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Time Travel in the Old West

Time Travel in the Old West


Two modern day civilians time travel to the time of the old west. At first everything seems as if everything went according to plan. Soon they find out they're trapped in the old west with no way of getting home.

3,391 readers have visited Time Travel in the Old West since eiraktten created it.


Game Master: eirakitten
Applicants | Posting: Accepting Applications. No Posts.


Two modern day civilians volunteered for a chance to test the new time travel invention American scientists have been working on for at least a decade. Even though they were told the down sides about volunteering to test the machine, they decided they still wanted to go along with it. In the end, the time machine did work but it broke just seconds after sending them into the 1800's, also known as the old west.

With the two of them standing out in the middle of the small town in their modern clothing and their "alien-like" devices, they needed to quickly find themselves some different clothes in order for them to fit in with the rest of the town. Not only would they have to look like everyone else, they would also have to figure out how everything worked around Porter, Arizona. Technology was different or nonexistent, a lot of the laws were different, along with many other things in the old west. If anyone were to ever find out they were time travelers, the entire future they came from could falter and take on a parallel timeline.

The entire future lies in their hands and they have no idea how they would ever be able to make it back home.

Reservations: In order to reserve your character, please post in the forums.
Character Sheets: You will have 24 hours to send in a work in progress and 48 hours to send in a completed sheet. A total of three days should be enough time to finish your sheet. If more time is needed, please let me know. Also, feel free to use whichever sheet you would like to, as long as the asked for information is on it.
Detail: Please add as much detail as you can to your biography and personality. Dig deep into your characters, make them jump out of the screen at me. Give them flaws, give them shape, after all they're human.
Face Claims: Face claim changes are welcome to be made. Just keep in mind the genre of the roleplay, age, and that I'm allowed to deny the face change.
Posts: When posting your replies, please be sure to add in detail. If you can't write at least a paragraph consisting of eight or more well thought out sentences then this surely is not the roleplay for you.
Abandoning: If you are going to abandon the roleplay before it starts or when it starts, please do not make a reservation. I want writers who are willing to do what they can to make this a great story.
Any ideas to spice up the story? Please post them in the forums. You are more than welcome to add in some twists and turns. After all, that's what makes for a great story!

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[i]This character sheet was created by eirakitten.[/i][/center]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Charlemagne Woodson Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Middle of a field outside town
Addie couldn't believe she was actually going through with this. Not only would she be risking the fact of getting hurt or potentially stuck in the past, she would be going on this journey with a man she had only known for almost a week. She wasn't sure which part of this idea was worse, but either way it doesn't matter. It was still a very stupid idea regardless.

Addie took a deep breath and stepped into the machine and made room for Theo to step inside beside her before the scientist closed the door to the time machine and pressed a few buttons. Seconds later, everything went dark for a couple seconds. Next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of an empty field with Theo. The female stood there in silence for a moment and took a look around before noticing a small town in the distance. " you know when they sent us?" she questioned, hoping that he by chance was either told or he was able to see the date on the screen before they traveled.

The brunette started walking through the field, towards the town. It wasn't until she started settling in a bit more that she realized just how hot it was. The sun was definitely giving off some heat. She felt like she was in an oven. Addie sighed for a brief moment as she wiped the small droplets of sweat from her forehead. Very attractive, Addie, she thought to herself before stopping in her tracks. She turned her head towards the male to see if he was following. "Oh um, there is a town over there. That's where I'm headed," she added, just to make sure he knew why she was beginning to randomly walk away from him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
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If there were one thing Roy truly hated about his life in Porter, it was the God-awful heat. It was a dry, scorching sort of heat, one that seemed to leak into every room of the house. It could have been worse, certainly. He reckoned he was likely more used to this than he would be to the cold of his parents' home back East.

He was out at lunch with Elizabeth now in one of the town's only venues for eating out. It also functioned as a bar, a casino, and a hotel. But for now, it was the nicest place he could find for them to eat. She deserved it. Hell, she deserved a lot more than it, but he had to make do with this. He'd spent too many late nights at the office and not enough at home with her. In all honesty, Porter hadn't been this calm in ages. But he worried that if he eased up now, it would all go to shit.

Roy tugged at his collar, as if that would help make the temperature more bearable. He'd already dropped his hat at the door, and his suit jacket had been draped over the chair as soon as they'd entered. In a few minutes, he'd rolled his sleeves up, and now he attempted fruitlessly to loosen his collar. But he wouldn't do that in public. God, he already looked like a mess before her - sweating a storm in the presence of so many of the town's most dignified. The silence was quickly growing unbearable, and so he cleared his throat gently.

"How - er - how are ya, darlin'?" he inquired, reaching one hand toward her as his other grabbed at the glass of champagne he'd poured from the bottle he had splurged on. Roy downed the glass and then, hoping she'd taken his hand in return, kissed her knuckles lightly. It wasn't much of a gesture compared to his other over-the-top displays of affection, but he hoped it would ease the inevitable tension that started when he began to spend too much time at his office.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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At last the time had come, he was going away on an adventure. Theo could hardly believe his eyes as he looked upon a machine that had been thoroughly tested and was proven to actually cause its inhabitants to time travel. It was like a dream come true. He felt his palms go sweaty and the small jitter of nerves as he and his partner, a moody woman by the named of Addie. They had been training for about a week together and preparing for their journey separately before that. They had been forced to complete athletics training and documentation as well as sample gathering.

While it seemed a little strange that they would not send scientists to Theo, he was more than happy for the opportunity he had been given. His pulse pounded as he stepped into the small room of the machine. His shoulder brushed against his female companion and he mumbled a soft apology as the door was shut on them. He glanced through the small window of the door and felt a small smile move over his mouth. Then suddenly with a few pushes of a button their world vanished. Theo felt his stomach lurch and he stumbled a little to the side as the machine carried them through space in time. His ears were ringing and he felt his eyes water a little as the force of their travel surged through him, then suddenly it was quiet and they had come to a halt.

Sunlight filtered through his eyes and he brushed away at his lashes to remove the last of the tears that had formed there. He blinked once, twice and then gazed around at what seemed to be a rather ordinary field. His companion was looking around as well and she had seemed to have spotted a small town in the distance.

" you know when they sent us?"

"Well" Theo began as he looked over the small buildings in the distance taking into account the architecture of the wooden buildings. His heart did a funny little twist in his chest and he grinned. "I'd say we've traveled to about the 1800's." He looked at her a silly little smile on his face and said "I don't suppose you brought a cowboy hat?" He looked back towards the town and found himself admiring the small little buildings and their arrangement. The small town was settled against some hills and the surrounding area seemed to be farmland as well as ranch land. He was lost in thought when suddenly Addie's voice broke through. She told him she was heading to the town and he nodded enthusiastically.

"excellent idea" He said as he jogged to catch up with her. They had walked a few paces when suddenly he stopped and reached out for her arm to stop her to, a realization had come over his face. "Perhaps we had better find ourselves some clothes or come up with some sort of story as to our attire" He suggested looking at her. He was wearing loose fitting jeans and a t-shirt that sported an image of the night sky. He felt some sweat trickle down his back and winced a little at the heat. "Some cooler clothes would be fantastic I think" He realized then he was still holding onto her arm and let go then to let his arm rest at his side.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Middle of a field outside town
The brunette female chuckled a bit at the male's comment about the cowboy hat and just shook her head. Though as she continued walking, she felt a hand wrap around her arm, which caused her to stop abruptly. The female turned her attention towards him just to here him speak up again, "Perhaps we had better find ourselves some clothes or come up with some sort of story as to our attire." The female kept silent just long enough for him to add, "Some cooler clothes would be fantastic I think." Addie glanced down at her arm to find that he was still holding onto it, just as he released her. She cleared her throat a bit and spoke up, "Yes, I believe that would be a good idea. Though I don't think they'd have any clothes that would help cool us down. This is the 1800's we're talking about," she responded before wiping her hand across her forehead once more.

"Maybe we could sneak around to one of the buildings where they sell clothing and put something on in there without getting caught?" she thought aloud. With a soft sigh she added, "Though I'm not sure how well that would work. Unless, well, you have a better idea?" There was no denying that she was growing even more nervous with each second that passed by. Addie just wasn't too sure how well she would be able to make herself fit in around here, she was starting to second think the idea of coming on this adventure. Though there was no turning back now since she had already arrived. Addie just hoped things would turn out fine for them in the end. Maybe, just maybe, they would be able to stay a couple days and return just as the scientists planned without anyone finding out who they were. The last thing she needed to deal with was the townspeople freaking out on them, thinking they were going to try and kill them all or something.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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When Addie said that it would be unlikely for them to find cooler clothes Theo sighed a little but nodded knowing that was all too true. She looked just as warm as he was and they had barely been there more than ten minutes. He realized his sunburn was likely going to be hellish. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. She then suggested that they sneak into a store and steal some things to help themselves fit in more and he nodded.
"I suppose that is our best shot." He agreed and looked towards the town. "Might as well ditch the things that would stand out too much just in case we get caught."

He slipped off his watch and deciding it was just a waste of time to deal with it he dropped it on the ground and shoved some dirt onto it with his foot. Deciding there wasn't much else he could do about his appearance he began to walk towards the small town with Addie along side him. They took a long way around and ended up in the hills behind some of the buildings. They were sheltered by trees and and small bushes and Theo gratefully felt some escape from the sun.

He let his eyes move over the buildings and wondered where exactly the both of them could find clothes. Already this idea was seeming rather impossible. He glanced down at his clothes again and considered the possibility of perhaps dirtying up his clothes as best as he could and seeking the help of the townsfolk. His brow furrowed in concentration and he sat up to a more comfortable position and looked around. Thoughts were racing through his mind as he mulled over possibilities and ruses, when suddenly as luck would have it he saw the answer to their problems.

There behind the hills he could see a small a large cart that was attached to two immense horses. It was one of those carts one might expect a family to use as they moved to a new homestead. He could see the surrounding area was empty save for the horses. In the back of the large cart he could see trunks and other such belongings, he was certain they would be able to find some clothes there.

He gave Addie a slight nudge and pointed to the cart. "That's the ticket." he told her. "The area looks clear" He whispered to her. "But we'd better scout it out before we grab anything... You ready?" He glanced at the brunette as his side and rubbed his hands together eagerly. It was very apparent Theo was having the time of his life right now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Outskirts of Porter
"Sounds like a good idea," she responded as she dropped her watch and other jewelry that would stick out to the ground following Theo's lead. She then began to walk alongside him towards the town once more. The whole time the two of them were walking, she tried to think of ways for them to get clothing without getting caught. The silence between the two of them was starting to become unbearable, but thankfully that silence was filled once they arrived to the outskirts of the town.

The shade the two of them happened to be standing in cooled Addie down a good bit, but there was no denying how hot she would be when she changed into the 1800's attire. The outfits she saw in pictures while growing up looked to be nowhere near the cool side, so many layers and the fabrics they used held in heat. This was definitely going to be an interesting next couple days, especially since there was no modern technology.

Addie turned her attention over towards the area Theo pointed towards and nodded her head in approval of the idea. "Might be our best shot," she stated as she began to peak around the corners of buildings and looked back over towards Theo. "All clear," she stated before she quickly hurried over to the cart, being sure not to startle the horses. The brunette began to rummage through the trunks, hoping to find something that she could wear.

Finally she came upon a blue dress, sure the fabric was heavy, but there was nothing she could do about it. Addie stripped down to her undershirt and panties before pulling the garment over her body. Surprisingly it was a perfect fit. "Did you find anything?" she questioned towards Theo as she tossed her modern day clothing into the woods surrounding the area.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
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Today was a hot day within the town of Porter, Arizona. It showed as many man walked by, wiping their heads with their forearm even some women did the same. She had a lunch planned with Roy today and it was certainly about time. He had spent too much time at the office and not enough time with her. So, they both needed this day and it just had to be really hot outside and even inside some places.

Elizabeth was sitting at the table with Roy, fanning herself delicately and cutesy while looking over everyone that was present around them. She could definitely tell that Roy was hot by the way he was suddenly wearing his suit with the sleeves rolled up and such. She sighed with the shake of her head and wondered when was this god awful heat was going to go away.

Her eyes looked into Roy's now as he had touched her hand and poured some champagne into her glass. Elizabeth honestly wanted to pull her hsnShe smiled softly then looked at the gesture he had just giving her by kissing her on the knuckles. "Got to do better than that." Elizabeth winked as she picked up her glass and took a small sip from it. "Surprise you're not at the office." She said while lowering her head a little, the while hat with a black bow covering up her face slightly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Location:Outskirts of Porter



Theo followed after Addie as they hastily crept towards the cart. His eyes darted around for anyone that could possible see them but it truly did seem like the coast was clear. Addie was searching through one dusty looking trunk and so Theo set his sights on the one next to it. It was a weathered looking trunk, with a leather latch. He flipped it open and saw immediately what he was looking for. Reaching in he pulled out a faded white button up shirt and a scratchy wool vest. Next came some pants and belt, he spotted some boots behind the trunks and swiped those as well.

He moved to the other side of the cart to give the both of them some privacy as he changed. The pants were rather itch and the boots a size too large but he figured he could make it work. When he was ready he peeked around the cart and saw Addie in a pretty blue dress. He lifted a hand to his forehead and inclined the upper part of his body in a bit of a bow.
"Ma'am" He said politely. "I feel as if we should pass as proper now." Theo told her as he too tossed his clothes away and looked around.

His hands moved to his waist and he took a few steps towards the town eager to explore this era. "Shall we press on Addie?" The had no problem taking lead on this venture, he truly felt well equipped to handle the situation and felt as though Addie most certainly felt out of place. He took a step in his new boots and slid a little in the soles, but managed to keep a steady gait as he accustomed to his new footwear.

They walked out of the shaded area of the woods and back into the blistering heat towards the town. The backs of the buildings seemed almost hazy with the heat and Theo let out a breath. "We likely won't last long in this heat without water" He reasoned. He looked over at his companion to ensure she was alright and said "Where to Addie?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Outskirts of Porter
Addie joined Theo at the opposite side of the cart to find that he was handsomely dressed. It wasn't until then that she really noticed how handsome Theo was. Now, she had noticed his undeniable attractive features, but seeing him dressed in a rugged old west attire, it just made his features more pronounced than ever before. She gave him a once over and a smile appeared upon her face when she heard him call her Ma'am. "I feel as if we should pass as proper now." Addie nodded her head in response, "I agree," she stated as she watched the male toss his old clothing into the wooded area along with her own.

"Shall we press on Addie?" she heard escape from the lips of the male and she followed along behind him without a word. She was actually a bit happy he was leading them on this adventure. If she were to be in the lead of this situation, she wasn't sure how long she would be able to handle it without breaking down. Of course she knew she would be able to hold up the facade', but she wasn't exactly sure how long. As they walked out of the coolness the shade from the surrounding trees gave off, the small brunette immediately began to feel as if she had to do a lot more work in order to breathe.

"Somewhere with something to drink and food sounds amazing right now. You do still have the bit of money the scientists gave us for the couple days so we can eat and have a place to stay, right?" she questioned, hoping that he didn't happen to accidentally leave it back at the laboratory. Then they would definitely have to figure out how to get away without paying for anything for the next couple of days. That should be fun, she thought to herself in a sarcastic tone.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Lenora raced to the nearest town on horse back, dashing by some travelers on foot that had evidently lost their own steed and luck. But their misfortunes were their own for not being sharp enough. They were merely shadows in passing to her.

ImageThe west was a merciless place as was the relentless scorch of it. She wasted no time tying her horse, and taking shelter in the tavern, pinching a lady's hand fan as she passed. β€œDo you mind?” Lenora took a seat at the front of the bar for a drink, fanning herself while she waited for eye contact and tending to. She blew out her lips relieved in the cool it gave her and that she could take a simple seat. This didn't mean rest was assured. Somewhere out there was her brother.

Her finger tips tapped impatiently on the table, looking around the tavern in hopes for Charles to show up. When he was out of sight, he was up to no good. When he was up to no good he was at risk of getting caught by the sheriff or one of his deputes. Or simply shot. She sighed out growing restless as minutes ticked by. Why hadn't she grown an immunity to the dangers he put himself in yet? He often returned in one piece.

β€œAnother. Please.” With her fingertips, she pushed the empty glass towards the owner. By this time, the lady's fan had been returned and only three drinks drunk by Lenora. There were good people in this town. Meaning no one had bothered her yet and the man behind the bar kept serving her drinks without commentary on her unladylike behaviors.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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Location: Porter





Addie had asked Theo about money and he blinked a few moments in recollection and then nodded. "Yes, yes of course." He reached into his pocket for the small pouch they had been given and pulled it out. It's burlap contents held a few coins and large old fashioned bills. Theo was certain that this was far too much money to be carrying around in a Western town such as this and he made a mental note to perhaps hide the money away somewhere. He slipped the money back into his pocket and patted it, he gave her a bright smile and they pressed on.

They were walking along quite peacefully when suddenly there was the gallop of hooves that came up from behind them and then rushed passed them. Theo coughed as dust was kicked up into their faces from the retreating hooves and he wiped away the dirt before he breathed more in.
"Well that was rather rude." He said between coughs. The figure on the horse hadn't even given them a second glance and with the dust he had been unable to see the details of the bullet that had raced past them. He could however see the horse in the distance now and watched as the figure hopped off the horse and didn't even bother to tie it up next to the other stallions that waited patiently. The person seemed to be in quite the rush and he watched as they rushed inside a building.

That building boasted a faded sign over its door and the words said Hotel. Theo gave Addie a friendly nudge and pointed "I'm thinking that's where we should go then for our meal. He quickened his pace and as they drew nearer he could make out the sounds of laughter and general rowdiness. The idea of the classic western bar excited Theo and he was soon almost jogging in order to get there.

When they finally reached the rickety stairs he stopped to give a horse a quick pat before walking into the establishment. The heat seemed a little less once inside, though it was still dry and awful. He could most certainly see men loosing their minds over the scalding heat. There were a few tables full of cowboys and the women seemed to travel from table to table searching for their next partners. He could see card games and gambling in the back of the large room. Nearer to the front seemed the place to be if one wanted a bit to eat and so he and Addie grabbed an empty table next to a couple that were already seated.

The man next to them seemed to be falling apart with sweat and Theo could most certainly sympathize with the man, he could feel already the sweat running down his back and staining his shirt and vest. The woman that sat with him looked like a princess to him. She sat so regally fanning herself from the heat. He gave her a small smile and turned his attention back to Addie just as a server came by the table to assist them.

The man wore a faded apron with multiple stains, he carried only a dish cloth with him. He gave the two of them a friendly smile that showed off rotten yellow teeth. He prattled off the specials of Meat and Veggie Pie, soups, and Fruit Cakes for Dessert.
"What can I get for ya'll?" He asked.

"Well... I'll get the Meat and Veggie Pie please." Theo said seeing as it seemed to be the heartiest thing on the menu and Time Travel seemed to have done a number on his stomach. He was starving. He also ordered himself a large beer and water. The Waiter nodded and turned to Addie for her order.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Hotel/Tavern
Addie was happy to see that Theo still had the burlap sack for their needed money and watched as he tucked it away back into the pockets of his pants. She glanced down at the ground as she continued to walk alongside Theo in silence, but that peaceful silence seemed to end just as soon as it started. All she heard was a fast galloping of a horse in the distance which quickly began to come up behind them, followed by the sound of a gun.

The female jumped out of the way and found herself upon the ground and coughed as the dirt and dust began to settle down around her. She sighed as she stood to her feet and wiped herself off. "Well that was rather rude," she heard escape from the lips of her male counterpart. Addie nodded her head and sarcastically stated, "Tell me about it."

Addie noticed Theo practically jogging over towards the very same tavern the rude female quickly scurried off into. The brunette let out a soft laugh, seeing that the male was becoming overly excited about finally beginning to experience the old west. She shook her head with a soft smile and followed behind him, trying her best to keep up with the attractive male.

Once they stepped into the tavern, she immediately glanced around as she shade the building gave off cooled her down a bit. This was definitely nothing like what she saw in the movies. Well, the scene was a bit movie like, but this was all too real to her. This was her reality. Addie followed Theo over towards an empty table next to a male and female who seemed to give off a bit of tension between the two of them. She watched as Theo greeted the couple before returning his attention back over towards herself.

Not long after a waiter stood before them and waited as they took their orders. Addie sat there in silence, allowing Theo to order first before stating, "I'll take the same." She leaned back in the chair a bit as she let out a sigh and began to fan herself with her right hand. The heat wasn't as bad in the wooden building, but it was still a bit unbearable.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK

Good old Porter. It Charlemagne's mind there was something to be said about the specific charm the town held. Quiet, for the most part, and though not a party, like the place he referred to with beloved recognition as the "Della docks". No. This place was a gem, a different animal altogether. He meant to arrive by morning, and left with full intentions to do so, thus he had hardly eaten- he was starving, and thirsted for a good drink.

He was riding a beautiful black and white horse. Gosh if it weren't it favorite, it was definitely up there. He liked how he ran, and how not even his ears flinched at the sound of gun firing. This horse was unshakable, sturdy and he ran fast.
Leaving Wheaton had been the best choice for everyone. There's something to be said about the persistence of the label "wanted man", which entailed many people, be it dim or not, recognizing you far too quickly for comfort. Luckily Charles liked the attention. Just as long as they didn't focus on his little sister.
That was hardest part. Worrying about his younger sister was indeed one of things that actually did weigh on Charlemagne's mind these days. To the point where he even expressed to travel separately from her, so people wouldn't associate them together too often.
Charlemagne Woodson

If he had to guess, he had a feeling where she'd wait for him, though. His eyes moved to the tavern as he and his horse approached. He slowed the stead's galloping to a walk, and dropped to his feet after a moment. He led the horse to the trow in front of the place, right straight by the windows so he could keep an eye on it.
He moved around toward the steps, and pushed through the doors into the bar. Luckily there was no such dramatic entrance where the outlaw walks in and the music stops while people stare. Sure some people looked, but Charles threw them a glare that immediately force their gazing elsewhere. He took off his hat as his green eyes scanned the bar. He saw his sister immediately and walked over to take the seat next to her.
"Howdy," he grinned a little, happy to see Lenora had made it all right. He looked to the bar keep and tapped the counter, with an almost lazy smile he called over for a whiskey.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Charlemagne Woodson Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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When the waiter left them to grab their drinks and put in an order with the kitchen in the back Theo took the opportunity to study his surroundings. There was a woman drinking alone at the bar, she had a steady stream of drinks being poured for her and he lifted a brow. Now that seemed like the kind of woman that would likely drink him under the table. She was joined later by a man who seemed quite happy to see her. As he was unable to hear their conversation he turned his eyes away towards the back of the hotel. Here the light seemed dimmer as smoke hazed the back.

Theo could smell the harsh tobacco and he thought of the dentists of the future and the field day they might have with the occupants of this here hotel. His attention drew back to Addie as she fanned herself with her hand and he was about to speak when their drinks were set down on the table by the waiter. He left with out another word and Theo eagerly grabbed the dusty looking glass of amber looking ale and took a few healthy gulps.

The liquid was a blessing to his insides and he let out a long sigh after he placed the glass down. While the drink was not craft beer he did enjoy the bitter taste and tang of the house brew.
"Well once we've finished here, I'd say you were right in seeking out a place to stay." He told Addie a matter o-factly. "We should probably grab some supplies from the general store as well if there is one. He glanced out the front windows of the hotel and looked at the other buildings that lined the main street of Porter. He saw a photography studio as well as what appeared to be a law office. "We could likely get you a fan there." He grinned as she continued to fan herself.

His eyes moved over the couple next to them and Theo suddenly realized they didn't have much of a story to go on if someone were to strike up a conversation with them and ask questions. They couldn't just say they had traveled from the future, that would hardly be the correct thing to do. Brow furrowed he glanced down at his hands and ran his fingers over the tops of his knuckles. "So what's our story?" he asked quietly to Addie hoping no one could hear. "We need some sort of cover if we are going to stay here."

He noticed the waiter coming over with heaping plates of food and he felt his mouth water as the smell of meat pie hit his nose. He thanked the young man and when they were alone again he dug in eagerly, shoving giant fork fulls into his mouth. It was no five star restaurant but it reminded him of a nice home cooked meal.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Charlemagne Woodson Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Hotel/Tavern
The moment she heard the creaking of the tavern's doors opening, her attention drew to the man who came inside, gave a few glares, and then proceeded to take a seat next to the woman who nearly ran Theo and herself over with the horse. She could tell the two of them had some sort of close relationship between them, but she wasn't exactly sure what it was. Though everything about the man seemed to scream bad news. He must be an outlaw, she thought to herself as the beers were set down on the table in front of them and the waiter stepped away without a word.

With a sigh she reached down to the glass bottle and took a few sips. It was obvious that it wouldn't taste like the beer from the time she came from so she wasn't sure what she was expecting. The beer gave a bit of a bitter tang as it went down her throat. Wasn't the best taste in the world, but at least it was something. "Well once we've finished here, I'd say you were right in seeking out a place to stay. We should probably grab some supplies from the general store as well if there is one." Addie nodded her head in his direction as she took another sip from the dusty bottle. "We could likely get you a fan there." Addie sighed and glanced out the window in the direction Theo was before returning her attention back to the man before her, "Sounds like a good idea," she responded as she began to lift the fork and begin to eat her food.

"So what's our story?" Theo questioned her in a whisper. "We need some sort of cover if we are going to stay here." If anything were right about that, it was that Theo had a point. They couldn't exactly tell the townspeople they were time travelers, that would just cause a bunch of drama that isn't exactly needed. The female sat there in silence for a couple moments, trying to come up with an idea. Something that would be believable. Finally she cured the silence in a whispered tone, "Well, seeing as how we aren't going to be here very long. We could say that we're just passing through, will be heading back out in a few days. As to the reasoning for our passing through, I don't know," she answered, leaving it open for Theo to pass back some ideas. Hopefully ones that would make that story a bit more believable.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK






Theo felt himself nodding as Addie whispered back to him suggesting they were merely to say they were passing through. He could already feel the thoughts moving through his head and he leaned back a little and lifted a hand to scratch at his chin. After a moment he finally whispered back.
"We could say we are travelling to see your family up further north, but we are resting as we both are weary from the trip. We could be brother and sister... or husband and wife." He shrugged at the idea and lifted a brow at her questioningly. He wondered for a moment what it might be to actually be married and immediately hated the idea. He wasn't the marrying type. His nose wrinkled a little and he looked down at his food and took another fork full.

When he was finally finished his plate he took up his glass and chugged down the rest of the amber liquid. He let out a loud expulsion of air and grinned happily. The waiter came by to take plates and dishes and suggested that they pay up at the bar. Theo nodded his acknowledgement and when Addie was finished as well they stood up and moved over to the bar.

They were greeted by and elderly man who gave them a kind smile. "Hope the meals were to yer liking. He said as he moved them over to an ancient register. Theo half wanted to climb over the bar and examine it and learn how it worked but he contained himself and tried his best to act like it was nothing to him. The man rang up their meals and drinks and asked for 50 cents. Theo half wished he could make a joke about the cheapness of the meal but he knew it would only ring true with Addie. So he pulled out the small sack of coins and bills and dug out the silver needed.

When he paid the man Theo also asked "Do you have a room available for a few nights?" The kindly gentleman nodded and offered them a room on the second floor.
"Its got a a tub and everything, but it'll cost extra for us to bring up the water. The man said proudly and Theo grinned at him.
"We'll take it!" He said happily and he dug out the money required for three nights stay. The man said it would be no problem if they wanted to stay longer as he had no reservations for the room at the moment. Theo thanked him and he took the old copper key and turned to Addie. He placed the key in her hand and said "Shall we inspect our accommodations?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore Character Portrait: Lenora Woodson Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Charlemagne Woodson Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK



He watched her fan bob up and down, and if it were possible, he found himself all the more in love with her. Elizabeth was all he'd ever sought for in a woman - elegant, composed, independent. He noted the toss of her head, wondering if she meant it in regards to the heat or in regards to him.

Roy gave a sigh as she winked at him though. It was a humored sigh, for he gave a slight smile as he pulled away from his kiss.

"Well, y'know, someone's got to keep this town from goin' to hell," he said, speaking as frankly as he would to a coworker. There was no need to sugarcoat anything he said to her. As he finished speaking, he noticed a woman enter the establishment and sit herself at the bar which reminded him that he was parched.

He poured more champagne for himself while still holding her hand - though that made the whole process a bit more precarious than he had wanted.

"But we...we shouldn't have to worry 'bout that," he continued. "Town seems to be calmer these days. You'll be seein' more of me 'round the house." He knocked on the wooden table top as he shot her a wink now. "Things are bound to change real soon, darlin'."

Roy finished speaking just as a man and woman took a seat beside him. He'd lived in Porter for years now, but he struggled to identify them. Perhaps they were new. Few people wandered into Porter, and when they did, they promptly wandered out more often than not. But he snapped out of his reverie now and turned back to Eliza.

Richard raised his glass slightly in the air and inclined it towards her as the door opened once more and another man let himself in. "To us?" His attempt at a toast was followed by what could only be termed as a belch at the table beside him. Roy could hardly contain the roll of his eyes he gave in response as he sipped his beverage. But then they were standing, and he assumed the strangers were leaving. But now they were checking into a room, and Roy let his hand slip from Eliza's as he stood up and placed his glass down.

"I'll be just a moment, love," he said, already walking over to the couple. He approached with a slight smile which looked all too forced on his face.

"Howdy there." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his habit. "Couldn't help notice you two walk in from my table over there." Richard stuck a hand out to the group, though he'd turned ever so slightly to Theo first out of custom. "Name's Roy Baltimore. I'm Porter's sheriff...where you folks comin' from?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore Character Portrait: Addie Gibbs Character Portrait: Theo Hunstreiger
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #ff0381
Thought Color: #03ff81
Location: Hotel/Tavern
Addie nodded her head at Theo's words after giving his ideas. Though she couldn't help but to laugh when she heard the husband and wife idea slip from his lips. Addie had only known the man for a couple weeks, just long enough for them to train for the time travel and she already knew he wasn't exactly the marriage type, at least at this point in his life anyway. The female gave him a soft smile as she took the last bite from her meal and responded, "Husband and wife sounds good." Now if it weren't for the fact that she didn't exactly enjoy messing with Theo on occasion, she would have chosen the brother and sister, but she figured this would give her a bit of much needed entertainment.

Addie stood to her feet and followed her "husband" up to the bar to pay for their meals. Though she couldn't help but to see the wheels turning in Theo's head when they received the price for their meals and room for the three days. Addie smirked a bit, just knowing he had a sarcastic remark but he wasn't able to say it without having many questions arise from the barkeep.

"Shall we inspect our accommodations?" her counterpart questioned her, but just before she was able to get an answer out, the sheriff approached the two of them. If it weren't for the obvious badge the man wore, she wouldn't have even noticed him as the sheriff. Addie stood there in silence as he addressed Theo then introduced herself afterwards, "I'm Addie. We came from a few towns over. Just passing through," she stated to the male before them.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore
Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
Character Portrait: Charlemagne Woodson


Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
Richard Baltimore

"You can be certain I'll do anything to protect this town."

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore
Elizabeth Baltimore

"I basically run this town. Just ask around."


Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore
Elizabeth Baltimore

"I basically run this town. Just ask around."

Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
Richard Baltimore

"You can be certain I'll do anything to protect this town."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Richard Baltimore
Richard Baltimore

"You can be certain I'll do anything to protect this town."

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Baltimore
Elizabeth Baltimore

"I basically run this town. Just ask around."

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Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Great! Can't wait to see it! ^_^

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Alright. I'll be starting this up tonight! c:

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Alright, I haven't heard anything back from her so the role is going to be reopened. If anyone is interested it taking it let me know. c: I'll give until tomorrow for people to show interest and if not, I will start the roleplay.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

I'd be happy to take on another role. :) If needed. But we can also make them NPCs, too. Whichever works.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Just letting everyone know that if I don't hear anything back from WrittenInSilverInk by Friday and all WIPs are finished, the roleplay will be started within the next couple days. I would like to get it started at the latest by Saturday.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Elizabeth is finally done. Hope you like her.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Just thought I'd let everyone know that if we don't get anyone interested in the role of the tavern owner by tomorrow, I'll take on the role.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

I wouldn't mind adding that character for you but there is actually one more character left to be claimed. It's the tavern owner.
Once that one is taken I'll look into adding that character for you.

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hello !!


Gotta love some wild west drama :D

I see all of the characters are reserved :( However, I was wondering if you would be open to a female bartender/entertainer role? I was thinking of making her a feisty character who is flirtatious with the men but knows how to stand on her own with a gun.

Let me know what you think :)

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Your reservation is made!

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hi there! This looks amazing :) I'd love to take part as the other time traveller. I can have a character up by tomorrow! Thanks!

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

@Scarlet Loup
Sure. I say go for it! ^_^

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hello there! I haven't seen a Wild West roleplay in ages...mind if I go for the Sheriff?

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Of course. c: I can't wait to see what you come up with for the character. ^_^

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hello (: This roleplay looks fairly interesting and seems like it could be a littler different from just the same ole average one. I was wondering if I could reserve the face claim of Nins Dobrev?

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

All reservations have been made.
Thanks for your interest in this roleplay. I look forward to seeing your character sheets. c:

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hi! Can I reserve the outlaw?

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

This looks lovely! :) I'd like to reserve the sheriff's wife, please?

If needed, I might reserve another character, too. :)

Thanks in advance!

Re: Time Travel in the Old West

Hey :) Looks like a potential exciting rp.

I've got eyes on the outlaw's sister atm. Just fiddling with some fc ideas. Keira's good but feel like there's better for what I have in mind.