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The Multiverse

Verinotte Square

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.

lostamongtrees holds sovereignty over Verinotte Square, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,794 readers have been here.


Verinotte Square bustles primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. A large fountain with dragons crawling all over it takes over most of the square. At any point in the day, citizens of Verinotte Hollow can be found flipping coins into the fountain, or resting on it. Every now and again, one might catch a Gae Ceann biker or a Forces Vankoryth patrol crossing the square.

Funded by the Dracul's and maintained by the Vankoryth Detente, Verinotte Hollow is a safe haven for vampires & other creatures of night who wish to exist civilized without Human pressures. Tauvyr Tavern is to the South. Verinotte Hall towers over the northwest part of the square, with wrap-around staircase leading up to it. The Mint and Sage, Verinotte Hollow's premiere bed and breakfast, is also accessible from here.

Off a ways to the north, but still in viewing distance, is a large shrine. It has one spire that seems to stretch forever into the dark clouds. There are also many jack-o-lanterns that line the paths, a whimsical carry-over from the favored holiday of the town. Where there aren't buildings surrounding the square, there are cherry blossom trees. Verinotte Hollow prides itself on it's picturesque qualities above all else.
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Verinotte Square

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.


Verinotte Square is a part of Verinotte Hollow.

1 Places in Verinotte Square:

17 Characters Here

Pagos and Fotia [38] Two demonic gargoyles - brother and sister - born of ice and fire.
Dorotea Senjak [36] Terrorist.
Tuned Vampires [35] The altered vampires of The Hollow
Codel Vee [34] Shy, cunning, intelligent
Youmu Konpaku [32] Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked
Apex-1 [31] Chimera Soldier
Pandemic [28] Terrorist.
Noxize Deschain [28] Dream-stuff given form.
Alexander Williams [26] ''I like to break things, alot..''

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Mordere V-1

Junker Bike

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Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Codel Vee
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Codel pulled her hand back and settled it into her pocket once more. Her light green eyes glanced around as she nodded. "Interesting yes," she said softly and studied the man a bit. "It is a bit different than the other towns I've been through."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nerine Character Portrait: Serianata Sorrow
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Serianata's eyes locked on to the Chimera Squad casually moving in their general direction, observing them as they entered the tent. His eyes roved up and down the line of entities before grunting and turning back to the crowds, deciding not to start anything just yet, especially not with such a crowd around.
He turned back to the crowd, watching a body fall from the sky, an impressively large rabbit, some individual standing atop a broken lamp post and a girl sitting by the fountain.
He slowly approached the fountain as the woman standing atop it began to play, observing her quietly as the ethereal limbs passed and around him though they seemed unable to touch him. He let his eyes rove over the lyre, seemingly intrigued.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora Character Portrait: Phoibe Character Portrait: Nerine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Klein
The Creature would continue to 'nibble' upon the Girl(s) hair, mostly because she was hungry and the Woman(s) hair smelt edible.
If you are certain Kuma.
The Creature commented, the 'Music' from her perspective sounded..much different then it did from the perspective of a Human(s). Rather then sounding soothing, or even 'calming' it caused the creature to shudder, head shaking slightly as it continued to 'nibble' on the Woman(s) hair idly.
This is an odd scene at hand, a singer..and...I can't really put my paw on what else..I apologize if..I eat any of your hair.
Well yes, she may of taken a bite off, but that was just a maybe! Wait, what exactly was 'that' thing..? She wasn't certain if it was 'visible' or currently hidden from the naked eye, what she did know the Woman(s) hair tasted better then grass.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nerine Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Codel Vee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Chen nodded, he listened to the music and then something else caught his eye. It was a strange creature. He shrugged and looked back to Codel. He needed a job but who aroundh here would want to hire an earthbender? "Yeah I keep hearing something about this place being a safe haven but it might be just a bit odd for my taste."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nerine Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Codel Vee
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Light green eyes drifted over to the lyre player for a moment before she let out a soft sigh. "Safe havens are only safe for moments of time. Then someone decides to destroy it," she said softly and then looked back at Chen. "I've seen it happen so many times."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Codel Vee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"That's exactly what started to happen to my home until well I wound up on this planet." He said with a sigh. He glanced around awkwardly. " Well I'm going to try to find an Inn maybe I'll see you around." He said with a smile before continuing his walk down the street.

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Character Portrait: Nerine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
As she kept playing, her fingers would dance over the strings and her voice would echo throughout the whole hollow, each lyric started to relax and massage the very minds of each person. Slowly and carefully the song calming, and music hugging, caressing and holding. It was just captivating.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nerine Character Portrait: Youmu Konpaku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Youmu Konpaku She sat up, and rubbed the lump on her head some, it was gonna be sore. Gathering her things she rose to her feet and looked about. The mist-like ball hovering in the air above her head, it's gaze locked on the chick playing music- Youmu hadn't noticed the playing yet, though she DID feel rather relaxed for someone who fell out of the sky.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora Character Portrait: Phoibe Character Portrait: Nerine
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0.00 INK

"Yeah... yeah... whatever..." she mumbled to Phoibe, clearly entranced by the song being played, her mind finally at ease, watching Nerine play.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Codel Vee
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0.00 INK

Codel Vee watched Chen leave her and then let her light green eyes go back to the song maker. She leaned against the wall before deciding to continue to walk.

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Character Portrait: Nerine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine is falling asleep

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Character Portrait: Pigmask Army
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0.00 INK

Meanwhile, near the tents, a few small glowing lights started fluttering around. If one looked close enough, they would see that that the lights were actually incredibly plump looking flies... with an aura of heat radiating off them...

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorotea Senjak
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Dorotea Senjak She arrived, after one hell of a walk from where the shuttle had dropped her off. The Hollow, well, what was left of the little place- it was so crowded with people and things now that it little resembled the quaint place it once was. Industry was a cancer.

Her orders were simple- remain here, make contacts with the creatures that reside here and were sympathetic to the cause, and to prepare for the chaos that Pandemic had in the works. No place on Terra was safe, not even this little mud-ball of a town.

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Character Portrait: Piske
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He was bored. Creatures of the gloom had become dull and habitual. There was little playing field in the sense of unexpectedness and food. He groaned, tired of all this cold, dark bullshit. He turned and faced a brighter future. It was terrible. Squinting into the grey, he could already see the hues becoming lighter. It had been a while since he stepped into that plane, but he was desperate. So, after ages of flitting between worlds and moving from shadow to shadow, Piske finally took a step towards light. As expected, it was an irritating experience. It was thrumming with energy and it was too damn bright, but he had found what he was looking for. A vast majority of creatures thralled within this illuminated world and better yet, most were wary of what lurked around when the radiance of their sun melted away. Excitement buzzed in his belly and a horrible grin split lips. Oh, what shenanigans would he get up to.

However, stepping into the brilliance of this plane had left him slightly dazed. He'd have to adjust to the light and learn the ways of these people before blindly racing in. He'd discover weaknesses, fears and perhaps a tasty snack. It had been ages since he tasted the satisfying sweetness of a light-lover. A dusky town caught his interest and he quickly headed towards it. It was a perfect place to blend in and adjust. His lips stretched tightly across his ragged teeth. He'd been away for long.

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Character Portrait: Conall Donovan
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He wandered into Verinotte Square following tales of some super shot that would remove all natural weaknesses and help control his inner beast. Honestly, it sounded far-fetched, like a too-good-to-be-true fairy tale. Even so, it was worth looking into, what stories didn't hold at least some sort of truth? It was confusing being around so many people. He wasn't used to crowds. Not living anyways.. He wasn't following stories for no reason. His beast was a problem. Not for him, but for everything else. He had gained a little more attention than he desired and fighting his inner animal wasn't something he was used to. And why would he fight it? He loved it. The transformation, the bloodlust, the primal animal frenzy. It was empowering, but there came a point where one needed to learn to control that power just a bit more. So, here he is, standing awkwardly, amidst the crowd at some medical tent.

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Character Portrait: Yes Man
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...Uh... well... this was an odd sight, even for this place. Among the various citizens of Verinotte Square was a large blue robot rolling around on a single wheel, a video screen on the center of it displaying a smiling cartoon face. Every once in a while, as it rolled down the street, various people would bump against it, but the robot didn't seem to mind at all, because it would happily announce "Oops! That was my bad!" or "That was rude of me! That was completely my fault!", and the robot would happily announce all of this with a chipper attitude in his voice.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jubei
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0.00 INK

Making his way down one of the many streets in the square was... well... a bipedal cat. One that was a few feet shorter than an average human. Strapped to his back was a sheath, two swords shoved into each side of the sheath. The cat was also adorning an orange jacket, that covered his head with a hood. An, of course, he had two tails and an eyepatch. ...This... is quite strange even for most of what happens on Terra.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Wyght
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A white-haired girl with a tattered black dress wandered into Verinotte Square, looking like she might be a bit lost. Though her appearance, that might be considered creepy to some, made it pretty clear that there was at least one thing she had lost. Her human life. To put it simply, she was a zombie. Not exactly your typical zombie, as she didn't seem to be limping and she wasn't moaning about brains. But she certainly looked like a zombie of some sort.

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Character Portrait: Jubei
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The cat continued on his way, pleasantly humming a song to himself, his swords clattering on his back with every step he took... well... until he spotted someone that looked pretty... well... uh... lost. And... a bit undead... but... she looked harmless enough, actually... and clearly had intelligence, from the way she appeared to be lost.

"...'scuse me, miss? You need some help?" Jubei asked, making his way over to the zombie, his voice gruff, yet full of kindness.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Wyght
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"Oh, hi there talking kitty. Have you seen my brother? He's among the living, but he's a student of the art of necromancy." the zombie girl asked. "I just feel safer with him, because if I'm alone then I worry that some zombie-slaying jerk might show up and mistake me for one of those mindless moaning types, and attack me." this may have seemed like weird talk coming from a sentient zombie, but she wasn't exactly much of a fighter back when she was human. The closest she got to fighting was sacrificing her life to save her brother, who she was currently looking for. But, the cat didn't know her least, not yet.

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Character Portrait: Jubei
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"Huh... 'fraid not, miss. Sorry." he said, apologizing. "Heh... well... someone's gotta be pretty damn braindead to think yer mindless..." he said, chuckling a bit, before thinking for a moment. "Hey, why don't ya stick with me 'till we can find your brother? I can certainly protect ya if someone dumb enough tries to mess with ya." Jubei suggested, wearing a warm smile on his face.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Wyght
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0.00 INK

"R-Really? You would do that for me? Thank you, Mr. Kitty bodyguard!" she said, hugging the talking, hooded cat tightly. Hopefully she didn't underestimate her newfound strength that she gained from being undead. She didn't want to hurt Mr. Kitty. "My name's Blair. Nice to meet you." she smiled, loosening her grip on the talking cat. "Is that...are you wearing an eyepatch?" she asked, noticing something circular over one of the cat's eyes.

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Character Portrait: Jubei
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0.00 INK

OOF! Jubei may be a powerful warrior, but he wasn't expecting Blair's strength! However, he quickly got over the shock of the zombie's strength, chuckling a bit at his nickname. "Mr. Kitty bodyguard, eh? That's a new one fer me." he joked, smiling a bit. "Name's Jubei, kid. Nice to meet ya too." the cat continued. "What, ya never seen a cat wearin' an eyepatch before?" Jubei joked once again, smiling a bit. "Yeah, it's an eyepatch, but don't worry 'bout it."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Wyght
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"Oh, sorry. I guess I don't know my own strength." Blair apologized, realizing she had hugged him a bit too hard. "Huh? No, it's not that Mr. Jubei! I like it. It's cute. You wouldn't happen to have an extra one I could borrow, would you?" Blair replied, smiling back. She figured she could use an eyepatch herself, since well...he couldn't see it right now, but beneath her bangs on the right side of her face her right eye was an empty socket.

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Character Portrait: Jubei
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Jubei chuckled a bit, smiling a bit. "Ah, don't worry 'bout it. It's gonna take a lot more than that to take this old cat down." Jubei responded. "Ah... thanks, Blair. Yer too kind. Hmm... lemme see here..." he said, opening one of the straps holding his jacket close, searching around his jacket. "...Hmmm..." he proceeded to pull out a tsuba and a strap. "Hmm... yeah, I think I can fix ya up with an eyepatch." he said, feeding the strap through the tsuba's hole where the katana's blade would fit through. Eventually, the cat held out the eyepatch over to Blair. "There ya go! One eyepatch. Should help ya out."