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Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZIE on Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:17 pm

Yeah I was realy short on time, and I was trying put something together that was more than just a place holder. I unfortunatly do not have a whole lot of Roleplaying experience anway, (The DM I had in D&D most of the time was unfortunatly more of a "kill kill kill" kind of guy, so I never had a need to develop much of a story for my characters,) but I really am interested. I appriciate your suggestions, and I'll work on that. I don't guarentee that it will be finished before tomorow, considering it is already 10 pm and I have a ton of halloween stuff to clean up, but I'll do my best.

Edit: I've changed it, and I hope it's a little more up to snuff. I'd really like to hear your feedback, and hopefully you will find it a little more acceptable. If you think this RP just isn't for me, i'll understand. (not so say that I wont be somewhat dissapointed. :lol: )
Last edited by ZIE on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.

People are like slinkies...basicaly useless. But it's realy fun to watch them fall down stairs.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RideOnTechnology on Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:31 pm

Regrettably I won't be joining this role play (I would feel far too incompetent compared to everyone else I see), however I couldn't stop myself from wanting to exclaim how great of a plot this is. Not to mention the characters that decided to join.
You are all insanely dedicated to detail, in the general plot and the picky details as well.
Sorry for maybe wasting thread room and a post just to say this, but really I couldn't help it. Bravo to the lot of you!


Zanza Labs RP <-- Warning: If you are sensitive to awesomeness or allergic to sheer fantastical greatness, proceed with caution.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Par Zenith on Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:15 pm

Okay! Today is the Day people! I will be posting the actual IC thread later today, and will let people know in advance.

Accepted Profiles(will also be edited into the first post):

Other people will have to finish their character skeletons. ZIE, just remember what we discussed and your character should be accepted.

And lastly, time to unveil the secret blood property! Anybody who has chosen the secret blood will be immune to infection!

I will NOT reveal the blood type openly. EVER. So don't ask. If one of your characters dies, and you want to make another character immune to infection, you better have been watching peoples posts.

That is all.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Polka on Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:33 pm

Ah this should be good :)

and also I live in UK so I might not be posting till tomorrow cos its evening over here xx
But if you get it up in the next few hours I shall post

and I like the blood idea, Kudos to you xxxx

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Darkpriest on Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:23 pm

im u.k as well will post in the morning.

Also remember about the pub, i nkw you wanted to wait a bit, but i thought it mgiht be a good place for the survivors to meet, since we are all going to be doing our own thing to start with. Plus since i thought of it ive been coming up with all sorts of good ideas for the location and barman.

thanks for replying to the questions sorry if they seemed a bit pointless, but im trying to get the feel of the world.

oh on the blood thing, good idea and all, but do the scientists or any of the other group know this? because it does give a hell of an advantage since eventually ammo will run short and at that point on these immune people will be able to fight hand to hand with relative saftey.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ghaarme on Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:30 pm

Ah sweet :3! I was accepted! This should be fun!

I should be able to post like, once or twice a day depending on how much homework I have and so on~
And wow, lots of intelligent questions : o seriously. I feel dumb.

Weell, can't wait fer the IC to be up and running!

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Par Zenith on Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:21 pm

I apologize for not being able to get the IC up sooner. It will be a little longer before I am able to get it running, but it will be done before the end of the day. Well, the day here that is, Mountain time.

In the meantime, ZIE, you are now approved. Keep improving your detailing skills though, as they are of utmost importance here.

@ Darkpriest, no problem man. Your questions were not pointless at all; to the contrary, they give you and other people a higher chance at survival. Knowledge is one of the many tools for staying alive :D
Also, as for the Blood, the only time that will ever be revealed is if a scientist or doctor finds somebody who is imune, or if the character chooses to reveal it later in the RP. Otherwise, PC's, as well as every other NPC in the universe, will be oblivious to its existence.
As for the Bar idea, PM me your ideas. I agree that it is a good idea for survivors to meet sooner rather than later, and stick together of course. But there are some things i need to make clear first

@ everyone participating in the RP

you can PM each other to create character relations and such. I will allow per group, two people who have met slightly previous to the present. So for example, because Darkpriest and Polka are both living in th U.K., they can discuss whether their characters have met yet. If they agree, then they cannot have met any other characters before the RP actually begins.

Players have almost an unlimited amout of places they can start their characters. If you want to be living in one of the mini-cities, or in one of the gangs, PM me. Those are special requests. I highly suggest you people use this OOC thread to discuss with everybody else where and how close you would like to start to each other. Make your intentions clear and whatnot. And you know, how your characters should meet; I can imagine somebody ambushing the biker. That would be kinda funny. But use your time! come up with idea's people!

Any questions, please, Do Ask!

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZIE on Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:25 pm

Quick question. I assume it's easy to tell the difference between a zombie and a human? Will other surivors be accidentaly shooting each other thinking they are zombies?

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tigeress on Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:47 pm

Curiousity questions on my part.

1. How to kill a zombie?

As stated, you said that the central nervous system is a strong point. Such as the brain or spine. In theory, would decapitation work (its not essentially "Destroying" a system, but severing the two, though you are also affecting the neck bones connected to the spinal cord.)

Nerve gas? It technically affects the nervous system. (but ooc wise, if one had alot of it, it would be easy to plunge the city, though maybe not cost-effective.)

Shock? Lots of times, people die from suffering from "Shock" after receiving a wound that ordinarily would not be dangerous. Alot of "Zombie" movies relate that they don't feel pain due to having non or very little nervous system. In fact, do they feel pain at all, such as spasming in death or a natural reaction to move away from pain temporarily (similar to the effect as if we prick ourselves on a thorn and draw back.)

They regain muscle, but what if they lose alot of blood? Would alot of the bonuses that scientists assume to come from the blood be obsolete.

2. The infection.

There is very little written on the degree of how one becomes infected. Is a tiny scratch dangerous? Or does it take a fairly large wound? Perhaps neither, but some trade of fluid maybe? (blade splatter tends to get in peoples eyes mouths and if ignored, soaks slightly into the skin, or possibly like the "28" series where the said "Zombie" often throws up on the face of the victim, which to me was a way to spread it.) There is a time of what it takes after being infected, but not exactly anything up to it.

3. They eat to survive... but don't need it?

Mystery! I have my own theory but im not gonna share! :) MUHAHAHHAA

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Par Zenith on Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:13 pm

Very Good Questions! I love it. You people are very smart!

1. How to kill a zombie?

Decapitating a zombie will effectively render it almost incapable of harming anything. The head of a Zombie will live for a short while, although with the major blood loss due to the severing of the head will deplete the brain of blood. So yes, Decapitation works, but you better watch where you step for a minute or so. Don't want to get bitten by a helpless zack do we?

Nerve Gas Will only work in stalling the movements of zack for a short while. It won't kill them cause they don't make use of their respiratory system as uninfected people usually do.

Shock will only kill them if it can fry the brain. As for feeling, they can feel. Just not pain, as mentioned more scientifically in the first post. But unike most sensible people, they have next to no sense of self-preservation. They won't pull their hand away from the top of a burning candle type deal.

If they loose alot of blood, it will hinder their muscle repair for a bit, but for some strange reason(soon to be revealed in the IC) they are in no short supply. Good luck trying to exanguinate a zombie in this RP.

2. The infection.

Their Blood is thick, and will not absorb through the skin of a non infected person. a scratch will not do anything. the face however, is a high risk area, cuts or no cuts. As long as their blood touches an open wound, be it a severed limb, or a freshly popped zit, you will gt infected. so fluid transfer. As for puking, the zombies thus far have only displayed excessive bloody drooling.

3. They eat to survive... but don't need it?

Lol, good evil laugh.

It is not so much survival that drives them to eat, although they do have symptoms of PWS, or "endless hunger". Unfortunately, I must keep this answer vague. Lets just say that their regeneration capabilities will differ greatly for one that has feasted compared to one that has not. It will be revealed in all its bloody glory soon enough, trust me.....MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

@ZIE Just playin'. The zombies are very distinguishable. Check out the Zombie Q & A secion, and I think the second response will clarify things.

P.s. I am almost finished the IC. As a warning, it is more of an introduction to some of the main NPC's (I have no player characters, so all of the NPC's will be much more developed than in your typical RP) and has plenty of dialogue. Near the ending it gets interesting, becoming very 'icky'. If your smart, you will begin to pick up on the small hints I have been leaving as to how some of the plot will develop. OOO, got you thinking didn't I?


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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby victim130 on Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:33 am

SIGH Some of your rules will make this a very hard to work with RP, but... it sounds AWESOME! So I will attempt it. Although I will warn you I am no good at telling when a paragraph should end...

Name: Brendan/Dark Angel

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearence: Brendan is a normal everyday teenager that loves to kill zombies. He is 5' 10'' (I may have messed the symbols up) has hair to the bottom of his ears, below his eyes, and a quarter the way down his neck and his hair color is dirty blond.He also wears his hair with his bangs split. His eyes are pure blue and resemble the river of the city before it had the out break. He is fairly skinny and has little muscle showing, although he is strong. He has small scars all over his body from wounds he sustained from gangs around the city. He carries around a SMG (Uzi like model) and a sword (Looks sort of home made or as if it has seen lots of fighting) he found on a camp full of dead bodies. His name, Dark Angel comes from his nature to kill and his choice of whatever threatens him. He wears a brown long sleve shirt and jeans. He also uses an old brown cloak for traveling.

Personality: He is a lonely young teenager that finds fullfilment in killing. He is a generally nice guy, but with the hostility that is shown in most places he has to put that aside and become a blank staring, emotionless killer. Towards other humans, he usually treats them with little respect because they are either in a gang or scavengers. The ocational alright person, he treats them pretty nicely. Towards the infected he shows no mercy unless there is too many, then he trys to sneak around. He also ocationally stops by one of the mini cities for rest and food.

Background: He lived happily with his sister and his mother and father until the outbreak. Although during school he would daily get in fights and rarely lose. With the events that followed the outbreak he sort of snapped and lost parts of his sanity which led to him liking the thought of killing.

Recent Events: After the outbreak his parents became infected and he sat there and watched them eat his younger sister. He then was forced to kill them both with his loose bed post that broke on his first swing that hit his father and it became a sharp wooden post. He then started his survival alone in the world. He now wanders the waistland that was once River City and lives in which ever mini city is near him when night comes near.

Blood Type: Not really sure about the different blood types, so heres a random choice... A+
Last edited by victim130 on Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Par Zenith on Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:15 pm

Thanks for joining up! I must however, inform you of some changes that must be made before i accept you into this RP. Please do not take this critisizm personally:

He came up with a clever defence and started to stitch metal poles, beams, and scraps to his clothing to make a defence against close ranged fighting.

When i first read this part, the first thing that came to my mind is that he must be some kind of olympic bodybuilding procuipine fanatic. Could you clarify what ever you were trying to convey there? Cause unless i know what your talking about i cannot approve you.

As for his personality, you are walking a tightrope, if you know what I mean. He lived happily with his family, but yet he enjoys killing? Does this guy have some kind of psychotic disorder? Maybe it was the stress from watching his parents eat his sister? Cause if things aren't going to connect, or make sense, then I cannot allow it. If you change that up, like, maybe, put in the backround that he was hit in the head as a child one too many times or something... I don't like being a tightass, but Rules are rules man, no one liners.

He now resides on a fire escape that the bottom rusted away so that zombies cannot get him in his sleep.

What? Stairs simply rusted into oblivion?

He then was forced to kill them with his bare hands

Did this guy just take on two savage zombies bare handed and win? does he know martial arts? Was he wearing a Hazmat suit? cause if he doesn't know martial arts, then he would have died. if he was not wearing protection, and decided to punch a zombie in the face, he is going to get infected and die.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby victim130 on Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:34 pm

Lol I see your points. I should stop making profiles at 5 in the morning... I will get right on fixing it up.

EDIT: I edited my character just let me know if there is anything that is still out of place.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Darkpriest on Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:32 pm

Captain Morganā€™s Revenge.

The area
The tower is 10 stories of apartments, with 6 apartments on a floor. The building is modern made of reflective glass and steel. A small area outside the build was given a small waste high wall, this marked on the map as original perimeter , the wall is made of a white stone and within the area it market were placed several benches and trees (none currently remain). Since this area is to the south of the city is suffered early assault from Zack, luckily it was far enough away for most to have time to flee, as such the car park is relatively empty although several cars remain. The roads has been blocked at both end with rubble from the buildings on either side, then additionally fortified with cars from the area to make a zombie resistant barricade. The buildings around the tower are all 3 story houses, the doors and windows facing into the court yard have been barricaded, to prevent Zack coming in around the barricades. Additionally many of the buildings have been obviously bobby trapped; luckily Zack doesnā€™t pay attention to a mine even if it is painted bright red to warn survivors.
basic idea of the area around the map, i know its not great, but i did it in paint.

Getting in and out.
Around the barricades Zack usually lingers. The best way for survivors to get in and out is on the roof tops, over the past 2 weeks most survivors has left ladders or hand made bridges on the roof tops to assist other survivors in getting to the bar , just remember to pull the bridge across to you when your done to prevent Zack following you across. The sewer entrances also work but most survivors avoid the risk of a closed space.

Within the tower.
The first 2 floors have been abandoned, Survivors can stay down there for free, but Morgan wonā€™t be happy if he finds you, plus the apartments have been stripped of everything of use. To get between floors there are 2 staircases and an elevator which has been disabled and the door ways wielded shut. Only Floor 1 and 2 only the left had staircase is open, the doors to the second stair case having been wielded shut. On the 3rd floor is the security check point, here stair case one is blocked causing people to have to walk across the floor to stair case 2, as they walk they pass several cages of dogs which count as the infection test, a guard will then take the survivors weapons as no weapons are allowed above floor 3, or will remove the survivor should they be infected. The 4th floor is the bar, kitchen and dinning area, you can dine in your room if you want but most people prefer to be social. Often apartment walls have been removed to create larger rooms, such as in the dinning room. Most unwanted furniture such as the beds and other such things have been removed, although bathrooms still remain for obvious reasons. The 5th and 6th floor are where visitors sleep the 7th floor is where Morganā€™s men sleep although 2 are always on shift guarding the stairs and another is always on the bar. The remaining 3 floors are for Morganā€™s men only and store everything that has been removed from previous floors as well as additional supply storage. The stairs been the 6th and 7th floor are always guarded.
(layout of the tower)

How the tower works.
Once a survivor has arrived and passed the dog test, his weapons are stored. He has to bring additional supplies, ammo, guns or food, to trade in return for a bed a meal and some drink. Alternatively you can trade services instead and Morgan will give you a task. It was through these tasks that most of the work to set up the tower was done. The tower still has power and collects rain water for the water system, although water is rationed.

The Crew
Name: Captain Morgan
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Appearance: Morgan wears his standard green army uniform although has taken to wearing a pirate captains hat that he found in one of the rooms, as well as a leather trench coat he also found in one of the apartments. He has black hair thatā€™s starting to grey. He has blue eyes. Heā€™s relatively fit and muscular although past his prime.
He carries 2 revolvers that were given to him years ago when he was promoted to Captain. Also he carries a cutlass that was found when securing the area around the tower block, one of the houses also served as storage for an antiques shop somewhere else in the city.

Personality: Morgan is a cheerful optimist, although he has seen horrible things being in the army he also claims to have seen moments of kindness that showed the brilliance of human nature. He is incredibly honorable and even now choices to follow his orders even if he has been abandoned. He is also rather enjoying his image as the Captain and will slip an ā€˜arrrrā€™ into conversation from time to time.

Background: Morgan comes from a military family, they have been in the army for generations, it was his destiny to be in the officer, which worked well since Morgan was very good in the army and managed to get promoted to Captain, during his long period of service he has rejected further promotion as he enjoys still being part of the troops and being at the front. He was surprise when he was sent to River City, it was the city of his birth, he grew up here, it was this characteristic which was why the army chose him, he already knew the lay of the land.

Recent Events: Morgan was given orders to secure and hold the area around the tower block, not for any strategic importance but to gather information on the Zombies. He had 3 squads with him. After securing the Tower Blok Morgan sent those squads deeper into the city to gather information, most of the troops didnā€™t make it back. He now runs a hotel / bar with whatā€™s left of the troops, he figures the army left him, he didnā€™t leave the army, he is still following his orders.

Blood Type: AB-

Morgan has a group of 9 with him, all are exmilitary.

Squad 1 Survivors. Squad one was stationed at the Tower Block, before the road was barricaded, Morgan ordered all squads to regroup, as Zackā€™s assault was increasing, 3 members of the squad died in the room to room fighting in the tower block. The rest died while trying to hold of the zombies waiting for the other squads.

Joe Mason - 27, Explosives, shotgun, A-. Joe was one of the main contributors to the setting up of the tower, he set up the explosives that sealed the area as well as bobby trapping the other near by houses.

Neil Kobe ā€“ 33,medic, Light machine gun, B+. Neil has currently been kept on a short leash by Morgan as he wants to capture a Zombie to study, Morgan has forbidden this, Neil has been documenting changes in the zombies and how they interact by watching them over the barriers.

David Falcon ā€“ 28, trooper, light machine gun, AB -. David has known Morgan for a long time, although Morgan gets on with all the troops he closest to David and they have a close friendship.

Squad 2 survivors. Squad two had been sent deeper into the city, squad one had to wait for them to return before detonating the explosives and sealing area. Squad 2 lost a lot of troops fighting to get back into the area through the Zombies.
George Hale, 27, Machine gunner, Heavy machine gun, A+. George is unfortunately the serotype for a gun loving aggressive grunt. He loves war, loves guns and only wishes he could get into the action and not be stuck in the tower.

Tom Ault, 26, Machine gunner, Ammo, B+. Tom is an ammo runt, he follows George carrying him ammo. The pair of them are usually on guard duty together watching the stairs. Tom luckily is a bit more diplomatic and polite then his partner.
Rex Harding , 22, trooper, light machine gun, A-. Rex is the second youngest and as such he gets on well with Hugo, to two of them tend to spend most of their time together.

Hugo Wright, 21, trooper, shot gun, A+. Hugo is the youngest trooper here, he was fresh from boot camp, and as such he tends to get all of the worst jobs as the troops donā€™t really trust his ability to fight under pressure.

Drake Halt, 30,Squad leader, light machine gun, o+. Drake is the highest ranking trooper under Morgan although Falcon is often treated as second in command. He is relatively bitter about the situation and the fact the army sent them to die.

Squad 3 survivor ā€“ squad three was sent the furthest into the city.

Mary Kelly,24,sniper,sniper rifle, AB-. Mary didnā€™t make it back before the barricade was set up, her squad had been considered KIA, she had to move through swarms of zombies to find away onto the roof tops and then travel back to the tower block. Since then she has been a bit of a loner, she tends to spend her time patrolling the area and looking for areas of weakness. Morgan has told everyone to leave her alone as its obvious she needs time to get over what happened. What happened, no one is sure of, only that she returned blood soaked and carrying several weapons that werenā€™t originally hers.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Polka on Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:04 pm

Right am just going post now

Soryy it took so long, My internet broke in the middle of my post :( xx

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZIE on Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:33 pm

I realy like the bar idea, and i think my character is going to head there soon. I have afew questions though.

1. Where in the city is it?
2. Would I have heard anything about it on the radio, or do you prefer to be somewhat secretive?
3. If people leave bridges on the rooftops so people can get accoss, but they pull them back when they are done, how do people get accross?

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jamied10 on Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:55 pm

Name: James Ashford
Nickname: Blaze

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: James is about average size for a man, and about average weight. His hair is a very dark brown and his eyes a brownish hazel, his skin is also slightly tanned and he has a scar on his right knee. He has relatively smooth skin that rarely sees spots. Blaze is often seen wearing snow camo pants and a green t-shirt, black trainers and white socks.

He also carries a black rucksack which contains tinned food, extra clothes, an large bottle of an energy drink and a crowbar. James' favourite gun is his Beretta Storm, which he usually keeps in his right pocket.

Personality: Blaze is a curious person, which led to his intelligence. He is extremely intelligent (as said), taking after his father in many ways. He is loyal to friends and cruel to his enemies. He excels in biology (like his father did) physics, literature and maths, he views zombies as insects: To be crushed. Blaze hates the spawn of the Valde Rememdium and would kill them any day. He will usually refuse to hurt a living person (with the exception of the infected).

Background: James was born in England, near London. From the age of three he knew his way around the village and could easily ride a bike. His mother died when he was four years old, in the testing of fire-resistant armour for the army, James was devastated, so he rode his bike to take his mind of of things, and started reading. His father was often on business trips, being a scientist he had to go to different countries every few weeks, so his father hired a maid to look after James, who earned his nickname soon later when he set his record lap speed around the neighbourhood, which was significantly faster than any other kid in his street.

He started going to school when he was five, but to the most expensive school possible. He excelled in science and english, James was incredibly intelligent for his age, getting the highest possible levels. He progressed like that, but when he was eleven years old he moved to the outskirts of River city, he was sad at first, but gradually got used to it. He was schooled in private until he was slightly older, then he went to an average, everyday high school, to see what life was like for the average kid, and was moved up a year or two. Due to his speed and tactical intelligence he shrugged off bullies, then stomped on them (not literally), shrinking them down to annoying flies.

Recent Events: James was heading to the library when the first zombies attacked, unfortunately his dad was an important scientist in developing the anti-cancer drug and was one of the first killed. Fortunately his house was nearby, so he ran and grabbed his gun and the supplies he would need (he saw zombies near the library).

Blood Type: A-.

Sorry about the huge wait, it suddenly got a lot busier here.
Oh, I live in England, too, so I'll only be posting until about 5:00 PM for American RPers.
Here's my futuristic RP, New World: post913705.html#p913705

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KƦdai on Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:44 pm

Oooooooooooooh may I join? =D I love zombie RPs, but have had a curious difficulty of finding good ones. This seems to be one of those rare gems. =D

I am currently unable to post a character sheet, as I must get several things done that will certainly take a couple hours. T.T But, I will try to get a sheet up ASAP.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Par Zenith on Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:32 am

@jamied10 -- your accepted. Man, i had almost given up hope! haha. Glad you could make it :D

@Mikailo -- Why thank you! I really hope that you will enjoy playing once your done!

@EVERYONE -- Sweet_angel66 Has proven herself through PM between herself and I, that she is fully capable of controlling one of the pre-existing characters of River City. She will control Addie, leader of the Iron Maidens, as well as all of the members of the gang. She will be posting her Character sheet, which is similar to Darkpriest's Captain Morgan's sheet. I welcome people who challenge themselves to play harder roles such as this; If you would like to give this a try, then you absolutely must be experienced. no noobs. sorry.

Also, I wanted to see what everybody would do first..... which is why i did not post this semi-complicated map of the city's train system. But apparently the more complex, the happier you people are :lol:

This is River City's Train system. There are a couple rules....

1. The Railmen run the trains. the rails are completely intact so far.

2. The Iron Maidens control the Industrial rails in the northern part of town. This makes them people you should not F*ck with.

3. The Railmen have Mercenaries as bodyguards. They are seriously overpowered, and will most definately F*ck sh*t up if they get the chance.

4. You do not need to wait for me to NPC the Railmen. If you want to use the trains, feel free to generate these people how you see fit, within reason. As a guideline, they are nice, but wary; they basically want to help people, but if you show in any way that you have bad intentions, one of two things might happen...maybe both: they won't give you a ride, and their bodyguards will try and kill you. yes, kill you. This is serious business you know.


The Train stations are the black boxes with numbers beside them. If there is a crossing between two colored lines, and there is a box overtop, that means both rails are connected to the one train station. If anybody has questions, don't hesitate to ask. The more you ask, the more you will know, and it will only benefit you and every other survivor in the RP.

Lastly, Sandman is a Radio Personality. I noticed that almost nobody either carries a radio on them, or has not mentioned anything related. This man will relay VERY important information when he gets the chance. Not only is this cool, but if you somehow manage to get to him, you can make a special request that will be played on the radio! Nifty, I would say.

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Re: Valde Rememdium: Era of the Afflicted

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:57 am

Name: Addie
Gender: female
Age: 22 years old

Skin Colour: a golden bronze shade
[Height: around 5ā€™8ā€™ā€™
Weight: around 122lbs
Hair: dark brown in colour, lengthwise up to about were her shoulder blades finish, she also has a side fringe and its usually kept messily out or tied up in a ponytail/bun.
Eye Colour: her actual eye colour is dark brown but she always wears green eye contacts.
Body type: she has the so called ā€˜hourglassā€™ shape, slim but a muscular build,
Piercings: Addie just has her ears pierced and usually wears big silver hooped earrings.
Scars: Addie has quite a number of scars across her body but most of them arenā€™t that noticeable. One major one is located on her right shoulder blade which she got when she was out hunting with her father as a young child. She got attacked by a bear, but luckily for her the bear was just able to dislocate her shoulder leaving behind three claw marks across her right shoulder blade before her father killed it. She has another scar at the top back half of her head which she got from getting a bottle smashed over her head in a bar fight. Although she had to get 25 stitches on her head the scar is well hidden in her hair so most people have never seen it.
Tattoos: She has the word ā€˜Freedomā€™ written in some ancient Japanese language down her spine. (Kind of like this ... o_Girl.JPG )
Addie also has a small flower and the words ā€˜Iron Maidensā€™ tattooed on her left hip bone.
Clothing: A pair of black shorts, white with blue laces DC shoes ( ... s.jpg.jpeg), a plain light blue coloured tank top thatā€™s a little to short revealing a bit of her stomach and of course her favourite black leather jacket that she literally wears 24/7. She also wears a number of silver bangles on her right arm.
Weapons & Equipment:
Addie usually just carries with her a lighter, a pack of cigarettes, a pocket knife desert eagle and sometimes depending on what they are doing she will bring with her a shotgun which they got when they robbed the gun store.

One word ā€˜Bitch,ā€™ excuse the language but its true when people meet her for the first time thatā€™s exactly what they think of her. Many describe her as a cold-hearted, selfish, greedy, power hungry, young woman. Even her own fellow Iron Maidens thinking that sometimes the power has gone to her head. Addie is very confident, says what she thinks no matter if it might hurt someone or start a fight. She does what she wants and wonā€™t let anyone get in her way. If you have a problem with her, donā€™t try and get it worked out because it will only result in someoneā€™s blood getting spilt all over the floor and it usually isnā€™t hers. She never shows much compassion or fear keeping it all hidden because she doesnā€™t want to be seen as weak especially not in front of her fellow gang members. Addie is also very manipulative and flirtatious, especially when things donā€™t go her way or when dealing with the opposite sex. She is also not afraid to show off some of her female assets to get what she wants. She is very loyal to her fellow Iron Maidens. Although she might not show it Addie does truly care a lot about the Iron Maidens and always makes sure they are well protected and taking care off.

Addie grew up in a pretty crazy family; her mother was sent to a mental institution when Addie was only two years old. So Addie was left in the hands of her father, Thomas. They werenā€™t the wealthiest family around and so couldnā€™t afford to buy their own home let alone rent one, so Thomas decided to buy a caravan and live in that instead. Addie rather enjoyed growing up in a trailer park with her father especially since she was allowed to do whatever she wanted and itā€™s also where she met her best friend Nicole (now known as Double D.) Her father worked for animal control, taking care of the wild animals that come into the city and he spent most of his free weekends with his friends hunting out in the mountains ranges about an hour or so away from River City. Occasionally Thomas would take Addie out hunting with him but after she got attacked by a bear one time he decided he need to teach her how to use a gun and fight first before taking her out again. Any free time she had from school Addie would practise her shooting skills, shooting blanks at empty bake bean cans.

When she was about 17 years old her father got himself into trouble with the law. His job wasnā€™t that well paid so he got himself another job on the side which was doing the dirty work for a local gang. At first it was just robbing petrol stations but then it got more serious as they decided to go rob a bank. Things got a little out of control and three civilians got shot, the alarm got triggered and so the police arrived arresting Thomas and two other gang members before they were sentenced to jail. Since Addie didnā€™t have any other family around she was supposed to go to a foster home but she ran away before child services came to pick her up. Addie spent two days living in the streets before she came across an old metalwork facility which had been shut down for a number of years. She decided to make this her new home and started to get the place cleaned up a bit and make it more homely. Her best friend Nicole visited her regular and would bring her food and blankets and anything else she needed. Nicole soon after decided to leave home and come live with her in the warehouse. Since both girls didnā€™t finish school they found it hard to find a descent job and so they began to steal. They made sure they didnā€™t strike the same mall or petrol station more than twice in 3 months, making it hard for authorities to track them and work out that all these robberies were done by the same person.

After a while of robbing shops Addie and Nicole realised that the security levels kept getting better in all the stores making it harder for just the two of them to rob those places and so they decided to recruit some more girls. But more problems seemed to arise after recruiting more girls. The problem now was that each girl had her own ideas and opinions on what they should do which only resulted in numerous arguments (BITCH FIGHT!! Hahahaā€¦) until finally Addie decided to take control. Since she was the first to find this place she thought that she should be the leader of this group and have the last say on the ideas being put forward. After a few more arguments they all agreed that Addie should be leader and they also decided to come up with a name for their group. They can up with the name ā€˜Iron Maidens.ā€™ The next few years the Iron Maidens continued recruiting more girls/woman to their gang. They also fixed up their warehouse to make room for all the newcomers and continued robbing malls, petrol stations, small local banks and sometime even residential homes.

Recent Events: As soon as Addie heard about the outbreak she called a group meeting and decided that they were going to go rob a gun store because they would need some weapons if they wanted to survive. She sent her best group of women on the job while the rest of the gang worked on making the hideout more secure and stocking up on food and other vital supplies.

Blood Type: B negative

Iron Maidens
Numbers of members: around 25

Main Goons

Gang name: Double D or DD
Real Name: Nicole
Age: 22
Role: [b] Second in charge: whenever Addie isnā€™t around DD takes charge and becomes the boss.
DD is about the same size and body shape as Addie and she has long blonde hair, blue eyes and like her name suggests she has rather large breasts. DD is the most flirtatious in the group and sometimes even a bit of a ā€˜princess,ā€™ always concerned about how she looks. She is usually seen wearing a tight black dress and a leather jacket over the top.

Gang name: Big U (short for Big Unit)
Real Name: Unknown
Age: 25
Role: Bodyguard: she is kind of like Addieā€™s personal bodyguard and is always by Addieā€™s side.
Description: Stands at a whopping 6 feet and very muscular build, no wonder she is known as the Big Unit. Even when Big U just walks down the street in rush hour everyone seems to back away from her and avoids pumping into her. Since they donā€™t make a lot of womanā€™s clothing in her size, she just wears a menā€™s flannel shirt and shorts. She also doesnā€™t talk a lot, mainly just stands by Addieā€™s side waiting for orders.

Gang name: Tech
Real Name: Unknown
Age: 20
Role: Security: is in charge of the traps and other security system they have set up around their warehouse, she also makes sure that all the weapons are always fully loaded and working well in case of emergencies.
Description: Tech is rather easy going, and she doesnā€™t get mad really fast like most of the girls in Iron Maidens. She also seems to be in a good mood 24/7 always smiling happy and joking around. She has numerous different coloured streaks in her hair and usually wears black glasses, a pink tight t-shirt with the word ā€˜Goddessā€™ printed across her chest, black skinny leg jeans help up by a silver glittery belt and black high heel boots. Tech has a couple of tattoos on each of her arms and also has a very strange bubblegum addiction. She is constantly chewing on a piece of gum and if someone questions her about it she would just say it helps her relax and then tries to offer the person some.

Gang Name: XO
Real Name: Georgia
Age: 30 (oldest in the gang)
Role: Mother: she is kind of like the mother of the group, takes care of the injuries, cooks and cleans, she also keeps track of where each gang member is and what they are doing.
Description: She used to be a nurse at the St. Albert's Hospital and so is the best experienced out of the group with wounds and other injures so if anyone is ever hurt they are brought to her. She is also the most compassionate one, taking care of everyone, making sure they have enough food etc. Although she is the oldest and could clearly over rule Addie, she doesnā€™t because Addie gave her a safe home to live in when her other family members kicked her out. She is very grateful for Addie and would never backstab her because deep down inside she is actually quite scared of Addie. XO usually just wears jeans and a plain t-shirt.

Iron Maiden Hideout
They occupy an old five story metalwork facility which has been closed for a number of years. The first three floors they left the same, i.e. filled with dusty old machinery. They are also currently working on taking over Industrial rails so they will safe travel for the whole north part of River City. They are doing this by getting all but one train off the tracks so that unless your friends with them you wonā€™t be able to riding the tracks and also Tech is trying to override their computer system but its taking her sometime.

Fourth Floor
This floor is where all their beds and their small kitchen are located. For their beds they use things like old mattresses, sleeping bags, blankets, bean bags and even some installation foam which they stole from a construction site. Their kitchen consists of a gas stove, fridge and a table which they found in the rubbish dump. There are also a few old couches and arm chairs set up were they can relax on.

Fifth Floor
This is floor is the so called ā€˜control centre.ā€™ It consists of a number of chairs which are used when they have a meeting, there is a small area dedicated to treating injuries which consists of some medical equipment and a small mattress. They also have sprayed a map of the entire city across one of the walls, marking out important structures like malls, banks, police stations etc. An old plasma T.V. has also been set up were they can see all there webcam positions on. All there other equipment like weapons are also located on this floor. This floor is usually just were the leaders or higher up in rank Iron Maidens hang out and plan their next attack.

They have a number of webcams set around the premises which are wired to an old plasma T.V. so they are able to see any intruders approaching them. They stole the webcams from a computer store at the West End Mall and they found the plasma at the rubbish dump. They also have a few sensor lights set up around the building. The Iron Maidens also barricaded all the windows and doors with metal and wood blanks they got from a construction site. To get in and out of the building they use the fire escaped ladder which is attached to the roof. On the first floor they also have set up a number of mouse traps all over the floor near the doors and a few windows, which will make a loud enough sound when they go off for them to hear upstairs. On the second floor they have spread some small flat head pins all over the floor. There is also usually four girls sitting in each corner of the roof top keeping watching during the night and they are swapped regularly so everyone has a turn.

-4 fully fuelled motorcycles: located near the back door in case of emergencies, they stole them from West End Mall parking lots.
-1 ambulance car without fuel: located in the small garage type building next to the warehouse, found it empty and abandoned in the streets after hearing about the outbreak, decided to take it home so they can use the medical equipment inside.
-5 rifles: stole 4 from the gun store and XO brought one with her when she joined.
-2 shotguns (includes Addies): got them from the gun store
-3 AK47 machine guns: got from gun store and Tech brought one with her when she joined.
-6 pistols: got them from the gun store, and stole some from the police station
-4 grenades: 2 smoke ones and 2 just normal ones, got from gun store
-1 sniper: one of the girls brought with her when she joined
-1 rocket launcher: gun store, have about 6 rockets for it
-a punch of knives and daggers
-some ammo for each of the guns
-a number of homemade molotov cocktails
-5 baseball bats: three wooden and two metal

Par Zenith: i just realised when i read your post that i forgot to mention that the Iron Maidens just have a small vintage radio so they can listen to sandman prodcast!!

Time To Wreak Havoc...mwhahahahahahahahahahahaaha!! jk I'll play nice :)

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