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The Multiverse

Verinotte Square

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.

lostamongtrees holds sovereignty over Verinotte Square, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,793 readers have been here.


Verinotte Square bustles primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. A large fountain with dragons crawling all over it takes over most of the square. At any point in the day, citizens of Verinotte Hollow can be found flipping coins into the fountain, or resting on it. Every now and again, one might catch a Gae Ceann biker or a Forces Vankoryth patrol crossing the square.

Funded by the Dracul's and maintained by the Vankoryth Detente, Verinotte Hollow is a safe haven for vampires & other creatures of night who wish to exist civilized without Human pressures. Tauvyr Tavern is to the South. Verinotte Hall towers over the northwest part of the square, with wrap-around staircase leading up to it. The Mint and Sage, Verinotte Hollow's premiere bed and breakfast, is also accessible from here.

Off a ways to the north, but still in viewing distance, is a large shrine. It has one spire that seems to stretch forever into the dark clouds. There are also many jack-o-lanterns that line the paths, a whimsical carry-over from the favored holiday of the town. Where there aren't buildings surrounding the square, there are cherry blossom trees. Verinotte Hollow prides itself on it's picturesque qualities above all else.
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Verinotte Square

Activity bustles around the gargoyle fountain primarily at night as the focal point of Verinotte Hollow, despite the fact that here it is perpetually either dusk or dark. Funded by the Dracul's and Vankoryth Detente, it's a safe haven for supernaturals.


Verinotte Square is a part of Verinotte Hollow.

1 Places in Verinotte Square:

17 Characters Here

Pagos and Fotia [38] Two demonic gargoyles - brother and sister - born of ice and fire.
Dorotea Senjak [36] Terrorist.
Tuned Vampires [35] The altered vampires of The Hollow
Codel Vee [34] Shy, cunning, intelligent
Youmu Konpaku [32] Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked
Apex-1 [31] Chimera Soldier
Pandemic [28] Terrorist.
Noxize Deschain [28] Dream-stuff given form.
Alexander Williams [26] ''I like to break things, alot..''

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Junker Bike

Mordere V-1

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Character Portrait: Princess of Pure Reason
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#, as written by Rulke
There would be a stark light breaking the engulfing darkness of the hollow as two beings descended, rather than the light causing the citizen around to burst into the flame, it instead provided powerful emotions of strength and enlightenment. Those touched by these blissful rays, would begin to relax and all hostile emotions they had harbored before would gradually pass.

As the blinding ceased two woman would emerge, both with long red hair, a silk corset with sequins encrusted over it, and the appearance of almost mithril. Their eye colour was almost impossible tell, it was neither blue, nor green, or brown or grey it seemed to constantly switch between myriads of these different shades. Covering their legs, was a almost see-through white dress, but strangely they did not appear to have any, or was it all just an illusion hiding something else, whatever the case, both were similar.

One seemed more serious, while the other had a fan opened, obscuring her face in provocative and would could almost be called a teasing fashion.

Who were they, only they knew, but Terra called for them, due to what it was now, and they planned to bring forth what was truly needed.

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Character Portrait: Princess of Sweet Rhyme
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The mysterious woman with the fan seemed to float above the ground. When she turned her head one way, her entire upper body turned with it. She had her left hand outstretched, fingers gracefully dancing upon the air; her right hand held the golden fan, hiding everything below her eyes.

As if listening to a song, the woman gracefully moved her head from one side to the other, dripping in between directions.

"I sense the time has come," She sang out softly to the reflection of a woman standing next to her, "The Dragon's Rage seeks the sun."

The two were sisters, of a different realm. They did not choose their paths, but answered the concerned call of fate when a being would step outside of what it is they're intended to become. Many a montrosity of things had said to become of this world simply due to one stepping outside of the path set before them by fate. The two woman that stood in the square now, had the ability to seek out and set things straight according to the will of fate. Never before, however, have they embarked upon a land so full of darkness and misery. It was a tad overwhelming to the woman known as 'Rhyme.' Her internal senses were on the highest most of alarms. Because of this, she instinctively positioned her fan in her left hand, and reached for her sister's arm with her right.

"Indeed, the Dragon's Rage seeks the sun." She whispered once more.

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Character Portrait: Princess of Pure Reason
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#, as written by Rulke
The other would merely nod and appear deep in thought. Of course there was always a point to start, but there was much they had to resolve before any sense of balance or peace could exist in this realm. Not one thing called them, but many, this land was in state of decay, a fallen Eden if you will, there was no quick solution, war, death, murder and other cruel practices were felt on people's lips and even one of the most hated and despised species was trying to end this bloodshed. It was strange, even a little confusing.

Finally she spoke, "My sister, there is much you don't know of why we were called here, much I cannot hope to ever explain, but in time you shall understand I promise, let us take on this challenge and maybe then I hope you will understand why we are here and why we must play this charade." sighing she would smile, "There is much of this world in strife, this will be hardest task yet, we have cured worlds in the past, but this place seems to exist in a state chaotic entropy, it very existence seems to rely on madness devised by malign individuals playing God. Thus we must first educate, before we can hope to save."

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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There was a crowd today, the setting was a bit more apprehensive than usual. Supernatural citizens swarmed around the fountain, people had places to go.

In the sky, chunks of metal cascaded towards the Cursed Wood, only to be lost in the clouds of the Crawling Chaos. Looking up, he hoped the magical wards set over this town would hold.

Reisel stood high above the crowd, a strong man with purpose. He looked for a Vampire, scanned with his eyes. Someone, anyone, the first to make eye contact would do. Urgent matters were at hand.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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Vendetta breathed a sigh of relief. With all the people out today, it woud be easier to blend in, sneak around the mindless humans without being noticed. She wore a large red hat to cover her raven hair, in contrast with her unusually pale skin it looked like blood had spattered upon her. She smirked at the thought. Blood was her master, and yet her greatest enemy. She needed it to survive, to continue on. But survival was difficult in these times, when vampire hunters swarmed anyone who could remotely be classified under the pale skin category. Humans, stupid creatures. Never can mind their own business. But she couldn't think about that for now.. She had to blend in. Move quickly and soundly, don't be noticed. She continued to chant it within her mind as she bustled within the crowd, the bubbling of the fountain filling her ears.

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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0.00 INK


The vampire in the large red hat. He could smell her from here, and it wasn't just because she was dead. Reisel found he actually liked the scent, and was drawn to it. Was this the curse of the ladypire?

Quickly, Reisel pushed through the crowd. As a soldier, he didn't have to say excuse me. People moved out of his way, or were pushed. Not many seemed to truly mind, for large chimeras had been spotted on the Eastern side of town.

The crowd marveled at the technological wonders as he made his move. Reaching for the arm of the woman in the red hat, he said,

A word, one word, but he spoke it with such urgency, he hoped she would not break away, that she would turn, that she would stay. Could she be the one? The one with the powerful feminine scent?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apex-1
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Apex-1 Large and armored, the Chimera moved through the area. Stenciled on it's chestplate was the name Apex-1, which was rare- most Chimera only had numbers for names. This one moved with a purpose- it was late. Already squads were moving about the Hollow and the surrounding area, setting up defenses and distribution centers. Word had it a Science Team was about to touchdown. For The Boss to send in the Blue Hand..things were serious.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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She was taken aback by a sharp grab clenching her arm. She turned into him, her face inches from his. "Yes?" She could smell the blood pulsing through his veins.. his neck so close.. No. Focus. Act normal. Act human.

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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0.00 INK

Forgive me,
He slowed his blood flow, succumbing fully to his vampyric side.

You have no cause to fear here, I-
Then, the Chimera labeled Apex-1 cast a shadow over the square. Oh, he hated to do this to her, the lovely woman he just met.

I have the opportunity of the lifetime. For you, madame,
He looked to the machine as it approached. He lowered his voice, and leaned in close. Whispering, he said directly into the womans ear,
Complete immunity to the Sun.

He stepped back, and flashed his teeth. He was a vampire too, of sorts.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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0.00 INK

A vampire? This soldier.. He was rather pale.. but his teeth.. Now those were the selling point. And suddenly she believed everything he had to say. She'd do anything to be immune to the sun, her greatest weakness. She'd follow this man to the ends of the Earth to accomplish something like that, if it was even possible. Even enveloped by the shadow of the chimera, she trusted him.

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Character Portrait: Apex-1
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Apex-1 This damn Hollow was so big, protecting it was going to be a challenge. The Science Team would make things better. They had all the best gear. Suddenly the armored being would stop, a priority call over the Vox-caster. A vampire was supposed to be finding a volunteer. The image played across his HUD, and an auto-scan indicated that the man was close. Apex blinked and looked about, taking note of his position...and the woman he was talking to. Was she it?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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0.00 INK

Reisel reached for her hand, and shot the chimera a troubling glance. Had it spotted them?

It had. He looked to where he thought it's eye was, and nodded, again looking back towards the woman.

Before we proceed,
He said,
Your name, dear rose. I am Reisel Dracul, of the Dracul Family, Descendant of Lord Alucard, or Dracula,
Reisel bowed his head. It was a big title to bear, but he bore it.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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0.00 INK

"Vendetta," she said, looking deep into his eyes. "My name is Vendetta, origin unknown." Her mind flashed back to the village she had sucked dry after realizing what she was. She couldn't believe it at first, that she was this monster everyone whispered about in the darkest corners of the night. After she had quenched her thirst, hanks to a small village, she went into hiding, and had been ever since. But this man excited her. Gave her a new hope.. maybe she could figure out how to survive more easily.. And for some reason she believed everything his delicious lips said.

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Character Portrait: Apex-1
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Apex-1 "Subject located. Escort? Or am I to wait on the Blue?" Apex was on the Vox, his orders were to hold position. Not to lose sight of the subject. The Blue Hands were on the way. A shudder passed through the hulk's form- something that drew that must be worth noting. What made the hardest fighters shudder? 'two by two...hands of blue' the thought comes without warning- the childish rhyme that was whispered behind the Science Team's back.

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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Reisel smiled. An interesting name, indeed. He returned her deep gaze, wondering who exactly this woman was, to catch his attention like this. Now, of all times.

He almost whispered her name, stopping himself from adding his own last name. Why did he want to do that? He threw up an arm and signaled the Chimera. They were ready to be transported to the ship.

Reisel squeezed Vendetta's hand as the shudder quaked through the machine.
We're Ready,
He called out, then whispered to her,
Brace yourself. I'm as in the dark as to what happens next as you are.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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0.00 INK

"Take me," she breathed heavily into him, feeling his senses heighten as he took in her scent. "I'm not afraid."

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Character Portrait: Descorp Science Team.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Descorp Science Team. They came. The crowd parted automatically, as if feeling a sudden wave of cold pressure. There were two, always two, and as the rhyme said, they had blue hands- gloves really, but it still worked. Neat white suits, pressed and tailored with care, even the shoes kept spotless- quite a trick on this mud ball of a rock. The blue of the hands made more eye catching against the sterile contrast. One carried a case, the other what looked like some form of rod.

They saw the armored form of a Chimera Battle Unit and headed it's way.

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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0.00 INK

He gripped her hand tighter, spotting the team of scientists. This looked...Not as he had imagined. Reisel knew little of science, he knew more of magic and the unexplainable. He didn't know much.

Protectively, Reisel placed his other arm around Vendetta.

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Character Portrait: Apex-1
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Apex-1 "You have to come with us miss. Sir, you are needed to come along as well." Apex would stride towards the pair of vampires, his actions stiff, nervous. The Science Team worried him.

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Character Portrait: Vendetta Vine
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She felt the strength of his arm tighten around her. Who were these white suited men? But Reisel gave her reassurance.. Reassurance of what exactly? She knew not. But reassurance all the same.

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Character Portrait: Reisel Dracul
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0.00 INK

Reisel nodded, agreeing to be ushered to wherever they would go.

The thoughts of what was to come gave him butterflies. He wouldn't leave Vendetta's side.

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Character Portrait: Descorp Science Team.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Descorp Science Team. The two men would step up, and each one take hold of a vampire. A shimmer of light...and all four would vanish. Transported far the Descorp flagship- Rhynn's Hammer.

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Character Portrait: Zosimos
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0.00 INK

Ahh the smell of war. Such great theater, as always.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ix Blacklight
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jo_Tunn
An alien form saw stalking the roof tops around the square. It's acidic drool running out of it's maw as it silently approached it's newest victim.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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0.00 INK

Ro had his hood up to hide his naturally vibrant hair from view. He wasn't sure exactly WHY he thought coming to the vampire hole was a good idea, especially with the racist decree that all sparklies should be eliminated by order of the Detente in full swing.
He moved with caution, but he supposed he was here to protest that very thing. Sure, most of his type were obnoxious and careless with human life and should be culled...but he thought he was an okay guy; he didn't kill any of the humans he fed from, and it was always with permission.
He found the practice highly discriminatory.

The square was constantly at dusk, it seemed, so he wouldn't risk the danger of a flare up. His skin only sparkled in the brighter light, and he took utmost care to avoid passing under street lamps. He didn't notice the creature on the rooftops.