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The X-Men: After M-Day

Marvel Universe 616


a part of The X-Men: After M-Day, by c.allen2.11.


c.allen2.11 holds sovereignty over Marvel Universe 616, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,316 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Marvel Universe 616 is a part of The X-Men: After M-Day.

2 Places in Marvel Universe 616:

10 Characters Here

Tommy Castellano [76] "Yeah, yeah I know. Say hello to your mother for me, alright?"
Cataleia-InocencĂ­a [51] "It's cute that you think you'll actually beat me."
David Stillman [50] "I didn't ask for this..."
Luke Shields [45] "I don't care what anyone says, Mrs Frost scares the crap out of me!"
Danni O'byrne [44] "Tee hee~ Catch me if you can~!"
Alex "Splat" Sterner [38] "You ever gone through the air intake system of an 18-wheeler? Well, I have! It's not fun! Not even a little!"
Tracey Nagamura [30] "One kill."
Cheyenne Timber [3] " odd that that's a crayon color 'timber wolf' and I'm a wolf with the last name Timber!"
Bruce Romeo Margrave [1] "What? You got a problem with my middle name? My mother happened to enjoy Shakespeare..."

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
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Tommy was enjoying the dance. The serenity of it all when something tore him from all his joy.

“So Tommy buddy!” he exclaimed patting him on the back clearly interrupting his conversation with the girl he was with “Nice dancing partner if I don’t say so myself! Hey, listen up Tommy, I boss says you got the MGT tonight, and I got some dollar bills I need to get rid of. What do you say?”

Tommy turned and time seemed to slow. Pure rage filling every ounce of his being. Back home this little shit wouldn't even dare walking up to him like this, let alone interrupting him when he was with a girl above all else disrespecting her like that. On top of all of that was the drugs. The damn MGT. Everyone and their brothers have been accusing him of being involved with the drug trade in the school and shit he said seemed to make a dent in it. Tommy's hands shot out, dark essence coating them as his anger fueled his power.

"You fucking junkie prick!"

Tommy said as punched the guy square in the jaw. The blow floored him, sending him sprawling to the dance floor resounding in gasps from the crowd.

"I'm done playing nice you with you fuc..."

Tommy growled dangerously but his words were cut off as a towering giant of stone loomed over him with three at his back. Tommy paused and turned seeing he was now surrounded by Rockslide, X-23, Hellion and Surge. Castellano's fists clenched reflexively but he knew he stood no chance in a straight up brawl. Not with these four. 23 alone could probably slit his throat before he even got a swing in let alone the mountain.

“I’m sorry but we just heard something about MGT. I’m going to have to ask you to show me your pockets.”

Rockslide ordered sternly. Tommy looked up at him, his fight or flight response racing in his head.

"You got the wrong guy Rocky..."

Tommy warned, his hands up in surrender yet his stance still not exactly compliant.

"He wasn't asking."

Laura growled. Her fists clenched, the claws beneath ready to pop. Tommy locked eyes with her knowing the idea of opening his throat was flashing through her mind. Tommy sighed in resignation and slowly moved his hands to his pockets.

"You're the boss..."

Tommy said as he reached his hand into his jacket pocket. His eyes widened in shock at what he'd found. His fingers found the soft plastic of a pill baggie. He breathed out slowly, unsure of his next move. The hesitation was all she needed. Tommy pulled the baggie out and stared at it in confusion and fear as if he couldn't beleive what he was looking at. X-23 saw his falter, saw it clear as day before he even pulled the baggie out. Her claws popped and she took a step toward him aggressively.

"Hand over the pills Castellano. Rockslide, grab him."


Tommy cursed as she forced his hand.


Logan roared as he ran at him to stop him. In the next instant Tommy's hand shot out as the pure shadow consumed him. Tommy went from a well dressed young man at a dance to a being of pure darkness as the blackness consumed him. The very light in the room darkened to near pitch black making the next few seconds precious for Castellano. He had to make his move and make it now. Black tendrils the size of writhing anacondas lashed out. One caught X-23 just as she leapt at him. Her heightened sense giving her a clear target in the darkness but did nothing to warn her of the incoming attack. The tendril struck her hard in the chest like the tail of some angry beast sending her flying into the crowd. Two more tendrils shot out. One wrapping around Surge's leg the other around Hellion's torso. They lifted and tossed the two X-men into the buffet table just before Rockslide roared and brought his fists down. Tommy had a fraction of a second to react. His body shifted into an incorporeal state allowing the massive mutant's rocky hands to slam into the dance floor, crashing through the polished wood. Tommy phased through floor and reappeared on the floor below. He didn't have much time and had to race through the mansion. Every second he spent here meant the team would get that much closer. Meant a hell Tommy wasn't ready for would come down on his head. Cyclops, Emma, Wolverine, Beast, Colossus just to name a few. Just one would be more than enough to end him permanently. The shadow that was Tommy vanished from the mansion. Vanished from the lives of everyone in it. From the few friends he had. From his teachers. From Cat. Tommy hid now, close by having no where to run. Not yet. He sat by the banks of the lake he had spent a few hours lazily swimming in earlier that day as he plotted out his next move.

"God dammit... God DAMMIT!... I'm sorry Cat..."

Tommy muttered aloud to himself as he ran his hand through his jet black hair in frustration.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

“Well that seems fun, can you take other people with you? Because there could be some fun in that if we get bored sometime this year.”

Other people, possible. Although Danni never had the chance to try it, the gal had enough trouble sneaking out non-organic objects, expect the effort she had to go through to bring along an actual breathing being. “Only if it is really necessary.” She answered with a great amount of doubt in her voice.

On Danni's announcement that it was now Luke's turn to spit out his little mutant secret, he to had trouble explaining it. Not in the same way as the gal though, but the technical terms didn't help get Danni a clear explanation on what Luke could, and couldn't do. Particle manipulation? From what her friend explained, it sounded like an ability that was able to change certain chemicals in objects, maybe even human and mutants.

Danni just nodded as if she understood Luke's explanation, even though it wasn't fully clear. But what abilities they exactly were didn't matter to the girl, the key point here was that he was willing to tell her, and that was saying more than enough.

“...Oh I can also use Clairsentience.”

Now she was even more confused. “Clair-what? I don't get it,” Danni didn't even know what ability to associate with that word. Clair... Clear? All that rose to mind was something along the lines of clearing things from clothes, like detergent, but that didn't really fit. Unless Luke had a definite dream of becoming a washer.

“Ah... Sorry it’s the ability to sense the history of an object through touch. And I can instinctively react to near future events... Again sounds cool but it really helps me with simple things,”

“So, kind of like mind reading, but with objects?” Danni seemed to understand this ability a whole lot better. Then again, it was a fairly simple one. “So... You just have to, y'know, touch something and you can see its history?”

“ being able to move my feet before my dancing partner accidentally steps on them.”

Now that was just rude. Danni made a childish expression of annoyance, she wasn't that terrible, was she? “Jeez, thanks. And I thought I was doing so well...” Well, okay, the girl was a terrible dancer. Nearly falling twice made that clear. She'd just stick to playing music, at least playing the bass didn't include making spontaneous twists and turns every nanosecond.

The music had stopped, and Danni just smiled at her dance partner, letting out a satisfied sigh when Luke released her from his grasp. “Cheers,” The girl quickly glanced at her feet, muttering something along the lines of: 'You two deliberately make me struggle with dancing, don't you?'

“Enjoying yourself Mrs Danni?”

Yes, she was. Very much so, in fact. A terrible disaster had to occur if Danni wanted her mood to stray away from how cheerful she was now. “I hope you are enjoying yourself also...” Her cat-grin directed itself at the boy. Danni was about to go in for a hug, but something else got her attention. There was an argument stirring up just across the room.

Not at all surprising, it was the Mafia guy, or Mr. Noir as Luke called him. A small group of mutants, following that Surge girl, had surrounding the fancy-dressed guy and were addressing him for something. Danni couldn't quite make out what it was about, but as the scene continued the girl's cheer got replaced with endless fear.

Right the fuck out of nowhere, the room turned darker, and Mr. Noir had instantly transformed himself into... Into... Danni could only describe it as a horrific blob of darkness, and her fear a made the girl reach out for the only person she knew she could. Her hand nervously wrapped around Luke's once more, pulling her body closer to his for comfort.

Her eyes couldn't make out anything solid, and Danni had to rely on her ears to process the slamming and whipping noises that were emitted from what could only be a heavy struggle. And then it stopped, the darkness faded and revealed the damage that had been done.

The buffet table had been smashed to pieces with two unlucky mutants, the square inch of the floor the argument took place was now decorated with a large crack, and the whole place was in disarray. What had happened? Where was the shadowy figure? Danni was too shocked to even say or do anything, she just stood there, her hands firmly squeezing into Luke's.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
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0.00 INK

X Laura Kinney X

Laura picked herself up off the floor. Despite the defeat Laura stood up calmly, which was more than could be said for Surge and Hellion who raged at the air.

“Who the hell does he think he is?! He just attacked the fucking X-Men!” Hellion growled “When I get my hands on him-”

“Shut up Julian” Surge spat angrily “She turned to Pixie and Dust who had arrived at the scene to late “Tell everyone to go back to their rooms, Emma is going to kill me.”

Pixie and Dust merely nodded before complying with their order.

Laura got to her feet and noticed her left arm was limp, her shoulder must be dislocated. Without wincing or whining she popped the joints back into its socket and stretched it out to test its manoeuvrability. It was fine. With that she looked over to Logan who was simply stood there watching Dust and Pixie herd the students out of the hall.

“Stupid kid” he snarled as he turned to leave.

Laura didn’t stop him, but there was something that was bugging her. Her enhanced senses allowed her to read people’s emotions, Tommy was not lying when he told Rockslide that he had the wrong guy, and it was genuine shock and surprise when he reached into his pockets. Something wasn’t right with all this and Laura knew it. But there was a way to resolve the situation, she had thought of a few things to suggest to Emma during her investigation but now time was off the essence and it had become part of her mission. She had to prove Tommy was either innocent or guilty either way and she had an idea on how to do that. She approached Cataleia who still seemed a little shell shocked on how quickly things had escalated. She recognized the man next to him as well, Tracey Nagamura, her other target.

“Cataleia, we need to talk.” Laura said sternly, being obvious she was in no mood to argue or throw around insults “Your boy has just dug himself a very deep hole, and you’re going to need my help if he is going to climb out of it. I would also suggest we go somewhere else and quickly. People are going to be looking at you quite suspicously after that.”

Laura looked over to Tracey

“You, Mr Nagamura, I will need your help as well.”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
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Tommy groaned and got to his feet, his mind racing. What the hell was he going to do? He'd just gotten into it with four X-Men. X-Men! These weren't some dumb as brick beat cops looking for an easy bust. The people who took him in would now be on the hunt for him. All over a few fucking pills. Tommy reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out the baggie. He stared with eyes full of hatred at the drugs.

"Who the fuck slipped these into my jacket? Whose settin me up to take the fall?"

Tommy asked aloud, hoping his own voice would help him think clearly. He went back through the nights events. Whoever planted the drugs on him had to have done it after he had gotten dressed. There was no way they'd have known what he was going to wear tonight so they couldn't have snuck into his room while he was out.

"C'mon, think you stupid mook!"

Tommy hissed at himself, trying to will his mind to discover the truth. It raced through what had happened to him since getting dressed. The junkie on the steps, the altercation with Golden Boy, the second junkie on the dance floor. The only three people he'd interacted with that was out of the ordinary that night. His mind held the memory from the steps and inspected it closely like a detective looking for that one clue he'd missed the first time around. The kid Tommy had smacked around did get close enough to him to slip him the drugs but something was off about it. It just didn't feel right. He'd been around enough strung out losers growing up to spot a real one from a Narc act. That guy was legit. Then there was Captain America, the golden boy do gooder. Tommy doubted seriously that the guy had the stones to plant drugs on him let alone stoop to that level in the first place.

"Mother fucker..."

Tommy muttered aloud as his mind targeted the last of the three suspects. The junkie from the dance floor. He was way too smooth, too blatant about what he wanted. What real user would just stroll up to someone on a crowded dance floor looking for a deal. Name dropping MGT like that? Most users just referred to it as stims or candy. He wanted to get the attention of the X-Men, he wanted them to know. Tommy's fists clenched as his anger rose. Why would he do this? Why did he want him looking like the dealer? Then something the user said stuck out in his mind. boss says you got the MGT tonight Who the hell was Boss? Tommy had a hunch the con man slipped up, let a bit of truth slip. If Tommy was wrong then it'd be a quick dead end, if not he would track down the son of a bitch that framed him and make him bleed buckets before he sent him to hell. Either way, the junkie form the dance floor was going to be his first stop.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

Luke watched as the scene unfolded, but without warning or provocation Tommy seemed to go mad. The light from the room was sucked out and everything around him became dark.

“Hells Bells!”

He felt Danni’s hand in his and squeezed it tightly, helping him to keep his bearings as to where he was in the room. People were rushing around beside him and would occasionally barge into his back, he covered Danni as much as he could but it was impossible to tell. This could be some petit sixteen year old dude for all he knew. Finally it was over and the light flooded the room once more. The place looked like a tornado was hit, and everyone around, including the New X-Men looked more than a little confused. Luke quickly regained his composure but saw that Danni looked a little shaken by the events.

Can’t blame the poor girl, that really came out of the fucking blue. Was he insane? Trying to take on the New X-Men?! That’s like trying to wrestle with the bloody Hulk!

Luke looked down at Danni, unsure of what to say that might help.

“Uh...well I wasn’t expecting that. Are you okay Danni? You seem a little shaken.”

Suddenly two of the New X-Men began bellowing out orders to the crowd.

“Sorry guys parties over, X-Men business to attend to! Please go back to your rooms!”

Luke began to move gradually closer to the door with Danni.

“Hey c’mon now, where’s that British stiff upper lip?” Luke asked jokingly, although this probably wasn’t time for joking.

“uh do you want me to walk you to your room? You seem a little...nervous.”

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Danni was still unsure of what had happened, and she didn't plan on finding out. It was a frightening sight beyond any simple scare, this was the power of a pissed off mutant, one who wouldn't be bothered by killing whatever came its way.

While her mind was still far away from reality, her body didn't fight when Luke pulled her out of the room. Something about being ordered to move out, X-men business and that jazz. Was this the power all mutants were capable of reaching? If so, then it had become clear why humans were frightened by them. “L-luke, wha- what was that...?”

Danni's tone was still filled with fright, and all that was on her mind was if this was all a reality or just some sick dream.

“Hey c’mon now, where’s that British stiff upper lip?”

that wasn't funny, it was not a good moment to be funny at all. As the two had exited the room, Danni couldn't help but take a quick glance at what was going on. Some of the attacked X-men had gotten back on their feet, and had approached an older student that had been with Mr. Noir.

“Uh do you want me to walk you to your room? You seem a little...nervous.”

Turning her red-brown eyes back to Luke, Danni slowly nodded in response. “S-sure...” Danni released one hand from Luke's grip but still firmly held onto him with her other. “M-my room is just... Passed a few corners...” Danni pointed left as they walked down the stairs.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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David stormed through the crowd, feeling completely humiliated. This wasn't really something he ever really felt. Alex approached him soon afterwards. "Hey, David. Wait a minute, you..... uhhh.... okay? I-I know how much of a douchebag question that is, but humor me." David looked up at him, with a look of almost defeat. His mouth opened but words didn't come out. With that, Alex looked around at the crowd. "Hey! The FUCK you all lookin' at?! Back off!" Most the people looked away, but there are always a few assholes who don't. David looked up at Alex, a surprised look on his face. Alex put his arm on David and got a quick shock. It looked like his arm tensed a little or something, but he didn't pay attention. He looked into Alex's eyes with a new look, something he didn't really pay attention to before, a humble look. "Uhh.... H-hey, I know this isn't the time or place, but if you...... God, I suck at this. Heh, I'm usually on the other end of these talks......." David smiled a him and nodded. A few momens went by before Alex spoke up. "Punch. Errr..... I mean, I'm going to get a drink. You want anything while I'm over there?" "Uh...sure. I'll have a drink." Alex turned and started to walk. "Great...your date is getting you some cute..." I'm going to find a way to make you pay asshole. He looked up at Alex who hadn't gone too far yet. "Wait, Alex!" He turned around. "I...I just wanted to thank you. So, thanks." Just as he finished his thanks, David's peripherals caught Tommy punching some kid . Everyone looked over. The lights went out and the only sound that could be heard other than the gasping were people hitting the floor. "David...I know how we can light the room back'll also give it a nice aroma of burning flesh. Not to mention it would probably make them all dance better than they are now, fucking losers." The lights came back on, but Tommy wasn't there. Alex looked to David. "Holy shit.... Well, massive amounts of awesomeness aside, wasn't that your buddy Tommy? What the hell was he thinking? Sh-.....should we try & find him?" "What the hell did he do? I heard something about a drug? Shit Tommy. C'mon, he's got to be on school grounds still. Let's sweep around the back." He paused for a second. "The lake outback. That's where we hung out before the party. If he isn't there then I have no idea, I doubt he's dumb enough to be in his dorm." David started pushing people out of the way, then running to the lake once he left the room.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
"Uh...sure. I'll have a drink." Alex nodded and went off on his quest, knowing that this wasn't the answer to a damn thing. Still, it was something at least. He didn't get too far before hearing David behind him. "Wait, Alex!" Alex looked back, a little confused. "I...I just wanted to thank you. So, thanks." Wow..... Guess I'm not the only one after all. Not sure if that's good or not. There was an awkward moment before Alex started to answer, but as he did something in the crowd caught his attention.

There seemed to be a disturbance in the crowd, and everyone was focused on it. "Hey David, check it out. Looks like shits about to go down over there." The two neared the epicenter of the event, trying to see what the cause was. It looked as though the New X Men were accusing someone of trafficking. "Hey, isn't that.......?" That's when things got biblical. The guy seemed to become totally enveloped in sentient darkness. He wasn't a shadow, he was pure blackness. "Holy shit! Did you see th-.. what happened to the lights?" Every source of light in the room had the life sucked out of it, as chaos erupted within the impenetrable pitch black.

With sight no longer an option, Alex had to rely on his last two senses: touch and sound. A light from an electrical discharge pierced the vale above Alex's head for a fraction of a second, as Surge flew through the air. The resounding crashes of her and two other bodies sounded off through the darkness, and the ground shook from a massive tremor. Alex instinctively placed his shades back on as the lights, the real lights, came back up to show the aftermath. The living boulder removed his massive fist from a hole in the floorboards, and the other New X Men had just started too regain their composure.

"Holy shit...." Alex said, staring at the destruction from just a three second long event. "Well, massive amounts of awesomeness aside, wasn't that your buddy Tommy? What the hell was he thinking? Sh-.....should we try & find him?" Alex looked back to David, who seemed to be gauging the situation as well. "What the hell did he do? I heard something about a drug? Shit Tommy. C'mon, he's got to be on school grounds still. Let's sweep around the back." The two started, but David once again stopped. "The lake outback. That's where we hung out before the party. If he isn't there then I have no idea, I doubt he's dumb enough to be in his dorm." "The lake where you guys were swimming with that hot chick?" Hey! Focus, dumbass!

Alex followed as David plowed through the waves of bystanders, making his way out the back. Damn, bet he's kick ass at football.... It wasn't long before the duo were out of the room, with a course plotted straight for the back door.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

Tommy turned at the sound of approaching footsteps. His powers swelled around him in response but dissapated as soon as he saw Cat.

"Tommy...I didn't do it..."

He turned with a warm smile as he took her hands in his.

"Kitty I..."

His words trailed off as he saw Laura standing not but a few feet away. His eyebrows furrowed and he took a defensive step back away from Cat.

"What is she doing here?"

"Easy, I'm trying to help."

Laura replied flatly, obviously showing considerable restraint.

"Help who exactly?"

Tommy fired back before Cat spoke, telling X-23 that she knew he was innocent. Before long Cat's dad showed up after going from wolf to human and offering them refuge in the city. The idea of heading back to the big apple sent a chill down Tommy's spine. He hadn't been back home since he ran away. Going back to New York wasn't going to be easy. Tommy was surprised to see Tracey there, willing to help. Once thought as possibly an advesary now apparently an ally. He gave him a quick nod before turing to follow Esteban as hewalked in silence beside Cat.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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X Laura Kinney (X-23) X

Laura shook her head violently at the older gentleman. She did not know him, but Cataleia called him "Dad." Laura was aware her father lived on the grounds so did not push the issue.

“No, absolutely not. We cannot break out of the school grounds, if we do we may not be able to re-enter and we cannot prove Mr Castellano’s innocence from out there. And if you want my help, which trust me you do, you will heed my warning.”

Laura looked down at the ground.

“Tommy I was asked to either confirm or disprove your involvement in the MGT smuggling. I can tell when people are lying and when they feign shock. You did neither back there, so I’m trying to complete my mission as thoroughly as possible. But you have not helped yourself, by attacking the New X-Men you have proven your own guilt for a crime you may have nothing to do with, you stupid boy! Did you forget we have telepaths? If those things were planted on you we would have known within the day, but now you have provoked them it is more likely they will not bother with the telepaths for at least a week, then you got the criminal damage and the violence. You are looking for a long stint in the cells...and before you ask, Yes we do have cells!”

Laura put her head in her hands, what the hell was she doing here?

The mission, it is your duty to fulfil the mission. But is this not beyond the call of duty?

Laura shook such thoughts out of her head.

“Look I was going to propose this to Emma if it turned out Tommy was not the MGT dealer, but now I think it would be best if...we enacted this plan...for the good of the mission. If we can catch this guy, gather definitive proof and if you Tommy play a role in bringing this guy down, it may be the best way to get you off the hook.”

Laura turned towards the little assembled group

“All of the suspects and drug users we have arrested so far have had their minds wiped of all knowledge, it would seem to be impossible to trace the dealers through the buyers memories. However whilst I was reading through your profile, Tommy, I found out something interesting about another student who lives on floor 2 room 28, he can use Clairsentience. He can sense the history of an object through touch, using his ability we may be able to get a lead and nail this guy. I think it would be for my missions best interest if we pursued this now, agreed? And think fast, we cannot linger here. It wont be long before they get fed up of searching on foot and use Cerebra. Then they'll find us almost immediately"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

David and Alex arrived at the lake, Tommy in deep thought at the shore. David didn't say anything, he just walked to the other side of him. He knelt down next to Tommy, looking over the water. "Quick, while he's not paying attention, push him in and zap the living fuck out of him. Them we can claim a reward." After a few moments of silence, David started to speak. "Tommy. I need you to answer me. Did you do it? If you say no, I'll believe you, but I can't help you unless i know." Before Tommy even looked at him, Cat had arrived and put her fingers on his shoulder. After a little bit, some other guy showed up. He went from wolf to man. That was kinda cool. He suggested going tino the city. "Going into he city is a bad idea. First of all, if the teachers catch us here and we don't go quietly, we could be endangering innocients. Not to mention the people who are trying to kill our kind. The teachers will be down here any second."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke walked Danni to her door, she seemed terribly shaken by the nights events.

As they approached the door. Luke squeezed her hand affectionately.

“Hey don’t worry about what happened tonight. We’re in a house with the actual X-Men, we couldn’t be safer if we tried. Besides no matter how ended, until the shroud of darkness descended...I was having fun.” Luke bent his knees a little to be face to face with Danni. “And I know you were to.” Luke said with a smile “Try and remember that part of the night...not the end. Oh and here...” Luke passed her a small piece of paper with some numbers on it “That’s my mobile number, if you need anything...even just a friend...give me a call. I don’t mind being woken up.” Luke readjusted himself and gave Danni a hug. He didn’t know whether or not being close to someone was what she wanted right now...but he knew it was what she needed. After their embrace Luke stepped back smiled once more.

“See you soon Mrs Danni.”

With that Luke left down the corridor and back to his room. He didn’t bother removing his jeans and instead jumped atop his bed simply shirtless. He didn’t even bother to pull the covers over.

“Wow...what a first day.”

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

There was only silence from the two as they walked to Danni's room. Once they halted however, Luke had likely seen that the young girl wasn't feeling as cheery as before, and had taken it upon himself to talk some comfort in her.

“Hey don’t worry about what happened tonight. We’re in a house with the actual X-Men, we couldn’t be safer if we tried.”

As true as that may be, the X-men were pretty much blown away by what power the Mafia guy displayed. Who's to say that wouldn't happen again? Danni hesitantly turned her sight to her escort, fiddling around with her hand as she simply listened to what Luke was saying.

“...Besides no matter how ended, until the shroud of darkness descended...I was having fun. And I know you were to.”

She did! She did have fun. Fun she hadn't experienced for quite some time. And Luke had a large part in that fun, so the least Danni could do was remember that one dance, and not the whole shadow-blob-thing scene. Her mouth could barely form a smile, a fake smile, as Danni didn't want Luke to worry so much about it. About her.

Her hand reached out for the piece of paper that was in her friend's hand, numbers were scribbled on it. His mobile number, as was quickly explained. With a quick nod, Danni folded the paper and stored it into her pockets. “Cheers,” She whispered, gently wrapping her arms around Luke as he went in for a warm hug.

Danni gave her friend a little wave, before entering her room and closing the door behind her. It was quiet now... No music, no yelling, no... Fighting. With a deep sigh, the Irish gal stepped out of her party clothes and accessories, and made herself comfy with blue/white pyjamas. She wasn't all that tired, although today had certainly been exhausting, but not enough to drop lids over her eyes.

So Danni took a moment to wrap herself in a blanket and position the cushion between her back and the side of the bed, taking a moment to stare out the window that was centred in the outer wall of her room. A clear night for once...

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
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0.00 INK

Tommy stopped in his tracks after Laura spoke. Despite how much he hated to admit she had a point. He'd never be able to prove his innocence from the city and running would just make him look more guilty. No, he had to stay. He had to prove he was innocent. The group all came to a halt once they realized Tommy was no longer moving. His eyes flicked up and locked on to the group, addressing them all.

"God I never thought I'd be sayin this but Laura's right.... I can't go. I can't... If I'm gunna figure my way outta this. Figure out whose settin me up I gotta stay here. I gotta work this shit out."

Tommy paused with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair before looking at the group again.

"Shit I never thought I'd have this many people havin my back... Not here. But hell if you all didn't just prove me wrong. I just... thanks ok?"

Tommy's mind began to work up a plan on how to work through this mystery and coming up with a simple, yet effective plan he looked at Laura as he handed her the pills.

"Here, take these to the student on the second floor. We can meet back up in the auditorium in two hours. I'm gunna track down my own lead."

Laura took the pills but was obviously unconvinced.

"We should stay together."

"We can cover more ground and get more done apart. We ain't got a lot of time, the quicker we figure this out the better. I know you hate me but trust me ok, at least for tonight. I'm gunna get a hold of the people who did this. Start at the bottom and work my way up to whoever's pullin the strings. I'll find out who set me up and make em pay."

Tommy vowed darkly.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
Wow... it's almost like our own X Men team. Awes-........ is that Antonio Banderas? Alex and the rest were gathered by the lake, all in the aid of some guy Alex met not even half an hour ago. He couldn't be sure about his own opinion on this Tommy character and his innocence, but he seemed genuine. That, and it made sense. He looked like a guy that could be guilty of just about anything. Though, narcotics kinda went against the majority of the old mob rules. Still, he was dark, charismatic, aggressive, suave, and looked like a guy with connections. A perfect fall guy.

X-23 mentioned a student who could read an objects history, but Alex didn't have much faith in that. Alex paced back and forth, thinking and slowly growing more audible as he did. Till, finally he didn't even realize he was thinking out loud, a minor mumble albeit but it wouldn't matter to those with superb hearing.

"Whoever this jerk was, he'd be use to dealing with mutants with all kinds of powers. That baggie probably never saw anything else other than the inside of Tommy's pocket, or at least that's what it'd feel like. More so if this guy was a telepath like Mrs. Frost, who could put a telepathic block on nearly anything. A person, a place, a thought, even an object like this. Those pills would be a pretty dead end, at least from a psychokenetic standpoint." He placed one hand on his chin, while the other was firmly behind his back detective style. "Smell might be an option, as not many people would think of that."

He paused for a moment, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Although.... I suppose if you live in a house with Wolverine and his infamous sense of smell long enough, you'd take precautions. No, no, no. The best way I can think of is figuring out how he runs his operation. These are pills, which means they take much more work to produce than your average trailer park meth lab. Not to mention the smell of whatever chemicals he uses would have the X Men beating down his door in record time. So that means he's likely producing this crap outside the school grounds. Which......" He posture began to perk up, feeling as though he was onto something.

"Which means that whatever he can do, it'd involve transporting items. He couldn't just be invisible, since I'm pretty sure the mansion he equipped with thermal cameras for just such a case. A jumper maybe? No, cause then how'd it get on Tommy? Jumpers are pretty noticeable. Hmmm, maybe a jumper transports the shipments in, and an invisible guy moves the product once inside? That might explain how the pills got planted. Either way.... I'm pretty sure this would take multiple mutants. The main thing to look for would be a guy with a good smuggling power, but who doesn't look suspicious. Not squeaky clean, but perfectly normal. Yep, I just narrowed it down a lot."

Alex pinched the bridge of his noise, before he turned and saw that he'd drawn some attention to himself. "I........ was thinking aloud, wasn't I?" Yeah, yeah you were. Feeling a little embarrassed with himself, he stepped back and hoped someone else would speak. Not very likely, though. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

"I'll find out who set me up and make em pay." David watched Tommy closely. "Don't do anything stupid Tommy, you hurt anyone without something backing up your reasoning, you're just in a deeper pile of shit. I know this might sound a little obvious Tommy, but do you have any enemies here? Anyone who doesn't like you?" He scratched his head for a minute and you could almost see a light bulb appear above his head. "Or anyone who is really close to you...someone who could predict your every move. Someone who you'd never expect, and could get close enough to plant the drugs on you without you even thinking about it.' He was now looking directly at Cat. "We should be considering every option here. All of us should be considered suspects until proven otherwise. Don't need someone slipping right under our radar, being one step ahead of us." He looked at Tommy again. 'You know, I bet it was Tracey. Lets give him a little shock therapy and see what he knows..." Ya...good idea. While we are at it, let's just kill everyone on school grounds. "That is probably the best idea that you've ever had in your life."

He heard Alex going about something. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now." "Alright then. Some people we may want to question first could be that kid Tommy yelled at on the stairs...and the kid he punched. Tommy, if you bumped into anyone at the dance, now would be a good time to remember. If the staff catch you then you're probably going to be held in one of those cells, and if it does happen, we will continue our investigation. I'll go find that kid from the stairwell, if anyone want to accompany me, go ahead. Someone should find the kid from the dance that Tommy punched. Tommy I don't know what your lead is, but you go ahead and follow it."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

Tommy turned as David spoke. Warning him to make and brash decisions. He was about to agree with him when he caught his line of sight. David was asking him if he had any enemies which was probably a list as long as his arms. Then he asked if anyone close to him could be to blame. Davids gaze rested on cat. It took every ounce of restraint not to lay David out right there. Tommy crossed the distance between him and David and leveled his gaze with his, standing between him and Cat.

"You can stop right there. We're not accusing her. That's not even an option. Way I see it the only person I can trust is Kitty. The rest of you are strangers compared to her."

Tommy growled not liking for one second the idea of David accusing Cat of betraying him. It took a few tense seconds before Tommy took a step back with a sigh.

"Sorry chief... didn't mean to bite your damn head off... Listen that lead I mentioned is that guy I jawed on the dance floor. I'll start there."

Tommy took a few steps away before pausing and calling over his shoulder.

"Don't worry I won't kill him.... and thanks guys."

With that he dissapeared into the night. Now little more than a shadow Castellano raced back to the mansion looking for answers.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
"Whatever you say, Miss Kinney." Esteban smiled softly and took a step back, clasping his hands behind his back. He let them all speak amongst one another, paying particular attention to a young man that seemed to be mumbling something to himself, working out the case on his own.

"Whoever this jerk was, he'd be use to dealing with mutants with all kinds of powers. That baggie probably never saw anything else other than the inside of Tommy's pocket, or at least that's what it'd feel like. More so if this guy was a telepath like Mrs. Frost, who could put a telepathic block on nearly anything. A person, a place, a thought, even an object like this. Those pills would be a pretty dead end, at least from a psychokenetic standpoint. Smell might be an option, as not many people would think of that. Although.... I suppose if you live in a house with Wolverine and his infamous sense of smell long enough, you'd take precautions. No, no, no. The best way I can think of is figuring out how he runs his operation. These are pills, which means they take much more work to produce than your average trailer park meth lab. Not to mention the smell of whatever chemicals he uses would have the X Men beating down his door in record time. So that means he's likely producing this crap outside the school grounds. Which......" He posture began to perk up, feeling as though he was onto something.

"Which means that whatever he can do, it'd involve transporting items. He couldn't just be invisible, since I'm pretty sure the mansion he equipped with thermal cameras for just such a case. A jumper maybe? No, cause then how'd it get on Tommy? Jumpers are pretty noticeable. Hmmm, maybe a jumper transports the shipments in, and an invisible guy moves the product once inside? That might explain how the pills got planted. Either way.... I'm pretty sure this would take multiple mutants. The main thing to look for would be a guy with a good smuggling power, but who doesn't look suspicious. Not squeaky clean, but perfectly normal. Yep, I just narrowed it down a lot."

Alex pinched the bridge of his noise, before he turned and saw that he'd drawn some attention to himself. "I........ was thinking aloud, wasn't I?" Yeah, yeah you were. Feeling a little embarrassed with himself, he stepped back and hoped someone else would speak. Not very likely, though. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now."

Esteban said nothing; He merely smiled to himself as he took a few steps back into the shadows. It seemed that the others found themselves...preoccupied at the comment of one Mister David Stillman.

"Or anyone who is really close to you...someone who could predict your every move. Someone who you'd never expect, and could get close enough to plant the drugs on you without you even thinking about it.' He was now looking directly at Cat. "We should be considering every option here. All of us should be considered suspects until proven otherwise. Don't need someone slipping right under our radar, being one step ahead of us."

Tommy spoke in Cat's defense before anyone else, but Cataleia had already hitched up the left side of her dress to reveal an assortment of rainbow colored kunai; One of which she drew so fast and put the blade at David's throat that you might not have seen it if you weren't paying attention. "If you ever accuse me of some bullshit like that again - It'll be the last thing you ever do." Her soft blue glow had become red now. It normally didn't take much for Cat to get worked up in the blink of an eye like that - One of the surefire ways to do that would to accuse her of betrayal. When Tommy had decided to leave and find the guy from the dance floor, she debated following after him – He could handle himself, but he still shouldn’t go alone. She sighed and took a stand next to Laura, sheathing her blade. “Welp. Laura – I’ll go find the Clairsentient. No offense, but you scare people.” She filched the baggie from the woman and moved past the others, stopping to glance at her father who only offered a cryptic smile. “You know something, don’t you?” She glared at the man.

“I always know something, don’t I?”

“Spill it.”

“Not my place.”


“I have faith in you all.” With that, the man kissed his daughter’s brow before making his way into the bushes that seemed to part as he moved towards them. Cataleia shook her head and looked back at Laura and the others. “Soo
Not sure what you guys plan to do
Like follow me
or do your own little thing. But I’m sure you’ll need a light.” She held up her right hand that was empty, four fingers raised. Small balls of white light appeared at each tip and she blew on them gently. The orbs of light light floated over to each person and brightened above their heads, moving each time they did. “So – That’ll last about an hour.” With a nod, she began her trek up to the mansion, taking a deep breath. This was all bullshit.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
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0.00 INK

The shadow moved through the halls of the mansion, unseen and unnoticed by the few who wandered the halls at this late hour. To the onlooker it was little more than a momentary trick of the light in the peripherals of your vision. The truth behind the entity in the darkness was much more than a simple optical mistake caused by poor sleep habits and inept hallway lighting. No this shadow was on a mission, this darkness had set fourth with murderous intent. It reached it's target quickly, spilling in through the seam of the door to the office of the Headmaster. Within the utter darkness of the room the shadow took proper form as a young man, well dressed with sharp attractive features and keen eyes stepping out of the swirling cloud of nothingness. Tommy made his way around Scott Summers desk quickly, crouching to get his eyes on his quarry. The safe beneath Cyclops' desk was in reach now. He only needed to reach out and take what was his. His hand was coated in black essence as his arm extended, ready to phase through the door of the safe and collect his prize.

"Lookin for these bub?"

The voice in the darkness sent a jolt through Tommy's heart, freezing his blood as he jumped back in surprise. The figure stepped forward into the moonlight spilling in the room from the large window behind Tommy. In Logan's hands were the two Colt 1911 hand guns that were confiscated from Tommy the day he arrived at the mansion. Pure terror gripped tight as Tommy's mind raced with what Wolverines purpose for being here could be. If Logan had got it in his mind to deal with Tommy himself Castellano feared this fight would be over quickly, ending with Tommy lying in a pool of his own blood with the mystery of his framing never being solved. He would die a drug pusher who got caught, nothing more. Tommy put his hands up as a sign of peace, not wanting to fight his friend and mentor.

"Logan... You gotta believe me. Those weren't my drugs. Somebody's settin me up."

"Relax kid, I know."

Tommy stared at him dumbfounded.

"You do?"

Logan grunted and shook his head.

"'Course runt. I can always smell it on ya if yer lyin. You ain't."

Tommy sighed in releif and ran his hand through his hair.

"Funny, Laura said somethin similar."

Logan paused to let loose a light chuckle before continuing.

"Smart kid."

"Logan you gotta help me. We gotta find out whose settin me up as the pusher."

"I am helpin you."

He said as he set the dual pistols on the desk and slid them to Tommy.

"What is this?"

Tommy asked in confusion.

"Help... Ain't a whole helluva lot I can do fer ya now kid. Not after yer little stunt back on the dance floor. Smackin around X-Men is a good way to get put on the naughty list, case ya haven't heard. You wanna clear yer name? Then clear it."

Tommy sighed knowing Logan was right. His actions painted him incredibly guilty, the only way to help himself would be to prove his innocence. Find the one responsible and deal with them. Tommy reached down and grabbed the guns off the desk. The dual, fully customized Colt 1911's with engraving done by his uncle Mario. SIC VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM It was a phrase in Latin that Tommy's dad like to quote. It meant if you want peace, prepare for war. He had it engraved on Tommy's guns as a gift for his birthday. Funny how true the words rang now. Tommy grabbed the extra clips and pocketed them before putting the guns behind his back, feeding them through his belt to secure them.

"Thanks Logan."

He said giving him a firm and respectful nod before heading for the door. Just before He vanished into the hall Wolverine spoke one final time, delivering a warning to the young heir of the Castellano Family.

"And kid... make sure when ya find em you keep em breathin. Gonna be hard to prove yer innocence when everybody who knows the truth is dead."

Tommy nodded before taking the final step to the door and vanishing from sight, becoming one with the darkness once again.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-InocencĂ­a Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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0.00 INK

X Laura Kinney X

“Fine” She said to the group as Tommy vanished into the darkness. She looked across at Alex “If they have put some kind of block on this student Clairsentience, then we’re in trouble. But it’s the only lead we’ve got so I’m utilizing it. And let’s not to kill each other” She said staring directly at Cataleia “That would most counterproductive.”

She took a step forward carefully observing the grounds. There were a few people poking around but nothing that couldn’t be easily avoided. “Whoever wants to come with me you’re welcome. Just don’t do anything stupid.” With that Laura took off at a brisk pace.

The grounds were easily navigated without running into trouble and once inside the other students barely took notice of the group. All was going smoothly until they reached the entrance to the dorms. Hellion and Rockslide were stood there, they must have been posted in order to stop anyone leaving or entering. They eyed the large group with suspicion as they approached and Laura quickly stood forward to assume her role of talking.

“Laura, hey...” Santo scratched his head “Who the hell are all these guys?”

“They’re acquaintances of our little friend back there. They’ve been questioned...they’ve been most helpful...I’m to escort them back to their dorms.” Laura looked back at them as if requesting some confirmation.

“They’ve been most helpful?” Julian asked with growing suspicion. Praise was not something Laura gave out, and Julian knew it.

“Yes they have.” Laura said more sternly this time “Now can I get on with it or you going to cause a fuss?”

Julian immediately backed off, throwing his hands in the air. “Alright Laura, it’s all good. Go on in. Just keep things quiet.”

“Obviously” Laura said coolly as she entered the dorms. And just like that it had happened again, she had lied to her friends, just like she had predicted.

It didn’t take long from there to reach the students room. Laura knocked quietly but continually until he reached the door. Luke answered still without his top, his eyes bloodshot and voice hoarse.

“H-Hello? What the hells going on now?”

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
Alex watched the blade being held at David's throat, slowly placing his hands up in protest. "Whoa wait a second here....." Thankfully, Cataleia's intentions were more of a not-so-subtle warning, rather than actual hostile intent. "Uhhh.... look, I don't want to end up on the business end of those little knife things personally, but David does have a point. It could be any of his, and yes, that includes a dweeb like me." Tommy took off in a bolt of shadow, and it'd seemed that Laura and Cat were each heading the same direction. Alex decided to tag along, following the chick with knives and a short fuse and the Wolverine clone. This.... may have been a bad move.

Laura, Cat, and David were a good bit ahead of Alex, despite his efforts to keep up, before they were finally stopped by two other X Men. Alex didn't have a lot of info on the New X Men, but knew enough about there reported abilities. Unfortunately, he couldn't usually place their names with their faces, so he could only recognize the one called Rock Slide. Either way, Alex knew enough to let Laura do the talking. When the one he remembered being with Surge started to question Laura's story, Alex got a little uneasy. Though, through a tone of voice that seemed to say "question me and die", Laura was able to get the group by the "intrepid" guards.

With a short, unseen sprint, they found the desired dorm room of the supposed clairsentient. When a topless guy answered, eyes red from likely just being woke up by the rappings against his door, Alex's faith in the plan sank just that much more. Hope I'm wrong and this isn't a complete waste of time. Then again, still worth a shot, I guess. It took Alex a second to realize that this guy was "Captain America" from the hallway, as he answered with a exhausted voice. “H-Hello? What the hells going on now?” The opportunity was just too good for Alex to pass up. "Publishers Clearing House." After some brief laughter, Alex looks to Laura and her disapproving scowl. His head lowers, adjusting his hat as he quietly mutters "Sorry, had to."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

With a deep sigh, Danni hopped out of her bed, kicking the clothing that were still lying on the floor. She couldn't keep her eyes closed, again. Too many thoughts racing through her mind of today, or maybe it was yesterday, the girl hadn't kept track of the time. For all she knew midnight had already passed.

Whatever the case, she wasn't tired, and with nothing sensible to do in her room, all that was left was to sneak outside. Everyone should be asleep by now, right? With another deep sigh, Danni stood up and stumbled through her door, not bothering for a change of clothes. Besides, she just got comfortable in her pyjamas.

Her steps were slow, and with no set destination, Danni wandered through the second floor and somehow ended up in the room where the party had taken place. The door was still open, though everything was still the same, just a bit darker was all. The table, the crack in the floor, and many other inanimate objects were still scattered around the room, as wrecked as ever from that sudden fight.

“Try and remember that part of the night...not the end...”

Luke's words rang through Danni's head, forming a wide smile on the gal's face. “I did have fun, didn't I?” she really did enjoy Luke's company, maybe because he was the first to ever talk to her. Well, the first student, anyway. “Maybe we should do it again some time, but with a different ending. Heehee~” Danni grinned, stepping towards the middle of the room and closing her eyes for a minute.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

Castellano moved through the halls of the school like a spectre looking for vengeance. Pure darkness intent on seeking justice. His essence filled the halls as he moved along the length of the school. Stopping finally at the place where it all began. Where this crazy night went from heaven to hell. The shadow filled into the dance hall through the open door coming to a stop near the hole created by Rockslide who'd intended to turn Tommy into little more than a smear on the dance floor. Tommy crouched, his fingers brushing the damaged wood as his mind raced back to that moment. The chaos of it, the fear, the pure instinct. So focused was he that he barely noticed the presence of the young girl standing a few feet away in her pajamas. Barely, but he did notice her. Tommy rose his eyes locking onto her, the apprehension and fear on her face was evident. He raised his hands slowly, trying to show he wasn't a threat.

"Please... don't run..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

It was him, the guy who had taken out an entire group of X-men with just a single flash of his powers. How long had he been here, did he know Danni would be here? Had he already arrived before she did? The gal stood there, as motionless as a stone statue, her eyes filled with the same fear that had overwhelmed her at the party.

Danni wanted to move, but none of her limbs responded, she couldn't even let out a measly scream. How did nobody capture this guy, or even see him? Her eyelids closed as fast as they could, her mind wishing the frightening image from existence. Please leave. L-leave...! Move legs, move! With stumbling and shaking Danni's legs began to step backwards, there was no stopping, she had to get away before something bad would happen.


Oh no, dead end, a closed door. “Please... don't run...” Danni didn't believe him, and shook her head in denial. “G-get a-away from m-me!” The girl whispered, closing her eyes once more as her body slowly turned a transparent green and was swallowed by the door that had blocked her. Was she safe now?

Her body was shaking rapidly, her heart racing with an unnatural beat, her feet still shuffling backwards still. Another bump, this time a living blockade. “Eeeeek!” Danni sank down in a corner with her hands wrapped around her torso, what was up with this mansion? Why was someone hiding in here?! Her shriek woke the dozed off person, who in turn jumped up and made a run for the only exit in the closet. Just as disoriented as Danni was right now.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

"God dammit!"

Tommy cursed as he chased after her. He got only a few feet before the door to the closet she phased into was thrown open and teen male rushed out. Not just any teen. The swollen jaw and scraggly hair was more than enough for Tommy to recognize him. He skidded to a stop at the sight of Tommy standing but a few feet away. Pure terror gripping tight. His mouth opened in a silent gasp, his tongue frozen with fear refusing to give voice to his terror. The rage swelled in Castellano and his dark power reflected that. Off his shoulders came a billowing shadow that flowed down like a cloak of pure dark energy. Black tendrils rose up from the darkness and whipped about like the tail of a dozen hungry lions. His fists clenched tightly as his dark essence encased them in gauntlets of shadow.


Tommy growled. The teen made a break for it, sprinting away but the enraged shadow was instantly in hot pursuit.