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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come


Ignite the flames of War. Trample over your enemies and topple Gods in this action-heavy RP. It only takes one act of violence to spark a retaliation of monolithic proportions.

3,345 readers have visited Thy Kingdom Come since Azreal671 created it.


The sky was blue and serene, clouds hovering over promising fortune and prosperity for the Castor capital of Feign. The Trade Terrace of Feign ran rampant with it's usual business. Merchants were yelling out the prices of their wares, children were squabbling over the money they could afford to shed and the guards were carefree and enjoying their day. The image of peace was present.

But in the distance, smog can be seen rising from the neighboring city of Trenya, a small village where merchants often passed through... and a key strategic point in capturing Feign. Blue flames are trailing off from the village into the forest, cutting a bloody path through the trees and signifying the city of impending danger. Confusion takes hold of the once prominent peace. Panic ensues. All of the citizens begin running off in different directions, frayed and alarmed.

At the entrance of the city, now cleared of citizens except for the gunners trying to get an idea of what's going on. From the trees, a single man can be seen running wildly towards the city. The gunners prepare to fire at him when a man clad in the Royal Guard's armor appears, gaunt in blue and yellow plating.

"Wait," he says, halting the gunners, "Let him in." he commanded. The gunners nodded and opened the gates, allowing the man to enter.

"General Craven, we don't know if he's a spy or-" one of the gunners starts, but is quickly cut off by the commanding officer.

"Are you questioning my judgement, soldier?" Craven says coldly.

"N-no, sir... I just assumed that-"

"What? That I don't know what I'm doing? Let me tell you something, child... Do you know the one thing that divides us from those damned Locust? Our hearts. The compassion we have for our people. I'd rather burn than lose even one innocent soul because you fools have itchy trigger fingers." he said succinctly.

The gunner nodded, obviously wounded by the truth in Craven's words.

Craven proceeded to question the man from Trenya. He was out of breath and hysteric, sobbing and panting like a dog. Craven approached the man coolly and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, now," he commanded, "What's going on?"

The man eventually calmed down a bit and looked the general square in the eye, still shaken.

"The Locust have come to take Feign." he spoke.

Shocked, Craven begins to laugh mightily. "TAKE Feign? HAH! I'd like to see the bastards try. Not once in a thousand years have these walls been breached... I doubt today will be the day they prove us wrong."

The man continued, morale still broken, "Sir... this isn't just any attack... they've brought their entire army... Hordelings, chimeras, Dracolichs, Necromancers... they're bringing all they've got! ALL OF IT!"

"We've dealt with their undead scourge before, today will be no different. Feign will not fall to any lowly Locust Horde." Craven said, reassuringly.

"Sir... there's one more thing." the man said, now truly terrified.

"And what is that?"

"The legion is led by-" the man was caught off by a booming laugh in the distance.

Blue flames flew in all directions, practically lighting the atmosphere on fire. A monstrous dragon could be seen far, far in the distance.

"Valkarie Voloshanz." Craved said, disgusted. The man ran away in terror, seeking refuge in the castle. Craven beckoned a nearby soldier, "Alert the Royal Guard. I want everything we've got ready to go. Get Judas out here, as well as the rest of the Mage's Guild. I want the Admiral Fleet ready to fly and fire on my command. If they've brought their entire army PLUS Valkarie... this won't be a pretty battle." Craven looked at the young man and saw his questioning stare.

"Sir?" He said.

"EVERYTHING." Craven demanded. The soldier nodded quickly and ran off to alert the city.

The sounds of war bellowed in every direction.
The screams of the innocent could be heard.
Shots began to be fired by the gunners. The grunts have arrived... it's only a matter of time before the high rollers get here.

Craven joined the gunners at the top of the city wall and gazed out at their army. Their numbers were massive, seemingly endless.
Judas appeared next to Craven, startling him a bit.

"AH, damn it Judas, isn't it considered rude for a mage to teleport next to an unsuspecting bystander?" Craven yelled.

"Maybe, but I'm not the most polite mage around." Judas said, chuckling. His tone and expression quickly changed after seeing the Locust numbers. "It's war, then?" he said decisively.

Craven took one last glance over the battlefield and saw soldiers of the Royal Guard running into the fray, hacking at Hordelings; vanquishing them.

He nodded once and said solemnly,

"War it is."


Plot: The time is irrelevant. What does matter is, either you are participating in one of the most bold and expansive military invasions you have ever seen, or you are defending against it. There are two sides at the moment, the Twilight Country of Locust, and the Eternal Kingdom of Castor. Between standard infantry men, sorcerers, and nigh invincible demi gods, the path to victory is strewn with haze and death. But where will your journey take you? Where will you end up? Will aid a kingdom under fire and eventually lead the away to defeat the enemy? Or will you join with the darkness and blot out the light? Your conquest starts here, at the titanic walls of Castor's captial city of Feign... Will fall in ruin and burn? Or will it push back the enemy offensive?

Whatever happens, it's all on you.
Don't screw this up.


Basically, since you're on this site, I assume you're all serious about RP'ing.
So create a character, and we'll see if you can tame the flame or ignite it.

The Heavy Hitters!:

The following are NPC's that I will be taking command of and that will shape the story.
If I post as any one of these characters, please pay attention and oblige.

Grand General/Demi-God Valkarie Voloshanz of Locust.
Grand General Ramius Craven of Castor
Judas Renais of Castor
Captain Viktor Moor of Locust
King Horatio Valus III of Castor
Misc. Soldiers/Civilians of both sides.
Demi-God Xanth de Reverie of Castor
Demi-God Andame Stormwreath of Castor
Demi-God Isaac Nour [is neutral at this point].

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 10 Settings to roleplay in

The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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- Hey Queen Icy, I do believe you posted in the wrong place.

- Xanth's first post is up in the Walled Capital.
>KICKS Valkarie's mirror images ass.

- The last of the civilians, the surviving Overwatch, the Dread Angels, and King Horatio are evacuating Castle Feign.

- Added a picture to Xanth's character profile.

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- ALL Castor aligned characters: You have drop-pod Darknut reinforcements.
> Use them as you will.

The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to The Walled Capital

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Deren had watched as the two in the strange armor came out of the forge. One of them was carrying the other on his shoulder. Savage delight filled him as he saw the man turn and run towards the Mid-City. The monsters around him roared and charged after him, led by Deren himself.

Deren could smell the fear and pain, the anger and death. Dark Magic swirled around the Recoiless as he ran through the alleyways after the men, towards the Mid-City.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to Mid City


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I took note to the Amostgrad floating steadily above me. It would be unwise to continue flight when they can open fire at any time. The castle is within walking distance... I can trek the rest of the journey on foot. No doubt, the elite guard is evacuating the King as I speak... I can't afford to let the Eye slip out of my hands. I simply can't. I phased back into human form and plummeted through the skies. My landing point was surrounded by guards.

Finally. Some bloodshed.

I spun as I landed, swinging Original Sin accordingly. All three guards were dispatched the moment I landed and blood spattered across the city walls. I spit on their corpses as I began to break into a sprint towards the castle.

"Horatio... I wonder if you remember my face..." I said bitterly as I ran through the city.

The setting changes from Mid City to Castle Feign


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Tam stared at the Eye of the Storm, held in his hands. It had been centuries since he had last seen his former master, Aleksander, weild the Eye, but the ancient magics were deeply engrained into who Tam was, and weilding the Eye was as natural as breathing. All across the city the air suddenly stilled, before a strong wind pulled inwards, towards the castle, and, suddenly, exploded out of the roof of Castle Feign in the form of a massive tornado. Riding up through the wind storm's layers was none other than Tam, clinging to his Umbrella with one hand, and the Eye held in the other. Far above the Castle Feign in a magnificent display of nature's might, Tam, the Wandering Knight, prepared to do battle with the horrofic Valkarie Voloshonz. His lifetimes of running were over, and it was time for him to face the wretched beast.

Using the wind to magically protect his voice all over the city, Tam bellowed, "VALKARIE! You want the Eye? COME AND GET IT!" With that, the tornado dissipated in a massive shock wave, incredibly powerful winds, imbued with ancient holy magics, and guided by the power of an immortal mage swept through the entire city of Feign, eradicating weaker Hordelings, and launching the more powerful out of the city into the wasteland that lay around it. The broken Outer Wall of the city grew back, forming together with rubble and the earth itself, and rising higher than it had been before. Tam's eyes were glowing as the power surged through him, and his disheveled bed robe and umbrella were torn away, replaced by the illusory armor and hidden blade that he truly carried. Tam held the Eye of the Storm as one would hold a sheild, and massive sheild did form around it, made of metal drawn and formed straight from the earth, harder, stronger, more pure than any item crafted by mortal hands, the sheild was a force of nature unto itself, and would defend against most anything, even Valkaries demon fire.

Standing there on the wall, looking again like the knight he had once been, channeling all the power of nature to save the people of Castle Feign, and hold of the darkness for long enough that they could escape, Tam knew in his heart he had made the right decision. Even if he were to die here today, it was worth it. This is what Aleksander would have wanted, for Tam to defend the innocent, to never say die, to fight to his last breath for all that is right in the world. Not to run like the coward he had been for so long. Turning his head back to face the sky, Tam screamed again, "VALKARIE!" A pillar of blue flame, one hundred feet tall shot from his mouth as he bellowed his challeng, letting all the world know exactly where he was.

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Walled Capital

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I charged once more at the mirror image until an unnatural gust of powerful winds caught me off guard and sent me to the ground. Catching myself on my hands, I looked toward the mid city to where a pillar or blue fire erupted upwards. The only person I knew who could produce such a magical flame was Valkarie, and he wasn't even a person anymore. But to combine the flame with a storm like this in the middle of the summer... No. Impossible. I stood back up and attempted to hold myself in the winds, but failed to do so as the debris on the ground began to move on their own, following the wind. I spun around and looked back at the Horde who encircled the Mid Wall as they fell just as I did and flew back out into the field.

Then something happened that made my world spin. The Outer Wall was rebuilding itself!

THIS was definitely not just magic at work. This was power beyond anyone of this time could possibly wield. Aleksander had once done something like this... He had forced back an entire invasion force with an item... An object of extreme magical importance. What was it's..


How could I forget that the King had possession of it? If Valkarie gets his hands on it... No! It won't! Not while I breathe!

I slammed my fists onto the ground and forced myself to get up in the storm. I got onto my communicator and ordered, "This is Admiral Xanth, your captain speaking! Fix ALL eighty eighty guns on Valkarie Voloshanz now and OPEN FIRE upon him. Saturate the area with the killer rounds boys!"

The, killer rounds, as I called them were actually Blixt Hallow Shells. Named after the inventor, who was a deacon, came up with the idea to fill artillery shells with pure light energy. The shells were the equivalent of concussive rounds in smaller arms. They will take the shields down on normal targets, but will wound the most dark.

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As Xanth tore the Valkarie clone to pieces and mysterious storm winds echoed through the city, everything became calm for Mia, even in the midst of this chaos. She had pressed herself up against a house to brace herself from the wind. As she heard the booming voice summoning Valkarie to battle, she watched as the Hordlings Shyra had created were destroyed and Shyra herself was blown from the city. The Outer Wall had somehow rematerialized, stronger, prouder, and taller than before and the city was free of all Locust soldiers. So much was going on that Mia had no time to ponder how or why; whatever was going on at Castle Feign was beyond her limited comprehension of magic anyway. The pillar of flames shot into the air, the reason the winds had saved the city rather than destroy it, it was all too much. "I just wanted a damn fight," she thought. She looked around for Mengsk and heard Xanth yelling something into her communicator. In all this chaos, Mia felt nothing but calm, and maybe slight annoyance at being unable to fight with Shyra's creatures before the unwordly winds blew them away. Unable to move forward against the winds, Mia would wait until they subsided.

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And as the darkness closes in,
And Death himself begins to grin,

Markus Josun

Just run.

Just run, Markus.

And run he did. As fast as his legs would carry him, Markus sprinted towards the Mid-City, relieved when he could finally see the massive wall in the distance. It wasn’t crawling with Hordelings, Markus discovered. The realization came with a heavy sigh of relief, and renewed vigor.

Then they haven’t breached it, yet. Thank the Light.

But the young smith still had four-dozen small problems nipping at his boots, eager to have a taste of man-steak. And a two-ton, magic-infused, man-driven Recoilless was at the head of the pack, just as eager to smash both men into oblivion.

It was times like these that Markus wished he had an ice-cold mug of root beer.

Then, something happened. A massive gust of wind blew inward, toward the Mid-City, followed by a column of wind bursting up from beyond the wall, perhaps somewhere in the Inner City or beyond. As the tornado dissipated, the shockwave reversed, slamming into Markus and his father, and eradicating the Hordelings right then and there.

Markus, sent sprawling, slammed back-first into a nearby building, the combined weight of him and his suit obliterating the concrete and blowing right through it. He landed face-first on the hard wooden floor, groaning. His nose had been broken, and a long gash now decorated is face.

I need a damned helmet.

Markus stood slowly, shaking off the dust from his armor. The winds still blew, but less forcefully now than the shockwave. He was able, through the same weight that had blown him clean into this building, to walk against the tempest into the streets, looking for his father.

A man-in-big-armor-sized hole could be seen in the wall of the next building over, and Markus slowly made his way over. Entering, he could see his father had landed in a heap of flourbags, and now sported a skin shade much lighter than usual. Chuckling to himself, Markus slumped and sat against the wall, near the hole, waiting for the winds to subside.

The winds of Fate deem too soon,
For souls to rise to the moon.

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Mengsk stood back for a moment as Xanth descended upon the copy of Valkarie. Indeed his assistance was not required as the clone was decimated and he pivoted beside Mia, ready to help her defend against Shyra's attacks. He was not at all surprised to encounter Shadowfiends with no sign of the dark woman. Shyra had often been able to summon beings of darkness and they served pleasantly as distractions. Mengsk surveyed the corners and nuances of darkness around them, ever ready for an attack from behind. The Shadowmaiden often favoured emerging from the shadow behind her distracted victims and dispatching them the deadly Shadowglaive.

His searching was futile, for the moment Xanth crashed upon her assistance Shyra wrapped herself in shadow and fled. She appeared for a moment in the shadow a decent distance down the street. She could only control her destination if she could see it and so in short jumps she traversed her way further into the city. That was, before a torrent of wind locked her against a wall, unable to move.

Mengsk was also caught off guard by the sudden squall. His particular position meant he was not as sheltered from the storm then Mia was. He was pushed across, into Mia. Lucky he got his foot out quickly, widening his stance and allowing himself to control his rebelling balance once again. He turned to Mia, apologising. He could not move for fear of being swept off his own feet. Instead he sheathed his katana, confident that Shyra was caught in the same position they were. He studied Mia's face, she was clearly disappointed, as was he, although that he did not show.

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The Recoiless was so close to the man in armor when the blast of air hit. It obliterated the Minions and Minnows, and threw the Recoiless through several houses. It finally came to rest in the forge, next to an anvil.

Deren guessed that he was one of few (if any) of the remaining army left in the city. Getting the Recoiless to its feet, Deren began to create portals, from which poured out hundreds of the horde. They swarmed around him, staying in the forge for the moment, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to Inner City


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I was no longer running through the city, but levitating. The city of Feign had always been surging with magical energies, aiding the use of any and all types of magic: making it the best place for a practitioner to bolster his powers. A fight with Xanth would be interesting... but I'd rather not risk it until I get to the castle.

Suddenly, two things happened. The Amostgrad opened fire down on me: light shells, the kind that wouldn't harm civilians. But as for a denizen of the dark such as my self... I began to move more quickly, dashing along the streets and avoiding incoming bullets. But if that weren't enough, something truly amazing happened. The earth began to quake and magic energy of epic proportions began to pour from the castle, obliterating my troops entirely and rebuilding the outer wall. The magic targeted me too, but it's user must not know much about the trinket to attempt to destroy me with it. I sneered greatly. This is good. So long as Xanth does not prove to be an annoyance until I get to the castle, the Eye would be mine.

Voices all around the city yelled my name in anger: in hate. But so many more of them screamed in terror and held silent contempt for me and my army. Some of them weren't even aware of who I am.

But they soon will
, I thought to myself, dashing past the bullets of the Amostgrad and passing unfazed through the magics of the Eye.

The setting changes from Inner City to Castle Feign


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I had arrived finally.
Standing before the castle doors, I felt a rushing feeling of nostalgia. A thousand years ago, I entered through these very doors to request the King's permission to lead the Court to the Tower of Eden to confront Aleksander that fateful day... But today, I enter for a completely different reason.

With a roar, I yelled and destroyed the doors, blowing it to smithereens. The man whom the King trusted to wield the Eye of the Storm against my army stood there, powerful magics billowing out of him like smoke. I took a few steps through the doorway and grinned sinisterly before saying, "Surprised to see me? You no doubt thought the Eye would destroy me alongside my army."

This man... he knows so little of this trinket. He plays with a power he does not understand: or rather, a power his King neglected to explain to him.


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Tam laughed at the beasts arrogance and foolish assumptions. "What do you take me for? A fool?" He taunted. "I've had centuries to wizen up since last we met Valkarie. You probably don't even remember me, though we've walked this Earth together, on opposite sides of the coin, for so long. Are you happy yet Valkarie? After all the horror you've brought, all the evil you've done, do you sleep well at night? Do you enjoy winding down from a long day with good friends? Or are you just all alone, with nothing but your hatred to keep you warm?" Tam laughed again, sneering, "You may strike me down today, you may even gain the Eye of the Storm. But the people of the Great City Feign will live on. And when and if I face the grave, I will know that I lived well, that I was a good man, and that there are those in this world who shall mourn my passage. Can you say the same Valkarie? Naye, I think when you finally die, this world shall rejoice in your passage."

Tam raised his sword and pointed it straight out towards Valkaries chest. "Come on then Valkarie, shed blood, prove your might, destroy again. Its all you're capable of, and surely that's what will make you happy in the end, isn't it? When all the world is as miserable as you are, you wicked wretch, will you finally be at peace? Or perhaps I can help you find peace now, at the end of my blade."

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Apple and the Eagle

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His blind idealism angered me.

"Opposite sides of the coin? Peace? Horror? What do you know of any of these things, you blasted fool? You know NOTHING. Your ideals are as false as the master you once served. What do you even know of Aleksander? You saw him as a benevolent figure. You idolized him: WORSHIPPED HIM. You don't know who he really was. You didn't know him the way I did. All that I am, all that I have BECOME is thanks to Aleksander. I learned everything I know from him. How to wield a blade, how to use magic: Aleksander was like a father to me. He taught me many things. He taught me the power of hate and how to utilize that. I am merely Aleksander's shadow: and that is something all of you FOOLS are blind to. The only people who TRULY know Aleksander are the same Demi-Gods he cursed. But whereas Xanth and Andame prosper, Isaac and myself SUFFER. Do you know what your King ordained right after the Reckoning? He ordered my exile and Isaac's inprisonment in the Isaiah Plains. Why? Because we, unlike your precious paragons of righteousness and power, bore the remnants of Aleksander himself. I, who created and wielded the Eye of the Storm in times of need, and Isaac, who kept within him the power of the Lyre itself. Unfortunately for Isaac, the Lyre could not be removed from him, so exile was not an option for the King: instead, he condemned him to eternal imprisonment. I, however, did not share the same fate. After the Reckoning, I attempted to plead to the King to use the Eye to reconstruct the Tower of Eden so that the Court could reconvene and try to rebuild what Aleksander had destroyed. He, however... he would not have it. You see, because of the Reckoning, I suffered this disfigurement of mine. I had become, in essence, the living dead. Your precious King... could not bear to have such a corrupted looking figure in his sanctuary. He believed that because Aleksander betrayed him, so too would I: and Isaac for that matter. Because I would not wag my tail and bark like the obedient dog he wanted me to be, he took everything from me. Tell me, did your King ever bring you up to par with that information? I imagine he wouldn't. For years now, he's deceived his very people, keeping the truth as his dirty little secret. When I was stripped of the Eye and made out to be a traitor, I wandered the earth for many years, searching for new allies. I have walked this earth for over a thousand years in anguish, knowing that the people I once loved and defended had betrayed me. The King I once served loyally had condemned both me and my brother in blood, Isaac. I am merely a product of his actions.

If that weren't enough, the man I, in passing, referred to as my father left me with this curse. He left Isaac and I with two of his most powerful tools. Why? I'm not entirely certain.

But understand this, wizard. Your King and your former master have brought this upon themselves. If it were not me, someone else would have risen against the Castor nations. The victims of the Reckoning have long gone suffering and dying because the Castors would not help them: because they feared the dark energy of the Reckoning had corrupted them eternally. We have been left to die, and so many of us have. I have come back to claim what is rightfully mine, and my hopes were to finally let the truth be known to the ignorant people of Feign. But instead, I have only been able to enlighten you. Don't doubt my words for a second, wizard. If I wanted to deceive you, I would've come up with something more believable.

So I ask you... am I truly as much of a villain as your King has portrayed me to be?"

And it was the truth.

The King never told his people of what happened to the other two DemiGods scarred in the Reckoning: never fully enlightened them as to what happened to us. He merely told them I had fallen and threatened to rock the very foundations of their home. He never told them how he lied to his people, making me out to be a traitor and exiling me. He never told them that I, myself, created the Eye of the Storm for Aleksander's use simply because the King told me to. He never told them that he banished Isaac because the power the Lyre provided him was so immense that he couldn't trust anyone or anything around him.

The truth... is that the King is long overdue to face the demons of our past.

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Whoops, Fearless, you and I both need to move our posts from the apple and the eagle to castle feign.

The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to Castle Feign


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"The only man I have ever called my king is Aleksander, and you are right about one thing. You are a mere shadow of him. Just because I live within the nation of Castor do not make the mistake to think me one of them. Were it they attacking you, not the other way around, I would have helped your people flee. You speak as if these people are the true demons, and you merely an avenging angel. Yet you are not, and they are not. No matter what sins the King of this nation has commited, no matter what evil acts he has done, it is you who are here today, threatening an entire peoples lives and livelihood. Do not be so vain as to think yourself in the right. You suffered, you walked alone for thousands of years? So what? I have to. Yet it is you who this world fears and runs from, and it is I standing here to defend. Whether or not you think yourself righteous, your actions are those of a villain, not a hero. The ends could never justify the means you use." Tam spoke calmly, in a reasonable and even tone.

"If all you want is to tell your story, for it to be heard, then you have done. Leave now, let these people be, and I swear to you I will tell them your story. I will investigate the wrong doings of the King, I will make sure there is a fair and reasonable trial, and if you speak true, and the people deem the King's actions unacceptable, then I myself will topple his throne. But not through violence, not through warfare, and bloodshed. You do not hurt the King with your attack Valkarie, you only hurt the innocent folk who make their lives here. Even if you yourself do not kill them, you and your army destroy their very homes and livelihoods. How many poor, simple, innocent mortals died here today, so that you could make a point? How many people died so you could reclaim your goddamn Eye of the Storm?

"You speak to me of ancient evils, as if you were the righteous come to unbury them. I tell you, you are not but an insolent child, destroying thousands of lives to get your way. You blaim others for your evil, for your fall to damnation. And perhaps they did cause it. But they can not be blamed for all the wrongs you have committed since then. Only you can bear that burden. And until you can accept it, you can never make up for it. So I offer you a choice Valkarie. Leave now, and I will do as I have promised, I will tell your tale, and help you to right old wrongs, the right way. Through peace, and reason, not the madness of war. You blame others for turning you into a monster, yet you turn others just the same. We are all a product of the experiences we have endured, and you only serve to create more hate in the hearts of man when you spread war, the same hate that was seeded in you all those years ago. But you can break the cycle. So choose right Valkarie, let me be your ally, let me be your friend, and leave this nation in peace. Perhaps then you can one day return in the same peace.

"But if you choose wrong, if you choose to continue down this dark path, of sorrow and despair, then I have no choice but to do all I can to stop you. Perhaps I will kill you, perhaps I will die. But I must make a stand, I must do all I can to end the bloodshed, because that is the right choice. I have made mine, I shall not budge. All that is left, Valkarie, is for you to make yours. So tell me now, what are you? Man, or monster?"


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Another idealist.

"My cause is not righteous or proper. It is selfish. I have come for the simple satisfaction of seeking revenge: and I am resolute. Perhaps a few centuries ago, your words would have reached me. Perhaps if just one minute detail of this wretched nation's history were different, I wouldn't be bringing hell to this doorstep. But neither of these hopeful idealizations are reality. The cold, stark reality is that I have been banished, exiled and condemned... and I seek nothing more then to rid the world of my persecutors... or die trying.

So... man or monster?" I said, my tone shifting, "... Monster." I said simply.

"But I will not kill you, wizard. You are needed here. And I am pressed for time. Killing you would take up too much of the precious time I have so little of. I will, however, be taking the Eye. Something must have been lost in translation over the years... because so few people realize the Eye of the Storm is a magical relic of consciousness. It chooses it's wielder. Whether you realize it or not, the Eye chose you: not the other way around. But, of course... the Eye is a curious item in the fact that it's always had a particular liking to me."

I extended my arm, as if I were reaching for something. For a very brief moment, the Eye flickered and moved ever so slightly.

The Eye... is mine.


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"You've chosen Valkarie, and so have I, and I will never give you the Eye." Tam said, standing strong in the face of the beast, the Eye clenched tightly within his fist, and both entombed in metal and earth, hardened to the point of nigh indestructibility. To get to the Eye at all, Valkarie would have to destroy the shield, and while he could no doubt accomplish the virtually impossible task with time, Tam would not let him gain the chance easily. "You say time is short for you? Well good. Because I'm going to hold you off for as long as I can, or until one or both of us is dead."

With that, Tam leapt upwards into the air, and, channeling the power of the Eye through the sheild and his sword, he unleashed twin blades of wind, massive in size, and imbued with all the holy and ancient magic Tam could muster. Even one such as Valkarie would undoubtedly be wounded if he were hit by such a blow.

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Apple and the Eagle

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The setting changes from The Apple and the Eagle to Castle Feign


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This fight is futile. The Eye will return to me soon. The Eye, as I mentioned, is a magical relic of consciousness. It's a bit of a petty item... it tends to choose it's owner based on their power. All I truly have to do is exhibit power superior to the wizard's, and the Eye will plow through time and space to return to me.

However, for the time being, the wizard is using it's magic: and seeing as how I created the weapon, I know the extent of it's powers. Granted, it is not collossal in his untrained hands, but I'd rather not sustain unnescessary injuries. I dodged, rolling to the right. I brandished Original Sin and began bursting dark energies, charging the power.

"I tire of playing with you," I said to myself, preparing one of the ultimate spells of the School of Shadow: Ragnarok.

The spell was used several times throughout history, in many different forms: thus, it's use varies. It once appeared in the books of Norse mythology, manifested as a weapon to bring about the end of the world and injure Thor. It appeared in the Catholic religion as the spear that wounded Jesus' side. And now, it would appear once more as a devastating spell of darkness and decay. Quite simply... the wizard's defense from this spell will require ALL of his strength and the aid of the Eye: and he's no fool, he WILL use the Eye to defend himself. But it will not be enough. His power is not enough to use the Eye to such an extent. The damage will be lessened, yes: but injury is inevitable.

I spun out of my corner and held Original Sin with both hands, pointing it toward the wizard. The energy was released in an instant: dark fires and bursts and novas erupted from the blade, completely pumping out dark energies in the most threatening way.

"Defend yourself, wizard!" I bellowed.

But it would be futile.

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Walled Capital

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Mengsk looked at Mia, eyes darkened. "I tire of this" he growled, an unusual tone coming from the man. "This irregular pace," He continued "shall keep us from the necromancers before nightfall, and such is a time of darkness against which we cannot prevail." He looked into the woman's eyes, his steadfast soul and strength shown in their fiery depths mirroring hers. A grin cracked his face "I go to fight Valkarie," He said, relishing the chance of battle "You are released from any compulsion I have placed on you. I only request that you join me in glory." His face shifted, revealing the man inside. A tired man, fraught with troubles and nightmares and willing to die for a Country he has never loved. With this change Mengsk turned and ran, towards the castle, welcoming the chance to die more then a wanderer.

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Mia herself hadn't even planned on confronting, much less fighting Valkarie again. She was taken aback by the passion behind Mengsk's words and burning in his eyes. She paused a moment and watched him leave, then chased after him, quickly catching up. She had been invited after all.

As they arrived at the castle they saw Valkarie and another man locked in fierce combat. Valkarie easily glided away from the man's attacks, then released a terrible blast of dark energy. They watched as the beam of shadows that burst forth from his sword approached his opponent, filling the air with the taint of darkness and death, it's power seeming to warp the very fabric of existence as it flowed forward.

"This is going to be one hell of a battle."

The setting changes from The Walled Capital to Castle Feign


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Tam raised his shield, and surrounded himself in a swirling vortex of water, lifting off the Earth and landing high atop one of the castle ramparts as he absorbed and reflected the damage of the attack. As he landed, he allowed the water vortex to dissipate, and it rained down on the city, as if caught in a brief storm. As the rain fell, he turned each drop into a thin, sharp icicle, and drove them forward at massive speed to impale Valkarie. Smoke was rising from the shield, but Tam himself was still unharmed. Valkarie thought him simple, and weak. Yet, while Tam may not be Demi-God, he was thousands of years old, an incredible warrior, and unfathomably wise. His power level on his own simple could not stand up to Valkarie, but even with his untrained usage of the Eye, he would drag this fight out. Valkarie has spoken of time, that it was short for him. So Tam would make this fight take as long as he could.

As the hail of icicles rained down on Valkarie, Tam let go of his sword, it once more dissappearing into the either, and in his hand, he started to create holy fire. More and more fire he unleashed, yet more and more restrained he held it, filling it with holy magics as he did so. It was like a miniature sun, in the palm of his hand, powerful enough to burn through the earth itself. Continuing to layer the ball of fire with more and more energy and holy magic, it was beginning to give off minute solar flares, like a sun preparing for a supernova. Tam was only waiting for his chance, watching Valkarie to see how he handled the ice, looking for an opening.


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I quickly strafed through the pillars, dodging any and all icicles that fell from above. The holy fire was trivial to avoid, it flew out slowly enough to provide luxury. The magic was indeed powerful, but the wizard was not used to the caliber of power. He has trouble moving around while casting such spells, slowing his reflexes and defenses.

Now was my opportunity to end this.

I concentrated dark matter into my tattered wings to form bolstered wings of shadow. I flapped my wings and moved at blinding speeds now, running with the force of the wings pushing me forward. The wizard could not keep up. I took the opportunity and took to flight to meet the wizard in his safe little spot up in the air. I charged forward at neck break speed and swung Original Sin with might, directed to the wizard's arm: the one holding the Eye.

The sword made contact and completely severed the Arm. Magic energies were still flying out of the Eye, all attempting to harm me. I pulled the Eye out of the enclosed palm very quickly and tamed the magic, almost hushing it, lulling it to sleep. As the wizard's arm hit the ground, I too landed, dodging the remainder of the icicles. Once they had disappeared, I smiled triumphantly, holding the bloodied Eye in my palms.

"The Eye... is MINE!" I bellowed.

(Gabriel has consented.)

The setting changes from Castle Feign to The Apple and the Eagle

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- New Character!
> "Gallus" by Gallus671

- Tam the Wandering Knight has been defeated by Grand General Valkarie.
> Valkarie's prize: The Eye of the Storm and our doom.

- Chapter one will be concluded with a scenario change as soon as I get response from Fearless.

- It is suggested that all Castor Characters find Judas immediately.

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The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Character Portrait: Tam
Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Character Portrait: Gallus
Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin


Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.


Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tam

An ageless magician who has been laying low in Feign, will he defend his new home, or run away again?

Character Portrait: Sylvia Louise Griffin
Sylvia Louise Griffin

A stubborn, upper-class noblewoman with an affinity for holy magic. Her great wealth has given her significant influence in the city of Feign.

Character Portrait: Xanth de Reverie
Xanth de Reverie

Demigod. Admiral of the Lampshard Battle Fleet and Captain of the ten mile long Dreadnought, The AmostGrad

Character Portrait: Markus Josun
Markus Josun

Son of the skilled smith Marlan, Markus has taken after his father as a smith of Castor.

Character Portrait: Grand General Ramius Craven
Grand General Ramius Craven

Commander of the Castor Military and all it's associated branches.

Character Portrait: Marlan Josun
Marlan Josun

One of many smiths within the Smith Quarter of Castor, Marlan and his son Markus have volunteered to help the war effort.

Character Portrait: Judas Renais
Judas Renais

Archmage and current Curator of Magic for Castor

Character Portrait: Gallus

A powerful sorceror who hails from the Locust Kingdom. Master of the elements and arcanes. He aids Valkarie in his conquest for power.

Character Portrait: Mia Salamone
Mia Salamone

Unusually violent and attracted to warfare, Mia is the first into battle and the last to leave. She wields her trusted, enchanted blade Icebane and an assault rifle.

Character Portrait: Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz
Grand General Valkarie Voloshanz

Valkarie Voloshanz is the Grand General of the Locust army. Driven by hatred and vindication, nothing shall stop him from exacting vengeance and razing all who stand in his way.

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The Apple and the Eagle

The Apple and the Eagle by Azreal671

International News!


Acreholm by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)


Ragnos by RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

The Field

The Field by RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest by RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

Mid City

Mid City by RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

Inner City

Inner City by RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Castle Feign

Castle Feign by RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

The Ageless City of Argos

The Ageless City of Argos by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the political hub of Castor


Ragnos Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Dead Capital of Locust. (Pic within)


Acreholm Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the tree top city. (Pic within)

The Walled Capital

The Walled Capital Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Capital city of Feign.

Castle Feign

Inner City Castle Feign Owner: RolePlayGateway

One final bastion in the center of the city.

Inner City

The Walled Capital Inner City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Fall back! Retreat! The Inner Wall must be defended!

Mid City

The Walled Capital Mid City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Take Cover! On the walls! All civilians to the castle! The Horde are closing in!

The Looming Forest

The Looming Forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

Main Encampment For the Invading Horde Army

The Field

The Field Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Battlefield for the Defense/Breaching of the Outer Wall.

The Ageless City of Argos

Welcome to the political hub of Castor

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