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The Multiverse


Endless and only partially charted, the Cold Plains hold more to them than most people would think, for it is vast and varied. The atmosphere may be cold and chilly, but life is no less prominent in this place. Life thrives, whether it be as snow rabbits or great beasts. It is frequently underestimated, and even more so looked upon as a place without value or resources, but there is value in this place. After all, with so many races that might thrive in cold and frigid locations, it is like home for many, especially when you consider the resources that rest underneath the snow.

A war is brewing, however, between relative newcomers to the area and the servants of a rival power. Ice giants will duel frost golems, and whatever else might be summoned or forged by their creator.
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The Cold Plains

Surrounding the sore thumb that is the stone path is endless icy plains of snow. The very atmosphere is cold and chilly.


The Cold Plains is a part of Aslund.

6 Places in The Cold Plains:

53 Characters Here

Solange [50]
Codename Unknown [40] Codename Unknown is an augmented human that augmented from being a normal living breathing man into what he is now, The Unit made him. All other information is classified.
Marcella [35] The Red Witch of Possibilities
Yuudoku [24]
Kaimi [18] A female dekan with an independent personality. She can easily take care of herself. Her hair hangs to the middle of her back, but is often twisted up on top of her head.
Danii [15] An elemental warrior with no place to call home and no allies.
Astyr Asga'ya [15] A mysterious woman is searching for a place to call home and a place to belong; a wandering spirit who is tired of traveling.
Grace Lylac [12] "The one who turned me, and then took me into her care has vanished........"
Israphel [12] Under Maintenance.
Catarina [12]

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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Molly was not so lonesome a figure as the being she was able to face. But she was, in a way, lonesome. Clad in a thick woolen robe, her old master's mark on her shoulder, she trudged through the snow and held her arms close. She had wanted solitude. That she could use refreshing her recovered memory as an excuse was, merely, that. Not that she was supposed to planeswalk as she had unaccompanied by the shielding presence of her mentor/master. He would be furious if, no when, he ever found out. Well, it hardly mattered. Molly would do what she pleased, and he could suck it.

The intellectual knowledge that he had little choice, that Maliki, at least, checked up on her from time to time, likely unseen, was a cold comfort. It was nearly as cold a comfort as knowing that Karato would be fine. After all, it was only a golem, like her own body, that had been destroyed. Tomorrow, she and Catherine would go to the school her mentor had left her to learn at and retrieve her actual body. Would Vexar know? Was he still on the run, with Rozzy and Maliki? She didn't know. Rozzy had been found, that much was clear, but were they all safe?

And if they were, why hadn't they come for her and Karato? That was what stung the most. She walked, unseeing in the snow, into the clash of ice upon ice, where Cryoface was training.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Despite the loud clangs, it was less as if it had heard the crunching footsteps as if he had sensed it through the disturbance in the snow. He finished up his set, then made sure to stick his sword point-down in the ground as a gesture of non-aggression as the newcomer came up to greet him.

"Welcome. It has been quite a while since one has come to bother me. Please, take a seat anywhere. You have no doubt traveled far to seek me out, so I do hope I can provide assistance with your problem," he said with an unusual glibness. His voice had the pitch of ice cubes clinking together and cracking when dropped into a water glass. One massive hand rested on the pommel of his enormous blade, while the other rested on his...hip? If he did have a hip, it would pretty much be in the akimbo position.

"Why don't we start with what you call yourself once you catch your breath?"


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Well, this was unexpected. She accepted the offered seat on the ground and considered things. Perhaps she had focused too much on her troubles when walking, and not enough on location. That'd end up with her trapped in a bad place if she did it again. The woman smiled up to

"I am Molly Bronson, host the the demon Karato." Who once took her name, as sisters. They had never moved past sharing a bed of course, so were, perhaps, a bit too close to be true sisters, but they were sisters. She thought it over and then smiled. "Who is it that I'm speaking to?"

She didn't ask where she was. It was a cold place and that knowledge was more than enough for the young woman. The cloak would keep her warm.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"You speak to the heir of the legacy of Cryoface," he replied with a grin. Or something approaching it. Lack of facial features made it hard to do facial expressions.

"Mor...Morr..." He struggled with the name, having learned English from someone with quite the affection for Japanese things and big guns. "Morry...Molly? Okay. Molly. Don't be mad if I don't get it right all the time. You seem troubled...perhaps it is by the grace of the Ice Lord that we have been brought together. I'd offer you some fresh spring water, but you're probably quite cold already. Anyway, what's on your mind?" He inquired, tapping into his limited bar-keep skills.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"Molly." She confirmed and then smiled to him. "I suppose I'll call you Cryo." She offered, uncertain. "I suppose...I'm conflicted. I..recently recalled memories that had been locked from me, for my protection." She admitted. "And learned many things. Least of which is that this body is a golem." she shrugged and looked uncertain. "My...inhabitant. She was in a matching golem. It's a matter of days before this form fails. Her golem was killed in punishment for a crime, and it triggered a lot."

She shuddered and looked to him uncertain and then sighed at this. "I had almost come to terms with her execution, but that was before I knew...and then it happened unexpectedly. I'm promised an investigation over what happened."


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"An investigation?" Another loud clang expressing a brief outburst of anger. "They'll never find it in time because they're too wrapped up in the how and why. At times like these, you have to have faith in whatever built your body. They did a marvelous job, if I do say so on Lore do you manage to balance on two unstable legs like that?"

Cryoface took another angry swing. It seemed instead of pushing off on a leg to add power to a sword swing, he coiled his lower body to get similar leverage. Being tall helped as well. "Molly. Listen to me. Your body was strong enough to get you here. You have to believe that it will be strong enough to find what you're looking for in time. If you wish it, I will help you find it. I haven't gone on an adventure in quite some time, you see."


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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She smiled, though it was no happy smile, sorrow radiating from her. It had been so long since she had last been alone, without Karato so close to her that their every thought touched. "I suspect they'll never find out why it happened at all." She held herself. "My other half was very good at angering people." Very good. She couldn't help but smile at his comment about balancing on two legs. That was a tricky things, and she knew perfectly well that it took children some time to figure it out.

Still, Cryoface was being terribly kind. "I do know where my body lies. It is in state, carefully preserved and tended to on a campus I'm not certain I am welcome on." She looked more nervous at that than anything else. "We had to leave very quickly, and with little notice, but my body should still be there." Not just hers, either. No doubt it was dressed in something ridiculous and sensual. It was the price of a perverted teacher.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"Well, then we have little time to lose, don't we? I've never been the best at locomotion, but one thing I have been working on is the ability to become one with the snow around me and move through that. You'll barely even know I'm there, but trust me, I'll be with you every mile of the way. Lead on, Molly."

Cryoface lumbered out of the ice cave, pushing himself forward with his tail like a snake would, until he got to a snow drift and seemingly phased into it, leaving only his head exposed. "This should be faster and less conspicuous for me. We'll leave whenever you're ready."


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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She hesitated and bit her bottom lip. "It is a bit more complicated than that, Cryoface." She admitted, uncertain. "I am to go there with my boss, you see." Former, current, MCU was confusing as all get out. "Tomorrow. And...I am not certain of my welcome, given whose marking I wear, much less your own." She shook her head. "They have a dim view of non humanoids there. Very dim." Too dim. She sighed and shook her head.

"Worse yet. I cannot take more than one person with me. I am not so skilled as to cross the planes with multiple passengers." No where near it. She was still, technically, an apprentice whose Master actively discouraged her from planeswalking. It could gather the wrong sort of attention.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"Well, I'd be your one passenger. And besides, you walked here, right? You can walk back with me following along." Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Then again, he left being sharp to his massive sword, which was almost as tall as Molly was.

"Or I could carry you. I'm more than strong enough for work like that if your lower half is weary."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Molly bit her bottom lip and looked up to him. "I didn't walk here. At least, not far. Not like you're thinking." She said and tried to think of it. "Okay, think of....a sandwich. We're on the tomatoes, and they're between bread and lettuce. Under the lettuce is cheese, and under that ham, under that turkey, and under that mayo, which is on bread." She explained, trying to think of how to put it. "Most people can't go from one thing to another. All of Terra is on the tomatoes with us." She said and considered it. "To get here though, I took...a short cut. First I went to the bread, then I came back here, to the coldest part of the tomato."

Explaining planeswalking was hard. She considered things carefully. "The consortium, my old school, it's all the way on the mayo. You can't walk to it." She said and looked worried. "And not just anyone is allowed in. You have to be specially selected, and sponsored. I'm not allowed to sponsor anyone yet, but my boss wants to come. So she'll have to pretend to be someone else, so she can come."

Did that make sense? She hoped so.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Luckily for Molly, it did make sense, given the hulking thing's limited food service experience. "Oh yeah, like the Royal Flush Burger. This planet is the tomato, Lore is the lettuce, and they're all the way on the buffalo sauce, which I am told is not made from real buffalo."

He seemed a little perplexed at this next part. "So your plan is to ask someone with permission to go to the sauce if they will take the two of us there?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"Yes, like that." Oh good, he understood the metaphor. She considered things. "I have permission to go to the sauce with my sister." Or at least, they had registered as sisters. "But we don't have permission to take anyone with us." She said firmly. "So I can go, but my sister, who is ill and can't right now, is going to let my boss go and pretend to be my sister." It would work only if they didn't run into any of Molly's instructors there. She didn't anticipate on that happening.

"I can't take you, despite how kind you are, because you don't look at all like my sister." Maybe he would understand that? Of course by sister, she meant demon that she had a deep connection with, but it was close enough, given their relationship and that their bodies had, for awhile, been identical, down even to their fingerprints.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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Cryoface seemed dejected. "I...I understand. My monstrous form has been the cause of much discrimination. Granted, I understand in this case it's more of a practical limitation, but it's the same result. I'm quite used to being alone because of what I am. Perhaps I will make my way to the edge of the tundra and see if the warm season has passed yet. Where the flesh-forms live tends to be quite's a constant drain on my magic just to stay solid unless I can find a cold place to hide."

His massive arms dropped to his sides and he lowered his head in defeat. "Go. Do what you must. It was nice meeting you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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She smiled and reached up, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you can't come with me on this adventure, but I'll have others. And in the meantime, I'll visit. I'm trying to get stronger, and it looked like you were training. Maybe I could join you?" She wasn't so great at the on your feet thinking that fighting seemed to require. But she knew she had to keep pushing herself and pushing herself hard. She wanted to help her mentor, and couldn't do that if she was too weak.

Besides, he had to be lonely out here. There was no point leaving him alone.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Molly Karato
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"All right, then, it's settled. You do what you must, and I will wait here for you or anyone else that wishes to hone their skills. I am a social creature at heart, but if the Ice Lord calls me to be a solitary master that others seek out, then so be it. I must rely on you to spread news of my skills far and wide, then. May the ice remain thick under you," he added. Must be some sort of parting blessing his people used.

"Farewell, friend."


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Elsa Queen of Arendelle
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#, as written by Awinita

A place that was cold....

Her element so to speak

She made it snow a little bit, just enough to relax. It wasn't easy. her wings stretched and folded like ice on her back, but the wings were not made of ice, no, they were made of real feathers, her own flesh and blood! But out here she felt relaxed, She could make it snow and nobody could complain! Honestly she liked that kind of thing. Just like her kingdom of Arendelle, her entire kingdom adored her ice magic, and every summer, on Anna's birthday week in fact, she made it one hell of a party, Even making it snow, but not get deadly cold again

But out here, with nobody around, she could just literally relax and maybe build an igloo or something. No igloo was too small, House maybe ? No still too small, she was a queen after all, so a castle was going to be just that. The only question was, where to build such an abode ? Since it was nearly dark, she cast a snowflake, the light gathered in the thing and it floated just over her head like a lantern of a sort, allowing her to see.

Sometimes she absolutly loved her ice magic, other times, she hated it. But this time she just outright enjoyed it. Letting it free, snow and ice swirled around her.

She had no idea she was being watched, and not by her beloved


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Elsa Queen of Arendelle
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CLANG. CLANK. WHAM. The sound of ice meeting ice echoed over and over from a particular cavern. Here was the chosen resting and training grounds of Cryoface, chosen of the Snow Warriors to represent his kind. The echoing collisions stopped once he picked up a sudden development. A whole freaking CASTLE? That was more than sufficient as protection. Someone else was here.

Tapping into his elemental powers, Cryoface merged with the snow on the ground, moving faster than he could with his snakelike slithering. Elsa was almost finished making her home away from home when she felt an enormous mitten made of snow rest on her shoulders, the tone like icicles falling to the bare ground. "Identify yourself, flesh-form."

Whatever this thing was, it did not take kindly to intruders.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Elsa Queen of Arendelle
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#, as written by Awinita
Her eyes watched above her as ice like glass formed overhead into a beautiful roof and ceiling, a chandiler forming and casting light everywhere! Perfect! Her home was just about done, she wasn't planning on staying too long though, She had stuff to do, stuff she needed to find, then again the Pieces glowed and pulsed the closer she got to the ice in the area. Like they were reflected off of something, or the ice bending their signal.

She needed a base to find the next Shard of Eden.

She took one step and halted, about to make someplace to sit down, to relax, when she felt something, snow, on her shoulders ? What the ? She heard the voice, it didn't sound familar, Fleshform ? Wha ?. Oh dear. "I dont want trouble, I just need a place to stay while I search for something in the area" She said softly, It sounded oddly like her own snow bodyguard, Marshmellow. But this seemed more...... inteligent ? Way no that was not the word, this one seemed more..... in the know ?

Finally she said simply "My name is Elsa" Ice and snow swirled about her feet and some even danced on her hands. She was about to cast a bed and blanket. That was the nice thing about her magic, she could cast snow and ice into woven cloth.


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Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Elsa Queen of Arendelle
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"" It said slowly, as if trying to impress the name and the sound in its memory by repeating it back. "Elsa. E-loo-sa..." There was clearly a mind at work behind a mostly featureless face. "I am the one called Cryoface, mightiest of the Snowball Lords and favored of the Ice Lord." A mighty swing of his giant sword, the blade as long as she was tall to show off his power.

"For what do you search? I've been out here too long. Whatever you need, I've probably come across it."


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Character Portrait: Icy Peak (Super Volcano)
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#, as written by Rulke
Meanwhile high on the icy peaks steam rose as lava crept down melting and charring the very whiteness. Loud hissing heard as the snow tried to cool the impending flow easing downwards driven by the rules of gravity.

Completely melting the whiteness.

Hot boiling liquid magma oozing and bubbling. Only halted temporarily by blankets of snow, but even the mass amount of whiteness covering the slopes could not prevent it from breaking through. Splashing and bubbling. Covering the plains in red hot molten rock and flame, any trees met either burned to cinders or were felled by the pressure pushing against them. It was fortunate the nearest locations were still far off, although when the volcano exploded it would send debris for miles around. Nowhere would be safe. Nonetheless, the lava continued to cascade ever onwards, sizzling and burning the blankets and great plumes of steam rising up as the cold water met the hot magma.

Not enough to settle or cool it, instead it just continued to slurp and tunnel through the drifts. Leaving the plains scarred with rivers of redness and orange crashing ever onwards. Fiery streams where huge clouds of smoke rose off the mountain raining ash further afield.

The volcano was old, almost as old as Terra and for a long time, it had remained dormant. Of course, people had warned of this, but tests after tests had shown it was stable. The tapping into the plates and core had caused a tremendous chain-reaction that had built pressure up to excruciating levels before finally imploding onwards.

Great sheets of ice and snow being flung to four winds.



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It had been a while since a volcano had ravaged this place. New land formations of volcanic rock were long covered in snow. The Cold Plains had a pimple on it, breaking the harsh straight line of the horizon with the remnant of a past catastrophe.

A great emerald beam of light suddenly shot towards the sky and made contact with Sol,
coming from somewhere deep within the Collenham Mountains, elsewhere on Aslund.

Sol and Terra seemed tethered together by a thin, bright, green string.

Arlin Soarge has arrived, coming from The Frigid Descent.
Arlin Soarge has left the area, heading south towards The Icy Path.