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Under the Cloak of Darkness

Avian, Earth


a part of Under the Cloak of Darkness, by BlueWind_22.


BlueWind_22 holds sovereignty over Avian, Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Avian, Earth is a part of Under the Cloak of Darkness.

20 Characters Here

Thorn [14] "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your butt."
Silas Danvers [10] If you don't harm my pack, then I assure you... that I will not harm you...
Cederic [9] Don't cross me.
Crawford Crimson [9] ever hear the phrase, go with the flow?
Savaria [9] So many lives............ so many centuries
Snow [5] He was absolutely beautiful
Aziel Frangz [4] "How interesting...."
Zacharia "Zero" Lin [4] Don't you get cocky
Bjorn "Raven" Ravengaurd. [1] I fight for the survival of the Pack.

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Bjorn Ravengaurd
As Bjorn came upon the meadow, there were two things he noticed, one..Jasper looked like he was in deep trouble, and two Tala was bleeding. Instantly, the paternal instincts he had built since Tala was little took over, he padded over to the young girl and pressed his huge muzzle under her arm, giving her a wine of concern as he looked from her eyes to her arm, letting her know as soon as he went back to his human form after the meeting that he would be taking care of the injury, then he sat on his haunches beside her, focus intent on the meeting ahead.


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Maddy saw Jasper enter, looking sad and then Tala, clutching her bleeding arm. She almost rushed over to to her, but didn't when Bjorn did. She prodded over to Jasper, silently and once she reached him she gave him a look of care. Maddy knew what it felt like to get in trouble.Jasper, you didn't do anything wrong, she said only to him. Silias just needs to work on staying in charge and installing power. She felt awkward, talking to him about this, but it was true. And the punishment would be brutal. She gave a slight nuzzle of hope into him.


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When the fight was over Catileya heard Silas remark that she was to tend to the loner, a low growl formed but she let it dissipate since it was her Alpha's orders. She stopped briefly when she saw Raven appear, her heart picking up a bit before she glanced at him, whimpered and then glancing from Silas to Raven she took off running back towards the house.
"Meeting in the meadow wolf pack, get there now."
she called out. It didn't take long for her to reach the house. She shifted back, naked now that her clothes were shredded. Sighing she made her way inside as the loner wolf was explaining herself. Raising a brow she shook her head and retorted from the doorway, arms crossed over her breasts as she stepped further into the room. "Regardless if you've forgotten what others smell like, the cold facts brought vampires into Silas' territory and he's furious."
She came to stand before the girl, her eyes roaming over her searching out signs and realizing a few things that were apparent. "Come on. You need a shower and food before the fever spreads. That's the problem with being a wolf, shifting if not done properly leads to fever." she reached down helping the girl up. "Silas will decide what's to be done with you, we as in the others wont kill you....unless ordered to."
Lifting the girl's arm she set it over her head and about her shoulders, and cupped her own arm about the girl's waist. "Shower is this way, the last thing we wanna do is show up to the meadow for the meeting smelling like vampire blood." she tried to be funny. When she got to the bathroom door she turned the knob and threw the door open. It was the basic bathroom in the mansion, no windows, a stand up shower and stocked with all that was needed to shower.
"There you are. Make it quick, the small white bottle has a cleanser that will help rid you of the vampire's scent and return your own scent." she instructed and released the girl. "While your showering I'll get you some of our left over breakfast." she turned and was heading back to the kitchen, but stopped and turned her head. "And stay in the bathroom until i come get you. I'll have fresh clean clothes." and with that she disappeared.


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Tala smiled gently at Bjorn and patted him with her good arm. "I'm alright, it's okay." she said gently glancing at Jasper. Tala couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, how bad would it be? Would anyone stand up for the poor pup? Tala glared at the ground again. Even if she did try to intervene she would most likely share the same fate as Jasper. Tala knew Silas would not hesitant if she needed to be punished as well..but that didn't really change her mind. But really she has no idea what she would do if she got banished for standing up for the small pup.


Jasper, you didn't do anything wrong...Silias just needs to work on staying in charge and installing power. Jasper whimpered slightly and looked down. He didnt need to search Maddy's mind to know that the punishment would be brutal. gently Jasper nuzzled his nose into her neck, trying to be snugly even as a giant wolf. Really he just wanted some comfort before he was called out to be beaten that way he could hold onto that feeling while in pain.


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As soon as Bjorn and Tree were out of her sight she shook herself mentally and physically. She was trying to let the Alpha part of her go. She lowered her tail and head a bit, then looked at Jake. She only met his gaze for a minute then looked away. Follow me. Don't say anything, unless spoken to. Thorn turned and propelled herself forward, running toward the Meadow where the events would be revealed. Her mind was a buzz trying to create a lie that Silas would, hopefully, believe.

Silas walked into the meadow thinking he was the first one there, until he caught sight of the others. He shook his head then strode over to the highest part of the meeting area. He sat down. His head high above the others he waited for the lone wolf, Catileya and the others. Paitence was something he was naturally gifted, so he would be able to sit there all day to wait for them, but right now being paitent was at the bottom of his list. They needed to talk about today's events.

((OOC: The rules will be updated soon, so keep an eye out on them.))


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Aziel stood at the edge of the forest, which was the Wolves land. He was not in their land..but right by it. He could hear the growls of wolves..snarls of vampires..and Tala . Aze inhaled deeply, the smell of her blood making his fangs sharpen and a smirk thrive on his face. If he could he would already be there doing one of three things, stealing the girl away,drinking her dry, or protecting her. And to be honest he wanted to do all three at the same time.

Smirking Aziel stepped into the forest, and up to a tree. He pulled out his sword an slashed at the tree rather harshly by it's root, Making the tree fall over and bang into another, which knocked into another and so forth. In the end a large booming around could be heard from miles away. Grinning he swiftly wrote I'm coming for her... in big bold letters on each tree that was knocked over, before putting the sword back away, making sure the area of knocked over trees reeked of his vampire smell. and walked off their land standing across the street, waiting for a wolf to show up, and catch sight of him before he vanished..

Oh yes Aziel would have his fun with them before he stole her away from them for himself.


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Maddy nuzzled in Jaspers neck softly before lifting her head to look at Silias. He was such a good alpha. He knew how to react to situations that she couldn't even dream of handling. She thought about that a lot, what it would be like to be alpha, and decided that she quite liked being omega. Not as many responsibilities, that was for sure.

When she heard the boom of the trees, her head whipped around. Her ears perched forward, eyes looking for any sign of movement, but she didn't move. Silias had worked on getting them all together here, and unless he said other wise, she would stay here. She gave Jasper a slight look to make sure he did the same.


Jake was one hundred percent surprised as he heard Thorns words. Follow me. Don't say anything, unless spoken to. Was she crazy? Didn't she know the penalty of entering another packs territory unless invited by the alpha them self? Of course she knew. That was the worse part. With a sigh, Jake followed after Thorn, just on her heals. As they got closer to the meadow, he could smell all different wolves, and a human.


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#, as written by Bani
Alyss opened one eye to look at the clock playing her favourite song before groaning.

This was why she hated clocks. Especially alarm clocks.
Seriously, why had she even kept this one intact this far?

Oh right. It was the only one that could play her song.

She growled low in her throat before closing the alarm and burrowing her face further into the pillow, trying to ignore the knocking on her door.
Really, her life just got better and better,

Here she was, a vampire who needed blood from other people to survive. At least she didn't have to take it straight from the source. She wasn't sure she could have done that.
Trapped in a marriage that neither she nor the King wanted.
Fated to be a Queen and stay dolled up in this mansion all day long.
And she had to get up in the morning. What the Hell was wrong with this world?

It wasn't a secret that Alyss hated rising early. And yet the idiot servants had to rouse her every morning at six...

"Just leave it there." she called to the servant tiredly, before getting up and stretching. Since she was up anyway, she might as well get freshened up and try to sneak out of the manor - which was so much easier at night. Idly she wondered if the King's second-in-command was still sulking in his room. Despite Zero's brooding personality, the man was surprisingly nice underneath the grumpy surface.


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Savaria didn't bother with following them to the meadow. Jasper and Tree were going to be punished unfairly. But she wasn't pack and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. She bowed her head and shook it. She then looked at the blood on her hands and felt her fangs extend with a delicious pain.

A trip to the town was essential. She smiled and began running in its direction.

She slowed down at the edge of the forest and quickly read the threatening message inscribed on the fallen trees. She hissed in anger and disbelief as she smelled the scent of a male vampire.'How dare he?' Silas will be furious.

Should she go and inform the pack or proceed into town? Town. She desperately needed to feed. Besides, she might hear something about him.


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Another useless, unproductive and impossibly boring day!
Sometimes he wondered why he ever exposed himself and taught others to create vampires. He wondered why he started hunting down the werewolves. Then, he thought about Savaria and all his rage and despair would fill him once more.
This was agony. He needed to get the hell out of this place, at-least for now. He needed a few minutes away from his unwilling and unwanted queen to be, his sulky second-in-command and this godforsaken mansion.
Within a few minutes, he was sprinting at full speed towards the town bordering the forest.


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Silas heard the sound of booming. It came from the far edge of his territory. He was ready to do something when he saw Thorn approaching... With a foreign wolf following her. His yellow eyes narrowed, as he stood up showing his true size. This was a lone wolf. Someone he did not invite into his territory. His tail curled forward. Taking a step forward, Silas looked from Thorn to the white wolf then back to Thorn. Thorn. Whose your new friend? He watched Thorn then met her gaze. He waited for her to answer and divert her gaze, but didn't. He could feel it then. A prickling sensation at the back of his head which was the cause of his mind finding another strond mind, another Alpha.


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Jasper's head whipped around at he loud noise, a growl stuck in his throat, but Maddy's look is the only thing that held him in place..and the fact Thorn just walked in with another lone wolf. For a moment Jasper watched Thorn and could tell she was acting like an Alpha but..there was something off about her. He just couldn't place it at the moment. Even through Thorn was there Jasper stayed on guard and barred his teeth at the Lone wolf when he looked over at him,Maddy,Tala and Bjorn.



Tala jumped half a foot in the air when the loud booming sound traveled through the forest,shaking the ground slightly. Quickly the young girl warped her arms around one of Bjorn's leg, and held on tighter when the Lone Wolf following Thorn gave her a strange look. Probably becaouse she was a human standing in a meadow full of giant werewolves...Yeah that would normally get her a few strange looks. "What was that?" she asked Bjorn looking up at him. At times like this Tala wished she was a wolf.


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Jake felt awkward as he ran into the meadow, and he came to a stop just behind Thorn as they reached the wolf he could tell was the alpha. The wolf's body was held high, a sign to prove he was the alpha. Jake didn't want to look weak, and completely submit, but he was on his territory, so he had to show respect. He bowed his head to the wolf slightly, not enough to make them think he was scared, but enough to at least show he came in peace.


Maddy gave Jasper a look of praise quickly as he didn't take off into the woods. Silias hadn't, so obviously he didn't want them to. No vampire would be stupid enough to travel this far into their territory. Then she turned and looked at the lone wolf. Obviously, he was either plain stupid, or he had some type of plan to avoid being killed. When she saw him give the head bow, she knew that he at least would not be killed on the spot.



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Aziel Couldn't help but smirk when he saw the female vampire read what he left for them, she looked rather mad but she just kept going into the town. Now he was really going to toy with these wolves.
Swiftly he jumped up into one on the tree's where the wolves smell was strongest and pulled out his lighter,setting fire to one of the top of the trees, and doing the same to three others. No enough to harm the forest but just enough to alarm the giant dogs. Smirking he jumped down and crossed the street,heading to town, he would hear about this from afar..he was sure of that when he turned and looked up at the top of the trees that were ablaze. And he left with a rather evil laugh.


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Bjorn Ravengaurd

Bjorn went into a defensive crouch went the boom reverberated through the forest. as he went down, flattening his ears, he felt Tala's slender arms wrap around one of his hind legs.
"What was that?", Tala asked.
Bjorn gave a little shrug, moving his head to the side to look Tala in the eye with one of his blue orbs, then he sensed the presence of Thorn and the new wolf. His hair stood up a bit when the new wolf appeared. Bjorn looked over at Catileya and Silas, who seemed to have something going on with Thorn, but awaited orders from his Alpha nonetheless.


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Character Portrait: Silas Danvers Character Portrait: Zacharia "Zero" Lin
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When he had heard the report, Zero was furious. SOmetimes, his kind were so stupid! He paced the library quickly and scowled. Did they seriously think they could take on one of the strongest werewolf clans around? He would have face palmed but knew that wouldn't help any matters. What in the world were they thinking? Now they were just causing more trouble. He seethed. Now he would have to go sort it out and apologize. Silas was not an easy man. He would demand some kind of payment. Now the second in command of the vampires had much more important things to do but those idiots had gone and screwed up his whole plans for the morning. Zero sighed. Maybe he should go into retirement or something. It seemed that ruling or being the King's right hand man was a lot more trouble than it was worth. He grabbed his two swords even though he had no plan of using them. However, he did not want them to think him weak or being submissive. He was just there to correct the wrongs. That was all. He was honorable. He apologized when apologies were needed. THat was all.

The tall graceful vampire started running at full speed toward the Clan where the disruptions were held. If there were any vampires left, He would have to go and exterminate them at once. In just a few minutes, the mansion appeared in his enhanced line of sight and he sighed again, preparing himself. He could take on any wolf, he was more experienced and just very skilled. HE's lived for a long time now. He slowed as he got close. His nose twitched at the awful stench but he forced himself to remain blank. This was business after all. With his eyes narrowed, he could see a little gathering. He walked quickly and soon was close enough to hear their breaths.

"Hello, I'm Zacharia Lin. May I speak to whomever is in charge, I come in peace." Zero held up his hands and his lips were curved in a small smile. How would they react?


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Right when Thorn thought she wouldn't need to be an Alpha, here she was with her arched and her tail raised. She approached Silas and stopped five feet in front of him. She would die if she didn't do something. She could feel Silas at the edge of her mind testing her metal walls, searching for a weakness so he could dive into her head and find what she had done. The real wolf in her surged forward claiming the peice of herself that she had never known about. The ability to really be an Alpha. Before this, she had just been pretending to be an Alpha but now... She really was.

Thorn growled, and snapped her teeth. His name is Jake. A friend I invited. She replied calmly and smoothly with a hint of an edge underneath. By the look on Silas's face, he was suprised but not at all happy.

Silas knew the source of the strong mind, the Alpha's mind was coming from Thorn. He was testing her mental walls, when things shifted. All of a sudden he couldn't enter her head, feel her emotions or figure her location like the others. She had embraced her true nature and that was being an Alpha. He growled when she snapped her teeth at him. He felt the need to protect his territory, his wolves, and his status. An Alpha couldn't be made or trained, only born. He had taught her so many things, because she was a natural born Alpha but she embraced it at the wrong time. Any other time would have been fine, but not now. He needed her to back down, until later, when things would go according to his plan.

Silas snorted when he smelt Vampire on the air. It belonged to Zero, one of the vamps that also helped to try to keep them out of the Vampire King's eye. He watched him closely, then sent a thought to the Vampire. Zero. You do have horrible timing. Although I'm sure you've come to apologize about your followers intruding on my territory. I'm sure that can wait. I have problem right now, as you can see. Just sit back and... Wait. Silas knew the others wouldn't be able to hear him communicating with a Vampire. Only an Alpha could talk to them while in wolf form, using telepathy.


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Ooh, he was being ignored? Zero raised an eyebrow. It didn't matter he guessed. HE just needed to speak to Silas, the one he had heard was Alpha. But underneath all that fur and fangs, he couldn't tell who was which.

"Who here is the Alpha? I had heard it was a man named Silas," Zero raised his voice louder. Of course he could feel the tension in the air. IT was thick and suffocating and he wished he had come at a different time but he had to do his duties as well.

Zero mocked himself. How stupid he was sure he looked. A tall man in a tuxedo, was standing beside a bunch of abnormally large wolves. He rolled his eyes. Maybe he should leave and come back another time.

But at the same time, he was surprised that they weren't doing anything to react to his presence. After all, he was one of the most strongest vampires in existance. He started to walk away, deeper into the Clans territory. If they wouldn't help him, he would go and search for the remaining vampires himself. This was his job. Someone that.. no. Any Vampire that threatened the peace between themselves and the werewolves, must be caught and punished if not killed.

If the wolves tried to stop him, he would kill them. He had to do his duties and if it meant trespassing, so be it.


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Tala let go of Bjorn and looked around..why did it smell like smoke? But she lost track of her thoughts when a vampire pretty much popped out of no where. The imaginary wolf side of Tala took over and she crouched down, a stake already in her hand and a strange growl coming from her human throat. "Silas!" she called across the meadow hoping to gain everyone's attention, through she was surprised that the awful smell hadn't reached everyone;s nose's yet.

"Hello, I'm Zacharia Lin. May I speak to whomever is in charge, I come in peace." the vampire 'Zacharia' said but Tala still stayed crouched down,almost like she was going to pounce with a sharp wooden stake that she some how pulled out of her long sock in hand. But seeing him walk away she know threw a rock at him. "Hey where do you think your goin?" she asked knowing that that way lead to the mansion...


Jasper nuzzled maddy gently, about to tell her something..when the most awful smell reached his nose...again. Jasper huffed and started to walk to Silas, making sure to very carefully walk around the Vampire. and up to Silas and Thorn.
Silas....we have company.. the boys voice drifted into Silas, Thorn and Jack's head while he glanced back at the vampire.


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Mady watched as the man she knew to be the vampire kings top advisor walked in in a tuxido. She remained silent as he spoke, paying more attention to Silias. As the man started to walk away, she gave a noise to get his attention. She nodded her mussle in the directions of Silias and gave an eye to his sword.


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Thorn ignored the vampire. She didn't care about him right now. She looked at the turned Silas and growled. So, my friend will... stick around for awhile. Oh, and you can't punish Tree or Jasper. Silas looked at her, while baring his teeth. Thats not your decision Thorn... You're not Alpha. Not yet. Thorn snapped her teeth at him, a warning. I do as I want, Silas. Your not my boss. Not anymore. Then she sent a silent thought to Jake. You should be fine with everyone here. Don't piss any of them off.

Thorn shook herself then all of a sudden... She needed to get away from all this adult stuff. She turned and walked calmly out of there. Then when she was out of hearing range, she ran. She was running, just running somewhere. Away from all this nonsense. Little did she know though. She was heading in the direction Zero had gone.


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He had brushed her off, but it was no big deal. He might want something latter. "I have a littel free time befor i have to start on my chores". She said to her self but I don"t want to read juist yet.
So she went to the dance room, "good thing i'm alone". She hated danceing in front of other pepole. She closed her eyes and the song begain, She imagened a party all of the vampiers were there the king came up and asked for her hand, The lights dimed , the floor was vacent he took her hand, kissed it, and the music swirled around her. They dance together, a lovely vampier pair, she was lost in his eyes and the song, she had even started singing, even though it wasen't real she was content, " this will be reality some day" she told herself. She was so chaught up in the music, that she didnt notice the door opening.

The soung is here ... detailpage


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Jake nodded his head to Thorn before she took off. Well this is great, he thought to himself. I'm on another packs territory, without the one person that I almost know, and I don't know what to do. His tail slowly wagged, not necessarily out of joy, but he was a bit excited. This was like an adventure, but at the same time, he was still worried, on his toes and ready for anything.


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Bjorn Ravengaurd

Bjorn's focus was torn between the Alpha and Thorn, and then the tall ancient vampire moving into their territory. Finally, Thorn ran off, and with the immediate threat to the Alpha gone, Bjorn swung his body to face Zero, snarling and barking at him as he slowly moved forward towards the vampire, stopping out of Zero's range even with his lighting reflexes that all vamps had, but close enough to the get the message through to him, his hackles raised and his ears pinned back, a low growl emanating from his massive chest.


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Tala stepped in front of Bjorn, her back to the vampire and put each of her hands on his lowered shoulders. "Calm down, if he wanted to hurt us he would have already." she said whispering to him, trying to calm him back down before something really bad happened and the last thing they wanted for for the vampire to freak out on them..

(sorry it's so small..)