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The Unknowns

The Unknowns


We live amongst you. We breathe the same air as you. We gain your trust. Then we kill you. We are the Unknowns.

1,965 readers have visited The Unknowns since Ibbledibble created it.


All over the world, everywhere you look, we are there. We are reasons for the strange noises, the unexplained disappearances, the vivid dreams. Or rather They are. The Fey control us. They (the Fey) can watch our every move. No matter how much one may want to break away, They will always reel you back in with the same lies. "Humanssss want to dessstroy usss. We musst hide from them. They are our petsss, our precious petsss. Can't you imagine it? A world with only usss, where humans are only our food. We control them. No more hiding. No more pain. No more sssuffering..." Their silky voices and beautiful, perfect bodies can make you believe any lie. Or maybe it's the truth?

We are the Ones. We despise any monster scum that roams this Earth. They don't belong here. We are the select few humans who are aware of them, besides the ones that will bend backwards just to please their master. Disgusting! There is no way any of the Ones would do that. We live to hunt them down. None of us would ever associate with them *cough* much less fall in love with one. *cough* (hint hint) Yes, we will never come to like any of them... Right?
Additional Details:
Fey-Beautiful, thin creatures with silky smooth, yet sharp voices that can persuade you to do anything, as long as you're not too wary. They seem to be perfect, and although most monsters hate Them, someone has yet to defy Them.

Vampires-They too are very beautiful. You CAN see their reflection and they CAN go out in the day, though they are considerably weaker and like the cool refreshing night more.

Warp Holes-Portals (found anywhere) that lead to the Other Side/World. To unlock one you need a warp key, which can be any small object (shoe, pencil, etc.). Exceptionally rare, even for monsters. Once one is used, it disappears from that location.

You can become any other type of creature you like (EXEPT ZOMBIES). The ones listed above are NOT the only choices. We welcome Werewolves, Fairies, Shapeshifters, and anything else. Since you've used up quite a lot of your time reading this you should join. Besides, you already know our secrets. You already know what we are. Its too late to turn back now...

Toggle Rules

Welcome to the Other Side. You shouldn't be here. Unless... You are one of us? No matter! You must run! Run as if your life depends on it. Because, if They catch you, thats not the only thing They'll take away. Do you still persist? Fine, but you must learn quick. They are harsh and The Book Of Rules is not to be taken lightly.
1. This is an open RP and all characters are welcome. I DO require character approval because I like feeling powerful and getting an overall view of your character.
2. There is no maximum nor a minimum, feel free to write as many sentences a you want. Preferably you'll type at LEAST 3, but thats really up to you. I highly recommend precise grammar and spelling but you can use short terms like cuz ('cause) as long as it doesn't get too out of hand like 5@M VVH@T5 UP!? (Sam, what's up!?).
3. Of course romance is allowed, everyone (Okay maybe not everyone) loves a little (lot of) romance, if you know what I mean. Try not too get too intimate, but its fine if things get... interesting. ;)
4. Lastly you cannot and may not force another character that is not your own to die, to perform actions on another character, or anything else without that character's "creator" approval. You can injure another character while fighting, because what's the point of a perfect avatar?
So hopefully, even with all these limitations, you'll want to join. If you do want to join then heres what you'll have to send me. You can enter as many characters as you want so have fun! :)
Appearance(Description or pic):
Race(White, Asian, Mexican,etc):
Brief Background Knowledge:
Anything Else You Want Me To Know:
Now, if you are ready, step into the Other World, the UKNOWN WORLD.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
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The gang of men surrounded the girl. For every step they took forward, the frightened girl stumbled back until they were in one of the many alley ways of the city. It smells the girl thought faintly. And so it did. Forgotten garbage piled high in the very back and the unused cans were a paradise for vermin and bugs of all kinds. It was also a place where gangs hung back, especially just after getting a new pack of drugs or cigars, so there were all kinds of broken beer bottles and bloodstains littering the floor.
Crap. I’m stuck here in an alleyway, where no one will dare come into, with a huge gang of MEN. She shivered at the thouht But the men themselves did not look unruly. In fact she would almost call them pretty, but they were too muscular. Straighten her back she finally spoke, “I don’t have any money.” She had intended to have a firm, confident voice, but it had come out as a whimper. “No,” the tallest man agreed, “you don’t. But you have something much, much more.” The young woman gave a nervous laugh. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I’m sure you don’t.” The leader of the gang’s voice was smooth and cool. It made the girl feel as if she was drowning.
As if on cue, the men smiled. They all had extremely sharp canines. Again she shivered. “I believe it’s your turn, Carlos.” The man addressed a tall, dark, slender, teenager who had been hiding behind the group. “Yes. It will be my first time.” First time? The boy stepped forward and placed his hands on the female’s shoulders. “This should only hurt a bit.” The girl struggled to move away, but surprisingly the boy was stronger than she was. He leaned forward towards her neck and sniffed. He’s smelling me? But that was the last thing she thought.
The boy bit down hard but she barely felt the pain. It was the feeling of agony and yet she felt pleasure. There was a numb tickling sensation in her neck. Her body twitched and then she couldn’t feel anything at all. Her knees buckled. “Sh!% he’s taking too much blood!” Suddenly the boy was torn from the her body and the limp figure fell to the ground. Faintly, as if it were just a passing thought, she heard a snarl and some yelling, but she was too drained of energy to care. She felt dry and flimsy like a rag doll. Her vision was blurred and the ground was so, so cold.
“I take pity on you, human.” A warm, caramel sweet voice trickled into her left ear. She felt the teeth sinking in again, but this time she didn’t flinch. She knew he was going to kill her. Finish her off, drain her, so she would feel no pain and wouldn’t have to wait for her death. Her body braced itself, waiting for the pleasurable tickle and the feeling that a part of her was being taken away. But it never came. In its place was pain. Agonizing torturous pain. Followed by the itching as the burning poison swept through her.
The scream that night was loud. But not loud enough to be heard over the roaring of cars on the main street. Not loud enough to be heard by a wandering human. Not so loud that Rosetta didn’t hear the chilling words that carried on the cool night breeze.
“You’re one of us now.”

Rose opened her eyes. Her face was still contorted in terror but there was not a drop of sweat nor was her heart racing like it should. Her breathing wasn’t normal either. In fact she wasn’t breathing at all. At lightning speed she sat up. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. Just a dream. Dream. Dream. But she knew it wasn’t. It had been a week and she still couldn’t figure out what was happening to her. Like every morning she brought her knees up to her chest and curled up, attempting to shut herself off from the rest of the world. But it didn’t help. Tiny pin pricks of liquid threatened to drop from the corner of her eyes. She didn’t even realize she was crying until little splotches appeared on the thin bed sheets. She didn’t particularly care anyway.
The apartment room around her was a mess. Somehow she had gotten home when she had woken up seven days ago. Her memory was hazy, that was normal, but it was a surprise when she started bawling and throwing a tantrum like a little kid. She had torn her books off the shelves, broke dishes on the kitchen floor, and even snapped a chair in half with strength she didn’t even know she had. She had promptly passed out. When she regained conscious she had drawn the curtains only to hiss and shrink away from the bright rays of afternoon light. Hissed. As if she was an animal.
On top of that Rose was starving, but everything she ate she immediately threw up. Now she spread herself out and hopped off the bed. As she walked she passed a partially broken mirror. She couldn’t even recognize herself. Her eyes had changed color. They were a deep dark blue, almost black. Tear streaks ran down her face and her usually smooth hair was ratty and tangled. After a few paces however a sweet rustic smell hit her. Looking at her bare feet she realized she was standing in shards of ceramic from a broken bowl. Her right foot was splotched with red blood. Blood. She felt her fang slowly elongate. What was going on? Tearing herself away Rose ran across the room towards her closet. She needed to get out more. She was going stir crazy. Yes that was the problem. She had imagined the fangs. She pulled on her favorite pair of jeans and a tank top. She finished the combination by pulling on a light hoodie. Then she rushed out the door.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Adion walked down the street, all sorts of eyes following his tall, slim, and muscular body. Everyone seemed to notice a werewolf who didn't bother attacking, but when he would see a werewolf strike, no one would care. This brought about memories of his 'corruption.' The fays surrounding him, then releasing a wail that he was surprise a being that size could make. 6 or 7 of them, Adion couldn't remember that clearly, had surrounded him. At the time, his mind was primal and could not understand what was going on. Then came the screeching wail. Then his mind had became clear, he began to think. He had looked at his paws and the rest of his body that he could see. He looked up to see the fay who's voice then became so soothing that it sent him to sleep in no time at all.

Then he awoke. A group of humans had been around him, with guns aimed in his direction. When he got up rubbing his head and making a slight grunt of discomfort, the leader of the group yelled at him. It was something about police or the people or something, not that Adion could tell at the time. At that time Adion only had one word running through his tired head, run. Without thinking, the lean muscle that made up the body of the being that was stuck between wolf and man seemed to do its own thing, launching Adion to a nearby wall, right over the officers head. Or was it a gangster? Adion couldn't tell at the time. Could have been SWAT for all he knew. After he had hit the wall, Adion immediately pushed to the wall opposite him, then landed and continued the process.

That brings him to where Adion is now, wandering the streets looking for someone to tell him who he is. Just observing all the odd glances of the humans made him nervous. He towered over them and was obviously stronger, had fur, a muzzle, and wolf-like ears. What human would not be scared. Adion, however, was just as scared of them as they were of him. They numbered so many, and could easily overtake him with numbers alone. He then smelt something off. It smelled like blood but slightly different. In response, Adion looked up to see an open window. The werewolf was now stuck in both his beast form and his place.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

Kraken was sitting on a rooftop, munching on some meat he had stolen from a fast food place. He had his hood down, his ears were perked up and his tail was twitching and swaying side to side. He didn't exactly love the food he was eating, he would have preferred a mouse or a squirrel, but alas, he hadn't been able to find any. So there he sat, eating god knows what they put in the food, listening for anything that seemed suspicious. He did eventually hear something. It was footsteps, and they weren't human, they fell much heavier on the ground. Kraken looked over the edge of the building and saw a werewolf, in beast form. "What the...?" Kraken decided to investigate, it was odd that he seemed composed. But Kraken's curiosity got the better of him (as it always does) and decided to introduce himself to the werewolf. "You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat" Kraken laughed to himself as he swung himself over the edge of the building, landing on his feet. He then proceeded to walk up to the werewolf, tail still twitching, ears still perked up, and said: "Hi, I'm Kraken Nanthos. Who might you be?" Kraken smiled, showing off a little bit of his small fangs.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
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0.00 INK

"Ah... Master, I'm so tired...." To a mortal, no one would've heard that voice.

"I know... Me too...." Again, any mortal would never hear that voice.

"Count us five as well..." Another voice groaned.

Ryouto sighed. "I think it's time we should just stop by and eat breakfast or something... Or at least me. I still don't know if you guys can even EAT at all." To any normal person, they'd think he was talking to an imaginary friend that Ryouto never let go. However, behind the tired stranger were 7 spirits, all seen by Ryouto's kind and anyone who enters a battle with him. The thing is, Ryouto is a Spirit Agent, whose job is to investigate and stop disturbances around the world that might potentially be related to some kind of ghost. Ryouto made many friends along the way on his mission, alive or dead. Hell, he even enjoyed his time with that Pillow Ghost, who stole his pillow from right under him as he slept.

However, Ryouto and his team were not in a happy mood. They were hungry, starving even. At least the ghosts are already dead... Ryouto thought. I'll die if this keeps up...

Mira, the female ghost who called Ryouto her master, replied to his last statement, which was a little rude to ghosts in general. "We eat the sacrifices that humans make for us, Master.... Even though we can't eat normal foods we can still eat what you give us willingly. Eating is probably one of the few luxaries that we spirits retain after death...."

Ryouto sighed. He's got a lot of money, but he's going to use a lot of it in one go. "Alright.... Anyone wants McDonald's?" Silence. "Uh.... Master Wok?" And everybody raised their hand. Japanese food it is.... Ryouto mentally sighed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

Adion was surprised to see the small being land from such a height unharmed. Then the being began to talk to him, and asked the hardest question for Adion at this moment, who he was. Everything about Adion showed that he had just gone into some extent of deep thought. After almost a minute, Adion replied with "The only thing I know of my self is that I am called Adion." This came out with a clear, but deep voice. One that showed that the being saying it was not trying to be threatening, while also being sincere.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
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0.00 INK

Rosetta massaged her temples as she walked down the street. She could hear the voices of the people and the thumping of her black combat boots against the concrete, but it all seemed blurred together until it became one big and annoying buzz. I’ll go to the park, she thought. The park would, hopefully, be nice and quiet. A place to relax.
As she jogged to her destination she realized that the walk had not been the brightest of ideas. Even though it was kind of cold, the sun was bright and shining. This was a predicament. She had never hated the sun before but now she shied away from its poisonous light, ducking into any shaded area she could find. But what else was she to do? She couldn’t keep herself penned up in her room all day. She was a wreck! Recalling her appearance she pulled the hood of her jacket up to hide her hair. She hadn’t brushed it thoroughly enough before leaving the room. The room. Oh crap. What if maintenance went up to check the apartment and saw the mess? No, they couldn’t do that. She had locked the door, right? It was too late to turn back now anyway.
The hunger in her stomach was still ebbing away at her. Maybe I’ll stop by a Burger King on the way. But she knew what would happen soon after consuming the burger. Her body would reject the food and shed throw up. It now occurred to her how strange it was to not have eaten or drunk anything in a week, and yet still be able to live. Shouldn’t she have dried cracked lips? Shouldn’t she be limp and dehydrated? She was still strong as ever though, maybe even stronger. It was like she was dead. She shuddered at the thought. What if she was? What if they had killed her and the only thing she ate was flesh, like a zombie? Reality check, monsters don’t exist.
Lost in her worries, Rose didn’t notice she was in the park until a voice startled her. “Alright.... Anyone want McDonald's?" The voice paused before saying, "Uh.... Master Wok?" A boy who appeared to be her age was talking to himself. Strange. It was also strange that Rose could even hear him, since he was all the way across the park, walking on the street. She didn’t recall being able to hear this well. Jogging until she was right behind him, she cleared her throat. “Umm, I’m sorry but I couldn’t help notice that you seem to be talking to yourself.” Then she blushed. Any sane person would never go up to a person who was talking to themselves. What was she doing? Then her face got even redder as she realized that he was probably on a Bluetooth or something. Oh my god. This was embarrassing. But Rose couldn’t turn away now. That would make HER seem like the insane one. Although, maybe she wasn’t exactly right in her head. Maybe she had imagined the boy talking to himself. Once again she wished she hadn’t come out for this stupid walk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

"Hi Adion! My name is Kraken! Nice to meet you!" Kraken extended his hand in greeting. This is going to be interesting, Kraken thought. As he waited for Adion to either shake his hand or back away, he studied him. He seemed like a werewolf in beast form, but he was also composed, Kraken thought it strange that he was just out in the open instead of traveling from the rooftops, like he did himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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Adion looked at the hand of Kraken. It was significantly smaller than his and it looked far more brittle. Adion was thinking again, this time about whether or not to shake the small hand. "I am not sure if shaking hands would be the best of ideas, Kraken." Adion spoke, making sure that his hand stayed at his sides. Adion also began to start looking at the being before him. It seemed like a human, but had cat like ears and a cat like tail. This was odd to Adion, to see a being that seemed to be stuck in the middle like him, but with more human and less beast.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal
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0.00 INK

Ashton walked along the cracked paved road. He had been walking like this for hours. Occasionally a car would pass by and sometimes even stop. The driver would ask him if he needed a ride. Each time Ashton smiled politely and told them that he was fine and that he preferred walking. Of course that was a lie. He would definitely take a car over foot any day but not if it had a human in it. He wasn’t about to get into a rundown car and have a reckless monkey drive him to the nearest city. Besides if he walked, maybe he could become more agile. Like that was ever going to happen. But his skills were rusty and the last vampire he’d fought had almost one. Key word, almost. Ashton wasn’t going to let a filthy mosquito beat a high upper class Fey like himself. He had, of course crushed the thing flat, but not before he forced it to tell him where the rest of his clan was. The bloodsucker was pretty vague but he had given directions and then begged to be set free. Ashton smirked at the memory. He would love to see the day when he saw a vampire and let it go without at least injuring it. This thought actually made him laugh aloud. His laugh wasn’t the I’m-laughing-with-you kind of laugh but it still sounded delicious; a laugh that made you want to listen to it all day, even if he was laughing at you.
Ashton was still smirking when he came to the sign. Its red paint was chipped and flaking at the corners. In white letters it read Welcome to Akron City. Indeed he was on the outskirts of a small city. If one could call it that. It looked sad and run down. Sure Ashton could see big modern buildings in the distance, but it looked more as if the city had been attempting to copy New York and had failed miserably. It would be easy to find the vampires here. Even though Ashton had been exiled he knew he HAD to keep hunting the bloodsuckers. At least until he found the ones who killed his mother.
Already he could feel his adrenaline rushing and the sound of vampires screaming. His eyes darkened a bit in excitement. Slowly he stepped into the city.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

Kraken lowered his hand "Alright then" Kraken decided that this was going nowhere and started to leave. "Well, I'll see you around! Bye!" Kraken ran into a back alley and started climbing the wall until he reached the roof, once he got up he decided that a bird might be a nice snack, so he started off in the direction of the park.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
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0.00 INK

Ryouto sighed. He started to speak in fluent Japanese to his spirits, which was their- both the spirits' and his- native tongues. "Why do I even ask you guys if you keep giving me the same answer?"

Yukimura Sanada's spirit sighed. "I thought it would be obvious. We all originated in Japan, our diets modeled after an average Japanese citizen's. Shouldn't you know this by now?"

Every other spirit nodded, but then Mira snapped and turned around, pointing to an individual jogging towards Ryouto's direction. "Master. I sense something strange about this woman."

Ryouto looked to the jogger. "I don't know, Mira. She looks normal enough."

"Hm... Alright." Mira muttered, still glaring at the jogger. "We'll keep out eyes on her in the meantime..."

Ryouto watched as the woman jogged to him. She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Her facial features, unfortunately, were hidden under the girl's hood. “Umm, I’m sorry but I couldn’t help notice that you seem to be talking to yourself.”

Ryouto sighed. He heard all seven of his spirits snicker, chuckle, or just giggled. This is one of the disadvantages of a Spirit Agent: people think you deserve to be in a mental institution. "I get that a lot, miss..." Ryouto spoke in fluent English. "Just... Ignore me."

Suddenly, Flamberge walked to him and whispered into his ear. "Master, she jogged all the way from the other side of the park. No one can hear you talking to us from that distance."

Ryouto's eyebrows raised in suspicious as he examined the girl again. If only her clothes didnt hide so much... If be able to know a little more... Maybe. Ryouto thought. "Um... Bye, miss..." He said, nodding before fast walking away. However, within the first step of his way to go to the nearest Japanese food place, a familiar spirit with green hair and blue Chinese clothes attacked with a sword, making a small cut on Routo's arm, who reacted quickly to the sound of air getting cut. "Haha!" Qing Long, the spirit of a sword of the same name, laughed. "I finally got you! That's for beating me the last time we fought!"

Ryouto's spirit, Flamberge- another spirit of a sword-, moved to Qing Long. "Uh...." Qing Long was obviously intimidated by the sight of a spirit way stronger than her, and fled as fast as she can. "Are you alright, Master?" Mira asked Ryouto.

"Yeah. Just a cut..." Ryouto replied to Mira, smiling. Then the Spirit Agent realized he's probably still in the sights of the stranger. "Uh... You didn't see anything, did you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

Kraken made it to the park and scanned the trees looking for a bird, he had to be extremely careful, and he knew exactly what he needed to do to catch a bird, it was in his cat instincts. But just after he caught one he smelled something new, he couldn't place what it was, but it came from someone in a hoodie, Kraken didn't know who the person was, but he thought since it was a new smell, it might be a "monster" like him. So Kraken leaped out of the tree like a cat and hit the ground. He smelled the air to find the person and eventually found her. So he did the logical thing to do, walk straight up to her "Hi!" Kraken said, grinning and extending his hand "My name's Kraken!".


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Soon Adion's fears seemed to come. Loud sirens punished his sensitive hearing with their absurd amounts of sound. A coupe of cars pulled up blocking Adion's only escape. Soon, men poured out of the cars in blue uniforms with small firearms aimed at Adion, none of them looked lethal, but they all looked like they would hurt. After the rest had exited their respective vehicles, a leader walked out of the car in the center of the street and used a device that made Adion's head feel like a jet plane was trying to fit through his ears. The man spoke "Come peacefully! We don't want to hurt you, but if you resist we will have to use force." Adion did not believe this. Not a word. They wanted to hurt him, or else why would they swarm him. They were clever, trying to make him think that they were on his side so that they could save on what it would take to stop him. No they can't be trying to help him, he was too different for them to want to help him. He didn't cause trouble and they had already unleashed a very painful assault on his ears. No, Adion was not falling for this.

In a moment, the entire mass that was Adion lurched forward and threw a car right out of its way with little effort, leaving the men who thought they could catch it in awe. Thanks to the speed that Adion had carried when he threw the car, it crashed about center of the park as Adion began to run across the rooftops. From each he jumped to the next, feeling no tire or pain. He stopped when he felt that he distanced himself quite a ways from the men. He was safe, or so Adion thought.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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0.00 INK

Rose stood nervously waiting for the boy to reply. Her locket, that had gone unnoticed by her until now, lay cold against her skin tucked safely behind the two layers of clothing. It seemed to pulsate in place of her heart that she could not seem to hear beating, no matter how nervous she was. “I get that a lot miss…” Rose’s head snapped up. So she hadn’t been imagining it. She did a mental celebration that she wasn’t hearing things. In the distance she heard snickers and giggles. They were faint as if they were leaves floating along in the wind, but they were defiantly there. She dismissed them as children in the distance.
The boy was still muttering to himself but Rose felt as if she were at home. Like she could trust this stranger. In fact, she probably looked shady herself with herself with her hood pulled low over her eyes. She reached up and pulled on a loose strand of hair contemplating this. Finally she reached a decision and pulled down the hood revealing her face and her maybe slightly less unruly hair. But before the boy reacted there was a quick flash and the boy jumped.
The young girl blinked. The man was still standing there in the same place as always. Nothing had changed except the expression on his face. No there was a tiny cut on his lower arm. “Uh,” he paused “You didn’t see anything, did you?” he inquired. “See anything?” Rose said. Her voice sounded strange to her. As if she was mesmerized. “A cut. You have a cut. There’s bl- blood.” She stuttered. The stranger might have said something else. She didn’t know. It was as if the world was standing still. All she could hear was the thump of the boys heart. Had his veins always been so blue, so exposed in his wrist. And his pulse. It made Rose shiver the way she could hear the racing of blood. It would be so easy to snap this mortal’s neck in half. So easy to break him like a twig, and have all of that thick sweet liquid to herself. But something told her it would not be that easy. This man could easily be a predator, just like her. A growl rose to her throat. She would give him a threat. A challenge. If he was weak and scared it would be easy to suck him try like her own personal water canteen. Oh, but it would be much sweeter than water. Maybe even bitter sweet. In the back of her mind, a little part of her told her not to do it. She was human wasn’t she. You and I know that I’m nowhere near human she thought. She couldn’t stop herself. She approached the man, ready to lunge.
A thud snapped Rose out of her trance. A young high school male approached her. He looked normal… if you could ignore the swishing tail and the big twitching ears. He stuck his hand out and introduced himself but Rose didn’t reply. There had to be a logical reasonable explanation for this. Yes, there was she thought. “My god,” She said aloud “I really am insane.”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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It was strange to watch a cat and a dog talk to each other peacefully and even stranger that an unruly werewolf was being so polite, but Ashton figured it was normal in this city. They’ve lost their pride, he mused. They’ve fallen to the same level. The were cat had apparently gotten bored and jumped up onto the opposite roof of Ashton. He didn’t, however notice the Fey and started running, jumping from roof to roof, towards the west. Ashton glanced back at the big, bad, and polite wolf but he wasn’t there. Bored Ashton jumped up and followed the cat boy.
When he got to the park he saw a strange sight. The cat was holding his hand out expectantly towards what seemed to be a bewildered human, while what seemed to be a sprit wielder (OOC: Fey, being a high class being, can kind of sense what being you are and can see spirits that most cannot.) standing with them. He decided to saunter up to them, his hands in his jean pockets. He was about to make a sarcastic joke about how a human, a kitty cat, and a “mage” walked into a bar when suddenly he sensed something. A peculiar aura surrounded the mortal. Then he saw delicate fang poke out of her upper lip before quickly disappearing. His eyes narrowed. His upper lip curled. “Vampire.” He snarled


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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Kraken's left ear twitched, someone was walking towards them he could hear it. Kraken turned towards the guy walking towards them. Kraken backed away, this guy reeked of hostility, and Kraken didn't want to get involved in a fight, he didn't want to hurt the guy too badly. Kraken turned and looked for a way to run if he it came to violence, but if the people here couldn't protect themselves, he would fight. Kraken, against his instincts, walked up to the guy approaching them "And who might you be?" Kraken asked, trying to avoid a fight.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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Camille's long, silver-blonde hair danced behind her as she ran. A wicked grin curved on her lips, legs pumping forward and back over and over again as she chased her prey, fangs elongated, normally navy-black eyes now a liquid silver color from bloodlust.

Adrenaline pumped it's way through her veins, and she couldn't help but laugh wickedly. It wasn't often that she got to give chase. Only when she was hunting others like her. Well... Not like her exactly. In all her years, Camille had never met a single person like her, with half-vampire, half-fey blood coursing through her veins and the power of witch magic at her fingertips. No, she'd never met another tri-breed before, let alone one of such diverse specie's. However, when hunting, it was always more fun to hunt those that weren't human. Humans were so slow and clumsy, sometimes Camille wondered how they ever got anywhere. Hunting them was good sometimes, because their fear was always thrilling, but hunting other non-humans was better, because, if they were a species that had super-speed like her, it was so much more fun to chase.

Ahead of her, her prey leapt, flying through the air towards the roof of the next building, for they were running along the rooftops, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Quickly, Camille jumped, and gracefully landed on the other side without so much as a stumble, where as, when her prey had hit the other roof, she'd cracked an ankle and rolled across the rooftop, and was now, feebly trying to crawl on all fours towards the fire escape.

Camille's fangs glittered when she grinned. She had her. "Don't be afraid." She purred, slight French accent tinging her words, and the girl stopped immediately and turned to face her, a look of both pleasure and sheer horror on her face. Pleasure in hearing Camille's smooth-as-silk fey voice, with a yearning to hear more, and horror as something dawned on her. Something she hadn't realized before.

"Who?- You're?" The small brunette girl struggled to find words. "But how?" Was all she could say, and Camilled crossed the roof and squatted down beside the girl, forcing her to look in her liquid silver eyes with a hand at the back of her head.

"Yes." She hissed. "I'm a hybrid. Now, honey, I'm going to have to ask that you don't squirm. It will make it easier for both of us."

At Camille's will, the girl nodded and stretched her neck out for her. There would be no way the girl could refuse the musical voice of a fey. "Just... Please don't kill me." She whispered, pinching her eyes shut, and Camille gave her a faux expression of pity as she stroked the girl's hair while she cried and shook helplessly.

"Aw, darling." She whispered as she leaned closer, her lips at the girl's ear. "You know I wish I could do that, but, you see, you're an angel. The venom in my fangs will kill you anyway. But I promise," she whispered soothingly. "I'll drain you quick so you don't have to suffer that slow death."

With that, she leaned in and sunk her fangs into the girls throat, and moaned with delight as she drained the sweet blood. The girl was an angel, wings-and-all, and angels always had the sweetest blood. It was like drinking liquid sunshine, and it almost made her want to cry out, but crying out would require her to stop, so she held her tongue until the girl was dry, and dead.

She stood, wiping a drop of the angel's golden blood from the corner of her lips and licking her finger. "Sorry babe." She said to the body. "But on the upside, you made a delicious meal."

With that, Camille turned away, about to leave, when she smelled something on the air. Blood. The silver of her eyes had drained back to their regular deep navy color while draining the angel's blood, but now, with the scent of new blood, small cracks of silver began to take over her irises again.

Camille stood and walked to the edge of the rooftop. A couple of buildings away, on the ground in the park, was a small, rather odd gathering.

Her curiosity piqued, Camille leapt daintily and soundlessly, from rooftop to rooftop, until she was directly over the group, and crouched down, peering over the side of the building with interest to watch. The group seemed to be a very random assortment of species's. A vampire, and apparently a new one, judging by the way she looked overcome by the sight of blood, a cat-human mix, some sort of spirit agent, and a... She had to lean closer to believe what she was seeing. Was that a fey? Yes, there was a fey down there with the group too.

Camille's already large eyes widened. "This should be... amusing in the least." She murmured to herself as she pulled up her black hood, covering her platinum hair, hiding her facial features, tuned into the conversation, and watched the make-shift group.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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"Uh... Master...? Is it me, or do humans start to become entranced by the sight of blood?" Yukimura Sanada asked Ryouto.

"No. Why?"

"Because either that girl is afraid of blood, or she's vampire."

"...." Ryouto grinned. "Vampire's don't exist." He was't aware of the growl that the girl was growling at him now, and baring her fangs.

"Master. She's has canines." Mira tugeed on Ryouto's clothing from behind to see a version of the woman that was a bit more... feral-like. She was ready to pounce on him when suddenly...

"Hi! My name is Kraken!" The newcomer grinned. He didn't even hide his ears or his tail. Ryouto facepalmed. Is he even trying to not get captured by an FBI agent?

"My god." The girl from before groaned. "I really am insane."

Ryouto couldn't help but laugh. "You and me against the world, miss."

"Master, a new unearthly-" Mira's warning was interupted by another facepalm. "Geez... You must be REALLY tired if you don't want to hear me warn you."

"Yes, yes I am." Ryouto sighed. "I don't remember attracting so many things so... supernatural back in Japan." Things are going too crazy for him. First he meets a girl, then he gets multiple warnings from Mira about an "unearthly force" approaching at one time. What the hell is this?!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Asher Evans
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Asher sensed it. All of it. Being alive for two-thousand years, his sixth sense has grown exponentially. The Master Immortalis of God can easily see the forming group from a mile away. However, he also sensed an angel's death. At first, Asher nearly cried. He feared that the new dead angel was Eva, his girlfriend. Asher still loved her, even if he ran away. However, Asher could also tell it wasn't Eva. She never died so easily. The angel that he sensed was quickly destroyed- too quickly. Too weak of an angel to be Elite.

Asher walked on the side walk, aligning his shadow with the one of the rooftop on the right. He shadow traveled up to the roof, then saw a stranger. She had a black hoodie on, and she also had silver hair like Asher. The difference was that she also had some blonde hair mixed in as well. Asher just walked. His footsteps could be heard. His breathing could be heard. He could easily hide his scent and sight if he wanted to. Asher wasn't even taking this seriously.

The Immortalis shadow traveled up to the roof of where the angel laid. Long brown hair, jeans, and a tank top. "Poor girl..." He muttered as he knelt to get a better look at her corpse. "Rest in peace." Asher made a sign of the cross- something he doesn't do often anymore- and prayed to God. Prayed that the angel would be okay. Asher then stood up, and waited for the stranger to notice his presence. In his hand was already a fireball, and the other hand wielded a sheathed sword.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Asher Evans
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Camille's usually exceptional hearing and senses were all focused on the sight before her of this strange group, so it was no wonder she didn't hear the footsteps or the breathing of the approaching stranger at first.

Then his scent drifted towards her, and she knew she had a visitor. However, she did not jump, or move to face him. She didn't even turn her head. She sat, solid as a stone, face turned forward, while her eyes were turned to the stranger, watching his movements, her senses now on him instead. An Immotalis. Once again, Camille thanked fate for blessing her with the blood of a fey, and, as such, the ability to sense the species's of others. "Poor girl..." She heard him mutter as he looked down at Camille's kill. "Rest in peace."

He then turned towards her, and gripped his weapons, to which she finally chose to acknowledge his presence and stood as well, turning to face him. Her hood covered her facial features, she she pushed it back, revealing a wicked, fanged grin on her beautiful, delicate, fey face.

She gestured to the body. "Like my handiwork?" She said with a soft, musical chuckle, then gestured to the weapons. "Relax Immortalis." She said, figuring he would be surprised that she knew what he was. "I've already eaten. Unless you attack me, I have no business with you." She gestured to the body once more. "And, if you're thinking of revenge, save it." She smirked. "The girl practically gave me her blood. Plus anyway, vampires have to eat too you know, it's not exactly a crime to kill your food."

Again, she glanced at the group below her, then back to the Immortalis. Everything about her said relaxed, at ease. Her posture was lax, her face held no expression other than amusement, and her words rolled smoothly off her tongue. However, on the inside, Camille was on high alert. She was watching every detail of this stranger, catching the smallest things, so she would be ready if he chose to attack.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Asher Evans
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The woman in front of him turned around and pulled down her hoodie to reveal two fangs and a grin. "Like my handiwork?" She said with a soft, musical chuckle, then gestured to the weapons. "Relax Immortalis. I've already eaten. Unless you attack me, I have no business with you." The girl gestured again, and smirked as she said "And, if you're thinking of revenge, save it. The girl practically gave me her blood. Plus anyway, vampires have to eat too you know, it's not exactly a crime to kill your food."

Despite him noticing her knowledge of his race and the last statement being a taunt, Asher's expression remained stoic and emotionless. The Master Immortalis of God extinguished the fire ball in his hand, but didnt sheath his sword. It wasn't fear, it was caution. "And I suggest for you to stop feeding on angels, hybrid." Asher responded rather coldly- hell, you can even see his breath. Ironic that its summer. You shouldn't be able to do that. Then again, Asher had power over ice, so this is his way of showing hostility. "You vampires always drain your victims dry. Why not just leave them alive but barely enough to remember the whole ordeal?l"

Asher Evans Immortalis was born two thousand years ago. He has enough wisdom to know what the woman in front of him was: a vampire and a Fey. A vampire because she had the fangs and the fact that she said it herself. And, only Feys would be able to see through an Immortalis's disguise. "Don't be surprised I know your kind as well, hybrid." Asher stated. "I am old enough to know, and I don't mean 100 years old."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Asher Evans
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Camille watched his face, waiting for a twitch of the eye, or a raising of eyebrows. Something that would give her some sort of hint towards his intentions, however, she found nothing. His face was as blank, and expressionless as a stone.

However, he did extinguish the ball of fire in his hand, and Camille smiled slightly at the gesture, but also noticed the way his sword remained out. Just in case. "And I suggest for you to stop feeding on angels, hybrid." He said to her, to which, she raised a single eyebrow delicately and chuckled slightly, watching his icy breath curl from his lips, despite the summer heat. "You vampires always drain your victims dry. Why not just leave them alive but barely enough to remember the whole ordeal?l"

Camille only shrugged. "Let me ask you a question Immortalis." She said simply. "When you eat a meal, do you eat all of it, or take a few bites, and leave the rest to go to waste everytime?" She asked with a smile. "And do you not like a dessert every now and then? A vampire's meal is no different than anyone else. We have to drain to feel full, and as for angels, their blood is sweet and pure, making them a nice treat every once in a while." She flicked her wrist nonchalantly, as though she was discussing nothing more than weather the sky was blue or red. "Besides, I couldn't have left her alive even if I wanted to. The venom in a vampire's fangs, the same venom that causes a human to change, will kill an angel."

"Don't be surprised I know your kind as well, hybrid." The boy said, and again, Camille raised an eyebrow in amusemet. "I am old enough to know, and I don't mean 100 years old."

Camille smiled slightly. "Well congratulations Immortalis, not many people are privy to that information. Not many that are alive, anyway. Consider yourself lucky ma chéri." She said, using the French word for "my darling". When he spoke of his age, she looked him over closely once more, making sure she'd never come across him before. It seemed highly unlikely that they'd both lived so long and never run into each other, but here he was, and she was sure she'd never seen him before.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
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Rosetta whipped around at the sound of a voice. “Vampire.” A man in his early twenties was walking towards the odd group. He was beautiful, there was no doubt, but his pale face was contorted in rage. Other than that, though, he was very attractive but there was something about him that made him seem higher and stronger than the rest of the group. It would be nice to look at his slender figure all day. Never the less Rose tore her gaze away from him. Now that her mind wasn’t in a hazy state, she could think about that two syllable word.
Vampire. She repeated it in her head and then spoke it again out loud. It rolled out of her soft lips and seemed to surround her whole body. It had a sweet taste to it and Rose smiled. It didn’t bother her, at least not now when she was in blood lust. But of course she knew it could easily turn vile and create a killer. But that didn’t matter today. All that mattered was the boy in front of her. He smelt so good. Not like the other boy had smelled. Not even like the cat eared male. This man was a rare high class meal and right now she felt like a poor starving peasant. But her dinner was probably heavily guarded, that she somehow knew.
She stepped forward and for the second time she was interrupted. A searing pain burst into her chest. It hurt, it BURNED, horribly. She hissed and peered down in annoyance. Fumbling for a few seconds she found the locket buried in her clothing. She sensed that this was the source of irritation. She tried yanking it off, but even with her super strength the chain didn’t break. Whatever. She let if fall back in place, this time outside of her apparel. The chain was too small to slip around her head and she didn’t want to take the time to undo the clasp, not at this crucial moment. The burning sensation wouldn’t be able to reach through the two layers anyway.
For the third time Rose advanced towards her prey and for the third time she was hindered. The pain was now no longer a slight aggravation. Now it was torture and a terrible affliction that throbbed and ached. She gasped as she felt her knees give out and she dropped to the ground. She heard the man laugh quietly. “Well, well. Already bowing at my feet. I suppose I’ll do the honors of killing you.” He started striding toward the girl. Only eighteen years of living and I’m already dead she thought. Squeezing her eyes shut she winced in anticipation.
But only a gasp awaited her small, rounded ears as the boy doubled over as well. She looked up as best as she could. The pain was fading. She didn’t know why this prey had fallen, but it was her chance. She inched forward grimacing at the pain. His soft downy hair tickled her. It was bright and shined in the afternoon light. Her lips parted and her sharp fangs slipped out. Then, pressing her lips to the boys neck, she bit down.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} { Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu Character Portrait: Kraken Nanthos
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"And who might you be?" The young cat boy asked. Ashton looked the snarl dropping off his face. Was this guy in league with the blood sucker? “Ashton.” He answered. He didn’t bother inquiring about the boy’s identity. He didn’t care. He looked around. There was the spirit dude, the cat boy, the vampire and himself. Ashton sensed two other presences though. One, he could tell, was an Immortalis, strange in these parts. The other was a mystery. One moment there was a vampire, the next a strong Fey like himself. Maybe his sixth sense was going out of whack.
He dismissed the thoughts and turned back to the mosquito. He couldn’t help it; a confident laugh escaped his lips. Was this vampire really bowing down to him? Of course not. She was injured but it was still funny. Quickly his eyes scanned for the dangerous threat that had knocked the girl down, unaware that his mouth was shooting off smart remarks. He didn’t see anything but he decided to get it over with and put the girl out of her misery. Then he’d flee; he didn’t need any more trouble before tonight. He had been wasting time and gotten a newbie vampire that didn’t know the first thing about fighting. He was lucky.
Slowly he stepped towards the girl. His legs buckled. He drew in a sharp breath. He didn’t know where the pain had come from but suddenly it was there, in the center of his chest. He was not face to face with the girl. He just had to pull his dagger out… But the pain was unbearable and his neck fell limp. Something soft brushed against him. Soft lips pressed against his collar bone and slowly crept up to his neck. Then two sharp needles penetrated the skin.
He didn’t feel the pleasure, or the agony of the bite. But he could feel a sweet and sour taste on his tongue. Something invisible was clogging up his throat. He spluttered, but the warm liquid didn’t go away. He didn’t feel weak, however. In fact he was getting stronger and stronger. Meanwhile thoughts rushed through his mind. Was this bloodsucker really taking HIS blood? Had he really let her bite him? How could that have happened? He was repulsed. She wasn’t allowed, should even have dared, to take away a part of him. Anger rushed through his veins and he threw the girl off of him.
She landed hard. Her eyes were now a sparkling aqua. They were big and frightened now. He smirked. She should be scared. He slapped his hand to the wound. A few moments later all that was left on his perfect skin was a small blood stain. He wanted to rip the girl from limb to limb. Wanted to torture her and make her beg for mercy. The smile was replaced with a frown. This was the only problem with Fey, not that he’d ever admit it. If They got too carried away, it could lead to utter disaster, a very messy surrounding, and a couple of dead bodies as well.
Ashton examined the girl. Why had she fallen to the ground? Why had he fallen? He glanced around one more looking for an attacker. “Are you two with this mosquito?” he asked the two boys. Waiting for an answer he turned back to the vampire. That’s when he saw it. The locket from years ago. HIS locket. (OOC: See Ashton’s bio for details.)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Adion was running, fast as his newish body could. He was still getting used to the feel of being a werewolf all the time. Getting used to not having memories before today. Getting used to running and hiding. All of a sudden he felt as if his feet were in they air. He looked down to see the ground beneath him getting smaller. Before he could comprehend the fact that he was in the air, Adion slammed through the part of the building that Camille was standing on, then bouncing off of the building after that. Adion then got up, rubbing his head. Next he shook out his fur, making sure that no dust was stuck in his fur. He then snorted slightly before walking out into the street, seeing the trees of the park.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hiro Kokotsu
Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade
Character Portrait: Adine Kapugen
Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
Character Portrait: Aevia R
Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
Character Portrait: Aurther Mckim
Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal
Character Portrait: Asher Evans


Character Portrait: Asher Evans
Asher Evans

"'Die?' I find it funny that you're telling me to do this. You're the mortal here."

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal
Ashton Lin Krystal

"Being perfect comes with a price. I'm an exception."

Character Portrait: Aurther Mckim
Aurther Mckim

a man with dirty blonde hair and a smile on his face decides to follow you

Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {

"The birds that are born in cages can never fly."

Character Portrait: Aevia R
Aevia R


Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
Ryouto Mitsunobu

"I see what you can't see. What I see now if Yurkimura doing the bunny-ears prank on you."

Character Portrait: Adine Kapugen
Adine Kapugen

"You defile the precious earth with your presence."

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade
Camille Nightshade

"People always ask me why I never stay in one place for long, and I always say the same thing: I never really belong anywhere. Never have. Never will."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you can free from this for, I will be in your dept."

Character Portrait: Hiro Kokotsu
Hiro Kokotsu

"I do not like this, one bit."


Character Portrait: Adine Kapugen
Adine Kapugen

"You defile the precious earth with your presence."

Character Portrait: Hiro Kokotsu
Hiro Kokotsu

"I do not like this, one bit."

Character Portrait: Asher Evans
Asher Evans

"'Die?' I find it funny that you're telling me to do this. You're the mortal here."

Character Portrait: Aevia R
Aevia R


Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {

"The birds that are born in cages can never fly."

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade
Camille Nightshade

"People always ask me why I never stay in one place for long, and I always say the same thing: I never really belong anywhere. Never have. Never will."

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal
Ashton Lin Krystal

"Being perfect comes with a price. I'm an exception."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you can free from this for, I will be in your dept."

Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
Ryouto Mitsunobu

"I see what you can't see. What I see now if Yurkimura doing the bunny-ears prank on you."

Character Portrait: Aurther Mckim
Aurther Mckim

a man with dirty blonde hair and a smile on his face decides to follow you

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Camille Nightshade
Camille Nightshade

"People always ask me why I never stay in one place for long, and I always say the same thing: I never really belong anywhere. Never have. Never will."

Character Portrait: Aevia R
Aevia R


Character Portrait: Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {
Rosetta Vanset Stoane {Roh-set-a} {Van-set} {

"The birds that are born in cages can never fly."

Character Portrait: Aurther Mckim
Aurther Mckim

a man with dirty blonde hair and a smile on his face decides to follow you

Character Portrait: Hiro Kokotsu
Hiro Kokotsu

"I do not like this, one bit."

Character Portrait: Ryouto Mitsunobu
Ryouto Mitsunobu

"I see what you can't see. What I see now if Yurkimura doing the bunny-ears prank on you."

Character Portrait: Asher Evans
Asher Evans

"'Die?' I find it funny that you're telling me to do this. You're the mortal here."

Character Portrait: Adine Kapugen
Adine Kapugen

"You defile the precious earth with your presence."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you can free from this for, I will be in your dept."

Character Portrait: Ashton Lin Krystal
Ashton Lin Krystal

"Being perfect comes with a price. I'm an exception."

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