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The Shattered Mirror

The Shattered Mirror


Mirror Mirror on the wall, where the heck did I fall?

1,437 readers have visited The Shattered Mirror since Nowfaleena created it.


It started off as a normal autumn weekend day, school kids were playing outside, glad for the rest from their school week and there was a crisp chill in the air, and the leaves were just starting to change. Then everything changed for the live four modern day people. Each of them found an old mirror that seemed to draw them in. They reached out for the mirror and touched it, it shattered into pieces and they were sucked into the void behind it. Suddenly they were falling into a world completely unlike their own. Five lives were drawn in, ten were changed. How will the people from modern times get back to their time...and will they even want too?

Girl #1 ((Modern times)) Taken by Lyriael: Caitir Ross Mitchell ((Warrior))
Boy #1 ((Modern Times)) Taken by Zenia: Zensai ((Rouge))
Girl #2 ((Past Fantasy)) Taken by Zenia: Lillan ((Warrior))
Boy #2 ((Past Fantasy))Taken by Zenia: Odysseus ((Artifactor))
Girl #3 ((Modern Times)) Taken by Nowfaleena: Alison Gardner ((Priest))
Boy # 3 ((Modern Times))Taken by Dusk Driver: Kaleb Maldwyn ((Artifactor))
Girl #4 ((Past Fantasy)) Taken by Lyriael: Akthskina ((Rouge))
Boy #4 ((Past Fantasy)) Aaftab Qureshi by Fencer ((Priest))
Girl #5 ((Modern Times)) Taken by Nowfaleena: Faleena Ward ((Mage))
Boy #5 ((Past Fantasy)) Taken by XDcakeXD: Fion De'Vancura ((Mage))

I need one person from the past and one person from the future to be the same class. So there would be 2 warriors, 2 mages, 2 rouges, 2 priests, and two artifactors.. I would prefer it to be one girl mage one boy mage, ect. But it doesn't have to be. Also, while I so far have a set number, more people want to join I will allow it. Though I really don't want to have to many characters, it is hard to keep track of things.

Warriors: Strong against physical attacks but weak against magical. The are defensive but slow.
Rouges: Fast, and evasive but not very good in defense. Higher chance of dodging blows both magical and physical
Mage: Weak against physical attacks and not very defensive. They are faster then the warrior but slower then the shifty rouge. There spells may take awhile but they are powerful and they can slow down their enemies.
Priests: Not very strong in attacking with weapons, but their holy spells can be devastating to the enemies. Like the mage they are weak against physical attacks and not very fast. However they are the ONLY class that can heal their allies as well as boost them.
Artifactors: They don't really belong in either the physical or magical area, they tend to linger in between. While they can use some magic, unlike mages they aren't necessarily connected to the magic plane, it is their artifact that is. They use an artifact of power, that artifact can be almost anything. They can change their elemental magic. But they aren't as magically strong as a mage. They can use the holy element but they can only heal minor wounds. Also if their Artifact breaks, they can no longer use magic and MUST find a new one. They are also the ONLY class that give weapons an element.

Humans: The basic of the basic, all modern day people start off as this. Along with elves and centaurs they are the only ones that can use holy magic naturally along with the other elements
Elves: Regal, graceful, and ageless. They have keen eyes and hearing, but they can be a bit rigid and set in there ways. They like tea.
Centaur: Seeming to be primitive, they do love to party and drink. They are strong and never need a mount.
Fire beings: Salamanders, djinn, and ifirits. All belong to the element of fire and such can use it. Weak against water and they can't swim. They are good leaders, passionate, brave, and enthusiastic. They are also snappy, moody, hot tempered, uncontrollable, and angry.
Water beings: Undines, selkies, and mermaids. All belong to the element of water and as such can use it. Weak against plants. They have to keep hydrated and can't survive long in hot areas. They tend to be emotional, imaginative, sympathtic, and empathtic. They can also be sensitive, escapists, and irrational.
Earth: Dryads, fauns, and fairies. All belong to the element of nature and as such they can use it. Weak against fire. For the most part they are hard working, paintent, stable, and wise. However they are also stubborn, nearsighted, and jealous.
Demons: Very very rare, they are hardly ever seen, certainly not walking around without a glamour on. There are two types, the dark and the fire.

Magic chart
Fire beats earth, earth beats water, water beats fire
Holy and Dark are both critical hits to each-other.

Warrior Skellie
Race: (If you are from the future you are human to start out with. You can be aestically something else if you can send me a good reason why they are no longer human)
Weapon: (Axe, hammer, sword, shield, spear)
Back up weapon: ((It is a very small weapon. Like a dagger, or a small knife))
Crush: (Leave blank or ask the other character if you can start off having a crush or developing a crush on them)
Background: (Just general, you can develop it more throughout the play

Mage Skellie
Magic element: (Only ONE, can't be holy)
Weapon: (Staff, wand, book, focus item)
Back up Weapon: ((It is a very small weapon. Like a dagger, or a small knife.))
Background: (Just general)

Rouge Skellie
Weapon: ((Bow, knives, short sword, rapier, club)
Back up Weapon: ((It is a very small weapon. Like a dagger, or a small knife.))

Priest Skellie
Magic element: ((Kind of has to be holy))
Weapon: ((Bow, scepter, holy scripts))
Back up Weapon: ((It is a very small weapon. Like a dagger, or a small knife.))

Artifactor Skellie
Back up Weapon: ((It is a very small weapon. Like a dagger, or a small knife.))

Toggle Rules

0. Rule zero. As in The GM is right.
1. 100 words or more.
2. No god modding please
3. if you are from modern times please react as such. In other words, if you see magic, don't be like "Oh...magic. Cool." Magic DOES NOT exist where you are from be more like "WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS THAT?!"
4. If you are from modern times, please have natural hair color and eye color. I am not saying your character can't have purple hair, it is just dyed. When you go to the past it may or may not become permanent. Same with eye color.
5. Aside from the intro posts, this is one post per character on Weekdays and normal on Weekends. Why? To help me, and hopefully you so you don't feel overwhelmed and miss something.
6. Kissing is perfectly fine, anything past...take it to pm
7. You CAN have more then one character
8. If you have elemental magic, you can only have ONE element. However, that doesn't mean that you can't combine your attacks with another magic user for a super awesome attack. But if the elements are opposing, it will be harder. Also PM the person of your plans, and PM me of it too so I can approve of it, especially if they are opposing elements. Artifactors are the ONLY class that can use more then one element.
9. If you are a character from the future that is a magic class, you COULD NOT use it when you were in the modern world, it is something that happened when you enter the new world.
10. Please be respectful of other players
11. If you are from the past, you do not know about lightbulbs, tv, cheeseburgers, ect. These things are foreign to you, act as such.
12. Feel free to tell me ideas. Story, monster, character, plot, anything. I am always willing to listen and consider all ideas.
13. Characters have to be 18 and up.
14. Back up weapons HAVE to be small. You can't have a sword as a main and a long bow as a back up. These are your last resort items.
15. Sometimes an NPC will whisper to you, if that is the case it will look like this. Kukio whispered to Bob. That means that whoever is playing Bob should go check his pms for the whispered message.
16. Please don't be a post hog.
((More may be added.))

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Modern day earth, it is October first, 2012. On this crisp autumn weekend the school kids are playing outside, glad for a break from their school work. Some parents are driving the younger kids to movies or play dates. This is a world where magic and fairies have no place, a world where crimes are solved everyday by forensics. Magic has never truly existed in this world, only in myths and legends, some legends are so old that they have been erased from human memory. Faes, demons, elves, and the like are only seen in on the silver screen, video games, and comic books. People read about these creatures every day, never thinking it is anymore then pure nonsense. And in this world...they are.

Terrathiea, one of mythical countries that have been completely erased completely from human memory. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There it is also a crisp autumn weekend, though it doesn't matter too much. Shop owners are still running their stall, kids while not in school, they are working side jobs or playing in view of their parents. But there is something wholly different about this country. Magic is not a dream, it is reality. Some of the vendors are selling apples, apples in a range of color from your normal red to a vibrant purple, others are selling kittens made of ice and snow, a spell put on the collars they wear to keep them from melting in the sun light. The snow cats would make good pets when they start off, then good protecters when grow up. Glass ware so perfectly made that only nobles could afford it, for it was elven ware. There were people of every race imaginable, elves, humans, the few centaurs, fauns, and even the stray mermaid. This was the city of Kalandor, the capital of Terrathiea. It housed the countries wise and kind king Duncan. Little did the citizens of Terrathiea know that five people from earth were about to arrive.

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Faleena loved the woods.

The smell of fresh leaves, the sound of the animals, the sunlight glimmering down through the autumn leaves and causing the trees to look like they were almost on fire. She loved it all. Add that to the fact that almost no one was here, well, she was in heaven! It wasn't that she didn't like people, she did. But to her being in the woods and exploring trails that haven't been used in ages. Well, that was better then going out and watching a movie about adventure. She would much rather walk through the beautiful scenery then see others do it.

The fallen leaves crunched underneath her hiking boots, her hand made hiking stick, keeping her steady as it lead the way. The twisted, knotted wood of the staff was polished and smooth to the touch, it almost looked like something straight out of a movie. A crisp wind blew through the woods, sweeping up leaves, sending the vibrant leaves flying in front of her. A smile appeared on Faleena's face, even as some of the leaves managed to stick into her earth brown hair. The nineteen pulled up the hood on her olive green tunic styled shirt, shivering a little bit. It was getting a bit cooler, it was a shame she hadn't packed a coat with her. She suddenly heard the tell tale pitter pattering sound of raindrops hitting leaves and her full lips formed a frown. The weather man hadn't said anything about rain...she better find shelter. And the low rumble over head told the college student that she should find it fast.

Faleena's slender fingers pulled up the hood of her olive green tunic higher up, covering her face as she hiked through the trail, the light fabric of her khaki colored pants swishing as she walked down a familiar trail as the rain grew heavier and heavier. The sky was becoming dark as large thunderclouds blotted out the sun. She could be in serious trouble this time, she hadn't told her roommates where she was going...a stupid thing to do. She should have known better but she had hiked through these woods many times, but never had she been in here during a storm. It is a lot easier to get lost during a storm.

Lightning cracked through the air, her bright green eyes almost seemed to glow as the lightning illuminated the forest. She thought she saw a trail splitting off the one she was on. Weird. She had been down this path many times, she had never seen that trail before. But there it was. Despite the knot in her stomach she decided to head down it.

Her long legs carried her slender frame down the path, her boots keeping her from sliding down the trail on wet leaves. Her clothes were starting to stick to her, she wished she had brought an umbrella. Faleena wished she had brought her equipment with her, like a flash light, gps, and cell phone. But this was just supposed to be a quick hike, in and out. As she got farther down the path she started to wonder if she should turn back, when another bolt of lightning lit up the area. Was that? Was that a cabin in the distance? She quickened her pace, and when she reached the door she was surprised to find that it was open. The young woman stepped inside, and into fates plan.

The floorboards creaked underneath her as she walked inside, autumn leaves following her in. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she noticed how old this place actually was. The bookshelves against the walls were dusty and full of cobwebs, spiders hid in their corners. There was a table in the middle of the room, there was an old table cloth along with a melted down candle, they too were covered in dust. The table also seemed to be missing one of its leg, someone had been kind enough to prop it up with a stick it seemed though. As she walked further in she noticed something glinting in the farthest corner. She approached it with caution, wondering what it could be.

Lightning flashed once more showing that it was a mirror. As she looked at it she felt her skin crawl, there was something wrong with this mirror. She stared at it for a few moments before she finally realized what it was, the mirror wasn't showing her was dark in the mirror. There was no sign of the cabin behind her. What was going on?

Faleena couldn't help herself, she reached out with a pale hand and touched it. The mirror shattered with a loud crack, sending shards everywhere. She covered her face, protecting herself from the glass but she needn't have worried, they became a puff of smoke before they even reached her. For a moment, nothing happened. And then there was a loud boom as the cabin shook underneath her feet. And then. Then the ground vanished. And the young woman was falling, falling into darkness. Into a new world.

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Character Portrait: Zensai
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#, as written by Zenia
Zensai sighed as he put in his purple contacts and fixed his slightly highlighted hair with purple, white and gray tones "...I cannot believe you wanted to come to this..." he muttered to a woman dressed up as Psylocke. "What? You know your father and I are both comic nerds, when you mentioned this convention I thought why not? It is like Halloween except better." she told him, "...I bet I am the only con-goer whose mom is with them." he muttered as he grabbed his fake sword. "Oh I doubt that." she told him as she walked out of the room. He put on the belt and walked out of the room, "oh honey you will get cold in that outfit." she remarked, he shook his head, "I am fine mom..." he muttered completely embarrassed at this whole situation he was starting to regret telling his parents about this con. "I am just glad dad couldn't come..." he muttered as he went down the stairs seeing many people dressed up, of course he shuddered at the Sailor Bubba. He saw a friend from school dressed up as Jin from Tekken and waved. Many of the guys stared at his mom, "ugh I knew this was a bad idea..." he muttered to himself. β€œCan we take some pictures?" a girl asked him, she was dressed up as Murphy from Dresden. He grinned, "sure!" he exclaimed as he posed for her. She took a few pictures before she went on her way. He saw his mom getting her photo taken and sighed, though he did notice she looked happy.

He walked around the market at the con and bought a few books and Japanese video games, his mom buying a few comics and rare figures. "Oh Zensai! This is so much fun! We should do this every year!" she remarked. He looked nervous, "...sure..." he muttered seeing a mirror on the ground, "huh this should not be here...wonder if someone dropped it..." he muttered as he bent down and touched the antique style handheld mirror. The mirror shattered and he closed his eyes as the light was reflected off of it.

((His mom))

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Character Portrait: Lilian
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#, as written by Zenia
The Desert.

Why did she have to go see the world? Including the freaking desert! She sighed and continued walking through the golden grains. β€œWhy in the burning flames did the caravan leave me here? No offense Agnin…” she murmured to herself, her blond hair blowing across her face as she squinted her shimmering soft green eyes. Tears forming in her eyes as sand got in them, she fell to her knees and gasped for breath as the sweat fell from her body and dampened the sand before it vanished. She stood up her short brown dress discarding the sand slowly as she took a few more steps. She fiddled with her cracked ruby necklace, β€œWhere is water when you need one? Azula if you can hear me please let it rain!” she cried out as she shifted the spear on her back. She looked at the cloudless sky and sighed. β€œβ€¦Nothing to do but to continue forward.” She muttered, β€œseriously Lilian next time you get the urge to explore do NOT take up the offer to be taken to the desert…” she muttered as she took out her water canteen and shook it lightly. She heard the slight sloshing and quickly opened it drinking half of it, feeling slightly better.

She continued walking lifting her high heeled knee high white leather boots with sea green trimming planting one shoe in front of her. She could feel the sun burning her milk pale skin, β€œugh…I should have stayed in the city…” Lilian muttered, she usually did not complain this much, but she hated the heat. β€œWhere is the town here…? And if I see that caravan again Imma gonna kill them…I paid them in full and this happened…” she thought of all the money she had spent to get here and moaned. She continued walking using her elegant spear as a walking stick as her dress clung to her body.

Soon she could not walk any further and collapsed propping herself up with her spear. β€œβ€¦darn it Azula, Agnin… forgive me for not being stronger…” she whispered a tear coming from her eye. She was going to die here surely unless she got some help soon.

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Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
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The winds bit at the travelers and the snow roared like dragons of ice. Everywhere there were enemies that would do anything for a decent meal.The ice cats that roamed the white desert prowled around, looking for lost civilians to fill their starving frozen bellies. Unluckily they had found a meal that wasn't so chilled to be eaten.

Among the frosted winds there was a male who was traveling up the stones and ice. His name was Fion'De Vancura. His fire red hair was hidden under a brown stuffed coat as his boots crunched, melting some of the snow around him as he traveled upwards unsure of even where he was headed towards. He stopped in his tracks looking behind him as many hungry beasts hid in the blanket of white snow camouflaging completely. With the torrents of wind and blowing flakes it was quite hard to see his adversaries.

Taking out a small compass, the male sighed as the tick spun in every direction so frozen that it went hay wire. It wouldn't be any use having it now. Stuffing it back into his pocket, Fion snapped his fingers, like a small lighter his thumb glowed as he took a short steel stick out of his pocket.It had a pointed edge where a magma colored gemstone was embedded. Silently he dipped the wand into the small fire on his thumb, catching it a small orange flame appeared at the top.

He muttered forlornly, closing his eyes, he swung the weapon around as if he were writing words. The strokes that the weapon left were thin strokes of red and gold flames. The ice cats watched cautiously growling at the foreigner of the mountains. Finishing the spell he snapped his eyes open. A small ball of flame grew at an incredible rate at the ends of his wand.

Then with fiery grace he flung the fireball at the creatures. Snow and ice melted in it's path as it landed in front of the animals. They scattered in surprise as it blew up in a bright ball like the sun and having a fear of the unusual flame they fled temporarily.

"Too bad they weren't more friendly." the mage placed his wand back into a hidden pocket within his coat.

His eyes walked over to the front of the mountain. Some distance in some direction away from him was the cathedral of light. "Hopefully I'll be able to find what I'm looking for or it'll be a waste of time coming here." He gathered the cloak around him feeling his salamander fire beat within his body as he trudged towards the direction he had been originally heading towards.

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Character Portrait: Caitir Ross Mitchell
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#, as written by Lyriael
β€œHey Caitir, what are your plans for today?” Evan asked, a little too casually.
Caitir looked up from her books and raised an eyebrow. Evan leaned against the table, obviously trying very hard to look nonchalant, but Caitir could see that he was practically quivering with excitement. She shrugged. β€œNot much. It’s a book day. My advisors’s still at the conference, so I won’t be getting out into the field for a while. I figured I ought to get caught up on some of these new papers.” Caitir eyed her fellow grad student as she spoke, wondering what mischief he was planning on getting them into today.
Evan scoffed. β€œCaught up? Like you’d ever fall behind on anything. You’re making the rest of us look bad, you know,” he said, smiling that disarming smile of his. Caitir found herself returning it. Evan was like that. Everything about him was genuine and unselfconscious; he was such a profoundly good-natured person that it was hard not to respond to it. And he seemed to actually enjoyβ€”seek out, evenβ€”Caitir’s company. Even now, after almost nine months, it still caught her off guard. Normally a solitary person, Caitir hadn’t yet quite figured out what to make of Evan’s attentions.
β€œIt sounds like you have an alternate activity in mind.”
Evan’s grin widened. β€œWell… It turns out that the hurricane uncovered a wreck site about an hour and a half down the coast. An old one. The dig team gets in tomorrow, but it is currently,” he paused for dramatic effect, β€œunsupervised.”
Caitir gave him a flat stare. β€œWhat are you suggesting, Evan?”
β€œI’m suggesting we strap on our snorkel gear and go check it out!” he burst out, unable to contain his enthusiasm any longer.
β€œEvan! We can’t just go poking around like that. We could compromise the site!” She tried to sound shocked and disapproving like a good archaeologist, but she didn’t manage it very well. An ancient shipwreck was an exciting find, and Evan was offering her a chance to see it while it was still pristine. This could get them in all sorts of trouble, but it was a hard offer to pass up.
β€œOh, come on, Cat, I know you want to. Don’t give me that holier-than-thou rubbish, I can see right through you.”
Caitir looked coolly at him for a few long seconds, then sighed and pushed the stack of papers away. β€œOkay, I give up, you’ve got me. If anyone in the department finds out, though, I’m totally blaming you.”
β€œDeal. But if I get booted from the university and sent home in disgrace, you totally owe me dinner.”
Caitir smiled again despite herself, and blushed.

Evan’s pickup jounced and shuddered over the narrow dirt track. They had left civilization behind about half an hour ago, and it was a rough ride over the wild heath. β€œChrist, Evan, this is really in the middle of nowhere.” Caitir absentmindedly fiddled with her cell phone, but they were way out of reception range. β€œHow did anyone even find this wreck?”
Evan chuckled. β€œDon’t ask me! I’m just the middleman. If anyone knows, it’s Beth. I heard about it from her in the first place, and she’s always up on all the departmental gossip. Iβ€”oh!” he said suddenly, as they crested a ridge. β€œHere we are!” The jagged, rocky coastline stretched out before them, sullen and faintly sinister in the overcast weather. It all looked the same to Caitir, but Evan had been out here already and apparently he knew what he was looking for.
It took almost another half hour to scrabble down the hillside and pull on their wetsuits and snorkel gear. By then the wind had picked up slightly, and the clouds had darkened with the threat of rain. Evan looked up at the sky disapprovingly. β€œWell… the weather doesn’t look too good. Even if it holds we ought to be out as soon as the tide starts to turn. The water will get rough on the rising tide, and it can be pretty dangerous.”
Caitir nodded. She was glad she was an experienced diver: this was definitely not a trip for novices. As she gazed out across the choppy waters, she felt a momentary flash of trepidation. This was dangerous, and they were out here alone, out of cell phone range and a long drive from help. Evan had more dive hours logged than anyone else she knew at the university, and Caitir herself had always had an uncanny affinity for the water, but she couldn’t quite suppress the feeling that this was a bad idea.
But she was too curious and too committed now, and the little voice of caution went unheeded.

The wreck lay close to shore in a deep depression in the sand. Caitir marveled at the improbability of it: what were the chances of the rocks being placed just so, directing the currents of the hurricane-churned waters precisely there, to gouge away the sand and uncover a ship that had lain buried for perhaps hundreds of years? That someone had, furthermore, somehow stumbled upon it on this wild stretch of coastline was nothing short of miraculous.
The water was turbulent, so visibility was poor, but it was shallow enough that they could get a pretty good look at the wreck. Most of it was still buried, and boats weren’t Caitir’s specialty anyway, but it certainly wasn’t a modern ship. It looked like whoever had come across it might get lucky: this could be a really significant find. As they swam, Caitir’s mood began to improve, lifting as the weather took a turn for the better. The nagging sense of apprehension faded.
It seemed like hardly any time at all had passed when Caitir came up to the surface for a moment and saw Evan waving at her. β€œThe tide’s coming in!” he hollered across the waves. β€œA few more minutes, then we should get going!” Caitir gave him a thumbs-up. The minutes passed. Caitir could feel the currents growing stronger, and she was just about to turn back to shore when something caught her eye. A small flash, like light reflecting off dull metal. She ought to just leave it, she thought. Even if it was an artifact, she didn’t dare pick it up. She did not want to have to tell her advisor that she’d been poaching someone else’s site. But…
β€œCat! Come on!” Evan shouted when she surfaced again.
β€œJust another minute, Evan!” she called back. β€œI saw somethingβ€”I wanna check it out!” She dove before he could respond, so if he protested, she never knew.

The glint of metal had come from near the edge of the wreck site. She swam in the direction she thought she’d seen it andβ€”there! There it was again! Nestled into the crags of one of the rocky islets that were strewn all up and down the shore. Caitir swam eagerly towards it. As she approached, though, she encountered a problem: the rocks made the currents faster and much more unpredictable. With the tide coming in, she had to fight to stay on course. Her earlier unease returned, stronger than ever, and she almost gave up. But the mysterious glint had taken a powerful, almost unnatural hold on her curiosity, and she found she couldn’t bear to turn away. Not yet.
Closer and closer she struggled, now using nearly all her strength just to keep from being bashed against the rocks. Her lungs burned with the effort of holding her breath for so long, but she was almost… there…
She spotted the object. A mirror…? she thought, puzzled. Caitir reached for it, andβ€”

Everything seemed to happen all at once. An immense surge of water hit her, dragging her along as helplessly as a scrap of seaweed. She snatched at the mirror, grasping blindly as the wave slammed her violently into the wall of stone. Dazed, panicked, and disoriented, she couldn’t stop her body’s involuntary reaction to the shock: she gasped for breath, and choked on seawater.
Dark water swirled all around her, and she couldn’t tell which direction was up any longer. There was a strange sensation, almost like falling, like she was being dragged into some terrible sucking void. A rip current? she thought in sudden terror, the mirror utterly forgotten. The pull was irresistible. And the water, the water was everywhere, surrounding her, ensnaring her, choking her. Caitir’s consciousness flickered, but that did not spare her from the horror of realizing that she was going to die.
Her last thought was of Evan. She felt a stab of guilt, thinking about how much trouble she would get him in if she drowned. Then darkness closed in.

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#, as written by Lyriael
Aki stared at the boat with undisguised horror.
β€œAnd what,” she said indignantly, β€œmakes you think I’m going to get on that?”
β€œIt’s just a short trip,” Borrel soothed. β€œJust a few days.”
β€œA few days?” Aki squeaked out. A few days on that rickety contraption – that rickety contraption made of highly flammable wood - with no land in sight, surrounded by miles and miles of dreadful water… No. No, this would not do at all.
She began to sidle furtively away from the leader of their motley gang, smiling nervously.
β€œThanks, but no thanks. I think I’d best sit this one out, Borrel. Send me a letter from Kalandor, huh? I’ll just sit tight, right here, and… you know, keep an eye on things. Man the fort, and all that,” the salamander said cheerfully. She eyed the boat as one might eye a large, rabid dog.
β€œC’mon, Aki, we need you on this. We’ve only got eight more days to pull this off, and Kalandor is twelve days away by road, at least. You don’t even have to go above deck! Just stay below, you never even have to see the ocean.” The burly man was practically wheedling. Amusingly incongruous as it was, Aki was not persuaded.
β€œI can see it quite well enough right now, thank you, and I’m not sure I want to let it out of my sight. Who knows what it could be up to?” She shifted her baleful glare now to the offending ocean. β€œSitting all cooped up in a little cabin, with all that water… all around…” her eyes narrowed, β€œwaiting.”
Borrel sighed, and shrugged apologetically. Aki tensed, sensing something amiss -- but not fast enough. Something hard and heavy hit the back of her head with a spectacular thud, and she staggered. Ears ringing, vision darkening around the edges, she tried to make a break for it, but was to the ground by Kita and Sharlou, the small gang’s team of muscle. Before her head had time to clear, she found herself bound hand and foot with sturdy metal chains, with a similarly metal gag stuffed in her mouth. Because metal doesn’t burn, she thought in frustration. Great.
Then, just as efficiently, the pair heaved their stunned cargo into the back of a wagon full of… quarried slate. No escape that way either. Better and better.
β€œSorry, Aki,” Borrel said, sounding honestly regretful. β€œBut… we really do need you. The plan depends on you; we can’t have you just running out on this one.”
β€œGnglmmmgrn,” the gagged salamander replied reproachfully.

They untied her as soon as the dreadful little dinghy tottered out of sight of land. Borrel was full of awkward, mostly sincere apologies, while Kita and Sharlou seemed to have suddenly become intensely fascinated by cloud patterns.
β€œYou’d better double my cut this time, Borrel.” She crossed her scaly arms, petulant, and tried to glower at her boss and the whole expanse of ocean at the same time. β€œAnd if you get to shore with nothing left but my cold, soggy corpse, you can go take that cut to Kalandor’s market, buy a chimney brush, and bugger yourself with it.”
Sharlou sniggered, then diplomatically tried to disguise the lapse as a cough.
Borrel, nearly cross-eyed with indignation but trying to make amends for Aki’s forcible enlistment, managed to keep his mouth shut.

Aki spent the first day of the voyage being violently seasick. But she recovered quickly, and, despite the appalling quantity of water surrounding them at all times, by the second morning had bounced back to her usual exuberant self. Halfway through the third day she knew every boisterous sea shanty and dirty ditty in the crew’s repertoire, and was buddying up with the crewmen like they’d all been best friends their whole lives. The captain and first mate still watched her with barely-concealed loathing, but that was only to be expected. No captain in all of Terrathiea would tolerate a fire-creature like a salamander on their ship without some extremely convincing incentives. Occasionally Aki would wonder idly what staggering sum Borrel had paid for her passage, and how he planned to recoup it. Whatever the prize was at the end of this job, it must be remarkable. She never wondered very hard, though. Thinking about details and logistics was Borell’s department, and Aki had better things to. Like getting the sailors to teacher her how to tie all those fiendishly complex knots.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
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The suns rays spread across Kalebs face as his eyes opened up and took notice of his surroundings. He had fallen asleep on the park bench after coming from a club late late last night. The ringing in his ears were intense as he lifted his head up from the old bench. He took his headphones off and rubbed his ears to no avail as the ringing continued. After a minute of pondering he got up slowly and started walking around hoping the walk might wake him up. The sounds of his boots splishing and sploshing on wet ground were very clear to him despite the headphones being on his head. As he walked up and down the street people looked at him strangely. People always do look at him strangely like they never seen a man dressed like that before. See most folks are used to the normal surroundings of a city but not Kaleb. For him it was a different story.
Oddities were a normality for him . After all the way he dressed was odd enough for most folks. The reflection from his headphones said everything. He loved music he loved the sights and sounds of the city so much so that sometimes he couldn't breathe. As he walked into an open street the people could see him in full view. Kaleb had a full head of red hair. On top of his head were large headphones black as night with crimson Xs on the sides, his favorite ones. Below were some goggles on his forehead a keepsake from better times. Kaleb wore black sunglasses to which he saw most of the world in. They were just thick enough so you wouldn't see his eyes. Not that he saw any better out of them maybe Kaleb liked the idea of both being hidden from people and himself. Of course it didn't help that he wore a leather jacket over a white shirt with some gibberish on it he picked up at a store. He wore dark blue jeans and a pair of black boots. Yes sir he was a rarity all right. He picked up a fallen branch and with flick of the wrist he smashed against the graffiti ed wall. The sword training had definitely paid off. After all he only practiced because he was bored. As the suns rays were hitting the glass windows he arrived in a part of the city he hadn't been to before. He looked around and found an old sign that said Antiques. The sign was old and the paint had already started to peel.
He walked in the place it smelled of mothballs and air fresheners. An old women who looks like she had seen it all asked him "Is the anything your looking for in particular". Kaleb thought for a moment and said "Something old that I could actually use". She smiled and went towards the back as the sounds of rust and wood smashing together were heard. After a little bit she came out with a small mirror and said "This is a very special mirror I've had for years". Kaleb walked forward and flicked the mirror listening for the sound. It was different than he expected. The sound was light but deep like this mirror despite it being small was actually bigger. In all fairness it was pretty cheap so he bought it and asked " Hey you wouldn't happen to know how I could get back to this side of the city". The old lady smiled and pointed out the direction for him as he left the shop.
When he got back home he grabbed something to eat and watched some TV but the mirror couldn't get out of his head. So he walked over to the mirror and picked it up. He put his ear next to it and flicked it with his fingers. The mirror cast a wailing sound as it broke in his hands and nothingness surrounded him. The darkness caved in and all light from his face disappeared.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaftab Qureshi
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#, as written by Fencer
It was no use complaining now, the young man knew exactly where he was coming in, these caves were the den of murderers and demons besides that the sacred power is drastically reduced but still all that was no longer important when someone's life was at stake .
He off his face the red hair as he recalled his the reason for what he was here in Slith Cave the last place where a priest would go, shortly after he was thrown out of a small village that was near he heard that someone had entered the cave without knowing where was entering. The young man doesn't knew who was the person, he didn't even see who was talking about, but even so decided to believe in the mysterious voice and enter to the cave.
The darkness surrounded him scattered for moments by a blue flashes, he didn't want use any spell of light to not attract the many creatures that roamed these rocky tunnels but ultimately decided to do it, if it served to attract the "lost" it was worth the risk, after recite a short spell his scepter was illuminated with a white flame, and in no time what he feared become reality when a group of three Pyther approached him "Please Go Away" the young Ifrit vainly tried to convince the beasts, the one closer to him jump trying to tear his throat Aaftab evaded it by inches "Sorry" mumble and began to use another spell to restrict this time the white flames formed a cage around the three beasts "May the Goddess Sharum who dwells in these land bless their souls" when he finished his prayer used purification spell and cages produced a white burst leaving only the bodies of the feline creatures.
Aaftab took a few minutes in silence, and then continue his quest to throught the caves, a superior will certainly wanted him there for some reason and he would find out.

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Character Portrait: Odysseus
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#, as written by Zenia
Odyssues trudged through the Loreum woods, a look of disgust on his face. Not technically directed at the woods themselves… more at the elves and others within them. β€œElves… and I thought my kind was arrogant…” he thought to himself as he pushed aside another branch in his way. He could practically feel their eyes on him as he pushed his spectacles back in place. The shadows around him acted a little odd, though it was hardly noticeable, they just seemed well… more fluid. He reached a grotto in the woods and knelt down cupping his pale hands as he gathered the water some trickling out through the cracks before he drank it. Some of the water dripping down his chin that he wiped away on the back of his hand.

His robes were travel worn and seemed old… if not finely made at one point. He let out a sigh as he brushed them off, it was apparent that he had not been to a city in a while. And why should he go to one? He was more than capable of living off the lands. The old dagger on his side was not for decoration after all… though he had seen some humans have weapons on mantles for just that, he thought that foolish. He glanced around the woods as he briefly touched an odd necklace on his throat; the necklace was a simple one. It was on a fine silvery chain and had a crystal orb on it, inside the crystal was a black liquid substance that had the constancy of congealing blood, it looked like it was swirling and glimmering with darkness. β€œβ€¦That way…” he muttered as he let go of his necklace and hopped over a fallen log using his hand to vault over it safely.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilian Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
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The suns rays spread across Kalebs face as his eyes opened up and took notice of his surroundings. Perhaps his eyes were aware of the new surroundings before he did but never the less he looked around. He was in a very hot place which was completely white no matter where he looked and it was full of sand. {This is a desert I must have fell asleep on the chair again} he thought to himself as he looked around. He took his sunglasses off and tried to turn on his music player. "Damn it must be out of battery but if this is a dream shouldn't I have full control" he said tapping on the music player. " Oh well might as well wait here till I wake up" he said as he put back his sunglasses and layed back in the sand basking in the sun. He layed there for what seemed like an hour until he finally sat up. {Thought I would have woken up by now, I guess I won't wake up until I do something} he thought to himself as he got up. He than began walking through the sea of white. He continued walking for what seemed like hours. The heat was finally getting to him so he took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around his waist. "Shit I should have woken up by now whats the deal" as he looked behind him and saw the long trail of footprints. He then continued walking for what seemed like forever until he thought he saw what he thought looked like a figure in the distance. He smiled and said "Finally that must be where I have to go" as he started moving pretty fast. Eventually he got close enough to see some detail. It appeared to be a woman she was wearing a brown dress, knee high white boots, heels and she was holding a spear. As he got closer he thought to himself {wow, I must have really outdone myself, she is really pretty, too bad I won't remember most of this}. He finally approached the woman and said jokingly "Hello I don't suppose you know where I am do you?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caitir Ross Mitchell
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#, as written by Lyriael
Caitir awoke with a crashing headache. What…? What happened? Vague impressions of water and darkness and fear tumbled around in her mind for a few seconds before coalescing into recollection. Hit my head… got pulled out to sea? She remembered breathing in that choking lungful of seawater and spared some mental effort for a moment of groggy amazement that she hadn’t drowned. Guess I washed up… somewhere. Far off. Or Evan would’ve found me. Would’ve taken me back to town, or-- Shit! Evan!

If she’d washed ashore and Evan hadn’t found her yet, he’d be hysterical with worry by now. Hopefully he was still looking for her, and hadn’t gone for help yet, or he’d be in for a world of trouble for her sake. She had to get up, get moving, and find her way back to him before things got out of hand. Ruthlessly shoving past the pain of the headache and the mental fog, Caitir opened her eyes and--


She was an archaeologist, not a geographer, true, but Caitir was still pretty sure there hadn’t been any freaking old growth forests anywhere near her last location. And even if there had been, that didn’t explain how she had managed to wash up in the middle of one, with no ocean or water of any kind in sight. Her mildly concussed brain was still too sluggish to work up a real good, throat-constricting, heart-racing panic, but it certainly made an admirable effort. Particularly when she tried to sit up. What in the bloody hell-- what is going ON?! She flopped and squirmed in frantic confusion. Had her wetsuit gotten tangled up in something…? Straining, struggling, Caitir attempted to wriggle out of… whatever it was, not really sure what she was doing but too close to hysteria to care. Finally she won free, and lay in the leaf litter-–the freaking leaf litter, what the hell--panting and shaky. Once she had recovered somewhat, she finally sat up, and began to take stock of her situation.

Great. I’m naked. On top of everything else, I have to be naked. Where her swimsuit had gotten to she couldn’t imagine, especially since she had still been wearing her wetsuit… No. That wasn’t a wetsuit. It was… a skin. A skin? A… sealskin, from the looks of it.
At that point, Caitir gave up. The logical part of her mind that was trying desperately to make sense of what was happening fell silent, shoved behind a very high, very thick wall, where it could have its nervous breakdown undisturbed. Logic and sense weren’t going to do her any good in circumstances that had left bizarre in the dust and galloped straight on through to impossible and surreal. Until she could ground herself in reality again, she’d just have to… improvise.

Caitir snatched at the seal fur, wrapping it around herself in a sort of awkward sarong. She rolled over, getting ready to stand up, then flinched and yelped with pain. A long line of red welled up on her thigh, and she cursed, digging around in the leaves for whatever viciously sharp object it was that she had nearly sat on. When she found it, her face lit up with pleasure and relief. Her diving knife! If she was going to be stuck naked and alone in a mysterious forest, the sturdy, multi-purpose knife might be the difference between life and death. Now that she was at least marginally better equipped, she figured it was about time to get moving. Whatever strange alternate reality this was, it seemed to operate on the same basic physical principles as the normal one. Which meant that her body ought to function more or less the same, as her aching head attested to. So… step one was water. Food, shelter, and attempts to find civilization--God, she hoped there was some, she didn’t know how long she’d last in an endless wilderness--would all have to wait. Caitir staggered unsteadily to her feet, wondering which way to go.

Finding water abruptly ceased to be her primary concern when she caught the unmistakable sound of something trampling through the undergrowth, coming in her direction. She darted behind a tree, heart fluttering with anxiety. An animal? A person? She gripped the knife tightly, holding it at the ready. Maybe… someone who could tell her where she was. Desperate curiosity warring with caution, Caitir peeked out from behind her hiding place, eyes scanning the forest, waiting for whatever it was to reveal itself.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Gardner
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Alison Gardner looked around at the parade through her dark sunglasses a huge smile on her face. Everyone was there to have fun and show their pride of being who they were. And while Alison wasn't gay, she was bisexual, but she wasn't at the Gay Pride event for herself. Standing right next to her, was a young male of 25 years. His name was Allan, and he stood out a bit. Allan was 6'5 and his jet black hair was marked with a white forelock. His wide set eyes were two different colors, one was brown and the other was a bright blue. Allan was holding hands with a man who was only 5'6 and looked nervously around at the crowd. Alison couldn't help but smile, even more so when she saw Allan squeeze his boyfriends hand nervously.

The young woman of twenty two years felt rather proud of herself, she had spent a long time trying to convince her brother to go to one of these events. After all, he shouldn't be ashamed of what he was, and maybe...maybe seeing an event like this would be enough to get him to come out to their parents...she wasn't sure it would be enough but she hated the fact that he scared to do it.

Not that Alison couldn't understand the feeling, Allan was the first person she came out to as being bisexual. And that was after she walked in on Allan and Warren kissing each other. But after telling her brother, a week later she called up her parents and told them. At first they were confused, because she had only ever brought her boyfriends over...and then, one weekend she brought over her girlfriend. Her name was Wendy, and even though their relationship had ended awhile ago at least it helped her parents accept her.

Alison looked around once more, her rainbow streaked hair spun around her before she stopped and faced her brother, a huge smile on her purple painted lips. β€œIsn't this great? See, there are so many people here to support you, not just me, not just Warren, and not just people who are gay! Look at some of the signs, Straight against Hate!” She was so excited, she couldn't help it. She had to stand next to him and yell this at him though, plus knowing sign language helped.

Allan though looked a little nervous, but he gave her a small smile before shaking his head. He gave Warren's hand a squeeze before letting go and signing back to her β€œIt is...loud...and not what I expected...but it is nice to know that I am not alone...”

The girl wrapped her arms around her brother, giving him a hug. She knew that this was a huge step for him, he was the shy quiet child, while Alison was the loud outgoing one. But she was proud of him, no matter what she would be proud of him.

She took off her sunglasses and looked around, like her brother she had hetrochromia, her left eye was a dark earthy brown while her right was a bright blue, unlike her brother though she didn't have Waarenburg's. She just inherited it from her mother. She spotted a little Anime shop with a gay pride flag in the window and jumped up.

β€œWarren, Allan, I am going to go buy some things to take home. If I am don't find you guys I will meet you at the hotel, got it?” Her hands were moving as she spoke, making sure both parties could understand what she was saying. After getting a nod of understanding from both of them she put her sunglasses back on, the Florida sun was still so bright, despite the fact that it was october. She gave them one last look before dashing off to the store.

The sound of a bell ringing was heard as she entered the small store, and despite the fact that it was darker in there she didn't want to take off her sunglasses. People always asked her about her eyes when she didn't, and while she wasn't ashamed of her strange eyes she really really hated the questions.

A large man approached her, and she couldn't help but shudder a little bit as his eyes worked its way over her body. Alison wasn't exactly wearing skimpy clothing. She had on a black long sleeve shirt with fishnet sleeves, and a smily face button was pinned on the collar of the shirt. Her pants were big, black, and baggy with straps all over it. Bondage pants for men really, but she liked them so she got them for herself. The longer the guy stared the more annoyed she got. β€œHey, I am looking for two things, can you stop looking at me and help me out? Cause unlike the girls in your fanfiction I don't feel the need to strip down just by getting stared at by your hypontizing eyes.” Alison snarled out, this was the kind of guy that made your skin crawl and just knew wrote bad smutty fanfics. The name on his badge read 'Steve.' Well Steve was a creep, Alison decided. But his store did have some good stuff.

She didn't wait for his help, she went over to the prop section of the store, where a scepter was calling out to her. Not just any scepter though, not this one was probably from a magical girl show. It looked like someone fused Sailor Moons wand with Card Captor Sakura's. The head of it was a silver moon with feathers coming off of the bottom of it and hanging off of the top of the crescent was a star hanging down with a fake moon stone in the center. The handle of it was a marbled pink. She grinned and picked it up, the staff part of the scepter was made of wood, and the top part was make with metal. It didn't look cheap, which was surprising, most of the other props were meh looking. This one was just a bit above that, she just wished the moon stone was real. Oh well, it would certainly do.

Alison walked over to the counter and placed it down before she spotted a Sailor Moon broach. β€œHey Steve, does that have a mirror in it?” Steve didn't seem to like her much after her insult before but she didn't give a rats ass, she was a paying customer and buying a prop that was $100 helped grease the wheels for certain.

Steve reached into the counter and pulled out the charming broach before opening it. Alison was actually surprised, it did open up. β€œSweet! Ok I will take this and that.”

The total was $120 dollars, a fair price really, even if the guy was a creeper. Alison walked away from the store and smiled, wielding her new scepter like a baton. She was having a blast, even if she couldn't find Warren or Allan.

As the sun slowly went down the girl decided that it was probably time to head on back to her hotel room. She let out a sigh, but shrugged her shoulders. Being out late in a place you weren't used to was probably a bad idea. Plus she had promised to take her brother and Warren to a club to have some fun, so she should get ready for that. Which really only required her to put on some jewelry, and change her make up.

Alison plodded back to the hotel, twirling her scepter with glee before making it up to her room. It wasn't anything fancy really, just a single bed, a small bathroom with a shower in it, and refrigerator. Of course everything was in neautral tones like white and brown. She actually hated the color scheme, she would have like them to add some pop of a bright color in here but that was not up to her.

The young woman went to the dresser and put on a choker on with a butterfly on it, of course the butterflies head was a skull but it was still rather pretty. At least she thought so, it was a Alchemy Goth piece, one of her favorite companies. Alison slid her penknife into her pocket as a last thought before she went to the bathroom. The girl quickly ran a comb through her strange hair, re did her eye liner in the bathroom mirror, putting her sunglasses back on though, they were attached to a small cord on to keep them from falling off of her. She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as she grabbed her purple lipstick.

She suddenly felt the urge to use her new mirror, the Sailor Moon one...she went to the room and grabbed it off of the bed, opening it. She felt a sudden pull, but she ignored it as she put on her lipstick...there it was again. What in the world was going on? She frowned as she finished with her lipstick and put it down. She stared at the reflective glass, and shrugged.

Alison was just about to close it when something odd happened...she felt something grab her and pull her closer to the mirror, she let out a scream and tried to break free but it was too late. The rainbow haired woman reached out to grab something, anything but all she ended up grabbing was the stupid scepter. She was soon sucked into the mirror and was falling, the world went black.

Splash! she felt herself fall into something cold, and wet. She was suddenly sinking and had no idea why. Wasn't she just in her room? No use thinking about it though, she had to swim to the top. The human had no idea what was going on but she started kicking her legs, hoping to find answers at the surface, maybe she had just passed out and her brother threw her in the hotel pool. It was a lot less insane sounding then she fell through a small mirror.

Surprisingly her sunglasses had stayed on, it didn't help her seeing what direction she was going...but the bubble around her were going in an up so she followed them. Her clothes dragged her down, but she was detrimined to live. She struggled to break through to the surface, she kicking her legs as hard as she could.

Finally she broke through the water and gasped for air, looking around for her brother to verbally kick the shit out of. What she saw wasn't her brother wasn't even human. It was a ship! What in the world was going on? Where in the world was she? Alison wasn't in the pool! She was in an ocean! She panicked, there was no land to be seen and she was going start sinking again if she didn't get help. She started to flail her arms around, waving the scepter in the air. β€œHELP! HELP!” The girl screamed out, her voice was hoarse from the salt water.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zensai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
The people in the area oo-d and ah’d at the spectacular light show. As Zensai touched the mirror colors like the aurora borealis sprouting up from the ground even his mother seemed impressed…though she had an odd feeling about it, like it was not a show…when the light faded and her son was gone. β€œZensai? Zensai?! ZENNY?” she called out scared. She grabbed a girl in a gothic Lolita outfit. β€œHave you seen my son?” she asked. The girl sneered and pulled away from her, β€œWHERE IS MY SON?!” She cried out in panic, a few tears coming down her face.

Zensai felt himself falling, falling, he felt himself hit some sort of barrier that seemed to bend around him, he felt he was on jell-o and frown as it suddenly broke. He let out a scream before something hit him knocking himself out.
A beam the colors of the aurora borealis wrapped around him gently floating him down, his head, arms, legs and feet completely limp, oddly enough he managed to have a faint grip on his sword, he did not notice the black paint and plastic turn into a black obsidian sword nor that his fake long fingernails have turned real as well as his hair highlights turn into his real hair, before it dropped him on the rocky ground covered in snow. He lay there on the ground for a bit before he let out a moan and sat up rubbing his head scratching himself with his new nails. β€œw-what the?” he muttered as he stared at them, not noticing his regular black eyes were now the pale purple of his contacts. β€œHuh…Con went all out this time…check out this scene. They even kidnapped me and placed me here…feels like a final fantasy game…Imma gonna say four or six…” he muttered as he stood up shivering as he saw his new sword. β€œDUDE THIS IS AWESOME! I MUST HAVE WON SOME SORT OF PRIZE!” he cried out as he looked around. β€œwhere is mom she would love this!” he proclaimed as he started to walk around immediately regret his costume at the moment. He did not spot his mom and shrugged, β€œβ€¦where is everyone?” he muttered as he wandered into a village set and saw pale blue women. He ran up to one, β€œWhoa great costume!” he exclaimed to her. She stared at him with her pale yellow eyes, β€œwhat are you talking about and aren’t you cold?” she asked him her breath frosty as she walked away. He shrugged and walked through the village before he got bored and returned to the spot he appeared in. β€œMaybe there is a clue on what to do here…or a guide…” he muttered as he looked around in the snow. Seeing nothing he sighed, β€œwell they put me here…what am I supposed to do now?” he muttered to himself.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilian
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#, as written by Zenia
Lilian cracked open her sea green eyes as she heard a voice, β€œanother idiot the caravan left behind?” she thought to herself as she turned to face an oddly dressed man, with red hair and a weird looking headband on his head, she tried to speak but found her mouth too dry. She took her water skin off as she gently took one sip. β€œYou are in Langish Desert. Did the caravan leave you behind as well?” she asked as she looked to the sun, β€œβ€¦by Agnin and Azula the sun is setting…” she said with a sigh, β€œGood news less heat… bad news predators, now unless you are a master Water mage and can bring the water deep in the desert than we better get walking sir.” She told him. β€œOh I am Lilian.” She added. β€œThe town hopefully isn’t too far from here… but do you have a weapon in that weird clothing you have?” she asked him in concern as she leaned on her spear lightly so as not to fall down, her blond hair cascading down her shoulders as she gently touched her cracked ruby necklace with her milky pale hand, she was not built for this weather, or this territory.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilian Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
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The pale blonde woman looked up him and began to drink from her canteen. She then said β€œYou are in Langish Desert. Did the caravan leave you behind as well?” He wiped his forehead as he thought {Langish Desert wow I have no imagination I might as well call it Languish Desert. Still what's with the caravan she was talking about.} She then began to say something around the lines of the sun going down. He looked up and saw she was right the sun was setting. {Finally hopefully I'll wake up soon, although that's kind of a shame considering the situation} he thought as he looked at the pale girl in front of him. As he stared at her he mostly blotted out the whole thing about the mage, predator, and walking thing she was talking about. She then said β€œOh I am Lilian.” She added. β€œThe town hopefully isn’t too far from here… but do you have a weapon in that weird clothing you have?” He then shook his head and said " Right...the names Kaleb and as for a weapon does this count". He then reached into his pocket and pulled out what appeared as a shiny metal object. He then flicked it and a blade came out. "Does this fit your repertoire, The let's go, oh and I will have you know my clothes are made from the finest leather money can buy".

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Character Portrait: Odysseus
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#, as written by Zenia
Odysseus was about to push another branch aside when something came crashing through the sky and landed in the area in front of him. He drew his dagger just in case as he pushed aside the branches to see… an amusing sight. A seal flaying around in the woods, β€œwell that would be good to eat… but it is highly amusing to see...this woods just got more amusing.” he thought to himself as the seal seemed to remove their skin, to reveal a naked woman. Odysseus didn’t even seem fazed at this, though he did sigh. β€œwell that takes away that option…though I could still eat her, but people up here are so picky about that…” he thought to himself as he pushed the branches aside revealing himself. β€œMay I ask what you are doing here Selkie?” he asked her knowing her race from what he read in books.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zensai Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
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After many hours of wandering through the dusty snow storm,the half salamander had come across the temple that was said to be closest to the heavens. Sadly, to his dismay there was nothing of great value that pointed him in the right direction to the clues on how to get rid of his salamander half. Fion just wanted to be a normal human like he always was.Unsatisfied he left the temple, although it was a remarkable sight there was nothing other than the beauty of it.The priests and priestesses were kind but could not comprehend what he actually wanted to hear.

Many hours later he found himself trudging around lost with no sense of direction whatsoever. The blizzard that surrounded near the top of the mountain had now died down to rough and freezing winds as he was no longer near the highest parts of the mountain. This allowed him to analyze where he was but that was of no use as everywhere looked the same to him where ever he went, a repetitive blank picture. Frustrated by his own mapping skills he trudged straight in one direction hopefully to find someone who knew the way to the nearest village.

That's when he heard someone's talking. Hurrying over to the voice he saw a man in his late teens talking to himself. His clothes were slightly odd as they did not fit the scenario of the ice mountains. "Probably a traveler or something." he thought to himself heading towards the male. Walking up behind him, Fion tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey. Do you know where the nearest village is?I'm sort of lost."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caitir Ross Mitchell Character Portrait: Odysseus
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#, as written by Lyriael
A young man stepped into Caitir’s view. He was slender, pale, and dark-haired, wearing oddly archaic clothing. A pair of round glasses rested on his nose. Another human being, thank god. He might be able to help her--Assuming he wasn’t some kind of predatory sociopath wandering the woods in search of victims. Her awareness of her nakedness heightened uncomfortably. But what’s up with the historical reenactment clothes? Caitir wondered. Is he some Renaissance Faire junkie or something? They don’t even have those in Scotland, do they?
…but what if this isn’t Scotland? Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more, whispered the traitorous part of her brain from behind its mental wall. Caitir viciously quashed it. Not now.

The man spoke. β€œMay I ask what you are doing here, Selkie?”
Caitir stared blankly at him for a few moments. Selkie….? Nope. She shoved that behind the wall too. If this keeps up, it’s going to get pretty crowded back there.
β€œUm…” she temporized. β€œI’m… looking for the nearest… town.” Her eyes narrowed, and she paused. Should she tell him what had happened to her? Might he know what to do, or would he be able to lead her to someone who did? Ought she trust the first stranger she met in this peculiar place? …No. Safer not to. Until she had a better sense of what--and now, who--she was dealing with, she’d better play it close to the chest. If there was one thing Caitir had learned in life, it was that showing weakness in the wrong situations attracted all the wrong kinds of attention. Stay aloof, appear calm, appear confident. It put the sharks off the scent. β€œWhat are you doing here?” she demanded in return, hoping to direct the conversation away from herself. Maybe if she sounded imperious enough he’d be convinced she actually belonged here. Yes, I am the magic seal queen of this here pile of bloody great trees. Do as I command and I will grant you three wishes. Caitir resisted the perverse urge to laugh. Stop that. Keep it together, Cat. She gripped her knife tighter.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zensai Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
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#, as written by Zenia
Zensai turned to the man who spoke a bit surprised to see him. He looked at him with a curious look in his eyes, he did not look like any of the staff from the con, but the way he spoke seemed like he was in on this game they set up so he decided to play along with it. β€œTown… oh yeah I just came from one I think…” he told him as he scratched his head gently, he did not know that his eyes were glowing or that he looked different from the humans here, hell he didn’t even know he was in a different realm. He rubbed his arms slightly to keep warm. β€œreally wish they didn’t have the snow…” he thought to himself with a frown.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caitir Ross Mitchell Character Portrait: Odysseus
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#, as written by Zenia
Odysseus frowned at the arrogance of this woman, β€œyou are heading the wrong way if you want to reach a town, though I doubt anyone would accept you considering your attire…” he told her with a faint smirk. When he was asked what he was doing here he sighed, β€œI am a botanist, I am looking for a rare plant that I thought was around here.” He lied to her, though he was interested in plants… mainly poisonous ones. β€œAny way do you have a set of clothing or are you content on staying naked in the forest where there are quite a bit of plants that can give you rashes and hives and all that fun stuff.” He commented boredly as he pushed his spectacles back in place as he sheathed his dagger considering her not to be a threat at the moment.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilian Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
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#, as written by Zenia
Lilian nodded at Kaleb, β€œI would say a pleasure to meet you… but I don’t do well in heat…” she offered weakly as he pulled out something and flicked a blade out of it backing away in shock at that, β€œBy Agnin how did you do that?” she asked before she shook her head, β€œWhatever… you can answer me later…” she commented as she shrugged, β€œLeather is good armor, but here… yeah it is a hindrance keep it with you if you want, if we are attacked by the things here it may save your life.” She proclaimed as she started walking to the east hoping to make it to town before the sun went down. She was curious about this odd man with the odd blade… but more concerned about living than anything else.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zensai Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
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Fion looked at the other guy weirdly as he began to rub his arms slightly from the cold. Curious about this unusually dressed person he asked," How in the world did you get all the way to the town in those clothes? We are pretty much half way up the mountain here." Brushing back his fire red hair the mage forgot that he was supposed to be headed to the town to get off of the mountain. " Are you a wizard?...Wait no scratch that." he said noticing the sword in the male's hands and the way the person was dressed.

"By the way my name is Fion'De Vancura." the half salamander mentioned as he examined the strange person that gave off an odd aura

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilian Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
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Her response to him was not surprising. People always did seem to think of him as odd. What did surprise him though was her response of shock to his knife being flipped out. He thought to himself { OK...that's kinda odd not sure why she would be so fascinated by me flipping my knife out and what's with her rubbing that necklace is it for good luck; A lot that will do in my dream, besides you gotta make your own luck}. As he began to walk with her he noticed she seemed to be very tired and weak. { Is she ok I mean she did say she did not do well in the heat} he thought as moved closer to her. "Hey..uh Lilian do you need some help, at this pace it will take quite a while to get to that town." he said waiting for a response.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akthskina Character Portrait: Alison Gardner
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#, as written by Lyriael
Aki was cheating outrageously at cards when a loud splash! shattered the tranquility of the morning. The card-playing sailors looked up from their cards while some of their on-duty shipmates hurried over to the rail to see what had caused the disturbance. Aki used their distraction to pinch a few choice cards, then lay her hand down and scampered across the deck to investigate.

The hubbub had increased substantially by the time she reached the rail, and as soon as she peered over the side, she saw why.
β€œThrow a rope!” Someone shouted, and someone else obliged. The lifeline dropped into the water beside the funny-looking girl who was currently thrashing about in the water and hollering. She stopped thrashing about and hollering long enough to grab the rope, and Aki watched in fascination as the crewmen hauled their strange catch aboard. The girl flopped onto the deck, wet, bedraggled, and still funny-looking, and the concerned but baffled sailors gathered around her uncertainly.
β€œWhere’d she come from?” one muttered.
β€œAin’t no other boats out here,” another added.
β€œβ€¦Is’t a mermaid…?”
β€œNaw, stupid, mermaids can swim”
β€œI swear I saw β€˜er fall from th’ sky!”
β€œShaddup, pudding-brain. That’s r’dic’lous.”
Aki, impatient, ducked and shoved her way through the legs of the gawking circle, and crouched down beside the girl.
β€œHi!” the salamander said brightly, grinning. β€œNice hair!”

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Faleena Ward
Character Portrait: Caitir Ross Mitchell
Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
Character Portrait: Zensai
Character Portrait: Lilian
Character Portrait: Odysseus
Character Portrait: Aaftab Qureshi
Character Portrait: Alison Gardner
Character Portrait: Akthskina


Character Portrait: Aaftab Qureshi
Aaftab Qureshi

"The fire not only destroys, let me prove it"

Character Portrait: Odysseus

You know what? I really don't care about your problems...

Character Portrait: Lilian

Just because I am pretty doesn't mean I won't hurt you.

Character Portrait: Zensai

Holy crap was that magic?!

Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
Kaleb Maldwyn

"Music is eternal, so choose your own beat and don't look back."

Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
Fion De'Vancura

" Ya people hate me but that's only if they find out what I am"


Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
Kaleb Maldwyn

"Music is eternal, so choose your own beat and don't look back."

Character Portrait: Aaftab Qureshi
Aaftab Qureshi

"The fire not only destroys, let me prove it"

Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
Fion De'Vancura

" Ya people hate me but that's only if they find out what I am"

Character Portrait: Odysseus

You know what? I really don't care about your problems...

Character Portrait: Zensai

Holy crap was that magic?!

Character Portrait: Lilian

Just because I am pretty doesn't mean I won't hurt you.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lilian

Just because I am pretty doesn't mean I won't hurt you.

Character Portrait: Aaftab Qureshi
Aaftab Qureshi

"The fire not only destroys, let me prove it"

Character Portrait: Zensai

Holy crap was that magic?!

Character Portrait: Kaleb Maldwyn
Kaleb Maldwyn

"Music is eternal, so choose your own beat and don't look back."

Character Portrait: Odysseus

You know what? I really don't care about your problems...

Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura
Fion De'Vancura

" Ya people hate me but that's only if they find out what I am"

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