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Greater Secrets


a part of “Greater Secrets”, a fictional universe by maccotango.

In the realm of Terrene, Aurelius Academy stands as the only school to groom young men and women to wield their arcane birthright. | accepting

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tanman on Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:10 pm

Image ImageImagecharlottewynetta

 O1. female
 O2. 16
 O3. psionics
 O4. kudelia aina bernstein (mobile suit gundam: iron blooded orphans)

      Charlotte Wynetta is the highest class of individual. Or so she claims. Born and raised with a silver spoon in her mouth, Charlotte is the epitome of a spoiled rich girl. Want for nothing while growing up, she had servants at her beck and call before she even knew her own name. She was, in her own view, perfect. Something to be treasured and adored. Whatever she did not receive, she complained about until she did, and when she had all she wanted, she proclaimed her own deservingness to everyone in the vicinity. No one told her otherwise, so as she grew, she only continued to look down on others and expect everyone to treat her like the royalty she was.

      Drawing a Tarot, she felt destined for greatness. In fact, she’d already boldly declared that she’d draw the most powerful and recognizable card of the entire deck. Not that she knew which the best was, but surely someone of her calibre could do no less? Perhaps that was why drawing the Page of Swords was so unexpected. Charlotte was no expert, but she knew the difference between a major and minor. She’d heard as much in her time. This wasn’t a Major at all! There had to be some mistake! Despite her protests, the young lady of the Wynetta household was for the first time refused what she so desperately wanted. It was embittering and humiliating. Enraged to the point of a tantrum, she demanded answers from her servants, and received what she was asking for. Though she didn’t necessarily like what she heard.

      Charlotte was a diluted. A child born of greed. Though spoiled for wealth and material possessions, it did nothing to change her blood. She was a pathetic imitation of a real royal. Even if she had drawn a major arcana, she would have died shortly thereafter. It all had to be some sort of cruel joke! And yet, those people that served her, the ones she looked down upon. Now she could see something else behind their eyes. A mocking sense of superiority. How quickly she had fallen from her perch. They were fools, all of them! She was better than this! And if she couldn’t raise her own status to be higher, she’d drag everyone else down beneath her.

      A cunning manipulator socially, Charlotte plays the façade of a pure blooded noble seamlessly, as if she was truly born for the greatness she proclaims. From her initiation into the academy to the present, she has maintained the perfect concoction of lies and misdirection to mingle with the elite as if she was one of their own, helped in no small part by her unique magic. From her position amongst the top, she stokes the flames of disgust and detest of diluteds while denying or ignoring her own heritage. At face, she’s a well-known suck up to the Majors, while simultaneously a dismissive and rude individual to her fellow minors and dilutes. A gossip monger and backstabber, Charlotte is petty, immature, haughty and holds quite the temper and grudges – but at the same time is easily played by flattery and praise, particularly from anyone of elite status. If someone’s secret gets out, few know of a better way to have it spread through the school than Charlotte. Perhaps it’s her way of ensuring that her own confidential information never sees the light of day.

      unique magic
      Charlotte’s unique magic is all about keeping up appearances. It took some time for her to figure out just what it does, and even then, she’s not entirely sure. It seems that, to all others, Charlotte is… Different, somehow. In spite of whatever cruel machinations or scheming she presents, people tend to see a sweet, regal looking young girl. In fact, they only tend to see what she wants them to about her. Her hair perfectly styled, that ever impressive brooch of the pure on her chest; no matter how she actually is, everyone seems to see her as something special and impressive. Waking up, she looks as fabulous as when she sleeps. Even should she trip and fall, there’s an infinite grace to it. At least, to those without the strength to see through the illusions and trickery her unique magic presents.
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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Griffith on Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:16 pm


 O1. female
 O2. sixteen
 O3. enchantment
 O4. franziska von karma (ace attorney)

      Flavia carries herself with resilience and a sort of crassness that stems from her upbringing. Bold and unafraid to voice out her opinions, she strides through life with a brash confidence and a 'can-do' attitude, with no obstacle too large for her to overcome. Raised in the French heartlands by her grandfather since she was a young child, Flavia grew up with the values of working hard and having an ironclad will drilled into her. Pragmatic in her actions, she tends to take the side of issues that will bring about a greater amount of benefit, whether it be viewed negatively by others or not.

      Her grandfather was an odd man, but he was the one that built the foundations of Flavia's worldview and personality. Having grown up alone with only her grandfather for company for as far as she could remember, Flavia looked towards him as a mentor and a guardian. When Flavia was younger, she viewed her grandfather as The World, despite him not possessing of any magical capabilities at all. Despite what others thought of him, Flavia never once thought of her grandfather as anyone but someone to look up to. Though they never talked all that much, what her grandfather did impart in her had a lasting impact on how she functions. Though her grandfather were poor, Flavia was never resentful of it. It was he that told her once that luck never lasts and hard work was the only constant that would advance her in life, something which she still lives by today.

      Flavia is hardworking to a fault. No matter how colossal a task thrust upon her, she would never complain about the hardships she fell into. She takes upon herself voluntarily a great amount of responsibilities, and often times find herself bogged down with stress. However, she presses on even if she has bitten off too much to chew, because she has a hard time letting go of the notion that she would have failed if she gave up on anything that she started. A firm believer in reaping what you sow, Flavia hopes that her labour will eventually pay off with achievement and recognition.

      unique magic
      Flavia's power allows her to change the physical properties of her skin. She can harden portions her skin into a diamond-like state. When in this state, normal physical attacks will not be able to penetrate her hardened skin. The hardened skin, however, can be shattered by strong magical attacks or a sudden, overwhelming force. In addition, she can also unravel her skin such that it becomes incredibly stretchy and able to withstand a huge amount of stress. Of course, it is possible to cut through the skin in this form with a sharp weapon or magical attack, easier when it is more taut. Either one of these abilities require mana to maintain their form. The larger the area of her skin she transforms, the more mana is required to maintain her skin in that form. She can detach and reattach the parts of her skin which she has transformed the physical properties of, but they still require her mana to remain in the transformed state. If she loses her skin, she can grow it back given that she did not lose too much of it. However, it is a gradual process that drains a substantial amount of mana and Flavia is cautious about excessive usage of her regenerative capabilities.
currently achieving 「heaven」

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Birb on Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:02 pm


 O1. male
 O2. twelve
 O3. undecided
 O4. ryuu (akagami no shirayuki-hime)

      Eirian is one of the few diluted blood children born to the house of Sauveterre. Due to his naturally competitive mother always comparing him to the pure blood members of his family as well as warning him against crossing them, Eirian learned to develop a sense of wariness for pure bloods. Actually, his wariness for people in general...which led him to develop a knack for finding places to hide from others. It didn’t help at all that he was naturally a soft-spoken and timid child.

      His fear for pure bloods actually developed when his curious older pure blood sister, Carys, regularly chased him around the estate with frightening persistence when all the poor child wanted was to be left alone in peace. What was meant to be friendly interactions in Carys’ eyes were seen as acts of bullying in the much younger child’s eyes. Carys’ good-willed but overbearingly friendly nature was too much for the timid Eirian and was unintentionally seen as malicious intent. It only cemented Eirian’s unreasonable nerves and fear around pure bloods. The days that Carys came back home from the academy were the days where Eirian made sure to use his best hiding places to find some safety and quiet for himself.

      By his eighth birthday, Eirian could only feel a sense of relief when he realized that he wouldn’t have to go to the academy with Carys. ...Only to realize that he was going to a school full of people, some of which being pure bloods. And thus, Eirian’s wish and quest to find a quiet place for himself to find solace in was further complicated after all. His only comfort being that most people, even the frighteningly energetic ones, are polite enough to let him rest when he’s sinking himself into the safety of his studies of interest or his schoolwork.

      Much to his chagrin, he seems to have an unfortunate penchant for stumbling upon “friendly” and...eccentric pure bloods. He’s been at the academy for four years and he has yet to find a place where he can feel completely at ease for long-term rather than the brief snippets he had managed over the years.

      unique magic
      Tentatively naming it “Cloak of Invisibility”, Eirian can use his unique magic to make himself or other objects invisible through the use of mana. He describes it as being somewhat like weaving mana into a thin “warm” sheet that settles over his skin or other objects and turns them invisible. The coverage, time spent and how much the affected matter is moving, all determine how much mana is spent maintaining the sheet that grants invisibility status. He can only provide cover while touching whatever needs to be turned invisible.

      Unfortunately, his ability with “Cloak of Invisibility” is still very immature. His young and small mana capacity doesn’t allow him to maintain large coverage for long. Nor does it let him move without tearing it when he’s maintaining a full-body cloak. It also doesn’t allow him to cloak his sound nor can it avoid detection from magic sensors without outside help from a rune or another’s unique magic. However, as immature and limited his unique magic is, he does currently find it useful for hiding away from persistent people in more obvious places by having it active for brief short moments so they would overlook his hiding place. ...Although the method had failed a few times due to sneezes, which are enough to break the fragile full-body covers.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maccotango on Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:37 am


 O1. male
 O2. ten
 O3. not applicable
 O4. elric (haitaka no psychedelica)

      Alphonse is a child whose view of the world remains untainted, all too willing to give his trust to those who ask. That's not to say he's a giant sweetheart; on the contrary, those who've grown close to him would claim he's a cheeky brat, but say so with good humor and obvious affection. Truthfully, he's never been one for manners, ready to barge into a conversation unannounced if the subject matter interests him. If it doesn't, he returns to his metal ingots, using his personal magic to turn them into something other than heavy blocks.

      With Alphonse, what you see is what you get; he still retains many of his more childish qualities, least of which is his inability to hide what he feels. Like a cup overflowing with emotions, one can easily surmise his current thoughts on the event with a glance at his face.

      Some might say that he's rather at odds with what most would expect of a diluted blood. His experience with the noble side of his family is vasty different from the majority. He's the only child, pure or otherwise, of his noble father. His adoptive mother adores him and the feeling is mutual. It's thanks to her that he's grown a fondness for using his personal magic to create accessories. He is, however, astute enough to understand that the matter between pure and diluted is not something to be taken lightly. While he's fairly open when asked about his family, he refrains from really volunteering the information.

      Alphonse stands the beginning of his path, inspired by his family and environment, overflowing with ideas for his future. The past two years have been tinged with homesickness for the comfort of his home, but now that he's adjusted, he's excited for what lies ahead.

      unique magic
      Alphonse's personal magic is fairly straightforward - it can control the strength and malleability of metals. He can make a steel ingot as pliable as soft cookie dough. At the moment, he has enough control to make metals extremely soft, almost liquid, but struggles to reach a median where he can work with the material like clay, which is his true aim. However, his ability is limited in that he needs to be in direct contact with the material; he can't do it through a container or through gloves. His magic doesn't grant him immunity to the more harmful substances or gases present in some metals either.

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