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Soul Eater: Death's List

[IC]The Founding Party!!!

a part of “Soul Eater: Death's List”, a fictional universe by Calyx_Mason.

Its happening again, and this time its going to be insane

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:20 pm

Amanda sighed as she was dragged to the back of the cafe to the comfortable seats. She was wondering why they were being so pushy... "Ladies can we please stop with the manhandling? I mean really push me that way drag me this way." Amanda looked up staring directly at the twins as they entered. "Oh god the boys found us!" Though she did pause at the question. "Oh... uh well I'd be happy to go with you but I'm kind of waiting on whether Ryuho asks me... hes a little on the awkward side with girls and I don't want him ending up going alone..."
And… Here… We… Go..!

If I kill you in a forest and there isn't a law against it... is it murder?

I got 99 Souls but a Witch ain't one.

Need more players for my newest role-play World War Five If interested please join.

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:20 am

"I'm Death parfait the explosive ninja!" She struck a dramatic pose. "Anyway it's true." She shrugged answering Eden's question and ignoring Amanda's. Truth was Parfait wasn't as popular as she thought she was. Somewhere deep inside she probably knew, but if she didn't she was good at not showing it.

"It's not that i don't want Calyx to ask me out it's just....boys and romance just isn't my thing." Truth was Alisa was extremely shy when it came to boys and dating. Shy wasn't exactly the right word for it. Terrified was more like it. She'd never gone out on a date before. It was all foreign and frightening to her. "Hey whats that supposed to mean!?" She said in response to Eden's comment.

She didn't get a response she was similarly dragged into the back of the cafe with the rest of the girls by Eden. But they were still followed to the back by the Ralley twins who both made their proposals.

When Alessandro heard that Calyx went shopping with Adam, an eerie thought crept into his mind. Could Alisa secretly be meeting up with him so, he could ask her out to the Dance? Suddenly a reel of images crept into his mind. Calyx taking Alisa's hands in his....Calyx wrapping his hands around Alisa in an embrace....Calyx's nefarious hands crawling down into Alisa's skirt..." NO!!" He screamed dramatically racing from the Apartment to the shopping center.

"Calyx! I won't let you have your way with her! Let's settle this like men!" He struggled to strip his shirt which took him a couple of minutes. Finally, shirtless he threw his fists up. "I challenge you!"


A girl wearing a hoodie, sunglasses and a dark mini skirt sat at the end of the table where Algernon was sitting.

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverEden on Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:11 am

Eden's eyes teared up "Awwwwww 'Manda.....That's so sweet!" Getting up, ignoring Desmond, Eden walks over to Osmond and gives him a hug. "I'm sorry Oz." Pats his back and doesn't let go till he reluctantly hugs her back. Plopping down in her chair again Eden takes a big sip of her latte and smiles. "It means, Alisa dear, that you're amazing and cool and everyone can see your spunky self. Sorry Amanda, thought Alisa would want to get out of the window if she was trying to hide...not that hiding would do anything apparently." Eying Desmond she takes another sip of her latte. "We'll talk about your...offer later. I don't like being a 'last resort' sort of date, and since you've like...never shown an interest in me, it really feels like one. I'll see you two at home." Gazing at him with blank eyes till both of them left the cafe, Eden slumped into her chair, suddenly miserable. "Was I stupid just now? I mean my reason isn't as noble as Amanda's...but.." heaving a sigh she finishes off her latte "This was supposed to be a nice day...want to go shopping? That always cheers me up."

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Slagburn on Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:30 pm

Osmond merely smiled and nodded, "I understand completely, it's good of you to look after your partner like that. Perhaps we can share a dance at least at the party. Des, shall we leave them to their day?" With that the twins heard Eden's response and their jaws dropped. Osmond looked at Eden in a rather baffled manner while Desmond's ears began to turn blood red. Before Desmond could lash out at the accusation, Osmond slapped his hand over his brother's mouth and turned him towards the door, turning slightly to give Eden a disapproving look, "I understand the value in truth with you Eden, but I thought you had a little more tact than that. Enjoy your shopping day ladies, let's go Desmond." Even Osmond's voice held a tinge of outrage as they nodded and smiled to the other girls.

With that the twins made their way out of the cafe, Desmond fighting against his brother's hand the entire time. After getting a decent amount of distance between them and the girls, Osmond released his brother's mouth awaiting the verbal barrage, "What the Hell was that all about? Not showing interest in her? It's a bloody dance! I didn't realize Americans took asking a girl to a dance as a wedding proposal!" With that Osmond covered his brother's mouth again, "Desmond, we'll deal with it later, don't let it get you down." Desmond broke free after calming down a little bit, "I just don't get it Oz, I thought it was a simple and innocent enough question." Osmond nodded in agreement, "True, but the best thing we can do now is to get our minds off of it and regroup o.k.? What would you like to do?" Desmond looked to his brother with a dead stare, "Personally? I'd love a good brawl right now." With that the twins could hear Alesandro's shouting something about handling something like men.

Desmond smiled, "Well what do you know, wishes really do come true Oz." His voice carried an agitated sarcasm as they began to follow the sound where they found Alessandro attempting to square off against Calyx.
Sometimes the greatest intelect can be found in the most childish of things.

The most powerful person in a power structure is the one you don't know is pulling the strings.

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:57 pm

"That was horrible judgment..." She said blinking several times at the whole exchange. "Eden... you do understand what is to be a weapon right? They are literally prepared to die defending you. I'd suggest a very good apology after such a brutal beat down on his pride..." Amanda was already standing up once the Sh formed as Eden said shopping. "Yes! We must find our costumes before all the awesome ones are sold out!"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverEden on Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:03 pm

"I know Amanda...I just kinda panicked..Give me a minute okay?" Eden quietly excused herself and went into the hallway leading to the bathroom, pulling her cell out of her purse she stares miserably at it willing it to dial Desmond's phone number. After a few seconds of trying to will it to dial, she flicks her finger over the #2 key and listens to it ring to voice mail, frowning she calls the house maybe they're there already and again it rang to the answering machine. "Des? It's me. I'm sorry I was such a bitch, I panicked. I was real excited when you asked... Its just's my fault. I'm sorry." Sniffs "Please don't ignore my calls, I'm going to try your cell again...Please pick up?" Ending the call, and staring at her phone, she called Desmond again, only for it to ring to voice mail. She called Osmond...only to have it ring to voice mail. Guess they're both mad at me. Don't blame them.... Tucking her phone back in her purse, wiping the running eyeliner from her teared eyes, and plastering on a big smile she returns to the girls and leans against her chair, "Let's get shopping then girls! And remember, money's no object. Can't let something like that spoil the best costume ever right?"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Calyx_Mason on Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:29 am

Calyx Avery Mason, The Son Of A Witch

"Okay, first what the hex do you mean by having my way with her? If you're talking about Alisa I was about to ask her but then she vanished with thee girls from our class and some girl from the NOT class. How about we have a contest, first one to ask Alisa out and she says yes gets her! Especially since I'm not going to fight one of my best friends." Calyx said to Alessandro, hoping that uhe would realize how crazy he sounds.

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lirrin on Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:10 pm

~Algernon Whittaker

Algernon and Hero entered the shopping district just in time to see Calyx, Allesandro, Ozmond and Desmond in the street. Everyone seemed tense as Calyx made a proposal for him and Allesandro to ask Alisa to the Founding Party. Algernon's spirit fell a little, so the one he was going to ask was probably already taken. Maybe he could ask for a dance at the ball? Or maybe Alisa would turn Allesandro down.

Hero quickly picked up on the mood shift of Alge. "Hey, what's up? You were pretty excited a moment ago, don't let those guys get you down."
Alge nodded. "We need to hurry since you haven't even decided on a costume."
With that the two started walking again, skirting the square the four boys had made while yelling and looking like there probably wouldn't be a fight anyway.
"Hey, tell me what you're going as and maybe it'll give me an idea." Hero said.
"Scarecrow." Alge responded.
Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger portion of the truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant.

~Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverEden on Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:14 pm

Eden led the girls over to one of the costume shops at the pavilion "Ok girls! Go wild have fun, grab anything that catches your eye and we'll do a cliche runway thing ok? I saw it in a movie once, it's supposed to be super fun for everyone!" Indicating to the sales people waiting at the main desk "I called ahead to let them know we'd be here and reserved their shop for DWMA students today, but since none of the boys seem to be here its just us girls." Four sales girls stepped forward and smiled at them all "These are our personal shoppers today, they're basically going to take whatever we want to try on and set it up in the dressing rooms for us and get any accessories that are needed for our go shopping!"

Grabbing Ruby, the raven haired sales girl, Eden started off towards the back jabbering away about pirate costumes, and if they had good corsets for sale and if it would be better to have an over bust considering her size. Ruby led her around, and Eden picked out a BoPeep costume (a nod to the twins), a sexy demon costume, a kitty costume, the most adorable pirate costume, a Jessica Rabbit costume, a french maid costume, and a french courtesan dress. As Ruby showed her what they had in the way of leather and shoes Eden smiled as she watched the girls wander around the store. Eden yelled over to Amanda "See anything yet?"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:57 am

"Oh I already looked through some catalog... I'm thinking of going as... THIS!" She took out a magazine which was folded to a full page picture.
"I think it would look awesome... and it isn't as awkward as the other version... which I guess is for more adult parties.. a lot less coverage." She flipped the magazine over to show the accessories. "It comes with a set of horns, wings, the red dress, and the leggings. It'll be fun... I have a legitimate reason to jab people with my trident form!" She said her hand sharpening into a three pronged spear head before turning back. "So... what do you guys think your going as?

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:18 am

Parfait flipped open the catalog showing a widespread image of what the outfit she wanted to dress up in. "This is what I want! I know Hero will love it <3" She sung.

"Could that costume be called a costume? She's barely wearing any clothes." Alisa commented on the image.

"It doesn't matter what you think." Parfait continued to sing. "Only what Hero thinks is important to me."

Alisa shrugged and inched herself away from the young NOT student. "I'm not sure what O'm going to wear Eden....all these costumes" She picked one up from the rack, grimaced and placed it back where she found it. "Are a little for me....and I'm not really the sexy type. Maybe something more...gory...No Vampires though" She thought of Aro von Friedhof and shoved the thought out of her mind. "I've had enough of vampires."

"Then it's a deal! The first one who ask Alisa out and she says yes gets to to take her to the dance! Even though.....i feel like this challenge was kinda pointless because thats how it would turn out anyway...Watch me! I'll be the winner of this Calyx!"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverEden on Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:33 am

Eden smiled and tossed another pair of shoes on top of the pile Ruby was holding and walked over to Alisa "they have whatever your heart desires here, if you don't want sexy/scary, well then lets just look at the prosthetic pieces and we'll turn you into a zombie or a werewolf or a snakegirl or something scary. If you don't find your costume here there are four other stores waiting for us today. I'm sure we can find you something. Its amazing the difference accessories can do to anything you choose." Flipping through the dresses she found a floor length high cut strapless black gown, very sleek with silver beading on the bodice. Holding it up to Alisa she smiles "A tiara and some bloody face paint and your a zombie princess. Or a set of fuzzy ears and a tail and your a beautiful werecat. Anything you want to wear I'll make happen okay? I want you to have the best time. We all deserve it." Putting the dress back she hugged Alisa quick and skipped off to show Amanda her choices.

"I could be Jessica Rabbit, or a cute Bo Peep, or a Pirate
Image Image Image
But if I went as Jessica Rabbit I'd need a I don't know. Your costume is adorable Amanda!" Handing the catalog to her sales girl "Gina, make this happen?" As the girl nodded Eden shooed Amanda into the dressing room "Everything is going to be taken care of."

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:45 pm

Amanda walked into the dressing room costume in hand... Eden was sure being pushy. Though she guessed the faster she got this don the faster she could apologize to her insulted weapon partners.

Amanda Stepped out of the dressing room in full costume. She had applied pink extensions to fit the picture's model hair in length... but clearly not in color. "Mauahahhaah I'm here to steal your soul and then perform deeds of evil!"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverEden on Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:07 am

Eden clapped and giggled as she saw Amanda "A-DOR-A-BLE!!! Amanda! You look amazing!" She circled her and adjusted her wings so they hung straight. "You'll cause all the boys to die of blood loss. It really will be a gory ball! Does it fit ok? Does anything need to be altered? I love the hair by the way two tone is the way to go." Smiling and touching her own two toned hair. "You'll be positively the best Demoness ever!"

Eden went into her own dressing room to sort through the mountain of different outfits she'd chosen. If only the ball could be a week long, then she could wear all he choices and not have to decide on just one. Trying on her Jessica Rabbit costume she stared at herself in the mirror, turning from side to side she sighed unhappily, it was too late to try and lose any weight, and this costume just wasn't terribly forgiving. Stepping out of the cascade of sequins she kicked it into the corner. She tried on her Pirate costume, she liked that slightly better, but it wasn't...the one. Grimacing at the Bo Peep costume she slipped it on and Ruby helped tie her up in it. Stepping out into the waiting area, she tried to flatten the pounds of lace and crinoline on the skirt, and adjusted her collar and bell sleeves "Well?"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:02 am

Alisa's jaws dropped at Amanda's, Parfait's and Eden's costumes. "You guys look amazing!." She was wearing one as well, a naughty witch costume complete with a very odd and disgusting wart planted on the side of her cheek. She chuckled nervously, pulling down the end of her skirt. "heh heh... how do I look?"

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Re: [IC]The Founding Party!!!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:33 am

~The Night of Founders Day Halloween Ball~

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