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[IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Mon May 24, 2010 10:24 pm

Myra glared levelly at Grish, pointedly ignoring his questions until they turned to the sound of breaking glass at the same time. Her alcohol-soaked brain quickly lost focus on pretending he didn't exist, and told her mouth to say, "No, never saw her before in my life." Before she could stop herself, she'd also answered his earlier questions, her words slurring sickeningly. "And me and Megan just sorta happened. However it did, we're happy. And I'm not blunt, I'm direct." After a few moments she realized what she'd done, and found herself lying flat on the booth, like a bed. The underside of the table was visible, with all it's chewed gum and dried snot. "Oh. I seem to have fallen," she said stupidly.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zemyxaphile on Mon May 24, 2010 10:48 pm

Luca fidgeted with the card, not sure how to respond to someone knocking his glass off the counter for no apparent reason. And giving him their card for no apparent reason. And spewing out foreign language for no English-ly logical, I-want-to-understand-you reason.
If that made sense.

He looked around to see if they had attracted any attention. They had, of course. It only lasted a split second, but the whole bar had gone silent when the glass broke and his antisocial shell appeared again because of it. He wasn't good at being center stage, even for that split second.

Luca tried to keep the conversation going by asking about the mysterious Institute Skulblaka was talking about, but noticed her focus wasn't really on him anymore. Waving the card at the bartender, he apologized for the mess and ordered another drink, determined to loosen up and get drunk by the end of the night.

If he was lucky, maybe he would even find a friend--or who knows, maybe even a, ahem, partner--to spend time with the rest of the days they were in Death Valley.
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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Tue May 25, 2010 2:42 pm

That was it! The bartender had had enough. "Out! Get the hell outta my bar!" he yelled in Skulblaka's face. With a sneer of derision, she grabbed the portly man by the collar and hoisted him up a bit. "Cajkod k'soho, ooei vackaoo faw," she snarled dangerously before continuing, "You don't tell me out. You tell me nothing! I can end life for you now, if want you this." She hissed and flashed her hand at the terrified man, showing her claws. "Shut mouth and get your trash for the rest of this peoples here." She dropped him and examined her nails with intrigue. All of the sudden, she remembered something.

"Don't serve me the trash," Skulblaka warned him, one finger in the air. The bartender quickly began taking orders and filling glasses. Skul smiled at Luca and stood up, ignoring the blatant stares of the bar patrons. She pushed her way through the crowd of people and entered the girls bathroom.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morbin on Tue May 25, 2010 10:57 pm

Grish’s attention was fully set on the strange girl at the bar, and the scene she was creating there. “Bloody odd thing, she has the most bizarre eyes, you don’t forget eyes like those.” The seebot watched the strange girl carefully up until she exited the bar to go to the washrooms before he turned his attention back to Myra, who was now fallen on the booth, prompting him to chuckle softly. “Falling, drunk people tend to do that.” He said with a grin, turning his attention back to rest of the bar, “And you’re sure that you haven’t seen that girl before? Because she just went to the washroom, coincidentally the same washroom Megan went too, and unless I missed my mark that... Thing, I’m tempted to say, is looking for some excitement.” He wondered if that was a mistake, voicing his concern to Myra, she seemed like the type to overreact, especially when Megan was involved, too late now he figured, and at the very least he may learn something.
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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zemyxaphile on Wed May 26, 2010 10:53 am

Whatever the hell Skul was wanting to do, Luca didn't want to have any part of it. He glanced at the man in the uniform, hoping he wouldn't be questioned, or that anything bad would happen. He'd had enough questioning and stress for today.

"Such a shame though," Luca muttered to himself. "She was really trying to be nice, I think. That counts for something, even if she is strange." He paused. "And a little violent." He shook his head and turned back to the bar in time to see the bartender give him the drink. Luca tilted his head at the scared man, but didn't say anything and clung to the... how many had he drank? Third, the third drink of the night. And by God, tonight was the night he needed it.

"Starts in a bar and ends in a bar." He looked towards the girls' bathroom. "I always get myself into the weirdest situations." Luca sat there for a minute, staring into his drink, but not actually drinking, recalling a few things that had happened in his life, before snapping back to reality and taking a sip.

"I should stop spacing out so much."

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Wed May 26, 2010 2:38 pm

Myra sat up very quickly in response to Grish's words, knocking her head on the side of the table and earning herself a nasty lump as she did. Grossly misinterpreting him in her drunkenness, she'd taken "looking for some excitement" to mean something along the lines of "looking to rape and possibly eat your wife." The lack of logic in this conclusion failed to appear to her as she made her way to the bathroom door as quickly as her wobbly legs could carry her.

Megan, who'd just come out of her stall when a rather angry-looking gecko woman burst into the bathroom, was carefully avoiding eye contact as she washed her hands, trying very hard not to move too suddenly and feeling just a tiny bit frightened.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Wed May 26, 2010 2:42 pm

Muttering in her own language, Skul stepped into the bathroom and glared at herself in the mirror. After a moment of intense silence, she began to snicker. It grew into a giggle, and then exploded into laughter. She laughed so hard that she had to support herself on the sink to keep from falling over. When she finally calmed down, she wiped a tear from her eye and glanced at the girl next to her.

"Ah!" she exclaimed and jumped backwards. "Sorry. I not have expectance to see others here." She bit her lip for a second, trying to think of a good coverup. "They drinking at the bar?" She grinned sheepishly and hurried out of the bathroom, only to run headlong into Myra. The force of the impact propelled her back into the bathroom, where she hit the ground with a resounding THWACK!

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morbin on Wed May 26, 2010 5:18 pm

“This can only end in disaster.” The Seebot muttered to himself as he watched Myra stumble towards the women’s washroom, her alcohol fuelled fury clearly written on her features and poise. Grish wondered if he should do something, he figured a confrontation of sorts was inevitable, and it would be almost entirely his fault. However, Grish did not want to appear as a hostile force in any way, it could irreparably damage his standing with the people he was sent to keep an eye on, but Grish couldn’t just sit there either.

After weighing his options and taking another detailed look at the bar and its patrons Grish got to his feet and walked towards the washrooms, stopping and leaning against a wall just outside. The Seebot name was a bit misleading, for it left one to assume that Seebot’s were gifted only with exceptional sight, but this is untrue. If you could scale a normal humans senses from one to ten, Seebots had theirs cranked up to the thirty’s, easily, and so it was that Grish was able to make out every detail and action taking place in the washroom from sound alone.

So finely tuned were his senses, that he was almost able to ‘see’ through the washroom door, of course Grish did not actually possess x-ray vision, but he had something far better, his brain. A normal human brain is simply incapable of dealing with the overwhelmingly massive amounts of sensory input that Seebots receive on a constant basis. To compensate, Seebots are bred to have brains capable of dealing with their incredible senses and not suffer any kind of mental trauma. The most important of these alterations is in the parietal and temporal lobes, in both cases, the areas that dictate sensory input processing are vastly improved. In simple terms, this means that Grish’s brain is fully capable of converting audio input, into a perceived visual output, allowing him to ‘see’ that which he can only hear.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Wed May 26, 2010 7:36 pm

Megan stared like a rabbit caught in headlights at the woman as she laughed and spoke in mangled English, trying to keep silent. When the woman made to leave though, first eliciting a sigh of relief from Megan, when she was promptly tossed back in like a ragdoll, she couldn't stop from screaming, the piercing sound slicing through the sound of chatter in the bar.

Myra, who'd only barely caught herself when the gecko-girl had run headlong into her, was now staring down menacingly at her, approaching in slow, steady steps. Reaching down, she grabbed the Beastbot by her shirt and dragged her up the wall, pressing her against it. "Were you," she hissed drunkenly, "Messing. With. My. Wife?" She pointed at the place she thought Megan was, actually about three feet off from her shocked partner. As if in a trance, Megan started to move forward, intending to intervene as Myra slowly raised a fist.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Thu May 27, 2010 3:17 pm

"Ghkk! Mfnemajtk!" came the choked gurgle. Getting desperate from the lack of air, she kicked Myra repeatedly in the stomach. When Skulblaka finally hit the ground she grasped at her throat and took deep lungfuls of air. Finally, she regained her breath and glanced between the two. "Wife? But you are female, yes? Why for a wife you has?" Skul muttered a bit, standing up. She thumbed her chin and gazed at both women, measuring them equally. "Je...Ooei sud k'sulo u navo? I am encouraged." She nodded and then bowed deeply to Megan and Myra.

"I am sorry to scare you have. You, I know not what did me, but sorry also. Barman is free drink serving, as my sorry. Join me?" Skulblaka bit her lip as she looked at the girls again. If they can, so can I, she thought to herself.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Fri May 28, 2010 6:26 pm

Myra backed away, clutching her belly and looking confused as Megan put her arms on her shoulders, her brow dimpling in concern. Suddenly, Myra gagged, falling to her hands and knees and heaving as she vomited on the floor. Megan patted her back supportively as she emptied what drinks she hadn't digested onto the floor, ignoring Skulblaka for a moment.

Only when Myra had climbed shakily to her feet and was washing her face with a paper towel in the sink did Megan turn to acknowledge the amphibious woman, bowing slightly in late return. "Yes, two girls. I am Megan, this is my wife, Myra, and vice versa." She smiled slightly, feeling considerably less frightened having seen emotions from the lady that didn't suggest total madness. "Where have you been living, under a rock? It's not that uncommon. And, ah, while I'd love to join you, as you can see, my wife is rather sick, and I'd like to take her back to her room. Perhaps a later t-"

"Yeah," Myra rasped, interrupting her. She cleared her throat, wincing as the action caused her raw throat to twinge. "Yeah, we'll join you for a drink." She glanced at Megan, who was looking at her strangely. "C'mon, I'm fine. Let's go."
Myra held open the door for Megan, who didn't look away from her for several more seconds before going through it. Myra followed immediately after, glancing at Skulblaka as she made her way to the bar.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Fri May 28, 2010 6:37 pm

With a grin, Skul plunged her hands into her pockets and followed the two girls to the bar. Playing the part of bouncer, she pushed a space through the crowd, clearing the path for Myra and Megan. As the group hit the bar, Skul tipped her head at Luca and signaled the bartender. The fat man turned beet red, but poured three drinks and set them in front of her with an evil grin.

"ADJECODK FAW!" she roared at him. Picking up a plain glass of beer, she hopped the bar and smashed it over his head. "What warnings did I give to you?! You have the deafness, yes? LISTEN!" Skul picked the man up bodily and shook him for a moment before dropping him. "Tajwijkadw faoso ev jnacc." she muttered to herself. She took a stool next to Luca and gestured for Megan and Myra to sit. "Mind this fool no paying. He has the deafness and cannot understand orders of simple." She said, waving at her ears and then to the bartender. "Please! Drink. The free flow of drink is a good thing, yes?" She clapped Myra on the back in a comradely way and chuckled.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zemyxaphile on Sat May 29, 2010 12:18 am

Luca smiled back at Skul as she appeared again with two other women. He had heard various noises, yelling, and banging, but hadn't seen exactly what was going on. He noticed the two new ladies had come from another table that had originally held three people. Looking back at the table, he saw that the man had moved, and decided to shrug it off.

He didn't press the whole ordeal that had just happened, and proceeded to introduce himself to the newcomers. He had slight difficulty in the enunciation of his words, as he was holding his fourth drink. Or was it his fifth? "Hallo, ladies. I'm Luca, Luca Iver." He shifted uncomfortably. "Am I... right to guess that all is okay now?"

Staring into his cup, Luca wondered whether he should stop drinking, but his inebriated brain laughed that thought off. "It's paid for, to the extent of my knowledge, and even if it isn't, tonight's an okay night to let go and order many drinks." He grinned to himself and looked up to see if the girls had settled down.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saken on Sat May 29, 2010 10:30 am

Heaven always seemed to be slipping out of the time streams. For a moment Heaven had been back by the door, attempting to intrude upon a private conversation that some other people had, but now she was...

Still standing by that door, watching in utter disgust as one of the pregnant woman puked all over the place and the bar resorted to chaos. Her brown eyes feasted upon the damage, nose scrunched up slightly as she shoved her hands through her hair, thin locks of brown parting beneath those thick digits. Her nose scrunched upwards as she started forward, only to stop.

Hands dropped to her sides, grabbing a hold of the red fabric. Hands tugged and pulled at the dress-outfit, smoothing the wrinkles out along her legs as the spy peeked about. She was not used to high-tense situations like this. heaven had always been pulled out before the people went berserker, besides why would they go berserker on her? She was plan, a no one. Ms. Jane Doe waiting to happen.

A slight shiver worked it's way up heaven's spine, goosebumps spreading along her skin as she took her lower lip into her mouth, chewing on the wet skin. She started forward, her black shoes making sharp clicks the ground. The girl was not exactly rushing - but she wasn't going slow, either. She ended up besides the bathroom, peeking her head into the thing and wrinkling her nose up at the rancid, acidic smell of puke.

"Uh, are you all right..?"

But, of course, the two were no longer in the bathroom. A sigh wrenched from the woman's throat as she scrambled back towards the bar, pushing a fringe of dark hair from her eyes.

"Are you two all right?"

Heaven was mostly worried about the pregnant woman, but she knew that sometimes the partner of a pregnant one could be worried, and worry the preg-- It was a cycle that heaven did not understand,but then again she wasn't a mother. She offered the two a slight smile,and even some others - if they were around, nodding her head as she seated herself at a bar stool.
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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:36 pm

Megan and Myra exchanged looks as the girl went completely off her rocker, Megan starting to shy away nervously when Skulblaka smashed the bartender over the head with a pint. Myra squeezed her hand and motioned for her to move away while the boisterous gecko clapped her on the back, and Megan left to go sit back at the booth with Morbin, not saying a word as she immediately turned back to watch the two she'd left.

Myra casts a wary glance at Skulblaka, pulling the two remaining beers towards her. Taking a sip from one, she coolly looks over the bar at the unconscious bartender. "Damn." Bracing herself on the bar as she starts to lose her balance, she takes another noisy sip and looks at Skulblaka. "Damn."

Sitting back down, she drains the rest of her cup in one draught. "Damn," she finishes.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:09 pm

She knew she did something wrong. One of the girls left, and the other one was acting suspicious of her. However, Skul couldn't apologize for something when she didn't know what was wrong. There was only one way to find out, though.

"You are okay? Your look wrong it seems." Skul thought for a moment, then pulled out her data pad again. She began scrolling through topics and subtopics, looking for an entry to help explain what was happening. Finally, she found one that wasn't exactly right, but it could fit. "If you act unpredictably, people will be wary of you. Unless you are in a fight, always present a pattern of behavior that will reassure them."

Of course! Skulblaka hissed in frustration and slapped herself on the forehead. She turned to Myra and tried to explain her situation. She was fresh into society, and hadn't really had any experience interacting with people. The bulk of her education was classroom instruction and examples, and one can't really learn from that kind of thing. When she finished talking, she extended her hand and hoped that she hadn't damaged any future friendships irreparably.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Smiley on Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:38 pm

Xenophon was a well-known/famous soundbot, so he usually went around to places in disguise. This was not one of those times. He drove up in his big fancy limo, which was painted electric orange with lighting across the sides. Just because he could, he honked the horn, which had been programmed to honk a little jingle of a tune. He parked it in front of the bar and stepped outside of his limo into the cold night, then closed the door. He stood at 6' 3" with red hair and orange eyes, an orange t-shirt, orange cargo pants, and orange-ish boots. He grabbed his guitar from the back, and closed the door. It locked automatically. He casually walked to the door, then slammed it open and yelled, "Hey guys, am I late for the party?" with a laugh. He looked around at everyone who was staring at him. He was surprised at how many of them looked poor, just due to their clothing.

(I'm leaving this the way it is, since I can't think of anything else for this. (well, I can, but I'm tired of 'trying to re-invent the wheel.' >:( )
Last edited by Smiley on Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Famous Last Words.

"I can do it..." "It's not poisonous..." "Let a PRO show you how it's done..." "No, no, let me get it..." "What could possibly go wrong?" "Well, at least it can't get any worse." "Of COURSE I can handle it!" "Just a little more..." "Just one more..." "How bad could it be?" "Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it..."

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:02 pm

Megan watched blearily as Skulblaka scrolled through her pad, swaying slightly on her barstool with her empty pint in hand. "Uhhh..." she managed, bringing the cup to her mouth for another drink before noticing it was empty. Setting it down, she picked up the second one and sent it down to see what the fuck the first one was doing and why it was pummeling her stomach so badly.
As Skulblaka started to apologize for her behavior, Myra listened closely, slowly starting to list sideways on her seat. When the gecko had finished, Myra laughed and slung an arm onto the girl's shoulder, ignoring the extended hand. "Heyy, it's alright. Don't worry, I understand. Juss... Just be careful around Megan, alright?" Myra leaned in close and squinted her bloodshot eyes. "She's sorta my wife, and I don' want our baby hurt, or her hurt, or nuthin', okay? 'Cause then..." Myra chuckled loudly, slumping a bit more. "Then I-I'd have'ta kill you, and I don' wanna do that. You seem nice an' stuff..."
With that, Myra's barstool tipped over completely, sending her limp body slamming into a table. As it had slowly tipped, Myra had made a soft "Wheeeee..." noise before being cut off at collision, at which point she started snoring. The BANG! of the barstool hitting the ground, combined with the loud crash and clatter as the table shook and was emptied of it's plates, brought the attention of most of the bar. Since it had only been about a three-foot drop, few rushed to Myra's aid, except, of course, for Megan.

"Myra!" she cried, having been watching the both of them intently. Squeezing out of the booth, she pushed past a man with a guitar towards the table, quickly pushing up Myra and checking her for injuries. Finding none, and having to hear several soft snores, she smiled in relief and let her back down, looking to Skulblaka. "What happened?" she asked politely.

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Smiley on Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:19 pm

(Nevermind this post. It was an incomplete thought.)

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Re: [IC] Year 2372: The Cyborganics

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Basta on Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:37 pm

"K'secoo jeak!" Skul shouted. She had never encountered this kind of thing before. Skulblaka knelt next to the unconscious Myra and grabbed her wrist. She felt for a pulse and sighed in relief. "Alive. Good feelings." But the good feelings didn't last long. Megan rushed over and Skul thought it was the end. Luckily, Megan was very rational and gave Skulblaka a chance to defend herself.

"We were making the talk, and then fall! BAM! She goes down and table falls and...Well I'm having the panics, but she is okay." Skul put a hand on her chest in emphasis of her innocence. She got up and waved away the growing crowd, hissing at the stubborn few who remained. She knelt down and flicked her tongue in and out, like a snake, tasting the air. Myra seemed to be oozing alcohol out of her pores, but otherwise appeared to be alright.

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