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Under the Cloak of Darkness

Avian, Earth


a part of Under the Cloak of Darkness, by BlueWind_22.


BlueWind_22 holds sovereignty over Avian, Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Avian, Earth is a part of Under the Cloak of Darkness.

20 Characters Here

Thorn [14] "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your butt."
Silas Danvers [10] If you don't harm my pack, then I assure you... that I will not harm you...
Cederic [9] Don't cross me.
Crawford Crimson [9] ever hear the phrase, go with the flow?
Savaria [9] So many lives............ so many centuries
Snow [5] He was absolutely beautiful
Aziel Frangz [4] "How interesting...."
Zacharia "Zero" Lin [4] Don't you get cocky
Bjorn "Raven" Ravengaurd. [1] I fight for the survival of the Pack.

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Catileya heard Scarlett shout to her to wait up and chuckling to herself inwardly she slowed her pace until she caught up then she picked up her running. They'd gotten a good distance when they heard Silas asking if they wanted to hunt. She slowed and stopped glancing back then looked to Scarlett and whimpered slightly. "Hunting could be fun."
but she heard Tree calling them all. Vampires...Enough said, her lip curled slightly and she gave a low deep throaty growl. "Come on" she quickly turned and took off. Her feet carrying her swiftly as she and Scarlett raced through the forest towards where Tree and the vampire were. As she drew near the little river she let her ears pick up the sounds of Tree fighting the vampires.
She burst from the brush finding Tree attacking a vampire and snapping it's spine. Catileya slid to a stop before she saw the vampire baring down on Tree. She let out a loud yip before she leapt at him. The Vampire's contorted in suprise as she threw herself into him and knocked him back, they fell against the ground and she rolled away. Jumping to her feet quickly she attacked again, this time going for the throat.
The Vampire was still trying to rise when her teeth sank deep into the cold flesh and with a fluid jerk she tore flesh away. Blood splattered upon the ground and smeared in her fur as she spat the flesh out and watched as the creature flailed about while it's last life force drained into the dirt.
When he stopped moving she took the opportunity to shift into her human form and grabbing his head gripped it before tugging and ripping the head away.
"Useless creatures."
her eyes still tainted yellow as she shifted back to her wolf form and made her way to Tree, soon Silas and the others would be here and it could get sorted out as to why a loner was in the territory let alone had vampires trialing behind her.


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Maddy flinched and sprung up as the stranger entered her house. She heard the calls of the other wolfs, only now making sense of it. "Excuse me? Anybody? Please, there's a vampire attack!" She heard the girl say. Maddy reached into an under cabinet and pulled out a pair of sweats she had hidden there, pushing them into the girls hands and sprinting out the door, jumping off the porch and transforming half way through the jump.

Her black and grey body was a blue in the wind, only her piercing blue eyes standing out. The long, fluffy mane around her face pushed tight against her neck as she ran, making her look bigger and longer. She heard Silias, "Tree get out of there! You too Jasper! Take the lone wolf! Now!" And started sprinting faster. If he was yelling for them to get out, then this really had to be serious. As she heard the movement of wolfs and vampires nearby, she leaped up to a tree branch, pulling it down and snapping it from the tree, the end splittered.

She arrived at the fight to see quite a few vampires. She jumped on top of the closest one, pushing down with the force of her body with full momentum and staking him with the branch. She refused to look at its face, pushing off quickly to get a full view fo the fight again, all still alive vampires in her view.


Jake was walking through the town, his eyes peeled for vampires. Normally they were unable to see him, or ignored him, which one he was not sure, but yesterday he had gotten attacked. He had entered an alley, the window to a store faced it and was planning on getting some food when they followed him in. They had tried to jump him, but they were both young and naive, and he took them down quick.

Now, as he walked down the road he froze. Werewolf, he thought. There's another werewolf. He smiled, starting to walk again as his eyes began to skim the crowd. They stopped on a girl with black hair, she looked young, but being a werewolf, he assumed she was at least 100. He crossed the street, heading in her direction but not making a direct turn towards her. Where had she come from? He hadn't seen another werewolf in... years.


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Tala heard the howl and took off running, down all the stairs and outside. Ignoring peoples call of pretest she made it in time to see Jasper and Tree fight at least eight vampires alone, only having killed two. "crap, crap,crap..." she mumbled pulling a stake out of her short pockets and throwing it to Jasper,who caught it in his mouth and stabbed another vampire with it.

"Okay, okay run away now." she said running from a angry looking vampire.


Jasper growled backing up from two vampires who were going to try and corner him. Anger started the pump through his veins, and his sight stared to turn red as a loud growl ripped through his throat. He had been about to leave because of the Alpha's order but he couldn't help but wanna stay around a little longer..and he really didn't hear the order over his yeah that's a good idea to get away with it..for now.


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Savaria heard the unfamiliar voice of a girl say "Excuse me? Anybody? Please, there's a vampire attack!"

It only took her a second to reach the girl. She was a tiny thing with auburn hair and eyes that were wide with fear. She pushed past her and followed the smell of vampires. Her saber was already in her hands and she was running at full speed. She wasn't a werewolf but she was an exceptionally strong vampire who had no qualms about helping out her friends.

She saw the vampires before she noticed the wolves. She crouched and sprang, landing behind a female vampire with blonde hair and sliced her in half before she even sensed Savaria's presence.

Maybe the day wouldn't be too boring after all.


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Catileya as the Beta remained with her Alpha, her eyes caught sight of Tala and hoped Raven would show up soon. She stalked around sneaking about the two vampires that had cornered Jasper and growling deep in her throat she lunged sinking her teeth in the leg of the closest one. She heard it growl in pain as she jerked her neck and sent it tumbling to the ground.
She wasted no time in dragging it away leaving Jasper to handle the last one. As she pulled the vampire a distance away she released him and jumped onto it's back. He struggled trying to grab her front paws but she bore her own teeth and sank her teeth into the vampire's skull.
The crunch as she clamped her jaws shut, the blood that oozed out drizzled from her partially opened mouth, the vampire went still. Releasing it she growled angrily, she was furious now. Her eyes sought out Silas and stepping off of the corpse she padded over to her him taking up a position next to him.
As Beta it was her duty to make sure Silas was not harmed.
"Silas Tala is returning home and the loner is there. Someone needs to make sure all is controlled. What do you want me to do?"


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Tree didn't hear the order. His mind was too filled with the scent of blood to think about much of anything. But now it was better. HE had most of his pack fighting along side him and he felt a rush of pride, and courage as he saw Savaria jump onto a blonde. He let out a menacing bark at one of he ones that were just watching. It looked at him with cold black eyes and it made him snarl savagely.

A long twisted smile ran up the tall man's face and Tree leaped at him, claws extended and fangs bared. He noticed the vampire try to back away but there was no where to turn to. His comrades were fighting his clanmates and they were basically on a battle field. He held no weapons. They did not expect the little loner to lead them onto werewolf territory though he was sure the little ginger didn't know she was leading them to it. His jaws snapped at the pale skinny neck of the vampie and he could vaguely feel the cold hands grab at him, trying to et him to back off. But he didn't. Tree's amber eyes gleamed and he sank his claws into the vampires chest. Pining the blood sucker down under neath him and with one last growl, he grabbed the vampires head in his jaws and twisted, pulling at the same time so the head was torn off, a burst of blood squirting out. Tree felt a wave of satisfaction and raised his head to see if anyone needed help.


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Silas watched them fight he snarled, his hackles raising. Burn the vampires bod- His thoughts were cut off when he caught a glimpse of long blonde hair in the forest about a mile away. It was a vampire, one who looked older then the one here. She could probably have been their creator, am angry creator by the looks of it. He watched her turn, nothing but a blur as she shot out of the forest. Get everyone to the house. Now. Make sure Tree and Jasper come last. We can burn the bodies later. Silas turned and ran back to the house.

Silas wasn't going to run after the vampire who must have been a creator of the dead ones. It was too late for that. Now all they could do was cancel their hunting session, stay inside and stay near the house. His mind settled on Tree and Jasper who had disobeyed him. Pack Justice would have to be served. They would have to beaten into submission, or be forced to bow down to him in public. Well they wouldn't be forced mostly because their instincts would tell them to obey and follow the Alpha. He looked up then saw the lone wolf who had caused all this trouble. Maybe even his entire pack's safety. He growled, ignoring her nudity and focused on her face.

Silas was Alpha. He was stating that as he stared her down, with his tail held high and his hackles raised. Would she be a wolf with manners and look away? Or be one of those troublesome Loners?


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Thorn, totally unaware of the approaching werewolf, kept her focus on watching the vampires around her. She was too busy making sure they weren't going to attack, that she didn't notice the unknown wolf scent on the air. She was so used to having other wolves around her that she just ignored it. Her nose took in scents that were swirling around her. One minute she'd pick up a sweet and sugary smell when another more intresting scent took her concentration away. So many smells! They were all so intresting!

The smell of hotdogs filled the air, drawing her attention. This place was so... Different. It was definitely better then the pack's mansion. Maybe she could break away from the pack, become her own then living here. It sounded like a great idea. Thorn was so thrilled at the idea of living here that she forgot she was walking and nearly ran into a streetlight.

Thorn wanted to growl and snarl at herself for being suck a blind fool, but she didn't. That was normal for her because she was a werewolf but to humans and vampires the thought of it would... sound foolish and childish. She needed to seem human... or vampiric at least.


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Maddy's eyes had been following Silias's, especially after his message, " Burn the vampires bod- " got cut off. Even though she wasn't a beta, and it wasn't necessarily her job to protect him, in reality, it was the whole packs job. When he saw the blonde vampire, the angry, older blonde vampire she couldn't help but give off a small growl.

"Get everyone to the house. Now. Make sure Tree and Jasper come last. We can burn the bodies later." She heard Silias. She immediately started running in the other direction, towards the house. Out of habit, she jumped up onto a tree branch and pushed off of it, propelling herself forward. She reached the house, and went inside, but didn't turn back into her human form. The girl who she had given sweat pants to, hadn't changed yet. She sighed, and waited in the house for the pack.


Jake watched the girl carefully, still making an arch toward her. She obviously wasn't used to to being in the town, her face looking confused and interested. She nearly walked into a street light. Jake gave out a tiny chuckle and slowed his pace, nat necessarily going towards her but towards the side of her. Time to test out her werewolfness. She obviously hadn't sniffed him out yet, but she seemed to be confused and distracted.

Where'd you come from? He thought to her. He slowed his pace more, coming to a stop about 10 feet away from her. he leaned against a street light next to him and pulled out his phone, making sure to look casual.


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Character Portrait: Silas Danvers Character Portrait: Bjorn "Raven" Ravengaurd. Character Portrait: Catileya
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Bjorn Ravengaurd

Bjorn was still in the Kitchen when everyone left. He leaned against the counter, lost in thought.
Can you hear me? Vampire attack, I need some help I'm in the forest, near the little stream, hurry!. said a voice in his head.
Without so much as a thought, Bjorn blazed out of the house, going out one the side entrances, making sure none of the vamps were circling the mansion for another way in.
Once outside he slipped out of his clothes and phased into his massive black and white wolf form. With his senses improved, he picked up the scent of a single vampire, coming his way shortly before he came into view.
Silas, there is one Vampire headed towards the west side of the mansion. I'll handle him. After sending the mental message to his alpha, he charged the lone vampire, who hesitated when he saw the huge wolf come into, no doubt surprised that Raven was not at the immediate battle. Recovering from his own surprise, the black clad and dark haired vampire charged as well, closing the distance between the two in merely seconds.
Bjorn ducked his head, as if he was going to ram the vampire, causing the vampire to duck his shoulder to brace for impact, which was what Bjorn wanted him to do. He hunkered down as he was running, and pounced, bringing his huge wolf body down on the vampire's shoulders and head, sending them both tumbling, clawing and biting at each other as they rolled. The vampire, being more graceful than Bjorn, came out on top, clamping his hand on Bjorn's throat his grip on the wolfs trachea, but his positioning was poor and Bjorn managed to rake his back claw on the vampire's side, opening it up in a torrent of ripped flesh and blood. The vampire stumbled back, glancing at the large lacerations left by the claw, then bared his fangs at Bjorn who rolled back to his paws.
Bjorn bared his more menacing teeth at the vampire and growled, then the two attacked again. Bjorn lunged at the vampire and jumped back just before a fist struck him, repeating this a few times as he studied the vampires defense, looking for an opening. He lunged forward, going for the obvious spot, the vampires head, but ducked his head down as the vampire took a strike at him and instead went for the thigh. His jaws clamped down on the vampire's upper leg and he shrieked as Bjorn bit down as hard as he could, crushing bone and destroying muscle tissue. The vamp punched the wolf in the head, but Bjorn didn't seem to notice, instead he shook his head violently back and forth, snarling as he did so, and ripped the vampire's leg off. He tossed the severed leg to the side and went after his screaming victim who was furiously backpedaling on this one good leg and hands, and leaving a trail of blood in the process.
He pinned the wounded vampire to the ground, then clamped his jaw around his head, bit down, then pulled back, ending the screams of agony and terror with a sickening pop.
Bjorn tossed the head to the ground, then took off towards his alpha who was on the other side of the mansion grounds, hoping he hadn't missed much.
A few moments of sprinting later, he rounded the mansion and came across Silas, who was staring down a werewolf he had never seen before, and of course the others, who were starting to go back inside.
Is everyone okay? he asked, the minor wounds and blood staining the fur around his snout evidence that he had been occupied with his own battle.


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Thorn hesitated before looking beyond the house she had broken into. The forest. She had left the pack's territory. She had done the forebidden. It's not like Silas is going to ask me all these qustions when I get back. She thought as she tried to relax. She could go back, tell the truth and be forced to bow down to Silas. Or she could stay here and never go back. They probably wouldn't notice my absence either. She looked away from the house until her eyes rested on a person. Who had his phone out. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Werewolf! Her instincts screamed at her as she took a suprised step back.

Thorn was a fool. No wonder Silas made it forebidden to come here! He probably knew this town was claimed by another pack or lone wolf. Her golden brown eyes narrowed as she walked away, trying to look calm, cool and collected. She was heading toward the house she had stolen from. When she turned the corner she lunged forward and morphed into her wolf form mid-stride. She was high-tailing it into the forest away from peering eyes. If the lone wolf followed then, she would be able to take him without causing the vamps to follow her.


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Jake could tell the girl realized he was a werewolf by the way she ran off, and he smirked. She took a step back, running behind a house. Probably turning into a werewolf, he thought, putting his phone away and beginning to walk again, following her at a slow pace. Let her know I'm coming. He thought. He kept looking around. If she was here, maybe her pack was going to come after her, and he couldn't fight off a whole pack.

He glanced one time at the busy street, then turn past the house just in time to see her high tailing into the forrest. She's a smart one, he thought before starting to run, morphing into wolf form. His white fur flew in the wind; he trained nearly every day to get faster so he was faster than many, and he followed close behind the wolf. Chill out, he thought to her.


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#, as written by psyduck
Scarlett adored running. The soft, mossy ground below her feet made her go ecstatic inside. Sometimes, when she was in wolf form, she had no idea why she would ever go into her human form ever again. The bliss of howling, running, and just the constant fresh air. But she knew. eventually, she of course would have to change back.

Scarlett had almost caught up with Catileya when Silas's voice played in her head, 'You guys feel like going hunting with me?' She stopped in her tracks, let out a howl then changed her path to head towards Silas. Then another voice played in her head, this time it was Tree.
'Can you hear me? Vampire attack, I need some help I'm in the forest, near the little stream, hurry!'
She panicked and let out a whimper. She started towards the direction of the vampire attack. More voices played in her mind. Jasper and Tree. Silas telling them to get out. She went in the general direction but lingered back. She shot Silas a message, "What do you want me to do!"
She had a sick feeling in her gut, like she always did before a fight, and during a fight, and for some time after the fight had ended.
Her helping nature urged her to help, but her flight instinct was kicking in. What was she to do?


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Snow quickly put the sweats on even though her body was screaming. She looked away as fast as she could from the Alphas gaze. She could feel the fury and hostility from him but she didn't really care at the moment. Kill her then, she thought blearily, her mind spinning. She hadn't eaten in four days and she had lost so much blood. Her whole body was burning up, but she still felt that she should at least explain herself.

"I'm sorry for leading them to you guys," She murmured as loud as she could. Her face burned, did she have a fever? Had some of her cuts and wounds gotten infected? "I didn't know this was your territory, I've been on my own for so long that I forgot what others smelled like."
There. She had apologized. WOuld they leave her alone now, she glanced at her bloody feet through half closed eyes.Her mind felt so heavy... Did it really have to come to this? Die by the vampires or by the werewolves? She was really hurtinf right now, every part of her was sore and scratched. "I didn't mean for you guys to gain so much trouble, I'm sorry," Snow said, her voice getting smaller and smaller with each word. Would they hurt her? No, she hoped, she was in enough pain.

"Look, if you want to kill me, could you wait until I'm passed out or something?" She mumbled, her body sliding down to the floor.


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((OOC: I updated the pictures on front page))

Silas heard everyword and watched as she fell to the floor. If he were in his human form, then he probably would have been sighing but he was a wolf and instead he huffed. His hackles slowly went down and his tail lowered a bit but he held his head high. He side stepped, walking over to Bjorn sending a thought to him as he passed by. Gather everyone. I'm calling a meeting. We meet at the meadow. He thought up an image of the meadow where they had meetings in their wolf form. He needed everyone in one place and for them to all settle down so he could think. Usually thinking came easily to him, but with everyone scattered across the territory and thinking so many thoughts, he couldn't think himself.

Catileya. Catileya. Silas thought to Catileya as he walked around the entire house, making sure everything was okay. Can you help the... Lone wolf? Just give her some clothes. We can feed her later." He added the rest just as he completed his round, then headed in the direction of the meadow, thinking he'd be the first one there. Instincts were what made a wolf do certain things. Right now, his instincts were growing. Protect the pack. Protect our territory. His instincts focusing mainly on those two things.

Thorn heard the thoughts coming from Jake. They were foreign, different and... Not pack. He wasn't apart of her pack, so it was right that she wanted to howl out and tell everyone he was here. She didn't though. If she did then Silas would qustion her and she would have no choice but to tell him that she disobeyed him. This wasn't something she would be able to get out of scott free like all the other times. The punishment for this would range from death, beaten into submission, and banishment. The pack could always suggest other things to do, like bite her tail off.

Thorn stopped running when she got near the little dip in the ground. Who are you? She turned to face him. Her brown ears were perked, and her tail was raised. Her teeth weren't bared... Yet. Her hackles weren't raised either. She was suprisingly calm now, which was probably because of her daily Alpha training. For once, she was glad Silas had trained in situations like this.


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If Jake had been in human form, he would have smirked. He slowed his large, white furred body. His blue eyes looked at Thorn, not in a rude way, but in a curious way. What do you mean by that? I'm Jake. Don't worry, I'm not part of a pack. Although, you are. He could smell other wolves on her, and many of them. Oh yes, she was defiantly part of a pack, and by the looks of how she ran into the forrest, he was probably in their territory right now.

Well, I'll either make a new friend today, or be killed, he thought to himself. [i]Fun/[i].


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Tree winced as his Alpha's voice filled his head. He let out a whine and started heading toward the meadow. Punishment time, he thought glumly. He let out a low growl. Silas was so unflexible sometimes, no wonder Thorn was always so rebellious. He was starting to feel a little angry himself. There was no way JAsper was going to run from that fight. If he had left, the vamps would have outnumbered him. The others had come a little later. No. He would stay out here until someone came to get him. Thorn wouldn't have obeyed instantly like he always did. Suddenly he felt disgusted with himself. He turned back to human, he wanted to hear his voice as he talked to himself. It helped him think better.

"I did what I should have. There was no way I could have let the pup fight the vamps himself. I'm surprised he was the first one to come help me." He said loudly into the air. The sudden breeze made him shiver and he rolled his eyes. "Sometime I wish I was just a regular human." HE turned back to wolf. He would go find Thorn. Her anger must have calmed down at least a little right? HE searched his mind, listening carefully for his sisters thoughts. His amber eyes practically glowed as they snapped open.

Damn, another loner..

He started running, they were twins. THe two had a deeper connection than what they had with the rest of the pact, even if she was dead, Tree was sure he'd be able to find her. His paws barely touched the ground as he raced to Thorn, beyond pack territory. Tree cursed silently in his mind. Do you want Silas to kill you? He tried thinking to her. They had enough trouble for one day. He'd be beaten into submission, so would Jasper and now so would Thorn. You couldn't hide something like this to the Alpha. He seemed to find out everything. Tree shook his large wolf head and gave a low yip as he saw his sister next to another loner.

What are you thinking? You're outside of our territory and youre socializing with a loner? Didn't you know about the vampire attack?

Two loners in one day... you've got to be kidding me... Thought Tree, giving a low whine of frustration


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Tree winced as his Alpha's voice filled his head. He let out a whine and started heading toward the meadow. Punishment time, he thought glumly. He let out a low growl. Silas was so unflexible sometimes, no wonder Thorn was always so rebellious. He was starting to feel a little angry himself. There was no way JAsper was going to run from that fight. If he had left, the vamps would have outnumbered him. The others had come a little later. No. He would stay out here until someone came to get him. Thorn wouldn't have obeyed instantly like he always did. Suddenly he felt disgusted with himself. He turned back to human, he wanted to hear his voice as he talked to himself. It helped him think better.

"I did what I should have. There was no way I could have let the pup fight the vamps himself. I'm surprised he was the first one to come help me." He said loudly into the air. The sudden breeze made him shiver and he rolled his eyes. "Sometime I wish I was just a regular human." HE turned back to wolf. He would go find Thorn. Her anger must have calmed down at least a little right? HE searched his mind, listening carefully for his sisters thoughts. His amber eyes practically glowed as they snapped open.

Damn, another loner..

He started running, they were twins. THe two had a deeper connection than what they had with the rest of the pact, even if she was dead, Tree was sure he'd be able to find her. His paws barely touched the ground as he raced to Thorn, beyond pack territory. Tree cursed silently in his mind. Do you want Silas to kill you? He tried thinking to her. They had enough trouble for one day. He'd be beaten into submission, so would Jasper and now so would Thorn. You couldn't hide something like this to the Alpha. He seemed to find out everything. Tree shook his large wolf head and gave a low yip as he saw his sister next to another loner.

What are you thinking? You're outside of our territory and youre socializing with a loner? Didn't you know about the vampire attack?

Two loners in one day... you've got to be kidding me... Thought Tree, giving a low whine of frustration


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Bjorn Ravengaurd

Bjorn nodded at his Alpha.
Everyone, to the meadow. Silas is calling a meeting and he wants everyone to be present, no exceptions, no excuses., and with that he took off towards the meadow. He sensed Tree and Thorn nearby as well as another wolf he couldn't identify, so with a bit of alarm, he took off towards the trio.
Thorn, Tree. He said to them, his tone guarded and calm. Is there a problem he asked as he came upon them.


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Maddy heard Bjorns message, and gave a slight growl, heading towards the meadow. Bjorn turned in a different direction, and Maddy growled a bit more. What happened to no excuses, she thought in her head. She continued to the meadow, and upon arival sat down, awaiting Silias's orders.


Jake started backing up slowly as two more wolves appeared. What's going on here?, he asked. Who was he? He could smell that they all cam from the same pack, and that there were more of them. This's bad, he thought. But i'm not on their territory.They can't hurt me. He gained his composure, and if he were in human form, he would have grinned. Hopefully, he had this under control.


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Thorn was ready to reply when her brother arrived. Then Bjorn came out of nowhere. Her ears and tail went down for a moment then she stiffened. Silas had taught her things like this, so why not put it to the test? Her tail went back up, raising like a flag. She held her head high, and stood, looking like a true Alpha for once in her life. She sent a silent message to Jake. Play along and maybe we won't get killed. Silas could kill her for what she did today if he found out so she wasn't exactly in a good place with the pack, just like Jake.

There is no problem, Bjorn. Thank you for your concern, but I'm sure Silas needs you more then we do. We'll be along in a minute. Thorn's words sounded different. They were filled with an Alpha's voice. Her voice. You should go. She was of high rank in the pack compared to an Omega. After Silas, came the Beta's which were Catileya, and Bjorn. Thorn was right after the Beta's. She didn't even notice that she had ordered Bjorn to leave them until the thoughts were out of her head. You will go back to the meeting place. Thorn took a step forward as if expecting Bjorn to disobey.


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Bjorn Ravengaurd

Bjorn didn't miss the step Thorn took in his direction, and it made him bristle in anger. He would challenge her if it wasn't for the fact that they were in immediate danger from the vampires, so instead he settled for an insult.
Finally you're starting to act like an Alpha...maybe you'll be at least Half as decent as Silas is.. And with that he turned to leave, but then stopped, his back still to the trio. And Thorn...make sure the next time you take a step towards me like that, you're ready to face me, because this will be the last time I take any of that from you. You're not Alpha yet, and I suppose you want to live long enough to make it there, and with that he sped off towards the meadow, letting his anger and annoyance run out of steam as he neared the meeting ground.


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Tree took a surprised step back, Thorn actually sounded like an Alpha. But he knew almost everything about her. THey had learned to shift together, for crying out loud. His ears flattened and his eyes took in his sisters proud form. A surge of pride filled him and he sent her a message that he knew only she could hear, You were always the rebellious one, huh, Thorn? But I've got your back

Tree would have grinned if he was in his human form. I'll play along, big sis, but I'm not going far, and later, you're filling me in on everything. I'll be watching

He loped off into the shadows, his shoulders relaxed. Thorn was really going to be Alpha one day. Good for her. His ears were pricked back, alert, in casae anything went wrong. Pack should have meant everything, but to him it was Thorn. Who knew if she felt the same way, but he felt closer to Thorn. He trusted her, more protective and more dependent on her. Maybe it was because they were twins. Once he ws far enough away that they wouldn't see him, he shifted to his human form. Then he silently walked closer to the three. Since he had saoked into the little stream, it would be hard to notice his scent if they weren't looking for it. He sat in the darkness of the leaves. It would be impossible for anyone to notice him there. It wasn't even Clan territory after all.


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What exactly just happened? Jake asked after the two males had left. He wasn't sure what was going on here, but if it hadn't been for Thorn, that other werewolf probably would have attacked him. And maybe he could have taken him, but with the other two who would have joined with him because of them being in the same pack, he would have been doomed.

But he didn't let Thorn know that. He kept a steady eye contact with her, not moving his pale blue eyes from hers. Eventually, something was going to happen, and he wanted to make sure he was on the upside of it, no matter what it was.


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Tala huffed and put her hand on her arm wincing in pain. It was only a cut through it was deep enough to bleed pretty badly, and yet she still followed the wolves to the meadow, but once there she hung back was not her place to stand as part of the pack because she would never really be part of the pack. Slowly one by one almost all of the members were there. As Tala watched she could already tell what was going to happen. Tree and Jasper were going to be punished. Tala clenched her fists anger building up in her. Jasper had never been punished before, after all he was just a pup..and now he was going to be punished for what anyother member would have done, Protect the Pack from Vampires.
It's not's not's just not fair...
Trouble clenched her teeth watching with slightly teary eyes.


Jasper huffed and slowly started to walk towards the meadow, he knew what was about to happen, and he was not going to like it. As Jasper walked through the tree into the meadow he very gently touched Tala with his nose, He knew she knew what was going to happen..and really he didn't want her to watch, but he knew she would. Tala frowned at him as he stopped and sat beside her in the tree line. He would wait to be called out for his punishment. And he would state his care first. Jasper shut his eyes..and waited.
