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Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saxious on Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:48 am

Mura Planet, Gudee II. Time 5:10 N.

The men stood and listened and nodded to the offer they were given, "It sounds good. The Republic of Deutchlieg would like to trade our metal goods for food, if that is possible, and we'll like to establish a company in your system, called for the Heavy Industry Inc. It produces any demanded good in large quantities and in satisfying quality. I'm sure it will be a great company to have in your galactic nation," the Commissar suggested and then added, "Like in your galactic nation, there are rules for what to purchase and such. I must stress that in Deutchlieg, any form of illegal drugs are banned and gambling needs permission from the government. We have a long list of what to do and not to do, but I'll have it send to you later on."

The fanatic Eversor then broke his silence with an almost demanding tone to the representative, "Also! The Cultus Mechanicus must establish temples here! Would your government grant the Cultus Mechanicus permission to built temples so we can worship the Spirit of the Machine? It is what makes the computers work, it is the force that drives every form of machine forward, making them work as long as the Spirit it pleased and worshiped? I can assure you that the Pope will be most pleased if you accept this honorable offer, he may even come to thank you himself!" the Eversor said. It could be seen that he was doing his best to hold himself back, his hands seemed to jerk after every fifth word, and he shivered as if trying to calm the excitement he felt within himself.
"Yes, what this Eversor is saying is that, we have a very strong belief that there exist a spirit within the machine which makes everything work, and he's simply asking if it would be accepted to have a temple or two to our religion built here, as I can imagine that our two nations' people may migrant to one and another to visit and do business," Captain Jason explained.

"True, and as for the war part. The Republic doesn't wish to drag its allies into wars, and we don't believe that we should send in needless men to the slaughter, and although we'll rely on you to keep your trade routes open, we'll be more than glad to increase the number of men protecting the trade convey and routes," the lieutenant stated, "And, as for if a war breaks out, it will only be profitable for you,as our need for food will increase, however, please be wise and don't think that you can simply increase the price because we need it in bigger quantities."

"Again, if you refuse to allow us to set up temples for the Machine Spirit, will you then permit the H.I, the company I told you about, to make some minor factories which will serve as your mass producers, I'm sure it will be beneficial for the both of us, socially and financially," the Commissar reminded.

The men then waited for a response

Ghost Ship Near Deutchlieg Borders

"Captain, there isn't coming any response to our calls, and the men hasn't spotted anything or anyone near our bridge, orders," one of the crew men called over the radio.
"Send three squads of Death Korps into the ship, keep strong contact with them, if the signal begins to get weak, they'll have to retreat. I don't like this, and send a Jet Fighter back to the Borders and tell them about this. There'll be no chances or risks in this investigation," the captain ordered.

Inside the Ghost Ships

The squads of soldiers made their way through the dark, using flashlights and night vision to make their way through the hallways and rooms. Every five minutes of so, they would check the signal they had with the ship, if there was the slightest thing wrong, they would walk back and wait for a better signal. They would continue like that through the ghost ship.

Planet Krak, 18:45 Local Time

"Unidentified object approaching satellite. Jet Fighters search and destroy!" the sire called in the space station and the pilots ran to their ships and flew into orbit. They saw the drone and began to open fire at it just as its message was send to the HQ.


" appears that the drone came from another system...and it came to offer peace an alliance," the worker said and turned to the Commissar who looked stoically at the screen.
"Too late, we're at war, and you have your orders, any unidentified ships are to be either shot down or captured," the Commissar said and returned to his statue position, watching the men with an evil eye.
Last edited by Saxious on Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabag on Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:43 pm

Space above Grikonia, Grikus Prime, Grikus System

Splendid, I shall make my way to the surface, and take as many guards as you wish or require. I shall see you soon King Emperor.
The drone responded before flying down to the planet's surface.

Grikonia's surface

From what the drone saw, the majority of peoples lived in tall sky scrapper type buildings, doing as little damage to the flora and fauna of the planet as possible. It also appeared as if they co-existed with the wildlife. More research into the population was required.

Deuthleig space

Alarms in the drone's sensor array indicated MANY unknowns coming straight for it. Rather then see what these unknowns are, the drone began to send a distress call to the Hlugaran homeworld.

Attention Hlugara, I have encountered a possibly hostile species, they have sent numerous objects in my direction, what they are I don't know, fleet actions here are advised! Co-Ordinates getting sent now.
With it's message sent, the drone went out of it's way to not get destroyed.

Planet Hlugara, 0700 Local Time

"Sir we got a distress call from one of the drones!" yelled one of the palace's comms officers.

"Where, We need visuals on the hostiles, get that drone to get those pictures NOW!" Barked Grand Admiral Mcaleb
Taking the cigar out of his mouth, and putting it out in his glass of water that he was done with, sweat began to form on his brow.
One of the drones had made hostile contact, and that could mean this whole operation was botched if he handled this matter incorrectly.

" Sir, Co-ordinates received, fleet actions are advised against this new threat!" Another officer spoke up.

"We'll need to get clearance from his Holiness before any fleet actions are performed. How are the other drones?"

"One of them is making friendly contact with a leader of a planet, King Emperor Theran is his name"

"Get a comm sent to His Holiness that he'll meet a friendly peoples for the first time."

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ceur'Caelesetos on Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:26 pm

The Death Korps would find everything in the ship in a state of disrepair. Like a hurricane had blown through the spacious halls and rooms of the ship. /however for such a massive ship clearly there should have been a large amount of crew. However there was no bodies to be found living or otherwise. The men would not need to back track at any point their signal was strong through out the ship.

The reason they would forget is because they would find something way more interesting. A living human body was found. Though she was odd because her eyes were completely black. The men would think that she is merely a Xeno-offshoot of humanity that has these strange eyes. It should never come to their minds that she wasn't a normal human. She wouldn't let it come to their minds.

The Coron republic had released their Super weapon upon the Deutchleig Republic. Code Named: Sara.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ersatz Creed on Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:21 pm

Mission: Classified. Destination: Unknown. Fleets in Mission: Spirit of Fire. Prophets in Mission: Emora. Reinforcements: On Standby...

The Spirit of Fire and Emora jumped into hyperspace, making sure all defense systems were operational. It was risky jumping into hyperspace. Who knew what awaited them on the other end. Virgil was supposed to be the 4th prophet. The jump was over in about 10 seconds. Several Distress beacons were activated and then quickly turned off. This way if they needed to call for backup the other Fleets would know where to jump.

Everything seemed fine. All ships were present and accounted for, no black holes, and there seemed to be no unregistered ships present. The A.I. controlled turrets were put on standby while the crew of Emora checked the map. According to the holographic map they were right above the planet the Vault rested on. Little did they know this planet was under the control of the Hlugaran Conglomerate. Though they were unknown to the Reich, the Hlugarans were somewhat known for their violent, war filled history. If they found out about the Vault they might try to make it's secrets their own and the Reich will not share the Vaults with no nation, no matter how mighty they are.

"Uh guys...I'm picking up life signatures from the planet below. Orders?", A rapture reported. A man by the name of Siegfried, self elected leader, quickly answered the message. " Tell them we are not hostile and that we need immediate permission to land!".

"What if they refuse?".

"We call Eisenhower, The Sons of Solace, any minor fleets available and hand feed their asses to the Mura.".

Meanwhile on Gudee II...

Johann was glad that most of what they said was agreeable. "Perfect," he exclaimed, " Well...almost perfect. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to establish temples anywhere in the Reich. My comrades would not allow it and our people would not stand for it. Now about this... Heavy Industry Inc. We'll welcome with open arms as long as The Reich's Omni- Co is allowed to set up shops on your planets. Omni-Co sells anything a living being could ever need. Their Motto: Quanity, Quality and Price, in perfect harmony is 100% true according to every person who buys from them. If you permit Omni-Co to sell to your people be sure to tell them what is and what isn't permitted. When I mentioned they sell anything, I wasn't exaggerating.".

Everything was going well. Johann was a little surprised that the Mura were not crawling on his back pushing the troops around, urging them to open fire. Moments after Johann thought this, the ground began to shake. Several hundred Mura came up from the ground and began to swarm the area. Though most stayed in the air, hissing loudly, a couple of them were on the ground, attempting to climb on Johann and the B.S.Cs. A faint smile crawled on Johann's face. "Um..would you like to meet the Mura?".
Last edited by Ersatz Creed on Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking at Julius I cleaned my tears and confessed. "I too ignored the soothsayer...and I too was stabbed by some one I loved."

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabag on Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:50 am

Beta Centius System, Planet Kyal 5 Comms Outpost UVB-500
Klaxons blared as Ensign Javal was thrown out of his slumber. The dreams of flying across space, battling extra terrestrial threats soon vanished. Typing a few buttons on his keypad, he brought up the main view screen as to the source of this alarm, and his heart nearly stopped when he saw what it was.

A Prophet ship, sure he had no clue what it was but it's size indicated it meant serious business, not to mention the escort fleet surrounding it.

"Maybe Blackwyng has seen fit to grant my dream a reality!" he thought out loud to himself.

Picking up the transceiver he responded back to the massive ship's call.

"Uhhmmm... For starters we have no clue who you are... and you entered our military space without warning... and you want to land on our planet as soon as you get here. Hold on while I deliberate with our leaders as to solve this problem."

Planet Hlugara, Blackwyng's Palace

"THERE ARE ALIENS POISED OVER KYAL 5!?" Blackwyng yelled, his rage echoing across the halls. He just recieved the satellite pictures of the alien fleet. The large ship and it's large escort fleet was a matter of great concern.

"Indeed Lord... they demanded to land immediately, and they appeared without warning, your orders?"

"Instruct orbital batteries to lock on immediately, and notify the 512th Space Bourne to mobilize at once. Get The Defense Force on standby in case they breach the surface, and stall the aliens for as long as possible Find out why they are in our space If possible get a peaceful resolution to this problem, if you can't notify the fleets to come in." He answered to the Ensign, more calmly as he began to assess the situation.

"On it Lord" Javal said with a crisp salute, and went about doing what his Lord ordered him too.

Taking a deep breath, and surveying the area around him, Blackwyng looked long and hard at the portraits of the previous Blackwyngs, as if seeking advice from their spirits, as was tradition when a Blackwyng was faced with a very volatile problem.

"Spirits of the dead, Former lords of the Hlugaran Conglomerate, Former Blackwyngs, hear my call, and guide my Fleets and Armies to a swift and glorious victory over this alien scum. May Atheioz guide my hand
Amen" He uttered before standing up and walking back to his comm screen.

"Mcaleb, I have a very important assignment for you to handle, A large and unidentified alien fleet is poised over Kyal 5, and I need someone to lead the 600th Flaming Havocs Space Bourne to clear them out if they declare war."

"I shall make preparations to leave immediately my Holiness"

"See to it that you do"

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phidius on Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:05 am

Landing Pad 4B, Imperial Palace, Grikonia; Grikus Prime, Grikus System
Theran Stood on the landing pad he had indicated to the drone, patiently waiting for the thing to land. Hid guards seemed a bit on edge, but he ignored that.

Finally, he saw a streak of something entering the atmosphere, coming straight toward the city, the Palace. Then it landed.

"Imperious Tentative, I presume?" Theran said cooly to the machine as it landed.

Nature area 36b, New York; Vutralix, Sol System
A bullet cracked past Maria's head as the guerillas fought her force. She knew that her force would win; guerillas never won pitched battles, especially if they were the ones ambushed. But she already had a dozen and a half dead and a few over half a dozen wounded.

"Fire and menouver!" she shouted. The guerilla force, probably several dozen irregulars, was nearly encircled and they seemed intent on fighting for their base camp here to the last.

As one, 40 troopers popped up and ran forward, under cover of a similar number of those still on their stomachs, Hernandez among them.

Then it was her turn to pop up. She fired her rifle, an M86 assault rife (essentially, an enhanced and up-rounded version of the M16).

She spotted a guerilla with an antique AK47 firing in her general direction. She raised her rifle and fired a burst. The guerilla dropped like a sack of potatoes as three 7.62-Bonus rounds hit him.

I'M SOFA KING WE TOD DID!!! (Say it slow and out loud)

(\ /)
( . .)
(")(") This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kronos on Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:06 pm

The A.I. quickly processed the incoming message and strung into action. Moving at the speed of electricity, commands rushed across the probe's electronics, activating arrays of scanners and transmitters.

Ambassador Chorpa al-Parnarati hit the wall fast. His brain had been jump-started by the stasis pod; already his neural commands were being cached and prepared for linkage with the projector systems. On the other ship, an image took shape, an image of a three-sided being with three arms, three legs, three eyes, and six facial tendrils that concealed gullets of sharp teeth. It, Chorpa, was wearing an azure and gold synthetic jumpsuit and shoes like snowboots.

The false color shapes of the bridge spun into existence around Chorpa. Thermal signatures were relayed from the ship's sensors into the sensory manifold, giving Chorpa an additional semblance of people.

Chorpa's conscious presence expanded as nanites were assembled through entanglement transport. Thousands of sensory nanites appeared, cloud like, in the image's ocular sockets. Eventually, the entire cloud was there; vocal resonators, ocular processors, and a cloud subspace transmitter. It moved. Around him, the sensor cloud relayed more and more information, coalescing the abstract image into a virtual simulacrum of the real thing.

"Please do not be alarmed. This projection is entirely harmless," said the A.I. system. Jerkily, the projection extended his "front" arm with palm facing out, four-fingered hands held open. "Any attempt to damage or scan this projection will result in its termination."

As Chorpa took control, the protection relaxed; its movements became smooth and natural. Rolling his projected shoulders, the Crafter bowed with one hand over its heart, two clasped behind it. His six virtual facial tendrils intertwined - a racial symbol of respected.

"Let me be the very first of our kind to greet you. You may call me Chorpa. Might I ask what you prefer to call yourselves? Your communique was unfortunately quite terse."


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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ersatz Creed on Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:42 pm

Mission: Classified. Destination: Unknown. Fleets in Mission: Spirit of Fire. Prophets in Mission: Emora. Reinforcements: Ready....

"Siegfried they've contacted their leaders and are supposedly speaking to them to solve the matter."

"Why do they have to make this complicated? All we want to do is send one, twenty-five man transport to the surface and dig up the damn Vault.".

"You can't really blame them for their precaution. We did just poof outta no where with this fleet. Also, why not just send the Mura to the planet? They could dig that thing up faster."

"The lady has point."

"Send them another message. Tell them we'll wait patiently and that we will not attack unless attacked or if we feel threatened. Also tell them that if they do engage us we'll call Eisenhower launch enough TMNs_".

"Okay okay I get we'll kick their arse."

Alright we'll wait for your leaders word. We only came here to recover the Vault, we do not want any trouble. If you aliens dare to attack or threaten us , we'll engage. We've got Reinforcements on Standby. We will do whatever is needed to retrieve the Vault though we prefer not to get violent.

Siegfried looked out the ships observation deck. The Fanatics were taking their positions, uploading any data their many observation instruments could gather. The Stingers were all scrambled and flying around the ships. Two of the four Raptures moved closer to the planet, so any incoming transmissions could be heard better by all Reich ships. They received a message from Eisenhower and the SoS. They were ready to jump, Emora only needed to call them and they would arrive.

Something big was going to happen. None knew what but they knew it was going to happen. The Vault was almost in their grasp, they needed only to get past these Aliens and it would be theirs. It's secrets would be theirs. It's power would be theirs. Everyone inside those Reich ships wanted to obtain it immediately but they would have to wait for what the Hlugarans had to say. Even though it would not change their objective.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phidius on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:46 pm

12th Griki Exploration Fleet; Mura Planet, Vedr
"Sir, there are large amounts of very strong metals and alloys being detected in this system . . . as well as what appear to be hostile and opposing forces." High Admiral Iolis Halinn's Intel Officer reported. They had emerged from FTL Space just a few moments ago, and the troopers were still in the process of being awakened from their cryo-tubes.

Halinn nodded acknowlegment. "Scramble fighters, just in case, and arm the main batteries. Hail all sides. I don't intend to spark the antimatter matrix."

"Understood, my lord, hailing them now." The Comms officer announced.

Communique to Hlugarian, Deutchleig, and Muran arrays
To: Whom it may concern
From: High Admiral Iolis Halinn
Greetings and Salutations, I am High Admiral Iolis Halinn, commander of the 12th Griki Exploration Fleet. We have stumbled upon this system inadvertently and do not mean any harm. I am fully authorized to act as an ambassador for my people, and wish to form diplomatic relations.

Nature area 36b, New York; Vutralix, Sol System
A group of eight surviving guerillas stood with their hands up, flanked by guards, and Colonel Hernandez paced in front of them. One of them showed a look of pure hate just through his eyes, and was obviously a part of the leadedrship.

Maria knew what he was probably thinking, and that was, Colaborating whore. Wretched Griki bitch. Seeing this, she walked up to him until they were toe to toe and she was right in his face. "You are guerillas operating against the authority of the Archduke, and by extension the Griki Empire. You have been captured and will be tried and executed for treason. And trust me, the Griki are very sadistic in thinking of methods of execution."

She stepped back from the man, who looked even more hateful, if that were possible, and began pacing in front of the prisoners again. "But first, you shall be interrogated so we may squeeze out any valuable information you may hold. As of now, your families are hostages of the military, the parameters for release being either an official pardon or death of the captured resistor. Torture can involve watching them be tortured, and yes, we will do that if you don't cooperate."

It was at this point that a boy, looking 17 or 18 by the dirt on his face but probably only 14 or 15, broke down crying. He pleaded for mercy unintelligibly. One of the guards walked over and kicked him, knocking him down as he shouted for the boy to get up and stop bawling. This only made matters worse, so th eboy was forced up.

Maria walked over to the boy, who, with effort, had managed to limit his crying to sniffles. "It was your choice to join the rebels, now you shall pay." She said coldly. And, believe it or not, you do have rights. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to get a lawyer. And you have the right to appeal for a reduced sentence, according the Imperial law. Clear?" He asked of the small group when she was finished.

A couple flinched as she said it, and were rewarded by punches in the gut with the butts of M86 assault rifles. One tried to run away, a child probably no older than 12. He was shot in the back and thrown several yards by the force of the hits. Blood soaked into the dead leaves on the ground around him, and spatter glistened on the nearby trees.

Hernandez had fired two of the shots from her service pistol, an antique but well-kept M1911, better-known as the Colt .45. ""Any others?" She asked in a voice that could have frozen Hell itself. The now-reduced group remained silent and absolutely still. Very well, then. Move 'em out!" She shouted, suiting action to words as she walked back the way they had come.

Lianis Iadria, Tantralz IV System
Grand Duke Oolis Drahg stood in a very stately manner, his reddish-brown fur coat shining in the light, as the Governor's Emissary arrived. The Griki, small in comparison to him, nonetheless held a rank above him, something he resented beyond measure.

"Yes, Lord Jilanaix?" He asked of the Emissary, his voice a booming baritone.

The Emissary looked up at him with barely concealed contempt. "Ore output for this quarter was considerable lower than last, why is this?" The small lizard demanded. Ore was the core of mountainous Iadria's economy, above even agriculture.

Drahg had suspected that that was why Jilianaix was here. He sighed, "My Lord, the current mines are beginning to run dry, so we were forced to find mines farther off, and it takes time to transport all of that ore to the spaceport from a quarter- or half-way across the planet, even with the ships we have. It would help immensely if we built a spaceport in Karneli. That is almost exectly half-way around the planet and would not only double transport, but make it faster. That is all I can say, my Lord."

The Griki hissed in annoyance. "That would require money and resources. We do have them, mind you, but it will take time to get the request through, and even longer for it to be built. Even with pre-febricated sections. I estimate it will be up in two or three years. Can you keep output steady for that time?"

The Grand Duke thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, my Lord. I will try." he said.

InterSystems Capitol and Administration, Selkuth System, Gradiola
Chief Xano Trealix, current head of Tribe Asgo'Garath, sat in his hotel room, a surprisingly luxurious suite, as he waited for the Convention to begin. As head of all economic affairs of the Empire of Grikus, he had felt obligated to attend personally, with the heads of the three top corporations in the Empire, as well as the heads of the Miner's Guild, Construction Guild, and Agricultural Guild. And, of course, a considerable fleet for protection.

Bored, he walked over the the window and bared his teeth in a Griki smile as he looked at the clear blue skies of Gradiola. I should be outside, he thought to himself. In fact, I think I'll go for a little outing, explore the city and what wonders it holds.

With that, he did and almost-military about-face and walke dout of his room, sure to lock the door behind him, and walked down the hall, accompanied by his contigent of six guards. On the way to the gravity lift, he ran into Yelon Jilis, younger brother of the famous Hulan Jilis, owner and founder of Jilis Enterprises.

Yelon Jilis was the CEO of Griki Armaments and Co., and nearly as successful as his older brother as the head of Grikus' foremost armaments company.

"Hello there, Yelon." Xano said, smiling again (he did that a lot, more than a Griki usually did). [color=#4080]"How are you on this fine day? And what are you up to, if I may ask?"[/color]

Jilis turned around, his own contigent of four guards turning faster yet, but relaxing quickly as they saw who it was. "I'm getting along," Jilis understated, "And I was just going out for a walk in the city. Look around, y'know?"

Xano, still smiling, nodded. "That's what I was just about to do. Would you like to accompany me?" He asked of his good friend.

"I would be honored, my friend." Yelon said, gesturing for Trealix to precede him as the gravity lift's door finally opened.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabag on Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:45 pm

Grikonia, Grikus Prime, Grikus System

"Indeed I am 20401 Imperious Tenative, It is a pleasure to meet face to face with you your Majesty, I shall now open up the holographic uplink to my master's Palace so you two could discuss relations."
Pushing a few buttons, the Holographic call was sent at lightspeed to Blackwyng's Palace.

Blackwyng's Palace

"M'Lord, we got what appears to be a Galaxywide invitation to some form of convention sponsered by what appears to be another alien species. Chairmans Han and Dacradai have come with a hail to you personally, patching you through"

"Good Evening Holy One, We assume your comm officer told you about that Convention coming up?" Asked Chairman Han, a portly fellow obviously used to the rich side of life and mooching off of his fellows.

"Indeed he did Chairman, you both know our dire economic situation yes?" Blackwyng responded with a counter question, an obvious attack and test on the two chairman's ability to handle the finances.

"We are aware Holy One, however we feel that this convention could be the first step on establishing trade relations with foreign powers, that could clearly strengthen our economy as a whole" Retorted Chairman Dacradai, who was a stern serious individual when it came to money, and his paychecks.

"If you believe in your abilities as such gentlemen, I will give you full permission to attend this convention, just remember your sponsoring MY Empire, not your wallets or interests!"

The pair both bowed their heads in acknowledgment, then the comms shut off, but not for long since another call came in.

"Greetings m'lord, It is I, 20401 Imperious Tentative, I have recieved contact with a foreign nation, and they are willing to have a holographic call with you, I shall patch you through now!" The robot squealed in excitement as it didn't wait for him to answer.

"Maybe I shouldn't given them emotions" Blackwyng thought out loud to himself, before a holographic, a rough hologram, filled with static and making the figures blue, whislt projecting an image of himself to the Griki King Emperor.

"Greetings, I am the Leader of the Hlugaran Conglomerate, also known as the Blackwyng, living avatar of Atheioz, to whom do I address"

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phidius on Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:06 pm

Grikonia, Grikus Prime, Grikus System
Theran nodded to the drone as it replied to him, obvious excitement in his voice. He thought he briefly heard a comment in some alien tongue, but when the foreign leader was patched through, his words were in Griki, asking whom he addressed.

The King-Emperor cleared his throat, "I am King-Emperor Theran Hrjik, ruler of the Empire of Grikus. I hail from Clan Iolan of Tribe Ulto Darris, and am the twelfth King-Emperor to bear the name Theran. May I ask to whom I am speaking?" He spoke as if he had rehearsed (which he hadn't), his voice cool and calm, with a neutral intonation.

Selkuth System, Gradiola
Xeno looked around at the alien architecture around him, amazed and mildly disgusted by the unusual designs. Jilis' reaction was much the same, if a bit more disgusted-looking. Their entourage remained, professionally, indifferent. Xeno smiled as he saw the shape of a Griki battleship, a bit more than a triangular dot, in low orbit.

"It's amazing, seeing foreign, especially alien, structures up close for the first time," Jilis said just a moment before Trealix could say much the same, "It makes you think. 'How do they design them to fir their anotomy?' or 'What did they work into their structures that they consider beautiful?' "

Xeno nodded, "I was just thinking that, my friend." He replied. He spied what he deduced to be a shop and gestured to it. "Shall we get ourselves some souvenirs?" He asked with a smile.
Two guards stood flanking the doors, the rest had dispersed throughout the shop, one apiece staying with the CEO and tribal Chief. After much browsing, Xano had decided to get what the clerk had identified as a 'mug' and Hulan had decided to get a shirt to pin on his bedroom wall as a reminder of where he'd been. So, they checked their things out and went back out into the city.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saxious on Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:18 am

Ghost Ship Near Deutchlieg Borders

The soldiers made their way through the hallways, it seemed as if a war had just happened to them, everything was turned upside down and everything seemed to be broken. All there was really in need of was some blood splattered across the bend metals, long lines of blood indicating that corpses had been dragged down the isle.

The soldiers eventually found a body laying on the floor. At first their flash lights moved across the unmoving body, looking to see if there were any sign of life, and then they moved forward, turning the body over and brought a flashlight up to the head and opened the eyes, there were signs of life as the eyes responded to the light and there was a faint breathing rate.
"This is squad 3, we have engaged local life form, we will bring it back, have the Tech Priests to gather some of the local air, I don't believe that these creatures breathe the same air as we do," the sergeant said.

The soldier's minds were easy to penetrate. They were trained to obey, kill, and move on command without the slightest bit of will, the sergeant had a minor will but it would be as easily bend as chewing gum.
The men picked up the unknown psyker and moved back to the space craft, where she was placed in the hospital section of the ship.

The Tech Priests and medics checked the creature for any wounds. They didn't find any and then proceeded towards testing her organs, body structure and any form of brain damage that may have occurred. When they scanned the brain, their images were fuzzy, unclear and there were never before seen patterns. "Seems like this alien is now entirely humanoid. Look at those patterns, What do you think it means?" one of the doctors asked a Teach Priest and pointed at the screen.
The Tech Priest shrugged his shoulder and simply replied, "Aliens, they are never the same as we are, so let it be fore now, they may have a more complex mind set than we do."

The ship was filled with both will-less and powerful minds. The soldiers, whom there seemed to be in abundance, walked about without any strong will of their own, occasionally the aura of a strong Battle-Commissar, or higher ranked Tech Priest would pass by, these minds were powerfully strong, independent and could, and would, make their own decisions in their lives.

The ship turned around and entered the Deutchlieg Space again. Sending out a signal that a Ghost Ship was nearby, the Navy of Pride was ordered to go to the Ghost ship and destroy it.
The ship with the unknown psyker headed towards the nearest Industrial world, where it was to refuel. This was a planet filled with clever minds, though not as will strong, they contained almost unbearable knowledge of machinery, down the the very nail that covered every square centimeter of every ship in the Deutchlieg Space Navy.

Planet Krak, 18:55 Local Time

"Sir, the U.S.V, or Unidentified Space Vessel, has send a Stress Signal to an unknown receiver, what are your orders, sir?" the man called to the Commissar.
"Inform the governor, and the nearby planets, and give me connection to the U.S.V. Tell the Jet Fighters to standby," the Commissar ordered.

The Commissar got connected to the drone that was in orbit of the planet, and then said, "This is Commissar Ulric Droga. You have entered our Space Territory unauthorized, you've broken our laws and come closer than legally allowed to our satellites and you have send unauthorized Stress Signals to an unknown receiver. Why, what, and who are you? Answer now or I'll have our Jet Fighter start attacking you again," The Commissar said over the radio.

Mura Planet, Gudee II. Time 5:12 N.

"What?! You will refuse the believers of the Machine Spirit their right to worship our deiti? Our Spirit which makes all machines turn and work? You must be insane, indeed your entire race must have fallen victim for the Curse of the Machine Spirit! Don't worry, the Temples, if you'll permit it, will save you, and make the Spirit forgive you," the fanatical Eversor exclaimed, pointing his finger into the air as if he was some sort of saint who had come to spread a most divine faith.

The others shook their head and Captain Jason said, "Please forgive him, he is a strong believer of our national religion. Eversor, a no is a no, so there will not be built any temples here."
"This is an insult for the Cultus Mechanicus! You'll soon feel the wrath of the Pope when he hears about this!" the Eversor broke out, turned around and then marched back into the Speeder II.
"Well, at least you'll know to turn to the Governmental supported factions then," Captain Jason explained, and seeing that Johann didn't understand what he meant, he quickly explained, "The Deutchlieg Republic is divided between the Chairman and the Republic, and the Cultus Mechanicus and his industries. They work together, of course, however if one side is insulted you have to turn to the other if you wish to continue to have your trade and such. It complicated, but once you get the idea, it'll be alright," Jason explained.

Just as the captain had finished his explanation, the ground rumbled beneath them, and insect-looking creatures sprang forth from the ground and stood behind the soldiers, seeming eager to jump at the representatives of the Republic of Deutchlieg.
The men reacted the manner that they had been trained for; The lieutenant clicked a bottom and the three claws in his right iron glove exposed themselves, and he bended his knees to get more power for the possible attackers. The Commissar almost fell down to the ground, and drew out a gun attached to his angle, and pointed it at the creatures, though he didn't fire, he waited for any possible attacks, and finally the captain jumped into the Spedder II, got a weapon and took aim, while he called, "What the hell are those things?".

"Um..would you like to meet the Mura?". Came the respond and the men lowered their weapons, and looked uneasily at Johann, and then the lieutenant talked, "In future meetings, I strongly suggest that you keep these...Mura away from our meetings if you wish to maintain a good relationship with our Republic. Our leaders are not as tolerant for such...insect-like beings."

"Now, we'll return to our nation and report your acceptance of this alliance, and the terms agreed upon, and you may expect another fleet of raw materials for building up the H.I Inc. within a week to arrive, and before that, other ambassadors or leaders may come to discuss certain terms. As for the Cultus Mechanicus, don't expect them to take much interest in your nation any more, unless you wish to open trade with industrial goods, then you might get their attention," the commissar stated and placed his small pistol back at his angle, he stood up and entered the Speeder II.

The Captain turned and saluted Johann and then the speeder took off, back to the Arm of Deutchlieg, and once they landed on the ship it turned and headed towards its system, sending a final message to the planet, giving the population its coordination for its borders.

Vedr System, Planet Vedr.

The invasion fleet just broke out of hyperspace as they saw the condition that the other Arm of Deutchliegs were in. The captain feared that the condition of the ships would endanger the entire invasion of the Vedr system, and it just got worse, it seemed that there was a second fleet who had interests in the planet, though the captain couldn't tell the strength of this unknown fleet, he knew well that attacking unknown fleets without using diplomacy first would be disastrous, plus the High-General Valdimir was down on the planet, and there were few generals who would even add a bit of shadow to the respect and fear that this single general had obtained throughout his many years and campaigns.

To: Whom it may concern
From: High Admiral Iolis Halinn
Greetings and Salutations, I am High Admiral Iolis Halinn, commander of the 12th Griki Exploration Fleet. We have stumbled upon this system inadvertently and do not mean any harm. I am fully authorized to act as an ambassador for my people, and wish to form diplomatic relations.

The captain felt relieved and then picked up the radio and responded:
From: Captain Jordan Kaiser
To: High Admiral Iolis Halinn

I greet you with the respect of the Republic of Deutchlieg. You have, however, come to the wrong system, at the wrong time. The Republic has declared war upon this system for kidnapping our beloved High-General, Valdimir van Smolka. Thus you have currently three options.
One; Support us, and gain a strong relationship with the Republic and possibly also gain a part of the local minerals that is located in this system.
Two; Support the locals, in which case you'll have to fight us, right here in space and land, and gain a bad reputation with the Republic, and possibly also ignite a war.
Three; Remain neutral and I'll give you the cordinations for our borders, so you can contact our other leaders.
I apologize for giving you such limited options, any other ideas you may have will be listened to and be considered. We are on a tight schedule, so please, if you must, take your time to consider your situation.

As the message was send, tens of thousands of Jet Fighters swarmed out of the Arm of Deutchlieg space ships and towards the space ships that were guarding the "wounded" Arm of Deutchlieg vessels.
The battle in space began between the two factions, the Deutchlieg outnumbered the Niamlings. While the battle in the space was taking place, the ten Arm of Deutchlieg space ships took their positions, and the first ship fired twenty rockets down on the planet, hitting the capital of the planet. These rockets were filled with nerve poisonous gases that would kill the Niamlings within minutes, and followed by that there was a quick orbital bombardment on the planet, clearing large areas with the usage of the ships mighty canons fire, which burned the trees, fields and anything else into dust, creating a barren circle of roughly 50 km. radius.

After the orbital attacks, a stream of Speeder II flew down, towards the large circles created and the capital of the planet.

The following events takes place between 14:00 Inter Galactic Time and 16:00 (IGT)


hundreds of Speeder II came in sight of the radars. The rockets that had been fired down from the ships had released its chemicals and were killing the Niamlings in their thousands, and it was effective. The Speeder II landed, and the men jumped out and began to take strategical important locations, such as the Town Hall, the Communication Centers, the Universities, and other larger buildings which they could have both access to the internet and use as a HQ if any counter-attacks would happen.

Followed by that, tanks, trucks and ammunition was dropped, and the soldiers got into work, massing together those Niamlings who hadn't been killed by the gases and placing them in the City Square.
There was little resistance from the Niamlings, who had been strongly weakened by the gas attacks, and whatever military resistance there was left, was either killed withing minutes of engagement, simply because the Death Korps outnumbered them with a ratio 10:1, or they surrendered against the mighty war machines that they saw.

Speeder II's moved around the nearby perimeter, attacking any and all villages they encountered on their way and took POWs. Farms and rural encampments were attacked and burned to the ground.
The Death Korps used ruthless methods, flame throwers, bombs, missiles and other similar weapons against the more primitive Niamlings.

The large barren circles were soon buzzing with life as the Deutchlieg Death Korps landed and began to set up camp, security around the perimeter, and the Forgotten Steel Legion went to work with getting the trenches built with its machines.
Within the hour, tens were made, fences were being set up and guards and ammunition posts were made, soon afterward, heavier machinery was dropped along with tones of equipment needed to built concrete walls and houses, but they would be built later on in the war.
Hundreds after hundreds, the Hons were send into the jungle, gathering food, intelligence about the nature and routed up any village or other groups of Niamlings that they encountered along their paths.

The Shadez, wherever they were encountered, were killed at the spot. There was shown little mercy towards this race, and the few who were spared at first sight were often take in front of the Niamlings and brutally executed by the Battle-Commissars, making an example out of them as they wanted to inspire fear amongst the Niamlings, so they would resist.

While all of this was happening, the Arm of Deutchliegs had recovered their lost High-General and he now commanded the invasion of the capital planet, and he ordered the Deutchlieg satellites to be send out and begin to search for possible minor encampments where the Niamlings could be gathering to counter-attack, though the Death Korps and the Forgotten Steel Legion had taken the majority of the bigger cities within the first two hours of the war, leaving the Niamlings to seek shelter in the planet's jungle, where the Hons where gathering, making it an even more dangerous place to be, compared to the streets of the cities.

From: High-General Valdimir van Smolka
To:High Admiral Iolis Halinn

This is the ultimate commander of this invasion, I have been informed of your presence, and now is the time to answer, which side will you be on?

The message was simple and straight forward. If they were going to help the Republic, they would be rewarded and alliances would be made, if they were going to fight them, then the Jet fighters would come in their thousands, followed by stress signals to the Republic and then attacks from the Arms of Deutchlieg, where they would turn the entire ship, so the orbital canons would fire at their ships, hitting them harder than any normal canon.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phidius on Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:13 pm

Vedr System, Planet Vedr
Halinn tensed as he saw how truly bad the situation was, but breathed a sigh of relief when the Deutchliegs gave him time to think, though in this time they were invading the planet.

He weighed his options:
a) He could join them and gain a powerful ally, simultaneously gaining a strong metal for his own country;
b) He could join the clearly lost cause of the locals, maybe tipping the balance or maybe not; or
c) He could stay neutral and keep his country out of a war for the time being, at the same time opening communications to this new country's leaders.

After much thought, and discussing with his commanders and staff, he spoke. "Order fighters in ground attack formation. Their objective is to help the Deutchliegs on the ground wherever they seem to be having trouble, and to help establish air supremacy. He sighed, resigned to his decision.

"Fleet, take position in high orbit, acting as orbital artillery for ground forces, to be adjusted by our fighters, as well as our ground troops once they are on the ground. I want four Gargans to land and release troops to help secure strategic objectives, as well as mines. Four others will have a steady stream of reinforcements and reserves going down in landing ships. General Kalis has permission to land and take command of his forces.

The deed done, Halinn sighed, not sure how good of a choice he made but entirely aware of the choice he had made.

New York City; Vultralix, Sol System
Count Schleritz stood kneeling before the Archduke, head bowed, in his field uniform, SS black. "My Lord, resistance in North America has been crushed utterly." he said firmly and formally. "Resistance groups in Europe are either quelled or encircled. Asia is much the same. South America has hit some trouble, but it will be crushed within the next few months. Africa is under siege; the plan is to starve them out, as direct assault, as is happening in the other continents was considered far too costly. Is this acceptable, my liege?"

The Archduke sat, thinking of what he had heard, then slowly nodded. "Yes, this is acceptable. Your life is spared, you may go." He said it offhandedly, but was overjoyed on the inside. The Count walked out, spewing his thanks.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ersatz Creed on Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:45 pm

Mura Planet, Gudee II. Time 5:16 N.

Johann nodded while the man spoke, hiding his embarrassment. It was not the first time the Mura had embarrassed him but he was going to make sure it would the last. He bowed while the Deutch representatives returned from where they came. As soon as they were out of sight, Johann exploded. Blinded by pure rage Johann picked up and tossed a Mura drone at the B.S.C next to him. The very second the drone made contact with the armoured plating he was all over it, Johann punching it, repeatedly.

"You useless, mindless insects! How dare you make me and the Reich look like fools!".

Johann showed no mercy, beating the bug senseless until finally a loud cracking sound was heard followed by a disgusting squishing and a horrible stench. Johann had cracked the exoskeleton and kept punching reducing the internal organs into a mush. He let the now lifeless drone meet it's final resting place, the cold hard street. His fists were covered by sticky, smelly, green Mura blood. He inhaled, exhaled and turned around, signaling with his to take him home. The rest of the Mura simply took the body underground where it would be used to feed the young.

The ride back to the Council's Palace was very silent. The Soldiers were shocked by what Johann did. Probably because they never EVER saw him like that. The council kept this secret from the public, 90% of the Council's Hive Mind Bearers are extremely violent, and the 10% that are not are known as tranquil. They hide all emotions under a fierce wall of cold-heartedness. Johann sighed as he tried to fall asleep, it was going to be a long ride.

At the Council Palace, The council had received a message from the largest nation they had known. The IGCC. The Council had known of them for a long time and they found out about their immense size very quickly. Fearing they might try to add the Reich as an expansion, the Council made certain their relations remained at the least, neutral.


"My friends before we begin I must ask one question. What in the name of the Prophets is a Sunday?"

" Perhaps it is some sort of respectful greeting or a day of their week?"

"Perhaps. These IGCC folks are quite the oddballs but they are powerfully oddballs with a very large Empire, a very Rich Empire. I say we should take advantage of this and send some of our Omni-Co representatives as well as some other smaller companies to that convention. It will no doubt increase our status with them."

"Or it could back fire and bite us in our asses! What if at the Convention they see something that they like and instead of paying for it, they wish to take it all by force? OR what if they somehow find out about the Vaults?! No doubt they will want to investigate what is inside of them."

And so the Council began their discussion. Some wanted to attend the Convention to possibly obtain an alliance with IGCC while others rejected the idea. Both sides had the Reich's best wishes at heart. Safety and a new ally or Safety and no War. There was one, however, who did not pick a side. This person preferred to listen to them, quarrel and argue, trying to get their 2 kamas in. But not this one. She, being the only female to be in the Council, preferred to listen to both sides and then join in, normally making whom ever she side with seem... better. They called her Misty her real name isn't registered in the public Reich records.

"Silence my brothers... Allow me to speak.", she said. Her voice, despite how peaceful and quiet it was, silenced them all. It might have been respect, courtesy or some other factor but the Council thought highly of her.
" I say we should attend the Convention. The IGCC have no doubt invited others as well which can lead to more friendships and of course more nations to trade with. If the IGCC does wrong to us, infront of all those eyes, then surely someone shall stand by us. Though I doubt they would attack us when they've had the chance for so many years. Also what could we possibly have that they want? With their money and tech they could certainly make it themselves and if they found about the Vaults we would have the advantage. Us having the map. If they dared to attack we could simply destroy it existence making the finding of these Vaults much more difficult. With that said, I restate we should take the risk and accept their invitation. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."

With that the Council became silent. For a moments not a word came out of anyone. Soon enough, one by one, they all resigned and agreed to attend. A faint smile appeared on Misty's face as yet another arguement had come to an end because of her. Now they moved on to the Reports from the Sovereigns.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabag on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:52 pm

Vedr System, Planet Vedr

The drones reeled back in surprise as the planet and her rulers were quickly and systematically annihilated by the chemical warfare of the Deuthleig. They began to broadcast a large frequency to shoot a message over to Blackwyng about this revelation.

Grikonia, Grikus Prime, Grikus System
I am Blackwyng, ruler of the Hlugaran Conglomerate, and living avatar of the great Creater, Atheoiz! It is good we could meet your Highness, I would like to propose that we could establish trade rights with you and your people, and perhaps in the future set up an alliance to preserve our peoples. What say you? Excuse me for one moment please. Said Blackwyng, his words translated to Griki.

From within his marble palace there were constant video cameras buzzing around. After all their ruler made first contact, and he wanted to show his people he could rule as well in peace as well as war. Turning away from the hologram of the King Emperor, Blackwyng looked to another hologram.

Let the aliens on the world to their business, but ask then why they must come down and say we must have a military escort to make sure they don't disturb the peace.

Beta Centius System, Planet Kyal 5 Comms Outpost UVB-500. Fleet elements Standing by. Main Army on Kyal 5, Standing by.

"Aye aye M'lord" replied the Ensign who quickly wheeled in his seat to send a message to the Reich ships.

"My lords have given you permission to land, but you must answer a few questions first. Who are you?
Why are you here?
Where did you come from?
Also if you're going to have Lance escorts to make sure you don't do anything, along with Enforcers.

Kyal 5, Surface

"Congratulations gentlemen, we got something to do! We're to meet up with an alien landing party to Kyal 5 and make sure they don't do anything stupid" Roared the lead enforcer of the 3rd Kyal Lance Brigade.

The men rose up and cheers and the preparations were made for the troops to get in their mechs. After a lengthy suitup, the pilots jumped in their Terrorbirds and Thanatos walkers and began their trek.

The Enforcer detachment got in their own specialized Thanatos walkers, made to combat multiple foes at once without too much trouble with retractile autocannons.

The walkers thundered out of their hangers and began the trek.

"Terrorbirds triangle formation in front of the Thanati... Thanati keep long range armaments ready, look for possible cover and ambush posistions."

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phidius on Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:07 am

Grikonia, Grikus Prime, Grikus System
Theran listened to the man speak, then patiently waited, and listened again as the words were translated into rough Griki. Theran waited another moment as he composed his thoughts, then spoke again, "It is truly a pleasure to meet you, Great Blackwyng," he said, returning the ruler's favor of using a respective to precede his name.

"A trading alliance would be most ideal. My Empire can offer food, slaves, and metal ores, to name but a few things. I look forward to speaking with you in person some time in the future." he bared his sharp, carnivorous teeth in a Griki smile, politely waiting to see if he other ruler had anything further to say.

Cape Town, South Africa; Vutralix, Sol system
Colonel Hernandez sat across a table from the final rebel leader in the city hall of the last major rebel stronghold. Smiling. The rebel showed pure hatred on his black, leathery face, but his body language showed just enough submission to be acceptable.

"We will accep' yo'r surrendah tahms on one condition," the rebel leader said, in heavily-accented English.

Hernandez barked in mirthless laughter, "Your position is hardly negotiable, rebel slime. But go on, I'd like to hear what your people are begging for."

The rebel winced at the laughter, and again at the insult, but composed himself quickly, clearing his throat, "Dah condition is foh ya to prese'v ahr legacy." he said simply, but continued, "Make shah dat 'uman culchah isn'nah eras'd bah dem lizahds. We 'umans is a oonique race all ahr ownselves, even when we is undah da claw'd feets o' dem things," he practically spat the word 'things' out, "We is a vari'd 'n' great race. Jus' make shah it stays dat way. Can ya do dat fo' me, fo' all o' us?" he wasn't pleading by his voice, but it showed in his eyes.

Hernandez was taken aback by the speech; she'd been expecting a 'spare me, spare us' speech, so she had to think about it. After a few moments' thought, she nodded, slowly, then with more solidity, "I'll do that for you, Rebel Mandela. No promises, but I'll try me best."

The rebel spoke once more, "Anuddah t'ing . . couldja, kill me now? Raht here, wit' ya pista?" Now he sounded pleading, which in itself was scary.

"Yes," Hernandez said, drawing her pistol with a sigh. She aimed it right at his eye and fired, throwing him back and off his chair from the force of the hit.

As she fired, he almost seemed to sigh, too, but in his case, it seemed to be in release.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ersatz Creed on Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:05 pm

Mission: In progress. Squads on Mission: Rt22 and Rt23. Reinforcements: Ready and waiting.

"My lords have given you permission to land, but you must answer a few questions first. Who are you?
Why are you here?
Where did you come from?
Also if you're going to have Lance escorts to make sure you don't do anything, along with Enforcers."

This time Siegfried answered the message. He hesitated thinking before he gave them any answers that the Reich would later regret. When he knew what to say he answered.

"We are the 2nd prophet fleet of the Reich. We were sent by our nations leaders to complete a mission. Our mission: Retrieve the Vault. We came from a far away system which is why we jumped into hyperspace to get here. Now that all your questions have been answered we will send in our transports. One of our ships will be firing Mura Pods at the planet but do not be alarmed.Those pods contain our Dig team. Sending our landing coordinates now. Also if any hostility between our dig team or our security teams and your escort breaks out, we will attack in full force. If you want any more information we will give you it as soon as the Vault has been secured and it's contents loaded into Emora.".

With the push of a button, the troops were informed and loaded. Two reich squads of Infantry (One reich squad is 25 men.) 2 juggernauts, 5 B.S.Cs, and some J3KALs. A rapture positioned itself to shoot the Mura pods, while the Transport craft raced to the planet surface. Everything was planned out. The Reich squads would locate the Vault and then the Mura would be dropped in to dig it out. From that point, the contents of the Vault would be all taken out and loaded up onto the transports. Once they were all secured the ground troops would evacuated and all this would end.

It took them a couple of minutes but the transports finally reached the surface. The 5 B.S.Cs and the Juggernauts were dropped off first and from the B.S.Cs came out the ground infantry. "Alright I say we wait for the escort to find us. They know this planet better then us and they'll know where we cant and can go. They might even let us into places we might not have been able to access, if we ask nice enough.", one soldier commented. After a small dispute it was agreed that they find, or make, a more defensible position and wait for the escort. The snipers in the squads ran off together to find a good spot to set up, in case things did not go as planned. They took a couple J3kal/Gremlin suits, so they could use the local vegetation to conceal it without putting themselves in harms way. They did not know what was poisonous and what wasn't so it was better to be safe then sorry.

A report was immediately sent to Prophet Emora whenever anyone had free time to write one. " We are waiting for escort at a defensible position near LC, in-case things go south. Once we meet up with those lancer/enforcers we'll find the Vault ASAP. Keep the Mura on standby.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabag on Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:56 pm

The war machines trudged onwards as the defensive perimeter of the Reich was in sight.
"Remember hold your fire until fired upon." Ordered the Captain of the First Squad.

To the aliens, it appeared as if giant monsters had spotted them, yet they showed signs of steel in scans, and biosigns near the 'head' only, The escort has arrived.

"Welcome to our world, Reich... please take us to your 'Vault' I would like to see it" Said Chief Enforcer Regulus, in the lead Thanatos walker, with painted fire on the left and right sides.

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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby lone world on Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:39 pm

Cardina city, planet Cardina, Cardinan system.
The council of eight was in session so the whole city was on lock down anyone out and about with out a reason got the butts thrown in jail with out a second glance. High provost marshal von Steiner didn't care as long as the council wasn't disturbed they didn't care but if they were there would be questions and von Steiner would be found out about his unlawful imprisoning with no charge. The council was debating as it always was. The topic was expansion whether the empire should enlarge or not and as usual half were saying yes, half were saying no.
"we must claim more land for the empire we must expand so that the events of the redemption do not repeat" governor harmvost was stating it adamantly the expiationists had the support of most of the armed force but in the end it was all up to the lord general. "What is your decision governor militant" one of his aides asked.
"we shall expand the empire" the lord general replied.
There were no complaints all of them wanted it was just rivalry that meant that whoever put it forward were always being fort against just because of who suggested it.
"We shall deploy four fleets each one shall be given a Deliver supported by two Devastators with 4 Desire frigates. carrying there full pay loads of fighters and gunboats and drop pods also send ten regiments of shock with the storm and shadow companies attached and two regiments of armour with a unit of airborne each. Get some transports for any armour or infantry unable to be deployed on the ships.

From: the Governor militant office
to: regimental commander concerned
All units will assemble on staging points 1-4
Staging point 1:
Division commander: Field Marshal Thade
19th regiment of shock
33rd regiment of shock
28th regiment of shock
60th regiment of shock
83rd regiment of shock
99th regiment of shock
101st regiment of shock
106th regiment of shock
210th regiment of shock
412th regiment of shock
3rd regiment of armour
69th regiment of armour
88th regiment of airborne
Staging point 2
Division commander: Field Marshal Ritzik
1st regiment of shock
13th regiment of shock
18th regiment of shock
21st regiment of shock
34th regiment of shock
54th regiment of shock
288th regiment of shock
303rd regiment of shock
450th regiment of shock
500th regiment of shock
18th regiment of armour
45th regiment of armour
101st regiment of airborne
Staging area 3
Division commander: Field Marshal Kertaritz
3rd regiment of shock
5th regiment of shock
9th regiment of shock
11th regiment of shock
18th regiment of shock
27th regiment of shock
40th regiment of shock
52nd regiment of shock
76th regiment of shock
505th regiment of shock
179th regiment of armour
245th regiment of armour
1st regiment of airborne
Staging area 4
Division commander: Field Marshal Zevovitz
89th regiment of shock
90th regiment of shock
91st regiment of shock
92nd regiment of shock
95th regiment of shock
130th regiment of shock
145th regiment of shock
285th regiment of shock
500th regiment of shock
620th regiment of shock
290th regiment of armour
300th regiment of armour
50th regiment of airbourne

Noches von Stubbs
Governor Militant Cardinan Empire.

From: Governor Militant’s office
To: Warden Fleet Marshal Helovitz
You will disperse the 2nd home fleet over staging areas 1-4 evenly to pick up infantry regiments for transportation destinations are to alpha, beta, gamma and delta
I leave it to you to decide your fleet commander’s old friend standard pacification organisation just like at Saint Sebastian.

Noches von Stubbs
Governor militant Cardinan Empire

The noise did not stop on Saint Sebastian for almost a week troop transports to tanker trucks did nor stop the convoy’s stretch for miles on the road to the staging grounds the fleet had landed and thankfully a fleet of mass conveyances had arrived and were beginning to transport the rest of the regiments unable to fit on the ships. These troops would form the second wave and consisted of around 6 infantry regiments and both armour regiments in each of the fleets. The rest loaded onto the ships were already in high orbit waiting for the majority of the ships and troops to fill up on the conveyances.

Finally it was done the ships were all in high orbit and powering up for warp travel there were amassed prays going with them hoping that all who entered the warp would leave it.

GMSS Divine retribution, 4th fleet, delta area
Commodore Bertaritz was in charge of 4th fleet the advance ships had reported heavy activity here and Bertaritz saw that for himself a giant ship was under attack by a group of ships. The big ship looked like it was going to explode Bertaritz had 4 options 1. Head back to Cardina 2. Assist one of the sides 3. Call for support and attack both 4. Remain neutral.

Bertaritz decided to call for support but decided to wait for the bigger picture before committing to a fight
From: commodore Bertaritz
To: high command
We have sited other beings command engaged in combat possible hostile contacts multiple threats we are outnumbered. Request support Please advise.
everyone has to make a choice, me i choose not to make a choice.

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lone world
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Re: Universe in Flames IC. Nation RP.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ersatz Creed on Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:34 pm

A sniper spotted the machines first. "I have a group of...unidentifieds heading towards the LZ. Sending word to other teams and moving in to flank. Be advised, they could be our escort.". The message was received and everyone at the LZ prepared for a possible firefight. Everyone with Gremlin training was in a suit and two small turrets were being set up very quickly. While the troops hoped for the best but prepared for the worst another report was sent to Emora.

"Unknowns heading our way. Drop in the Mura this could be the escort .".

By the time the Mechs arrived, everyone was ready for them. Everyman had their weapon at their disposal aimed at the iron giants.
"Welcome to our world, Reich... please take us to your 'Vault' I would like to see it". Everyone was silent for a moment while a leader was picked. Finally a man in a gremlin spotted forward to reply. "We have no authority to allow you to see it. If your 'people' wish to examine it and it's contents you'll have to bring it up with our Council. We'll have the bugs dig a tunnel down to it in just a sec.".

Above the planet a Rapture and a couple fanatics moved into low orbit. The Rapture's guns all aimed down at the planet and the Fanatics simply observing and gathering into, most of it useless until later examination by scientists. "Rapture 3, this is Emora , you have the Green light. Drop in the buggers.". A couple moments after the message was received the Rapture fired several pods at the planet. "Emora, the pods have been dropped, tell those boys that those Mura are their problem now.".

2 minutes after their request the pods hit solid ground and the Mura were on surface, crawling slowly out of their pods. Once they were out the buggers wasted no time. They began digging very quickly. "So while we wait for them to dig us a path care to answer some questions? We are_" the man in the Gremlin suit was interrupted by one of his fellow soldiers. "Yeah do you guys breathe oxygen? This damn helmet is choking me!". The others began to laugh rather loudly. The Juggernaut moved in closer to the huge Mechs aiming up at them repeating, "Permission to engage?".

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Ersatz Creed
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