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The Multiverse

Verinotte Square

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.

lostamongtrees holds sovereignty over Verinotte Square, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,797 readers have been here.


Verinotte Square bustles primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. A large fountain with dragons crawling all over it takes over most of the square. At any point in the day, citizens of Verinotte Hollow can be found flipping coins into the fountain, or resting on it. Every now and again, one might catch a Gae Ceann biker or a Forces Vankoryth patrol crossing the square.

Funded by the Dracul's and maintained by the Vankoryth Detente, Verinotte Hollow is a safe haven for vampires & other creatures of night who wish to exist civilized without Human pressures. Tauvyr Tavern is to the South. Verinotte Hall towers over the northwest part of the square, with wrap-around staircase leading up to it. The Mint and Sage, Verinotte Hollow's premiere bed and breakfast, is also accessible from here.

Off a ways to the north, but still in viewing distance, is a large shrine. It has one spire that seems to stretch forever into the dark clouds. There are also many jack-o-lanterns that line the paths, a whimsical carry-over from the favored holiday of the town. Where there aren't buildings surrounding the square, there are cherry blossom trees. Verinotte Hollow prides itself on it's picturesque qualities above all else.
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Verinotte Square

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.


Verinotte Square is a part of Verinotte Hollow.

1 Places in Verinotte Square:

17 Characters Here

Pagos and Fotia [38] Two demonic gargoyles - brother and sister - born of ice and fire.
Dorotea Senjak [36] Terrorist.
Tuned Vampires [35] The altered vampires of The Hollow
Codel Vee [34] Shy, cunning, intelligent
Youmu Konpaku [32] Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked
Apex-1 [31] Chimera Soldier
Pandemic [28] Terrorist.
Noxize Deschain [28] Dream-stuff given form.
Alexander Williams [26] ''I like to break things, alot..''

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Junker Bike

Mordere V-1

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Character Portrait: Valve Vlanderson
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Valve Vlanderson stopped in place for a moment, closed his eyes thoughtfully and then answered.
We've come from quite a ways away. Another planet to be precise. Fortunately, advances in technology have let us attend such a lovely event.

He put on a good smile, used to sudden interruptions such as these. Arielle did her best to smile as well, remaining at Valve's side. As others approached, he took his time to wave and pose for pictures. He also did his best to answer any questions asked as Arielle mentally scanned the area for the person they needed to see to get inside.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Valve Vlanderson
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While Zosimos was enjoying this, Kumatora on the other hand was not. The seventeen year old tomboy didn't really seem to enjoy it when Zosimos started messing around with her hoodie and especially when he fluffed up her hair.

She couldn't lash out, though. It was a celebration of peace and she was pretty well aware that going nuts on someone would probably end up with her getting kicked out with no chances of getting inside. Despite despising Zosimos messing around with her clothes and hair, she had to agree with what he said... but she wanted to get away from the photographers and such... the lights of the photographs were murdering her eyes. "Damn, I think these freakin' cameras are makin' me blind." she grumbled to herself.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Valve Vlanderson
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"Fascinating!" Winne exclaimed, shoving the mic once more, "Which planet are you here from?" More cameras had collected around them, snapping pictures of the fascinating creature and Valve. They made quite the display, and soon not even Zosimos and the girl in the hoodie could keep their curiosity away from the extraterrestrial visitors.

"Yes," Zosimos said in response, hooking the young one by the arm and walking towards the door. Once they were there, he sent a quick wave of suppressing energy at the guard. Of course he would let the girl in, despite her attire! He would love to see the look on Daemala's face, in fact.

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Character Portrait: Kumatora
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"Eh?" the young woman blinked as Zosimos hooked his arm around her own arm and escorted her towards the door. Wait... holy shit, she... actually was allowed in? "I... actually made it to the ball? Holy crap..." she said, obviously shocked at what had just happened.

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Character Portrait: Valve Vlanderson
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Valve Vlanderson responded with a chuckle.
Well, it's a planet not quite unlike this one. It's really similar actually, and I believe it is called Ruula. It's quite a peaceful place for the most part.

Valve slowly made his way through the crowd of reporters and such, answering questions where needed. Eventually, he would probably make it to the entrance then, giving a nod to the guard.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Timo Character Portrait: Susan Quilleria Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Valve Vlanderson
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0.00 INK

Winne Rineswurth here, reporting Live from the Ball of Chaos!
Here in Verinotte Hollow, citizens from all over Terra have amassed to celebrate peace and good intentions in this time of war. The event has even drawn interplanetary attention, hailing celebrity guests from the planet of Ruula into attendance. Technology sure has come a long way, folks!
Valve and Arielle presently grace the Ball of Chaos, upping the class bar for the evening with their foreign fanciful attire.

Other celebrities present include the infamous Timo, famed body snatcher that was once at large across Alsund who has been in custody of The Rehabilitation Institute for the Paranormals since her arrest. Rumors circulating prior to the invent speculated that she and founder, owner and administratorJoran Davrell were intimately involved. His lack of presence this evening however, states otherwise.

The Vankoryth Detente has proved, thus far, to be the most gracious host. The only incident could be considered mild: A dragon crashed through the roof, thus obliterating the clock tower. The dragon is considered non-hostile, and is a present guest inside Verinotte Hall. As for the clock tower, it is a ruin now, but has thankfully been deemed safe to party around.

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Character Portrait: Cuspid
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So this was Verinotte Hollow.

Cuspid had decided to venture this one alone. She felt pretty bad, leaving Canine off and in the dark, but this was something she had best do alone. Descorp had recently announced UV vaccinations for vampires, and she was here to get one. There sure were a lot of bloodsuckers here today.

Not like she wasn't one of them, but it didn't mean she hated them any less. With a sigh, Cuspid checked her guns to make sure they were peace tied and moved to the fountain. She would hang out here until the lines went down.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght
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0.00 INK

A white haired girl with pale, bluish skin arrived at Verinotte Square, accompanied by a blue haired human guy wielding a scythe. "So, this is the town of spooks and specters? Say, did you enjoy that undead dance party you went to the other night?" the blue haired guy asked the zombie-like girl who accompanied him.

"It was alright. Why didn't you come, brother? I doubt you would've been out of place." the zombie girl replied.

"Yeah, I guess...but, I'd feel weird going to a ball hosted by a bunch of vampires. Yeah, I may be a Necromancer. But, I'm not a necrophiliac." the blue haired guy responded, and then noticed there was somebody else here. "Oh, hello...this is kinda awkward." he said to Cuspid, scratching the back of his neck.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

Cuspid watched them as the two creatures walked about the square, damning the fountain she perched on that she was where she was. If this was Wing City, they'd be smoke in an instant.

But this wasn't Wing City. This was Verinotte Hollow, town owned and operated for and by supernaturals. She cursed under her breath and avoided eye contact as they approached. Then they spoke to her. With a blink, she looked to them and forced a fanged smile.

"Hate 'em as much as you do," Cuspid noted, flicking a strand of hair from her face that had landed there during her scowling. "Necromancer, huh?" She turned to face them square on, elbows on her knees, "You guys meet that way?" Her smile slipped upwards on one side at her little joke.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Meet what way? If it's my sister's appearance you're talking about, then no. It's a long story though, so I'll give you the short version." the blue haired necromancer replied. "Basically what happened is, some guy jumped us this one time and almost defeated me. Then my sister ran in front of me and took the death blow so that I would live. Then, I couldn't bear to lose her so I brought her back with my magic and that's pretty much it..." he explained. "And, oh, my name's Lorelai. Lorelai Wyght. Nice to meet you...vampire who hates other vampires."

"And I am Blair. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we're not your enemies." the zombie girl added, introducing herself to Cuspid as well.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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"Noble of you," Cuspid noted with a head nod at the tale. Saving a sibling from an untimely death: Talk about the first time she'd ever heard of a necromancer using his powers for something good. The story was touching, though, and her expression softened. In her head, she wondered what Canine would do if she was ever struck down. Would she wake up a wolf?

"Didn't realize she was your sister. Lorelai, Blair, nice meeting you," Standing out of habit of respect, Cuspid folded her arms and leaned against the fountain. "Cuspid," She said her name, the s whistling across her fangs. "You two live here? In this...uh, town?" Looking around, she noticed the line for UV Vaccinations had shortened a bit, but not enough for her to bother breaking conversation. If there was one thing Cuspid hated more than leeches of the night, it was waiting.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"No, not exactly. We're not even originally from Terra, we just wound up here inexplicably one day and have kinda been stuck here ever since. The world we call home is a world known as Izlendria." Lorelai answered. "What about you Cuspid? I take it you must live somewhere other than this town, if you say you hate the majority of your species."

Blair in the meantime, was silent for now. Though she seemed to have something on her mind, which was perfectly intact, thank you very much. She wasn't one of those mindless moaners whose only semblance of vocabulary was "Brrraaaiiinnnsss...", though Cuspid knew this already, so there wouldn't be any problems there. As far as what Blair was thinking about, perhaps it had something to do with somebody she had met a few nights ago. But, who would really know what goes through a Revenant's mind?

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Not even from Terra?" Cuspid quirked a brow. She'd heard that story before, but never from anyone supernatural. "I'm from a small town on the bottom edge of the Cursed Wood. Dead shit don't have a great rep down there."

It was true, and the same seemed true for Wing City. 'Dead shit' was rampant all over this planet, and she was starting to wonder if she should move. Nah, then she'd be out of work. However, after the war that was going on, there might not be anywhere even left to work.

"So is Izlendria dimensional or another planet or?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Yeah, magicians who study the type of magic I study aren't very well-liked around here as well. It's difficult dealing with people who think you're evil just because of your powers. Izlendria is much more accepting, being a planet full of magicians and undead and uhh...other things. Though, there are still a few bad apples that use their powers for the wrong reasons. As my instructor, Melchior, would say, 'all magic alone is neither good nor evil, it depends on the user'." Lorelai replied.

"It's also difficult dealing with people who run away from you because they're afraid you might eat them." Blair joked a bit.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Ah..Hah. Yeah, prejudice. Gotta hate it," Cuspid tucked her hair behind her ear, despite not needing to. Was this guilt? She killed the supernatural on commission, simply because people feared them. With good reason, most of the time. For a moment, however, for just a wee moment, she couldn't help but wonder.

Had she only killed bad apples?

"Those bad apples ruin it for all of us. Place you're from sounds decent, well enough better than this shit hole," Cuspid gestured around her at the lavish fountain, beautiful cobblestone buildings, and twinkling cherry blossom trees.

"Wing City, I mean."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris
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0.00 INK

Jude Alvaris wandered into the plaza with the gargoyle fountain and noticed three people talking amongst each other near the fountain. But wait, one of them was more familiar than the others. "Well, well, what a coincidence. 'Sup Blair? Who are these two?" he said in a casual tone as he approached the trio.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Jude, what are you doing here?" Blair asked, not expecting him to have shown up here at this exact moment.

"Jude, huh? I'm Lorelai, her brother. Blair, where did you meet this punk?" Lorelai asked, looking over to his sister, and then at Jude. He only called the albino pretty-boy a punk because of his attire and speech. Lorelai knew very little of the events of two nights ago, as he didn't really ask Blair too much about it. But now he felt like there was something he should know since a guy he'd never met before was calling his sister by name and asking her 'what's up?'.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

Cuspid smelled another vampire and froze. She watched the engagement with a line for a mouth, all too familiar with big brothers. If Canine were here, he would probably shit a brick. Granted, they weren't related.

"Here for your UV Vaccine, 'Courtesy of the Detente and Descorp'?" Cuspid asked the newcomer, saying the last bit with a mocking tone. Hey, she was a hunter, and didn't consider herself to be one of them, even here in Verinotte Hollow.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"The Detente? Hmm...if I remember correctly, somebody gave me an invitation to join that organization." Jude replied to Cuspid, taking out the note he had received two nights ago from Zosimos. He then looked over to Lorelai. "I may look like a punk to you, but that's just because I don't like shoving it in people's face that I'm from nobility. To the untrained eye I'm just some random dude who happens to be a vampire, and that's fine with me." he shrugged.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Well, alright then. I suppose that would be a pretty jerkish thing to do if you flaunted your social status in front of everybody." Lorelai nodded at Jude. "So, how did you and Blair meet? Was it at the ball?"

"Yeah, it was. We danced together." Jude replied. "I oddly feel like if I hadn't met her there, I probably would've left quickly. Those big fancy parties aren't really my thing. And I'm not very fond of other vampires myself."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

Cuspid looked at the piece of paper and shrugged. She had received an invitation a while ago, a much more indirect one. The woman wasn't stupid enough to bad mouth an organization that was giving her free UV vaccinations, though. Now they were all discussing balls, and formalities, and friendships. She felt older than she was, listening to this talk.

"I ain't fond of us either," Cuspid noted, popping off from the fountain. "Here seems alright though," She shrugged, looking over to the lines. They had rapidly diminished.

"Well, I should go get that vaccine before the line explodes again. You comin'?" Cuspid asked the other vampire.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

Jude shrugged, and then nodded at Cuspid. "Yeah, I guess I might as well. Don't really have anything better to do at the moment." he said. "Besides, it is kinda lame being weak to sunlight."

"Is this vaccine only for vampires? I mean, I don't spontaneously combust or anything, but sunlight makes me lethargic and I start to limp." Blair asked, wondering if the UV Vaccine would work for her sun-related problems, which were relatively minor.

"I guess I'll just wait here then, if all of you are going to get vaccinated." Lorelai sighed, sitting down on the edge of the fountain and slumping his scythe over one shoulder, with the blade touching the ground.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

Cuspid nodded in agreement. The sun was a stupid weakness. The dumbest, and it peeved her every day. Now, she could cross a peeve off her list.

"Hmm...Not sure," Cuspid said honestly, "Though, I hear the whole Hollow's supposed to get Vaccinated. Some sucke-I mean pyres were talking about it in line earlier. I don't see why it wouldn't help your issues out, if it stops us from friggin' combustion." At this, the woman smiled, but then half frowned at zombie girl.

"You can always come along, or somethin'. I don't know how much fun it'll be for you, I ain't really looking forward to it. We'll be back soon enough."

Cuspid shrugged, and started walking off to Tower Alba.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Wyght Character Portrait: Blair Wyght Character Portrait: Jude Alvaris Character Portrait: Cuspid
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0.00 INK

"Are you talking to me? I'm a human, I don't need a vaccine for UV resistance." Lorelai said to Cuspid as she began to walk off. "But, I suppose I might as well accompany you for now. If only to make sure Blair is safe with you two, especially you Jude."

"I can understand your overprotectiveness towards her, but come on! And it might be wiser for you to accompany us rather than stay out here where you might be jumped by a vamp with less control than us. You don't want to be food for those despicable leeches, do you?" Jude replied.

Lorelai sighed, and nodded. "That's another reason I changed my mind about waiting here. Maybe I'll just have to get used to you." he said, and then followed the two vampires down the path to Tower Alba. Blair followed shortly behind him.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumatora
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0.00 INK

Clomp... clomp... clomp... the sounds of someone where boots clomping along the town could be heard. Eventually the source of the sound was revealed; a certain pink-haired tomboy 'princess' with psychic powers, her hands tucked securely in her hoodie as she browsed around nearby, a bored expression on her face.