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Sentinel Of The Wolf

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:30 pm


Tristan's head whirled around as Anna's head turned, he hardly moved at the sound of the explosion. the only time he moved at all was at the sound of Anna shouting at a man and he called out to Tristan to come out. Then there it was, a loud bang and a dull sound of a body falling. He stepped out of the doorway to look at what had happened, excpecting to find Anna's dead body of the ground, but she was standing there holding the gun.

Sniffing quickly the man who came to the door would not have come alone but he wondered how they knew he was here. Growling lightly he would have to leave but he couldn't leave Anna's house to burn down, running the cold water onto a large towel Tristan smacked at the flames quickly causing them to die down. But he would have to put out the source or it would just keep burning and with a house made mainly of wood the fire wouldn't run out of fuel.

Looking around the bathroom he grabbed a large bin emptying the rubbish that was in it and filled it with water. Lifting the filled bin with ease he kicked open the door, a large gust of hot heat and smoke hit him in the face. Picking up the damp cloth he wrapped it around his body to keep himself more or less protected, moving down the basement stairs he found the source of the fire dumping out the water on top of it soaking the floor and the fie.

Throwing the bin away he moved back up the stairs breathing heavily, he would have to go now he had stayed to long already. Walking up to Anna slowly he spoke " The fire's out, I need to go thanks for your help. If I see Brutus around i'll send him back here. Please don't mention me to anybody. I'm not sure if the man you shot will survive. Again thankyou Anna" he spoke the bolted out of the door and into the night.
I love roleplaying, making new friends, 1x1 I love as well. I enjoy playing interesting character and I feel that communication is important as well. We can discuss ideas and get to know one an other.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:19 pm


Several Hours Later.

A strong hand came smacking down onto Anna’s face, splitting the corner of her lip. Her body fell from the chair and hit the floor. In initial shock, Anna grabbed her face and looked up at the figure with hatred burning in her eyes; then she realized that it was really her fault for being in trouble- though; he didn’t have to be so harsh. Wasn’t he her father? Then again, Anna was never a ‘daddy’s girl’.
The figure, still covered in shadows pulled a chair from a desk with a computer on it; flinging it in front of him and sitting, his massive hands folding. “I’ve done forgotten that y’er young and stupid.” He said, lighting a cigar and huffing out a puff of smoke. “It’s probably my fault.” He turned, throwing her a roll of bandage. “Once y’er mother died, you just went downhill; disobeying me as if I mean nothing to you. It hurts my feeling, ya’ know?” He leaned back, letting out more smoke. “Listen Anna,” He began, reaching over and turning on the light.
Some would say he was a fairly handsome man, his hair graying a little; he was massive, in both muscle weight and height. He brushed his hair back with his large hands before sighing. “I’ve done told you to stay weary, and I’ve even allowed you to part from me, but you just don’t listen. I’ll say this once more- Stay away from Tristan.”

Anna huffed, crossing her arms before she sat back on the floor, more comfortably. “So that’s his name.” She said sarcastically, making her father scowl.
“Listen!” He yelled, leaning forward. “He’s the one who murdered your mother, so what do you do? You help him by treating his wounds, feeding him and offering him to stay.” Anna looked up at him before standing.
“You can stop pretending like she was murdered by him.” She growled, causing her father to stand up as well. “You know very well what happened. She wasn’t murdered by him at all, she was killed by-” Anna was cut off by her father’s shove.
“Listen!” He yelled again, grabbing her hand and whirling her around to sit her in the chair. “You don’t know his power or who he is, Anna.” He leaned closer before smiling a father’s concerning smile; this always made Anna soften to her father. “He’s, he’s not human, Anna. He can become a beast at will.” While she was calmer, Anna rolled her eyes at her father, tired of hearing the same bull shit spew from his mouth. “Don’t believe me?”

Anna didn’t have to answer. He turned around and grabbed a remote, walking behind her, he pressed a button and a blue screen popped up on the projector. With another press of a button, Anna saw Tristan- or T.B., frozen on the screen. “Just watch who you where in contact with.” Suddenly, the man on the screen transformed into a wolf and instantly, Anna saw who was really with her that night- oddly enough, thrill filled her chest.

Several Days Later.

Anna sighed as she watched the men slowly rebuild the burnt part of the house and her father who was now having people set up security; sure, she would’ve strongly disagreed if it weren’t for the fact that it was the only way that she could live here again. Her father was a control freak, and Anna just had to play his little game for a little while longer. In a few years, she’ll be transferred out of the state- hell, she’ll be transferred out of the country; perhaps that will help her father cut ties a little more than he did now.

She released another sigh before turning on her heels, greeted by the dozing off Brutus who lay in the sun. Anna turned her head towards the working men before looking back down at Brutus and let out a huff.
“I’m going to work. I’ve counted the items inside my house and if any of them are missing, I’ll feed you to Brutus…” She said, getting into her car. “Or give out your location to the wolf.” She gave a sly smile and a wink when the men turned towards her, scowling and giving her dirty looks at her snobby attitude towards them.
She couldn’t help it; Anna had the right to act bitchy; especially everything she’s been through. She got in her car and looked at her mirror, lightly touching the blackish bruise and the scabbing cut on her lip and cheek. She backed up and took off down the road. In reality, Anna left four hours earlier, but that was simply because she wanted to take the back roads into town; they really cleared her mind and she also wanted to take a hike through some of the wooded areas she past.

Anna turned onto the rough back roads; the roads where pretty vacant and had vegetation growing on the broken and old roads. It had a very odd and ominous aura to it, but Anna loved it. No one came down this road and the only living things that did, where here and passing wildlife. She slowed down to a stop and parked her car, turning off the engine before getting out of the vehicle and walking across the road, making the nearby deer to stop grazing and looking upwards, their ears perked and curious to see as why a human was in their area.
“Don’t mind me!” She said to no one in specifically, making her way into the woods. Anna had a specific spot she’d like to go to when she felt the need to just get away- which was almost always. She hasn’t visited this place in a while do she wasn’t shocked when she arrived that deer scattered off in different directions.

The place itself was beautiful. A small river splayed out into a lake, large rocks separated and blocked the quick moving water from the still, crystal-clear water. The area around it was green and clear, the sun peering through the parted trees and shining down on the area, making it seem like a gift from god. A large, flat rock sat in the middle of the lake, beckoning for a sitting area. Anna stretched back and smiled, breathing in the clear air.
“Ah, this is the place I need to be.” She smiled, completely forgetting about her bruised and cut face, about the wolf-man and the house fire- about everything. Instinctively, Anna took off her shirt and jeans, her socks and shoes; leaving her in her undergarments. She often did this, and because she always had a change of clothes at work and a required uniform, Anna never had problem with doing things like this.

She jumped into the water and began to swim around, enjoying herself as she chased the fish into the deeper parts of the water. In the end, she decided to float on the surface, treading the water at ease.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:47 am


Tristan had spent time hiding for a few days, the patrols of hunters had gone up since the incident at Anna's house. He wondered from time to time what would have happened if he had stayed, he would probably be dead and hanging of someone's wall.

He was walking through the forest gathering some food for his dinner tonight, he managed to catch a few rabbits but he really fancied some fish. He knew wheee to go as well as picking up some nearby herbs that grew around the lake. He watched as the deer scampered past him as if something had startled them. Deer were very timid creatures but could potentially be aggressive a lot like wolves.

He finally came to the lake setting down the two rabbits he had caught, he took of his shirt and trousers, covering up the rabbits, to avoid any other animals taking his food. Tristan dove into the water the cool water being a refreshment from the warm day. He swan deeper into the water grabbing the fish tightly. Rising up he threw the fish to the side of the lake, shaking the water from his hair he looked over to the opposite side of the lake seeing someone who looked like Anna. It might have been, but not a lot of people knew about this lake.

He dove into the water catching about three more fish before he climbed out of the water, shaking the water from his body he walked around the lake picking up bits of herbs that he could use, he pulled on his trousers and walked close to the figure swimming in the lake, leaning against a tree he watched for a while.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:23 am


Her head was in the water and she was practicing her diving skills, trying to touch the bottom so it was an obvious reason that she completely missed the big-bad-wolf as he came splashing in the water to try catch the fish. When Anna resurfaced, the water’s edges where clear, and had no real waves that could’ve guest a human was nearby.
None the less, she swam along the smoothing currents, her arms out as she treaded the water, smiling as she did. Then she heard it- a splash and the water’s surface rippled. Anna whipped around and stared, seeing nothing; when she dived down under- which was useless on her part consider the fact that she couldn’t see a thing- she also saw nothing.

So she bobbed along the surface, chalking it up to her imagination of what happened within the past few days. Anna swam towards her edge of the lake, meeting a bright eyed doe who examined her from a close distance. She bobbed her head slightly as Anna neared her, resting her arms on top of a rock and reaching out her hand to try and touch the animal. It never worked in the past; all the wild animals that she tried to get close to would run always away. It all started when she was five and took in a dead squirrel she found off the street and begging to keep it as a pet.
Suddenly, another splash rippled the surface, causing her to whirl around and the doe to scamper off; the water’s edges where clear and no signs of life were among it. Anna scowled into the water, allowing her sink a little bit so only the upper part of her head was visible. When nothing came out of the water yet again a second time, Anna sighed, causing bubbles to explode from her mouth. She floated along the top, completely oblivious to Tristan who was now getting out of the water.

She stared up at the sky; her ears fully emerged as she let herself calm in the lake’s slow and gentle current. Anna treaded in water for a few more moments before diving in deep, trying to touch the ground again and coming back up for air. That’s when she saw him; he was shirtless and leaning against the tree- and he was human, or at least that’s how she saw him now. So it wasn’t my imagination, she thought, referring to the continuous splashing she had heard from before.
Anna swam near him and rested near the edge, her arms propped up and blocking whatever undergarments might show. “Thought you ran off.” She said, her mischievous smile returning, though, this time it was restricted by the busted lip and bruised cheek that she received. “Did my Pa’ scare you off?” Anna couldn’t help but to stare at him, with a slight overview- she had just seen a video recently of this man turning into a wolf- a freaking wolf.

“So is it true?” She finally asked, deciding to cease her own curiosity. “Do you kill the innocent when you turn into the big-bad-wolf?” With that, Anna slid backwards in the water, treading the water around her. “Or is it just human assumption?”

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:12 pm


Tristan watched as Anna spoke to him "Thought you ran off" Tristan couldn't help but smile a little at the statement he didn't really want to run off but he had to if he wanted to survive another few nights. He felt sorry for her seeing the bruises and the cut on her lip.

Anna then started asking questions first if her dad had scared him off. Tristan had no idea who Anna's dad was but he would have had to have been someone very important and high up in terms of hunting if he knew about Tristan and who he was. " I just had to disappear for a few days until the heat died down, I suppose your dad told you a bit about me"

He pushed softly off the tree and walked to the edge of the lake, placing his hands in the water pulling out a green stringy plant and putting it on a rock, sitting down in front of her he picked up another rock he began to grind the plant into a smooth paste.

The other questions she asked threw him off slightly, “So is it true? Do you kill the innocent when you turn into the big-bad-wolf? Or is it just human assumption?” Sighing softly he spoke " I have no control over the wolf in his form, I don't like killing people, like I said a few nights ago people just don't like me very much, these days television and movies have blown out the proportion of werewolves. They only focus on the beast never on the person it affects."

Tristan scraped the ground up paste on the rock he was grinding with holding it out to Anna " Rub this on the bruise it'll clear it up, plus it's good for your skin. Don't worry if I wanted to hurt you do you think we would be talking right now? Like I said i'm completely different when the full moon has gone away."

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:30 am


Anna felt a jolt of relief that matched a shiver, masking any feelings she might recognize. She swam closer, hanging onto the edge and looking at him once more, listening to him speak about letting the heat die down and nodding when he asked about the information she may or may not been given when she was with her father.
“ I have no control over the wolf in his form, I don't like killing people, like I said a few nights ago people just don't like me very much, these days television and movies have blown out the proportion of werewolves. They only focus on the beast never on the person it affects."
Her face lowered into the water at that, remembering the wolf snarling in the video as she blew bubbles in the water.
" Rub this on the bruise it'll clear it up, plus it's good for your skin. Don't worry if I wanted to hurt you do you think we would be talking right now? Like I said i'm completely different when the full moon has gone away."

Anna looked up at him, a new smile reaching her lips as she reached up and smeared some of the mush on her cheeks; it stung at first, but then it suddenly felt cool and breezy, numbing whatever pain may have been left.
“Don’t worry,” She said resting her elbows on the surface and kicking her legs outwards, supporting the majority of her weight on the edge. “I’m not afraid. Hell, if you were going to hurt me, let alone kill me, you would’ve already done it- long ago.” She said, looking at her now pruned hands. Anna looked back up to him, a smile returning to her face. “Besides,” She said, pushing herself up on the edge, her knee now onto the half grass and half rock surface. “I think I kind of like hanging around the big-bad-wolf.”

She smiled and supported herself fully on the ground, now standing up and sitting down underneath one of the rays of sun. Anna pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at him with another one of her sly, untrusting yet friendly and amusing smiles.
“By the way,” Anna looked away, and occupied herself by twiddling with the grass. “Do you know that my father is the head of the organization that is hunting down your kind?” Her words where lead off her tongue with a silent echo, her eyes shooting up to see his reaction- it was always based on his reaction for some odd reason; her curiosity, that is.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:23 pm


“Don’t worry, I’m not afraid. Hell, if you were going to hurt me, let alone kill me, you would’ve already done it- long ago. Besides, I think I kind of like hanging around the big-bad-wolf.”

Tristan couldn't help but smile at her comment, it was nice to know he wasn't feared by Anna. Although that was fine when he was in his human form, he honestly had no idea how the wolf would react to Anna if they ever met face to face. Spending time with Anna had been the longest time he had spent with anyone at all. It was also something he wasn't used to having a conversation with someone was a thing that nearly everyone took for granted. When your alone it's the worst feeling in the world.

“By the way,” Anna looked away, and occupied herself by twiddling with the grass. “Do you know that my father is the head of the organization that is hunting down your kind?”

Tristan looked to the ground at the mention of being hunted, " I sort of gathered that with the whole explosion and guns blazing at your house. What most people don't realise is that we are not monsters..." He paused a moment debating on wether he should tell Anna about what happened when he was seven. " My family lived peacefully in these woods, its only the assumption of hunters that we are beasts. My parents and my older brother and sister were killed by men of your fathers thinking, I got away covered in their blood. I was just seven I didn't think people reacted like that to people who are different, wild accusations of attacks on livestock's and savage murders." Tristan sighed lightly looking out on the lake adding " I just want to live peacefully, and not be hunted every full moon, it only makes the beast worse the fact that he knows he is being chased. But i'm used to it by now. What did your dad tell you about me?"

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:53 pm


" I sort of gathered that with the whole explosion and guns blazing at your house. What most people don't realise is that we are not monsters..."
Anna looked at him, a little disappointed that he already knew, albeit, it did make her smile a little. It was silent between the two before he spoke again, this time; it caught her full attention as she looked at him.
" My family lived peacefully in these woods, its only the assumption of hunters that we are beasts. My parents and my older brother and sister were killed by men of your fathers thinking, I got away covered in their blood. I was just seven I didn't think people reacted like that to people who are different, wild accusations of attacks on livestock's and savage murders."
This gave Anna sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach; making her coil back and suddenly become self-conscious of herself, making her want to go back in the water. When her thoughts almost took over her actions, he spoke once more.
" I just want to live peacefully, and not be hunted every full moon, it only makes the beast worse the fact that he knows he is being chased. But i'm used to it by now. What did your dad tell you about me?"

She looked at him for a second before standing up with a sigh, wringing out her dark, curly hair. “The usual- ‘you’re a dangerous creature’, ‘you’re a spawn of Satan’; yada, yada, yada.” Anna looked at him, her feet coming together as she stretched upwards, trying to dry her black underwear on her body. She stopped still for a little bit, reaching upwards as if she could touch the clouds. “That you killed my mother.” She was silent for a moment, staring upwards; her fingers aching the warm touch of her mom, the loving and soft words that her mom would always comfort her with- everything her mother ever did with or for her.
Anna looked over at him, her big brown eyes staring at him for a while before she smiled. “Of course, I know you didn’t.” She finally said, walking past him to the pile were her clothes where. “I know who killed her, and even though it was a complete accident, I still despise him.” Anna bent over, grabbing her shirt and pants, ruffling both of them on before she hopped to her left, trying to put on her socks and sneakers on.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:33 am


“The usual- ‘you’re a dangerous creature’, ‘you’re a spawn of Satan’; yada, yada, yada.”
Tristan smiled lightly at the comments, they sounded so familiar to him hunters would tell stories and spread rumours about werewolves. This was one of the reason why they went into hiding people feared them too much sit hey couldn't live together.

The next thing that Anna said caught him completely off guard.
“That you killed my mother.”

Tristan would have said something but Anna explained quickly.
“Of course, I know you didn’t. I know who killed her, and even though it was a complete accident, I still despise him."

Anna began to get dressed so Tristan stood up his gaze to the floor, he may have not spent much company with them but he still respected women. " I'm sorry about your mother" he began picking up his own shirt, stuffing the herbs he had picked up into his trouser pocket he spoke. " I have to go, but perhaps I'll see you around soon. But stay inside the next full moon okay I know it's a few weeks away but I wouldn't want to hurt someone who saved my life"

He smiled and picked up the two rabbits and four fish he had picked up and walked off into the forest heading home to prepare his meal he turned around " oh and if you ever need me just shout, I'll come running" smiling again he carried on walking.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:51 pm


Anna looked at him as he apologized about her mom and how he gave her advice that she should stay inside on the night of the full moon- this made her smile, and she knew that now, she couldn’t just stay inside- she had to go outside. Anna wanted to see the wolf; the wolf everyone was so afraid of- the wolf who claimed to be killer.
" oh and if you ever need me just shout, I'll come running"
With this, Anna smiled, grabbing her arm behind her as she watched him leave. “No worries, wolf-boy. I’ll make sure to call you often.” Even though he couldn’t see her, Anna gave a small wink and laughed at her own teasing words. She turned on her heels before walking outwards, making her way back to the car.
It was when she got into the car that shit hit the ceiling. Anna sat down and started it before she felt a shockingly cold barrel press against her neck; she whirled around, her eyes looking for whoever was in her car, instantly finding Mark’s face that had a twisted smile stapled to his face.
“Just start the car and keep driving, sweetheart.” He said, sitting down and propping up his casted leg. “It’s going to be fun watching you get beaten around because you wouldn’t listen to your daddy.” He snickered, watching Anna as she began to start her car and turn around, heading back to where she was coming from.

“Shut up Mark. I don’t give two shits on what you think.” She scowled, driving back and even picking up speed when he pressed it harder to her neck. “You can cut the crap now; I know you won’t shoot me- you can’t, remember asshole?” Anna scuffed, feeling the pressure of the gun backing off.
“You sure have a smart mouth, don’t you? And here I thought you wouldn’t be so confident since you where caught speaking with the enemy.” He laughed, looking at his gun before dropping into his knees and picking them up.
“You mean the harmless pup?” Anna said, pulling up to the highway and taking the right, towards her father’s house. “The innocent man you guys destroyed and forced as a monster?” The last part she whispered, but it didn’t escape the ears of Mark, who began to laugh maniacally, before grabbing the gun and slamming it into the space in the middle, leaving a large dent.

“God damn it, Mark!” She screamed, forcing the wheel and the car to take a sharp right. “First my house, then my freaking car? What the hell’s next?” This caused Mark to laugh even more, which already brought Anna to the conclusion- he only said it to haunt her.
“Your dog,” He confirmed, gently knocking the gun against her shoulder as Anna slightly picked up speed. “He’ll video tape it, you know- hanging him up in a cage and just pulling experiments on how to torture an animal; then he’ll k-“ Before he was able to finish, Anna hit the brakes abruptly, causing Mark to hit the seats hard enough to make his cast drop to the ground.
“We’re here asshole.” She growled, opening the door before he could say another word, walking up the long concrete path to the entrance of the house. She walked in silence, completely ignoring Mark who continued to explain in detail what they’d do to her and her dog if she was uncooperated. When she walked in through the door, she was greeted by several men, those whom she recognized where working on her house from before. They scowled at her, snarling like animals that just got their toys taken away. Before she even entered the large room, she knew what she was in for.

The moment she walked in, Mark pushed her in and slammed the door shut; Anna looked around for a second, her eyes adjusting to the dim light before her father turned on the lights once more, causing her vision to blur again.
“You seriously need to stop dimming the lights.” She said, walking further in. The room was dark, even with the lights on; the automatic curtains blocked the huge bay windows and the dark, red carpet that had a black strip connecting the door to the desk in the center only made the room seem more ominous.
“I’ve warned you thousands of times; yet, why?” He said, resting his heavy chin on his huge hands, looking at her with striking brown eyes. Anna stayed silent, knowing better than to speak- which was seriously saying something.
“I’m sorry,” She finally said, holding her arm and hoping that he’d just let it go, even though she knew that wouldn’t happen. She knew what was going to come next, and the unsavory taste confirmed it when he completely ignored her apology.
“None the less, I guess if you are going to disobey me, I might as well use it to my advantage.” He chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his eyes boring straight into hers, even though she tried to avoid his gaze. “My dear Annalisa, I want you to do me a favor- a favor a daughter does for her father. If you do so, you’ll get many rewards.”
Anna looked at him, flinching a bit when he used her real name.

The large man stood abruptly but calmly, walking around the desk and towards her, allowing his hands to float above the oak wood desk.
“Go ahead,” he said, pulling out a manila folder with Tristan’s picture stapled to it. “Make friends with the wolf- hell; sleep with him if you must.” His words pierced through Anna harshly as he spoke of her like a slut. “Just make best with him. Make sure you gain his trust.”
He stepped closer, now turning his body fully towards her and walking towards him. “Once you gain his trust, getting close to him, kill him.” Her mouth opened at his idea, and without much realization, Anna was shaking her head no.
“I-I can’t do that!” She said, stepping forward to a man who stopped being her father long ago. “I couldn’t even kill a freaking bug- how the hell do you expect me to kill a human?” This caused her father to snap.
Human? He wasn’t that, even Anna knew this; so when she said that, her father simply didn’t understand the high regards his daughter had for such a lowly animal who had no business to posses such a title.
“Well I guess you better be learning!” He growled, lashing out his hands at her, causing Anna to stumble back. “Cause’ if you don’t kill him, I’ll not only shoot that dumb-ass dog in the head, but I’ll also burn down that dump you call a home and have you sold off!” Anna bit back all the cursing and smart ass remarks she held in her stomach. “And if that doesn’t faze you, I’ll have no choice but to send Mark off to kill you.”

Now this caused a shock so great Anna seriously felt a strong sense of fear in the pit of her stomach; she grabbed her arms harder, causing her hand to go white and her arm to turn a hot shade of red. “But I’m your daughter…” She whispered, still afraid to raise her voice.
Her father looked at her before smiling. “Yes, I once thought so too.”
Anna looked at him in confusion before realizing the pang in his eyes. “I’m not really…” She started but faded.
“Yeah, I guess it was a secret from your mother. Who would’ve guessed she hated me enough to have an affair with me with another man, huh?” He chuckled bitterly, looking at her. “Now I guess you’ll have to deal with revenge and rage I’d like to bring to my deceased wife.” He walked forward towards her, finally becoming close enough to touch her. “I’m so mad, no matter how much I try to think rationally about it, I just can’t, Anna. All I think about now, is how I’m glad she’s dead and how I wish that you where too. That’s why I can risk you now.” He turned back around and walked towards the desk.
“Now, I have the chance.” He said, pulling out a large folder and turning towards her, handing her a folder she’d never touch. “So if you join our organization, I won’t kill you or Brutus; hell, I’ll even wire you an unlimited back account with all the money you can wield with what you want. All you have to do is kill that, that disgusting creature.”

Anna looked at him, her face still a bit stunned but her eyes where emotionless; as if she was made of stone. Her hand reached outwards to touch the folder, only making the man sneer.

“Welcome to our organization, Annalisa.”

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:08 pm


Tristan had been having trouble sleeping a recurring dream had been plaguing his mind as if had been for many years now..

The sun had not long set and the evening meal was just finishing. Tristan's father Grayson entered, a tall and well built man, had not long returned from fetching wood for the wood burner. The family home did have electricity, but it tended to give their position away to the hunter. At the moment the family home was the only place of true protection from a world of indifference.

Grayson moved to the sitting area of the home were the rest of his family sat, his wife Evalyn, his oldest son Alistair, who was 18 soon to be turning 19, his oldest daughter Daniella, who was 15 and at the age where nothing was fair and his youngest son Tristan who was 7. Kissing Evalyn tenderly on the forehead " All is silent my dear, it seems the woods have held off the hunters for this night." Sitting down next to his wife he put his arm around her holding her close, causing Evalyn to fumble her knitting, but she smiled softly and fell into his warm embrace.

The couples adoration for each other was clear but it was short lived as Alistair came storming down the stairs panic in his voice. "Dad! Hunters are coming I see the torches coming" He went to the window and pointed out to the beams of light merging in the tree line. A burst of glass smashing caught the family by surprise with a bullet tearing through Alistair's shoulder causing him to fall the ground, Grayson acted immediately dragging his eldest son to him checking the wound. Thankfully the bullet had gone through the body entirely and missed the bone by inches. Alistiar pulled himself up looking to his father for any kind of advice, Grayson opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the scream of Daniella who was upstairs. He bolted upstairs to find his daughter fighting with a man wielding a silver knife, Grayson growled deeply and the hunter turned his head to look and that was all he had to do. Daniella took his head twisting it sharply so his neck broke killing him instantly.

" That's my girl c'mon we have to go" Grayson said taking his daughters hand and rushing downstairs to find Evalyn tying Alistiar's arm up to hold it until it healed. Tristan was huddled in the corner holding his kness tightly, trembling with nervousness, he had never come across hunters this determined before. Alistair pushed a table up to the smashed window, turning around he ran over to Tristan picking him up and returning to the family. Tristan huddled up to his mother who held him tightly in her arms.

" Come out you beasts and fight! Why cower away like the dogs you are?" One of the hunters shouted as they banged against the door. " It is not a fair fight and only beast I can see here are you!" Alistiar roared loudly back putting himself in front of Daniella. The door began to give way to a barrage of axes and boots, Grayson looked to Evalyn and nodded. Crouching down to Tristan she spoke tears brimming her eyes " Tristan you need to hide okay? You can hide under the house until the hunters go away Allright?" Tristan nodded " But what about everyone else? You can fit too" he spoke pulling on his mothers sleeves. Evalyn smiled softly " no we can't sweetheart, they would know we hid there and then you'd be hurt too" Evalyn said opening a small hatch underneath where the family was standing and popped Tristan inside, she smiled softly kissing him on the head and added " Remember what we told you about the wolf and when he comes? Even though your changing on the outside, you are still you on the inside, never forget who you are. Understand Sweetheart?" She pushed Tristan down locking the hatch.

The family stood as one as the door broke down, they all changed into their wolf forms and fought as well as they could even with axes and bullets tearing flesh apart from bone. As body by body dropped to the last growl, blood seeped through the floorboards dripping onto Tristan coating him with the blood of his family. The hunters left after a while, he had no idea how long they had stayed celebrating the kills of the century, taking fur, blood, teeth and anything that resembled werewolf culture.

However Tristan stayed under the house for days sobbing uncomtrolably to scared to move incase the hunters came back. He couldn't help but listen to the voice at the back of his head, telling him to get revenge on his families killers and revenge of the world for hating his kind. Tristan's viewpoint changed that night, they all had to pay in blood. He finally crawled out, covered in blood and dirt. He may have lost a family but he had gained a new mentor to aspire to, the comforting voice in the back of his head.

Tristan awoke suddenly covered in sweat and his blood, scratch marks over his body began to heal quickly. Sitting up he ran his hands through his hair breathing quickly. He couldn't run away from that dream even though he ran when he was seven it still haunted him.

Standing up he walked around his cave for a while, his hands tracing over the claws marks scratched in the walls some old and some new Tristan tried to contain the wolf in him when he was human but sometimes his emotions got the better of him.

Walking out into the evening air he breathed in deeply, he wondered how Anna was getting on her house should have been finished by now since the fire. He didn't know what it was but he wanted to see her, perhaps it was the reason that she accepted him for what he was and he had never had, never in his life.

Walking through the forest he smashed a couple of bear traps not wanting his animal companions to be hurt, the metal itself was flimsy really for someone as strong as him. He come to the clearing before Anna's house he stopped and sniffed quickly, no one was there it was so strange. Walking to the back door he knocked on it softly not wanting to punch a hole in the door.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:33 pm


Anna sat in her car in a deadly silence; her eyes glazed over as she held a special gun in her hand that was meant to kill certain creatures on first blast. The gun was an experimental weapon that was designed to poison the victim and slowly kill it in a painful way as well as allowing hunters to track whatever was killed with it; the catch was that because the poison was so lethal, the chances of it killing its wielder was high. Not like it mattered.
None of it mattered.
Her hand moved from the gun and up to the large, painful welt below her collarbone; no, it wasn’t a welt- it was a marking. Her skin still simmered from the heat that was pressed to her chest, signaling that she was indeed a killer apart of the organization- she was branded; branded like a damn cow ready for butcher.

This caused her to snap. Anna threw the gun across her car as she slammed balled fists down onto the steering wheel, kicking and screaming with all of her might as if she was being held down. She did this for so long that her wrists and hands became an off color of purple, until her hair was so wild, that it was practically unkempt- until she felt the stinging sensation in her eyes that signaled tears.
Was it because she had no other choice? Or was it because she finally realized that her ‘father’ really never loved her? No, it was defiantly both; but the daddy thing was seriously beating the other by a lot. This itself not only heart her heart or head, but made her body heavy; finally seeing the truth that the man she grew up with, the man she loved simply despised her because she wasn’t his biological daughter. Didn’t time even matter to him? What about all those happy memories she had in her head of their happy family enjoying their happy times?
Gone; poof- that was what they were. Now he saw her simply as a nuisance that needed to be killed; only a pawn in his life that could easily be sacrificed.

And then the tears began to fall; she choked back a loud sob, resting her head on the wheel, finally ceasing her tantrum and breaking out into a deafening wail. Anna didn’t care that she was pulled off of the interstate that lead to her house, nor did she care if anyone saw her. All she wanted to do was break down; she wanted to wake up, and realize this was all a dream even though she knew it wasn’t.
Tears streamed down her face as she tried to control herself, her unruly hiccupping and stuttering. She wiped the endless tears that continued to stream down her face; Anna knew it was useless to do so, but for some reason, it made her feel better as tried to aimlessly attempt to stop them. She shuttered and jolted, leaning way back into her car seat, her chest heaving as she began to kick the car again, going absolutely mad.
This wasn’t fair; this wasn’t right- but then again, what was? She stopped her kicking and just sat there, watching the sun lower in the sky as she continued to sob and cry, not wanting move.

After what seemed like an hour, Anna finally got herself together. To stop the shivers she received from crying, she pulled on a turtle neck sweater, as if she had something to hide from no one. Her face was swollen and blotchy red, a dead giveaway that she had been crying- hell, it was a dead giveaway that she had been freaking balling her eyes out and breaking down.
She covered her completely bruised hands with the sleeves of the sweater, starting up her car. For some reason, it took Anna longer to get home; as if she didn’t want to go back, so she went extra slow, when in reality, she was going the speed limit and taking the same route she always did. When she pulled into the driveway of her small house, Anna sat there for a while.
Her swollen eyes looked at the dimming house; the air around no longer had home on it. Instead, it was an odd and strange feeling; as if it was never really her home. Her puffy lips began to tremble, growing cold at the stinging atmosphere the house now set off.

It was when she saw Brutus come out from the doggy door that she decided to get out; walking straight in without her usual greeting to him, making poor Brutus whine. Anna wanted nothing to do with anything at the moment, so it was reasonable that when she heard a soft knock on the back door, she was reluctant to answer it. Anna stayed silent in her kitchen for the longest while before she stepped across the hallway and towards the backdoor; she looked out the window and saw Tristan.
Suddenly, a sickening lump formed in her stomach- in her heart. She felt so disgusting that she could barely find the nerve to even let go of the door. She didn’t want to answer it- didn’t want him to come in. Despite her thoughts screaming no, Anna opened the door, looking at him in desperation.
“Please come in.” She swallowed, turning around, not exactly wanting to face him at the moment. “I really wanted to see you.”

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:08 am


Tristan's head tilted to the side when Anna answered the door slowly, and instead of her usually smile or a sarcastic comment she looked at him with such disappointment and sadness that it made his own heart ache. She turned quickly away from him, her eyes were red and her face puffy she must have been crying. Perhaps her father had given her a hard time again.

" Please come in, I really wanted to see you"

Tristan stepped in shutting the door behind him, walking up to her he wrapped his arms around her trying to ease her apparent distress. " Is everything Ok?" He asked "I can tell something's wrong, did your dad do something?" He asked wanting to help in anyway he could. Perhaps Tristan could take Anna away somewhere safe but the only place he knew of was his cave and it wasn't exactly safe, he shared it with a bear friend of his but he used it for hibernation.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:43 am


" Is everything Ok? I can tell something's wrong, did your dad do something?"
The feeling of him wrapping his arms around her instantly made her seem to be alright; it was as if she was forgetting this. That’s right; what she wanted at the moment was to forget. Anna’s eyes closed lightly, putting a little bit of her weight back on Tristan, her hands trailing up to his arms that where around her and she held onto him as if she was afraid to lose him.
His warmth and scent instantly made her draw a blank at the world and made that creeping feeling disappear. Anna wanted more of nothing like this. She opened her eyes slowly before she dropped her hands, turning towards him until she faced him fully.

Without answering him, her hands traced up his arms and rested onto his shoulders. “Everything is wrong.” She finally answered; her voice just barely above a harsh whisper. “So,” Anna looked into his eyes, leaning forward and standing on her toes. “Please just be quiet.” The warmth she gained as she became closer to him made her feel so much better; as if she wasn’t alone, as if this was all just a dream and she’ll wake up from it tomorrow.
Anna’s lips met his in the desperate attempt to gain back normalcy. To gain back the warmth she lost. To forget the pain she suffered today realizing that her father really hated her; to fight back that ominous feeling that crept up her spine and broke the door to her heart.
Her hands met each other behind his neck before they slid down his chest, resting below his collarbone; the same place she was burned with the branding rod that signaled that she was now a part of an organization that kills other people- that she was now kissing the very man she was going to have to kill.

She leaned a little bit of weight on him, hoping he wouldn’t break away; hoping he wouldn’t leave her like this. Anna’s eyes opened as she slightly pulled away, her eyes looked at him before she rested her head on his shoulder, her hands circling from his chest to his back, meeting at his spine as her fingers seemed to dance along it.
“Can you spend the night?” She finally asked, pulling away and looking at him; she didn’t go very far away from him as her hands still lingered on his body. They traced themselves up his arms as she looked at him in a yearning and hopeless way. It only made her seem pathetic, but Anna couldn’t help it. She still couldn’t register what happened- she didn’t want to register. She didn’t want to be alone and she defiantly didn’t want to remember nor did she want that creeping feeling to come back. She didn't care who it was, as long as they seem to make her feel better and forget.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:36 am


Tristan enjoyed the feeling of holding Anna close to him, fulfilling the need to protect her and keep her safe even if they did not know each other that well there was still a connection between them. Perhaps it was because they were both alone with the whole world againsts them.

He looked at her as she rested her hands on his shoulders speaking to him her voice quiet, sounding like she was tired "Everything is wrong" She looked into his eyes and stood on her toes coming up to his height level " So, just be quiet" She whispered to him there lips met and Anna's hands moved around his torso, rubbing against his muscles. He closed his eyes as they kiss, he had never experienced this before and held Anna close to him his hands running down her spine and resting on her hips.

Anna pulled away slowly her hands still moving around his torso, she rested her hands on his back her fingers tracing his spine, he shuddered slightly and looked down at her as she asked him something. " Can you spend the night?" Tristan smiled and nodded, with one smooth movement his lifted her up holding her close to him, he kissed her softly " Of course, I'll stay if you want me to"

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:19 am


" Of course, I'll stay if you want me to"
With a sudden touch of his lips, Anna became totally limp; her body stiff with the sensual pleasures of his lips. She no longer cared that tomorrow, she’d be kicking him out; she no longer cared about the stinging sensation from the brand on her chest; no longer cared about the father who so mercilessly abandoned her.
Anna’s hands continued to dance along the dips and dents of his body; exploring every inch as she did so, pushing away the horrible things in her life and focusing on the event that was happening now. Soon, one thing lead to another and before Anna even knew it herself; they were kissing the bedroom under the sheets. The pleasures shared between the two had completely and utterly washed away all of her worries at the time; it made her seem so normal.

Even so, the same creeping feeling over came her once they had finished; though, this time, she was a lot calmer with it all. She stared at him, her body covered in her own sheets up to her neck as her hand lay out and over top of him. Anna wasn’t too sure whether or not he had saw the branding mark, and frankly, she didn’t care.
She moved her hand over his cheek, tucking her other under head. She stayed silent for a long while in the dark, hearing nothing but crickets and night birds in the distance; the moon giving them the only light in the room as it shined through the curtains and the blue light glazed the floor.
“I’m the daughter of the man who’s trying to kill you, you know.” She finally said, her voice quiet as she looked at him, her brown eyes not leaving his vibrant eyes. “How do you know I’m not trying to kill you?” She asked, her thumb gently circling around his cheek.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:42 am


Tristan lay there for a while parts of his body still stinging with the painfull bliss of the momments before. It wasn't the fact that they had done it it was the eventful want of it. To hungry animals desperate for compassion even with their bodies crashing together with want and need they were still tender.

Her soft hands against his skin caused him to lock eyes with her, and she spoke so quietly as she rubbed his cheek. “I’m the daughter of the man who’s trying to kill you, you know. How do you know I’m not trying to kill you?"

Tristan slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He was careful not to hit the marking on her skin but kissed her neck softly before whispering in to her ear " Because you are not him" he pulled away ever so slightly to kissed her forehead. " they may have branded you and told you want to do, but you are not them. They may make you try and forget who you are but remember who you are they can never change that. In here you may be different" he touched her forehead gently with his finger, before placing his finger on her chest " But in here you are yourself"

His eyes looked into her, he did hope that she wouldn't have to kill him one day, that she would be different than all the others after all did this night mean nothing?

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:42 am


" Because you are not him they may have branded you and told you want to do, but you are not them. They may make you try and forget who you are but remember who you are they can never change that. In here you may be different But in here you are yourself"
Anna’s mouth opened slightly as a startling pang hit her deep in the heart; past the burning sensation of the brand and past the thumping of her own heart. It caught her completely off guard and made her pull away her hand. She chewed her lip before looking at him.
“And what if you are wrong?” Her eyes brown eyes looked at in a serious tone before she shook her head slightly. “No, never mind.” Anna shook her head slightly, her hand now running through his hair before she scooted closer, her head burrowing into his chest. “I’m tired.” She made sure she didn’t give him a chance to answer, and stayed close to him.

The night was long and restless; she couldn’t sleep a wink at all. Instead of sleeping and trying to dream up of a solution, she tossed and turned in her own bed, keeping close to Tristan in fear of the returning feeling that hid in her stomach.
After hours of staring off in space, she finally got up out of bed when the sun’s rays peaked through the curtains. She didn’t say anything and walked out into the bathroom, quickly showering and readying herself for the day. Anna was calm this morning; odd, considering the fact that she slept with the ‘enemy’- or so said.
Anna walked back into her room, a white towel covering as she dried her hair, looking at Tristan, this time, an endearing look stayed on her face.

“I’m a bit hungry. Do you want to go out to the city and get a bite?” She asked, turning around and opening up her dresser, getting dressed in her usual attire of a tee shirt and jeans. “You won’t have to worry much about being hunted; they won’t attack in broad daylight surrounded by people. Not to mention they assigned me to you.” She said, her voice casual as ever.
Anna turned to look at him, allowing her towel to rest on her shoulders. “Don’t worry. I don’t think I’m going to kill you.” She sighed, sitting back. “I have funds hidden. I think I might take off.” She looked at him, knowing that running was useless, as the organization that hunts these animals where everywhere. “Korea sounds nice; it’s small, but has lots of people there. Italy also has a nice touch to it.” She walked near him, sitting on the bed.

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheSpaceInBetween on Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:58 am

Tristan and Anna had spent a day or two apart from each other after there passionate encounter, he was sorting though his things at home even though he didn't have much to begin with when he left his home he still felt a connection. It was about midday when he left his house passing a nearby deer he held his hand out and the deer approached slowly. Stroking the deer's head he sighed softly as the deer licked his hand.

He walked slowly deeply breathing in the fresh forest air taking in the last of the musky wooded scent he could. For now he had no idea the next time he would be able to do this. He walked slowly for about and hour and a half as if he was delaying the inevitable. This was what he had to do, not for himself but for Anna.

He walked up to the large house and was surrounded by a group of men who put his hands behind his back, he didn't struggle but simply kept his eyes on the floor. " Aren't you going to fight back Mutt?" Tristan stayed silent even when he was belted across the face by the stock of a gun, he shook his head ignoring the blood trickling down his face the wound healed quickly but the blood remained on his face. He was restrained by the men a number of handcuffs and chains wrapped around his wrists.

" I want to see him" He finally said, the men seamed confused but pushed him forward into the house guns pointed at him, his eyes stayed on the floor as he was dragged through the house and finally pushed through a door. " The wolf wants to see you sir"

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Re: Sentinel Of The Wolf

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NaturesSecret on Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:02 pm


Anna sat in the dark room; a house that she would fight for to live in was now meaningless. Her bed was empty and the dresser was completely bare; even her bathroom had been completely packed. She checked her phone for the time, only to discover she still had several hours before the cab would pick her and Brutus up for England.
Once she was there, Anna planned to apply for a job and pay for a small apartment there; of course, she only had enough money to actually get there and rent a cheap hotel, but that would have to do. Even though she was determined to do so, a strong part of her wanted to stay here, with the wolf-boy and run off together; she wanted to be with him. Though, despite the robust feeling, Anna knew better; if she took off now, her father would be determined to find her above all else- he was that kind of man. Once someone made his shit-list, he wouldn’t cease until that person was either under his control or dead. Either way, this would create the perfect distraction for Tristan to be able to get away.
Or, at least, that was the plan.

The vibration from her phone startled her; causing her to instantly answer it without looking on who was calling.
“Hello Annalisa.” Her father’s voice rang into the ear- father. It had only been a couple of days since she discovered it, but the word felt so foreign.
“Y-Yes?” She answered, not wanting to act familiar with the man.
“I have to say, I doubted you at first, and was even about to send Mark off to kill you and your dog; but today, something interesting happened.” The man chuckled. “The mutt came to me today; saying shit like ‘he’d sacrifice himself for you’ or something along those lines.” A quick string of laughter lined up afterwards, signaling that he wasn’t alone- it also signaled that he wasn’t in a normal room.
“Anyways, just thought I might as well tell you,” He sighed, his voice going into a taunting and very biting tone. “You did good, though, I must remind you that if you come to rescue your little stray, I’ll go back on my word quicker than you can pray to that little slut you call mother.” Even though it was only through the phone, Anna flinched terribly. “I’ll not only kill you and your dog, but I’ll kill him first- and I’ll make sure you see his suffering face before you go.”

With that, the phone went dead; he hung up. Even though, he was no longer there, Anna still had the phone up to her head; she was completely still and even her breath was gone. This wasn’t right; she was supposed to leave, and everything would be fine because they’d be after her, not him. Why would he do such a thing like? Anna’s confusion was only present until she finally realized what had happened, and she stood up and left so abruptly and quickly, that the chair she was sitting on had only touched the ground when she was already gone.

It would be a lie to say that he was quite shocked that the mutt actually showed up and surrendered; though it still didn’t stop the swamping hatred he had for his daughter- or, to say, the spoiled brat he raised.
He crossed his arms over his large chest, leaning back in a big leather chair as he watched Tristan, the twisted smile that tugged his lips suddenly started to fade; growing bored of just watching him. Tristan had heavy chains around anything that it could wrap around- from his neck to his waist, even his thighs, arms, wrists and ankles- the man even had a dog muzzle tied tightly around his head and even had Tristan in a small dog-cage.
“Get me the rods.” He ordered, causing the men around them to slightly jolt, running out of the dark, cold room and coming back in within a matter of seconds with abnormally large cattle prods; sharply pointed at the tip and infused with barb wire that wrapped around the electric pole.

He tapped the cage with it, sending electric pulses throughout the metal, before laughing slightly, tipping a bucket of water over to help continue and distribute the electricity. “Don’t worry,” he said smugly. “The current isn’t enough to kill you- just enough to jolt you awake.” The large man squatted down, tapping the cage with the prod again.
“You really do look like your mother- such a beautiful creature she was.” He looked at him, smiling maniacally before resting his hands on his lap. “Though, you have your father’s tendencies.” He smirked, looking at Tristan with cold eyes. “You know,” He sighed, getting back up before tapping the cage once more. “I worked with your father for a while- great man.”
He walked around the cage, motioning the other men who then brought out another pale of shockingly cold water, dumping it on Tristan. “I even invited your parents out to dinner- several times.” He smiled through disdain before the same group of men started to kick the cage, another man hitting the bat to it as if to scare Tristan.
“It really was a shame to kill them; I really do regret it.” At those words, he began to laugh. He began to slide the prod through the spaces of the cage and violently pressed it against Tristan’s body. “Though, I had to say that me and my men had fun playing with-”

He was cut off by one of the men who had came in. “Sir, your daught- Annalisa came.” The man seemed to know better. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head as if to scold her when she wasn’t in the room.
“That girl never listens, does she?” He said under his breath, not failing to stab Tristan once more, this time harder.

The moment he came into the waiting room she was being held in, Anna instantly turned around, knocking over several things behind her. She had been taking out the pictures of their family he had on display; the pictures only making her feel sick.
“I told you not to come, didn’t I?” He said, looking at her through tensed eyes.
“I know, but,” She started, her voice tampering off before she looked at him. “Allow me to see him, once more.” Anna bit her lip, knowing that he wouldn’t permit unless he had something up his sleeve- which he almost, always did. “A-As a goodbye; to both him and,” She paused, walking towards him. “And you, as a father- as a friend.” The friend part was being referred to Tristan.

She had hoped that she had pulled at his heartstrings, but Anna knew he didn’t have a heart, so it would be hard to do so; still, she continued to try. Suddenly, the man began to laugh, his hand covering his face as he supported himself with the table next to him.
“You seriously are pathetic, you know?” He peered at her through his fingers. “Whatever, do as you please.” He then turned around and went out of the room, Anna following behind him at a safe distance. Though, the distance suddenly became closer when she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her back.
Anna turned quickly around to find Mark, his smile as tangled as ever. “Daddy wants me to keep a sharp eye on you, sweetie.” His voice caused her skin to become rumpled with goose bumps, making her shiver in fear as she began to pick up speed in her pace; following him down the large spiral stair case and into another room crowded by men who stood in front of the door.

When she entered a smaller and much colder room, she saw Tristan, the door closing behind her and Mark. Anna only stared at him, her eyes wasn’t able to pull away.

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