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Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

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Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:19 am

[This is a storyline heavy RP, this opening post can be skipped, it's a helpful read for the history of what's happening, but not entirely necessary knowledge. Read below for RP setting and Factions etc. IC Thread can be found here:

"Before you lies Vast, the Capital. See how the morning sun makes her gleam and glitter, a precious gem, or a handsome fruit ripe for the picking. Many Generals have sought to lay waste to her flimsy walls, more still have tried to trample her tiny armies, yet all have failed.

There she stands, the last free city of the Manaedi Empire. Her defenses are impenetrable."

- Talian Nosurti
Moonglade Signaler of the United Continent
999th year of the Manaedi Wars.

In the First Days, time was judged and named for the great deeds of the people. Markers in the flowing thread of history came as elegant knots with grand titles such as the Ages of 'Stoneworks', 'Towers', and 'Philosophy', but as with all things created by the masses, history itself became warped with mortal affairs.

Wars happened. Time became tainted by the acrid smoke of battles fought, some won, others lost, all for little gain. Yet they left their mark on history, Ages named after great wars paved a trail of tragedy across its pages. Mortals learned to count their lifetimes by the dark times.

Of these wars, there is one in particular that is still talked about. The War between the Manaedi Empire and the peoples of the United Juhal Continent. For two thousand mortal years, the Manaedi Empire ruled over the vast continent, its turf stretched from coast to mountain range, from the low plains near Moonglade in the East to the high steppes skirting the Gana Plateau in the West. Beyond its borders lay the Outer Sea, rumored to contain the last stronghold of the Great Wyaen, or sometimes known as Dragonne in the Old Speech.

In the 2017th year of Manaedi rule, the Juhal continent suffered a devastating plague. The illness caused many to pass into the darkness, and many more became malformed by its symptoms. The plague was magical in nature, and despite the efforts of the Manaedi Convent, it swept through town and village, until it finally came to an end in the dying breath of its last victims.

During the bad years that followed, refugee numbers grew, farmland became wasteland, cities became husks of civilization, until only ten cities of the original eighty remained. To reduce losses and prevent the spread of contagious illness, the Empire issued a command for the culling of refugees over the working age, and every second child born to a family.

A decade passed. And the flames of war rose once again. The open revolt of an entire continent was upon the Manaedi, but being an advanced race, versed in technology as well as magic, they held the assaults back for almost a thousand years. And it is only with the rise of the mysterious Syio Faction in the 950th year of the Wars, that the Manaedi were pressed into their last remaining city, the capital - Vast.

And this is a faithful account of what unfolded in the brief siege. And why, despite the evil deeds of the Tyrant I'Sidus Manaedi XXIII, history forever remembered the Empire as a benign one. This is the story behind the walls, of a true reason for war, of beliefs and conflicts, and why history must repeat itself on the whims of mortal desire.



The continent of Juhal is at war, its united peoples gainst the One Thousand Year Ruler, the tyrant I'Sidus Manaedi XXIII. The rise of a group of youths calling themselvs the Syio Faction in year 950 of the Manaedi Wars turned the tide of battle. In the 999th year of the Wars, the Manaedi Empire is besieged within its last stronghold, the capital city Vast.

The armies are camped a day's walk away from Vast, having suffered many defeats in battle with Vast's elite army. The Syio Faction has already come to the city gates and the leader has a contact within. Their first priority is to get inside the gates, and their final objective is the assassination of Manaedi XXIII. For this purpose, they will reside within enemy lines for a year.

Additional Information:
Manaedi Empire: An Empire that has ruled the Juhal continent for more than two thousand years. Its main citizenry are of the Manae race. All of its citizens reside within Vast after the fall of the other free cities, but the lifestyle of the Manae has changed little. The Empire's ruler is rumored to be a Seer, the gift being passed onto the heir at the Emperor's death.

Vast: The last free city of the Manaedi Empire. Its magical defenses are such that all attempts to assail its walls have failed. Its army consists of no more than a handful of people at any time, but made up of elite soldiers rumored to be the descendants of Manae and Wyaen.

Vast is still operating mostly as normal, there is no where to run or hide, and its residents are a mixture of races to begin with. Getting in and out of the city is difficult, but the city is self-proficient. The city is situated near the Tio Ranges and cut into the sheer cliffs, providing protection from all sides but one.

Food is also grown in magic-imbued cave networks behind the grand Temple and Palace within the Inner Wall of the city. Laying siege to Vast is no temporary affair.

Syio Faction: A mysterious group of youths of varying races that has caused the downfall of nine Manaedi cities. Distrust of the group is rife even amongst the United Continent. Despite the racial variance of its members, no one within the Faction has aged a day since their first appearance almost half a decade ago. They have also enticed other youths into their ranks, though this is rare. Sometimes new members do not pass the mysterious 'test' they are subjected to after joining and are sent back. Often there is some 'damage'.

United Continent of Juhal: The armies formed from the six other races of Juhal, three of these races are now effectively extinct, their remaining numbers unable to continue their line. During the one thousand year war, many of the United Continent rebels mingled blood, and shaped the races that came after. Despite its overwhelming numbers, the rebels have suffered only defeat until the Syio Faction's appearance. Some parents within the United Continent believe the Syio Faction to be children-snatchers, tolerating their deeds only for the purpose of war.

Manae: Aristocratic in appearance, this race is generally of moderate height (around 5'7-6'3) with a slender build and pale to light skin. Though natural hair and eye colors vary, they tend to be dark. The race benefits from a natural gift for magic and swift movements, and are renowned for their skill with bows, daggers and assassin blades. They are most famous for their lack of a sense of humor. Though they are good at any magic, they are naturally affiliated with Fire.

Einil: Gifted water mages and healers, they provide their powers and herbs to both sides of the war. This is the most common cause of disdain for the Einil amongst the United Continent members. It is a very religious race, and prizes healing above all other duties. They are very good swimmers, and able to shape-shift for additional fins. Einil skin-color varies from light tan to bronze and their hair is usually blond. Some Einil carry a throw back to a more pure strain and are blue haired as well as blue eyed. Strangely, each member of this race carries a greatsword, they are generally slightly better muscled than the Manae and taller (usually no less than 6 feet, some come close to 7 feet).

S'mai: Grey to black skinned, this race travels through the dark caves better than in daylight. Lithe but small in stature (4-5'5, tallest would barely exceed 5'6), their tracks are hard to find in the woodlands. Their hair is dyed into any color they wish and is usually braided and decorated with glass beads of natural shade. They are never found without a weapon about them. Though affiliated with the Earth, this race is not best suited to magic, instead they prefer a natural affiliation with nature's beings. Their powers of 'persuasion' can cause trees to kill.

Tiemor: The most numerous of all United races. The Tiemor are affiliated with no element, though it is said they were once the Children of Stars. They can learn almost any magic, though few are taught the Manae art with Fire, and fewer still come to a competence matching that of the other races. They are best suited of all races for martial combat, and though their bulk is not much greater than the Einil, they prefer heavy weapons such as modified battle-axes and two-handed swords or large shields. This race comes in varying build and coloration, and most of the other races are sharing the trend due to intermarriage (Tiemor are around human height).

Ruen: Though it is believed there is still a small clan of the Ruen in existence, the only members of this race are seen in the Syio Faction and the Manaedi Court. Almost exclusively female, this race is known for its beautiful song and dance. They are charming to the extreme and naturally good at assessing political situations. Their hair tends to be pale pastel shades, and their eyes are usually green. The race is usually similar to the Manae in height, the males being on average slightly shorter. They are gifted with the control of Air.

Lor: Only three families are still known to exist. The Lor are feather winged and the most elegant of all races. They are also arrogant and can be very malicious. No one trusts a Lor, and it is due to this prejudice that their numbers has dwindled to such a state in the war. All the Lor now reside within Vast and are believed to be in the service of the Emperor. They are pale, beautiful and terrible. Their power is affiliated with Light. They favor polearms. This race only has red eyes and grow to a fairly diminutive height (5-5'7).

Phrys: The race of Shadow. Only two remain, they are siblings and on opposing sides of the skirmish. This race does not age past youth, and are almost impossible to kill. They use daggers and assassin blades, and are physically indistinguishble from the Manae. Their eye color changes with their mood, and is their only mark. Rumored to drink mortal blood in order to keep their youth.

Additional Racial Information:
Common lifespan, trade specialty and role by race: Years measured by Tiemor time (human time)
Manae: 200-700 years (this is heavily dependent on their magical training), in the order of magicians many can exceed this by almost a millennium. At 18-21 Manae appear adult like the Tiemor, though they rarely age beyond 30 or so in appearance. Their traditional trade stems from texts (magical and non-magical), magical goods, alchemical texts and goods, and light-weight blades. Though with the Empire's growth they were once known for having all goods available in their cities.

Einil: 300-400 years. Einil growth is fairly speedy and reach adulthood by their 16th year, then remain almost growthless until old age, though their senior members tend to look no older than a middle-aged Tiemor. Einil are herbalists by tradition and are devoted to the healing arts. Their main source of income is their strange concoctions and herbal remedies. They are the only race able to produce the quick cooled steel used to make Einil great swords. The Einil supply much of Juhal's sea-produce.

S'mai: 400~ years. This race has a very slow growth process, in their first 100th year they usually do not age beyond the appearance of a teenager. In their 300th year however, this growth process accelerates and many S'mai show their seniority in heavy lines and wrinkles by their 350th year. S'mai love to wear jewelry so it is no surprise that they are producers of the finest beads and carvings in Juhal. They are well-suited to being gardeners and florists. The S'mai often trade in furs and rare fungi.

Tiemor: 80-100 years or so. The Tiemor are shortest lived of the races, with the mixing of blood however, some Tiemor have been known to live as long as the Einil. Their short lives are generally compensated by their proliferation. Tiemor dabble in all trades, their versatility is their greatest commercial advantage. Most tradesmen such as smiths and cobblers are Tiemor. This race also produces the finest embroideries and brocades. The Tiemor are the only true agriculturalists of Juhal, producing 70% of its grain in pre-plague years. Even now they tend the largest of the available farmland of the conquered areas.

Ruen: Satisfactory statistics are hard to come by, but the histories speak of Ruen as old in their 500th year. Most Ruen that are in the public eye are around 200-300 years of age, but due to their largely female population, it does not seem likely their numbers will recover. Ruen are known for their songs and diplomatic skill, they generally take up occupation in the public relations sector and are very capable bards. Male Ruen are rumored to be able to fix any instrument and they make some of the finest examples of such. Ruen are also good painters, and are hired for portraits and wall scenes.

Lor: The Lor used to live out brief lives in large families. Though not as short as the Tiemor, they are only youthful for about the span of half a Tiemor lifetime despite being able to live for 200+ years. As they grow older, they take on more features of their avian ancestry, instead of becoming wrinkled or hunched, they become more like a true mix of birds and man. Most Lor choose to quit the public eye once this occurs and it is also for this alienating trait they were most persecuted during the Wars. The Lor were once known for religious goods, as they were one of the few races able to travel to the high mountains near Gana Plateau to retrieve the artifacts hidden in the eternal ice at their peak. Their feathers are woven into 'kamir', an expensive fabric that is light but durable.

Phrys: Unknown. There is no record of Phrys lifespans as there is no reliable record of any natural death amongst the Phry. They were once known for their vast libraries and maps. The Phrys explored all corners of Juhal and was one of its first races to have written history. They were once famous for Wyaenlore and alchemy.

Game Information:
You can be in any faction, or within Vast. The city still operates largely as normal, and there are vendors of goods and such. You cannot be a citizen unless you are Manae, but you can be a resident. There are guards on patrol, though if you want to you can be a thief or murderer. No matter where you start, in Vast, outside it, along with the Faction, in the court or whatever, you should see a 'starter' suitable for you. If you don't see one you fit into, please wait a little and I'll add one once I see your Character Sheet.

You can have more than one character, so you can play both sides, but no OOC into IC, so if you don't know something IC, and your other character does, no inventing excuses to let them know, if it happens naturally, all right. Please make sure you can handle it if you are going to have 3+ characters since characters left for too long will be taken up by NPC to be 'put away' safely IC for later play.

Character Sheet:
Age: [Can be apparent age]
Race: [Lor: 2 only, Phrys: 0, Ruen: 2 only Can be apparent]
Faction/Position: [Citizen/Resident/United/Syio etc]
Appearance: [Can't RP if we don't know how many arms you have, you can include any plague-induced deformities here if you want, you do not have to have suffered the plague to be passed deformities since the illness was a 'strange corruption'.]
Additional Information: [Personality, favourite food, whatever. Even a history if you want, can even be a false history, something other people would have heard about or is rumored that may or may not be true.]

Sample Character Sheet: [My main character]

Name: Kil (Kilian)
Gender: Male
Age: 19? sometimes acts like he's 8
Race: Manae
Faction: Syio
Appearance: No matter how much he eats, Kil still looks like he's two missed meals away from starvation. He has large eyes almost as dark as his black hair. He always tries to tie his hair up with any piece of string he finds but the badly hacked off ends constantly escape and it's a messy jagged mop again by the end of the day. He likes leather armor for the 'creak' and the smell, but objects to any color but black. Never found without a Einil greatsword strapped to his back.
Additional Information: Kil tends to carry too many sharp things for other people's good. Though he rarely uses his greatsword, he's still fast enough on his feet with it on to garrote someone before they can blink. Being the leader of the Syio Faction, he seems a bit too frivolous and seems to rely on the advice of his group to carry him forward. And although his Faction is deeply involved in the war, he does not seem to be concerned with its histories and the United Continent's reasons. His fight is for himself and his Faction, but to what end?

NPCs: [List will appear in the IC thread to help keep track.]
I'Sidus Manaedi XXIII: The thousand year ruler. Benign and misunderstood to some, a cruel tyrant to others.

Elia Manaedi: The young Empress, fourth in I'Sidus' one thousand year reign. She was originally Elia D'mera Lor, a member of the Noble House Lor of Viisen. Her family was almost wiped out by the rebel war on her home city. She has had two sons with the Emperor, but both were stillborn.

Morin Tusuoi: A S'mai spy. He owns the largest Common's Pub in Vast, and is the United Continent's ears in the city. Though since trade was stopped, he has been cut off from his contacts.

Tel Donul: A young Tiemor thief living in Vast. He's good, but stealing food has become a beheading offense and he finds nothing else worth the trouble with the army on the doorstep. He often hangs around Morin's these days, much to the S'mai's dismay. Mysteriously disappears on occasion.

Ayun Yilie: An Einil Healer. She lives at the pub with the Ruen bard Hurne. She is often summoned to the palace but would not speak of her patient there.

Meros Naiji: A Tiemor General of the United Continent.

Please keep all sign-up/OOC information to this thread.
Last edited by Skaerin on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:58 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:42 pm

Name: Xylina "Xy" A'la'rei
Gender: Female
Age: appears in late teenage years
Race: S'mai
Faction/Position: Resident of Vast, although she'd rather not be, and is trying to find out more about the Syio Faction.
Appearance: Xy's skintone is different from most S'mai's, instead of a grey shade being one of a dark chocolate. No one really knows whether this is just a coincidence or part of the plague, but her family has a history of strangely light skin colors, so it could be either. Her eyes are like liquid amber and large, set into a heart-shaped face that makes her seem much like a child because of the cute features. Xy's haircolor is almost scarlet red, the girl having favored that color early on from life, and is cut very short to about three inches from her head. She stands just under five feet and has a lithe, thin stature, weighing about eighty pounds, give or take. Often, Xy is mistaken for a child, which irritates her to no end-- especially when someone calls her "Squirt."
Additional Information: As said before, Xy's skintone is either an aftereffect of the plague from generations before her, but it's also in her family history. Xy is always actively searching for any information she can find on the Syio Faction, hoping to either join up or help in some way possible; she dislikes the Manae also.
Xy carries a crossbow and a dagger, as well as having a bit of 'persuasion' with nature.
.;A picture's worth a thousand words;.
.;But when those words are worthless;.
.;So is the picture;.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Degen on Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:31 pm

Degen's main character:

Yeah, crappy pic I know, hopefully gonna do a better version soon.

Name: Senrei Ysthil
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Manae
Faction: Syio
Appearance: Roughly 6'2" with an athletic build. Short, spikey red hair, green eyes, wears mostly black cloth or black leather gear. Has a grey cowl/cape thing covering chin, neck and left arm. Grey half skirt covering right leg and grey bandana. Black, fingerless, leather gloves, black mid-calf boots. Uses dual daggers and throwing knives. Light armour plating running the length of right arm. Large burn scar running down left arm.

Additional Information: Strong affinity for fire magic. Permanent semi-worried look about him, with a serious demeanor. Frighteningly fast with his daggers and silent as a shadow in approach. Has been fighting alongside Syio Faction for some time now and makes vain attempts at keeping Kilian from getting into hot-water. Rumoured to be a former assassin, but doesn't offer any details of his past unless questioned.
Last edited by Degen on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Firewalk with me~
Hail me, for I am the deus ex machina, the dream come true~
I am the input, the output, the mainframe. The thing that you are longing for~
I am you filter. I am your signal bouncing back~
I will be your worst addiction~
Although we are nothing, we merge into one~

== Angeldusted, Dead-dreamer ==

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:56 pm

Thank you both for signing up. If you haven't already, please feel free to post a starter for your charareter in the IC thread. Once I know what they are doing, I will be able to choose the right starter NPC to interact with you.^^

Welcome to the game.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Knight of L. on Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:54 pm

Name: Seraph Arcane
Age: 250
Race: Manae
Faction: Citizen
Image Ignore the book. Unlike many Manae, who have dark colored hair, Seraph natural hair is shown in the picture. Since it's hard to tell the eye color, let's just go with brown >_>. Sorry I'm really tired.

Additional Info.: Raised and born in Vast, Seraph showed an early, strong affinity for fire magic. After many years of learning to control his magic, he became one of the more known magic users in Vast. His parents died when he was 100, and since he was unable to look after himself at that age, he taken in by his magic teacher, who passed away when Seraph was 150. By that time he had learn to fully control his magic and started training young magic users, though has very little patience for those who fail at progressing their abilities.
Last edited by Knight of L. on Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:23 am

Wonderfully thought out. I love it. I reminds me a little of the Belgariad, actually. But only a little.

Name: Adia Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 375
Race: Ruen
Faction/Position: Manaedi Court
Appearance: With blonde hair and pale green eyes that carry just a hint of blue in them, she doesn't look a day over twenty, despite the strips of silver in her hair. She is a moderately tall woman, though not overpoweringly so, and she is known to wear a smirk that would charm even the coldest person. She wears dresses that have a puffed out style and end abruptly at the knee, allowing for easy viewing of her slender, shapely legs. Puffy dresses, however, leave plenty of room for hiding things.
Additional Information: Adia has been a member of the Manaedi Court for a good portion of her life, as her mother was before her. However, she does not hold the same motivations as her mother, and perhaps is not as loyal as she charms people into believing. She is well respected and a celebrated diplomat. Her specialty is Human Relations, and this she does quite well, being able to literally charm the socks off of the people she meets. Despite her flirtatious behavior, though, under her head of pretty blonde hair there is a sharp intelligence, and when she puts her mind to something, there is little that can stop her. She doesn't leave the city often; she has her share of errand boys who do things for her, though she never keeps any for long - it's too easy to track her movements when she puts all of her stake in one person. Perhaps secretly involved with information swapping with Morin Tusuoi, but that cannot be confirmed.

Name: Acalia Armine
Gender: Female
Age: 65, appears in her late 20's by human standards
Race: Manae
Faction/Position: Syio
Appearance: Acalia has auburn hair and deep green eyes, and she is of a smaller stature. She eats sparingly, and thus is mainly composed of lean muscle with little fat. She wears clothes that fit her well for mobility, and she favors twin blades as her weapons.
Additional Information: Acalia is a quiet person. She tends to keep to herself and doesn't seem to really like anyone. It's not that she dislikes them, it's just that she seems to be indifferent to everyone. She's fairly new to the Syio organization, but she has assimilated very well. She tends to favor water magic, despite a natural inclination towards fire, and so little is known about her by her faction mates that she is little more than an enigma to them. No one knows why she fights. They just know that she does, and she does it well. Her specialty is infiltration and spy work.

I didn't give ages because you didn't tell me how long any of the races live on average. I'll edit it in afterward.
Last edited by hostilecrayon on Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Underworlder666 on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:15 am

Name: Fymat Eleyond

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: S’mai

Faction/Position: Syio Faction

Appearance: Rather short, he stands 4’8” and lean in stature. His hair is black with stylish red bangs and is pulled back tight bound by a black tie in the back. He normally wears light Kevlar armor, suited for quick movements along with decent protection, under a large and frayed cloth poncho he’s seen with a lot. He wears fingerless gloves that are plated with metal on the back side of the hands and heavy boots.

Additional Information: Fymat is notorious for carrying all sorts of bladed weapons all the time but is most known for his retractable arm blade. He is also known for his mastery of thievery, often swiping peoples money purses with ease. He spends most of his time doing whatever comes to his mind and often pays very little attention to the world around him, including the war. He didn’t feel like being left alone so he joined the Syio on a whim, now fights with them for his own needs. He’s a quirky, fun-loving person that does what he wants.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:17 am

Welcome to Seraph, hostilecrayon and Underworlder. As hostile pointed out, I didn't put the lifespans of races up, this has been rectified. You can find more racial info underneath the original Races section. I'll probably be adding to this quite a bit. ^^ IC forum link is at top of the page. I'll go reply in IC soon.
Last edited by Skaerin on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:46 pm

Thanks. Ages are in. This RP is already amazing. I'll see if I can't refer a few people to it.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:21 am

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm enjoying myself immensely. It's a shame I can't RP as much as I'd like, I get about 3hr a day solid time to play. I welcome any friends you might want to bring if they are interested ^^

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:39 pm

One thing I'd recommend - could you possibly put in average heights for your races? I'm curious.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:04 am

Thanks for the suggestion, and I've included the average heights now in the initial Races section. I hope I did the conversions right. If there is anymore info anyone would like please feel free to ask. I can also add descriptions of other cities should you wish to bring a character out there, though the main story happens around Vast, you can use a character to explore the world if you want to.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:44 pm

So... I want to do something for the Ruen - but I don't know what my boundaries are. What CAN I do for him?

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZenMon on Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:18 pm

Name: Kaen Moui
Age: 27
Race: Tiemor
Faction/Position: United Continent of Juhal/Warrior
Additional Information: His armor is colored black and he carries a large greatsword, which is also black with a red hilt.
Last edited by ZenMon on Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Fallen on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:01 pm

Name: Jasmine (pronounced Jasmeene)
Gender: Female
Age: 10-12 in appearance, she doesn't really know her true age, she also doesn't think it's too important
Race: S'mai
Faction/Position: Syio, she joined at out of sheer boredom.
Appearance: Jasmine Lets pretend she has no ears xD
Additional Information: Jasmine is the type of person who will poke things just to see what happens and stab things to count how many minutes it takes for that thing to die. She can be ver rude or sarcastic and sadistic at times. Jasmine has a fascination with blood, even if it's her own blood gushing out of her she gets amusement staring at it. She also gets amusement out of toying with people's minds, such as putting together a voo doo doll of someone and teasingly poking at it with needles to watch someone squirm. She loves the dark, and can see in it just like it was daytime, she sometimes can be found just standing out in the dark in the middle of nowhere, or the shadows, it's comfortable. Jasmine shows very little human emotion other than the faces that might come with rudeness and madness. The other expressions she makes are out of this world, it would be horriffying to even wonder what those faces meant in her head. The rest of the time, she remains expressionless. Jasmine also is the number one person to invade personal space, she will get in your face and just stare at you, just to creep you out. Her overall personality is she is stubborn, hard headed, arrogant, daring, intelligent but doesn't always use this intelligence for the better, sarcastic, doesn't listen to anyone nor will she belong to anyone in anyway, can be loyal at times..if you are on her good side, possessive.

If there is something sharp, Jasmine will use it as a weapon, however, she will make use out of things that weren't made for that use too. Her currently possessed weapons are two daggers; one with a snake wrapped around the handle, the other with a handle that looks something like the grim reapear with his arms spread. She is a very aggressive fighter and quite daring. She has a sort of taunting look on her face when she fights, and will grin every now and then, the look is quite disturbing. She is very quick on her feet and quite sturdy even though she appears fragile. Pain does not bother Jasmine at all, the fact that someone could cause her pain would make her take up a personal challege with them.

Jasmine is pale, though she used to be gray skinned, her skin changed due to a plague and she is now very pale in color, she has white hair that is almost tinted a faint platinum blonde in the light, her normal eye color was a deep dark brown, but is now a maroon like a with a hint of black every now and again. Jasmine's hair is very short, but she has two tiny almost finger thin braids on each side of her head that have glass beads braided into them. She is about four foot seven.
She is usually carrying around some sort of patched up doll. Her clothing is like that seen in the picture her top in the back is almost like a cape but rounded...her bottoms are a black lace like panties and she always sports two knee high lace up boots and a frilly hat.

Jasmine can easily manipulate nature of any kind, whether it be trees, ivy, or living animals themselves. She doesn't have too much compassion for nature however, if something happens to die in battle she will not run to its aid, but she is not happy it's gone either. Jasmine tends to manipulate plants and the ground itself the most, but she also finds it amusing to persuade animals to do her bidding. Every now and again she will manipulate an animal such as a wolf or a bear to let her ride them where she pleases, because she doesn't feel like walking.
Last edited by Fallen on Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:31 pm

I'm pretty sure Skaerin isn't allowing any Player character Phrys. ^.^;;; I'm sorry. >.>;

But you can always just adapt your profile a little an make a similar character of a different race!

I look forward to playing with you!

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Fallen on Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:00 pm

Oh noes! ><
Okay well, please tell me which race you would like me to be which I can keep the same characteristics and such =].
Anywho, I will be back tomorrow~

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:32 pm

I would say a S'mai would probably be best, with some adaptations and perhaps you could have birth defects from the plague - they age very slowly. Use your creative license to tailor the character to fit you! ^.^ I posted the relevent info to help you - and remember, you can create plague effects to change her body composition - like say, skin color. Have at it!

S'mai: Grey to black skinned, this race travels through the dark caves better than in daylight. Lithe but small in stature (4-5'5, tallest would barely exceed 5'6), their tracks are hard to find in the woodlands. Their hair is dyed into any color they wish and is usually braided and decorated with glass beads of natural shade. They are never found without a weapon about them. Though affiliated with the Earth, this race is not best suited to magic, instead they prefer a natural affiliation with nature's beings. Their powers of 'persuasion' can cause trees to kill.

S'mai: 400~ years. This race has a very slow growth process, in their first 100th year they usually do not age beyond the appearance of a teenager. In their 300th year however, this growth process accelerates and many S'mai show their seniority in heavy lines and wrinkles by their 350th year. S'mai love to wear jewelry so it is no surprise that they are producers of the finest beads and carvings in Juhal. They are well-suited to being gardeners and florists. The S'mai often trade in furs and rare fungi.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:03 pm

Hello and welcome to the new players. ^^ You will find a plot synopsis at the top of the IC page (link is on first post) to help you get into the storyline. Spud, I don't mind if you don't want to post your faction and additional information yet, but please make sure it's clear in your first IC so people can respond.

I'll be away for a couple of days, so try to interact with other players or get in with the action that's happening around town and in the Moonglade.

Fallen: Aye, what hostilecrayon said was correct, for the moment I'm not allowing Phrys to be played. A little later on they will become available but in limited number. Some people may be allowed to play them as secondary characters. ^^

Her suggestions on being a mutated S'mai is also very good ^^ Welcome again to the RP.

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Re: Vast Requiem [Fantasy RP OOC/Sign up: open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby bllwolf1 on Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:08 pm

Name:Excalo "Ex" Nomir
Age: 117 (appears 18)
Race: S'Mai
Faction/Position: Syio
Appearance: Dark grey skin and same colored hair. The hair is smeared with mud and flattened against his head and neck. He has two pale wooden blades tipped with poison, and a small 4-bladed mace with a 4-inch spike on the tip.
Additional Information: One day when he was young, he found his parents dead on the ground of their home. It was the plague, but he believed that it was the Manaedi Empire. He spent long years training to fight against them, until the Syio faction emerged. He joined them, hoping to just once, get a chance to destroy the Manaedi Empire.
Dracul meant Dragon in Romanian in the time of Vlad the Impaler, the man also known as Draculea, or Dracula.
Draculea literally means "Son of the Dragon"

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