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Modern Magic and Martinets

School Rules

a part of “Modern Magic and Martinets”, a fictional universe by Castle.

Magdalena Academy is like any wizarding school. It has it's share of quirks and secrets, but it is in those who reside at the lovely school who must discover them.

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School Rules

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ibecameinsane on Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:37 pm

    Magdalena Academy of Magical Education is a boarding school filled with over a thousand students, each and every one of them carrying a dangerous weapon. As such, there are strict rules in place to keep order and maintain discipline. These rules will not always be consistently applied, as different Magdalena faculty members may have differing interpretations of them, and may even play favorites β€” they are still human beings, after all. That said, any rule-breaking by students risks disciplinary action.


This is not a complete list, but should cover most major regulations.

Permitted/οΌ°ο½’ο½ο½ˆο½‰ο½‚ο½‰ο½”ο½…ο½„ 1reas

    Magdalena Grounds

    • Students shall not leave school grounds.
      • Students may leave with the Headmaster's permission, if collected by a parent or guardian.
    • On the first and third weekends of each month, Third through Seventh Years may visit [Hogsmeade] Village with a permission slip from a parent or guardian. Students are free to travel to [Hogsmeade] from after breakfast on Saturday until curfew (10:00 p.m.) on Sunday. They may not leave [Hogsmeade], except to return to Magdalena.
    • Visitors to Magdalena must obtain permission from the Headmaster or Deputy Headmaster. This includes parents of students, and Ministry personnel.
      • The only exceptions to this rule are members of the Hogwarts Board of Governors, who have free access to the school.

    Faculty Areas

    • Access to common rooms and dormitories is strictly controlled.
    • Students may not enter the common rooms or dormitories of houses other than their own. Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Eden Tower and Stark Dungeon require passwords. Vorne Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hart Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm. Attempts to bypass these protective measures by members of other houses are considered serious offences.
    • Boys may not enter the girls' dormitories. Attempts to do so will trigger spells preventing it, such as a Slide Spell on the staircases in the Eden and Vorne rooms. The one exception to this is a male Prefect in an emergency.


    • Students must be in their dormitories and in bed by a 10:00 p.m. curfew.
    • Students may not leave their house common rooms until 6:00 a.m.
    • Prefects may be out of bed after hours if they are scheduled for patrol duty. Prefects must still remain within the castle during patrols.



    • Students shall be in uniform at all times while on Magdalena grounds. This includes robes, jumper, shirt, tie, slacks/skirt, shoes and socks, and gloves and scarf when necessary. All articles must be kept neat and tidy (i.e. shirt tucked in, tie worn properly, shoes polished, clothing washed and without excessive wrinkles).
    • Pointed hats are also part of the uniform, but are ceremonial in nature, and not required except at special assemblies (e.g. the Start-of-Term and End-of-Term Feasts).
    • Robes (but not the rest of the uniform) may be removed during non-class times (e.g. meals, after classes, weekends, etc.)
    • Additions to the uniform are unacceptable without special permission. Hair adornments, eyewear, and small jewelry (i.e. rings, necklaces, earrings) are exempt from this. Excessive jewelry may be confiscated by faculty.
    • Students may dress casually during [Hogsmeade] weekends, if they have permission to visit [Hogsmeade].


    • Magic should only be used by students in relation to school work, or approved extracurricular activities.
    • Students may cast spells appropriate to their studies in classrooms and other study areas. Study areas include common rooms, and the Great Hall (when not being used for meals).
    • Magic that is not related to studies may only be cast with the permission and supervision of a faculty member, Prefect, or Head Boy/Girl.
    • Duelling may only be performed on the dueling stage (in the club room), under the direct supervision of a faculty member or Prefect.
    • Students always have the right to use magic to defend themselves, or to respond to an emergency.
    • Neither student or faculty can apparate on school grounds. You cannot apparate into or out of the school or within school grounds.


    • Students must attend all classes, meals, and assemblies that they are scheduled for.
      • Only written or verbal permission from the infirmary nurse or a Professor can excuse absenteeism.
      • Magdalena is a boarding school full of eyes (students, faculty, ghosts, Peeves, paintings, etc.), making it just about impossible to get away with playing hooky. If you skip classes, you will be caught and disciplined. Discipline consists, at the very least, of loss of house points and detention.
      • The requirement on attending all meals is rather loosely enforced. The faculty is understanding, but also knows that skipped meals are a great time for students to be up to no good. Head counts are taken at every meal, and a student that shows a pattern of frequent absence will be warned, and eventually disciplined.

    Decorum and Behavior

    • Students shall maintain decorum and good behavior at all times.
    • Swearing, snogging, shouting in the halls, vandalism, fighting, provoking the ghosts, and releasing puffskeins in the Headmaster's office during mating season are strictly forbidden.

    Alcohol and Tobacco

    • Alcohol and tobacco are strictly prohibited on Magdalena grounds. Butterbeer may be consumed in [Hogsmeade], but may not be brought back to the school.


All rule-breaking can be met with disciplinary action. That said, minor infractions will often be overlooked. A student using a Wand-Lighting Charm to read in a dark corner of the library isn't going to be disciplined for using magic in an inappropriate setting.

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    Loss of House Points

    • The most common form of discipline is the deduction of House Points. This relies mainly on house pride and the peer pressure of one's housemates to be effective.
    • Prefects may dock points from their own house only, though a Prefect's report on the misbehavior of a member of another house is likely to see that house docked points as well.
    • Usually no more than five or ten points is taken at a time for minor infractions. But more severe rule-breaking can see the loss of twenty, thirty, even fifty points. Usually anything that warrants such a drastic loss will also be accompanied by harsher punishments (see below).


    • Detention can vary greatly in application. In some case, a student will be assigned extra duties to assist a professor or other faculty member. One popular punishment is making students polish the numerous candelabra in the castle.
    • Actual corporal punishment takes place in the dungeons under the supervision of the Caretaker, and can range from paddling, to immobilization by magic, to being hung by one's wrists. Though cruel and painful, such punishments are administered under careful magical control to prevent any real harm from being done.

    Removal of privileges

    • Students with special privileges may find them suspended or revoked for severe rule-breaking. Examples of privileges that can be removed are: [Hogsmeade] weekend visits, club membership, playing on the Quidditch team, Quidditch team captaincy, or even prefectship if the perpetrator is a Prefect.


    • Though rare, suspension from school can occur for violations that are severe, but not so severe as to warrant expulsion.


    • A student will be expelled from Magdalena only under the most dire of circumstances, and only if they are deemed a danger to other students. This punishment is extremely rare.


Prefects do have some disciplinary authority, but it is very limited. Prefects can dock points from their own house (and only their own house) for misbehaviour. Conversely, they cannot award points, nor can they assign detention. But a Prefect's real authority is in the status their badge provides. If a Prefect reports rule-breaking to a Professor or other faculty member, their word carries much more weight than a normal student's. In other words, getting in trouble with a Prefect is just about as bad as getting in trouble with the faculty, if the Prefect is inclined to report one's misdeeds. These guidelines apply to the Head Boy and Head Girl, as well, save that they can dock points from any house.

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Routines & Schedules

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ibecameinsane on Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:01 pm

οΌ²ο½ο½•ο½”ο½‰ο½Žο½…ο½“ ο½ο½Žο½„ οΌ³ο½ƒο½ˆο½…ο½„ο½•ο½Œο½…ο½“

οΌ΄ο½ˆο½… οΌ³ο½ƒο½ˆο½ο½ο½Œ Year at οΌ­ο½ο½‡ο½„ο½ο½Œο½…ο½Žο½

    • The year begins on September 1
    • Martinets Express leaves Station at 6 a.m. bringing students to [Hogsmeade] Station where the 2nd through 7th years ride horseless carriages up to the castle and 1st years cross the lake in boats with grounds keeper.
    • The Start-Of-Year feast
      • the Sorting
      • a few words from Headmaster
      • vast quantities of food and drink
      • a few more words from Headmaster, including the "start-of-term notices"
    • Classes begin on September 2; Schedules handed out at breakfast
    • Quidditch trials during the second week, also flying lessons for first years
    • Halloween Feast on the evening of October 31
    • First Quidditch match in the beginning of November
    • Second week of December Deputy Headmistress takes names of those who are staying over the Christmas holidays
    • End of first term is usually about a week before Christmas and most of the students and some of the teachers go home.
    • December 25: Christmas Feast
    • Shortly after January 1: Martinets Express returns and start of second term
      [second term schedule will be provided in due time]
    • Easter holidays - two-week break, students go home, exact dates vary every year
    • Exams are held the first week of June
    • Results come out the second week of June
    • Leaving Feast, sometimes called the end-of-term feast, the evening before the Martinets Express goes back to Germany.
    • the Martinets Express returns to Germany during the third week of June
    • All staff and students leave Magdalena during the summer except for caretaker

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    • The day begins with breakfast in the Great Hall. During breakfast, the morning mail arrives in a flurry of hundreds of owls. A bell signals the start of the first class at 9 am.
    • There are two morning classes with a break between (signaled by a bell), followed by lunch and a break.
    • After lunch, classes resume at 1 pm. Depending on the grade, it depends whether or not if there are one or two classes in the afternoon.
    • Supper is served in the Great Hall toward evening, after which the students are expected to be in their House common rooms for studying and socializing. Curfew for older students is 9 pm.
    • There is no set bedtime after supper.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ibecameinsane on Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:10 pm


οΌ³ο½ƒο½ˆο½ο½ο½Œ Years

    Fifth Year

      June: Ordinary Wizarding Levels (O.W.L.s)

    Sixth Year

      Students don't know what their classes for sixth year will be until after they receive the results of their O.W.L.s. Once they have their O.W.L. results, the students know whether they have achieved the required grades to get into the classes they're interested in for sixth year. On the first day of term, each student meets with his or her Head of House to determine which classes he or she can take. If the student did not pass an O.W.L., he or she discusses options with the Head of House.

      If a student achieved the required O.W.L. in a particular subject (which varies from teacher to teacher), he or she may continue in that subject, but is not required to do so.

      June: finals (exams)

    Seventh Year

      We won't know what the classes are for seventh year until the book comes out, although it is likely that seventh years concentrate on taking classes in their chosen fields.

      June: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (N.E.W.T.s)


    Ordinary Wizarding Levels (O.W.L.s)

      At the end of fifth year, each student sits an Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) for each of the classes he or she takes. These are standardized tests administered by the Wizarding Examinations Authority; the teachers may proctor exams outside their own subjects but do not attend the Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) in their own subjects.

      Each O.W.L. has a theory portion, and for applicable classes a separate practical portion is given, so that many O.W.L.s are in two parts, although only one O.W.L. score is given for each subject. See the individual classes for the details of the material covered in the individual exams.

    Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (N.E.W.T.s)

      At the end of seventh year, each student sits a Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test (N.E.W.T.) for each of the classes he or she takes. These are standardized tests administered by the Wizarding Examinations Authority, given at the same time and apparently in the same way that O.W.L.s are given to fifth-year students.

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Class Subjects

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ibecameinsane on Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:31 am

οΌ­ο½ο½‡ο½„ο½ο½Œο½…ο½Žο½ οΌ³ο½•ο½‚ο½Šο½…ο½ƒο½”ο½“

β˜… =advanced courses available

    Core Classes

      • Astronomy
      • Charms β˜…
      • Defense Against the Dark Arks
      • Flying [first years only]
      • Herbology β˜…
      • History of Magic
      • Potions β˜…
      • Tranfiguration β˜…

    [third year and up]

      • Study of Ancient Runes
      • Arithmancy
      • Muggle Studies
      • Care of Magical Creatures
      • Divination
      • Apparation [sixth year, those of age only]
      • Alchemy [Sixth and seventh years, only if sufficient demand]

    Extra-Curricular Subjects

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Re: Class Subjects

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Castle on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:14 pm

οΌ³ο½ƒο½ˆο½ο½ο½ŒΒ  Safety  οΌ°ο½ο½Œο½‰ο½ƒο½‰ο½…ο½“Β  ο½ο½Žο½„Β 


    Safety, Security, & Emergency Preparedness

    • Headmasters and House Heads are responsible for seeing that the practice of safety is a part of the instructional program of the school and that it is appropriately geared to students according to year. This program includes:

      • Fire, as well as elementally produced fire prevention
      • Accident prevention (though we know sometimes it cannot be helped)
      • Warning systems
      • Emergency drills
      • Emergency lockdowns
      • Safety inspections
      • First aid
      • Disaster preparedness for major emergencies
    • Fire drills; all dormitories contain two exits, one leading into the hall, the second located outside the window. There are maps posted in hallways and corridors directing students to all the different fire exists. All classes have at least two exists as well, and the dungeons have multiple.
    • Earthquake drills include exit routes, withstanding structures, as well as emergency positions. Many hallways were built to withstand disasters such as earthquakes and will be used in case of such disasters. Teachers will instruct students of what actions to carry out based on their analysis of the current situation.
    • Lockdowns prohibit students from leaving the castle, unless otherwise instructed or escorted by staff. In extreme situations, students are evacuated to dungeon corridors. Head students and prefects are occasionally given charge of certain aspects of lockdown when needed.
    • First aid kits are provided in all due areas, and safety inspections are mandatory in all practical environments.

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