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Nebula's Dawn: Lance of Liberty

Lance of Liberty Locations

a part of “Nebula's Dawn: Lance of Liberty”, a fictional universe by VindicatedPurpose.

Nebula's Dawn Series Part II: The Arcturus System is the very fringe of colonized space, here rests many mysteries to be discovered, alongside many conflicts to be fought. [Paused]

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Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:53 pm

This thread will be used to establish key locations in the Lance of Liberty Story.
Last edited by VindicatedPurpose on Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Like a stranger on a grate, or a skylark, or a taper, flying ever upward and knowing of love's satiety. Our dreams beyond the Sun and into the expanse of Night doth sound a quiet hymn.

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Re: Arcturus System

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:02 pm

The Arcturus System:
Planets: Twelve
Description: The Arcturus System represents the fringe of colonized space. This territory marks the edge of the Outer Rim of the Federation and serves as the border between known space and unknown space dubbed the Copernican Verge. The Arcturus System is multi-star system, specifically, a binary star system meaning that there are two stars instead of one. Each of the twelve planets thus revolve around these two stars. The primary star, is the orange star, while the secondary star is the blue star. Of the twelve planets in the system, three are inhabited by humans, but only two can be regarded as colonized. These three planets lie in the first six planets group, with the second six still being surveyed by Federation explorer crews.

Arcturus has had various etymological meanings including the "Star of Joy," in Polynesian tongues, and "the uplifted one of the lancer," and "keeper of heaven" in Arabic. Prehistoric Earth Polynesian navigators knew Arcturus as HōkÅĢleĘģa, the "Star of Joy". Arcturus was the zenith star of the Hawaiian Islands. Using HōkÅĢleĘģa and other stars, the Polynesians launched their double-hulled canoes from Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. Traveling east and north they eventually crossed the equator and reached the latitude at which Arcturus would appear directly overhead in the summer night sky.


New Sidney:
Description: The third planet orbiting the binary stars of the Arcturus System. New Sidney was named after the great Earth metropolitan city of Sidney, Australia, which coincidentally was a coastal city on a mainly desert continent. It is an arid desert planet with a large connected ocean covering 34% of the planet. Sprawling deserts, mountains, canyons, and natural rock formations are characteristic of New Sidney. This planet is sparsely populated due to the planet's harsh climate and weather, but the Federation maintains an array of orbital defensive systems to protect the planet from hostile naval forces.

The sandstorms characteristic of New Sidney are a deadly natural force that have caused much destruction from time to time, and have set back efforts at fully colonizing and urbanizing the planet. However, criminal groups find the planet appealing because they can seek refuge in the planet's natural hideouts. Federation intelligence has marked New Sidney as a possible base of operations for Lord Liberty, who remains at the top of their most wanted list. However, aside from the Insurgency, other criminal activities such as weapon and drug smuggling, and money laundering have been reported. The planet is also known for its rich mineral resources, and thus has a large economy that revolves around the mining and refining of such natural resources. Due to its lax corporate income tax laws, the planet has become a corporate haven with many major corporations such as Tritel Incorporated, and Liong Kang Group, establishing corporate headquarters on the planet. Either way, with the presence of the F.S.S. Salient, and to an extent the Federation, New Sidney may find itself at the pivotal point of the conflict.

Atmosphere: Composed of a variety of gases similar to Earth thus allowing humans to breathe
Climate/Weather: Hot. Frequently subject to large sandstorms due to being a desert planet.
Population: Eight million people dispersed throughout six large metropolitan centers located near the interconnected ocean.
Capital: Areca - 1.8 million
Atmos - 1.2 million (credit to Mr. Baneling Squishy)
{The following cities remain to be named. In the event that the plot takes us to these locations, feel free to add a suggestion. It's a toss up for anyone.}
City 3 - 1 million
City 4 - 1.7 million
City 5 - 1.3 million
City 6 - 1 million


Description: The fourth planet orbiting the binary stars of the Arcturus System. Temperate planet with characteristics similar to Earth. Ocean covers approximately 69% of the planet. Not fully colonized by fringe world standards, this planet maintains the largest Federation influence in the system. Trangelis is by far the more industrialized and urbanized than the other Federation colony in the system, New Sidney. One of the seedier places in the system, perhaps the only seedier place in the system by far compared to New Sidney, Trangelis is a hive of activity. It is a monument to progress, with its sprawling metropolitan civilization centers that are marked by spiraling skyscrapers, and a sky filled with endless personal craft buzzing from point to point in the city. The night life is bright and dazzling, filled with clubs and hangouts that are directed to by glowing street signs. Holographic advertisements float throughout the city, projecting the latest product, or sensation. Each city on Trangelis is a star port hub and serves as a center for ship building industries, as well as commerce, with merchants arriving daily from the Inner and Middle Rims, bringing the latest material good. From high above in the skyscrapers, city governors and CEOs peer through the stainless plexi glass windows while shaking hands in the name of advancement.

Of course, the pace of progress advances rapidly and often leaves behind some stones un-turned. Despite the outward appearance of the majestic megalopolises of Trangelis, the city undergrounds and lower streets of the old days remain an ever-existent story of man's origins in the primordial slime. The cities' lower streets, also known as the "Old Cities" are the sections of the metropolises that have been left to decay instead of repair. Though Trangelis maintains security presence with the Peacekeeper Corps, these sectors are dominated by the dregs of society. The lower sort, living in a lower rung, is poetically fitting. Fugitives, bandits, mercenaries, rogues, cyborgs, pirates, and other criminals hang in these parts. They make the law in these lower echelons.

Atmosphere: Composed of a variety of gases similar to Earth thus allowing humans to breathe
Climate: Varies from region to region. Polar zones receive the least heat, unlike the equatorial regions which receive the most. Characteristics similar to earth.
Population: 1.57 billion people
Capital: Syntere
Cities: {If we ever reach other cities, feel free to pitch ideas.}


Description: The sixth planet orbiting the binary stars of the Arcturus System. It is named according to the Federation archived, and legally serves as the farthest point of colonized space, thus technically representing the farthest point of Federation space. GX-871A is orbited by two moons which reflect the suns' light, thus bathing the planet in various lights during the day. GX-871A is a voluptuous jungle planet with ocean covering 58% of the planet as well as various old monoliths. The plant is currently undergoing exploration to prepare for colonization and settlement. The planet is still being discovered, as are the other two colonized planets in the system. Multiple scientific research stations and reserves have been established on the planet by both the Federation and independent groups seeking to explore the planet. These research stations are equipped with most necessities for human habitation, therefore allowing the scientists to be in a comfortable environment while continuing their work. Daily shipments from Trangelis supply these outposts with supplies such as food, water, and equipment to keep them functioning. Outposts are self-powered, mainly through the use of fusion plants at each laboratory. Outside of these forward points of human settlement, is a sprawling jungle of vines and towering trees that obscure the land. Biologists remark at the intense biological diversity found on the planet in its mainly jungle ecosystems.

Atmosphere: Composed of a variety of gases that are breathable by humans.
Climate/Weather: Humid, subject to torrential rains and monsoons.
Capital: None.


Iridosis Station:
Description: Iridosis station is the largest station in the Arcturus. It holds its orbit around New Sidney, serving as a checkpoint for merchant freighters from Trangelis and other worlds heading to New Sidney. The station originally began as an outpost established as a forward point of human settlement in the Arcturus System, and since then has remained a fount for continued colonization. Had it not been for the station, New Sidney perhaps might not have been colonized at all. The station slowly evolved over time from an exploration marker to a metropolitan city in space. The station has many hangars and entry points for smaller vessels, as well as outstretched repair stations for larger vessels. Inside the station, is a sprawling city of sorts, with a level for commerce and trade, a level for administration and security, a level for entertainment, and a level for habitation. The latter two levels were created to accommodate the growing population of Iridosis Station, as Federation officials and authorized traders became a minority group of the population.

Despite this, the Station is protected by point defense turrets mounted throughout its exterior towers. It also holds three militia fighter squadrons, manpower, material, and money contributed to by both New Sidney and Trangelis. Inside the station, Federation Security and Peacekeeper Corps units maintain the peace by policing the massive corridor network that is vertically and horizontally spreading. The station takes some credit for aiding the large economic boom of New Sidney in recent years, with the discovery of large mineral reserves on the planet, traders and refiners have come to the planet through Iridosis Station seeking the wealth.

Population: 4 million people

Last edited by VindicatedPurpose on Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:22 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: Arcturus System

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mlijn12 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:17 pm

So do we have all twelve planet planned out yet or are we going to wing it?

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Re: Arcturus System

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mlijn12 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:57 pm

Ok man,another quick question. Do you have a star chart/map of the Federation and all the planet that make it up?

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Re: Arcturus System

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:02 pm

Unfortunately. No. The story never bothered with the Inner or Middle Rims for that to be needed.

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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr. Baneling Squishy on Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:15 pm

Atmos City, a City built Firmly into a Cliff. It is City 2, and, surprisingly, has the least amount of Death by Falling on New Sydney. It does however have huge Wind Farms and Solar arrays. Also, this city is one of the few places attempting to technically stay neutral in the conflict between the Insurgents and the Federation.

Just a Location idea/thought/suggestion. Please note that because its trying to stay Neutralish, The Insurgency and the Federation would both be working hard to get it before the other....
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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:28 pm

Locations on New Sidney:

These locations are on the desert planet of New Sidney.

Population: 1.8 million = 1,800,000
Description: The first site of human settlement on New Sidney, Areca turned from a backwater mining outpost to a city on the Federation's Outer Rim. Though, by no means could it be considered large city when compared to the metropolitan areas of Trangelis, and it pales in comparison to the megalopolises that extend throughout the Inner and Middle Rims of the Federation. However, like all Federation cities, Areca is bustling and very much active with large telescreens for advertisements, and people dressed in various garb roaming the streets. The city is still integral to maintaining Federation administrative authority, seeing as it has the largest population out of all the cities on the planet. Not to mention is geographical location as the center from which all the other cities sprouted from. Areca's central location therefore enables the city to maintain lines of communication to each of the outlying cities.

The city is located on the coast of the main ocean of Garris, and serves as a trade center and star port for incoming and outgoing merchants. The city hasn't been fully constructed, and following Lord Liberty's attack six months prior, it is still under reconstruction in the core areas. The attack destroyed central administration offices and military installations, which prompted a reponse from the Federation. The Federation deployed Task Force 172, composed of two Marine regiments to New Sidney. Though the insurgent assault destroyed much in terms of Areca's infrastructure, it wasn't enough to warrant martial law. Despite this, the Task Force remains heavily concentrated in Areca, in order to effectively secure the outlying cities. In the outlying cities, Task Force 172 has engaged in several counter-strikes that were meant to repel insurgent activities.

Sub-Locations: {To be constructed}


Population: 1.2 million = 1,200,000
Description: Atmos is considered somewhat of a vacation destination for many Federation citizens hoping to enjoy a mix of adventure and relaxation. The cliff city of Atmos was beautifully engraved into the cliff sides of various large rock formations situated in a dense cluster. The city's architecture blends into the cliff walls with amazing synchronization, which people come to marvel at, despite the fact that it is a city on the Outer Rim. The city contains multiple superstructures that loop or arc around cliff and rock formations. Each of these superstructures are connected via large multi-lane highway tubes that allow for hover transportation only. These superstructures contain anything from private housing and shops to small businesses and schools. Surprisingly, Atmos has the least amount of death by falling on New Sydney. Atmos' power is generated via a collection of wind farms and solar arrays. The wind farms and solar arrays are separated into small clusters that are scattered around Atmos, each of which feeds directly into its energy grid.

Sub-Locations: {To be constructed}

Last edited by VindicatedPurpose on Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Colonel_Masters on Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:13 am

Deleted... sorry should not have posted this here

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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:04 pm

Locations on Trangelis:

These locations are on the temperate planet of Trangelis.

Population: 290 million = 290,000,000
Description: Syntere is the capital city of Trangelis, and thus holds main administrative centers for the planet, such as the planetary Congress, Governor's office, and the supreme court. Aside from this though, Syntere is the epitome of a growing Outer Rim metropolitan city, with limitless expansion potential. The night life is indeed, the night life. Though Syntere is but one among many other sister metropolises that dot the planet, it's piercing skyscrapers mark it as a city of prominence in Trangelis' history. The early days of Trangelis' colonization began with the settlement of Syntere, named after Johmar Synte, a pioneer. Synte served as a Federation Marine until he was honorably discharged from the service. It was during his middle years that he offered his services to lead a private enterprise of exploration and colonization in the Arcturus System. Though the group suffered from various problems and issues that arose, they managed to establish the first starport on Trangelis. Syntere at the time was nothing more than a vast coastal plain that was occupied by large colony ships that had landed. It's location on the coastal plain, as well as the planetary climate, all added to its advantage as a destination on the edge of space for people seeking to leave the overcrowded Inner and Middle Rims. It became not just a vacation destination, but a center for trade in the Outer Rim, as merchants came in daily. Private firms expanded the city's size by creating a "new city" atop the old, with the newest designs in architecture. This "new city" took the spotlight from the "old city" which became the shadow. With large telescreens, dazzling street signs and holograms broadcasting news, and the latest products, Syntere's "new city" was a bright playground in the day and night. The "old city" turned into the underworld of Syntere, where brigands, bandits, fugitives, and other criminals made homes and established laws. Crime runs rampant, and black market deals are made. The administration of Trangelis however, cares not about this dangerous underworld. They are more concerned with preventing the rest of their cities from devolving into those backstreet slums.

Sub-Locations: {To be constructed}


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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Colonel_Masters on Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:04 am

I personally think that Atmos should be under martial law and that fighting takes place daily in the the streets of the city... mainly because it would suite the story i am thinking about for my character but also because it would be far cooler that way :P

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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr. Baneling Squishy on Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:53 am

Well, Atmos is specifically trying to AVOID fighting,so that wouldbe the EXACT oposite of what it should be. Also, riots are dangerous because people might fall off the edge (despite the fact no one really falls off the edge, they are too afraid they might). If anything, the most heated fights would be at the Robot Battle Arena (sub-location? :O), or in a board room, or a court room.

The only way mass violence is comming to Atmos is if it gets invaded by someone/something.

Though, that doesn't mean it's a shining example of no crimes :3

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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VindicatedPurpose on Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:48 pm

Locations on GX-871A:

These locations are on the jungle planet of GX-871A.

Engrideo Research Outpost GX-Alpha Three:
Population: NA
Description: Engrideo Industries personally financed a scientific venture on GX-871A, which has been deemed the very planet on the threshold of colonization. However, before the Federation could establish explorer crews and send construction teams to the surface to begin working, Engrideo filed for the opportunity to begin a private venture on the planet. Congress questioned Engrideo's CEO, Cameron Manthei as to why GX-871A should be reserved for further research instead of being dozed for colonization. Manthei had previously sent several teams, scientists such as biologists, geologists, and archaeologists to suvey the planet. Originally these surveyors' purpose was to find select land on which to establish a forward point of human settlement. However, scientists later remarked on the large biological diversity over its singular and ubiquitous ecosystem of jungles and oceans. Manthei then claimed that the diversity of the planet was extraordinary and beyond any other planet that mankind has come across, with the exception of Earth. GX-871A may therefore have sustained life based on its makeup and physical characteristics. After fruitless searches for a sentient civilization across worlds that were just as diverse, the Federation began a policy of immediate settlement after the colonization of the middle rim. This proved a vital blow and setback to scientific researchers hoping to find other sentient races. Manthei along with a number of people are hoping that this planet may shed some light on the questions that mankind has been seeking.

The outposts, whether they be Engrideo's or another private firm's, are self-sustaining. They rely on fusion generators and hydroelectric systems that harness the many waterways of the planet. Each outpost receives supplies such as equipment and food from convoys that deliver supplies dropped off at Shelter Station.



Shelter Station:
Population: NA
Description: The very first site in which mankind first touched down on the planet. The landing zone, though muddy, was a better candidate than the various swamps and harsher terrain that plagued other locations. Shelter Station is built on both sides of a waterfall, with several hydroelectric dam bridges that not only connect the two halves of the station, but provide another source of energy besides its fusion generators. Shelter Station soon expanded into a multiple starport center, to allow more freighters to deliver supplies to the various research outposts. The Station maintains a small cadre of ground all-terrain vehicles that allow the workers at the station to transport the supplies through the rough jungles of GX-871A to the various research laboratories throughout the planet.


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Re: Lance of Liberty Locations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Uncertainly on Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:19 pm


The Foundry

The Foundry is the main base of operations of Libertas Mundi. Hidden deep within the deserts of New Sidney, the facility began as a mine. And a mine it remains- The Foundry is the largest producer of sirinium in Federation space. Directly above the mines are processing areas to refine the product into the weapons and armor of the insurgency. Above the actual foundry are research and development areas. Above those is the nerve center of the Insurgency, shrouded in secrecy, available only to those with special access. Above that are the training areas, the armories, hangars, and living quarters.
The Foundry can house approximately fifty thousand men for three years if fully stocked, and is always undergoing expansion.
Traditional floors do not apply to any of these areas- they are just labeled areas according to their purpose.
Every door to any floor has a hand scanner, to check if you are allowed entry. To prevent intruders simply removing hands, you must place your hand inside the device, where it will take twenty seconds to scan fully. There is a button inside the device that will lock down the door and the scanner if pushed. If what is inserted into the scanner does not have access (including not being a living hand), it will be cut off and incinerated.

F1 - The first floor is a launching area for aircraft and rocketry. When nothing is being launched, it remains vast and empty, and heavily guarded. This area can be defended against any number of attackers almost indefinitely. In addition to its design, the entire complex was dug into a massive stone formation. It would take months of carpet bombing to destroy the ceiling.
B1 - Houses all the vehicles and weapons that are ready for use.
B2 - Living areas (quarters, dining, recreation)
B3 - Storage areas (food, ammo, prisoners)
B4 - Training areas (many expansive multi-purpose rooms and equipment)
B5 - Special training (Space, vehicle, and battle simulators)
B6 - Restricted Access (Command Center, anything secret, LL's quarters, Wraith training)
B7 - R&D Computers
B8 - R&D Engineering
B9 - Weapon and Armor manufacturing
B10 - Sirinium processing
The Mines - A great maze of tunnels. Nobody has explored its depths fully. No maps exist- at best there are crude drawings from some of the first miners.
The Pit - So deep that heat from the planets core begins to cook flesh, Libertas Mundi dumps all of the hazardous waste produced by the foundry and its Venom. Anything that is thrown into the pit does not return.

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