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Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution


a part of “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

They tag us like animals and monitor us like children. We mustn't let this continue! It is time we rebel, time we fight; it is time for a revolution! Brothers and sisters, Anarchy needs you... Won't you join us?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”.
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[OOC] WTD:TR-Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:44 pm

Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution
Current Events

This is the current event page for the RP, Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution, it's purpose is to display general information about the world the RP will be taking place in. The information helps gives depth to the world and therefor your character will seem more 3 dimensional. If anyone would like to add their own past event, just PM me. If you notice any grammar or spelling errors, please alert me. I won't lie, after typing all of this, I was too lazy to go back over it. Just build a list (hopefully its not that many) and PM it to me. There are links below to help you get to other areas of the RP and content listing to show you what all is in this thread. Also, no matter who you are: PLEASE DO NOT POST HERE!

    NOTE: To help you navigate the page better, press CTRL+F, then type in the key next to each topic in the content listing.
      Ex: Press CTRL+F, then enter A4 to take you directly to the Drug Epidemic topic.


1. Earth 2450 - A1
2. Syn Vs. Cy - A2
3. The Information War & The Rise of Hackers - A3
4. Drug Epidemic - A4
5. The Guardian Act - A5
6. Three Laws of Robotics - A6
7. Project: Black Out - A7
1. Roleplay Tab
2. OOC Page
3. Announcement Page
4. Player Directory
5. Character Directory
6. Information Page
7. Groups Page
8. Races & Classes Page
9. Technology Page

EARTH 2450

The date is Friday, July 4th, 2450 and we are on a very futuristic Earth. Flying cars, laser guns, robot servants, and just about anything else you can imagine is reality. All problems that we once thought would bring humanity to its knees and Earth to the brink of destruction, are no more. Cancer, AIDs, HIV, have all been cured; Global Warming, The Energy Crisis, all solved. Broke your leg? Need a new heart? Brain Transplant? Its just simple surgery now. Health is all a matter of wealth and with that, anything is capable. Addictions, birth defects, everything is fixable, perfection is literally obtainable.

AMP technology has replaced most of what ran on fossil fuels along with other better sources of fuel. Thanks to the same technological advances, deep space travel is even available. There is currently a fleet of space marines deployed on a mission, even. For the most part, the world experiencing total peace. Africa has reached a peaceful state as well, though it is being ruled by dictator, things are a lot better than it has been in a while.

Advances in computing have done away with traditional input devices like keyboards. Instead, modern input peripherals are usually holographically displayed in front of the user at a height and angle for ergonomic ease. Machines that use this interface detect a user through a microframe chip in their hand or glove.

Paper and coin currency has been discontinued. Since hard currency can be stolen or counterfeited, electronic fund transfers are the norm. More importantly, physical transactions cannot be easily tracked, making them ideal for tax evasion or the purchase of illegal goods.

Some consider the world we live in to be well on its way to becoming an utopia. But, they are naive. The world is still very far from it, but it is within reach. There is still poverty, high crime rates, everything that makes this world so great... However. it is all just a minor problem, that is currently trying to be solved. No longer are humans the only intelligent life to walk the Earth. There are two classes of humans, synthetics and cybernetics, both are divided by what they are literally made of. The world has went through a great change and doesn't plan on stopping.


Humanity has always been petty, picking fights with others over the smallest difference. Whether a person is synthetic or cybernetic was just one more thing to argue about. Over the decades tension between the two groups have risen and every once in a while a big event would come of it. Sometimes debates about how the other side is defying god or about how inhuman the other is becoming. In some cases fights may even break out or a few murders. But, its nothing that humanity hasn't seen before. The same thing was happening back when the color of person skin was a big deal. Now it is just whether a person skin is metallic or synthesized.


With so much groundbreaking technology being invented of course it all just wasn't happily shared with the rest of the world or even with fellow citizens. There was a lot of blackmailing and idea stealing going on behind closed doors. This futuristic era gave birth to a new type of warfare, cyberwarfare. Which is defined by actions of a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption. Cyberspace has formally been recognized as the new domain in warfare, which has become just as critical to military operations as land, sea, air, and space.

This was the first official Information War as well as the second global cold war. Every major nation was in a unofficial race to break ground first in different aspects of life. Information was used and managed in the pursuit of a competitive advantage over the opponent. People were spreading propaganda in order to demoralize or manipulate the enemy and the public, undermining the quality of opposing force information and denial of information-collection opportunities to opposing forces. This type of warfare is closely linked to psychological warfare.

To win this war, a special type of soldier was needed, one that had to be proficient with weapons other than assault rifles. They would have to find out what opposing countries and companies were working on. They needed to be able to access encrypted files, gain blueprints and design layouts. And they would have to do this stealthily, without getting caught or they could very well start a war. This war gave birth to hackers.

These individuals had always existed, but they had never been allowed to use their gifts like this or be asked to do the things they did. Hidden under the guise of Intel Experts, hackers were even able to start companies. One of the biggest today is Hijack Corps, a group of specialist who have long term contracts with the U.S. Government. Thanks to this group and its members, the U.S. was able to claim first in a lot of advancements and unofficially win the war. Although the information war will never be over, communication between nations resumed after Americans began making announcements about cybernetics and synthetic achievements.

So even today hackers can be found in the public as well as shadows. Though not all of them are good, for example The 404's, a hacker group who desire nothing more than to cause mayhem and chaos. But, where there is darkness there is light and C.H.A.S.E. (Counter Hack And Surveillance Emissaries) stands to combat any terrorist hackers.


People will always need an escape from their life and so drugs will always exist and overs the years they have went through a major change. A few hundred years ago, marijuana was actually legalized and sold worldwide. Of course sellers would need to have a license and meet other requirements, so it was still sold illegally for a while, but with heavier taxes applied and without the risk of going to prison, everyone stop going to dealers and switched to stores.

However with marijuana legal, some drug had to take it's place. The government finally owned up to the evils of cigarettes and nicotine and made the selling of it illegal. Distributors were forced to sell nicotine free products, which managed to subdue some customers, but others who still craved the illegal product were trying any and every other drug. So of course it wasn't long before nicotine cigarettes were being sold on street corners and in dark alleys.
Marijuana and nicotine had officially switched places.

As times change and new drugs become a thing of the past, dealers are always developing something new in order to keep making money. And as a testament to this, a new drug has emerged in society. A series of drugs called Nirvana are the latest thing being pumped out of stomachs in hospitals and causing death in streets. The epidemic started in different parts of Eurasia and a slowly made its way to America. The drugs are said to be professionally made by chemist, which explains there potency.

Even with medical advances in this area to cure people of addictions and other problems the drugs may cause, it is all useless if people do not stop using drugs. But, of course this has not happened and the death toll continues to rise. It has reached such a high level, that programs have been started to offer free addiction cures to those who enter a six month rehabilitation program.

As of late, the problem seems to be solved as drug related deaths and crimes are now in the low digits. Authorities have even added steeper penalties for those possessing or with intent to sell the product. However, this doesn't mean the drugs have completely disappeared, there is just a better handle on it. The Nirvana series has completely taken over the drug market, therefore producing cheap copies trying compete with monopoly. There are 5 types known to date.

Nirvana 1st Edition
Nickname: Dust
Form: Powder
Appearance: Gray powder, with a slight sparkle.
Effect: High Feeling, Hallucinogenic Visions.
Description: The first version of the drug to hit the streets. It is very popular in clubs as it is known as a party drug. It is a user's first choice when it comes powdered forms of drugs, however it is much more expensive so it is commonly seen around the wealthy.

Nirvana 2nd Series
Nickname: Dark Elixir
Form: Liquid
Appearance: Black liquid, thick like syrup.
Effect: Energy boost, known to produce increased wakefulness and focus, as well as a sexual stimulant.
Description: By far the least popular of the series, except among gothic and emo crowds. Around the time when Vampire Anthropes were popular, this was a common drug seen being used in their circles. The drug is fairly cheap, but hard to find since it is only popular in certain crowds.

Nirvana 3rd Series
Nickname: Red Light, Stop Light
Form: Plant
Appearance: Maroon Herb
Effect: Relaxed feeling, slowed heartbeat, sharpness, calmness, and alertness
Description: This series of Nirvana is actually a strain of marijuana, however it is illegal as it contains nicotine. It is very popular amongst older people, especially those who smoke cigarettes.

Nirvana 4th Series
Nickname: Halo, True Nirvana
Form: Pill
Appearance: Golden, halo shaped, hole in the center
Effect: Can induce euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, and diminished anxiety and depression
Description: The second most popular of the series, it is called True Nirvana based on the feeling users get. The drug is used worldwide, on all occasions, and by all demographics. The all around good feeling is what users seek the most, it is also the most addictive which could be part of the want.

Nirvana, The Final Edition
Nickname: N5, Cyber-Punk, The Drug of the Future
Form: Patch
Appearance: Small, multicolored, circular patch
Effect: Unknown, causes circuit board like veins to appear on user's body
Description: The newest and rumored to be the last series of the drug; if it can even be called that. There are no drug like effects that can be found after using this, however it is still illegal, but rarely enforced like underage minors smoking. It is highly popular amongst teenagers because of the Aesthetic effect. Once the patch has been placed on the body, it then dissolves and a circuit-board like lines appear all over the users body. For this reason it is called the drug of the future and has became the most popular of the series with it cheapest price. The effect is even unique to each user and last for a couple of hours.



In the year 2400, a new act was passed by congress. The Guardian Act, an attempt to make America a better and safer place for its citizens. Its first step was to establish a better security force. Police do their job well, but they are only human and can only do so much and be in so many places at once. Thanks to the Guardian Act, citizens are allowed to own personal security robots. This was a right only the military or the government possessed until now.

The Guardian Act will also give the right to start mass producing TROLS. Trols are small security robots, created to do simple tasks, very effectively. They will work with the police department to lessen the workload. By patrolling the city streets as a police officer would, a Trol will keep a watchful eye just as a policeman would. However, they are also capable of helping the elderly with groceries or a lost child find their way home. They could even stop a mugging, through non-lethal means.

Another part of the first step, is the reintroduction of PMC's or Private Military Companies. Years ago there were a lot of restrictions made to this industry due to an incident with one group threatening national security. However congress has decided to return things to normal for the duration of this probationary period.

The next step of this is prisoner rehabilitation or specifically the testing of new prison system. Instead of imprisoning the convicts body, this new system will imprison their mind. By addressing where the problem began, Matthew Grey hopes to cure criminals of evil ways. By working with each prisoner in their own custom virtual reality, she will do for them what takes therapist and other professional years to do, in just a matter of weeks or months.

This act will not only change criminals to citizens, but it will also help catch them. By enhancing the patriots act, authorities will have access to any and every they need to convict a criminal; under the right circumstances that is. For instance, if the criminal ever had a therapist and the said criminal may have confessed to a murder they are going to trial for, then the authorities are no longer denied this information. This may be a breach of privacy, but it is well worth to convict a murderer and stop a possible innocent man from serving a lifetime in prison.

The final step is surveillance. In conjunction with cameras nationwide and a new system of strategically placed cameras, the US, will be under constant watch. Too many times have criminals gotten away because the camera errors or the lack of them. Now the only way to do this is to take out a network of monitored cameras.

This also demands that every citizen of the U.S. be tagged. A tag is an optical machine-readable representation of data, which shows certain data, which resembles a bar code. The information shown on a tag is very wide, from age, to birth date, job, family; it basically gives person's entire bio. The tag is located on the wrist, the right side for men and the left side for women. Another feature of a tag, is it's homing device. Now a citizen of U.S. can be found anywhere at anytime. Removal of these tags are highly illegal unless permission is granted by the government.

Once The Guardian Act is in full activation, it is envisioned that America will be much better place, on its way to becoming a true Utopia. And once other countries see how well it works here, they will then adopt it as well. However, before this can happen, it must pass a probationary phase. The probationary phase consists of one state being under the Guardian Act for 80 years. The state chosen for this was New York, by volunteer of Simon Maxwell, Governor and accomplished business man.


The government felt it was necessary to add precautions in robot coding. In today's era, robots easily out number humans. So creators, whether unconscious or consciously, intentionally create them with faults; never trying to truly perfect their design. Nobody thinks there will be a robot uprising, but you can never be too certain. So not only are there limitation placed in programming, they also install these simple commands to follow. These laws were invented by the government for all government created Service Drones, but other manufacturers use them as well. The feature true intention is to stop the government from being held liable for any malfunctions. But, the three laws are air tight and have no room for error. For obvious reasons though, this feature is only available in Service Drones.

[1.] A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

[2.] A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

[3.] A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.


The system we live in is run and kept stable, through checks and balances. Whenever things seemed to get unbalanced or out of control, the cause was quickly checked, thus restoring balance. Anytime someone unnecessarily spoke out against the government, or knew just a little too much, they were silenced and never heard from again. For millennia this has occurred without a problem, thanks to the government's dirty little secret: Project Blackout.

Started some time ago, they have been stalking in shadows, taking care of America's problem too messy to deal with in the light. With the dream of protecting your home and at the toll of your heart and soul, men and women are made into killing machines, thanks to this. It began by only taking only volunteers and high ranking military officials, but had to result to other methods to fill quotas. The unwilling began being taken. People were kidnapped, they were thought to be perfect specimens, so they were brainwashed into believing that this is what they wanted.

This was possible via The Program. Originally, The program was supposed to create the perfect soldier; an assassin, devoid of emotions and thoughts, that followed orders. These assassins were once used to kill the criminal and the unjust, but now they are used to stop those who got in the way of their masters. The Program is bigger than ever today. There are many subdivisions and organizations who use these agents and tactics.

Project Blackout - The Program: this was name given to the government project that gave birth to The Program. It was original purpose was creating the perfect soldier, devoid of emotions and his/her own thoughts. To do this they used any method available: hypnosis, brainwashing, forced amnesia, memory manipulation, etc. This process is known as: Memoric Eradication.

    Devoid Agent: is the unofficial name of all products of The Program, whom were kidnapped or forced to be in The Program. The name was derived from their lack of emotions, morals, and complete willingness to follow orders. They now offer the same process to civilians who want the same thing done. This also doubles as a possible recruitment office.

      Memory Relapse: This is sometimes common, among Deviod agents especially. When witnessing a particular event or when going against a person's original morals, the said person may experience a memory relapse. On VERY rare occasions the agent may even regain complete/partial memory of what has happened and/or remember his/her old life. Scientist aren't sure why this happens since their brains are (for a lack of better words) reset and re-programmed with whatever they so choose.

      As of late the occurrence rate of this happening has decreased significantly. This is simply because The Devoid is kept away from things that might trigger such relapses. They have also been assigned handlers to keep a close eye on them when not on missions.

    Handler: A person assigned to a devoid in order to keep the chances of a Memory Relapse from happening. A handler is usually someone that would be close to the said person and always around them. These people are sometimes hidden within their life. Other times they are paired as partners.
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