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Love is a Fickle Matter


a part of “Love is a Fickle Matter”, a fictional universe by Kura Ravengade.

For these six teenagers, their relationships are far from normal.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kura Ravengade on Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:23 pm

Hey guys! Try to post all NPC's in this, and follow the outline, okay? :D

Code: Select all
[center]Name {You can use,, or just put their name with codes}

Appearance Description: {Just a few sentences on their appearance.}

Personality Traits: {Just a couple of traits they may have, such as narcissism, kindness, etc.}.

Small Explanation of History: {Just a brief description of what they've gone through}.

Relations in RP: {Perhaps the mother of father of your character}.

Controllable by: {Who can control this character?}[/center]

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Re: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kura Ravengade on Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:32 pm


All of the characters were older in appearance when they died, other than Catarina, who died at the age of 20.



Appearance Description: {Just a few sentences on their appearance.}

Aged: 20 years

Personality Traits: Born to such a small family, Catarina was raised in a quiet household. She grew up as a kind, gentle, and soft-spoken woman by nature, which obviously was inherited by her daughter. She was never violent or angry, and often looked for the good in people.

Small Explanation of History: {Just a brief description of what they've gone through}.

Relations in RP: Birth mother of Avazona Illigardi

Controllable by: Kura Ravengade




Appearance Description:

Aged: 30 years

Personality Traits: Gentle, kind, accepting, two-faced; Youko was the polar opposite of her husband. She accepted Ava as her own child, but only so that she could save the faces of her husband, son, and ultimately herself. She was two-faced in the way that she treated Ava - like her own daughter when she was around, but she was very hateful about her when she wasn't. She often made very snide comments about her to the maid that Tomoku had hired.

Small Explanation of History:

Relations in RP: Biological Mother of Kiro Hiroshima and adoptive Mother of Avazona Illigardi

Controllable by: Yato & Kura Ravengade




Appearance Description:

Aged: 48 years

Personality Traits: Really, it differs depending on the person that he's speaking to. When he would be around his son, he would be happy, care-free, and kind. When around his daughter, however, he would be cold, quite a hard-ass, and would often treat her with more hatred than almost anyone has ever seen in a person.

Small Explanation of History: Born the son of a middle-class family, he had always been power-hungry. He always saught for more than he was offered and was determined to make it so that he would never want for anything again. He studied hard in his classes and eventually graduated with a Major in Business and a Minor is the Arts. He started as a talent manager/scout for an Arts agency, before finally saving up enough money to take out a lone to begin his own business.

Once Hiroshima Arts Inc. was started, he owned only half of it and was a CEO. He eventually bought out the business from the other owner and became sole owner of the business.

Before all of this, he had an affair of Avazona Illigardi's mother, Catarina Illigardi, and impregnated her with Avazona.

He died an angry and hostile of a massive heart attack - some say due to her hatred he held inside of him.

Relations in RP: Biological Father of Kiro Hiroshima and Avazona Illigardi

Controllable by: Yato & Kura Ravengade


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Kura Ravengade
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Re: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaxStokes on Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:53 am


Appearance Description: Pretty large and wide fellow. Older than in the pictures with a beard and a bit of graying above his ears. Same physique though.

Personality Traits: Heā€™s pretty much a big cuddly bear. A bit more stoic now in his old age but still generally a kind and outgoing person. Not that booksmart, but hardworking and genuine.

Small Explanation of History: Kou grew up as a rather ā€œunderachieverā€ in his family and since they were a fairly powerful one, he was branded as a bit of black sheep. So he got fed up with the situation and moved out on his own early skipping out on the end of highschool to get a job early. Shortly after meeting Raicho they had Jou and got married. Took his wifeā€™s last name due to his relationship with his family. It was a little tough supporting the family since they didnā€™t get to see each other as often as they would have liked but he was relatively happy. Now he and his wife are retired on a relatively small island to the south. Thanks to him loaning his sisterā€™s husband some money, Kou and his wife were able to retire early when they sold the stock they had held onto back to his sisters son when his brother in law passed.

Relations in RP: Jouā€™s father, little brother to Kiroā€™s mother. Felt bad for the way his brother in law treated Avazona and used to bring her sweets when they visited. Bugs Jou a lot about grandchildren.

Controllable by: Maxstokes, though if you want to control him just tell me. I donā€™t see him being a huge part of the RP though since he lives pretty far away.



Appearance Description: Pretty average, tries to keep a rather dignified appearance. Older than in the pictures

Personality Traits: Kind, stern, hardworking, sometimes loosens up and starts to complain about things that bother her. Fervent baseball fan.

Small Explanation of History: Raicho grew up with a pretty average childhood. Worked hard through her life but still had opportunities to loosen up. Was able to finish her university learning but it was cut a bit short by Jou being born. Is now retired and lives with her husband.

Relations in RP: Jouā€™s mother, has more confidence in her son than Kou. Tries to give Jou his space by keeping Kou from calling every week.

Controllable by: Maxstokes, though if you want to control her just tell me. I donā€™t see her being a huge part of the RP though since she lives pretty far away.



Appearance Description: Gruff looking but rather vibrant old man with refined tastes. Full beard and grayed hair.

Personality Traits: Happy, melodramatic, inquisitive, wise, sportive.

Small Explanation of History: Was a bit of a hellion in his younger years, was into counter-culture and protesting. Was held in line by his younger sister who seemed to often act more his age than he did. Got a teaching job at a local university as a liberal arts professor. Would often babysit Jou when he was a child. Currently loves his job and doesn't even consider retirement. Never got around to marrying so is very close to his little sister and her family.

Relations in RP: Jouā€™s uncle. Close to Jou and his family, cares deeply for them. Hoped Jou would become a liberal arts student, jokes with him about choosing a such a ā€œboringā€ subject to specialize in.

Controllable by: Maxstokes, though if you need or want to control him just ask me.

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Re: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NasiaWords on Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:42 am


Appearance Description: Arisa was always a strong woman in a tiny body. She had fair skin that would look as if it sparkles in the sunlight. Her hair was jet black and fell all the way to her waist in a semi-wavy manor. Lastly, her eyes were an odd crimson color that intrigued most people.

Personality Traits: Arisa was an extremely kind woman with a big heart. She was always helping someone in some way, shape or form.

Small Explanation of History: Arisa was born to two teens that knew they wouldn't be able to support her. So they gave her up for adoption. Within months, Arisa was taken in my a religious family that raised her to love no matter what and always forgive. She was on a volunteering mission in a different town when she met Kai's father, Yuki. Even though they were only about 18 at the time, they knew they were meant for each other. They talked every day and went on dates at least once a week. On Arisa's 20th birthday, Yuki proposed. The next spring they got married and then, months later, Kai was brought into the world. After childbirth, Arisa began to get ill frequently, something odd. It only took about 5 years for the degenerating disease to take claim on Arisa.

Relations in RP: Kai's Mother

Controllable by: NasiaWords


Appearance Description: Yuki is a fairly tall man compared to his wife, standing at about 6'2". He is well built, his job as a construction worker kept him fairly fit. Yuki has deep, black eyes that most avoid looking at due to their 'demonic' look. To match, Yuki has shaggy black hair that goes slightly below his neck. Arisa loved scruff so it always seemed as though he was lazy about shaving.

Personality Traits: Yuki was a loner before he met Arisa, always quiet and never socialized. He wanted to focus on work and work alone. But after Arisa, he became a prime example of a man and father. Social, caring, lovable and punctual. Once he lose Arisa, however, he went back to his old ways, plus drinking and gambling.

Small Explanation of History: Yuki was born to a very well off family, he was raised getting everything he wanted. But it wasn't what Yuki wanted to be happy. He wanted to just stay in his room and study all day. His dream was to become an architect, design houses and even create the house he and his family would live in one day. So he grew up, antisocial and alone. After graduating high school, he took a walk to gaze at the buildings he passed for ideas. He passed a coat drive and spotted a beautiful woman handing out coats to younger children. They made eye contact, and from that point on, Yuki knew his life would change. The dated for a while, got married, then had little Kai. A few years after Kai's birth, he lost his Arisa and practically snapped. He stopped going to work, sat outside or slept most the day, and at night he would go gambling and drinking. He didn't realize what he was doing until he lost his daughter too. She was taken away from him and until he could straighten out, he was likely to never see her again. So he now spends his days, looking for jobs and a decent place to live, occasionally staying with his family. He doesn't want to see Kai until he has become a man worth taking care of his daughter.

Relations in RP: Kai Zurita's Father

Controllable by: NasiaWords

I used to be normal ... until I met those losers
Who I now call my Best Friends

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Re: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweetiebelle on Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:09 pm


Appearance Description: Tomoya is very haggard, as he is almost always drunk. He rarely trims his beard, wears ripped pants, and his breath always smells of booze.

Personality Traits: Very angry, capricious, and drunk

Small Explanation of History: He went insane when Eurydice's mother died, never having a moment without a bottle in his hand and not holding a job in nearly five years. If it wasn't for Eurydice's mother's life insurance, they would have been on the streets long ago.

Relations in RP: Father of Eurydice.

Controllable by: Sweetiebelle, but if you want to go ahead. You don't have to ask.
Say that you love me,
even if it's not true
And say that this storm,
is just passing through.

And baby, tell me you're not leaving
That it's just the rainy season

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