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Dream Scar

Species, Races, and Bloodlines

a part of “Dream Scar”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

In this world of eternal darkness where sand replaces oceans and wastelands cover the earth instead of grass; people cling to miracles. Their final hope depends on the actions of pirates. Will they do what is right or take the greedy route?

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[OOC] Species, Races, and Bloodlines

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:04 pm


In this world of eternal darkness, where black sands replace vast oceans and desert wastelands cover the earth instead of grass and trees; people cling to myth and religion, wishing and praying for a miracle. Now, their one and only hope for change, lies in the hand of a crew of sky pirates: will they defy the odds and overcome their obstacles or die trying?

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The earth is home to three species: the humans, ravein, and Majnun. These species are all civilized and advanced, some more than other. There is no uniform look among these life forms, they are so diverse, that they are separated into sub-tiers or races. Some make divisions based on appearance, some their social class, others by what makes them tick. No matter the difference, their bloodline trait is always the same; unless. Unless, said person is a half-breed. To understand the inhabitants of Dream Scar better, we will describe them below.

The most technologically advanced and innovative of the races, humans make up for a lack of supernatural magic or overwhelming strength by building vast, tech-powered cities and an array of powerful arms technology. All humans have the unique ability to ā€˜speakā€™ with machinery, making the working of everyday devices as simple as breathing for those who have become accustomed to being surrounded with them. Though they used to live on the planetā€™s surface, the majority of humankind now makes residence in the grand sky cities of the Empire.


Bloodline Trait
    Technopathy: All humans have the ability to speak with machines. More specifically, technopathy is the ability to control and manipulate electronics with the mind. The power of technopathy seems to work with or without contact with electronics, but the human must be near the object. Whether the item is broken or not, doesn't factor in the ability to communicate.
    Pure Breed: Pure Breed humans are those without any form of cybernetic alteration. Most of humankind is thus. They are diverse in personality and appearance, and can be found anywhere. Pure Breeds are jacks of all trades, well rounded in all areas, but typically rely on their intelligence as most of them are smarter than your average person.

    Cyborg: In the event of a large-scale bodily injury, humans have the capability to replace lost natural limbs, eyes, and other body parts with cybernetic prosthetics, which connect directly to the nervous system for maximum control and dexterity, with the added bonus of being made with much tougher material. So advanced are such implements that some people voluntarily relinquish parts of themselves in order to be fitted with them. There is little if any social stigma attached to this, making it a somewhat popular choice amongst those Sky Faction residents who can afford it.

    Android: Found only within the Sky Factionā€™s cities, androids are advanced machines made to look as human as possible, though ungendered. They have in recent years been rapidly overtaking Ravein as the preferred servants on human estates, as an android has no free will and requires nothing more than occasional maintenance. Recent experiments have been attempting to program androids to feel human emotion, but these have been unsuccessful.

The tribal Ravein have for centuries been at once a marginalized and a populous people. At one time, they were entirely subjugated by humans and used for labor due to their superior physical capabilities. When the humans ascended into the sky, only some Ravein followed, and those were the unlucky ones. The rest remained on the ground, and reorganized themselves into a loose system of government. With the exception of some isolationist groups, for the most part, they have let bygones be bygones, and now profit well from trade with both the humans and the Majnun. There are several subclasses of Ravein, generally recognized as having different animalian traits. Make no mistake, however- the Ravein are far from mere beasts.


Bloodline Trait
    Animal Ability: All ravein are born with unique abilities that can be traced back through their bloodlines to when they were mere savage beast. For some, it may be extreme flexibility and acrobatic prowess, others may have acute senses or armor-like skin. No matter what it is, all ravein typically have heighten senses and increased physical skills.

    Avian: Avian Ravein are notable for a thinner, lighter build than most of their counterparts, but more so for the wings that carry them in flight. Unique among their brethren for this ability, they are known for specializing in ranged combat and are prized as messengers, merchants, and scouts. Though the number of birdlike traits varies, many also have talons in place of feet, scaly forearms or calves, and their wings may or may not be directly attached to their arms.

    Insect: These Ravein are physically the strongest of their kind, able to lift several times their own mass without difficulty. They physically tend to resemble beetles in some capacities, and may have a hard, armor-like carapace on their backs, which serves as a kind of shield. Their wings are vestigial and not capable of full flight, though some can still use them for increased running speed. They are, if necessary, the rank-and-file of the Ravein.

    Fish: Entirely aquatic, these Ravein are capable of swimming at extraordinary speed and breathing underwater. As they cannot leave their aqueous environments, however, they are the rarest of the subclasses, and are almost exclusively fishermen by trade. As cities in the desert tend to be clustered around their oases, though, they do very good business, and are known for having some of the best mercantile savvy around. Individuals usually have bluish skin, fins, and gills.

    Amphibian: Amphibious Ravein are almost exclusively found in the oasis cities, as it is uncomfortable to them to leave water sources for long. Their forced sedentism has made them into skilled craftsmen, though, and there are few goods that they do not make better than most. Appearance among them varies, though they have uniformly slick, glistening skin, and most also possess a pair of gills in addition to lungs. Not as adept in water as the fish, but quite skilled all the same.

    Reptile: Reptilian Ravein are usually scaled in various desert hues, and occasionally this is accompanied by the slitted eyes one might find in a lizard or snake. They most often live in nomadic groups or on the edges of town, and do well as keepers of the riding raptors so prized for transportation through arid desert climes.

    Mammal: Singularly the most varied in type among their cousins, mammalian Ravein may be in possession of claws, fangs, tails, or fur, in differing patterns recalling the wide distribution amongst certain wilderness creatures. They are disproportionately within the upper echelons of Ravein society, though in the end, there isnā€™t much of a difference. Considered the most adaptable of the types, and in many ways also the most humanlike, thus contributing to the impression by humans that they comprise some sort of ā€œruling classā€ of Ravein, even when it doesnā€™t quite work that way.

The ancient and mysterious Majnun, possibly the longest and first race to exist on the planet. Once worshiped by all as rulers and gods by the humans and ravein, their fall came when both races rebelled and forced them back to their underground homes. The Majnun are known for their longevity and magical abilities. On average, Majnun can grow to be more than 500 years old and not look a day over 50. They mystic beings that can bend elements by pure will alone and accomplish great feats with this, such as becoming one with their mastered element.


Bloodline Trait
    Magic: Because they are beings of mystic origins, they have the innate gift of magic, more specifically control over the elements. But, not just the five base elements of: earth, wind, fire, water, and lightning. They can also control smoke, sound, light, dark, ice, etc... At some point in their lifetimes, they must chose one element to master, as this is their way. Once they have mastered an element, they can produce, manipulate, and control all forms of that element and even become it. Another unique ability they have is the power to turn their legs into a wisp of smoke. This allows them to fly and travel at greater speeds.

    Lower Class: These Majnun are stubborn and strong, known as the brutes of their species they also double as its work force. While the higher positions usually serve as elite guards or warriors, the others are stuck with manual labor and other simple tasks. Lower Class Majnun aren't as physical appealing as the others. Every male, with the exception of a few females, have a pair of horns growing from their heads, which is feature only the lower class have. Their skin tone varies, but is usually some dark and dull shade of a color relating to their mastered element. None of them have the ability to access their wisp form and aren't considered the greatest of mages, even once they have mastered an element.

    Middle Class: This tier of the species are often negatively referred to as the half-breeds. This is because they appear strangely similar to the humans, despite their blood being just as pure as the upper or lowers classes. They have normal hues of skin color and may have horns or access to their wisp form, depending on where the majority of their lineage lies; but, they will never have both. As a race, they are physically fit, usually having lean and lithe bodies. Considered higher than the lower class, however they have no dominion over them and are treated the same. The Middle Class Majnun are responsible for anything requiring a bit more thought process, but considered to lowly to be an occupation of the Upper Class Majnun.

    Upper Class: The rulers of the entire species, only the upper class majnun are allowed to have positions of power and high status. Even a Majnun without a role in society has the power to control one belonging to the lower classes. They are more adept at magic and are rarely seen above ground in recent years. Their appearance is by far more exotic than the others, ranging widely in features that may only belong to their bloodline. Every upper class majnun can access their wisp form and known to flaunt this in front of the other classes.

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Crooked Thoughts
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