted so badly to punt the damned wheelchair that stood infront of him. "Son of a!" he yelled with much visible rage. (c) ”


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Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ The small girl would get wide eyed instantly as she was thrown out of the woman's lap like an adorable Alibino Rag-doll. She would land rather roughly on her face, her legs having gotten caught in the handle of the wheelchair as an end result of all this... ”


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakajima
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#, as written by Horo
Character Portrait: Nakajima Nakajima says,
 “ (e) Sorry again ^^;; * ”