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Vampire Knight: A New Generation

Cross Academy


a part of Vampire Knight: A New Generation, by Pizzahutmarioparty.


Pizzahutmarioparty holds sovereignty over Cross Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Cross Academy is a part of Vampire Knight: A New Generation.

16 Characters Here

NPC Box [0] Where we take care of your needs!
Chie Yukimura [0] " It's all just a game."
Rin Gin Kyo [0] " Don't fool with me Human. "
Kura Eien [0] Pureblood vampire and cousin of Mugen
Kabu [0]
Kaito Shimizu [0] "Want my blood? Come and get it!"
Kail Diana Oakens [0] " I don't need your pity. "

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#, as written by October
Rin chuckled coldly and put his arms over his head yawning bored. " That's hurtful Rina I've been going here all my life and you don't even know my name..." Rin sighed and dropped his hands " I'm Rin Gin Kyo,I've been in the school since i was eight and i'm over 1,00 years old..yet you don't know me? " he shook her head before shoving his hands in his pockets. " Oh well i'm gonna be late..why don't you ask Kidero." he said codly shooting her a dead eyed glance before walking into the class room.Rin never used to be this heartless..what happened to him? He clenched his teeth together before running a hand through his hair. This school is changing me.he sighed before walking into the class and sitting down in his normal sit next to Kidero. " you look pissed .What happened? " Rin asked glancing at Kidero and ignoreing the teacher.


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Rina stared at him, suddenly feeling guilt take root deep inside herself. Rin was right, she should know him. After all, she had been attending this school since she had been a century old. She let out a soft sigh, suddenly not wishing to go to class anymore. Ignoring this feeling, she slowly followed Kidero and Rin into the class.

Her expression was uncaring, keeping her eyes blankly staring ahead of her, as she silently made her way to take her usual seat in the back by the windows. Instead of sitting, she stood at the window beside her usual seat and kept her face turned to stare out into the darkness at the large orb in the sky. She ignored everyone in the room as she reverted to become the old Rina, the one who didn't do anything including not caring; or not trying to.

When the class was called to attention, she moved to sit in her graceful manner as she still kept her eyes staring out the window; still focused on the large glowing moon.


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"No need to be violent, I had no intentions in doing so." Sika scowled as she looked at her. "Ya, and birds don't fly." She was rude and cold. "Im warning you, touch them and you die." She said as she started to walk away before it stopped her. "I am not sure what you mean when you say how your mother wouldn't know a vampire...we surly knew her." Sika looked at her. "I don't know what you mean! My mom was human, how would a human know a vampire?" She scowled even more before she turned the corner in the hallway.
"Being a perfect must be a difficult task, I wish you all the best of luck. I hope we meet again soon Sika, it was a pleasure meeting you." That was all she heard before she heard the door close. Sika turned around and let out a small yell. "In your dreams you freak!" She growled; a vampire talking and acting as if she knew her mother was getting Sika all hot-headed and tempered, more than any day class student could. She stomped down the hall way as she let out a small yawn.


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#, as written by Senshi
Mugen opened the door to his dorm room and dropped his bag on the ground. "That was a good sleep." He yawned heavily, realizing the others were still at the school. He fumbled around until he tripped over and fell into his bed. Judging from the strength of the shadow, Kura was likely already in the city. He could be at the academy in a flash if he wanted, but he wasn't going to attack yet. Knowing Kura he would likely go after others just to annoy Mugen. He would kill every student in the school just to see Mugen frown. Mugen stared at the ceiling, deciding to just lay there until he finally went back to sleep.


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Kail nodded pulling back before walking away leaving both of them behind. she sighed this was going to be hard..Kail kept walking getting a strange feeling that sooner or later..something bad was going to happen..not just to her but to the whole school. Kail looked around hating the feeling that she was being watched she nodded to herself befoe taking off running around the school. no more fooling around tonight.she thought to herself not stopping to catch her was going to be a very long night.

(( should we go on to the next day?? ))


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β€œI’m not afraid of you or any of the other pureblood. You can’t do anything to me. I’ll remain human no matter what you do.”

Hiroshi chuckled, "We'll see about that Gokan-chan." he said with a small smirk. He eyed her neck, before turning to leave. "And like I told you, I dont want to go to class." he said before walking off. He'll just go rest at the dorms or something. Up until now, everything was just his little act. He knew where most of the classes were, and what perfects were. He wasnt that much of an idiot.

He had to admit, most of the people he had met today was very... interesting. At the same time, the way those perfects acted just pissed him off. Whatever, he'll just have to learn to deal with them. But if there was one thing he regretted, was the fact that he didnt have a chance to taste some real blood today. "Ahhh that stupid old man is just too cruel." he chuckled to himself.


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"We'll see about that Gokan-chan."

Damascus narrowed her eyes. What exactly was he thinking? She noted the glance to her neck, the smirk on his lips. Out of the other vampires, Hiroshi was someone she didn't want to mess with. No, she wasn't scared of him. But the way he seemed so familiar and how he clearly knew her before today, something about it didn't seem right. It was as if he knew something about her that she didn't know. But... how was that possible?

Brushing it off, the brunette trotted off into the forest to sit in one of the trees. It was a usual practice. Her room was rarely touched other than for clothing changes and to get her books. As she relaxed against the branch her tongue absently frisked over her lips. She caught herself. What the hell was that? she thought with a frown. She lifted a hand to her lips and touched them lightly - they were trembling. Perhaps the blood was getting to her? Or was she hungry?

Don't worry about it, just sleep, her mind told her, and so she obeyed.


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The Sun came up, but this time it was time for the Day Class students to get to their classes. However the vampires may still roam around, even if the sun irritates them.

Mai grumbled as the sun hit her eyes, she wasn't ready to get up...nor was she feeling the motivation to even stand. Yes, she was sick...
" Darn it, I hate the cold...always causing trouble." She sniff a couple times, then shoving the covers off her she glared up at ceiling. She was hot, even though it was cold in the room. " Man...I guess ill have to skip today, ill catch up on my work when I am better..." She ended up drifting back into sleep, her Pajamas were a blue night gown that reach her knees.


Chie growled from the sudden sunlight hitting her eye " It would seem it's time for me to rest...though, maybe a little exploring the dormitory wouldn't hurt. It's good to get to know your new...friends." She giggled innocently
Getting up from her seat, she headed out her door. Perhaps I should of waited tonight to greet them, most of the lazy bugs are probably sleeping.
Despite her insulting them in her thoughts, she always remained smiling was one of her talents; Making her a good liar. " Perhaps the lounge would be a good place to go." and there she went, settling herself on yet...another chair. The end of her hair settling on the floor, she looked elegant as she mostly always did. First impression was important, especially when you come to deceive people.

( You all may post, sorry for the long wait.)


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Sika walked towards her dorm and slept till morning. When she awoke; the sun scattered around her room like flower petals as she arose from her bed. She took a quick shower and got ready for the day before stepping outside and started to walk down the hall way. Sika walked to class; looking around for the other perfects. She stretched back and released a huge yawn before walking through the doors. She trotted upwards and sat down in her seat; looking through her school books she had accidentally left in the room.


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Kail walked to her room right after the night classes were over,dropping onto her bed..but not falling asleep. Kail layed there till the sun came up and the bell rang for the day classes to start;Very slowly Kail stood up and walked into her bathroom taking a shower before getting dressed in her uniform and shoving her prefect arm band into her pocket. Kail shook her head her hair almost dry I'll end up falling asleep in Mr.Teskan's class and get yelled at again..this is so point less. she thought to herself slipping on her shoes and grabbing her rather small bookbag with only a few pens and a sketch pad in it she stomped out of her dorm. Kail stomped out of the dorms and down the side walk..she slowed. I could just skip..I'll call the front office and just call in sick..Easy..AND I don't have to get yelled at!Grinning with her idea kail turned around and headed to the one spot she loved most.


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Saitou woke up feeling tired as usual. In fact, he didnt really have any sleep. The symptoms of tuberculosis made things a lot worse than it had to be. He stumbled across the room, grabbing a cup of water and taking his medicine. Bitter, but at least it helped.. somewhat. Sighing quietly to himself he grabbed his uniform, only to realize Mai still had his top blazer. He could go ask for it... or just wait until she gave it back. He didnt want to wake her up, just in case she was still asleep.

Putting on whatever he had left of his uniform, Saitou made his way out of his room. He would rather just stay in bed, but didnt feel like having to make up work. Then again, it wasnt like he even listened to the lesson. Class time was when he was finally able to get some sleep. With a small yawn, he walked into class, taking a seat at the back of the room as usual. Placing his head down on the desk, he closed his eyes.


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Morning light woke Damascus from her slumber. She blinked several times against the bright rays before forcing herself to straighten. She stretched her arms up towards the sky, back arching like a cat's. Oh, how... awful mornings were. Why couldn't it always be night? Ever since she could remember, Damascus had always had an odd attraction to the night. Perhaps it was because of the stars. She enjoyed watching them as they winked down at her between the sweeping clouds. Anyway, daytime called for the work she didn't enjoy - school.

A light frown upon her lips, the brunette turned and swung her legs over the branch. With a skilled jump she landed to the ground in a crouch, hands on the ground to steady herself. Her sweeping violet gaze raked through the underbrush and grass before she straightened and stretched once more. "Shall I skip today?" she thought alloud as she strolled casually back to the path. As always, she was closer to the Night Dormatory than anywhere else. "I'm already ahead of the work. Really, it's as if I already learned this."


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"Bad things." He replied to Rin. Slumping on his desk. He groaned.

Kidero grumbled, and sprinted into the dorm. He sprinted upstairs, shoving a door open, and faceplanting on his bed. Instantly snoring. Still dressed in his uniform. He was sprawled on his bed, drool sliding down his chin. Tossing and turning he slowly started to drift off into dreamland. His legs twitching.


Kaito walked up to the school, his hair getting blown about his face. "So this is Cross Academy? Oh boy.." He muttered. He ran up to the school gates, and walked through it. He ran up to the main school, and pushed a door open for a classroom. "Why couldn't i have come yesterday?!" He groaned. His tie half tied half untied.


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As soon as class had been dismissed Rina had been out the door, not bothering to wait for any of the others, arriving at the dorm within moments. She made her way to her room and once behind the door, her walls came down as she moved to sit on the chair by the window. She was tired but didn't feel like sleeping yet, she knew wouldn't be able to.

She sighed softly as she picked up a book and opened it to the page she had last read. She read for a while before she changed and slipped under the sheets on her comfortable bed. Once her head was on the soft pillow, it took the vampire only a short time to fall asleep.


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When class was dismiss; it hit Sika like a bomb. She got up and stretched. She figured that it would be a few hours or so before the day class students would gather around the gates. She walked up towards the teacher and he smiled a weak smile. "Thankyou Sika. Please have them done by tomorrow." He said walking out as Sika stayed silent. She walked back towards her seat and started the teacher's work. She was a bit too silent for being Sika.