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Vagrant Hero

Vagrant Hero


An old time hero who holds the powers of the gods is accompanied by a few souls as they look for the source of his unwanted powers. (closed))

1,438 readers have visited Vagrant Hero since Sonohra created it.


Alena. A wonderful word. Or so it is told of in stories. 500 hundred years ago, Alena was called earth. Now this earth was destroyed by a solar flare, only leaving a few alive. Now out of the few remains of the human civilization, about 3% have developed in human powers. Mutations. Now, 500 hundred years later, that number has grow to be over 10% of the population. They have been regarded as freaks and frowned upon by society, but not yet turned into slaves or any thing close to it. What many don't know is that one person has been given more power than any other and truthfully, doesn't want it. Many believe that it was given to him by the gods, and this man plans on finding these gods and give them a harsh talking to. He travels with his two best friends and some god-like spirit sent him by the gods to hep him with his powers. They are great companions, but he only wishes to go on this quest on his own.

The Gods (The main three)





World of Alena

The Land


The Army

The Creatures

So you get the idea? World of Alena ain't too nice. The Army and very kind, and the animals aren't really animals. Most places are abandoned or barely inhabited and the greenery is everywhere. The World of Alena is no paradise.

The Unwanted Hero >> refuses to take heroic duties >> Taken
The Hero's Guide (spirit-like- human) >> tries to convince hero he IS a hero >> Taken
The 'Girlfriend' (human) >> loves hero a lot but won't admit it >> Taken
Hero's Best Friend (male/female; mutant) >> doesn't want to see hero hurt >> Taken


Code: Select all


(for guide 100+)

Can be short
At least one paragraph
at least 3
at least 3
at least two
one of each
[b]Mutation/Powers:[/b] (all except girlfriend)[/size][/center]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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#, as written by Sonohra
"Please! Please!! Please help us!!" The woman collapsed onto her knees as she begged Damien for his help. He gave her a look of disdain and disgust. Only minutes ago this woman had practically spat on Damien and his little band of merry friends. And now she was begging for Damien's powers to help catch a robber who robbed her store. Damien stepped back and laughed. "Are you crazy!? You treat me like shit and now expect me to help you? Sorry lady, but know." Damien waited for Luka to say something, but Damien did not want to help this lady. No matter what. Damien turned to go, calling his friends to follow. "Come on guys."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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Luka said nothing when the woman spat on her hero and the band of freaks she had joined. She even held her tongue when the woman refused to sell them anything. But when she begged for help? Luka felt no pity for the sobbing waste of space. Flitting over to Damien, she delicately perched on his shoulder, looking at her nails. "Gods forgive me but I can't stand humans like that... Hey, Hero, when you do save the world and junk, don't help those people. Let them rot for looking down on others." The spirit felt the wrath of the Gods in her head, but kept her face straight. No use in saying sorry. She meant every word.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MusaMe
Malic slightly clicked his tongue on how Damien was handling the situation. This woman didn't deserve their help, but still. He'd feel bad if they didn't help her. Even if she did practically spit on them. Malic took a sharp turn, his face stone like. Maybe he would've said something to help if the wouldn't had looked at him in disgust. His wings always seems to draw attention. Especially if he was fighting, randomly having fire shoot out of your hands was kind of a eye drawer.ย 


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Damien's stomach moaned and begged for food. As a response to thise, Damien turned to look at his friends and say, "if no one will give us food i'm going to have to take it. We cannot carry on like this . Malc you haven't said anything. You hungry?" he asked his best friend. Damien could tell he was a little upset about the woman. he could read the little facial expressions that Malic would make when he is dishevelled.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MusaMe
"Quite." Malic responded to Damien's questions. That's how he usually was with answers, simple and to the point. "I could catch something, if none will sell us something." Malic responded, a slight twitch of his lip indicating continues annoyance as his mind traced back to that one woman. Malic's large raven black wings stretched around him as they refolded. It had been a bit since he had actually flown, but when he does it always made him so tired. It was kind of like running continuously and never stopping. Only if you stopped you just plunged to the ground at life threatening speed. ย 


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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Luka looked at Malic and Damien. "Damien, you will not steal anything." She snipped, glaring lightly at his head. "Malic, let me do the catchin'. You've done it the last few times. Might as well pull my weight a bit." She hopped down from her seat on Damien's shoulder and stretched, popping bones. "Besides, yer looking tired. If I can read your facial expressions, you must be tired." She grinned up at him before blinking as a rock knocked against her hip. She looked over to see a young man scowling at them. She flicked him off and stuck her tongue out at him.


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#, as written by MusaMe
Malic was about to protest, he didn't mind catching at all when a rock flew and hit Luka in the lip. Immediately Malic turned and was in front of the boy in a few moments, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt and dragging him back to the front of the group. "Say your sorry to the lady." Malic hissed, his offensiveness getting raised. He only ever did this for his friend. The kid looked like he was going to sh*t bricks.ย 

"I'm sorry." He said with a shaky voice as Malic let go of his shirts scruff as he ran off, tripping over his own feet a few times. Malic turned back Luka.ย 

"I can hunt, it's quite fine." He said, his face expressionless.ย 


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Ava Camellia Character Portrait: Malic Mase Character Portrait: Damien Seoul
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Luka blinked as Malic made the brat not only apologise to her but also prove that they weren't to be messed with. She rolled her eyes at him and pointed after the kid. "And I didn't need the help with the snot nosed brat-thing. But you did it anyways, regardless of if I complained or not." She poked him in the chest once. "I will do the same. We are friends, no matter how much I beg to differ. Friends just do things for other friends. Thought you understood that." She began to walk beside Damien again, but not before giving Malic one last meaningful look.


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#, as written by MusaMe
"Alright." Malic said simply, his voice even. He crossed his arms, not in annoyance but just in a relaxed posture. He found it comfortable if he did this, for it took some weight off of his back. Literally. Sometimes Malic wished he could just cut off those god-forsaken raven wings.ย 


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#, as written by Sonohra
Damien smiled at the weird relationship his friends had. Sometimes Damien thought they could be a couple. The thought amused him. He watched as they handled the boy quickly and seamlessly. Malic then folded his arms as Luka and him finally agreed they were going hunting together. Damien knew what that meant. An no matter how weird his next move was, he didn't care. He placed his hand on Malic's back, right in between his wings and pressed lightly. He remembered how Malic's mother would do the same thing. Damien only hoped he was doing it right. Damien then remembered how heat and cold would help sore muscles, and so he used his powers to warm up the sore muscles, but only a bit so he didn't burn Malic.


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#, as written by MusaMe
Malic felt immediate relief in his back muscles. He remembered when he was younger and his mother would do this. Damien had witnessed it once, when they were younger. After the heat faded and his back felt much better Malic smiled at his friend and said, "Thank you." Turning to Luka he asked, "Are you ready?"


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#, as written by Sonohra
Damien smiled kindly, Malic's smile being infectious and then remembered. "They made me their prophet and didn't give me the power of flight. Wow. I just realized that." Damien said a little disappointed.


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Luka laughed at Damien's words. "Please, you'd be too over powered then, dear hero." She walked over to Malic and thumped his chest with her fist lightly. "Show me how you hunt then, Malic." And with that she flew into the air, waiting for the other flighted freak.


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#, as written by MusaMe
Malic smirked, unlike Luka his flight wasn't as easy. His wings starting to unfold and he forced his back muscles to clench. His wings started moving as he said to Damien, "Believe me, it's freaking annoying." Malic said toward Damien. He would give anything to not have those things across his back. The only few people who hadn't looked at him funny for having them were his friends and his mother. Even his father had shunned him. "Alright then." Malic said to Luka's statement. Flying across the sky to the woods he scanned the trees under him, eyes sharp and keen. He landed silently on the forest floor he shut his eyes. Focusing only on the sounds around him, the rustle of the leaves. A noise caught his attention. He held his breath and whipped around. A ugly creature sat, picking at plants with pointed teeth. Fur spotted around on it's hide, otherwise hairless. Luka clenched his muscles and sprung after it. Along with his wings, Malic was easily graces with lightning quick speed as his claw like fingers dug into the scruff of it's neck. He snapped the creatures neck with one swift motion and showed it to Luka. His face expressionless. "Then how do you hunt?" He asked, holding up the creature which resembled that of a bulldog and rabbit mix.ย 


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Luka whistled and flew over to Malic, poking the creature with a finger. "Good Gods, this thing is ugly... Wonder how you'd cook it..?" She asked herself as Malic asked his question. "Me? Hunt? I guess I'll show ya... One second..." Luka flipped backwards and shifted into the large blue hawk, who shot past Malic, folding in a wing to keep from grazing him. Scanning the treetops and the surrounding sky, she spotted movement in the air to her left and quickly began to chase it, not afraid of the idea of a larger animal or something more dangerous than herself. An aerial chase took place, with the prey, a feathered, winged reptilian creature, struggling to stay ahead of the blue bird. Luka easily closed the gap and tore into a wing with her beak, causing it to spiral and flail. The creature squeaked and squawked as Luka grabbed it in one talon, her claws puncturing the soft neck. Transferring the kill to her beak, she landed deftly on Malic's shoulder and peered at him sideways with dark blue eyes that asked 'Satisfied?'

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Luka
Character Portrait: Ava Camellia


Character Portrait: Ava Camellia
Ava Camellia

"You Won't Rescue Me. I'll Rescue You ".{WIP}

Character Portrait: Luka

"I am sent by the three masters to help you. So take my help, you gods forsaken moron!"


Character Portrait: Ava Camellia
Ava Camellia

"You Won't Rescue Me. I'll Rescue You ".{WIP}

Character Portrait: Luka

"I am sent by the three masters to help you. So take my help, you gods forsaken moron!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Luka

"I am sent by the three masters to help you. So take my help, you gods forsaken moron!"

Character Portrait: Ava Camellia
Ava Camellia

"You Won't Rescue Me. I'll Rescue You ".{WIP}

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Re: Vagrant Hero

May I be hero's girlfriend

Re: Vagrant Hero

Can I reserve the hero's best friend?

Re: Vagrant Hero

Reserving the Hero's guide slot. =w=

Should prove to be exciting.

Re: Vagrant Hero

Ooh, I wanna be a mutant! But what is everybodies gender going to
Be so I know to make the one we have the least of?

Re: Vagrant Hero

Playing a spirit sounds fun, I'd like to reserve that spot.

Re: Vagrant Hero

Can I reserve the 'girlfriend'?

Vagrant Hero

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