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In The Safe Haven

Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

a part of “In The Safe Haven”, a fictional universe by AmeliaIsGhostly.

The Safe Haven is a gathering place of those who hold supernatural abilities. Here they can train and learn to control their powers, all the while trying to stay hidden from society.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “In The Safe Haven”.
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Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:23 pm

Okay, here is a thread that we can throw ideas out for plots and such when the role play starts. Also, due to the fact all the characters already knows each other in the role play, if you wanna work out just your own characters history here on how they came to the house, just throw it at me here. Also, when people start submitting characters, you can kinda say how each person might kinda feels towards others just for the reason that they would already know each other. I hope this makes sense because I feel like I'm sort of rambling.

Also, If you looking for certain character interactions, just state 'em here and we'll work it out. For example, with my character Ismay, I wouldn't mind having a romantic relationship happen for her, yet I prefer to have it progressively happen in role play, and also I would love for her to have a really close, almost sisterly relationship with at least one of the other girls in the house. This can already be in motion when the role play starts, or it can happen progressively as we continue on.

I'm pretty much open to any ideas you guys have dealing with what you want character interactions to be like with other or my own character, and If you have any questions, as I'm sure you might because I'm wretched at explaining things, please message me~

One last thing, because I'm a control freak I like to add imagery, I am going to compile a list of rooms in the house with added pictures. Those of you who have role played with me before kinda know what I'm talking about. If you have any rooms you want added to the house, just message me and it shall be done. Also if you have a picture as to what your characters bedroom would look like, send it to me and I'll add it to the list. (This will probably all make more sense when I show ya'll what I mean)
..........................................................................................I must have flowers, always, and always.” ― Claude Monet

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ibecameinsane on Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:20 pm

    feel free to read at your leisure; these are just suggestions.

    Villainous threat of a more realistic kind. This could go one of two ways:

    • One of which is a super-human with the intention of seizing control of the world by means of a superpower army. Think Magneto. Perhaps this antagonist was kicked out of Safe Haven for his/her idealistic views [a perfect world where super-humans take their rightful place on this earth and hold dominion over regular humans] and he/she returns to try and recruit some members. Maybe some join his/her side. Those who don't could either remain in hiding and let him/her do what they what or try and stop that person.
    • Or we could go the Incredibles™ route. Alright, not so much that, in retrospect. Basically a bunch of radical humans form a hate group against super-humans. Maybe they've compiled a list of crimes committed by those with super-human abilities or maybe they're just convinced that the super-humans are what's wrong with the world. To them, putting them in hiding isn't enough. They want to purge the threat from the world. This could start out gradually. Perhaps at the beginning they agreed to let them live in secrecy, you know, live and let live. What they'd need is a trigger for them to pretty much be like, "Enough! You can't live on this planet anymore! You're a danger to us all!" The group could either hide away or fight back. It's up to use.

    As of right now that's all I've got. Hopefully that'll churn the pot a little, but of course I have no idea what direction Amelia's going for in regards to what she wants for the roleplay so these ideas are just me putting my two cents in.

    the following is Simon's opinions of the characters; if you want to arrange something let me know.

    • Eros Latelde; "Guy looks like he's too smart for his own good."
      There's something about someone that can change their face on a whim that Simon doesn't trust. He must be a good liar otherwise what's the point of being someone else? All in all, Simon is hesitant to make his acquaintance. Wasting time befriending someone who could be anyone doesn't sit well with him. Can he trust what Eros says at face value? Does he know for a fact that the Eros he sees is who the guy really is? Simon doesn't really know for sure. And he isn't one to dwell on trivial pursuits like this so it is unlikely they'll ever get to know each other personally. However, given their personalities, they might work well together if the situation calls for it.
    • Ismay la Wolfe; "One of the ring leaders, apparently. Not to mention our tour guide."
      Because he didn't want to come to Safe Haven in the first place, Simon would hold a bit of resentment towards Ismay at first for having been able to convince his sister to come to the place. Whether or not they move past that is purely based on future interactions. Her contradictory personality could catch and keep his interest so long as it all goes smoothly. Her sarcasm could be what does it, as he's always been fond of witty people. Her compassion would remind him of Skylar, someone he's always admired. It's also a trait he's come to realize that he needs in his life. Whether or not he's willing to let her in and grow apart from Skylar is dependent on their dependence for each other. His issues with commitment could also put a dent in any potential romantic relationship.
    • Evelyne Krueger; "Girl doesn't really have the Krueger spirit, to tell the truth. Freddy would be ashamed."
      Since she's shy around strangers, there is little doubt that they'd ever interact. Simon holds himself in an intimidating manner, has to because of his childish appearance and weak looking frame. If she's anxious around people she doesn't know, he most likely wouldn't be an exception. Her lack of confidence would bore him, to be honest. Bravery is a trait he's lived with and survived off of. He'd have little to do with anyone who doesn't fight back or stand their ground.
    • Aaron Johnson; "Sarcastic, very sarcastic, sometimes annoyingly so."
      Simon appreciates a silver tongue as much as the next guy, but there's a point where it becomes too much. Their similar personalities and history would make them kindred spirits if they ever took the time to sit down and talk to one another without being sardonic. With Simon's caustic vernacular, his interactions with Aaron might come off as a dick-measuring contest [for lack of a better term] when it's really anything but. He has low tolerance for those he considers a waste of his time so one wrong word could ruin any chance of them becoming friends. And because he's not interested in men, a romantic relationship would be out of the question.
    • Aliya Zypher; "I give her one thing. She's a lot less depressing than the rest of these people."
      Their nonchalance would make them kindred spirits. From what I can gather their sense of humor is very similar as well as their outlook on living every day like it's their last. They both hold some darkness within this façade they carry and that's the only real difference between them. Simon also appears to be more self-destructive and selfish whereas Aliya is more allocentric. She's a people pleaser and he can admire that about her. Approached the right way, there's a strong possibility that the two could become fast friends. Incessant socializing would be a huge turn off for Simon, she'd have to approach him gradually over time. The only person he can really tolerate being around all the time is his sister.
    • Wilhelm Von Faringhsten; "Human Torch-...right. Not much to say about him."
      There's a complexity in his character that Simon just doesn't have time for. Without a sense of humor their conversations wouldn't go far so familiarity doesn't look to be in the cards for them. During intense situations, they're likely to be formidable allies. Wilhelm is dependable enough and loyal enough to spurn Simon into putting his trust in the young man, maybe even coax him to become more loyal himself. Passion is another thing that Simon would likely admire, and at the very least respect. As it happens, Simon would compare him to be the quiet guy in the heist. He doesn't say much and he's not much for appearances but he's there for you when you need him most.

    [keep in mind this is not based on my personal opinion but my character's; no harm no foul]


    Determined to ease his sister's worries, Simon will put most of his focus into bettering himself and his abilities. The more control he gains, the less he'll exert himself, and that was Skylar's only concern when agreeing to become a part of Safe Haven. He doesn't much care if he reaches his full potential or the like, he just doesn't want Skylar to be concerned. That being said, if he were to collapse in training, he wouldn't be opposed. Perhaps, personally, I'd like for Simon to discover a will to life. Since being out on his own with Skylar he's gone day after day living as though that day would be his last. Nowadays he just wishes that day would come. Because he has no foreseeable future or goals, he feels trapped, and he hates it. As a writer, I'd be pleased to find one for him so he can become a happier and well grounded person.
thank you so much to the beautiful and talented aurei for making this signature for me!

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby charlieallen on Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:39 am

Oh, I wanna do this. Here are Evy's thoughts about the other characters:

Eros: Being a literature connoisseur herself, Evy probably gets along well with Eros. She kind of looks up to him as he has a better handle on his powers than her, and someone that's far more intelligent than her. She kind of sees her older brother in Eros too, but is unlikely to ever tell that to his face.
Ismay: Music and books are things they share interests in. As Ismay is one of the two who saved her in the time she needed it most, she feels an inviolable sense of loyalty towards her. She finds her interesting and compassionate enough in a way that didn't remind her of her parents. Ismay and Eros are probably the only people she talks to at first.
Simon: Simon's intimidating demeanor reminds Evy of her parents so she tries to put as much distance between them. She does think his confidence is admirable. Still, she stays away.

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Caged Bird on Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:35 am

    S K Y L A R ' S _C H A R A C T E R _R E L A T I O N S

      Eros may rub Sky the wrong way at first with his stone faced persona and lack of communication skills. As someone who is a fast talker and smooth with people, she may find his lack of fluidity in social situations unnerving or even irritating. She also has a tendency to dislike to anyone who places high value on their intelligence as to her it seems a pompous trait. However, that doesn't mean she can not grow to understand him overtime and move past her knee jerk malformed opinion.

      Being a type A personality, Skylar can appreciate those of a meeker nature so she can take the spot light. But while she will enjoy being the more overt and take charge of the two, she has a low tolerance for those who can not stand up for themselves and speak their minds with a blunt sort of honesty. Once she learns of May's 'gift', she will possibly be wary of the girl as she doesn't appreciate her private thoughts and past secrets known without her consent.

      Skylar has little to no patience for those who are submissive to authority and accept the world for what it is. Being a fighter, she likes to motivate others to fight too and question the system which conventional society is founded upon. She may see it as her goal or mission to push Evelyne to break free of the chains of said convention, but Evelyne's erratic and overtly emotional nature that exists in polar extremes will be off putting and unrelatable to her.

      Aaron's tendency to snarky remarks will either ring familiar with Skylar or become very obnoxious very swiftly. This all lies in delivery and whether or not he comes across as a walking schadenfreude with his social commentary. Even if he seems polite, intelligent, charming, or even brave; if he still gives off a basic air of arrogant, snobby, sneering, or leering prickery, she may be left to assume that he is a nasty little punk even if in actuality he is not. The pithy person's propensity to exhibit an absolute obliviousness to other people's perceptions of them is crippling and will be so in relation to Skylar.

        For Skylar's room, seeing as she doesn't have much in the way of
        material possessions, this is the idea I have for her intital set up;

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Toxic Cereus on Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:41 pm

°Eros Latelde°
His abilities seem to peak Aliya's interest, yet the acting behind it shines a darker light on the power. Aliya isn't a fan of lying - and doesn't know if she can trust someone that has being someone else in their genes. Though she does appreciate the similarity that they both think things through before jumping into them. Though due to the lack of socialization between the two - she doubts they will ever become that close, unless they do begin to actually talk.

Ismay La Wolfe
The girl helped Aliya get to a safe place, so she does owe her some gratitude. For an odd reason, she seems to get along well with the girl. She feels out of everyone in the house, she can trust Ismay the most - though it is a bit unsettling that the girl can just read her thoughts...
Aaron Johnson

Simon Faust

Skylar Faust

Evelyne Krueger

Just note that this is based on just looking at the sheets, if you would like to have a different sort of relationship, or disagree with a point, feel free to message me. I'm open to having Aliya in a relationship (eventually). So possibly a male friend or something would be good? Just suggestions. (Damn I feel needy writing this D:)

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:03 pm

Bad new guys~ Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances, Correlative_Oxymoron and their Character Eros will not be in the role play anymore.

I have gone and messaged one of my good friends, @XShishioX, asking him if he wouldn't mind taking up the role, so I will let you know when I hear back from him.

Edit: Shibang will take the role~

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Re: Plot Ideas and Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:00 am

Alright everyone, in my next post I'm going to be moving on forward with "evil bad guy" for lack of a better term. I just don't want this roleplay to get, well, boring. This character will simply be taken on as a second character by me, and I'll start on his CS and (hopefully) finish it before my post is up. It's just going to be a small introduction, really. Not a huge thing to start.

I decided to go on Ibecameinsanes idea from back when:
One of which is a super-human with the intention of seizing control of the world by means of a superpower army. Think Magneto. Perhaps this antagonist was kicked out of Safe Haven for his/her idealistic views [a perfect world where super-humans take their rightful place on this earth and hold dominion over regular humans] and he/she returns to try and recruit some members. Maybe some join his/her side. Those who don't could either remain in hiding and let him/her do what they what or try and stop that person.

The character, let's call him Alex (Not going to be his name) was probably the first character brought into the haven by Ismay and Kayden. Whether or not your characters had met him, depends on how long your characters had been there. Lets say, he was kicked out approximately 3 months ago. He would have a similar power to Ismay, for the roleplays purpose. He would have mind linking, but different powers to come along with it. He'd have a form of compulsion, manipulation actually. (I won't power play your character, promise.) He'd just be very... convincing. He'd also have the ability with this to make you see things that aren't there, be able to manipulate the senses and all that. This will be explained better in his CS.

I say he got kicked out after trying to manipulate both May and Kayden into joining his idea of that super group. Trying to convince those in the house at the time to as well. He'd probably even have gone as far as to hurt some regular human person, forcing May to kick him out.

All the small details will be explained in his history.

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