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Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:32 pm

"Whoo," Porcupine whistled as he exited from the plane, stretching his arms towards the ceiling as he walked throughout the airport to the baggage claim. He had slept for most of the entire flight, having wanted to avoid getting any jet lag from the long trip. He needed his energy, after all if this fight was all the old man hyped it up to be. Down the escalator, and towards the baggage claim, Porcupine was almost shivering in excitement. As he reached the baggage claim, he didn't have to wait too long to find his large suitcase and pick it up. As he made his way out of the airport, finding his hotel was the last thing on his mind. The beach was amazing, though the poppy music that seemed to be playing everywhere, he could do without. At any rate, he happy go luckily slugged his suitcase over his shoulder and decided to have a look around.

The first thing Porcupine noticed that the island looked just plain fun. Lots of things to do, it seemed. Lots of restaurants to eat at, lots of babes to hit on, lots of punks to fight. He couldn't wait to see what he was up against in the tournament as well. Humming a tune of his own in his head to drown out the music that played over the speakers, Porcupine started to look around and see what else this island had to offer.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:20 am

"So I take it that you are aware? Oui? For a moment, I would have thought that you were lying. Ha, and to think I almost mistook you for a tourist! Don't worry--I will spare you, for the most part. We will see.", the gentleman responded to her last statement.

Helene and the gentleman continued to the resort. Helene, at least, enjoyed the view of the beach, but it wasn't complete. It needed some blood to make the scenery more of her taste. Then the gentleman asked her, "Oh, and madame? I do believe that you haven't mentioned your name."

She refused to reveal her name to anyone, especially someone she just met for less than 30 minutes.

"I'm known all around the world as Tamra, because of you knew my real name, I would have to kill you....or have you sleep with me." She was joking on the second comment, but was serious about the first one.

She finally reached the entrance of one of the resorts, with clear glass automatic doors in front of them.

A rather small airplane landed onto the roof of the large skyscraper. The door opened instantly once it landed. Out came Guan Long-Wei, Jasmine and HuiZhang behind him, and a couple of guards behind them. More were heading their way in separate planes.

Guan Long-Wei had placed his territory, walking along the rooftop with an all red tuxedo with a golden dragon embroidery, and alligator boots. The usual crime lord attire, with a little Asian twist. He had a cigar in his mouth, smoking out his last smoke, before throwing it to the ground, and placing his foot on it, putting it out.

Jasmine and HuiZhang followed behind, silent and speechless. This was the only time that they acted just alike, but for different reasons. HuiZhang, walking with great posture, was still mad inside of Jasmine's participation in the tournament, but his anger wasn't any different than what he has been doing all of his life.

Jasmine looked over to HuiZhang, feeling some regret of even wanting to risk her life just to get her brother's attention.

The techno music in the background still played noticeably, but in HuiZhang's head, nothing was there but silence.

Long-Wei entered a door from the rooftop, approaching an elevator. They stood there until it finally opened. Right in front of them was a large hallway, leading to a door on the other side. Behind that door was an exquisite, large executive office of all red, including velvet seats. One was in behind the desk, and behind that was a large one-way glass window, viewing the beautiful island in front of it. Long-Wei sat at the velvet chair and turned it to the beautiful view.

"Such a pleasant picture, don't you think, my sweet Jasmine?", he asked his daughter.

Jasmine looked up quickly to her father, feeling too nervous to respond, but was too afraid not to.

"Yes...Yes it is, father.", she responded in her dignified tone, but was trying to hold some composure.

After Jasmine's response, a guard entered the door.

"Xiānsheng Guan, it's time for the meeting."

"Excellent.", Long-Wei replied as he raised up off of his chair, and went his way out of the building to the East side of the island with his children and guards following behind him.
Last edited by Jaybt9 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GK061490 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:09 am

After a while, the prison outfit on Ricky's body was starting to get to him. Sure it was great and comfy inside his cell... sort of, but the hot climate of the island he was on made him sweat like bacon. Not that he can do anything about it though, with his cuffs securely placed on each wrist, any shirt would be reduced to rags if he tried to wear the properly. To be honest, he'd rather walk around in a pair of surf shorts or speedos than what he was wearing right now, and he considered that option for a couple of times during his walk.

"Ugh... Where the fuck am I supposed to go to get on with this freaking tournament." grumbled the ex-con.

Just then, he heard a voice booming all over the place that seemed to be answering Ricky's question. Ricky turned his attention to where the voice was coming from, his eyes laying upon a large plasma screen display that was mounted on a large skyscraper in the urban part of the island. Some passerby were also looking intently at the screen, probably just as lost as the blond was.




"Enough drama already and tell me what I need to know." snorted Ricky at the ad's melodramatic introduction.



A diagram of the island's map was then displayed on the screen. To make things more convenient, a mark for where the plasma screen was as well as the venue were placed on the diagram for reference. A smirk played on Ricky's lips as he headed over to the direction that was stated in the ad. Finally, he can release the anger that was building up on his system.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:04 pm

On the other side of the glass door was a large lobby filled with many vacationers. Helene, with the gentleman following, walked to a brunette-haired woman behind a desk.

"Excuse me, I'd like to sign in.", Helene spoke to the counter girl in a patient voice, handing in her ticket. "Pfiffer", she said,, feeling slightly ashamed that she revealed some of her born name to the kind stranger.

The counter girl typed in her last name, while Helene waited patiently.

"Oh, Ms. Pfiffer, you are in the presidential suite.", the counter girl said to her, handing her the card key.

“Why thank you.”, Helene said to the counter girl, as she walked to the elevator with her lugagge. As she was making her way to the elevator door, she heard a female voice behind her.

“Good luck.”, the rather sarcastic female voice said out loud.

“Oh, I don't need luck. You're going to need it once I mutilate you, bitch!”, the sadistic voice said in Helene's mind.

Just as she pressed the button to the highest floor, which was the 16th floor, an intercom turned on around the hotel, catching Helene's ears.

DJ Midnight: Alright, male and female fighters, make your way to the eastside island for a mandatory meeting in 2 hours. You have your maps, but if you don't, good luck finding your way! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cap'n Gregginz on Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:38 am

They call me Eddy "Do Hurt" because that's what I do, I "Do Hurt" ta everybody who thinks they can out best me. I'm the blood, sweat an' tears of Ireland and I'm damn proud ta wear the color's of me beautiful land. Me life's be a pain in me arse but who's isn't? Me arsehole Uncle raised me ta fight, best damn thing he did aside from beatin' me ass till my eyes were so swollen that I couldn't see fer weeks. At least his fuckin' arse is dead and buried in the dirt. Who would have guessed me luck bein' picked to fight in this tournament... but hell, I'm the best fighter ta ever live so why wouldn't I get scouted out? It ain't luck, it's fate that I'm ta enter and win this tournament. I head on me merry way to the airport for this grand ol' fight and just my fuckin' luck I get stuck in-between a couple twat Americans who keep talking about the dumbest shit like internet humor and some stupid videogame. I swear I was gonna rip their heads off but I can't risk another sentence in the slammer plus it's 500k, that's a shit ton of money. Not so much in Europe but in America that'll set ya fer a good while.

Eddy arched his arms in the air after finally leaving the plain, his single carry-on bag hoisted on his shoulder. He lifted his hat off and scratched the top of his head, small dandruff flakes floating off onto his woodbury jacket before Eddy fanned them off with his hat and placed it back on. "Now where the hell am I supposed ta be goin'?" Eddy groaned shifting his eyes around at the swarm of people. He eyed some fighters from the crowd of sweaty fans who never fought a day in their life, obviously not intimidated whatsoever. In Eddy's mind, no one could hold a candle to his strength. Finally he spotted a television screen made purposely for the fighters and stood in front of it. It's obnoxious sounding voice over was nail to a chalkboard to Eddy and finally getting on the last of his nerves.

"Fuckin' Christ. Get to tha point." The arrogant Irishman shouted in front of the television screen in the airport. After the screen jumped to the island map, Eddy shifted his eyes over to a man wearing a prison garb and handcuffs who was also standing in front of the television. He reminded Eddy of his prison days. "I remember wearin' those colors. The worst part is becomin' somebody's bitch unless ya can kick serious arse... Yer not a bitch are ya?" Eddy grinned raising his one eyebrow.

(It's a little short because my internet keeps shitting out and I'm very tired)

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Statement on Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:22 pm

Harry was now officially restless from the long hours of being rocked back and forth and forced to sit for countless moments on that chair in that boat, Sending his lower body to sleep every now and then but as he made that first gentle hollow "Thud" as he started to exit the boat and onto the wooden docks he had to admit to himself that was most silent and easy night he had ever experienced in his entire life. He turn his neck to peer at the people starting to exit it swell but quickly had to maneuver away from the direction behind him as the sun had directly hit his robot eye and forced him to retract and grit his teeth in a grumpy expression, Leaving the scenery of the boat well alone and starting to walk to the city.

He walked for a long amount of time with his gym back hang over his back, Still dressed in his casual wares while he was on the move, His pipes or rather his "Wings" as they are referred too let out a long stream of steam as he walked a certain amount of mileage and this was the sign his body is waking up again after sitting so still for so long. His two white orbs peered at the grey concrete ground as he marched down the streets. Looking like a guy out of luck or someone who is imbedded deeply into his thoughts nether really mattered as no one would ask at that moment to find out as his wings letting off steam seemed to had scared off most of the tourist and civilians, Each of them avoiding to walk next or near him as trotted along. The ears of the man suddenly twitched and stood up, His face following when the voice in the speakers rattles in his brain like a child with a drum, Making his eye flicker a little in anger and frustration but his face remain a little serious and understanding, Infact his eye was the only thing that let off the signal of his frustration of the hosts talker.

A few moments past as Harry absorbed what the host just said and begun to change his direction so he will be walking towards the east side of the island. An hour past before harry had came across a small taste of humble and yet happy side of the city where the sun was hitting all the painted buildings and even made the concrete sparkle a little in way due to it's cheeriness. The young mans neck craned up and so did his back making him straight now as he looked up at the almost cloudless sky, Just a few hindering ones frolicking in the sea above, Making the scene rather peaceful. As he lowered the two milky spheres to those around him he spotted he was in a square in a league of shops, The middle dominated by an old water fountain where a group of girls in roller skates were sitting eating ice scream. One of the girls. The one on the right precisely had wonderful ginger hair that looked like a fierce blaze of fire at its strongest when reflecting a more than noticeable shine from the sun, Her eyes matching the standing out color of her hair by being a rare violet, The other girl was a foot shorter than her and there go pretty small considering that the other girl an inch or under shorter than Harry and he wasn't really a big lad himself. Infact you could say the other girl was pre-teen by her height, Her hair was blond but gave off the same sense of strength as the girl next to her, Except her was like caramel mixed with gold and her eyes like green pools of acid, Both staring at Harry as they went to taste their ice creams when they noticed his soulless orbs gazing at them. Both blinked and so did Harry, This sort of went on for a few seconds before the orange haired girl gave a weak and nervous smile at him which he returned with a casual grin back.

Harry stood there for a second as if to ponder to go over to her but in the end continued to walk forth, Getting only ten minutes away as he spotted a sign up ahead painted green with a yellow rectangle going across it. The language was beyond Harry, It looked Japanese and the building wasn't showing any other signs in English although he guessed it was a clothing shop by it's endless fashion statements at the window. He turn and walked in only to be greeted by a small and obviously Japanese woman " Hello Sir.." she bowed gently at him peered up at his strange orbs, Looking shocked for a moment. Harry only kept a straight face and walked into changing rooms, Residing in a small, Red cubical while he changed into his riot equipment which was fixed before journeying out to the tournament. Thuds filled the air as he left the shop almost as soon as he got in and continues his trip to eastside, Which wasn't that far away from him anymore.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tæfarós on Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:17 pm

Tamra? An unusual name for an unusual woman, but it was her following comment that had him both alarmed and amused. He desired to ask for the meaning behind it, but soon bit his tongue. For a killer, she seemed good-natured enough, but he knew that lying beneath that facade was someone lethal, dangerous--a James Bond type girl, to crudely put it. Anton laughed gently in response, although he remained fully en guarde.

Trailing behind her, he entered the resort, impressed by the grandeur of the lobby and the lot of visitors gathered there. The exchange between Tamra and the counter girl tickled him somewhat as he waited for his turn, for it was then revealed that she wasn't much of a Tamra at all. Pfiffer suited her more, he thought, a German surname if he wasn't mistaken. As she finalized the details, a puzzled look crossed his face; half of her luggage still remained slung across his shoulder, and he was torn between chasing after her and giving the other lady a well-needed lesson in common decency.

But a voice pierced the hotel intercome, and, obnoxious as the speaker was, Anton smirked. A meeting! It was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Ms. Pfiffer!" he called out as the elevator doors slid open in front of her. He regretted saying the name already. Between dying and sleeping with her, he'd rather do neither. "You're forgetting something, are you not?"

The counter lady looked unamused by all of this, and he quickly turned to face her, flashing her a grin. "Ah, I'd like to sign in as well, please. That would be Bien-Aime."

Her frown gradually gave way to the signs of a smile. Such was the magic of hearing a polite request in mangled English--that or she was possibly rooting for his downfall. No matter. His ticket in hand was soon replaced with a key card, and he strode to Ms. Pfiffer with an idea on the mind.

"Well? Shall I provide a little assistance, or are you too eager to wait for the meeting? Maybe we could even find the time to spar afterward?"

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:15 am

A sudden halt from the gentleman's voice caused Helene to stop, as he still had her luggage. She waited for the gentleman to sign into the hotel, before he says to her.

"Well? Shall I provide a little assistance, or are you too eager to wait for the meeting? Maybe we could even find the time to spar afterward?"

Of course she was eager. She was finally going to see the man in the picture. The man that killed her father. One day, she was going to get even, and she knew it was going to be this week.

As much as she didn't want to help nor communicate with the gentleman, because she only knew him for less than 1 hour, a little sparring, , or "sex drive", which is what she calls it, wouldn't hurt her none. Plus, she liked his personality, even though she knew that she was going to fight him eventually. She just didn't know when.

A few steps away from the gentleman, Helene turned back to him, smiling, with only her blush pink lips moving upwards. The smile may have seemed sweet, but it compared to the grinch. A smile of sneakiness, and deviousness.

"Of course.", Helene replied in a deep manner, as she watched him strolling her luggage to her.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PirateofPie on Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:51 pm

Porcupine had a grand ol' time touring the island. First he'd grabbed himself some fresh squeezed island orange juice (which was way better than any store brand he ever drank). After that he made his way to an arcade, where he spent most of his time playing Road Fighter for hours on end. And finally, Porcupine made his way to the buffet, where he ate until he had successfully finished three plates of breakfast, five plates of Lunch, seven plates of dinner, and two bowls of dessert. Afterward, he decided to wander the island again, looking for something else to do.

Whistling as he walked around the island, Porcupine soon began to realize he had just gone around in a circle as he heard the annoyingly piercing voice of DJ Midnight playing loudly all over the intercom. Porcupine frowned and decided that he might as well start heading toward the eastside island. Better to be early, than late after all

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:31 pm

DJ Midnight: Alright ladies and gents, if you're stiill tuning in, get the word out on what's going on in the island. Besides the tournament, expect a little mixer along the way at the Nexus. so get your wine classes ready.
Miss D'V'us: I know you're going to be there.
You better believe it! Stay tuned in for more announcements, and while we take a break, let's jam to some Daft Punk, bringing it back to the old days of 1997, live at "Pari". This is DJ Midnight, with my lady Miss D'V'Us here on the island radio! Have fun fellow vacationers! Let's partay!

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GK061490 on Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:30 am

Ricky was just about to head to the directions given by the ad he saw earlier when he heard someone call his attention. The blond turned his head slightly and caught sight of a rugged looking man behind him who seems to have a comprehensive grasp of every vulgar word in the English dictionary and adding an Irish twist in them. He gave the man a lazy look when prodded about his outfit, only getting slightly ticked off at the other male's idea of him being a bitch. He gave a snort towards the male before speaking up.

"Eh? Who you calling a bitch, burly?" replied Ricky before staring down the other. "You'd best know who you're talking shit to, and besides..." he added before turning around and starting for the general direction of the registration area. "I don't think bitches could beat that face of yours in."

Oh how he'd love to make those words reality. That character just a while ago was no different from those prisoners who thought they were such hotshots when Ricky first entered. They though that the pretty-faced ex-boxer was all show and no substance... Well, those permanent disabilities he gave them sure liberated their minds from those ideas. Well, no matter, sticks and stones... Stick and stones...

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cap'n Gregginz on Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:10 am

"Well no shit bitches can't put a dent in me face. I crack their fukin' skulls in befar they can so much as touch me." Eddy's smiled got wider. This guy had balls and Eddy admired that but could this man really back up those words? Eddy thought he could have some fun screwing with this guy. Who knows? Maybe this guy was alright in his books, but for now he just wanted to let out the stress of his shitty plane ride. "Hold on buddy." Eddy shouted following the man, carrying his bag over his shoulder walking along side the blond prisoner, sticking his free hand in his coat pocket and pulling a hand rolled cigarette out and placed it in his mouth, biting down the end on the left side of his jaw and pulling out a match. He struck the match on the siding of his jeans and lit the smoke. He shook the match until the flame was gone and flicked it at some man passing by paying absolutely no attention to anyone other than this man.

"The boys in tha prison yard musta tried crackin' tha jaw of yers but ended up gettin' cracked themselves. I mean I know some guys are inta gettin' their junk bitten but not all of them lad. Don't push yer luck." Eddy thought about his prison days from all this joking around with the poor shmuck. The whole prisoner bitch thing was mainly an American thing and Eddy knew that this man was an American. Just the way he spoke to him with that half-ass attitude towards everybody and getting too serious with a harmful joke. The prison rapeings were almost non-existent in Germany even though you'd expect it in a place where around every corner is another shop of smut and women sitting in the windows like puppies but insted of wagging her tail, she's wagging her tits against the glass.

He took a small puff of his smoke and slowly exhaled it through his nostrils creating one large puff of cancer wind. Smoking was a big thing in Ireland, Eddy couldn't help himself but get addicted to them what with the hoards of smokers in all the underground boxing rings his uncle forced him in. "Boy ya must be missin' the sweet plowin' from yer many boyfriends. I mean, these Hong Kong shrinky-dink fuckers can't compare ta Big Black Bubba and his full 10 inches. Picture yer sweetheart Bubba, callin' yer name aftar each smooth thrust inta ya, 'Susan! Susan! Oh me darlin' Susan!'" Eddy slurred rolling his tounge to the cigarrette and pushing it to the other side of his mouth. Eddy could tell this guy was a fighter from a mile away, he gained an ability for analysing fighters from fans because of so many years of boxing and one thing Eddy loved was extra drama in his fights. Eddy always saw that if there was rage behind the fighters from some kind of earlier brawl or argument, it made things more interesting. No longer a fight for money, but a fight for pride and to take away another persons pride was even sweeter in the deal. Not to mention, pissing this guy off was better than any alcohol for the moment.
Last edited by Cap'n Gregginz on Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:22 pm

While HuiZhang, Long-Wei, and his guards were heading to the eastside of the island to actually train, Jasmine had a room to herself inside of the building, much from her father spoiling her. Even though she hated to accept it, she had no choice, but to do so. Three guards were also standing at her door.

Jasmine laid in her bed with many thoughts in her head. "Who was I going to face?, was the most important thought. She was confident, yet scared, of her opponent. This may have been why her father accepted her request. So she would run scared and remain in her father's sight until he died.

Meanwhile, near the far eastside of the island, with nothing but palm trees and the beach view (none of the travelers around them), Long-Wei and HuiZhang stood face to face from each other, while guards hid at certain locations, so "peeping toms" wouldn't interfere.

Long-Wei put out his cigar, before taking off his blazer, and going to his fighting stance, literally ready to fight his own son.

While HuiZhang was also at stance, he began to feel nervous. He was scared of his father, and after the many painful trainings with him as a child, it made an impact to him now, every time he trained.

"Why so fucking timid, and you haven't even thrown a punch yet?", Long-Wei said to him. Intimidation was Long-Wei's biggest strategy to make his son better at fighting. His words were used first, then his fighting.

HuiZhang made his first move, stepping towards him, and starting out with many quick furious punches. All of them, however, were blocked by Long-Wei as if they were light like feathers. One last punch caught Long-Wei's grip, and even HuiZhang's surprised look, making Long-Wei toss his son over his back to the ground. HuiZhang, however, landed kneeling down a bit.

Long-Wei just shook his head saying, "I shouldn't have organized this tournament. You still fight like a child."

At that statement, HuiZhang began to feel rage, yelling a roar as courageous and strong as a tiger, before charging to his father, as if he was going to kill him. He jumped up, doing a high flying kick, but Long-Wei evaded, before doing a punch, yet was blocked by HuiZhang from behind. "Clever move., a quick thought came to Long-Wei's mind. He hated to make compliments during battle, nor training.

HuiZhang proceeded by throwing an elbow, but was blocked, ending with a series of punches and kicks by both. That series ended once Long-Wei ducked on one of HuiZhang's kicks, elbowing him from behind. The impact was so hard that HuiZhang could feel the pain all around his body, letting out a loud scream, before being kicked meters away.

"Come on, now! Quit fighting like a p****!", Long-Wei yelled out.

HuiZhang got up slowly to his feet, beginning to feel even more rage as he closed his eyes. Long-Wei knew that he did the worst thing in fighting, so he charged towards him.

Instantly, HuiZhang opened his eyes, all white. This sight shocked his father, and even made him hesitant. HuiZhang was someone else.

As Long-Wei charged, HuiZhang ran up and performed another flying kick, stronger than his last one. Even though Long-Wei blocked his kick, the impact made him fly meters away. His back landing on a tree, making the guards rush up to assist him.

HuiZhang went to the ground, breathing like a psychotic. His eyes turning back to his initial color. As Long-Wei stood up, he spit out blood from his mouth, "How is that possible? I blocked his kick?", Long Wei thought to himself. On the outside, he chuckled to his son. "That's more like it.", he said to him, before the guards began to carry him by his arms back to the building, with HuiZhang going back to his usual personality, following them.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GK061490 on Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:14 pm

Ricky was trying his best to gain some distance from this man before he finally lost it and break out some fisticuffs. Seriously, the garbage that was coming out from this man's mouth could put an after-party clean up to shame. And how dare this man accused him of being a bitch to another person? If anything, he was the one doing the plowing when it came to those things, not the other way around. Rickey's lips sagged on one side as he gave out a frustrated sigh. It was bad enough that he was enduring insults but enduring insults with an irritating Irish accent was another level of irritation for the convict.

"Look..." uttered Ricky before turning to face Eddy. "I don't know what your deal is but you better shut that mouth of yours before you get me royally pissed off." snarled Ricky.

And with that, he continued towards his destination but the Irish man refused to let him go. He just kept going on and on and on about garbage that was cooked up in that mind of his. And then... Ricky snapped. He couldn't take having someone stomping his name to the dirt without doing anything about it. Fuck the rules, Ricky was going to cut loose and show this guy that pissing him off was not something anyone should do.

"You really think I'm a bitch huh?" asked Ricky before getting into a fighting stance. "Alright then, burly. Watch this bitch beat you around like a sick dog then." he snorted.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GK061490 on Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:22 am

(Doing a friendly bump for this RP. ^^)

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:43 am

While HuiZhang, slightly wounded Long-Wei, and the assisting guards made their way back to the building, Jasmine felt a little restless in her room. "Why was I not invited with my father and brother? What were they doing?", she asked to herself. She quickly raised off of her bed, and proceeded out the door.

Once she opened the door, a large figure stood before her. His skin was dark as a tree stump, and he wore a black tuxedo with sunglasses. His appearance was overall dark, and burly. Jasmine barely turned her foot to him, along with her green eyes, and she looked up to him with some slight power, because she was the daughter of someone wealthy, in her eyes, even though her desire for independence was the reason as well.

"Have you seen my father?", she asked the burly guard. She never said her brother's name, because she knew that he would be right behind her father.

"Xiānsheng Guan swore me to secrecy. I'm sorry, Miss Jasmine.", he responded in a rather deep tone. A tone that gave Jasmine shivers down her spine. She tried not to show the expression.

She hated being called "Miss Jasmine" as if she was a teacher, or an elder. She would rather call them by just "Jasmine".

As soon as he responded a sound below him got his attention. A short static sound, before a voice was heard.

"Viper, make your way to the first floor. It is urgent."

"Very well", Viper responded as he rushed down the hallway to the elevator.

"I'm going with you.", Jasmine exclaimed.

"Wait! You stay here.", Viper interrupted before continuing to the elevator.

She stared at Viper exiting down one of the elevators, feeling disappointed about what was going on. She felt that she was mature enough to know of any danger venturing around her family. So as Viper exited, so did Jasmine, rushing to the other elevator downwards to the first floor. She needed to hurry up and figure out what was going on on the first floor. She waited patiently for the light on 14 to go to 1. It was slowly taking its time, in her eyes.


Jasmine began to grow impatient, taking a deep breath to relax herself, as she looked at her golden reflection in front of her, and around the elevator.


Maybe she was doing something stupid. Maybe it was real danger. A brawl of the armed, or the unarmed, but being brave enough to take it, she didn't press any other button. Her main focus was the 1st floor.


The elevator stopped, before slowly opening. All Jasmine could see was black with small white lines scattering around the lobby. Focusing more as she walked closer, she noticed white, and red silk, with gold dragon embroidery. Looking up, the white was stained with deep red, but with no embroidery. The red looked like....blood. As many scattered, she noticed a familiar face: her father, wearing the red and white that she saw before. Guards were carrying him towards the elevator.

"Are you injured, father?", she said in a soft manner, making her presence more soothing than the aggressive picture she was seeing.

Long-Wei coughed before looking up at a face a lot like his own, and his wife's.

"I'll be fine, Jasmine. I just need to lay down for a minute. I'll be up and ready for the meeting."

He touched her shoulder before continuing to the elevator, chuckling as he said to her, "Caring....just like your mother." The elevator door was still open after Jasmine exited out of it. He turned facing her, as he said "press 15 will ya.", to one of the guards, before it closed. She saw her reflection again, but with another unique figure standing behind her: HuiZhang. He barely had any scrapes on his arms, and his face had a minor cut. Something went on at that moment, but Jasmine still didn't know what. She was afraid to ask her brother, because she would never know his response, but then again, she might have gotten the same answer as Viper's answer to her. She stared at his fearful eyes, as he walked towards the other elevator with the guards and Jasmine following. He turned facing the door with his head down, still feeling depressed. Jasmine pressed the button "15", as the door began to close. She made one last look at him, before the door fully closed.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cap'n Gregginz on Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:39 pm

Perfect. Eddy loved it. He spat the cigarette out of his mouth and pushed his hat forward a little before putting his hands up, overly excited for this. Win or lose, Eddy needed to let off some stress and this was the perfect way. Drinking only numbs the stress for a few hours but it comes back in full effect. Fighting ends it immediately. “Ooh the bitch finally sticks up fer herself." He said to the sorry prisoner he was picking on. "But better be careful lad, ye don’t wanna break a nail. Bubba had ta put up 4 cartons of smokes ta pay fer that manacure.”

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tæfarós on Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:45 pm

"Excellent!" was Anton's jovial reply, and the corners of his mouth lifted genuinely in spite of the underlying mischief that played upon her lips. Ever wary, he gave her belongings a reassured shrug as he stood before her, leaning slightly to initiate the elevator's descent. The upward arrow lit instantaneously; it was only a matter of waiting now.

And breaking the ice. For all his charm was worth, he couldn't change the fact that, well, she seemed to be a woman of a few words--either that or she was merely growing tired of him. Inconceivable! But he could not be bested, and he blurted out like an elated child to his maman: "So what makes Ms. Tamra important enough to land herself in the presidential suite? I know that there is something special about you--" he cocked his head "--I just cannot figure out what."

The buzz from his mobile phone brought him careening back to reality. With an inkling of just who had called, he excused himself from the woman and, fumbling for his cell, answered, "Corinne?" His voice raised by three octaves. He soared.

As they talked, he spoked in hushed, French tones, occasionally bringing one hand to his mouth to stifle a schoolboy's giggle. It was all very childish, really, and his gaze was constantly shifting to Ms. Pfiffer, observing her for any sort of reaction, any sign of irritance that might have creased her brow. Anton could have flown, but he kept himself in check, knowing that there wasn't a soul here sympathetic enough to bring him down to Earth. As soon as she had called, their bird's trilling had ended, and he turned to face Tamra as the elevator doors slid open.

"Ah, sorry about that," he said, pocketing the phone. "You know finacees." Stepping inside the elevator, he gestured for her to follow.

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Re: Rhythm Brawl: Chi of the Guan Lord (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:30 am

Helene watched as the gentleman picked up his mobile phone and answered. Someone important must be on the other line. Helene had that suspicious feeling in her gut.

"Corinne?" He said. The tone of his voice was rather high. It must be his girlfriend for him to speak so high.

"Corinne?", she questioned in her mind, "Ooh, a girlfriend, huh? Humph, that bitch has nothing on me."

Her thought was interrupted with a short giggle. Like he was 20 years younger. She was forcing her eyes not to look at him, because she had noticed that he was hoping not to see a respond from her. "It seems she must be wearing the pants in their relationship. I'll change that."

A loud "ting!" caught Helene's ear , before the elevator doors opened slowly. She waited for tourists to exit the elevator. One of them, a Caucasian woman with no figure, yet wearing a yellow two piece bikini, and dark sunglasses, disgusted Helene. Helene gave a quite mean glare to the woman. Luckily, the woman didn't notice. It didn't matter anyways, since the woman couldn't have done anything, but run away.

"Ah, sorry about that."

The gentleman's voice urged Helene's head to turn back to him.

"You know fiancées.", he explained as he stepped on the elevator.

"Oh, I bet.", Helene responded patiently as she imitated his command. She pressed the button to the top floor-"20"-before the door immediately closed. She didn't want others to come in, because she was so impatient to enter her room. She was in that certain mood that if someone stopped their travel to the 20th floor, they were going to enter and exit with a black eye, or maybe a limb missing. Maybe even both.

She thought about what he last said, before his mobile phone rang.

"You know, just royalty.", she exclaimed, releasing a short chuckle. She didn't want to explain too much to him. Being an assassin, "revealing personal information" was like a sin that God would never forgive her for.

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