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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come


Ignite the flames of War. Trample over your enemies and topple Gods in this action-heavy RP. It only takes one act of violence to spark a retaliation of monolithic proportions.

3,342 readers have visited Thy Kingdom Come since Azreal671 created it.


The sky was blue and serene, clouds hovering over promising fortune and prosperity for the Castor capital of Feign. The Trade Terrace of Feign ran rampant with it's usual business. Merchants were yelling out the prices of their wares, children were squabbling over the money they could afford to shed and the guards were carefree and enjoying their day. The image of peace was present.

But in the distance, smog can be seen rising from the neighboring city of Trenya, a small village where merchants often passed through... and a key strategic point in capturing Feign. Blue flames are trailing off from the village into the forest, cutting a bloody path through the trees and signifying the city of impending danger. Confusion takes hold of the once prominent peace. Panic ensues. All of the citizens begin running off in different directions, frayed and alarmed.

At the entrance of the city, now cleared of citizens except for the gunners trying to get an idea of what's going on. From the trees, a single man can be seen running wildly towards the city. The gunners prepare to fire at him when a man clad in the Royal Guard's armor appears, gaunt in blue and yellow plating.

"Wait," he says, halting the gunners, "Let him in." he commanded. The gunners nodded and opened the gates, allowing the man to enter.

"General Craven, we don't know if he's a spy or-" one of the gunners starts, but is quickly cut off by the commanding officer.

"Are you questioning my judgement, soldier?" Craven says coldly.

"N-no, sir... I just assumed that-"

"What? That I don't know what I'm doing? Let me tell you something, child... Do you know the one thing that divides us from those damned Locust? Our hearts. The compassion we have for our people. I'd rather burn than lose even one innocent soul because you fools have itchy trigger fingers." he said succinctly.

The gunner nodded, obviously wounded by the truth in Craven's words.

Craven proceeded to question the man from Trenya. He was out of breath and hysteric, sobbing and panting like a dog. Craven approached the man coolly and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, now," he commanded, "What's going on?"

The man eventually calmed down a bit and looked the general square in the eye, still shaken.

"The Locust have come to take Feign." he spoke.

Shocked, Craven begins to laugh mightily. "TAKE Feign? HAH! I'd like to see the bastards try. Not once in a thousand years have these walls been breached... I doubt today will be the day they prove us wrong."

The man continued, morale still broken, "Sir... this isn't just any attack... they've brought their entire army... Hordelings, chimeras, Dracolichs, Necromancers... they're bringing all they've got! ALL OF IT!"

"We've dealt with their undead scourge before, today will be no different. Feign will not fall to any lowly Locust Horde." Craven said, reassuringly.

"Sir... there's one more thing." the man said, now truly terrified.

"And what is that?"

"The legion is led by-" the man was caught off by a booming laugh in the distance.

Blue flames flew in all directions, practically lighting the atmosphere on fire. A monstrous dragon could be seen far, far in the distance.

"Valkarie Voloshanz." Craved said, disgusted. The man ran away in terror, seeking refuge in the castle. Craven beckoned a nearby soldier, "Alert the Royal Guard. I want everything we've got ready to go. Get Judas out here, as well as the rest of the Mage's Guild. I want the Admiral Fleet ready to fly and fire on my command. If they've brought their entire army PLUS Valkarie... this won't be a pretty battle." Craven looked at the young man and saw his questioning stare.

"Sir?" He said.

"EVERYTHING." Craven demanded. The soldier nodded quickly and ran off to alert the city.

The sounds of war bellowed in every direction.
The screams of the innocent could be heard.
Shots began to be fired by the gunners. The grunts have arrived... it's only a matter of time before the high rollers get here.

Craven joined the gunners at the top of the city wall and gazed out at their army. Their numbers were massive, seemingly endless.
Judas appeared next to Craven, startling him a bit.

"AH, damn it Judas, isn't it considered rude for a mage to teleport next to an unsuspecting bystander?" Craven yelled.

"Maybe, but I'm not the most polite mage around." Judas said, chuckling. His tone and expression quickly changed after seeing the Locust numbers. "It's war, then?" he said decisively.

Craven took one last glance over the battlefield and saw soldiers of the Royal Guard running into the fray, hacking at Hordelings; vanquishing them.

He nodded once and said solemnly,

"War it is."


Plot: The time is irrelevant. What does matter is, either you are participating in one of the most bold and expansive military invasions you have ever seen, or you are defending against it. There are two sides at the moment, the Twilight Country of Locust, and the Eternal Kingdom of Castor. Between standard infantry men, sorcerers, and nigh invincible demi gods, the path to victory is strewn with haze and death. But where will your journey take you? Where will you end up? Will aid a kingdom under fire and eventually lead the away to defeat the enemy? Or will you join with the darkness and blot out the light? Your conquest starts here, at the titanic walls of Castor's captial city of Feign... Will fall in ruin and burn? Or will it push back the enemy offensive?

Whatever happens, it's all on you.
Don't screw this up.


Basically, since you're on this site, I assume you're all serious about RP'ing.
So create a character, and we'll see if you can tame the flame or ignite it.

The Heavy Hitters!:

The following are NPC's that I will be taking command of and that will shape the story.
If I post as any one of these characters, please pay attention and oblige.

Grand General/Demi-God Valkarie Voloshanz of Locust.
Grand General Ramius Craven of Castor
Judas Renais of Castor
Captain Viktor Moor of Locust
King Horatio Valus III of Castor
Misc. Soldiers/Civilians of both sides.
Demi-God Xanth de Reverie of Castor
Demi-God Andame Stormwreath of Castor
Demi-God Isaac Nour [is neutral at this point].

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 10 Settings to roleplay in

The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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"Well, then, why don't we put your usefulness to the test, hm? It would appear as though our General might require assistance within the city. Once the wall is breached, perhaps you could infiltrate the city... locate the General and... shadow him," I said, laughing wryly at the pun, "And should things get out of hand, assist him. Unless of course, you think you're of some use to the Necromancers' task at hand?"

The setting changes from The Looming Forest to The Field


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[Scenario Change]

The bunkers had failed to keep the enemy at bay. The trenches had failed to keep the soldiers housed within safe. The tank traps and barbed wire were useless. The fodder and masqueraiders simply leaped over them, or ignored them altogether. The Iron Trebuchet's were out of ammunition. The machine gun nests were now shooting into a wave of black nothing, hopelessly trying to defend their rotting city.

But it was all for nought. Chimeras utterly decimated the lesser troops who tried to slash at them with their pitifully mortal weapons. Langoliers shot up through the ground and broke dug in defensive positions. Twenty-Five pounder artillery barrages were bombarding the Horde, but with every point of contact only seemed to increase the black armies numbers. Hundreds of thousands of black dots exited the Looming Forest and the beach head at Trenya was still overflowing with reinforcements, whilst the reinforcements from Argos were no where to be found were no where to be found. All across the battlefield, warp holes opened up and spit out the endless legion of the 501st and 83rd Undead Infantry Legions. At the roof of the world, the clear blue skies were quickly turned gray and full as in the distance, a great danger parallel to the AmostGrad flew ever closer.

The remains of the ancient high dragon flapped it's boney, fossil encrusted wings ever more. Skorm the Terror of the skies lives on! The Dracolich was approaching at a steady pace and would make contact within mere minutes. If only to add to the horror, smaller, undead wyverns and lesser dracoliches followed Skormed approach.

The Outer Defense had fallen. Now the only thing holding back the amalgamations of the Horde was the magical barrier that formed over the city itself.

General Craven had no choice to order a full retreat behind the safety of the wall.

START THE INCANTATION Captain Moor telepathically screamed, which echoed the thoughts of field commander Shade exactly.

The Necromancers of the Horde all gathered in deep, concentrated thought. Standing in a large semi circle, the incomplete half facing Feign. The necromancers began chanting in some unknown language that they all seemed to have a profound connection to. From the outer ends of the incomplete circle, the necromancers began signing with their hands. What one did on one end, was mirrored by the one parallel to him. Starting from the ends, and working toward the necromancer at the center, the chant was getting louder. More violent as a summing sigil was scorched into charred earth below them. From this circle of magic, a condensed ball of pure energy began to take shape between all the necromancers. This procedure was taking place at three different places in the Looming Forest.

With only seconds to spare, General Craven had retreated back to the forward command post where Judas was stationed, if he had stayed on the wall any longer then he would have been obliterated by the next action by the Horde.

Meteor-like spheres of dark matter energy were hurtling in the air directly toward the walls.

They created large impact craters in the barrier that reverberated through it.

With only three shots did the entire barrier shatter. With the shattering cacophony of sound broken glass, the hail of these large sphere now directed themselves at the Outer Wall itself.

Crashing, pounding, concrete and debris flying in every which way. Dismembered corpses being hurled through the streets, blood spattered walls and an endless stream of undead and demonic forces climbing their way in through the broken wall.

The setting changes from The Field to Castle Feign


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High upon the ramparts of Castle Feign, Tam was preparing for the coming battle, covering the castle in runes he could later use. Their first and perhaps reatest use was that he could use them to track anything and anyone within the house, which would be invaluable if he had to evacuate the king. He also prepared traps throughout the castle corridors, and set up ancient holy wards that should hold off some of the weaker demons at least. Tam covered the entirety of the castle in haste, using both his armor and his blade to both strengthen and expediate his work. When he had finished setting up the basic necessities he went to the throne room to find the king.

"King Horatio!" Tam exlaimed loudly, and cheerily, a broad grin on his face as he threw the doors open, still in his silk pajamas and fuzzy bathrobe. "The name is Tam, better known as the Wandering Knight, at your service in this time of need. General Craven has sent me to be your personal bodyguard. Not to alarm you, but in case you hadn't noticed, Valkarie has breached the inner wall, and in all likelihood, he'll be attacking this castle. Hopefully he's not here for you, I'm sure there are plenty of magical artifacts, ancient secrets, or treasures hidden within these walls he could be after. But just in case, I'm here to make sure you don't die." Tam grinned broadly, hands on his hips, and nodded.

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Walled Capital

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The sound of the attack could be heard from where Mia stood; it resounded in her head as though every window in the city had shattered. Everything was far too confusing. A strange man, from whom she felt immense power emnating, was approaching, Judas still hadn't explained why he'd called them over, and Mengsk's eyes kept darting over to her. To have the city's defenses fall at a time like this was too much. "Judas!" she shouted, as the sound of the barrier shattering had left her ears ringing. "There's no time to play, 'Where do I know you from?' Whatever was you had to say you'd damn well better spit it out now or we'll be on our way."

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Apple and the Eagle

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Damnit, did it again.


The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to The Walled Capital

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The defenses were breached, the barriers were shattered.

The Wall was taken.

Marlan stood on the second level of the forge, looking out over the open bay window. Below him, Markus was sealing the smithy, closing the massive metal doors that opened onto the street. Inside, on the lower level, the two smiths had collected thirteen guards as they ran past, fleeing the destruction of the wall and the incoming Horde.

They didn’t talk. They didn’t even breathe loudly. Everyone was silent, waiting, listening. Listening for their impending doom to march into the city and begin to burn everything. Marlan retreated from the bay window and sealed it with a sliding door similar to the one downstairs. Marlan joined Markus and the guards, and waited for the inevitable.

And there it was.
The droning moan of a thousand of Hordelings.

The guards all perked up, along with the two smiths. The droning grew louder, and became screams and roars of anger, hate, and rage. Marlan, thinking, stood and paced around the smithy. One of the guards, a rather young-looking fellow, stood and moved over to Marlan.

β€œWe have to get out of here before the Horde arrives, or we’re doomed to the darkest depths of the underworld! We’ll never survive once those…things reach us!”

Marlan turned and faced the man.

β€œAnd neither will the King, or the General, or anyone else who makes a stand against them. We need to create a diversion, draw them off, give the army more time to retreat…”

Marlan turned and looked up to the bay window, where the door was still shut.

β€œMarkus, get up to the window and tell me what’s outside.”

The smith’s son simply nodded and moved up to the second tier, ready to crack the sliding metal door.

β€œTurn off the lamps. We can’t let them know we’re here.”

As soon as the lights were extinguished, Markus cracked the window shutter and peered out apprehensively. He stared for a few moments, then retreated and closed the shutter.

β€œJust the little four-legged things, as well as a few larger ones. And I saw one with a big hammer.”

Minnows, Minions, and a Recoiless.


Marlan turned back to the guards, and took stock of their armaments. Of the thirteen, six were swordsmen, but only four still had their shields. Two pikemen and five archers made up the remaining seven men.

And that left them in quite a crunch.

β€œAlright, you four…”

Marlan gestured to the swordsmen who still had shields.

β€œβ€¦You’ll be in the front, taking the brunt of the damage. The two in the middle will give their swords to these two…”

He now gestured to the swordsmen without shields.

β€œβ€¦Who will stand on the sides of those four, just behind the two men on the outside. You will be responsible for keeping the pikemen alive. You…”

Marlan pointed to the two pikemen.

β€œβ€¦You will stand in-between the men with two swords, pikes pointed front. You will be responsible for keeping those little four-legged bastards at bay. Markus, you and I will take down that recoilless, then all of us will make a break for the alleyways, heading away from the castle.”

β€œAnd then after?”

Marlan turned towards the young guard again, sighing.

β€œI don’t know. We’ll keep them away as long as we can.”

Silence enveloped the smithy, as each man realized the simple truth of Marlan’s words.

β€œAlright. In formation, let’s go.”

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[Still as Judas]

Valhalla.. I stood there tensed up. I had given up years of my life constructing that Barrier Wall. And it was taken away in mere moments! Move Judas. MOVE. You need to get going. You see these soldiers around you. They're all looking at you. You are the ranking officer here and you need to do something.

But they didn't see what I saw. What they saw what the only defense this city had left. They saw thousands little shards falling and dissipating into nonexistence. They saw death coming at them with the vigor and ferocity of a cornered dog. One sided. Selfish men.

What I saw was a child. My baby was calling out to me to help her. I spent years studying, practicing the magic of the Warp of the Twisting Nether to set up the wall and now she was dying. After so many years of debilitating illness and ignoring my loved ones for the love of my country, they RUN from this travesty? If I wasn't the Archmage... Oh the horrors I would inflict their souls...

Hold it together Judas. These thoughts must never be known. You are a man of the Cloth, and you must abide by that.

But for how long?

My... A familiar aura hung in the air. The atmosphere was dreadful and I looked all over the area, from different soldier to soldier as until I found the source.

"You..." My voice faltered, but suddenly as if rejuvenated, I pushed myself between this familiar Mengsk, and Mia. What I originally needed them was to give me a status report of the battlefield, but obviously we needed this information as much I needed to release myself.

Holding my arms out at both sides I cursed the demon, "Valkarie. You traitor! Why are you here!? Why have you come!?"

After I asked this question I turned my head slightly at Mengsk and Mia, "GO! You guys going to help me or stand there and gawk at Voloshanz!?"

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Looming Forest

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Shyra grinned, she did not necessarily need Shade's permission but she did not feel like merely slaughtering footmen to no end. She wryly smiled at the necromancer in a way that seemed to say she found his pun lacking in unimaginable ways. "Don't you feel the big boy can look after himself?" she asked cocking her head to one side, her voice as if threatening to tell of the man's non-existent insubordination. "I'll tell him you think he needs a baby sitter." Her smile returned, evil as always. The maiden stroked the necromancer's chin with one taloned finger in mockery before she turned and swept away. She looked back over her shoulder, her unnatural eyes glinting with amusement "If you need my help, just scream." She laughed her cruel laugh at the insult and slipped into a shadow, dissipating from existence.

The setting changes from The Looming Forest to The Walled Capital

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As the archmage pushed himself in front of Mengsk the man drew Ventateris from its containment. The edge of the katana glinted in the fading sunlight. The chaos had broken into the city and the sounds of horror echoed the streets. Yet Mengsk stood resolute as the creature. As Judas spoke the blademaster looked at the approaching figure anew, the demigod was beyond any of them. He grasped Judas by the shoulder and spoke into his ear like a trusted friend "We cannot stay," he stated, "and you must flee yourself. Do not deny Feign your powers through a death which will achieve nothing." With that he turned, grasping Mia's arm, for he knew the wielder of Icebane would undoubtedly wish to fight. He dragged her with him as he set off through the streets, back the way the pair had come.

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Inside the broken city, on the bottom floor of a forge where trapped men prepared to fight, there was a corner and in that corner light did not penetrate. The shadow shifted, condensing and whirling. Coalescing into a form; a lithe, curved woman. Her face invisible, her eyes piercing. Light was flushed from the room, any openings in the walls were shut and the lights were extinguished. That is what drew her there. Through the wooden flooring Shyra's sensitive ears picked up the voices form above. Ahh, she would sigh, prey was waiting. In her hand she summoned the Darkglaive. The black leather hilt rested comfortably in her hand. On either side of it blades curved, as long as her forearm. One swept inwards the other outwards. glowing blue runes etched across the dark metal, glowing all the brighter as the weapon drank in the plentiful darkness. She slipped up the stairs, silently. She nearly floated into the room where the men gathered. Two were clad in great suits of armor, polished to a great sheen. The other men appeared to be mere soldiers, escapees from the on coming hoard.

Shyra cloaked herself in the plentiful shadow and crept along the side of the room. Invisible to the mortal eyes. In a unseen dart she clasped a man from behind by the throat with her free hand. Unnatural claws stabbing into his neck and dragging across, ripping flesh. The dissected blood vessels pumped the man's life force out of his body. A gurgle sprang forth and the corpse dropped to the floor, pooling in red. He was followed closely by his bow with a clatter. A chilling laugh sprang from her lips as she ducked back into shadow and disappeared down the stairs.

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Deren marched his vessel forward. He had taken control of a Recoiless, a large brute with an even larger hammer. Behind him were a small group Minions and Minnows.

Up ahead, the streets were deserted. There were several houses and a building with a forge sign hanging from it. From there was the sound of something heavy being dropped. Deren turned the Recoiless towards the forge.

'Something or someone is in there,' He thought, 'Looks like my work is cut out for me.'

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And from the struggle of mortal man,
A final push with all he can,

Each man spun around, weapons ready, to where the sound had come from. The staircase was dark; as the Great Void itself did, the steps seemed to swallow up light.

β€œGods, what was that?”

β€œIt’s demons, I tell you! Demons! They’ve damned this city, and everyone in it!”

β€œHoris! Horis! Damnit, hold on!”

Marlan cursed loudly, turning to where one of his shieldmen slumped against the ground, dead. His throat had been brutally ripped open, spilling his blood all over the floor. Below the man, a pool of bright red began to form, filling the room with a sickly, sweet odor. Another shieldman had dropped to a knee, holding the slain man up, trying to get him to live just a little longer.

β€œHe’s dead. Leave him be.”

The shieldman looked up, frightened, and stepped back. Grabbing the fallen man’s shield, Marlan handed it to one of the two unshielded men, and the formation shifted as the group reset to accommodate for one less man.

β€œAlright, you…”

He pointed to the man with two swords.

β€œCover our backside. We don’t need any more surprises. Archers, get up top. From the bay window, you can jump across to the rooftops. You will cover us from there. Aim for the Minnows. They pose the greatest danger to us. If you finish them off, help us with the Recoilless. Now go.”

The men practically sprinted up the stairs, each man looking over their shoulders at the quickly-spreading pool of blood on the floor, and the man the blood belonged to.

Marlan huffed, frustrated. They couldn’t wait any longer. If they did, they would be torn apart, without even getting to fight. And that was not the way a man, these men, were meant to die.

The time was now.

With his augmented strength, the old man threw open the massive metal doors and gathered air into his lungs.


Time seemed to slow as the nine assembled men rushed into the monsters just outside the Josun Smithy, as if charging into the very maw of some great beast. Markus heard nothing but his own bestial roar, his lungs pushing out all the air they could. Marlan did the same, as did the guards. All of them, roaring in unison, crashed into the Minnows and Minions.

He shouts the Heavens to his hand,
Where a final victor shall make a stand.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Apple and the Eagle

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The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to The Walled Capital

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Iskierka was helping in the infirmery with her wounds she had been ordered not to fight but this was too much. "ORDERS BE DANMED I AM NOT GOING TO SIT IN HERE WHILE MY CITY DIES." She ran up to a deacon and had him heal her and Tishendra's wounds with his holy magic. "Orders be danmed I will not sit here." She took flight on Tishendra loaded with several guns. What she saw horrified her, the outer wall was already lost and the fiends were in the city. She cursed out loud. She saw a group of about 10 men fighting for their lives as minnows and minions smashed into them. There was a recoiless leading the charge. Tishendra glared and came down in a steep dive. He lighted up and sunk his jaw around it's head before ripping the beast in half. Iskierka jumped off the dragon and cleaved a minnow in half with her Naginata and took up a position with the men. She recognized one of them as Marlan Josun, In fact she had ordered several of her weapons from his workshop. "Marlan it is a pleasure to see you alive. I hope we didn't just steal your party.

Iskierka slashed apart another minnion and drew a pistol and shot one as it tried to jump over her. Tishendra as well was holding his own and a swath of death was eroding from his claws.

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Deren watched as 10 men charged out of the forge and began assaulting them. He then watched in amazement as a girl and dragon came down and ripped his vessel in half.

'Now is a time for action!' He thought to himself. 'Time to show these fools that this is no ordainary monster.'

Calling upon the dark magics, he put his vessel back together again. Derens vessel began to glow with power and he raised his empty hand, palm first. From it burst an orb of darkness and it flew with the speed of lightning. It smashed into one of the pikemen and threw him into the walls of a house. At the same time, the magical energy began to eat the skin off the man until nothing was left but the armor and bones.

Letting out a roar, Deren charged, swinging his hammer.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Apple and the Eagle

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-.- Moved.

The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to The Walled Capital

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Marlan noticed the newcomers, but didn’t welcome them. He didn’t have time. The smith had to concentrate on keeping him, his son, and the guards safe. The Recoilless recovered from being completely torn in half, something Marlan’s brain did not have time nor energy to comprehend, and began to glow with demonic, dark runes.

It raised it’s gruesome hand, palm first, and from the hand burst forth a great orb of dark energy, slamming into one of the pikemen and smashing him into a nearby wall. Before his eyes, the man was disintegrated, turned to naught but bone and metal. The heap slumped off the wall and hit the ground with a shrieking of metal-on-rock contact.

A Recoilless? Using magic?


Unphased, the creature brought it’s hammer to bear, and began to swing.

β€œMarkus, move!”

The young man moved just in time to dodge the hammer, but the guards were not so lucky. The beast’s hammer caught one of the shieldmen square in the shield, splintering both it, and the man’s arm. He was pushed to the side, into the mass of Minnows and Minions, screaming. A stray Minnow took the opportunity and jumped the man from the side, tearing into his flesh. The screams became blood-curdling, and then suddenly, they ceased.

The rest of the guards got back in formation, but any fool could see they were frightened to the core, scared out of their heads, and immensely demoralized. Dodging Minnows and Minions, Marlan backed up to the men, and motioned to one of the stray alleyways around the street the battle was taking place on.

β€œRun! Get out of here! We can handle them!”

The remaining guards splintered and dodged, obeying Marlan, running from the oncoming Hordes.

β€œBuy some time for them, Markus!”

Marlan and Markus, hefting their greatswords and raising them high, charged the great beast, each aiming for an arm.

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Deren nearly laughed as he saw the other men run like little rabbits. Turning, he saw that two remained, the ones in the strangely clad armor. He could see the magic and runes in the armor, which protected them from some of his magic.

They then had the audacity to charge him, one, presumably, for each arm, hoping to disable him. Infusing his arms with energy, he brought his hands together with all his might. The moment his hands touched, a shock wave, so powerful that it rippled the stone tiles, blasted both men off their feet and back into the forge.

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Mia let Mengsk drag her away from Voloshanz. Though in truth she was scared for her life, she feigned disappointment and forced Mengsk to physically pull her away until they turned a corner and she shook him off and broke into a full sprint alongside him. As the two raced back along the path they'd taken, they noticed a small tide of armed men fleeing. Mia instinctively turned and ran in the direction from which they fled. After their meeting with Voloshanz himself, she almost hoped Mengsk would follow.

She arrived just in time to see two heavily armed men blasted backwards into a building. Her eyes darted over to the source. "Recoiless... damn!" she thought. As Mia drew her blade, her eyes fell upon a familiar face. "That's the dragon girl who came from Trenya! If she's here then that means..." As if on cue, her dragon rose into the sky. It soared upwards for a moment, then plunged down toward the recoiless like a winged comet. The recoiless turned to meet the oncoming charge from the great beast. Mia sheathed her blade and fired her rifle at the recoiless's back. She knew good and well it wouldn't cause much damage to the shadowy monstrosity, but it caused enough distraction for the dragon to unleash its power upon it with virtually no resistance. The girl's dragon having weakened the recoiless greatly, Mia called to the girl. "Let's take this bastard! Go for the left side, I'll take right!" Mia released a concentrated blast of ice energy at the creature's right arm and charged at full speed, Icebane radiating with a bluish-white arua.

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I grinned slightly at Judas.

"I'd love to chat, Judas, but I'm a bit pressed for time and I need to speak to the Kingadent. Do excuse me..." I said, phasing into the shadows. I appeared right in front of the woman from earlier, not too far from the swordsman that was with her. No doubt Judas was already on the way to try to intercept me. I lifted my blade of supreme darkness and pointed it towards the young girl's throat.

"And where do you think you're going? This battle is not yours. That goes for you too, swordsman." I said, shifting my gaze between the two. "Obey my orders or the woman dies, swordsman. DO YOU HEAR ME, JUDAS?!? I said, shouting now, "Do as I say or more blood will be shed."

I could just have easily killed her then, just to prove a point. But that wouldn't serve me well. I can't afford to be stumbling around the city trying to find the castle. Skorm is already being taken into flight and I can't risk having a Dracolich carrying me around, not with Xanth and the Amostgrad lurking in the skies. My only option was to have the trio escort me... It's in their best interests, anyways I thought quietly to myself, looking around at my army pouring into the city.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Looming Forest

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[[as Shade]]

"Hmph," I scoffed aloud, taking note of the woman's leave. Such impudence. But she is powerful... I just hope that she doesn't spend too much time playing and she takes care of her duty.

I began to surge dark energies out to summon Skorm to me. No doubt he would be attracted to it. Before long, he arrived and allowed me to mount him. As soon as I stood safely upon him, he flapped his wings and began his approach to the city itself. He destroyed every single machine, civilian and soldier he flew across. His power was immense. He began to tear air vessels out of the sky along the way, creating a truly destructive path of awe striking power.

"SOLDIERS OF THE LOCUST ARMY!" I yelled out, "THIS IS A DAY TO BE REMEMBERED! WE HAVE TRIUMPHED!" I yelled and the soldiers still making their way to the city yelled out in raucous approval.

Now then... let us begin the culling.

The setting changes from The Looming Forest to The Walled Capital

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Deren's vessel was struck from behind and that distracted him long enough for the dragons power to strike him. The Recoiless was weakened and Deren knew that.

'Time for a show of force.' He thought.

Minions and Minnows swarmed around and over him. Their power was added to his and the Recoiless began to change. Its arms grew stronger and its legs grew larger. Deren also added his own magic to help. The transformation complete, the Recoiless stood two feet taller and five times stronger.

Looking behind him, Deren noticed Valkarie Volonshaz, with his sword against his assailant. Deren decided it was best to leave the Grand General alone for now and guided the Recoiless towards the forge, where he had blasted the two in armor.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to The Apple and the Eagle

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lol sorry guys

The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to The Walled Capital

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Tishendra dove for another pass at the recoiless and racked it with his claws. It was bigger though, stronger. It took the force of his claws and held his ground. It was glowing with power. "Iskierka my heart, this one is controlled. Allow me to fight it with these men, keep the little things off me." Iskeirka took a stance as if beckoning the little monsters to come at her. "With pleasure." Tishendra was still dripping blood from his claws of the creature but it still kept going towards the forge. He dropped down and readied for another pass. "You two, get out of the building and I'll bring the whole thing down on it's head.

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Forcing down the panic in my throat, I slammed my palms onto the ground and began in prayer, "Amonkira, Lord of Hunters. Grant that my hands be steady, my aim true, and my feet swift." A golden summoning circle formed around me, shimmering in the light, "And should the worse come to pass... Grant me forgiveness."

With one heave and one final breath, I threw my arms up into the air and six transparent glass disks shot through the circle and through me. Standing back up, I held my arms out at my sides, light energy shooting out from my hands while the disks floated perpendicular to the ground. They were very thin sheets of White Garium - The metal that the Tower Of Eden was constructed of - That when two separate disks align parallel to each other in the reflection of the sun, they super combine to unleash an amplified blast of hot death. Two by two they lined up and made three of the previously mentioned weapons. By the force of my will I pointed them all at Valkarie.

Or the girl dies? I thought. I may be the Archmage, BUT first and foremost I am a soldier of Castor. ONE life does not equal to every civilian of the city. Mia was a good soldier, and she knew the risks.

"Let her go Valkarie!" I yelled, "Someone of the your dark stature cannot stand in the light of the inferno of the sun!"

I primed the disks to fire, slightly holding them under the gaze of the our bright orange star.

Valkarie... Your sins will not go unpunished any longer.

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The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Character Portrait: Tam
Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Character Portrait: Gallus
Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin


Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.


Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.

Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

View All » Places

The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor


Ragnos Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)


Acreholm Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

Castle Feign

Inner City Castle Feign Owner: RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

Inner City

The Walled Capital Inner City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Mid City

The Walled Capital Mid City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

The Field

The Field Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Ageless City of Argos

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

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