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The Multiverse

Ridgecrest City

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

A large city that has fallen into ruins with the shadow of Draco's Legion ruling the area with an iron fist. To prevent an invasion, the portal to Ruula has been destroyed...leaving the defenders with no escape.

Scorpion01 holds sovereignty over Ridgecrest City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

13,741 readers have been here.


A large city founded in the Collenham Mountains by Trainers who established that Pokemon do exist in small areas on Terra. The city now serves as a base for transportation between Ruula and Terra.

The city has mostly stone pathways and bridges, being situated around a giant lake, and the roads circle it entirely, providing several good views. Around the city, one can find a Public Market, several small business, and several manors and farms, all aimed at retaining the older feel.

There is no Pokemon Center however, and the traditional Poke Mart is also absent, however, both services that would be provided can be found at alternative places in the city. The Proving Hall provides the biggest tourist draws these days however.
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Ridgecrest City

A large city that has fallen into ruins with the shadow of Draco's Legion ruling the area with an iron fist. To prevent an invasion, the portal to Ruula has been destroyed...leaving the defenders with no escape.


Ridgecrest City is a part of Collenham Mountains.

6 Places in Ridgecrest City:

32 Characters Here

Ozzy Hendrix [207] Bad Blood
Verse and the Sand Five [180] Sandslash Verse, and his four Sandshrew buddies.
Adam Delacroix [114] Edgy white middle class teenager with a gun
Cu Mara [110] Hound of the sea
Luna Whistle [73] A Lapras
Blake Darkner [64] Criminal Mastermind
Jennifer Harsdorff [60] A young woman who loves adventure, parties, and making friends. While she's no stranger to combat, she prefers to wage war through her trusted Pokemon partners.
Legion of Shadows [48] The Chosen of the Lord of Shadow. The unyielding edge of the darkness.

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Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic listened raptly right up until the photo is lain before him and then he looses a sibilant snarl, smoke rolling across the photo as the rage he thought gone roars through him anew, "I refuse to believe it," He growls sparks spilling out of his maw, he starts pacing around the warehouse, "That girl, that human!" And here the word human is spoken with such rage his tail flame flares white for a second, setting small debris aflame "She treats pokemon like property! It's because of her that I'm stuck here," as he paces he begins to speak frenziedly. "She attacked me after trying to take something given to me by a friend and then she lied about it, and now you tell me she's some sort of fighter for the freedom of pokemon, I can't believe that." With that he goes cold again, tail dipping to where it's nearly touching the ground he slumps. "I wish Verse were here, the surface world is too strange." He holds the whistle that this mess was started over, and contemplates going back to the beach.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Was a freedom fighter," Natasha corrected, then her eyes narrowed at the mention of Verse, watching Bic suspiciously. "Grace was too weak of stomach to fight for The Cause. She abandoned us when we had come so close together. And when she did, some of us gave up. Verse gave up." She swung her head around to stare at him for a moment, then snorted again. "How much has he told you of us? Did you even know what we used to do?" She seemed mostly unimpressed with Bic, partly because he had besmirched the name of Grace and partly because her Russian accent just made her sound unimpressed all the time.


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Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Nothing, He told me nothing," Bic admits, his head held low as thoughts run through his head. And why not? Why wouldn't he, they were friends weren't they, he'd shared his dream with Verse, his past should be as easy, there was no shame in fighting for freedom. He definitely believed the part about the girl abandoning them though, he could see that in her. Bic didn't care for the approval of others and gave not a with what the Rapidash thought of him. Carnivores are above herbivores in the food chain after all.

"I know one thing," he starts, "No one should have the right to own anyone else."


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Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Another haughty huff, unimpressed again. "No one should and no one can. Pokemon do not need to be caught and they do not have to leave their ball if they want not-to." She thought for a moment on her own slightly broken English. Then, a smirk. "I bet Verse had you running all over the country stealing. Went back to being what he was before we met him." Her head tossed, along with her mane, then she looked at Bic.

"We could always use more people who are willing to help fight."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Verse never made me do anything!" He snaps hotly, slapping his tail against the floor sending sparks skittering every which way, "He was trying to help me fulfill my dream," He seems to go somber for a moment, his voice becoming slightly strained, "We never quite made it though." He admits finally, and in the dark part of his mind he admits to himself it might never happen.

"I'm more than willing to fight against anyone that would take freedom from anyone else," A look crosses his face that is almost like the next words make him sick, "Even if the ones enslaved are human."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Finally she had a smile. A tired smile, but a smile all the same. "Good. But I have to warn you, we do not fight so frequently. And I am weary from a battle last night." She let out a soft sigh and returned the picture to its place in the box. "Our latest foe is Maycross Industries. A group who are known for their horrible mistreatment of pokemon and vile experiments. Their leader was once almost a champion at battling pokemon, but was banned for cheating." She gave another snort.

"We fear they are behind cloning, and secret worse operations, but we do not know exactly what. We are still trying to find out where they operate in this town."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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At the mention of their enemy, something he could fight it's as if new life is breathed into Bic, the change is very noticeable. It's as if every part of him regains something, his scales tighten up, his tail flame flares in strength and the dangerous glint that had been missing from his eyes is back in greater force. Bic wasn't one really for investigating, or gather evidence but "When you know," He grins, showing all of his teeth, a dark chuckle echoing through the room. "I'll burn them up, and scatter the ashes."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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There was a firm stomp of a hoof on the concrete floor, as if to snap him out of such thoughts. "That is the fire of spirit we want!" There was a sudden scratch and creak of metal as the door was pushed open. Verse poked his head in, hat and all, staring at the pair for a moment with an eyebrow raised in surprise.
The Rapidash snorted.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic snaps his gaze to his equine ally as her hoof slams down, snapping him from his dark thoughts. His core temperature drops noticeably, he goes to respond when the heavy metal door of the warehouse is opened, Bic back to normal, normal for him at least whips around ready to roast the interloper, when he sees Verse he just waves. "Verse, what's up." Verse would probably notice Bic was no longer despondent if he wasn't too distracted by their horse friend.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Uh hi-."
Verse looked unimpressed with his reception, but all the same walked inside. "Long time no see. How's the rider?"
"Dead. Some of us did not quit the fight when you did."
"Sounds... Great. Look there's a lot going on in our lives right now, so can Bic and I be excused?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic nods at Verse as he speaks, ready to move along, but not forgetting his word to Natasha he says to her, "Should you ever have need of me, don't hesitate to ask." Turning back to Verse he asks, "How's things back there." He says there like he's talking about a particularly disgusting rodent, but obviously referencing Adam's place, "Not burned down I hope, that would be a shame."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Was that sarcasm?" Verse said in a cool tone, "Bic I'm surprised at you. People could have died." He wandered over to the tire hanging from the ceiling and patted it with his claw. "No but seriously, they're fine. I wanted to talk to you about that in fact. Hey, ever ridden in one of these? Climb in and stick your legs out one end and tail out the other."

Natasha stared on from out of earshot.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"sarcasm?" Bic parrots back, his voice devoid of inflection until a crooked grin comes onto his face, "Is that good to eat?" Bic looks at Verse strangely, he'd known him since he'd come to the surface world. He'd have thought he'd know if he'd ridden one or not, but for the sake of the conversation Bic obliges, crawling into the tire and situating himself properly, not comftorable with the precarious seating. "What do you want to talk about." He says finally.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Hold on tight." Verse waddled around the back of the tire and gave it a push to send it swinging to and fro. "I wanted to talk about Grace." He let the words sit in the air for a long moment before he continued. "Look, the thing is, Grace quit being a trainer because she couldn't handle the fighting. It was too much for her. That's why she abandoned Luna and that's why she's in the state she's in. Are you sure that there isn't just... Some small chance you made a mistake and she wasn't actually attacking?"

Natasha slowly approach with a nod of her head. "The traitor is right. That girl did not have the stomach for fighting. If what you say is true, there is something wrong with her."
"There's nothing wrong with Grace," Verse growled lowly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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The doubt in Verse's voice cut him to the bone, set his teeth on edge. He'd told him, he had told him what happened, when had he ever known him to lie? Then he was gone for one day and already starting to doubt Bic. "Why would I lie." Bic says, his voice quiet, but with a dangerous edge to it. He slips out of the tire, and comes around to face Verse. "I don't have any reason to lie, had I been the one to attack, we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Bic throws his hand out, as if sweeping everything aside as he gets worked up, his next words a low growl. "You've seen me serious Verse, do you doubt that I'd have left them alive if I had wanted them dead?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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0.00 INK

"I... Don't believe you."
The words were probably a betrayal into themselves.
"Despite how long we've been friends, I've known Grace fer a helluva lot longer. And Grace doesn't start fights."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Fine." It was more a low feral growl than a word, ripped from Bic's mouth in his mounting anger he steps up to Verse and puts them almost snout to snout. "Fine!" He barks into his face spraying sparks and cinders with the word, the temperature beginning to noticeably rise in the area around Bic, his tail flame flaring white in his anger. "You won't believe the truth, go bury your head in the sand." His voice is bitter with betrayal. He laughs in jaded amusement, the world wouldn't pull it's punches it would seem. "Go back to your master, slave! let her whisper more lies to you!" With that he turns his back on Verse, his anger at the betrayal from the first and only person he'd ever trusted too much for him to accept.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"If tha's how you wanna be..." Verse answered dryly, slowly turning away and with a scuff of his feet he headed for the door.
Natasha stood there, watching him go as the door slowly pulled shut, then her head tilted down to look at Bic. "Give him time. Verse is not so much one to turn his back on people, no matter how much of a scoundrel he might be." Her eyes narrowed at him. "Hold on, is that a whistle?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic looks at Natasha warily, his hand coming up to hover over the whistle as he remembers the incident with Grace all too well he speaks. "Yeah, what's it to you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Natasha snorted. "I would recognize it anywhere. That is Luna's," she stated simply. "Grace gave it up when she abandoned us all. Does that mean you are a friend of Luna's too?" She sounded a little surprised, maybe even impressed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic sighs, relaxing a little as smoke billows from his nostrils. "Yeah, she gave me this after helping us out of a tight spot," He hesitates for a second but continues. "It's this whistle that Grace," He barely grits the name out, "attacked me over, claimed it was hers."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Another indignant snort. "Something surrendered is not hers to take," she answered and turned her head away. Then her head turned upwards to the ceiling and she let out a whinny. "Come down already!" There was a slow movement from the darkness of the rafters overhead, then slowly sliding came down a purplish slithering pokemon. The Arbok hung for a moment, then let go of the rafters and descended in one big heap, but it was clearly sulking.

Natasha paid them no mind, turning back towards Bic. "But if you have a lifeline to Luna then... Maybe not all hope is lost. Maybe we can resume the fight. Take up the Cause once more."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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Bic nods at her words. Idly picking at his claws having finally calmed back down, he looks up not quite shocked as the large serpent drops to the floor, he still sweeps his tail around in agitation, He'd been wondering what that smell was. "We can call Luna if you like, maybe she can make sense of all of this. If it'll help I guess I'm in, my own plans are stalled for now."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Call her here? Not yet." Natasha answered with a haughty huff. They were indoors after all. "I do not think she will be so receptive. But... If we can bring most of the team back together, then maybe we can convince her. For now, would you be open to the idea of testing your strength, so we can see what you are capable of?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Natasha Fireheart
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"Obviously not here." Bic replies, rolling his eyes, not entirely sure what the deal was but he didn't have anywhere else to go, so He'd wait and see. As the proposal is lain before him though, his eyes light up, his breathing becomes slightly hurried with excitement, pupils dilating down to points, he grins smoke billowing out around razor like fangs and a glow begins in his throat, slowly his feet slide perfectly shoulder width apart and he lowers his center of gravity, ready to pivot at a moments notice with his tail, finally his claws become like metal, and he speaks. "I was born open to the idea."