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a character in “The Saiyans: Unlimited”, originally authored by KumoriRyuu, as played by RolePlayGateway




Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 170 cm (~5’ 7”)
Weight: 54 kg (~120 pounds)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Mezzo Soprano

Preferred Weaponry:

* Katana
* Hand-to-Hand Combat

Combat Style:

* Soft

Saiyan Rank: Vanguard

Starting Power Level: 100,000

Suppressed Power Level: 25,000

Personality: Kurosa is what you would call a true Saiyan Warrior in that she is serious, proud, and doesn’t take kindly to anyone undermining her power and how hard she’s worked to achieve it. She is tough, tenacious, and ruthlessly cunning as a warrior. Her combat experience is second to none, as she’s been fighting since she was old enough to walk with her siblings, friends, school bullies, competitive rivals, and her enemies all across the galaxy. Countless battles and life-or-death situations have forged her combat instincts to very near their peak. Even when caught off guard she remains cool and collected and quickly assesses and takes control of the situation. She never lets anyone or anything stand above her, so if you knock her down don’t you dare stand over her and gloat or you will face the wrath of a Saiyan unleashed.

Powers And Abilities:

* Infinite Ki Edge - Using her sword as a conduit, she channels her Ki through it and places a very sharp and focused layer of Ki over its edge. From this edge, she can slice through nearly anything and also fire projectile blues capable of doing extreme damage to anything they touch.

* Ki Gradient - A technique taught to her by her dear friend, Era Niir’lana. It allows her to form a protective layer of Ki over her body which diverts and dilutes incoming Ki attacks, even when they come from a being with power much greater than her own. However, the weakness of this technique is that it is incredibly taxing on the body, and the greater the difference in power between her and her enemy, the more stamina she loses when using it.

* Limit Breaker - This is a biological phenomenon possessed only by Kurosa and the other four Saiyans who survived the SLBP. The Limit Breaker ability comes in two forms:

A) Outbursts of anger which vastly increase their power levels for brief periods of time.

B) After recovering from grievous injuries, especially life-threatening injury, the Saiyan’s power level increases exponentially in proportion to the damage done.


Biography: The Saiyan Limit Breaker Project, or SLBP, was founded over twenty years ago on Haurbo Prime, a backwater world which had been colonized by Saiyans around two hundred years ago. In the initial stages of the project, it met with fierce resistance from the King of Saiyans for the idea that the “modification” of the Saiyan genome would “undermine” and “contaminate” the gene pool. He thus ruled that such experiments were highly illegal and would be met with execution by his very hand should anyone be found guilty of its practice. As a result, the original team moved to Haurbo Prime and created Ki-Shielded underground bunkers undetectable by power-reading devices of any kind to continue their tests in secret. And it is there that our story begins…

Kurosa is the first infant who was subjected to the tests while still inside her mother’s womb. Her mother, a scientist among the organization, had volunteered her unborn child to the experiment for the sake of advancing the Saiyan genome and unlocking the true potential of the Saiyan Race. As such, the unborn infant was carefully administered numerous injections while inside the womb through her mother’s lower abdomen throughout her development cycle. Each injection introduced a new strand of DNA meant to overtake the strands in the Saiyan genome which the lead scientists had found to be largely responsible for the limitations on Saiyan power. Kurosa had several close calls while in development, but ultimately didn’t suffer any crippling or debilitating effects.

Finally, the day had arrived. Birth. Kurosa was born after eleven hours of labor and found to be a perfectly healthy child. Tests were run on her blood to see if the introduced DNA had taken effect within her, but initial tests were negative. Kurosa was deemed a failed experiment at first… However, that did not last long.

Kurosa, at six months of age, had a temper tantrum and unleashed a small concussive burst of power from her body in a similar manner to a fully grown Saiyan power up. When they scanned her power level, they found it to be just over 200 which was unheard of for an infant. When they took another blood test after her outburst, they discovered something extraordinary. Her original DNA had attacked the introduced DNA, thinking it a virus/hostile presence, assimilated its properties, and made them its own. And all the while her original DNA blueprint hadn’t changed at all despite assimilating the introduced DNA’s properties. Her Saiyan body had conquered an introduced foe, and made its power its own.

This was the success they had been looking for. This was the Saiyan Limit Breaker Project’s dream made real.

Kurosa was subjected to numerous tests over the next few months, and it was found that every time she had an outburst her power level increased from where it had been originally. As well, she had accidentally fallen off a testing table and broke her arm. The scientists rushed her to the medical bay to splint the arm and provide her with a sedative to prevent another outburst, and after her recovery they found her power level had risen substantially. By the time she was only 10 months old her power level was already almost 1,200, and the team knew immediately that the experiment was a success. It was then they made the decision to find more test subjects and continue their experiments.

At first, results were negative across the board. It seemed Kurosa was a freak accident, never meant to be duplicated. Not until a breakthrough occurred thanks to an epiphany provided by Kurosa’s own mother. They had tried their experiments on infants who were already born, so she suggested that they repeat their success by subjecting pregnant mothers to the injections prior to birth as they’d done with Kurosa. At first the team was reluctant due to the health risks for both infant and mother to a prior-birth test, but Kurosa’s mother persisted arguing the point until she won the day and it was agreed to that the tests would commence.

Later that year, pregnant volunteers were brought in for the project and their unborn children subjected to the same injections as Kurosa had been throughout the pregnancy. Sadly, only six infants survived until birth, and only four survived after the first month of life. But those four joined a now 2 year-old Kurosa as successful efforts of forever changing Saiyan biology into something which would never again be limited by the previous weakness of their Race’s genome. But at this time, someone had also ratted the organization out for their experiments, and Kurosa and the children were spirited away as quickly as possible and all evidence of success destroyed by the time Saiyan law enforcement came for them. Kurosa’s mother, as well as all others involved in the experiment, were executed for illegal genetic experimentation as per the King’s orders.

To this day, Kurosa is the only one who knows why it is that this group of five Saiyans is not bound by the limitations of their brethren. As far as the Saiyan Race knows, these five special individuals do not exist. They suppress their powers in an effort to blend in, as they know that the current King, having known about the SLBP, would have them executed as the result of the experiments. But he is aging. Once he dies, they will finally be able to show the rest of their Saiyan brothers and sisters who and what they are. They will finally be able to show them the glory of potentially unlimited power and the dominance the Saiyan Race may one day possess if they continue to evolve and grow stronger.

So begins...

Kurosa's Story


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Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Location: Sirla, Backwater Planet

Deep in the reaches of space, far from the Saiyan Home World or the watchful eye of the tyrannical overlord who subjugated their race, three Saiyans now rested in a small wooden cabin which they built together a handful of months ago before... Before that event.

Three years ago, they lost two of their own.

An RGB, Raid Gone Bad, had seen the Saiyan army during a large-scale siege take on an enemy who's power dwarfed even the mightiest of Saiyans on the field. With a power of just over 74,000, this being was no joke and singlehandedly wiped out nearly half the commanding officer Saiyans with the highest power levels on the field. The two who had perished did so because, with so many witnesses, they dared not raise their powers to their maximums of 81,000 and 67,000 respectively. They had to retain their suppressed powers, and it cost them their lives on the front lines.

The Saiyan army, through numbers and determination, won the day. But it was a disaster for the Raid Group now led by a Saiyan simply known as Kurosa.

With her flowing blonde hair and her trusty katana at her waist, she sat at the dinner table sipping at a cup of red wine while Era, with long flowing violet hair kept in a tight ponytail with a single lock of bangs hanging over one eye, prepared dinner. Not far away was Totoma, their other surviving member. What he was up to was anyone's guess, as he was usually roping Era and Kurosa into training. But tonight he seemed content to do his own thing which was appreciated.

With the third anniversary of their comrade's death now upon them, Kurosa wasn't in a training mood. Instead, she was happy to sit and sip her wine while Era happily hummed to herself while finishing the final touches on their meal.

"So what's on the menu tonight, Era?" Kurosa asked.

"Tonight, we're having some of your favorite dishes. Mostly exotic meats from Keto Bears on Planet X84, salads made from vegetables and fruit from Planet 33.0AC, and some herbal spices from Planet Alpha 34C." Era replied.

Kurosa smiled and closed her eyes, gently twirling her wine glass before taking another sip.

"Sounds great. Now hurry it up, will you? My stomach is practically concave at this point." She joked.

Era chuckled and continued humming to herself as she prepared the meal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Three long years had passed since that horrendous day had passed. The day where two of the people Totoma had called family had been taken from him. He remembered that day clearly, and now where once a deep aching pain was now just a dull hollow sensation. In his mind, he believed he could have saved them but he knew he that he would most likely have perished all the same, even with his outstanding power fear still gripped him from using it.

Usually, around this time, he would be in the midst of his training dragging either Kurosa or Era into it. Instead, he decided to let them rest and mourn today. Kurosa would be sipping at her wine while Era cooked an amazing meal. Totoma decided to reminisce about his times with the fallen.

The ever-subtle scent of Era's cooking wafted into his nostrils alerting him that dinner was soon to be ready. With a quick wipe of a stray tear, born from a stray memory that had gotten the better of him, he stood up and entered the place they called home. "Kurosa, Era, it's good to be together. On days such as this." He sat across from Kurosa with a content sigh. "Kurosa, did you see me during that Raid last month? I plowed through that enemy installation like it was paper." he hit his fist into an open palm. "The enemy ran at the very sight of me. Era, you should have seen me. I was on fire...literally for a few moments." he laughed trying to raise his own spirit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Totoma nearly jumped for joy at the announcement of food being ready. He was more than willing to dig in but paused at Era's toast. A small solemn smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "My they watch over us." He said as he raised his glass of tea to theirs. Slowly he lowered his glass and took a long sip. Era always made the best tea "Now... let's dig in. Era's cooking is always the best part of my day." With fork in hand, he quickly started shoveling the food in. He looked up with a grin. "Good as always Era."

As he quickly finished the first round of food and emptying his glass of tea, he paused once again. "Not to be picky but you wouldn't happen to have anything stronger would you?" He asked as he raised his glass. "I don't normally drink but I thought I might at least have one glass for Jaoco ... He always liked that ... what was it 'Sake' from Planet Alpha 34c." Totoma was always close with Jaoco, seeing as he was always up for sparing with him. After Jaoco's death, he took up drinking occasionally as a way to remember him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era and Kurosa both dug into their food after the toast.

Era was more a proper eater who took small bites at a time while Kurosa ate with a bit more vigor. She didn't shovel food into her mouth or stuff her cheeks, but she did eat quickly. She was obviously hungry, so Era chuckled when she saw Kurosa stop a moment to clear her throat from eating too fast.

When Totoma asked if they had anything stronger, such as sake, she put her food down and went to the cabinet to fetch a bottle for him. They had three left, so they'd need to resupply soon. But for now this should do.

Era set the bottle down next to his plate and popped the top for him, smiling sweetly and sitting back down to continue her meal.

As the meal neared its end, Kurosa pushed her plates aside, stacked several high, and rubbed her stomach.

"That was quite the meal... Well done, Era." She said as she leaned her head back to let out a long sigh.

"Glad you liked it Kurosa." She replied.

She looked to Totoma.

"How was yours, Totoma? Up to standards?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Totoma smiled as the bottle was placed next to him. Quickly he poured himself half a glass and drank. The clear liquid burned on the way down, it's flavor was bitter yet oddly sweet, it was easy to see how his fallen friend could enjoy it so. It didn't take him long to eat through several bowls of food. He chuckled as Era asked about the food. "Of course. You never fail to impress with your cooking." Sliding the last dish away and leaning back comfortably in his chair he wiped off his mouth and side. "It's gonna be a sad day when some guy manages to steal you away from us, and we have to start cooking for ourselves." He said teasingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era laughed heartily at Totoma's joke, and even Kurosa, usually the serious one, started laughing along with her.

After the laughter passed, both Era and Kurosa sighed and looked outside at the setting sun.

"Seems the day is ending. So, tomorrow, it's training day right Kurosa?" Era asked.

"Yes. Tomorrow we will go over some of our new combat strategies, and also practice coordinated efforts against powerful enemies. We need to know how to fight together... Because I believe that our lack of unity on the field, and our tendency to fight along, is what took Cerely and Jaoco from us." She said solemnly.

Era's chin dipped slightly, her eyes softening to sadness.

"... We did fight for many, many years as individuals, didn't we?" She asked quietly.

Kurosa nodded.

"Yes... As Saiyans, we all have a certain level of pride in our individual powers and abilities. But even so we must learn to fight together to overcome powerful foes. If we can coordinate our efforts effectively, we can take down beings with powers greater than our own." She said.

She put her hands on the table and stood up, closing her eyes and smiling.

"But that's for tomorrow. Tonight, try not to let the occasion bother you. Get your rest. We start bright and early as the sun rises. Dismissed." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." Era replied.

Kurosa then walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to her quarters to go to bed, leaving Era and Totoma at the table.

Even here, at home, Kurosa was still their superior. She had earned her respect long ago. Era always said "yes ma'am" when Kurosa said anything with finality like "dismissed." Kurosa was like the sister Era never had, but she still respected her as her superior first and foremost.

"I suppose it is time for bed. Go and get ready, Totoma. I'll take care of the dishes and go to bed myself afterwards." She said quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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0.00 INK

Totoma gave a long stretch before finally getting up from his spot. "Yes, ma'am." He said while taking a few dishes to the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't want any help? There are quite a bit of dishes here." looking over the dishes, calling it a mess would almost be an insult to Era, for how organized it still was. The truth is Totoma was just looking for an excuse to stay up and occupy his mind with random tasks rather than think about how much he missed his friends. "You know I don't mind helping out every now and then. You do so much for us as it is." Without waiting for her to respond he went ahead and started cleaning. "If we work together we'll finish up faster." An ever so slight smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era smiled to Totoma.

"Well, I won't turn down help." She said.

Together, they did the dishes before setting off to bed.

The next morning, bright and early, they were all up and ready to train. And, as always, Kurosa had a game plan.

"All right you two, we'll start nice and easy. Power down to around 10,000, and come at me with everything you've got. If you can land a punch, then I will switch roles with whoever lands the punch, fair? My power will be roughly 50,000... Let's go!" She said.

Kurosa gave a grunt of effort, and her power leveled of at around 50,000 as promised.

With that, she waited for the other two to take their positions and powers.

Era gave a sigh of relaxation as her power dropped slowly before leveling off at 10,000 right on the dot. She was ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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0.00 INK

Totoma had been awake a good bit before everyone, as his normal schedule. Already in the thralls of his training by time Kurosa and Era appeared. "Morning!" He shouted as he saw them. Already coated in sweat he stood next to Era as Kurosa explained their training. "Right, right, soooo 10,000 got it." He exhaled deeply as he slowly lowered his power. Energy control was always a problem for Totoma but with enough focus, he eventually got it to the proper level. "Alright, commander hope you're ready! I've been practicing some new moves." His cheerful demeanor in training took hold as he suddenly rushed forward towards Kurosa.

It looked as if he was just going to try and land a punch right off the bat, but right before he came within a few feet of her, he dashed right. "Typhoon Blitz." He shouted as he flew to the side. From his fist, a torrent of small ki blasts busted forth in a random spray. The attack wasn't made to inflict damage but to obscure the vision of whoever he was fighting, but contact with any of the shots might cause damage for any who weren't prepared. He hoped this would open Kurosa up for attack from either him or Era.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era let out a breath, and as soon as Totoma launched his first attack, she darted to the side away from the blasts. Kurosa, in the meantime, powered up to intensify the protective quality of her Ki aura. The blasts coming in exploded on contact with her Ki aura, and she then darted backwards to give herself space from the smoke and dust which kicked up as a result.

Era came in from the side, and Kurosa just saw her in her peripheral vision. Era used a spin kick aimed at Kurosa's midsection, which Kurosa easily deflected with an elbow block and pushed away, forcing Era back. Luckily for Era, her combat style allowed her to spin out of the push and ready herself as Kurosa flew at her with a flying kick. Era just barely ducked, and hoped Totoma was taking advantage of Kurosa's attention being focused on her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Totoma's eyes darted around following Era's and Kurosa's movements, all the while he charged energy into his legs for his favorite attack. There, in the single moment Era ducked a kick from Kurosa, leaving her, what Totoma assumed to be wide opened. "Twin Grand Impact." He did a quick backflip sending a rather large wave of energy hurtling forward followed by a spin kick to send the second wave from behind it. The waves of energy tore through the air at a blistering speed. "Haha got you!" He said with overconfidence before the attack even connected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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The moment she heard "Twin Grand Impact," Kurosa forced herself to spin around towards Totoma. Two powerful kicks sent large waves of energy through the air at her, but Kurosa was not concerned.

Kurosa made a "tch" sound, and as the attacks came in she flew up and out of the way of the first, and countered the second with her own wave of energy from her hands which immediately sent it back Totoma's way.

With the advantage of having 5x the power Totoma did in the moment, it was no contest.

The waves collided, and Totoma's shattered while Kurosa's flew toward him.

But in all of this, Era had snuck behind Kurosa by lowering her power signature even further. And as she brought her power back up to 10,000, she set her hands against the small of Kurosa's back and let fly with a massive discharge of Ki.

Kurosa was sent flying, right into her own Ki wave which had been hurled at Totoma. And due to how Kurosa liked to use explode-on-contact Ki attacks, the attack exploded prematurely before reaching Totoma sending Kurosa skyward and back down to the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Totoma stood there already assuming his victory, to the point that he almost missed Kurosa counter. His jaw dropped as he his first attack was stopped. "Crap." He went to leap out of the way of Kurosa's attack but wasn't able to act in time before Era's sneak attack. Desire flew past his face as the explosion happened right before him. "Holy, Wow go Era." he stood there clapping as Kurosa fell and the two of them were still standing. "I might not be able to plan a good strategy, but I can distract someone like nobodies business." With a hearty laugh, he walked up to where his commander had fallen and offered a hand. "So it's us verse her now right. Mind if I cut loose a bit this round. I got an idea, might blow up in my face but that's the point of training."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Kurosa blinked a few times and coughed, clearing her lungs of dust and took Totoma's hand up.

"I was not expecting a sneak attack... But then, I guess nobody who knows they have a power advantage does."

She cracked her neck and looked to Era with a couple nods.

"Nice work, Era."

Era smiled sweetly at Kurosa with a chuckle.

"As Totoma said, now it's the two of us versus you. Switch."

Era powered up, flaring her red aura as her power rose to 50,000 and Kurosa's dropped on a relaxing breath to 10,000.

"Good luck you two." Era cheered.

She floated higher up into the air, preferring to be up high instead of near the ground. But this put her out of earshot so Kurosa was free to offer advice to Totoma.

"Remember, Era's specialty is nerve strikes. Don't let her get too close, or you'll lose the use of a limb for a while. You have longer arms and legs than she does, so make good use of them all right?"

Kurosa took in a breath and let it out on a sigh to relax herself before getting into her stance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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0.00 INK

"Got it!" Totoma bounced up a few times throwing a few punches to stay loose. "Time to shine." He gave a grin as if he had something up his sleeve. It was true Totoma enjoyed nothing more than sparring with his 'family' and on days like this when they both wanted to spar of their own free will sent his soul soaring. He gathered energy in his fists but rather than releasing it he kept charging it as he charged forward. The energy slowly began to consume his arms like a powerful shield similar to Kurosa's and Era's Ki Gradient but far less refined. The energy seemed chaotic and ready to burst at any moment as he closed the distance rapidly between him and his opponent. Once he was within striking distance the power built up in his arm exploded sending off a far more chaotic version of Typhoon Blits shot out in all direction. Several shots impacted the ground sending up dust and debris. Hoping this was a big enough surprise he rushed in to try and land a hit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era observed silently as Kurosa and Totoma began their coordination effort, and a small smile spread on her lips.

She watched carefully as Totoma stored energy in his arms and rocketed towards her. And then, he launched an attack which sent Ki blasts shooting out in all directions. Some of them went into the ground and sent up walls of dust and debris, but this didn't faze Era. She wasn't the most combatively aggressive or gifted of the group, but she was the most adept at adjusting to unfavorable situations on the fly.

Avoiding the blasts like a dancer, she skated in-between each one as it came her way before flying down into the dust cloud to avoid Totoma's follow-up strike. Once on the ground inside the dust cloud, she closed her eyes and used her senses to feel out Kurosa charging in for an attack from her left side.

Kurosa used a spinning kick to force air forward and blow the dust away, revealing Era's position to the naked eye and allowing her to launch a Ki blast at her. But Era caught the blast in one hand and redirected it towards Totoma.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Totoma couldn't dodge the redirected blast in time opting to just try and block it. The explosion wrapped around him but he managed to endure the damage. "You impress me each time we train together Era." He slammed a foot into the ground and exhaled heavily. "It's these moments that I truly enjoy myself. But it doesn't mean I can't get serious with when we train." Taking a moment to make double sure his ki wouldn't spike higher than the agreed limit. There was a momentary spike in his power causing a gust of ki to pulse off of him before it settled down once again at 10,000. Everyone had a style in which they excelled, Totoma was best described as a cannonball. Always pressing forward with little time for his enemies to respond. Fighting the ever-adapting Era meant Totoma had to be double aggressive in how he fought. He pushed off the ground causing the ground beneath him to explode, energy had built up in his legs to fire his favorite attack, Grand Impact, but he knew energy attacks wouldn't get him anywhere so instead he used the energy stored up to send the wave back to increase his speed output and launch himself towards Era. Once within striking distance he flipped and turn his body within the air to drop a powerful kick downward towards his opponent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era observed for a moment as the redirected blast struck Totoma, and then had to refocus on Kurosa who had charged her and begun a fist fight with her.

Despite the power difference, Kurosa's experience in combat proved a challenge for Era. Kurosa's instinct and anticipation of techniques helped her to, at least in part, make up for the power gap and predict many of Era's moves and counters. Era struggled to land a decent blow against her.

That's our Kurosa for you. She thought.

And as she struggled to keep pace with Kurosa and land a decisive blow, Totoma managed to rocket up to her position and launched a powerful kick down at her which she barely managed to stop from hitting her full force. But still the power behind the blow sent her flying downward to the ground. She landed on her feet, causing a small dust cloud to emerge, but that was it. It was over.

Totoma had gotten the best of her in that moment, and thus the battle was won.

"Stop!" Kurosa ordered.

That's it. Totoma, it's your turn." She said.

She floated down to stand beside Era, who powered back down to 10,000.

"You're as sharp as ever Kurosa."

Kurosa was watching Totoma.

"Totoma will likely be the hardest to take down, given his style. Just keep your wits about you, and stay relaxed as much as possible."

"Yes, ma'am."

Both women took their stances, and prepared for Totoma's attack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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"Welp looks like it's my turn!" Totoma gave a laugh as he stared down the two women. It only took a moment for his power to jump to 50,000. This was always a good feeling when he was able to raise his power. It felt like weights were dropped from his body but he always did this with a level of caution, seeing as he wasn't sure if he could control the power or not. The last thing he would want to do is go crazy and potentially hurt them. But he was comfortable at 50,000. He walked slowly towards them while rolling his shoulder and in a flash rushed towards them to send Era flying backward with a powerful strike. "I'm not just going to sit around and wait for you. That just no fun." He spun towards Kurosa to deliver a mighty kick. "I won't give you time to think."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Totoma Character Portrait: Era Niir'lana Character Portrait: Kurosa
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Era was caught off guard by the kick, but managed to raise her hands up to defend herself and absorb the impact though she was still sent flying.

Kurosa, on the other hand, thanks to her experience and warrior's instinct, passed his attack off to the side with a single hand redirection of his momentum and slammed her foot into the soft space between the top of his hip and the bottom of his ribcage. The shot held two purposes. One, to strike him. Two, to let her push off and gain some distance.

As she gained distance, she turned around mid-air and delivered a powerful Ki blast to occupy his attention.

Era, meanwhile, was back in the fray and had also launched a Ki strike at him from a different angle to split his concentration.
